LOCAL MENTION now postmaster L, K. 1'i-lrkett U nt ('line Falls. , lr. J. H. Itoaenlierjr returned Turs diijr fri)iu Portland. Mr. John WIlo got home the first (if the wwk from Portland. Jasper Johnson ninl (leorge W, Null were over from Mister Monday, Clark Morse Im lit town from Powell Hull' to attend lilh school ntfiln. Mr, (ii'urp' Kt.irkmiiiin In tU) 111 nt her home and U confined to tier IhmI. Kills Drake, unit of M. Drake, Is one of the hltfli school student In from Paulina. ' Hiillard (llle nml brother-in-law were court house visitors from I-iilil-law Moiulny. Horn, to Mr. nnd Mm. Fletcher Lively, nt rrtuevllle, Hunduy, Kept. 27, a daiiKhter. Horn, to Mr. nml Mr. W. C. Con Itleton, nt ruiillim, Knturduy, H't. 1'fl, n daughter. William II. Crlswell, eon of William H. Crlswell of Mini ran, U n new pupil nt the lilh school. Andrew Lumen of Madras arrlvel thin iiiornliitf nnd Im In attendunce at the teacher' Institute. MnrifnretteC'ox, daiiKhter of Una, YV. C. CoiiKli'tou of 1'niillua, In n new . scholar nt the lilli school, David l'lckelt of Tout U one of the Utfi school students who have come back for nnother term. Klhel Kidder, daughter of (J. V. KliMcrof Mini run, I a student nt the liltfh school thin year. estn Iirown, whose father In 8. H. Hrowu of ( ulver, Is attending the hltfli school here till semester. h. A. (i rnli ii in nnd wife, old plo n.ers of Meters, vlUed this city on Tuesday for the first time In 2 yearn. They returned home Wednesday. J. II. Qulnn of O'Nell wan In the city thin week on biiMlness. He will sell .TJU acre of tilt Improved land In central Crook county to the flint jmrvhaeer he can find. A new tenuis court I being laid out on the Illicit school ground, nnd implls nre required to confine their footsteps In going to nnd from the school to the board walk. Kkatcs for the new P. A. A. C. rink In.thl city have nrrlved, nnd hence forth the hum of the roller will re sound from the floor. Prcecnt plans do not contetuilnte admlttlug the public to the n ho of skates or link. For 1100 n nlde a tent race wai run nt the fair ground Tuesday after noon N-twitu the horse Seventy nnd Lnmonta, owned reflectively by Chnrle Hedell nnd Jack lielfrlcli. The dlstnnce wn three-eighths of a mile nnd Seventy won by nearly a length. ltoth horse are entered for the track meet nt the fulr Oct. 1317. - i Wear Insured Sox Are your arwkt imnrrtt Our "llnlo nrout" ho lira imml lur sia months. Till Is lhftranr Hiir sis pnlrt ol "Holeproof" 8o for U.00 una It any or all of I ho in enmo lo holot or B-d darning In tlx tioalha mm will repUo (Ugin wlta now sua FULK. - noieproot Sox' am drrd with abanlnMr In. I color. Thry will not croc k." "rul" nor futla. proi'l " 8oi do not shrink ooratrouh. You can buy thaw la assorted colorssix pain of a sia anil might in a bos. Waar "Holeproof 80s one and jrnn will iwvar waar any other kind. Kanmmber Ihey mruinnW lo ' all month! or you ir-t new ana HIKE. Lot ui aoU yoa a box today. J. E. Stewart i James T. Itohluson of Culver wo Iter. If oore preached at Ilend Hun. In the city Kuuday. J day. Hot. Ham Neweotn I attending business college In Portland. Herbert Hideout I working at the 0. W. Klklns' store. J. I). Khtpn returned from Portland the flmt of the week. Mr, K. If. Hmltli went to Port land Kundny for a visit. . Orrln Mill lion gone to Kugene to attend the t'ulverslty of Oregon. Mr. Itoltert Moor I very low with w lint I believed to be cancer. HoU-rt Cram U In from hi home at Trout creek to attend high achool. N. M. Lane and family of Hhaulko were vlltlng friend the flrat of the week. Wnde II. HouHton and family have returned from their trip to the John Day country. O. M. Prlnglo enme up from Port land Friday. He I glad to meet old friend yet enjoy life at the state metropolis. Ml It lie, daughter of Fred A. Rice, who I studying to be a trained nurse at the flood Hnmnrltan Hoa pltnl In Portland, Is horns on a visit to her parents. Iiernlce Whltsett, the Infant daughter of Charles A. Whltsett of Culver, died Sunday at the home of her parents. The funeral and Inter ment were lu PrluevllleHundny afternoon. Michael Drown of Post and Miss Jennie McCullough of lleech creek, (Iraut county, recently took out a marriage license at Mitchell, where the wedding ceremony was per formed. The Prlnevllle Hand will give an oNn air concert at the Hank square next Hunday afternoon, weather per tnlttlng, Just after the close of church services. The early coming of even. lug una made the weekly concerts Impracticable, hence the Hunday afternoon concert. Karl McLaughlin, county rond m aster, Is distributing three printed forms of notices over the county, warning nil persons against allow ing Irrigation water to flow over county roads, against the destruc tion of signs, and to the damage to county ronds by cattle passing over them. Hon. Frank Davey, veteran editor of the Harney County News at Burns, Is down with a severe attack of ty phoid fever and nmy not recover. Four weeks ngo he was stricken down with pleuro-pneumonla and this so weakened him that when the typhoid set lu bis system was unable to combat It. Hid Hamilton, a hay raiser of the Drowse valley In Malheur county, formerly of this city, recently lost 4 stacks of hay valued at 1,000 apiece by fire. The wind drove sparks from a nearby blaxe In some foxtsll to the stacks, which being dry Immediately Itrn I ted aud bunted brlnkly until the hay was entirely commuted. Last Monday, the first day for the registration of voters, was a dull day In this respect for County Clerk Drown. Just one elector wanted to have his name luscrlbed. The books will be kept open until October 20, and no one need register who has done so since last January. Presi dential election day Is November 3. The Prlnevllle Dand Is getting In shape to furnish music for the Crook county fair. Two rehearsals arc held each week. Only those mem bers who have kept up their connec tion with the band during the sum liter will appenr at the fair, as those who do not keep up their practice are considered a detriment rather J than an advantage to the band. C. P. McNeely and family are on the upper Deschutes bunting aud fishing. Miss Verna Howard, who teaches the Johnson ranch school, Is In for the Institute. Howard Turner waa this week brought In from Powell Ituttes suf. feting with typhoid fever. K. N. Olllara of Madras has a trick mare and colt which he may exhibit at the Crook county fair. The aon of James Douglas, con tractor at the court house, Is very sick at bis borne In this city. The little boy of C. L. Bhattuck fell off a teeter-board several days ago, breaking one of the bone of the left forearm. The Bend postofDca waa today officially raised to a third-class office, The postmaster gets a salary of 11000 a year. Lorn, Nora and Cecil Stearns of Johnson creek form the largest nura ber of pupils from one family enrolled at the present term of the lilirh school. Michael Chrlstlanl baa been laid up at bis home this week with his old aliment, and though not absolutely 111 has been too Indisposed to be about town. Ths annual high school reception last Friday evening was a very pleasant affair, all teachers and most of the scholars attending. There were refreshment and music. Not a house Is for rent In Prlne vllle. The school Influx Is principally responsible for this congested con dition, and moneyed people could not make a better Investment than to build 25 or DO small houses for rental purposes. This office Is In receipt of an an nouncement of the wedding, at 8tef tler, Allierta, of Frank U McNeill and Miss Margaret M. Foster, on September 18. The bride Is a sister of Mrs. Herbert Hideout She lived here for several years and has a number of local friends, who may send congratulations to her at the address given. Willis W. Drown of Ifelsler Is buy- lug up many hundred bead of cattle In this part of the county for market. Last Saturday he brought Into Prlnevllle 400 head from the Ochoco and Crooked river valleys, taking to the Powell place on the lower McKay to be fed. Of this herd 150 head will be shipped to Portland Im mediately. Mr. Drown is buying more dally for the same market. The Ochoconean society of the high school has elected these new officers for the current school year: Horace Delknap, president: Ethel Kidder, vice-president; Randolph Ketchutn, secretary-treasurer. The Alpha society's new ofllcersare: Dav id Pickett, president; AUIe Horlgan, vice-president; Nora Stearns, secre tary-treasurer. New committees have likewise been appointed. LOCAL MENTION from Mayor Wuriweller got back Portland Tuesday. John Morris has been confined to his bed for nearly a week and Is a very sick man. Christine Ulbson, whose folks live on Neweom creek. Is a recent arrival In this city for the high school terra. Blanche Wilson, daughter of L. It. Wilson of Halsey, Ore., Is among the pupils at tba Crook county high school. Miss Beth Kcott, who has been vis iting with the family of T. M. Bald win In this city, left for ber borne In Portland Monday. Charles E. Low t her and Roy Low- titer, sons of Rev. C. L. Lowther of Culver, are enrolled at the Crook county high school. Seagulls have this week been flying up and down the creeks and rivers of central Oregon, driven hence acroit the Cascades probably by the lost great storm on the coast Maliel Prlscllla Wlndom, daughter of Jesse Wlndom of Culver, Is one of the large contingent of scholars from the Culver neighborhood enrolled at the Crook count high school this fall. Harry W. Hamilton, who Is well known as a horse breaker In Crook county, Is making his headquarters atStnelxer Sc Ellefson's Restaurant while be breaks equlnes for riding or driving. His advertisement appears In another column. Forest Supervisor Ireland and Forest Ranger Johnson of this city, accompanied by National Forest Inspector Kent, left Wednesday for the Paulina country to Inspect roads and trails used and owned by the United State Government C. E. Pratt, the automobile man of Payette, Idaho, who owns a farm at Redmond, passed through Prlnevllle Tuesday morning with W. M. Ogg, en route by wagon to Redmond. where the latter will remain In charge of the farm. Mr. Pratt will return to Idaho In two or three weeks, but will come back to Crook county about June 1, 1909, probably to remain. WantedTo Trade. Will trade a 14 -dine McSherry Grain Drill (with grass and seed at tachment) In first-class condition for fresh milk cows. 10-1 tf It F. Guerix. Dend. RECEPTION WAS HAPPY AFFAIR f Owing to the enforce absence of Miss Ruth lb-Id, or Bend, from the Institute reception Wednesday night, the response to the address of wel come delivered by Mrs. II. P. Belknap was made In duality by Hupt Acker man and Prof. Alderman. The reception was a big family af fair, CH teachers and enough of the general public being present to swell the crowd to more than 100. Cordi ality was manifest on every hand. In her address of welcome to the 68 teachers, a majority of whom were young women, Mrs. Belknap said, among other very appropriate and pleasing remarks: "We have reached the advanced educational point now where we no longer say to the child, 'Thou shalt notl but 'Abide with me. "Teachers, your vocation Is the most uplifting, Important and noble In the world, with one exception, and that Is wifehood and motherhood. I pray for the day when teachers of 20 years'experlence shall be pensioned by the government but 1 hope that long ere that period of service you teachers will have become wives and mothers, for there is no more honor able or useful estate In the world." Ammunition Grais Knives, .Belt :s Land for Sale. 320 acres of well-lm proved land for sale. Call on or Inquire of J. H, Qci.nx, O'Nell, Oregon. 10 l-2m BUSINESS POINTERS. Horses Broke. Horses broke to ride and drive; satisfaction guaranteed. Harbt W. Hamilton. Inquire at Smelzer & Ellefson's Restaurant l'rlnevllle.11-1 Bids for Bridge. Notice la hereby given that bids will be received by the County Clerk up to and Including October 11, l'JOH, for the con struction of wooden bridge serosa the Deachutea Kiver in Crook county, at the intersection of the John I'eters road, ac cording to the plans and specifications on tile in this office, baid bids to be accom panied by S per cent of the bid. The (.'ountyjreaexvea the il;ht to reject any or aumuB. vtABRIM 11BOWN, County Clerk, Wood for sale at J. E. Stewart & Co.'s. A lot of medium-sized Hams at J. E. Stewart Sc, Co.'s. Our most conviclng argument In favor of the Eagle Cigar Is the Eagle Cigar Itself. The Billy Buster Shoe for Boya Is bard to beat You can get them of J. E. 8tewart & Co. All kinds of sportsmen's Supplies. Shotgun shells loaded to order. Powder shot, shells and reloading outfits SOLD BY W. F. Kimi! Made in Prineville. "If a thing is worth doing at all. It Is worth doing well." If you handle cigars, handle good ones, such as we build, for Instance The Eagle, La Rosa, Ochoco and Leader. Money to Lend. Money to lend on Improved real estate. Inquire at Journul office. 9-24tf "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal C,We occupy two floors 65 by too feet, have a $20,000 equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. CSald a Business Man t - Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end," Said an Educator! "The quality of instruc tion given In your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest" CPpen dl the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. Raferenceai Any bank, any newspaper, any business man la Portland MaWt Cr... Cams DAI O .O Mukal hutnuaentj " u. r. Adamson & to CasMra Sappho Uwaey's Caadi. I DRUGGISTS T JW and Uompieie jin of . OPost Cards D. P. Adamson & Co, DRUGGISTS & Co. than an advantage to the band. Rafereoceai Any bank, any newspaper, any business man la Portland. 1 1. 1 Agents "Holeproof 9 Hose Six Months Guarantee 1 E STEWART 'ft CO Agents "Mayer" Shoes The Shoe That Wears Boys' Express Wagons Nothing suits the small boy or'girl better than an Express Wagon. We have them in medium and large size Prfco From $2.85 Down I A Good Alarm Clock 95 Cents We have sold this grade of Alarm Clocks for the last two years and, find they will give as good satisfaction as many clocks sold at double the price. Our regular price 95 cents Goods Listed in this Column, with the Exception of Stoves, will be sold at prices named on Saturday, 3rd, Only Heating Stoves Pipe Free This is a new line for us, a portion of our first shipment having just arrived. Any stove bought of us on Friday or Saturday of this week the price of which is $8.50 or more, we will include free of charge 5 joints of good stove pipe. All stoves sold in city delivered and set up free of charge. Diamond W Catsup Special for Saturday 25c Star Soap Star Laundry Soap is one of the best common laundry soaps, special for Saturday. 04c The Billy Buster .. Shoe The Shoe With a Sole That Won't Wear Out We don't believe that you can buy a more serviceable shoe at any price than the Billy Buster for Boys. We guarantee them in every respect. If they show up defective in any way, either in workmanship or in materials we will either have the shoes repaired or will refund whatever amount is necessary for a satisfactory adjustment. We have them in both light and heavy weights.