Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 24, 1908, Image 5

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T. It. Throup of I'luilliwi wn here
V.'V. Monroe of ('rim Key wn
here Ttlcmliiy.
J. II. CIuvimkiI nl HUtcr imlil n Vl.
It here, Mundny,
Mm. Naomi Kiihitiiiin of Huliin I In
(he c ity on IhihIiii'xm,
A. TtimtiNMii of Axliwoixl wnn n
liH'tll vldltnr Tin-mlny.
'. V. l.iuidy of IttintM rrKl!criM nt
the I'rlnevllle hold Tiii'Nduy.
I W, Mel 'n fiery nnd wife were
here (ruin Itcil mi mhI Tui'Miltty.
Ml) Ciitherlmt Cutiwiiy, tint IiIkIi
m-houl tenchcr, cniiic. In Krldny,
W. J. llljrhtmvcr mid J. N. MuHtnn
ciiiiim (town fr.nii Kuxlaiiil Tnewliiy.
II. ('nun, wife nnd ilituuliU-r ol
Criwa Key win- In the city 'I'licmliiy.
iciirne Nleveiw nixl family of sin
ter hnve moved f I'llncvlllo fur the
I'ny Chit wo'mI mul Irn I'mtonof
(IrlMly were reulHtered nt tlu 1'rlnc.
lllc hotel ilil week.
Ml Kiilln IiiiiMiiiore U vIhIIIiik
imlil the end of thl week with Mix
(Villi) Sinltli ii tin- Ochneo,
('. A. IIiihm'II, Mike Morrl nml A.
l' (jriiiiliiml, nil of I'IhIiim, Montana,
nn tniilnn nt the I'olndejter.
Have V. Harnett of Culver wn In
the illy Weiliienility. He I Intcrented
In the nil well on the went kIo c of
irlxly liiute. The new Star drllllnir
liiiiehliie him nrrlved nt Kliunlko nml
will U put In e ration im Dunn UN It
ran lie luiuleil out,
I.. 1. Hound, n Moileril Woodman
deputy from Wnlla Wnlln, In In the
tity ntlrrhiK up IntereNt In the loenl
cnuip, to miopia
cIiihn of fifty new Wonilmeli oil the
fvenlnif of the hint ilny ol the Crook
county fulr, Oclotu r I".
The Ochoco brlilKeou North Main
Mn-et hint heen Condemned lot miHiife
ly the cliy cotimll. city Mnrtdml
Crook Ii an piiKteil plnenriU on eneh
en. I warning vehicle tn keep off.
I'ropN have lieeil plneeil underneath
to prevent furl her bnckllnir.
Orn Vun Tiinm-I of Mm. Iran wn In
towu Mon. lay. Ilemtv the town of
Ma.l ran I ovrrllow ln w ith rallrua.I
mirveyor at prencnl ; every man one
tee luivluiin trniiKlteto.,ninl Willow
creek canyon In ho thlek with them
thnt nolioily cine can font' a wny
through. Thccroivdl worno than
cm Hroailwny, New York, or ISInte
Mrect, Chkniio.
Mm. J. U. Kdwnrd o( liny Creek
nml Mm. C. K H, Wuo.l of I'ortlan.l,
w ife of the nltoriiey for the bin laud
company, nrrlved here Wednesday In
the I'.d war.lit nuloiiiotille from liny
Creek, where Ml. Wood an.) Colonel
Wood have Imh-ii vlitltltitr. They nre
merely totirlii); the county nml pay
IliU vInIIn to frleuiU. Colonel Wood
lit cxeetcd here In ii day or two.
Wear Insured Sox
Aro yntir anciia imrrdt Our "Unto
pmuf s m.o.ii, Jiurn moolli.
Till la iharfri-
llur iiaira ol "Holeproof" So
for nj It tiny or nil ot llwm
cmnc (u bult'a or it.'.) (Umlntf In alt
niniiiliaw w.U reiilnc. lliuia wllb
now ux j jii.i..
an nvci wnn ontoiutriy
..l c.ilnra, 'I'Iipw will n. t
'crm k." ''riirf nor fn.lo. "IV
prool" 8o do itol ahrlnk nor altficn.
Vou can buy them In Aaaortcd
color .. (luira cl a ik ncj xwlgbt
In boi.
Wonr "HolffprooP Bn onr) tul
y.m will nrwiwMi ny olhor kln.1.
aiiLnioniiHT-mey nr.. gnettitHlrfJ to
virnr l moniha or you uct new ao
HIKK. Lot u adl you Ik today.
J. C Stewart & Co.
John ImvIii of I'aiillini wan In the
city Friday.
J. C. Ltielllntr wiin over from Mad
riiN Tinmlay.
II. A. Ford In on n vlult to liU home
town Of hltlTH.
ItoU-rt It. OlniKtead of I'jtulliiA
wiin u lix'iil culler Friday.
I.iiiik I Iron, have opened ft lillllard
mid pool parlor In the Opera Kaloon
(Irani May lout Junt flulithed IiIn
annual fall round up. He will olilp
127 head to the Portland market.
MlitN JeNitlu MeCullUter left Kitur
day for Halem to accept n pimltlou In
one of the larjf" NtoreN of tho capital
The county hoard of equalisation
ineetN Moin lay, Oetolier 11). If you
huve a kick comliikt K't rendy to de
liver It,
The family of Dr. H. ). Hyde came
home from the viilley the end of the
week and went nt once to tho rauch
uortliweMt of town.
Mr. and Mr. TIioiiiun Khnrp, Jr.,
accompanied ,y Dr. Itottciilierjj. left
Saturday by itutomolillo (or Cort
land. Dr. UoMcntifrK K.tx to per
form iM-vcral NurKlcnl otieratlotiN.
Mr. nml Mi. W. F. King returned
TucNilny from a trip to the liutkle-U-rry
pntch, their convcymico well
laden with dellrloiiN lierrleN. MInn
Lottie Crane returned with them.
Mm. Henry Cudlu find daughter
ltuliy left Monday (or CorvalllN,
whiro MImn Cadlu will attend the
OreKon Agricultural College. They
were lU'compnuled on far iin Khanlko
hy Mr. Cudle.
Itev. J. D. lwcllcn and family,
who will occupy tho Mclhodhtt par-
Hoiiuge, arrived here from l'emlleton
Tuendny evening. Itev, C. A. lloum l
and family leave for Dayton, Wtwh.,
In a day or two.
Itev. J. T. Moore returned thU
week from FokhII, where he preached
Sunday. The coming Sunday he cx
pectN to preuch at Iteud. UU Hon
I.uther linn nrrlved Hafely nt ltuckuer
college, Wltchervllle, Ark.
W. H. Mo Parian. 1 and family got
hack the (Intt of the week from a hU
wwlw' vlnlt to Willamette valley
point, where they vlNlted relatlven
nnd frlemU. They cniuo home well
ladened with fruit mid berrle.
Thert will lie no preaching nervlce
at the rnnhytcrlan church next Sun
day on account of the union meeting
nt the Met hodUt church. The Sun
day hcIiooI will meet at 10 o'clock im
UNtial, nlito the ICudcavor Society nt
7 p. m.
Mr. nnd Mi. Arthur IIocHchun r(
Salem nre vlnlt lug relntlvcn here thin
week. Mr. UtHwchiin In court report
er for the atnte upreiue court nml l
enjoying hU annual outing, having
come here by prlvnte conveyance
over the Cawade in.itintalim and arc
to return n little later via the Suu
tlam route.
Sam Hamilton leaves next Monday
with ix baud of Delaine Merino liucks
for Lakevlew, where ho will dlnpove
of them to rancher of Lake county.
Them) Hheep are nN lino a lot im ever
went out of Crook county. Mr. Ham
ilton will travel by way of llend nnd
Sliver Lake. William Sherlock of
I'aUley bought 150 Hamilton bucks
a week ago.
MIhh Oarard nml MInn HeiiHlIp, two
tenchei chonen n ri'preHentatlveN of
tho National Kducntlonal Movement,
nre In the city for n abort time to
CNtnblUh tho work here. Their work
In of especial Interest to every pnrent
nnd teuchcr, nml the lad leu nttk co
operntlou on the part of local cltlxetm
toward n broader education nud
higher ldeala.
J. W, lloone returned from Port
land the 11 mt of tho week.
K. 11. Knox nnd Cain DavU were
down from Font Saturday.
Max Wurtwcller nud Harold Bald
win thU week IioiikIiI KSO lirriN of
land from F. M. I luff man of Culver.
The foroNt Mervlcc annouuceN the
nppoliitment of Koliert J. McCann of
Kend hn forcHt guard on the Dcn
chub national fortt.
Attorney Ilell nnd wife have gone
to I .u Oraude, where the Judge Iiiin
an Important law rami that will
keep htm there for Nome time.
J. W. (JllchrlHt, Witiley Street, I'.
It. (illchrlHt, L. V. Tlce, Heth Dixon
ami C. A. KtevenNon, nil of l'niillun,
vlHlUfd the county ent theflmtof
the week.
The Journal hn Jimt received the
September numlicr of the UnlverNlty
of Oregon ltiilletln, which treat of
country high m-hool orgnnlxntlon
nml training of tciuiirrn, nud In one
of the inont valuable bulletliiN nreut
ly Imtued by tho unlvernlty for thow;
IntereNted In the betteriucnt of rural
Tho Oregon Journal tliln week
print a threeolumn picture of part
of a herd of fine Crook utoek belong
ing to J. If. Gray of Font. The Cort
land Journal hivn that puckerN nnd
killer who attend the dally xal. nt
thoHtock yanU delight to find the
cIomn of HtiH-k that Mr. (iray HendK,
for he get the top ntuff llkewlne the
top price. While other cow nnd
heifer were not nny too Arm In the
ynrdN nt (2.75 nnd $.1, thone Wnt by
Mr. (irny brought f 1 amid luteniH'
Mr. nnd Mm, C. M. F-lkltiH t'ndercd
a reception to the teacher of the
public mii( ol Saturday evening nt
their home In thin city. Mcmliei of
the hcIiooI board and nevernl otherN
were iiIho pn-nent. Social chat,
iiiuhIc nnd refrenhmentN whlled away
the evening. Among thoxe prewnt
were It. A. Ford, county miperlnten
deiit; 1'rof. K. L. Aidihy, principal of
tho Prlncvllle city mcIiooIh; MIhh FUle
Onhorn, I.oiiIh II. AreiiHiueler, MIhh
Jennie Hartley, MImn Klvah J. Smith,
MImn Hnxtd Caldwell, MIhh Cora
Strelte), J. N. WIUIauiMon, MImn Kate
WlllluuiMon, Dr. and Mm. Itelktinp.
Touring the country In a Great
Arrow automobile, onteiiKlbly bound
for Nevada, where It In reputed they
own a large tract of laud, a party of
four men panned through 1'luevllle
Monday noon bound notith. An
Interview was nought but was
politely refuMed, the leader of the
quartet nylng bin name was John
Ron and that all were from Seattle.
They left Seattle by nuto for Port
land, took the boat up the Columbia
to The DiUIch, from which place they
enmo overland via Sherer'N Bridge
and Shnnlko to Prlncvllle. They left
here headed for Burns, their next
stopping place.
MImn Keott of Portland U veiling
at the home of T. M. Baldwin.
Don't forget the fall dinplay of
ladli' nnltn and millinery nt C. W.
Klkliin. All tho Intent mid Inont up.
to-1ate HtyleN. Lnrgit niutorttiieut
In the city.
MIhn I'eckln MatUon nnd Charhti
II. Wlltno of Lainontii, were married
at Hotel Polndexter Wediiendny by
JuMtlie P.nlph Sharp. They will live
nt Lamouta on the WlltMe ranch.
Morgnn'n orchentrti will give 1U
itecond dnnee Friday night, Keptein
lier 25, nt P. A. A. C. hall. PntroiiN
may dance iin long an they pit-one
thU time, there being Ho midnight
PuinpN nnd ntlll water were frown
tightly thU morning, the tempera
ture falling to 25 di'grccN above fro
during the night. Tuenday moriilng
tho thermometer nglntered 2H de
green, Frwzlng weather thin early
hi the fall In uiiunuiiI In Crook county-
The following Item wnN olfiltted
from tho county court proceedings
ptibllnhed two weeks ngo: In the
matter of wiring the new court
house an order was made, that the
Pioneer Telegraph & Telephone Co.
Is? requested to wire the new court
house for telephone Bervlce, nil leadN
to start from the rear or south side
of the basement, the county agreeing
to pay for the materials and time of
labor for Installing same to the ex
tent of not exceeding I'-'O.
Thron Thronson returned this
week from a prolonged stay In the
Walter A. Foster left today for
Corvalll to take up tils work at the
O. A. C.
M Iss Jessie G ray of the Bonn le V le w
stock farm Is sending the week with
relatives In Prlncvllle.
Kclh Boil in a n of Paulina has leased
tils place for five years and In now on
his wny to the Willamette valley.
Mrs. Fllefson and daughter, MIhs, from Chicago, mother nnd sis
ter of Ollle Ellefson, are visiting in
Prlnevllle. They will remain here a
couple of months.
Wood for sale at J. E. Stewart &
A lot of medium-sized Hams at J.
E. Stewart 4 Co.'s.
Our most convlclng argument In
favor of the Engle Cigar In the Eagle
Cigar itself.
The Billy Buster Shoe for Boys Is
hard to beat. You can get them of
J. E. Stewart & Co.
Knives, Belts
Made in Prinevllle.
"If a thing Is worth dolug at all. It
Is worth doing well." If you handle
cigars, handle good ones, such as we
build, for instance The Eugle, La
Kosn, Ochoco and Ieader.
Fruit Farm For $200,
and a Town Lot Free,
at Beautiful Lakeview.
The oenlnj? of the old Oregon Military
Rind band (J rant through lower bake an.l
Harney roiuitira U tiirnwiiiK uikjii the
market the In-nt ami c!i-n.-t in
Orison. It I" llioOMMirt unity of a lilctiine
fur Or iron people, 'ihere are farm
for aale. In tracu of 1U, 'JO. i'K M, i. oW
and t.UKO a. rea, the all tract nuitahle
for fruit and', tlie large tract for
KraiiiiK- Kcad the followinn eitract from
a letter from (ii-orge Conn, the br-t Unite.)
SlaU-a Miii Ulllce r al Itkrrictr:
'Lakeview, Oregon, June 17, 1M0H. Ore
gon Valley band Co. Gentlemen: In IWiS
I came to Lake county ana am, therefore, !
one of the oldest pioneer. The road
etahlihe.t through the hem fnirtion of
Southern Ortvon, an.) even in lSii 1 recall
that the grant , in many place, liter
ally covered will) wild plumi, an.l, with
rare eireptiona, these imtunil fruit have
home fruit every year since, not to iiieak
of the planted aiid cultivated fruits, which
poaaens a remarkable flavor and have thriv
en iuiU) a lucccaafully. Of late year,
pernap. tne runga, especially along the
MiliUiry lioad, haa been graied too closely;
(till, if fenced, it reproduces very rapidly
and constitute a country which, even il
uaeit a in the pavt, chiefly for sUK-k, en
able thoc who follow that business to
become independent in a short time. Of
course, at that early rate, and until about
1.SH5, the natural grasses were over knee
deep and covered the great bulk of the
grant, and if protected this ame condition
would return. Yours truly, George Conn."
Don't mbe" the opportunity to become
ownrofa piece of good Oregon land. You
won't have to spend a lifetime grubbing
C. A. Josict, Bend, Oregon,
Agent for Central Oregon.
Money to Lend.
Money to lend on Improved real
estate. Inrjuire at Journal office.
Winter Pasture.
Anyone wanting cattle or horses
pastured or wintered, please cull on
Col. F. Smith, Lamouta, Or. 0-24
Notice to Creditor.
Perrons owing the C. L. Salomon
estate are requested to settle by the 20th
of October. This is imperative.
Was. Naomi Salomo.
9-24 3t Administratrix.
CarpeU to - Weave.
I am prepared to weave carpets at the
following prices: Plain, 20c per yard,
strid 2-jc per yard ; rugs 35c.
9-21-lm Fkankie Lehbwah.
AH kinds of sportsmen's
Supplies. Shotgun sheils
loaded to order. Powder
shot, shells and reloading
W. F. Tiwh
Wanted to Rent A Piano
A rellalde person would like to
rrnt a piano. No small children.
Apply at the Journal ollice. 9-24
Hogs for Sale.
Hoirafor unle, all hIzcii; imitilre of
J. K. Vilnon, the Hhot tnaker, or K. I).
lltion, l'nneville, Or.
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
C,We occupy two floors 65 by too feet, have a $20,000 equipment,
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls
for office help than we can meet. Our school admittedly leads all
others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution.
C&lld Business Man t " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough
work. It will win out in the end." Said au EJucatori "The quality of instruc
tion given in your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest"
COpen all the year. Students admTttedfaTany time. Catalogue free.
References 1 Any bank, any newspaper, any business man to Portland.
Mata & Craaa (aires
Scsm! Booka
Cumti Sappiie
Wn hper
D. P. Adamson & Co
Miaiul fantrBBcat
M lt't
Lewnev' Castle
Ciftr '
$ull and Complete
P. Adamson Sl Co
Lntwinym icrt war? -geaoir-aFn
Agents "Holeproof, Hose
Six Months Guarantee
Agents "Mayer" Shoes
The Shoe That Wears
A Feature in Mayer
Shoes zr
All Mayer Shoes are now
made with full vamps
which insures against rip
ping across the toe caps.
This is a feature that is not found in a
great many other lines of shoes.
The Mayer Shoe is one that
will stand the knocks
Prices named in this column are
for Saturday, Sept. 26th, only
The old standby, special, per bar .
A few cases left in these goods; Bartlett Pears,
Apricots, Muscat Grapes, Plums, special per can 25c
In the Extra Standard fruits also we have a few
cases left which we are offering at a price that
should be attractive. You can't afford to put up
fresh fruits when you can buy good can fruits at
this price. All kinds Raspberries, Strawberries,
Apricots, Etc., special per can 20c
In our dry goods department we offer a good
grade of Cotton Toweling, regular width, a 10c
quality, special for Saturday, per yard
We have just received a big shipment of
Blankets, both wool and cotton. In wool we
have Silver Gray, Vicuna, and Mottled.
In cotton, White, Gray, Brown and Striped.
We have them in both light and heavy weights
and prices reasonable.
Store comforters that are different from
what you generally see. A nice, soft cot
ton filling, good size.
$1.50 and $1.85
SE233ES3BB3 t-frlWK,vlt.;W., paramagresrareg j