"TJt dropthe fSv' ,. v I';";' coupon in P themaabox lHAg tcnlay r , - - I We are the oldest nd beat known sinctlv I ll 1 fr- ' I ? n I ! I W are the oldest and best known strictly wholesale bouse in the Northwest. For 44 years continuously is business riht here in Portland. c are now miking a radical departure. In such localities where you are unable to purchase CYRUS NOBLE w are (oui to ell direct and save you money. No more danger of refilled bottles. No more danger ol not getting the real thing;. quart Botuts, skd is pUia cans i aB charm srcMid tha 1 siiwit nibwd upraa office for 4.22 Pure old honest whiskey bottled by the distillers. Every bottle guaranteed. Inquire of any bank or trust company in Oregon as to our standing. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. DCT1LLCKS AGENTS EssbUcd 1864 I0S-I07 SeaaSuPbra4.0e W. X Van Sduayw A Co Md Ona unm NOBLE. f O Aid of Una tneetin. and also that copies W forwarded to the several paper of the county for nblioatun. J. Aiton THonrmiN, Kavsrv (Yahk, k. u. t sawvrr, v.V. rCLTs,ComniUUe. BUSINESS LOCALS Buy your Shoe of J. E. Stewart & Co. money cn is at J. K. The place to rare your Grocery purchases Stewart fc Co,'. Half-Poling ladies' and chiKlren'a shoes 50o a pair; men's 75c to 1 1 at ilson's Shoo Shop, neit door to journal otlice. Teachers' Institute. Continued from first pngr. tendent R. A. Ford and George Jones, editor of the Oregon Teach ers' Monthly at Salem, were the instructor?, by their talks, lessons and lectures enhanced the value of the institute greatly, lending to it added interest and making it com prehensive in scope and valuable educationally to everyone who attended the interesting sessions. Space naturally precludes even an auerapi 10 report luuy, or in epitome, the various phases of the addresses: therefore only a few I f Fiat Takea far DiswiaUie. One of the pleasing incidents of the institute was the presentation tv former county superintendent C. B Dinwiddie of a handsome gild mounted watch fob, the gift of the teachers who taught under him. Before adjournment the teachers as a body named a committee of four to draft the following resolu tions, which were adopted unani mously: Rtiolitioai sj tka Tascfeers. Whereas we, the teachers of Crook county, are assembled for the purpose of bettering and furthering the cause of education and fully appreciate the many favors extended to ns ; therefore He It Kesmlved, that the teachers of assages can be picked at random C,r?Pk wont express their appreciation vi- j c .- m. .of the work of ex-County Supt. C. B. or public edification. Those of the Dinwiddie in so materially raisin the public, as well as the teachers, who went and listened were abundantly repaid for their trouble, and the truths told and modern methods of handling the child advanced will long live in the minds of all such persons. Ackcnua's Ackicveatat. During the term of years during which he has been state superin tendent of public instruction, Mr. Ackerman has accomplished much and without any spirit of vainglory but merely as one of the leading exponents in the nation of better methods of education, he told in the closing lecture at the Presby terian church Friday night of what the Oregon legislature has done since he has been in office for the schools and school children of this state, an era of wonderful advance ment all along the line. Some of these enactments call for a high school in each county, compulsory education, more ample salaries, cheap text books for rural schools and an entirely new set of school text books for the regular courses of study. Thete are fore runners only of still greater prog ress to come. For the benefit of school funds Mr. Ackerman advocates an income and an inheritance tax. He also urges the passage of a law creating one school board for each county, thus doing away with separate school boards in each district. Al though this may seem radical it is no more radical says Mr. Ackerman than the county courts governing all roads, etc , as is now done. Nor was the institute without its humorous side. Prof. Alderman, who is a wit, poked quite a bit of fun at his confrere in a very good natured way, and Mr. Ackerman responded in kind. 1 standard ol oar school organization and professional spirit among the teaching forces ; above all for his courteous and kindly helpfulness to us all. And 15e it further resolved, that we take this opportunity to voice onr apprecia tion of the energetic efforts of Supt. R. A. Ford in arranging this most helpful institute ana ot ins many plans for lift mg the educational svrtem of Crook couuty to S'ill hifiher planes of excel lence and that we pledge him our inter ested and best support lit all hia efforts Be it further resalved, that we hereby express our desire that the petition to raise the salaries of the county superin tendents be presented to the coming eeraion oi me legislature lor its favor able consideration. Be it resolved, that our heartfelt ap preciation be extended to the able instructors who have solved so many of the difficult problems that constantly v-vmiuiii. mo xeacner, ana the potent inspiration to higher ideals in the mold ing of the character of our boys and girls as we prepare them for nobler manhood and womanhood; and that the iiianns oi the institute is due to Supt. Ackerman for his most helpful sugges tions on school management, and to Mr. Alderman for his emphatic 'don'ts,' both of which were an inspiration and will help us to do the work of our school room not only more efficient! hut mora cheerfully. Be it resolved, that we extend our thanks to Mr. JoDes for the copies of the Oregon Teachers' Monthly, distributed so freelv. and also fnp ih. able manner io which he conducted the music. Be it resolved, that our deep aDDreclation of the of the people of Prineville. TV. it, Presbyterian society for so kindlv nnen. mg its doors for the evening lectures, and especially to the ladies for the de lightful reception tendered us. The address of welcome so ably given by Mrs. H. P. Belknap will long live as a sweet memory in the heart of ever teacher present. IMS ii resuiveu. inat we pxnr;s onr sympathy for tbe Bend teachers who were unable to remain through the institute, for we not only missed their cheerful faces but regret thatJJthey were unable to share tha hen fHtjt fieri from the institute. Be it resolved, that w nn;t pledge ourselves to advance the cause of education and not merely to unhnld it piesent high standard in Oregon but to mane a milieu eiiort to raise it to still hiirher Dlanea of useful., oca V. . -v. lie it turther resolved, that we exnress apidviawuii ui ma interest shown by the press of the county and state in so liberally noticing and reporting our institute, and especially to the papers having reporters present. Be it resolved that a cone of t, resolutions be spread upon the minutes Fruit Farm For $200, and a Town Lot Free, at Beautiful Lakeview. The opening of the old Onyou Military Road Land Urant throuith lower Lake and Harney counties is tlirowiiur uihmi the maraei uie oe and cheapest lands in Oregon. It is til opportunity of a lilettme or vrrgun people. 1 Here are 1 1 ,u tarmi lor ai. in tracts or 10. 'JO, ), (u, KM. MO and l.OiW acres, the small tracts suitable lor iruits ana forming, the Isrire trci fur raiuiK;. lu-au me lotlowuiii eitrtu-t from a iwter trom iteoiye t'onn, the rt United States Land Office Receiver at Lakeriew: ' Ukeview, Oregon, Jane 17, l'JOS. Ore gon Valley Land Co. Gentlemen: In l!a i came io usKe county and am, therefore, one of tlieoldwtt pioneers. The road wan established through Ui best portion of jwuuiern uroxon, and even in 1U I recall mat the grant was, in many places, liier- auy covered with wild plum, and, with rare exrepiiona, these natural fruits -have ooriie trims everv vear since, not to apeak of the planted and'cultivated fruits, which possess a remarkable flavor and have thriv en quite as succesfullr. Of lale years. perhaps, the ran, especially along the Military Road. hs Iwwm n...1 .. . . still, if fenced, it reproduces yery rapidly and constitutes a country which, even it ust-u as in me nasi, cmeny for stock, en- aoies l no-v who follow that lnisinens t. oecome independent in a short time, of course, at that early cate, and until ahout the natural grasses were over knee deep and covered the great bulk of the grant, and if protected this same condition wouiu reiurn. l ours truly, tleorge Conn." Oon't miss the onnortiinlt in K. ..i., own-r of a piece of good Oieiron land. You won't have to spend a lifetime grubbiujr stumps. ORKGOX VALLKY LAND CO., O. A. Joans, Bend. Oregon, Agent for Central Oregon. Scotch Fife Wheat. Ture Scotch Fife Seed Wheat for sale. Guaranteed pure. Apply to Jessk Win-dom, Culver, Or. -17-2iu Horses Broke. Homes broke to ride and drive; enuiuciion (Kiarnnteea. llAititr W. Hamilton. Inquire nt Sinelxer ft Ellefson's Restaurant, Prinevllle.ll-1 Wood Sawing. Hnvlnir purvhiievd th, woiul saw Intf outfit of V. I. falhn-nth 1 am preparxM to cut wood both tor the people living; In Prlm-vllle and ttuwe In the iiohthhorltitf district. -U II. U Hoiiiia, I'rlnevillo. Di'250 Howard A reward of -.'50 will b paid for la formation leading to the arrest and conviction ot anv person found guilty of interfering with the How of water or Jam ot the Spiaw I 'reek Irrigation Co. K.T.SLAV1U.S, Secy. Netke el Aifaaiautratar's Sals af Rtal rraaeriy Notice Is hereby giwn that In pursuance of an order ol'th couiily court of the slate of Oregon for Crook tHuintv, made on the SthdHvor rVpteniter, lnw.'in the mailer of the estate of Commodore Car roll, deceased, the undersigned, the aduiinistrHtor ot said estate, will sell at auction to the Inchest bidder, tor ea-h, gold coin of the 1'niied States, and subject to eoniirmation bv said county court, on the mil day of October, t!S, at HI o'clock ill the forenoon at the Iront door of the county courthouse in I'lineviile, Oregon, all the riitbt, title and interact ot ul i'oinmolore Oarndlat the time of his death, and all the rlht, title mi inu-resv inai oie satu estate lias a quired other or in addition to that of the aid Commodore t'arroll at the time of hi death, in aud to all that certain parcel of iim stiumeo in inecooniy 01 t rvniK, stale 01 urcgvn, ana more partu-ularly descrilntl as follows, to-wit: The south hull of the southeast quarter of section nitieteen, and the west half of the northeast uaarter ol section thirty, all in township thirteen south of range nineteen last of Willamette Hiermiail. Terms and conditions of sale Cash, sold in ..r t..i,...i " ited this HHh day of September. J. II II. vv. Administrator of the estate of Commodore i arron, deceased. ta-iti SIMMONS. mine iwiiii Court of the rUaU of v.Mi-c,i or . nrni eoiuiir : i1 i i. .1. ....... . , '"" ,HI",n' I'nice ttray i . i V ' l"""eni, ooinn illine ui the Mrm name of John-on, lloolh , Co. ..-,,,, Ta.jonn a. gan and J aim' W . Nsn.defendanta. io James W . Kgan, the above named defendant: In the name of the sUte of Oregon, you are hewl.y required to appear ami answer me complaint II led against you In the . hi 1 1 1 (Hi eiur and suit, on or before oie iaiuay ol tne time preacrilted in the oru.-r n.r puoncauon, ma le herein, to-wit, '?. m), for -hereol the plain- tilf will apply to the Court for the relief prarra lor in uieir complaint on lllebereia to-wll; a decree foiwloamg the mortgage rompiaint R I ueacrlr I i that h I. order for the sale of the Ian. said mortgage for the payment of certain promissory note teculed by delvn.laiit , Jamea V, Kgan wherein promise.!, rour months from the Mh day i,llav lyml ft............... - . . .... i.' .. " s'nier ol plain ii ii ' lludr.il Thirteen HA-ltHlth - - n'rwi uie rate often per ei'iil per annum from the dtli day of May, m, t.itether with .V.rt) attorney's fees and Hie cvwts and disbursements of this This stiwiiions Is served otMerof the Honorable H.C. uiMin you by nuts, Hogs for Sale. Hoirs for sale, all alien: I J. E. Wilson, the ehoetuaker, or K. D. n iiBon, i-nuevuie, Ur. . Notice to Debtors. Persons owing the C. L. Salomon estate are req nested to settle by the 20th of October. This is imperative. Mag. Naomi Salomon. 9-24 3t Administratrix. Carpets to Weave. I am prepared to weave carpets at the ioiigwiiig prices: nam, ate per yard k por yarn ; ruus ooc. 9-24-lm Fbaskik Lehbma.i. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Land. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of the County Court of the tune oi Oregon lor uroofc County, made on the 8th day of September, in the matter of the estate of Fred P. Anderson, deceased, t e undersigned, the administra tor of said estate, will sell at puhlCo auc tion lo the blithest bidder for Cash, li.dd Coin of tke United Suites, and subject to eoniirmation by the said County Court, on Saturday, the 17th day of October. PAW, at len o ciot'K in tne lomioon, at the Iront door of the county court bouse in l'rine viile. Orevflii. all Ihe rnrht titlennd iiiiri ol the said Fred I'. Anderson at Ihe time of bis death and nil the right, title and interest the said estate has acquired other than oria addition to that of the said Fred t. Anderson at the time of hia Heath In all that certaih p ece or pan-el of land sit uate, lying and being in the county of Crook, Hate of Oregon and more particu larly described as lollnws to.wii- Th southeast quarter ol the southeast quarter of section eight, and Ihe sotiti half of the southwest quarter and Ihe southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section nine in township fifteen south, of range -iujr east oi n iiiameiie Jieriillan, Terms and conditions of sale : Cash gold coin ol the l.mtcd .states. Dated September 1", lUoi. M. ft. Klliott, Admuiislratorof the estate of Fred I Anderson, deceased. 0-17 1. ... . miiij v oiirt oi I tie Mate ol tiri'gon August, It.W, and the dale of the erst pub M...IH.U oeiiig me xrin uay of August, ami iueuaie oi the last publication will lireoii wiestn day ol October, ittua, . M- K- Kiuott, Attorney (or I'laiut Iffs Motice for Pub!kation. (Not coal land) Department of the Interior. V. I. Laud OUice. The Dalles, Or., NotU-e Is hereby given that''" Naomi iialomou, . or.s harla L. Molomon, dra-eaMHl ci i inneyiiie, Oregon, who, on May as l!WJ. made Homestead Knlry Serial No, VCSL-i' LllT '. .!.or t'!'" ii, see 3X .. .. .. ,,, tJ sum n, r hi a, w has bled notice of intention to make M V T lo annn claim to the ....... i.r ue-rrioeil, Helore tlie I OUIItV t lerk. at his uHU-e at l'ri,..,.liu i. ' on me atan day of October, Ittw, viaiiuani names as witnesses: Oeorce Turner, Samuel Dinnee, Wllilam I'riiie ..... vioreoie aicAiusier, all of frlnevilie, virnuii, C. W. Mooaa, Register. Wanted to Rent A Piano a reuaoie person would like to rent a piano. io small children Appiy at the Journal otlice. 9-24 Ice Gcod ice for & Co. For Sale. sale by D. P. Adamwra 820 Well Drilling. If you are contemplating drilling eu, any ueptn, write JOHN aiuuiit., Keumond, Orego. 8 lOtf House and Three Lots for Sali Uooa bouse, lust been rpnnnorpd new sidewalk built, three Iota. Imrn etc., lor sale at reasonable nrliw. Ad urens, T. .1. FRRfirsov 9-3 I'rineville, Or. Dillon Feed Yard Open for Business The Dillon Feed Yard ia tor business. Good grain and alfalfa nay on hand. Careful attention given to an teams lelt in my care. Good pas mm uvh wines oeiow town. 17 lm B. F. Wiliioit, Prop. Horse Lost. Gray mare, branded 24 nn lvfi der ; strayed from Barney place on Mill creek; information wanted leading to '"J. iiuuress AHTHCB JWINKLKB. 1 1 lucviiio, or. I vNss.so4;j(. v. ss.swiv,j.i w LX. T- muom v TH6, NEW.. V;-.;i's-.ioJ . i.riruviin.c okltV' :v. I UUAEANTEED ITOH-lHTOXICATINCr "I used to think a good non-intoxicating beer could not bo made but MALTONA certainly is IT" SNAPPY! . DELIBHTFUU For sale at all leading temperance drink stands NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO. ASTORIA, OREGON For Sale by Winter Pasture. Good place to winter eattle; plenty ui piwiure, mraw ana nay; good ,""u ""Biter. Address j. h WI.NDOM, Culver, Or. 9-10tf Fine Ranch for Sale. , The best place on Willow Creek rour nunurea and eighty acres of good cultivable land; 100 under cul tivation; acres in alfalfa, 20 In timothy; 80 acres in grain; good house; 80 tons of hay 40 alfalfa and wtnnotbp;3oor 40 head of cattle; u i.cuu ui worn nonses; zu nogs; lots oi cnicKens, geese, etc.; stream of water running through the middle of the tract from one end to the other; big spring on the place, water all the year round. Two orchards 200 trees bearing npples, pears, plums and prunes. Good water for domestic use. Half cash, balance on easy terms. For further Information address H. L. Montgomery, Grtaly, Crook county, Oregon. 4 30tf BIDS FOR WOOD WANTED. Notice is herehv el vfti thui kih. . a or Crook County will be received by tlie SO,!uty0,'crk;bi',,,w111 "lned November 1, l.m It iH ordered by tbe county court IhHt ' COrd8 Of irOOd four-foot orc-n lnnl,w. u.,.rt be bouKhl, delivered and corded for measure ment US folinWM! 10 r.ir!ti nn 1 1... ('OUIItV Hllf ll HclllXll lot Iiml IO '.' uuuoc iou n ARKKn HIWIWST "-' County Clerk Notice far Pallicitioa. (Not coal land.) Department of the Interior. ' U.S. Land Offlce at Tbe Indies. Or . August V, ltA i'vuw w uereiT given mat Hut tie Oulnn. oro Nell, Orrcon, who, on s eemlier lo, liwl iiiiue itomcsteau r.iury iNerlul fio. UliWI N wi:, for H H see M, In 13 s, r U e, w m. baa Bled notlre of Intention t" inuk. Iliml five- T.-ur unioi. lo estali Ish elu m lo lle ln.l alMiva it. Hiri iH.r.,M uuvn ii rsmnly rli rk. si blsottlee at I'rineville, Or l"t"n Ittw isin liny OMM-inoer, lOS. ClHliiiant nnines as witnesses: Alfred Stacks, waiter K. H. lfrl.-li, hii1 Wtllbim Mann, all or lutnonta, iln(.m, and Jostpb giilon. of O.Nell. Ur. x.ni ""'P C W. MooKK, RiUler; Netire for Psblitsliea. (Not coal land.) lu partini ni of the Interior. U. a. 1-nd Olllee at The llnlles. Or., ., , . . Auiiust , 19US. Notice Is hereby alven that KIiiiis.hi A. Ilusset, ort'nnevllle.OreKon. who, on July 2 1KB, niaiie llomesteud Kntry (Herhil No. omwl No, I2MS, forHWiS. see i. to IS m. r H e. r m l,. flled notli of Intention lo make ftmil five- year nroor, io esiatillsh claim to tbe Ian aixive ileseribert, liefore Warren llrowu eountyelerk. nt bis ofllee nt rrlnevllle, t)re- s.'.i, .m uie unj oi s-ioner, rssi, Cbtlmnnt namea as witnesses: Carl C. Brl w lllliim .1. I'ai eake, Hnmtiel K. Hhepnrd. and v iini u s ii. rosier, an or rrlnevllle, (inuon. U-lllp C W. Moork, Ihnlsu-r. Koti t for Publication. (Not eonl land.i Iiepnrtment of Ibe Interior. U. a Land Office at Tbe Halle. Or.. .. . . , . August t, 1M). Notice Is hereby given that M.,l,,tif,t, u &l..HKln... oi IJimontH. Oregon, who, on Novemlier 8, ?- V "mde Homestead Kntry iHerial No, Yf"f.l f". "W". lor ' NKi, NMIKU M.NW',,! w, ipiss, r It e, w m, has filed nolle of Intention to muke fl nnl Avn. yeur proor, lo establish claim to the land above ricscrittful. lr,,m u. up.n iir..u,.. county clerk, at hfsomre, at I'rineville, Ortv i'". ui- iwi uhv or oriotier. iaos. l.'luliimnt mimes as witnesses: Alliert II, neaies.Miimuei I), pierce and James C. M singer, all of I jimonlu. Oregon, and John It. iienricn, oi o (ii, ortiron. ,UP C. W. MooKK, Register, Notice for Publicatioa. (Not coal land.) Department of the Interior. U. H. Land Office at The Dalles, Or , .,,,, , Heptember 21, 1B08. Notice Is hereby given tht Flovd A. Rnwell. of I'rineville, Oregon, who, on Mar . I90S mnne Homestead Kntry (Herhil No. 070) No. ViVa. for S'iHVM. E'4H seellnn Nlnul..n Township HUUwsn south, It M e. W. M., has flled notice or intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the hind above described, before the County Clerk, at ,,,n uini;e i-iinevnie, Oregon, on tne tun uuj "i i-ifveiiioer, ivm. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry L. Plirrv. VS 11 1 1.1 in H. k'lvhn nn.l l,,lin II lira. all of Prlnevllle, On-gon, and William H.' i'iisi., oi i-osi, Oregon. -ip U. w- MOOKK, Register. Notice for Publication. (Not coal land.) Department of the Interior U.S. Ijind Office at The Dulles, Or., August -TJ, Itw, Notice Is hereby given that Austin Kier. of I'rineville, Oregon, Who, on July 7th. 1903, rmtde Hornestend Annllenlli.n (u.rlul .)il No. VMM, t,rHV,HW'4, secH2, tp 17 s, r 18 and Lots 1 and sec , tp IS s, r 1 e, w rn, has nieu notice or Inientlon to make final five. yeur prrMlT. IO esToillsn cm m In ihe lunil al)ve descrllied, liefore Warren Hrown, coun ty ciera. at ills omce at J'rinevllle, Oregon, on the 13th day of Octolier, VMH. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas .1. Feruueson. MiinfnrH 11. Nv lil.lr itr..n.r.i. land and John Mllllorn, all of Prlnevllle, Or. " v. w. jwoob, Kegister. Notice. The County Board of Kiiai;i;r.n r..- Crook County, Oregon, convenes Monday, October 19, 1008, at the court liouae of aabl county. The taxpayers ore respectfully requested to come and look over their assessments as they appear on the tax rolls, and if theie are any errors in the description or valuation of taxable proper ty we will gladly correct the same. J. I). LArOLLETTR, t?". . . County AuRtgHor, I Dated Sept. 21, 1908. Notice for Publication (Not coal land.) Department of tbe Interior. U. , Land Office at The Dalles. Or,, ., , t . August 2, 1D08, Notice Is hereby given that John Mlltlorn. of Prlnevllle, Oregon, who, on .Tuly R. 1903. inane. Homestead Kntrv IKerlal No. 075SJ No. l!i02. for NW!4NKii. HvNKW. and SK'-iNWU sec 22, tplss, ride, w m, lias filed notice, of Intention to make final five-year prixif to establish claim to the land above described, Ijefore VVarren llrnwn. nmniv lurb- t i.iD office, at I'rliievllle, Oregon, on the 13th day of October, IWA Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas J. Fergueson, Manrord D. Nye. Dick Mulhol land, and Austin Klzer. all of I'rineville, Ore gon. 8-'P C. W JIoobe, Itcglster. Notice for I'tibllcatlon. ( Net coal hind. ) Department of the Interior. 1.8. Una Olllee at The Dalles. Or. v, .i i i . fc'-Tteiiiber W, l. .wv,i ucirnj jtirrn mat Harriet Nm ill. Ol rrlnevllle. Oreenn. ho nn lv...n,k.. .Hi, MX. made Homestead Katry (Serial No MH1I. ho. U.S7W. for KH Sec SI. In 15 s r i , . in, us., men nonce or intention to ill n KB ll ii hi fsiiiiiii,,,, mi r ... .... 1 1 .... claim lo Ihe laud above uWrllwd, before Vi arren Hrown, county clerk, at his ollioe at I'ritieville. Oregon, on the tUl day of vivwuer, liss. Claimant names a witnesses! Dick . an.ieneri, lieiiry J. K Wan Is. Js.lc,.,,, atnleryert and U itliatu 8. Cooke, all of i" nun, virm, -ITp C. W. Mo.ia, Reitister. Hotltt for Publication. (Not Coal Land) Department of the I nterior. U. 8. Land Otlice, at The Dallea, Or. ... . , . July 28, 100H, otice ia hereby (riven that William G. ltalfour. of rrlnevllle, Oreicun, who, on July 28, li08, matle timber and rtoue apulica- lion ia. u.r.u, lor KK NKK. KU SKW, and SWK SK.lj. 8ec 14. Tn Ux ft IH I? WM.haa uled iioticeof iuu tillnii to make final timber and stone proof, to estab- iisn ciaitn to tin land above described, before Warren Drown, county clerk, at hit olllee at I'rineville. Or., on th mil. day ol October, IDoU Lmimiiiit names at witnesses: Kachielltm K. Jones, John W. Riltor, Thomas O'Kelly, Albert Seara, all of rrineville, Oregon. -op C. W. Mooar, Register. Nstkt for PaUicslioa (Not Coal Land.) Department ol the Interior. U. . Land Olllee at The Dalles. Or., . ,, , . . . Atigiist2t, IDOB. Notice is hereby given that ii. Kunene (Jittina of Portland, Oregon, who, on March B. USUI, made limber and Htone Appliratlon N0.4A72. for HEWSWk. HWukVi and NUbE!-f.aecl,tpl5,r 18 e, w m, has hied notice of intention to make Una! timber and stone proof, to establish claim to the lund above described, liefore the Register and Receiver of the llnii,.,i Kf,... Ijoid Office, at The Dalies. OreK.iri .... n,. 8th day of November, IIKW. tiiaimsni names as witnesses: John W. Ritter, Hyron Cady and R. K. Jones, all of rrineville. Oreiron. and iiiuirv w d...i.. nt Prlla 1 O...-. ' ""P o. w. Mooag, Itegister. The City Meat Market HOHKJAN & STILL, Props. Ho Hcndq.iartora for 1 W SJ sj me - Lured Lard and Bacon Try 8oijjo of Crook county' choioont prtKlucts. It tho best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help buiM up a homo industry. We always carry tho k'st in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN & STILL Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete lino of Oent'a Furnishings at Prices that you can aflord to pay. Call in and let us show you the goods ami quote you our prices. A Choice Line of Cigars & Tobaccos THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor mm 8 THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor I'RINEVILLE, OKIGOX Stock boardod by tho day, week or month at Keanonabla rates. Kemonibcr ua when rrineville. Hates Keaso.nabi.e. Wo havo in Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Netice for Psblicsliea (Not Coal Land.) Department of tlie Interior, V. 8. Land Otlice at The Dalles, Or., v. ,. . , , . Auxiist', IW$, Jiotice Is hereby given that (iiHiriTA M. Kll.lv of I'ortland, Oregon, who. on Mnrrli n l!IWt, niaiie I iiti b.-r n n.l Stone Application No.4.')70. for NKVK, BKNW' and lAim 3 and 4. m 4. to m im . ,7, i.... filed notice of intention to make final 'fim- wff auu niune i.rooi. io esiiiiiimh n ,.. mo iiinu aoove uescrine,!. hrr.ira i,a lU-Kisterand Receiver of the United States i.anci uiiicc. at I lie Un (lr.. ,i,.. r,.t. A i . ' v--n"i ' ... m "ujr oiiAoveniwr, imw. (Jlaliiiitnt names as witnesses: fl r.uifene iriiiitin. ol l'ortifiiKl liru...... .... joun it . Kilter, Hyron Cady and K. Ii. uu vi i rineviiic, ureion. "-I' v. . i'i"OBK, negiBtcr. The Report of tha condition of First National Bank Of Prinevill e, Ureeon Al the close of business July 15, 1 90S I.IAIIII.ITIKS capllnl Block s 50.cmo 00 Notice of Final Accounting. Notice Is hereby given that Ueorue W, Bailey has made and tiled his II mil account ing ofhlii administration of the estate or L. V. liallcy, deneawd. and that tho Court has set November I, Ym, at the hour of 10 o'cl(M.k In the forenoon, at tho county court room In I'rineville, On-fron. as the lime and plane of ncltleiiir.nl. nf a.,1,1 fl,.,.i awounthiK. At which time and Place any person interested in said estate may appear and object to said final account. nf- . Okok;e W. Baii.kv, Kvecutor nt tha tmtuin tit T. r U..IJR deceased. ' ' fsilmmrtna in tne circuit court of t m lnt gon, lor i took county. Bertha White, rilainiiff I ,.,., v , . . . , ' l l.illlU , v line, auieniiant, Toiameg F. White, the nlm lefenlaiit-In the namo of the state of vregon you are ncrety required to tip. jxar and atiHwer tho complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court on nr i.f... the 10th day of October. IMS. a,, i it ., ..:l . , ..u M,,Rli answer lor want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decroe against ji.ii iui ma reio'i prayea lor in the com piaint, to-wit: i-ora judgment aiainat Unit I 1, II. a Ann... ....I I - L -, . . "ram nnu uiHournementa of this suit: and for a Ihiti.i rt 1 1, ui,., entitled court that the marriage con tract noweviBtinur betwHen ihn ..loi.trf un.l ,11, .n,l..... 7. , , I'""""" ..,.. ..viciiuaia uu ro4iTinni.(i anti an milieu; uiai me DonU8 Ol tnntr inimv llnw ..ialini, lw. ...... .1 . , , A.OfclllK UCLWt'1.1 LIIH n 11 Hi T un.i defendant be annulled and terminated find that the plaintiff Im irrm,t..,l bsolute divorce from the i that the plaintiff be allow..,! in i.. i.i lormername 01 jJurtli Watk lis: thai i. ..i:...:rr u ti . . . ' : pinni'iu vo anowcd counsel Ices and sun, money as uie court may soem proper, and for such general relief an may ue jiifit. i ins Bummong ih served upon yon by I ublication thereof in the Crook C'ountv .journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at rrineville Crook county, Oregon, which is herebv designated as the proper paper to give you notice, for a period of six full con secutive weeks, commencing with the iHsuo of August 27, A. I). 11I0H, by order of tho Hon. H. C. Ellis, Judge of the County Court of Crook county, state of Oregon, made and entered at chambers this 17th day of August, A. D. 1!)C8. 8-27-Ow C. C. mux, Attorney for Plaintiff. KKSOUItCKH loans and Discounts 2W,HI 2S United HtaUts Iknids 1'i.ftM) 00 Hank I remises 1'J.BiiO il l'ue from banks lat.KM KU cosh on hand 82,079 05 Itcdenipllon fund 625 00 (surplus and undivided profiu WI M Circulation S,lo0 00 Individual Deposits 290,(117 07 Dividends unpaid im 00 lift'., 1 119 00 B. F. All.n, PrsiMent Will Wur.r.ll.r, Vic. Pr..id.nl tin,m uu T. M. B.ldwln, C.lil.r H. Baldwin, Au'l CuhUr The 0'NeiI Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIlobE, OREGON ri:l WJ r,n nn r,n uu nn nn nn nn LJ nn First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Carrying a choice selection of fine candy, clgare, oruiiRed, liTiioiiH, etc. Give us a call. SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. nn rci LJ nn ra nn tj nn nn nn lj nn LJ nn LJ nn LJ nn LJ nn LJ Lit nn LJ nn ULUJUULitLULULJ For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands IN THE DESCHUTES VALLEY WHITE S 1 1 r ?Airr E II. r. JU1U Ii Oregon d Redmond, Willow Creek Lumber the bent n tho county for Bale hv A. Tf. rwyTmrrrts"' f"tfir-nTri l Pedigreed Stock ifflii t? d..i..j nt-.. H I m i oiiiiiii i .mna r , I ' j Q Duroc Jerseys g I Black Langshan Chickens i i i IE. C. PARK ' 0 REDMOND, OREHON ii P I i r Pi S 1 it s s g ii P a ft 8 Lippman & Co.