Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 24, 1908, Image 2

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Fair Attendance in All Grades, Many Ncwj
Teachers, School Building inadequate
School opened here Monday with
fairly good attendance find all
teachers at their posts. In other
parts of Crook county most of the
pchools likewise began this week,
though in rome districts school h is
locn in progress from one to two
weeks. The tkies were f railing al
ipost as prtt ily as the children,
the iir was just crisp enough to
impart vim into the legions of
education and after all pupils had
been enrolled they felt able to cope
successfully with another year of
Enrollment in the city school
Monday, the first day, was 165,
divided as follows: First grade 25,
second 22, third 20, fourth 21, fifth
3, sixth 17, seventh 17, eighth 20.
By Wednesday the enrollment had
increased to 172. Others will come
iu later.
Enrollment in both schools the
opening day is always small, and
it takes nearly a month to see all
pupils in their seats.
A majority of the teachers are
here the first time this year, though
. several have taught at Madras,
Dend and other county points in
past years. Nearly all are experi
enced teachers, and these without
previous tutorship are eminently
fitted for their duties as graduates
of recognized seats of learning.
Prof. E. L. Afhby, principal of
the Prineville school and teacher
of the eighth grade, is a graduate
of Western Maryland college at
Westminster, Md , and comes here
from Oakland, Md., his home
This is his first year in the chair,
but he is well-fitted for the task
and already has won the confidence
and esteem of his score of pupils.
Miss Elsie Osborn, teacher of the
r c venth grade, is a graduate of the
'rook county high school. This is
1 ( r first year.
Louis H. Arensmeier, sixth grade,
has taught at Paulina and other
county schools but makes his initial
bow in Prineville this fall.
Miss Jessie Hartley, fifth grade.
comes here from Madras, where
she formerly taught.
Miss Elva J. Smith, fourth grade,
is also from Madras, and this is
her first year here.
Miss Hazel Caldwell, third grade,
come . here from her home at Bend.
where shs used to teach. She is a
graduate of Monmouth normal.
Miss Alwildi Wilson, second
grade, taught for six years at Al-j t
bany and has been a teacher in
the smaller towns of Crook county j jKS
1 Cko I,..! i J
had large experience.
Miss Cora Slreitel, first grade,
taught the same class here last
year and is no stranger to the local
Very inadequate are the accom
modations for the first and second
grades, the pupils of which classes
are housed in buildings on B street.
In the old bank building, where
the first grade is, there are no win
dows on the east side; in the Odd
Fellows building, where the second
grade pupils are, the room is
lighted by only three small win
dows, poorly placed, though the
room is fifty feet long. Such ac
commodations are barnlike and
woefully inadequate to the school
needs of Prineville.
The high school faculty is well
known. Prof. M. B. Hockenberry
needs no further commendation or
introduction here.
Miss Catherine Conway, teacher
of Latin, was here last year.
Prof. J. F. Blanchard, who last
year was principal of the graded
city schools, is instructor in science
and mathematics.
Miss Rose Parrott, from Rose
burg, teaches English, American
literature and history.
Shoes Shoes Shoes
Here are our red hot prices for
Ladies Shoes for September
$4.00 nil go at $2.90
3.50 all go at 2.65
3.00 all go at 2.35
2.50 all go at 1.90
2.00 all go at 1.50
This includes our entire line of
Ladies Shoes and Oxfords.
None reserved, buy all you want.
These prices are for cash only.
Foster ik Hyde
Evangelist Is Here.
Union evangelistic services
opened Wednesday evening with a
very representative congregation
of both men and women. The ser
mon was preached by Rev. J. D.
Lcwellen, new pastor of the M. E.
Church. The evangelist, Rev. C.
R. Haudenschield, is in the city,
and will preach this evening, and
Rev. Housel Preaches Farewell Sermon
Sunday, September 20, was the
last public appearance in the local
Methodist pulpit of Rev. C. A.
Housel as pastor and, as was an
ticipated, the outgoing clergyman
bade bis congregation farewell in a
few well chosen words. Next Sun
day the new pastor, Rev. J. D.
Lewellen, who arrived this week
from his late charge at Pendleton,
will preach morning and evening
at the usual hours.
Although Mr. Housal confined
his sermon principally to a Bibli
cal text, he interspersed the few
remarks which custom dictates to
an outgoing minister. He said,
first and foremost, that his people
had his very best wishes, hopes
and prayers for the well-being of
the church and its work in the
community. He then commended
his successor as a very worthy and
capable man, recommending the
people of the Methodist church in
particular and those of all local
churches as a whole, to rally to his
support, morally and financially.
Mr. Housel then spoke for a few
minutes on the conference at Wen
atchee, Wash., saying it bad been
ably and fraternally administered
by the new moderator, Bishop
A number of local parishioners,
as always, were hoping that Mr.
Housel would be returned. He
a?ked them to forget their disap
pointment and unite in support of
the incoming minister, Mr. Lew
ellen. Mr. Housel will leave in a day
or two for the scene of his new
labors at Dayton, Wash. His de
parture has been delayed some
what by the health of Mrs. Housel,
which is not of the best.
Horse Lost.
Gray mare, branded 24 on left shoul
der; strayed from Barney place on Mill
creek; informalion wanted leading to
recovery. Address Aethcb JIiskleu,
l'rineviile, Or.
Dillon Feed Yard Open for Business
The Dillon Feed Yard is again open
for business. Good grain and alfalfa
hay on band. Careful attention given
to all teams left in my care. Good pi
ture five miles below town.
9 17 lm B. F. Wilhoit, Prop.
Redmond News.
Rev. C R. Haudenschield.
September 20.
Several of the Redmond ladies
celebrated their birthday Wednes
day of the past week. Mrs. Mc
Clay, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Khret and
Mrs. Miller were those who were
joined in the evening by some of
their friends at the confectionery
where a pleasant time was had.
Numerous present were received.
J. E. Lamb and sons will make
a trip to the Madras country this
week for feed.
The Ladies Aid Society held a
! very pleasant and profitable meet
ing with Mrs. Landes last Thurs
I day. Much work was accomplished
j and business transacted. Refresh
I ments were served. The next
j meeting will be with Mrs. Tinsley
jatO'Xeil. Announcement will be
! made Sunday of their next social,
preparations for which are already
under way.
Mr. Dietzcl of the Madras Mill
ing Co. was a caller in this neigh
borhood the past week on a busi
ness visit lo Silver Lake.
Mr9. Manderscheid has returned
from an extended visit to Okla
homa. Ber.nie McCa fiery and wife have
returned to Redmond from travels'
extending over several months,
bringing Miss Bennio with them,
Last Monday Neighbor Smith
went lip to Sisters to look after the
enirine lor the sawmill. Today we
see him home ngain, whether tem-
porarily or permanently we did not
W. E Young has gone with bin
family over the mountains for
fruit. E. C. Pauk.
every evening following until the
close of tho meeting. Next Sun
day three meetings will be held,
all in the Methodist church, com
mencing at 11 o'clock, 2:30 and
7:30. There will be no preaching
services in the other churches of
the city, although each will hold
regular Sunday 6chool services.
To the
Having purchased the business of Wurzweiler & Co.
we will continue the business along the same generous
lines, giving the best value possible for the least
money, and we earnestly ask a share of your patron
age and assure you that your money will be cheerfully
refunded if ryur purchase is not in every way
We are not strangers to the shopping public, but have
served a large portion of the trade of this section for
the past five' years7and we believe that with our
knowledge ofithewants and needs of the trade we
are serve you.
Our fall stock is coming in daily and within a short
time we will have as complete and up-to-date stock as
can be seen in Crook County and our prices are as
low as the lowest, quality considered. All our stock
will be marked in plain figures and before placing
your order for fall and winter supplies call and get
our prices and we will endeavor to demonstrate to you
that we are here to serve the public at "Live and let
live" prices. Watch this space from now on for fur
ther information, and keep your eye on our prices,
they will always interest the most careful buyers
Lively-Jordan-Lanius Co.
Best and cheapest line of
heaters in tho city nt
ru (tin
m m x
Dili Hun Oo.
Our new fall patterns of wallpaper have arrived. We have
a number of remnants of the best selling spring patterns,
just enough for one or two rooms of a pattern. We have
set these aside and now offer them at less than manufac
turers cost. Eight and ten cents per double roll, for many,
regular prices up to sixty cents per double roll, with borders
Johnson's Semi-Porcelain Pieces
Cut one half, must be closed out. See our show windows
and bargain counter.
is erecting a plant at
for the manufacture of their
world famous
for water, oil, gas, etc., etc
A moderate amount of
money will start yon In
a profitable buaineBB.
have been proved by
Competitive Testa to be
The Hcst In The World.
For full particulars regard
'ing well drilling machines,
tools, supplies, etc., write to
Notice of Adminiitrator't Sale of Real Property
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance
of an order nf the countv court of the Btiite
of Oregon fur Crook county, niwle on ttie
8th day of Hrptemher, WOK, in the mutter
of the estate of Commodore Cur
roll, deceased, the undersigned, the
administrator of naid estate, will eeJl
at puhlic auction to the highest
bidder, for cah, gold coin of the United
Ktutes, and subject to confirmation by said
county court, on the Oth day of October,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the
frontdoor of the county courthouse in
l'rineviile, Oregon, all the right, title and
interest of wild 'Commodore Carroll at the
time of his death, and all the right, title
and interest that the Bftid estate has ac
quired other or in addition to that of the
said Commodore Carroll at the time of his
death, in and to all that certuin parcel of
land situated in the county of Crook, state
of Oregon, and more particularly described
as follows, to-wlt: The nouth half of the
southeast quarter of section nineteen, and
the west half of the northeast quarter of
section thirty, all in township thirteen
south of range nineteen east of Willamette
Terms and conditions of sale Cash, gold
coin of the United States.
Dated this 10th day of (September, 11)08.
J. JI. Ha.nkr,
Administrator of the estate of Commodore
Carroll, deceased, IM0
New Fall Goods
Mrs. Estes' TEES'
Corner Second and Main St.
In the Countv Court of the State
Oregon, fur the County of Crook.
In the matter of the estate ofl .it.itli.
Homer M. Street, deceased, f t'll"tlml
To Melissa Street, Augusta Street, Netu
Street, Mabel Street and Virgil Street, and
to all heirs unknown, greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
arc hereby cited and required to appear in
the County Court of the state of Oregon,
for the county of Crook, at the courtroom
thereof, at Prineville iu the county of
Crook, on Monday the Titb day of October,
at 11 o'clock, in the forenoon of that
day. then and there to show caue why an
order should not be granted to the said ad
ministratrix to sell the real estuto of the
said decedent, dpscrihed as follows, to-wit:
tjSW, NWJHWX and hSW. of
section 21, township 11 south, range 10
east. Willamette Meridian: alo tho
NWliSKJi, NEKSKK. Lots 5 and 0 of
section l'J and IxiU 1 and 2 of Hectimi 20,
township 11 south, range 11 cast, Willnm
ette Meridian.
Witness, the Hon. II. O. Kllis Judgo of
the County Court of the State or Oregon,
for the County of Crook, with the seal ol
said court alllxed, this 20lh day of August,
A . D. l'JOH.
8-27 Attest: Waehkn Brown, Clerk.
Rather than carry them over and an the season will
soon close we are offering our entire line of Lawns,
Dimities, Panamas, Dotted Swiss, Batistes, Silk Chiffons,
Organdies and Cotton Voillcs for the next fifteen days
at Just Two-Thirds the Regular Price. These are
all nice new patterns and were bargains at the former
price. Price per yard plainly marked on each piece, but
we take off one-third during the next fifteen days
Read these Prices, then come and
see the exceptional values we offer
Lawns in white and colored, regular lOo values
during sale, per yard CJo
Organdies regular 12o value, during sale, yd 8Jo
Cotton Voilles regular 20c value, Bale price, yd 13c
Batistes regular lie value, salo price per yard 7Jo
Panamas regular 30c yard, during sale 20c
Dotted Swiss regular 33ac yd., during gale 22o
Dimities regular 20c, during fifteen day sale 13Jc
Silk Chiffon regular 35o value, sale price 23o
Clifton & Cornett
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc.
Addrens or cull on
Antelope, Oregon
House and Three Lots for Sale.
Good lioiiHO, JiiHt been repupered,
new Hldewulk built, three lotn, barn,
etc., for Bale at reiiHonablu price. Ail
dlVHH, T. .1. Fhium'hon,
0-aif l'rineviile, Or.
Well Drilling.
If yon are contemplating drilling
a well, any depth, write JOHN
MOOUli, Kedmond, Orego. 9-10tf
Ice For Sale.
Ocod ice for sale, by D. P. Adiimpon
& Oo. H-20
900 Bucks for Sale.
000 SpanlHh and Delalno Merino
BuekH tor wile, 1 and 2 years old;
good condition; prleo reaHonable.
Kor further particulars nddreHH
T. SS. HAMILTON, Ashwood, Or. 0-24