Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 22, 1908, Image 3

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mrd at lli usiofll at r r I n r 1
One Ytwr ,... 11,60
Tlirm M.mthi. 60cU
few name
r lm-ka lira -lilii Iw th mow,
II eallnl up O.a I.I wlill .
I nruluiora 1ml- Inn no
(' lilcka wlih lilac ami yellow Irr.
K c. i Mini lamp all Irliiimnil anil bright,'k tho IH- wiiii all your mlKhL
I: wry ft turn morn and nliilit,
T wlal yutir lxnra lo do H riulit.
V ur. w bvt, you'll win ilia light.
c. m. a
A jmina; itnu-k'a latcr iiiaiIo this
miini.i'iil on lila prullcU'iu-jr: "Hllljr
Isn't iiiuili fur cUl folks yet, but ho
awful itcmk! nt tl.M'torliiK sick huhlo."
if Hilly Inn) ivmlu'il a point of triors
Iflltlt ul UII wIuto ha could olve
iln-o llttlo pink iMTfiH-IUm putxlca
Unit Uilllf ail ninny of tiur hl ImilluM,
liltf liciirtiil, falliiTly iiliyak'luua, h
IiiiiI u n lnili lot to ijinu k over.
It'a uiiv tiling In tirlns lllllu fluffy
rtifllo rlilrka lulu I ho world anil au
oilier to keep them.
Mip of I lie hit: elili k crowcri, who My
hu rulaeil tiiMMM limt yenr, dwlitrv w
do well lo l-nlao 60 jier wnt. If tbnt'a
nil be ntlaetl, tuo uiiilertiiker muat liars
Im-oii Uoliitf at ii II I a. V thouiilit w
Wero crj lni; euoiliili w ben. w look 2U0
from I.OTrf) hihI put them In I ho grouniL
but wo wero eiuniuh to anvo that
iniHirllou, mill, If you wnut our know
hirW, heiv It l, but rviiieiulH'r wt are
tint nutliirf the hen cluck, fiho
tiaet her own Ihluk, ti ml 111 good
one If you diiu't butt In: Kor thirty
limir fee.l not. Thl I tlio rhlik'f
al.i'i1)' rlml. It la aanlmllntlng the
yolk Unit wiia nlmorhoil bofora leavtiiK
the ahell. lu thirty hours rome tin)
npe(lte. Ciiikllo them lu a bnaket and lo the warm lruuUr. 1U.M theiu
on dry an inly luiim, for, like other lia
ble, "everything kw to mouth," and
they'll till up on straw and other hull
jrontlhlc. Hip piii ti llttlo bill Into cool
water, ami they know whore nud bow
to ill-Ink. lut them under hover, and
they nt once know their tiimuma. You
nro "pop." Tut In n Immeloa tun-day-old
chick na klndermirteu director.
They'll follow hi lead. Now ncntter
two liihleaHH)Uflll of CO IHl (frit for
tit I Ik leelh. Illnif brenkfuat hell. Hpread
fine dry breadcrumb apurlnKly. Be
Unit all hiive a chunou. Keep tuoin a
llttlo hungry. t'eed na often ni they
needtheir rrop bulf full In the day,
twolliInU ut nlu'Jit. If crops aren't
empty In the morning, overfed. Stnrre
them i'lupty. lo wo feed hard bulled
t'l!KT No. They coat too much too
initny llttlo live. limi t you know
chick ore two Ick.:cJ vRg and tight
beforo they kick out almorb tho yolk?
liU'K diet' a utalo n fvedlug egg
shell over and over again to lieu.
KeKxhcll aro wornotit lime, lluna
like them becauRe they tanta of egg.
They nro good t'gi enter batchvni,
lio we feed JohnnycnkeT No; w-o do
no 'iilicuiilk HtmitH. Johunycake bo
lougK t tho tallow cnndlo era. Do va
feed rolled outs? No panto up bo
bind. lo we foil wot corumeal, bran
nud mid niiiKh, boiled rife? No noth
ing wet, nothing that 'gets sour. If
you w ish to tiuilHten breud with milk
It's good, but feed little, as It sour
soon. Tho second day we give a tasto
of beef scrap and sieve before tiiera
wheat and corn ground finely in our
mill. Caution: Allow no food to Ho
around to sour or bo fouled. Do not
follow the advice "Kccd all they will
cut up cloiui." On tho fourth or fifth
day we put lu charcoal and give green
lettuce or tender clover on tho sod.
If they now know enough not to eat
cut straw, we glvo them straw litter
with a sprinkling of good chick scratch
ing food to work for. We now bed
thorn wllh cut wheat straw. Iluw
fresh incut (Hamburg steak) may be
fed sparingly or milk ns a substitute
for beef scrap. When you give milk
put In a shielded vessel, as It Is deadly
If their feathers nro soiled In It They
should now bo growing rapidly, and
feed niimt bo Increased. Their appe
tites being normal, tho tenth day bang
up hoppers of charcoal, boef scrap and
grit Keep green food before them.
Sturt finely cut fresh green bono now.
Throw lu a llttlo whole wheat and
cracked corn. - lu thirty days, when
danger point Is passed, chango to
wheat, barley, oats, cracked corn and
Katllr corn. While on rnugo you must
nllow for what Mother Nature and
Mother lien furnish In seeds, greens,
bugs, worms, snails and other delicate
Don't serve chicks on tho shell to
. your customers. They may bo Blue
Itocks, but they're not blue points. No
shell game.
Don't forget that warm days Incu
bote crawlers. When lleo are allowed
to kill hens on tho nest tbo S. F. P. O.
C. T. A. should make nn arrest,
Don't, oh, don't, Mr. Farmer, let
your hens hide their eggs In the hot
haymow I If you find them lu the fall,
may you not sell them to me, but to
my worst enomy.
Don't cut out grit In summer. Your
liens nro now used to a certain kind,
and tbo gravel on your place may be
soft or Bcarco. Chicks, like men, must
tosmy. .
1 1 . Ilruoi, aa c o n d - I a maitsr
- lnvarlably In Advanoa
His Months 75 cU
Hlngle Cla Act
The Kndlali Dorking originated In
Itome. Whether of the holy chickens
of (ho luiiierlal City and kept with the
sacred bull In tint sacred strove 'llb
the other god and goddeaL we know
not Tbl valiant bird Inherit the
fighting spirit of Caeaor'a soldier. Ills
spur are sharp a spear, and lit
broml, proud breuat, like a Ilouisn
shield, Is always turned to the roe.
Why the golden eagle wss borne aloft
before the Itointn legion Instead of
the Dorking w do not understand, for
wherever those soldier marched there
went the Dorking. The Hainan must
bar considered this fowl IndlapeD
ii bio, for when they Invaded Ilrltaln
thi kingly bird went with them to
crow over their vletorle.
Hie Silver (Jrny Dorking tin become
the great national bird of Kngland.
The plump piglet with bl red apple
and the festooned gooao bare been
chimed from Klug lid ward' round ta
ble by thl fcatlv bird. Notwith
standing hi Itoman ancestry the Dork
ing I preferred by John Dull to hi
proverbial ronat beef. He la a Juicy
bit ami the fellow who eat the bird
with UngllNU stuinng, backed up by
Kngllnh plum pudding and saffron cake,
may well Imagine be is In chicken
Dork I uk are distinguished by an ex
tra toe, w hite flesh and shank. What
they luck lu height they more than
make up In weight
- fuuntla. Pounda.
Cock s Hen t
Cockerel J I'ullot It
Oilier varieties slightly heavier.
Tho Dorking 1 lnvadlug thl coun
try. Hi battalion are now landing
on Plymouth rock. No Iloaton tea par
ty can afford to throw him overboard.
Ills war clarlou Is heard at Concord
and Ixlngtou. He w III soon fly to the
top of Hunker bill monument to crow
to a hungry notion that he baa come
to lick ar.U te licked.
If you have bo love for the feathered
trllie, but simply for tho money that's
In It It will be a failure.
My friend. It certainly , Is not our
fuueral to mind your builnea. but we
do object to buying dreaaed chicken
luffed with food.
When a man goe Into the squab
btiHliiciM and And he really can't make
It pay, he's a fool to hang on and bang
himself becuuse he lives In I-Told-U-So.
Which variety Is best for you to
keep? The one you llko best of course.
You will exercise more care for chick
ens you fancy, and also make more
money accordingly.
Tho Boys' National Toultry club bas
Issued It flrst annual catalogue. The
object Is to help the boy In poultry
culture. If you wish to enroll, write
to Itohert O. Fields, 33 Caruther ave
nue, Nashville, Tenn.
Canada and the United Btntea are
shipping much One poultry from New
York to Capo Colony, South Africa.
African ostriches aro belug Imported
to California nud Arizona. Thua "a
fair exchange Is no robbery."
By marking the egg and setting the
hen In a net with a glass bottom we
discover that she turns the eggs six
times a day. Instead of turning in
cubator eggs twice we now turn them
six times a day and get 13 per cent
moro chicks.
We fear our friends who bought and
mated geese after April 1 will have
few goslings- to pick. They naturally
pair In February, and when thla mat-
lug Is broken and they are moved to
strange scenes they seldom do well.
Turkeys and ducks ditto.
Lawyer I. B. Miller of Youngstown.
O., declares he has a hen that chews
tobacco. If truo, we are ready to pay
a big price for hor, for she can solve
tho louse problem. If she can teach
our hens to hit a louse as slick as the
corner loafers can spit on a lady'a
dress, there'll not be a louse left
The Canadian fanciers bad a big
time last show season with tho ex
press. Birds wero killed, lost, delay
ed and mixed so In transit until at
last tho Cauadlan fancier blurted out
"We Just wish to remark that the ex
press service of this Dominion 1 rot
ten!" Tut, tutl Whut lezo majostyl
The American boy Is a great Institu
tion and a natural born chicken fancier.
Butter have tilin building chicken coops
than air castles. Bather have him
proficient In poultry than profanity.
Botter go broke buylug him poultry
than to "break all up" sending htm to
a Keclcy euro. He Is the brainiest,
brightest and best boy on earth.
A general movement Is on foot to get
a law passed to compel the storage
companies to date eggs, as is now done
with canned goods. It will puzzle the
legislators to frame a bill to fit The
date of laying cannot be marked on the
eggs, for some s torn go stock seems to
hnve been laid beforo the Christian
era. If the shipper Is honest enough
to dnto his case, the storage company
may quickly erase. Whilo the puzele
Is being solved by our egotistical leg
islators It might be policy to stamp on
the grocer who sells storage for fresh
When You Are Ready
for Fall Clothes
Let ua ahow jrou the moat stylish selection of Fall fabrics you ever saw. We show more real
clever snappy patterns than any half dozen lines in the country put together.
When you have these clothes made to your measure, you not only get the finest quality
woolens and trimmings, but you have the satisfying assurance that each garment will be "made
as you like it" or if not, we keep the clothes. We can satisfy any clothes ideas.
Call and let us show you four hundred patterns to choose from if you need so many.
BTarm and
Utah Farmers' Adaptation of th Com
mon Walking Plow.
n article coming under my olaierva
turn 1 oue entitled Type of Plow,"
accompanied by a cut of a Onnan
wheel plow. Why a man ahould run a
clumsy, lumbering construction akin to
a self binder for breaking up lucern
when our common baud plow will an
swer tbe purpose Is beyond me. I
full to oe where the writer's concep
tion of a German wheel plow of the
180 tye I much In advance of Mr.
Wing' Idea of a French plow In the
twentieth century. A fanner" time Is
too precious and capable architects are
too few and too expensive In this coun
try to make a plow of such design of
any practical value to It ow ner.
We have here In Utah thousand of
acre of alfalfa a luxurlunt and
thrifty as any In the world, some of
which 1 broken every spring. Farm
er would dud thl a vory great task
Indeed If they fouud it uecessary to
employ any such cumbersome device
a the one accompanying the article In
question. We uae a common walking
plow, with a wheel or shoo uudcr the
end of the beam and a straight or slant
ing cutter. Tbe secret of tbe whole
problem lie lu the fact that the plow
share from A to B along the dotted
Hue D I concaved so that the plow
put upou the curved portion and the
point U I at least a half an Inch above
the level or a half an Inch higher than
the polut A or tbe point B.
The share should bo new or com
paratively so In order to give room
for the concave surface. Any village
bliKkjtiiiltli can fix tho share. It would
he advisable not to temper the share,
a It la necessary to file It every few
rounds w lieu plowing old alfalfa. Any
team worthy of the name can pull the
plow with aa little effort as la requir
ed when plowlug stubble.
We do not plow alfalfa more than
three Inches deep, because after that
depth the deeper one plows the harder
tho alfalfa is to kill. The depth Is
regulated by tbe wheel under the beam,
ami any boy who can plow stubble
can easily enough handle the plow In
alfalfa. When the plow Is thus fixed
for plowing alfalfa, however, one can
not plow grain stubble with It For
this purporc the share would have to
be made Into Its original shape, or,
better still. If one has a great deal of
alfalfa breaking to do, use another
ibure, using the especially prepared
me for tho purpose of breaking up lu
.eru ouly, coucludes A. J. Syndergaard
,a Breeder's Gasctte, Chicago.
Ballad of Sleepy Bill.
In Sleepyvlllo dwelt Sleepy Bill,
Who kept a aleepy atore.
A placa wai It to lounge or sit
And anoro and anora and anore.
Anil aometlmoa coma to play a gome
Of checker three or four.
But seldom thera a lady fair
A bargain came to buy,
For womon'a toga In catalogue
Quite often caught the eye.
Bo things for a&le they bought by mall
At prices low or high.
In town one day appeared a gay
And lively youth, who quoth:
"Why ait and anore and lot your atora
Run downT Upon my oath,
Lommo run things and mnke, by Jinga,
A fortune for ua both!"
Bill said "O. K." and dosed away,
But Mr. Lively sized
Things up at once he wa no dunce.
And Went and advertised
Such bargains rare (Bill had 'em there)
The public waa surprised.
Tho buyor came young girl and darae
And youth and man and child.
Thoro waa a rush, a real crush-
In fact, to put It mild,
, All Sloepyvllle woke up, until
The rush wa almost wild.
And BUI awoke and even npoke.
Ho said: "I'm feelln' aoro.
I never thought folk would have
To patronise my atore.
1 gucaa them ada. Is popiar fad
I'll advertise soma morel"
Buy your Shoes of J. E. Stewart
0 -
Work of Commleaion Appointed For
That Purpose.
Tbe cities lu New Jersey and Penn
sylvania are by statute now enabled to
appoint shade tree commissions to take
care of the shade tree on tlielr streets.
They can set out new trees and assess
the m coat on the property benefited.
They trim trees, protect them from In
Jury, clean out decayed trucks and fill
the boles with cement and wage war
against the Insect pest. Municipal
Engineering describe the methods of
work of the shade tree coinmlxslon of
Cast Orange, N. J., and shows what
cau bo done.
In tbe trimming of trees great care
la taken to cut off all limbs close to
and even with tbe trunk. All scars aro
painted with a coat of thick coal tar.
All tree on a street are pruned to a
uniform height, and as far as possible
that height Is made ten feet, to clear
alt street lights.
The campaign esralnst the Insects in
festing shade trccj forms one of the
chief tasks of the commission. Tbe
control of the Injurious Insects not
only preserves tho foliage of the. trees
for the season, but maintains their
health and vitality. What can be done
by persistent work In this line Is
ehown by tho results wish tbe woolly
maple scale (Pscudococcus acerls),
wblcb attacks tho sugar maple. Other
pests are the tussock moths, attacking
the American elm and linden, the
white maple and the horse chestnut;
the cotton maple scale, attacking tbe
white m'ple; the elm leaf beetle, the
spring elm caterpillar, the bagworm
and the fall webworm. The idea con
stantly borne In mind Is to destroy the
Insects In as early a stage as possible,
to inlnlmlzo liotb the amount of work
required In treatment nud the Injury
done to tho trees.
Tbe place to rave money on
your Grocery purchases is at J. E,.
Stewart & Co. 'a.
Potatoes for Sale.
Hero is a chance to get your winter's
supply of potatoes cheaper than you can
pet them anywhere else. Yon can have
them for 25 cents a bushel if you dig
them yourself, or vou can dig them on
shares for half, ror further informa
tion w rite to I'ETKK POI'ESCl', Prine-
vtlle, (Jr., or come to the potatoe patch
on McKay creek, cix miles north of
town. 10-15-2W
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
One sorrel mare about 12 years old,
weighs .about 1100 lbs, with w hite spot
on left hip, branded 3 with bar over on
left shoulder; slso one brown mure,
weighs about 1100 lbs, branded Bon left
shoulder. A suitable reward will be
paid for knowledge nf their whereabouts
or delivery to the Hamilton Stables at
Prineville. D. G. ROGERS,
10-15tl Madras, Or.
Old Brewery Block Feed Yard.
I have leaned the Old Brewery
Block Feed Yard by the Ochoco
bridge and am prepared to tnke care
of tbe traveling public. Alfalfa and
meadow hay nhvuys on hand. Oats
for sale. I respectfully solicit a share
of your patronage.
11-8 Ed Smith, Prop'r.
New Fall Goods
Mrs. Estes' ESSs
' Corner Second and Main St.
Best and cheapest line of
heaters in tho city at
Fruit Farm For $200,
and a Town Lot Free,
at Beautiful Lakeview.
I ne opening ot the old uregon Military
Road Land f.rant through lower Lake ami
Harney rountie is throwing uion the
market the li-t and cheapert lamls in
Oregon. It In the opportunity of a lilrtim
for Oregon people. There are 1 1, WW tarnii
for nale. In tract of 10. H, , J, KW. 610
and 1,0(10 acrrs, the small tracta suitaMe
for fruit and furmins. the large tracts for
raxing. Kead the following extract from
a letter from (;eorte t'onn, the hri United
Btatea l.sivl Ullice Itiieiverat Itkrrii-w:
'i.akeview, Oregon. June 17. 1'Jtrt.-rOre-
gon Valley l.aiil fio. Oentlcmen: In WiS
1 came to Lake county and am, therefore,
one of theoldext iiioneer. The road wa
etaMiahed through the best portion of
noutnrrn Oregon, and even in lio 1 recall
that the grant was, in many places, liter
ally coveivd with wild nlumi. and. with
ra'e enreptions, these natural fruits -have
ixirne Iruita every year miice. riot to speak
of the planted arid cultivated fruits, which
poe a remarkable flavor and have thriv
en ouite aa aarr.esf(illv. Of late veam.
perhaps, the rang, eJiiecially along the
ai niwtry noa'i. nas Deen grazed too closely ;
still, it fenced, it reproduces very rapidly
and constitute a countrv which, even ft
used an in the aat, chiefly for stock, n
ables those who follow that business to
become independent in a short time. Of
course, at that early rate, and until about
l".), the natural grasses were over knee
deep and covered the great liu'k of the
grant, and ir protected this same condition
would return. Yours trulv. George Conn."
lon't mi the opportunity to become
ownr of a piece of gjod Oregon land. You
won't have to spend a lifetime grubbing
C. A. Jokkh, IJend, Oregon,
Agent for Central Oregon.
Notice to Debtor.
Pprsnna ftvtnrr llio P- T. tiolnmnn
estate are requested to settle bv the 20th
f ...... i i i . - -
oi -cvouer. mis is imperative.
-Mua. .Naomi Salomon
9-24 3t Administratrix.
Carpets to Weave.
I am prepared to weave carpets at the
follgwing prices: Plain, 20c per yard,
fllll MR. Jd HIII , UB O.
9-24-1 in Fbankie I.ehhhax.
Wood Sawing.
Having purchused the wood enw
liiK outfit of C. D. Cnlbrenth I am
prepared to cut wood both for the
H?ople living in Prfneviile and those
lu the neighboring district.
6-11 H. L. Hobbs, I'rincville.
$250 Reward
A rewsrd of 1250 will be paid for in
formation leading to the arrest and
conviction of any person fonnd guilty
of interfering with the flow of water or
dam of the Squaw Creek Irrigation Co.
Professional Cards,
5 . rink
ft trt, ZPrintvill, Ortyon.
Qt C. SSrix
Jf tarmry-at-jCam
S?ea siat
Office with Geo. W. Barnes
ZPrintriil: Oryo
&. euiott.
!Printm, Origan.
0. JtyJ
iPhysieiam ni tSmrytom
Calls Answfrfd Promptly Pat o Nionr
Orrici On Door South or Adamsos's
DkugStor. Both ottiee an rcsj
dence telephones.
iPriiili: - - Ortfon
Cjkaa. K Cdma-cij J(. IP. SQrti;nap
Belknap Cdwards
fAys'cams and Juryons.
Jirf Zr W ttmmmjf
ZPriDt'llt, Ortfon,
SPiys4cian and Sttryeon
Mi mm 97mim Strtt,
. Practice in all .State ami
Federal Courts
& X ? ? & ?4 sSi iV7 d iTi tvi T 7 tT Q
I Selling It At Cost
As we are arranging to manufacture at home this line
of housefurnishings, in ordt r to close out the stock now
on hand we are selling all the goods made by the
Pacific Coast Manufacturing Company
This gives you a chance to make a big saving in
the purchase of any of the following articles
Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses
Pillows, Dressers, Chiffoniers
-Washstands, Commodes
Sofas, Couches and
tJLJk,jLjl,JkjLjLJI.Jk.JtJLJl.i'l.JtJl.JkJi.Ji.Jl.Jl.JLJl.Jl.Ji.Jl. J
f, 1
Senoral ffilacksmithing
horseshoking, wood work, etc.,
Neatly a.nd Promptly Doxe
When it is Done By : : :
Siobort 97ooro
Satisfaction Will
tsnrHrinrirwinrTnjrvtrirvinririririPirir t
High Lift
The easiest running plow on the mar
ket. Other Steel or Cast Shares
molaaiuix. .. y f
If you do not know what the John Deere
plow is, it will pay you to investigate
The John Deere Disc Plow I
Sold on trial guaranteed to work in heavist doby
or rye sod not an experiment. PRICES RIGHT Ltri
Pedigreed Stock
O Poland Chinas o
g Duroc Jerseys q
Black Langshan Chickens
r a
L' J
r i
r i
r. i
r i
r t
r i
r i
r i
r i
Jc Guaranteed
t A
mlky I
i .. "'
Gasoline Engine
Irrigation, Sprayics and Pumping Machinery
pumping, spravlag, .sawing, tfriiuiiug. Otit
Ulsoimiiilftt. Kuirhanks Hi'alrw for weighing.
FairbaiiUrt-Mnrhtt lyuunuM atid Motors for
powi'i and 1 i tr 1 1 1 .
Kalrlanks-.M)!'so Windmill; nml Towt-rs.
FalrlanU'-Moiir' Gi iiidi'ts. K d tMioppi-rs,
Well I'mni.s.
All llrst qsialtly floods at, lin-.;t pr ice.
Always in st''k. Lihfral Imms, I'roinpt
roply lo iiHi'iitics and iiilck t)lprtn'iitjs.
Write fur outaloyui-nud paci.
W. F. KING, Agent, Pnmev:I!ef Ore.
Fairbanks Morse & Co.
x uo. .