In Case of Accident You should hve bottle ot pure o!J vhisVey in the house. -" One you can rely upon. That you know i Such one i CYRUS NOBLE; for the 6rst time in 44 year now to! J direct to you. m ii mir 1 1 urn r " "f,r B GO: HI! JT- 1 - a " Uj- w;sa"'t,vrr?'vigt.,,.,.'7; 1. N quart bottle, packed in pUia cam cb&rve dfM)J la lh t Mml niiroadl expm office far 90 No danger of refilled bott!chcn you buy from us. No danger of tome cheap worthies substi tute being palmed oS" on you. We have been the distributers of this famous brand, selling wholesale only, for 4-4 years. Pure i IJ honest whiskey aged in wood. livery bottle guaranteed. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. -v piSTltlXRS AlXNTS tjtebUxd ISi-4 105-107 SrveaJ Si. PonW. CWt M AM VV W. J. Vaa Sclwyver & Co, r-U JO,ss. t. pUi il t to L. -LL J. J an tf fea, mi CLNUINK CYRUS KO&LL SL Scotch Flfo Wheat. Purt Scotch Flfo Svil Whent for h1o. Oimrantovd pure. Apply to J(fK Wimhim. Culver, Or. U iM'm Wood Sawlnc. Ilavlnu pim-lumed tlu wood mtw luff outfit or 0. l. Cnllitvnth I ntn prepared to cut wood both tor the itcoplo living la Prineville nml thiwo in the neighboring: tllstrict. (Ml II. I- Monits, Prineville. The City Meat Market HORKiAN & STILL, Props. $'250 Reward A reward ot $-M will b paid for In formation leadm to the arreat ami conviction ot anv person found gui'.ty nf interfering with the flow of water or lam of the Shimsw I'm'k Irrigation Co. K. T.SLAYTON, Secy. Fine Ranch for Sal. The best idnee on Willow CrwV. Four hundred nml eighty netv ol v;ood cultivable hind; 100 tinder cul tivation; So ncrva In nlfulfa, 2t In tlniothv; vV) norvs In urniu: KlM1 hoii.v: SO ton ot linv 10 alfalfa ntul 40 tiinotht: ;lo t 40 lioail of catt'c; 20 hotul of work luirnos; .n nojix; tot nt rhli'ktns. trttHso. etc.: Htivani of wator rutiuinK tnroHjjh thi niiiliiK' of the tract from one end to tnc other; bin sprlns on the place, water all the vear romnl. Two oivharl tnvs boarlnir npplco. ixan, oluni and prune. Oooil water tor iloiuextle iie. Half each, lialamv on eav term. For further Information a1lre If. u. Montjionier.v, Crook county, Uretfon. 4-oOtf AUTO CAUGHT IN A CLOUDBURST Saved twice from death as by a miracle, W. F. Ncbon and V. D. Williamson, of the Oregon Trunk Line, who recently vUited Crook county for the Hill railroad inter ests, passing through this city to Bend in company with the Porter Bros., of Spokane, had the experi ence of their lives in the Haycreek country while on their way out. Overwhelmed by a cloudburst, Ewept down a precipitous moun tainside by the torrents cf water that fell in sheet3 and escaping Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its tho best that money can buy. You ill not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carrv tho best in Beef; Pork, Mutton, Veal. I!?" Hats, Shoes and jj Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce Mil- :VvK' M.'.. 4 m4 s.Vs: 1 I r , 1 1 P I V.' A iHunplctei lino of (lont's Furnisltiiis at Trices tltfit you can nflord to pay. Cull in and lot us tdiow ytm the goods ami quote you our prices. I MAKE STUDY OF OREGON SOILS Members of the faculty of the State Agricultural College, assisted by experts from the Department of Agriculture, have begun a most important investigation of the soils of Eastern Oregon. The work ia undertaken at the request of resi dent of Crook, Sherman, Wallowa, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Baker and Harney counties and will in clude, not only a chemical analy sis of the soils to determine what crops may be most successfully grown, but will extend to a thor- $20 Reward Return of Two Horses. trave.1 from the Mayfielil place on Crooked river in May, a team, one sorrel with tUxen mar.e, three year old ; one brown three yearsohl, branded J 11 connected, on left ahoitldor. Moth have been worked but are not (ten tie. Will pav reward for their recovery. JCotifv J. K. Harvev, l'lineville, Oregou. 7-2V.f H0RIGAN & STILL A Choice Line tf Cigars & Tobaccos THE OWL CASH STORE R. D. ADAMS, Proprietor to t,t1 Bids for Bridge. Notice is hervbv (tivrn that bills will I received bv tl-.e Cvtintr t'lerk "P to and inelinlinirlVtolier II. t:. for t!ie eon- struct ion' of a wooden bridp across the Peschutes Hirer in t'nHk county, at the intersection of the John Peters road, ac eonKng to the plans and snecir.cutions on tile in this otfice. Said lids to b accom panie.1 hy 5 per cent ot the bund. I he County reserves the rijjtit to reject any or all bids. Warrks Urows, -2t County Clerk. f.otn death by a hairbreadth, they j 0Ugh study of water sheds and dry reached Portland after an automo- farming conditions. It is believed tile trip into the interior, some of the experiences of which they do not want to go through again. The tws men, who were driven south into the interior by Jack Harrison, a Portland chauffeur, made the greater part of the trip in safety, but on the return jour ney ran into a cloudburst near Haycreek. While bowliDg along a mountain road, a Eudden rain storm that reached the proportions of a cloudburst came up. The water fell in torrents and the road followed by the automobile along a steep sidehill wa3 suddenly washed out, the automobile precip itated down the mountainside and the party of railway men thrown down a steep hill. Luckily, no one was hurt, but the machine had to be brought back to the road with the aid of a windlass and all bands had to tug at the ropes to bring the automobile up the bill. Soon after surmounting this first accident the party plunged into a mountain torrent which likewise nearly overwhelmed them, but by dint of strenuous effort got safely through. BIDS FOR WOOD WANTED. Notice Is hereby tven that bbl for wmxt or Cnik t'mintv will be rvivlvcd by th.' rtwnty clerk: bbts will lw openml Noveinher 3, 1 . II U ordered by 'he county court that M) cords ofgixxl four-foot itwn tuntper wood be bought, delivered and cortleil for inensun' ment h follows; 4v cord on tho Crook Comity It tab school lot und 4i cords on th court bouse lot. w akkkh Hbows sljo County Clerk. Natict far PaUicttia IVTiirtliH-nl f Ihr Interior. V. . tjuid oiltw l The Onlles. Or.. July A V-v. Xotlce t hereby len tlial Kllus K. llodKi-", of Prlnevllle.Or.Kon, who, o i My tt, l'"1. niiote ItiuU'r ami stone sworn n'liieioenl inf.i No tHiiv f,,r SI.'.S V'4. NK'.S' and NW',sKl.aii.i loi x -, lp It . r t.i e. w m. has tiled noibv of In'enlion to make Anal proof, to estahll-h claim lo the land nliove descrllK'd, t-rore the nmnly elerk. nt I'rlne vllle, Ureaon, vu the k'h day of IVloUT, .S. I'likliioinl names as wllneSM'KT M. lW- ell. Wnde It. Huston. Holierl wndih and waiter O'Nell all of frinevilie. on-aon. 7-Su C. W. Miaiita, lb Ulster. such a report will prove of much value in determining w here experi mental stations should be estab lished by tho Agricultural College. It is probable the investigation will lead to plans to be recom mended for the reclamation of vast tracts of arid lands in Eastern Oregon under the adoption of irri gation systems as well as modern methods of dry farming. The Campbell system of the dry method is attracting much atten tion in various parts of the West and is said to have proven an un qualified success in regions where the rainfall is from 10 to 14 inches annually. This as well as other mothods will be thoroughly tested at the experimental farms to be located. The party consists of: President W. J. Kerr, Professor II. D. Scud der, W. A. Jenson, all of the Agri cultural College; Professor William Jardine, expert in dry farming, and A. P. Stover, irrigation expert, both of the Department of Agriculture. Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon Offers collegiate courses in Agiiculture, including Agronomy, IJoitlculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc.; forestry, Jlomeetie Science and Art, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering; Commerce, Phar macy. Offers elementary courses in Agricul ture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce ami Mechanic Arts, in cludinj; forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, machine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equip ment; free tuition ; opens Sept. 25. Illustrated catalogue with fn'l infor mation on application to the Registrar, free. 8-6-4t Notice for Publication. (N'otcoal land) Department of the Interior. I'. S. Land Ollice. The Dalles, Dr., Sept. U, I'M. Xottce is hereby given that Naomi Salomon, widow of Charles L. Salomon, deceased, of I'rineville. Oregon, who, on Mav '.'S, V.I02. made Kntrv "Serial No. Wm No. lo!7i, for S'jSiV',;, sec 2ft, E&sk'i sec l, tp IS south, r lit o, w m, has liletl notice of intention to make ti ml five-year proof, to establish chum to the land' above described, before the County Clerk, at his otfice at Prineville, Oregon, on the 27th day of October, l:w. Claimant names as witnesses: (Jcoree Turner, Samuel Oinuec, WilUam Prine nnd Clarence McAllister, all of I'rinevilie, Oregon. 3-4 C. V. Moore, Register. Notice for Publicitioa. IVpartmeiit of the Interior. U. S. Laud Omcc at The OuUes. Or. son. July il. Its. Notice U taorehv slven that K.inity K. Powell, of Prineville. Crook county, Or.tcon. who. on June J. Ivos. nia.le llml r and Hone sworn statement No. W-'s -for E'lNH'i. NWN'K'j. .s-is. Mint sw'.NW't. si-e lr, l I I s. r lite, w m. h:is n'ad notl.s of Intention to make llnal lirisif to estnl.llsh claim to the laud nlMiveden-rlls d. In tim- theeounty clerk nt I'tlnevllle, On lion, on the till day of OctoW-r. 1 . t lalmant names witnesses; Holn-it ti, Pmllh. Siiinuel A. Pros.-. Ib nrv Mct'ov, and .Mareus U. l"oei, an of frinevilie, umti.u. C. W . MlHIKK, IteltLster. Notice for Publicitioa. I Not rout land.) Tvpartinen' of the Interior. U. . Lund Oltti-.' at The lHilles. Or . AUUUSl 2', ISSVS. Notice Is herehy Klven that Untile (julnn, of O'Nell, Oregon, w ho, on lieivniU'r til, lull, made 1 1 olneitea d KntrV Serial No. ! f . 10l;. for,s'iV4 see (I. ti l;t s, r It e, w III, has tiled nolle of Intention to make final five- year proof, lo eslalillsh eliilm to the land ilesi-rlli: I. hefotw nrn-n Itmwn, county elerk. at hi oftloo nt I'rlneviile, ore- on,on the ll'h Hay ol o. low r, i.tks. ( lalmant n imes us wlln.-sses: Alfred T. Staeks, wait-r K. Ilelfrleh. and Wlllhini K H um. all of l.iiinonin. oriton, and Jiih II. tjulnn, ur O.Nell, onaon 0-iep C. w. MnonK, Hettlstt r. Notice tor I'tiblicatloti. ( Net coal land. ) IVpartment of the Interior. t'.S. Land Ottice at The Dalles, Or.. tM'pteiubvr 10, l'.i(. Notice Is hend.v given that Harriet Smith, of I'rineville. Orecon. a ho, on IVcemla-r l'io.'i, inn.le llomestcad Knttjr (Serial No WHIl, No. I lM, for SK' t s.sf 31, tp Is a, r 14 e, w in, lias tiled notice of intention to make final commutation proof, toest claim lo the Isn.l above de-erlucd, be for W arren Urown. cimntv clerk, at In oltlc nt Prineville. Oregon, on the 2ll day of Octolier, PsS, Claimant names as witties-cc Dick Yandervcrt, Henry J. Kdarl, Jack -oil Vamlervert and William S. Cooke, alt if Prineville, Oregon. U-lTp C. W. M07MK, Ueglntcr. Notice. The County Hoard of Equalization for CrotA County, Oregon, convenes Monday, October l'l. lUOii, at the court house of said county. The taxpayers arc re-pectfully requested to Come ami look over their assessments as they appear on the In r;lls and if there are any errors in the description or valuation of taxable proper ty we will gladly correct the same. J. 1'. l.AfOI,LKTTK, f2i-3t County Assessor. Dated Sept. 21, 1908. Must Pay Up. All bills outstanding for 60 days or more must be nettled on or before the 1st of October. 10 3t O. K. MEAT MARKET, Stroud Bros., Props. Winter Pasture. Good place to winter cnttle; plenty of iiattire. Ktrnw and hay; good water and shelter. Add rem 3. II. WINDOM, Culver, Or. 9-lOtf Buy your Shoes of J. E. Stewart & Co. Half-soling ladies' and children's shoes 50c a pair: men s 5c to $1 at Wilson's Shoe Shop, next door to Journal oflice. r r.ii-.' s. n r wa n km 9-j ha sb n,i m ;TMEVNE.W T-'y&E'?--' V-Jv.TflPERANCE. BREW V.'.il Jy--c It's wholesomo 'i MkCX It's pure I pure It's good For sale at all ieading temperance drink stands. Gtjabanteed 2iON-lNTOXlCATINO HOBTH PACIFIC BREWING CO. ASTORIA, OREGON Nutlee for PuMicelioa. I Not coal land. I Ik r.irlmenl of the interior, f. S. l.ind Otllce nt The pulles. Or.. Auifusl 7, 1U0S. Notice Is hereby (riven that KUuson A., nf I'rineville. oremin. who, on July 'J. V made llonii si. ad Kntrv ;.erliil No. ISKiMj No. l-'sIS, for MW'4, ti-n, tp hi . r II e. w. m., has tiled notlie of lutein Ion to make mini flve ' proof, lo establish claim lo the hind idHive iti s-. rdied, iM'lore Warren llrown, counlyel' rk, at Ills oilier nt l'lineville, Ore gon, on the llltl day ofOetolier, I IW I'lHlniMiit na!it'awltnees: I'arl ('. HrlJt, William .1. I'ai.cuke, Samuel K. Mhi pard. and Chan, s 11. Kosli r, ull or I'rineville, or. u"'ti. u-lil) C. W. Mihikk, Heavier. THE HAMILTON STABLES (llorscsliooin in Connection) J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor i'KtNi: ii .i.r, oKi:t;o.N Slock bonrdetl by tb day, wn k or mouth at Kcasoiutblu rutiH. KitneinlHr tin when in 1 riiitvilltf. Uatk KK.isoNAr.i k. Wo liavo Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Notice for Pub'iratioa. (Not Coal t.aml) IVpartmeiit of the Interior, I". S. Land Ollice, ut The Dalles, Or. July "N, lt"UH. Notice i hereby given that William ti. lluKour, of Prinevill, lregon, who, on July "H, PHIS, nui'le tiinlH-r and ttone ap.lica- tion No 0:WI. for SK.'j NKH- K and SW, S1'4, Sec 14. Tp 1 IS, U IH E, W .M.lins hied noticed lilts ntion to make linn! limber and stone proof, to estalc hsh claim to tin land above described. before Warren Ilrown, county clerk, at hisolllceat I'rineville, Or., on the 10th day of Octolier, l'.'o t laimniit n.imcs at witnesses: liachielbiH E. Jones. Juhn W. Hitter, Thomas O'Kelly. Albert Scard, ull ol I'rineville, Oregon. K-tip C. W. Moons', liegister. Notic for PulUcstioa (Not Coal Land.) Dvliartmeiit ol the Interior. IT. S. Land Olllce ut The Dalles Or., Aiiitusl 2t, p.rit. Notico Is hereby given that II. KiiKeiic liittins, of Portland, orri;oii, who, on March Report of th condiliua of The First National Bank Of Prineville, !nn and Mmsiiiuls t'lllled Hlntes Itollds Itank 1 rvmlses I'ne from bank cash on baud Kcdeuiplhiu fuud fluilTAn At tlx clot of buine.e July IS, 1003 litxn m i:h capltnl Hiisrlt I w.cmoiw r.'in.'i'' n ,, U.'sU Ifl ,. I2.VSI tfi . I.S.scll Stl . . to 1A 00 till.. 1. 19 00 B. F. AlUn. Pr4dal Witt Wui.w.d.r. Vico Pr.iirt.nt Hurpltu and undivided prultte ftV1"J M rlri'ulwtlon .'o Individual tr.olt t.M "I Dividend, unpaid " ,u tl 'A.IW ifl T. M. C.1J-1.. CufcUr II. luldala. Au't CubUr Notice of Administrator's Sale of l-and. Notice is hereby uiven that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County, made on the Hth (lay of September, Hsf. in the matter of the estate ot r red 1'. Ainler-on, deceased, t e undersigned, the ailmisistra tor of said estate, will sell at puhlfc auc tion to the highest bidder for Cash, (iobl Coin of the United States, and tuhjeet to confirmation by the said County Court, on Saturday, the 1tli (lay 01 octoia r. puis, ut ten o'clock In the loienoon, at the trout door of tne county court house in I'rine ville, Oreiron, all tne riant title and interest of the said 1'red P. Anderson at the time of bis death and all the right, title und interest the said estate has nc mireil other than orin addition to that of the said j'red P. Anderson at the time ol Ins death, in all that certaih p'ece or parcel of land sit uate, lying ami oeing 111 tne county 01 Crook, State of Oregon and more particu larly described as follows to-wit: The southeast quarter ol the southeast quarter of section eight, and the sout 1 half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section nine in township fifteen south, of range twenty east of illamette Meridian. Terms ami conditions of sale: Cusli, gold coin ot the United States. Dated September 17, l!s. M. R. Ki.i.iott, Administrator of the estate of Fred P. Anderson, deceased. !M7 Noli for Publication. Not coal land. 1 is rartment of the Interior. U.S. band oitlccBtTlie Hal lis, Or.. AuKllst Z', llS. Notice Is hereby given that Solomon K. Messlnger, of Ijimotita, Oniron. who. on N'ovemlier 8, hi, mule Homestead Knlry Iseriul No. C7-i No. Wi(i7. for H'i NK'4, N!..HKs. N K1 tSV si e. 21, IP 11 s, r II e, w in, has tiled notlee of Intention b make Hnal flve jear proof, to establish claim lo the land aliove d' -erlia'd, la fore Warren lirown, county ele rk. at his olliee. nt Prineville, Ore Kon, on the lltli day ofOelola r. irsw. (!,. iii.o.t uoit'4 as wn.nesi.en: ahwo i. Scales, Samuel I. Pierce and James i.. sieH sliiK.'r. all or l-amoiila. Oregon, und Joint JU lb Ifri. h.ofO Nell, Oreiton. II Hip O. W, Mookk, HCKisuir. For Sale by SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oiegnn for Crook county: C. J. Johnson, Ii. A. Jiooth, lirtice (!rny and O. C. Gray, partners, doing business in the firm name of Johnson, liooth itt Co pluiiitill's, vs. John A, Kgan and James W. Euan, defendants. To James V. Egan, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear nml answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and suit, on or before the last day of the time prescribed in tin order for publication, male herein, to-wit theHthday ol October, 1!oh. and if vou fail so to answer for want thereof the plain till will apply to the Court for the reliei prayed tor in their complaint on lile herein to-wit; a decree foreclosing the mortgage described in plainmrs complaint and an order for the sale of the land described in said mortgage for the payment of that certain promissory note executed by the defendant, James W. Kgan wherein he promised, four months from the 8th day of May. 1!5, to pay to the order of plain tiff! Eour Hundred Thirteen Hfi-lOOths Dollars with interest ut the rate of ten per cent per annum Iroin the Nth day ot .May V.m, together with 850.00 attorney's fees and the costs ami disbursements of this suii. This summons 1b served upon you by order of the Honorable II. C. Ellis, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Crook county, dated the 27th day of August, 190X, and the date of the first pub lication IwiitK the 27th day of August, lims and the date of the last publication will expire on the 8th day of October, 11108. M. R. Elliott, 8-27 Attorney for riaintilFs, Notice for Publication. (Not col land.) IV partmeiit of the Interior. U. S. iJind Olllue at The Dalles, Or . Hcplembcr 21, 1U04. Notice Is Ik rehv xlven tint Kloyd A. Itowell, of Prlnnvllti' llretfOn. WllO. Oil MllV . I'IJ made oinestead Kntry merlin ? "'i no. l'l-;' for 'tsiK'i. K'iHW 'A. seollon NliieU-en, 1 e. W. M., has i.i mil iKiif Itttelltlon to ITIIIKIT lllllll live year nroof. to cstalillsh claim to the land iihove di serlls'd, hefore the I'ounty t;lerk, at his olliee at Prineville, Ureifou, on Ihe at It davof Sovemlier, 190s. Claimant names ns witnesses: Ilenry L. Parry, V llllam H. Kechn and John II. (irav, all of Prineville. Or.noll, und William it. Post. of Post, Oregon, o-lllp C. W. M(KitK, lb-slater. U, P', made Timber and Stone Application Sil t',;; for SK'.SW'i, SW'4Ni;.', und and N 1 ,SK','. sec iS, tn l.'i s, r Is e, w in, has hied notice of intention to make linut timber ami stone proof, to c-ubli-'h cl iiui lo the hind above desenbed. lafore the Itegisiter and Uec-iver of the United States Land Olliee. ut The Dalles, Oregon, oil the Uth day of November, llsi. t lalmant names us witoes-es: joiiu vt . Hitter, llyroti l ady and U. K. Jones, all of I'rineville, Oregon", nml lieorge N. lludy, of Portland, Oregon. 8--.7p C. W. Mooiik, Register, n Li r i LJ r t t-'J r 1 u J r i l- J rt l J r t LJ r 1 k J r t LJ r t LJ r 1 LJ r i i'J r, n W'J r i LJ r i L'J r 1 L .1 Notice for PnMicitioa (Not Coal I.nnd.) parlinent of the Interior. Y . ieitid Olllce at The Dalle, Or., August 21, PJO-t. Notice ia hereby given that tieurge N. Rudy, of Portland, Oregon, who, on March I), I!Wtj, made Timber and Stone Application No. 4.'.70. for NK!jSW'!, SK'NWl,' and Lots 3 and 4, sec 4, tp 10 s, r 18 e, w in, has filed notice of intention to make html tim ber and stone proof, to establish claim to the land phovu describe. I, before the Itegisierand Receiver of the United Stales I.nnd Olliee. at The Dalle", Oregon, ull the bth day of November, plus. Claimant miinei as witnesses: If. KiiL'cne liittins, of Portland, Oregon, und John W. Ritier, Hymn Only und 11. 1 Jone, all of Prineville, Oregon, S-'Jip C. W, .Moouk, Register. Notice for Ptihliciition. (Not coal hind.) Department, of the Interior. V . H. I jind Olllce at The Indies, Or., August 'J, W. Notice Is hereby given that Austin Klzer, of Prineville. On-Koti, who. on July 7tb, , made lliiuiemeiid A tqil leal loll Herlal No. 07a7! No. lis"i, forH'jVV!!i, sce:i'2, tp 17 s. r 18 and l.-ils 1 and 2, sec , tp 18 s, rise, w m, has filed iiotie.-of ttienlon. to make fluid five year prnor, lo establish claim' to the land above deserlls-d, before Warren Hi-own, coun ty clerk, ai bis oflice ut Prineville, Oregon, on the l.'lih day of October, 11" w. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas -I. Feriueimn, Mini ford 1). Nv. Dick Mulhol laml and John MUllorn, all of l'lineville, or. !)-lnp C. W. Mooiik, Ib-Klster. V. Notice for Publication (Nntnnnl land.) ls-partinent of the Interior. K. bund Olllcx; ut The Dalles, Or., August iv, mi". Notice is hereby elven that John MUllorn, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on July s. Vwrt, made Homestead Knlry Horlal No. (i:-rl No. Huti. for NW'-iNK!, and HK'nNNVU seer.', tp lss, r 18e, w m, has nied notice of Intention to make final five-year proof to establish claim to the bind above deserllied, lafore Warren lirown, county elerk, at bis olllce, at I'rineville, Oregon, on tho lUtli day of October, laus. ( laiuiant names ns witnesses: Thomas .1. Kergm-son, Manrord I). Nye. Dick Mulhol lund.und AuHlIn Klw-r, ull orPrinevlllu, Ore gon. U-jiip C, W Moohr, Iteglster. Notice of I'imtl Accounting. Notice is hereby given that Oeorge W. P.ailey has maiteand bled his final iiccounl, ing of Ills administration or the eslute of U V. Halley, ileee.-ied. and that. Ib Court, has set November, l'.'8, at the hour of 1" o'clock In the forenoon, nt the county court room In Prineville, Oregon, ns the tlmo and place of settlement of said final accounting. At which tlmo and place any person Interested In said estate may appear and object to said final accounU sng. OBOKIIB W, lUtl.F.y, Kveentor of the estate of D. V. 11''"' deueused. "I" S'llinmoiis. In the circuit court of tho itale of Ore gon, for Crook county. H -rllia White, plaintiff, vs. James V, White, defendant. To James F. White, the nbove-nninod defendant In tho iiitmii of the. Mute of Oregon you nre herety required to ap p ar and answer tho complaint lilei! Hgainst you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court on or he fori the 10th day of October, HHI8; an I if j'ou fail eo to answer for want thereol, the plaintiff will take a decree against vou for the relief prayed for in the com plaint, to-vt it : For a judgment against von fjr tho costs and disbursements ol thiH suit : and for a decree ol the above entitled court that the marriage con tract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant bo rescinded and an nulled; that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the pluintilt and defendant be annulled and tiii'minated nml that the plaintiff be granted an absolute divorce from the dofendurit; that the plaintiff be allowed to tuke her former name of Jtortlu Watkins; that tho plaintiff be allowed counsel fees and suit money as tho court may tteem proper, and for fcuch general relief as may bo just. This summons i.s served upon yon by rtiblicHtion thereof in the Crook County Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published ut I'rinevillo. Crook county, Oregon, which is hereby designated as the proper paper to give you notice, for a period of six full con secutive weeks, commencing with the issue of August 27, A. I). l'.tlM, by order of tho Hon. II. O. Kllis, Judge of the County Court of Crook county, state of Oregon, made and entered at chambers this 17th day of August, A. D. KICH. 8-27-Ow C. c. mux, Attorney for Plaintiff. The O'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRI NEVILLE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c und Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Cnrrvlnif n choUu nt Uclloti of fine candy, rlKnr, oriuiuon, leinoim, etc. Olve lis) n cull. LJLjLJb SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. VL.JL.JL.JLJ1.JL.JLJLJLJL.1LJL.JLLJI. J Tho place to pave money on your Grocery purchases ia at J. E. Stewart & Co. 'a. It's easy to reach North Beach Take Steamer POTTER from Portland Piiirnrri are aew trantferrctl to the railroad at MECLER feurleca nilei op ibe Columbia River front Ilwaco. Tbit elintaalri the aeceitity of ileimtn wailiof for Ibe tide aad iaiurea a prompt and regular Summer Schedule Tho Steamer T. J. POTTER leaves Porllaml every morning except Saturday and Sunday at 8:30 o'clock. Saturday only at 2 o'clok P. M. Remember tho Summer rate on the O.R.& N. is $12.00 from Shaniko to all North Reach points and return; good until September 30th. North lleiieh Isa fflmnus.'bcnntlfiil place tho inol per fact beach on tho whole Noriti t'niist. There urn Bccoiauioilatliuis galore nt prleea to suit all tastes; camping facilities without i(unl-perfect bathing conditions! ull aorta id sniusi-iaeiita and diversions. Coiiib, have a good rest und a Jolly lime, l-t us send vou our new Hummer book, and tell you all About MillTI! liKACU. 7 2lf E. J. WILSON, Local Agent, Shaniko, Or. WM. McMURRAY, (Jenerul I'tiHsenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. 1 For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands DESCHUTES VALLEY WHITR H. F. JONES Redmond, - Oregon Willow Creek Lumber the left in tho county for Bale by A. II. Lippman & Co. Pedigreed Stock H H O n i i ru q i oianci uunas q Duroc Jerseys q Black Langslian Cliickcns E. C. PARK REDMOND, OKKUON t H n i & ft Li LJ r.i LJ M L J n t-J tl r.i LJ r.i L J r. i LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i LJ ri L J i HPS