LOCAL MENTION Clmrlli' MvMirn I In town from his homo ni'iir Lruuniita. lion't overlook tho mihi-IuI ailver tlwil ly J. K. Ntowart A. Co. W. H. CiiiiKli'ton n( i'niilliin wna n ImihIiicnm visitor the Inst (if the wwU. Mnroh Audrey, pioiiwr of the IK-. rhiilo, Ik vli.Hliuf n alsler In Port IiiikI Hint ha liud uut xi'ii for 50 j'fiirn. A. A. Mt'Conl wan lnirkoil off a homo Hiitunliiy evening nml hml III collar Imiio broken. Ir, Ik-lknnp rwliireil tin fracture. Hwti OhIhii-ii Imim thrvh1 tin aver ni'i' of 42 IjiikIiHh nf ortta to th acre (in IiIm rn mil near Culver from Kriiuiiil planted on summer fallow. H. (irlmnuil mill funilly of I'aullun inwi through rrlucvlllu Friday en route to The Ihillca, where Mrn. (irliuiiiid nml family w 111 "jK-iid the win d r. H. I Ashliy, who rnino to Trims vlll from iiaklaiid, Mil., to take r hit wo of t ! clly m-linoln tu princi pal, arrived Siimlay. He will tie on hand when achool ocu next Mon day. Homer Ward Kiioi, for nwtny yearn n resident of Crook county but now eiiKHKi'd In thu hp IndiiHtry nt I'rnlile City, (Irant county, wik married nt Canyon (Ity a few days nno to MIm KvuIIiio Flock. Mayor Wurswellor hna lieen np piilnted hy Governor Chnuitierlulii a deh'Kitto to thu Trmm MIhmImmIppI CuiUjn which meet nt Hun Fran cisco from (Vtntior 0 to 10. V. II. Nttiut of lleschutoa In also n dole Unte. Next Sunday morning nt the First l'rcnliy tcrlnn Church lr. Punmuorc will HMnk on the mi 1 1 Jit t, "The Ul.J.rt. Duty and Privilege of doing to Church." In the evening n special address to the local IteU kah society will Ih gl veil. ICverybody Invited. The Illue Mountain F.ugle enys that Oltlccr ItroM. will nice their horse " Wade llampton" at the l'rlnevllle fair. The racer wan origin ally hooked for Holne, Idaho, but thin ditto ha teeii aluindoiied In favor of the Crook county meet. ticorgo Meyer left Monday to visit lilMohl home In 1'emiK.vlvuiila. lie expect to lie nwny about three mouths. It la Jimt about eighteen years since (icorge left the parental roof In North F.iiHt, F.rle county, I'a , mid he l prepared to meet all kind of surprises. C. J. 8tiitdiuct, who wiw no severely Injured on the rond south of MadniK three months ago, In villi III bad nliajM. One of the bonea of the leg Ik'Iow the knee that wan crushed by hl freight wngon backing down upon It will have to m wired tiefore It will knit, it will he a year, the doctor think, before he will be able to line It. Wear Insured Sox Are rout nrk ijrWf Our "Hnt rro(' S"rijrilorUraonUia. Thli It ih tummlrr bur l pair ol "Holeproor 8o tnr ROD and II any or all ol Ihem coma to hole or ihhk! darninc lo ill moniht w. will npUeo Iowa wlto dcw o rnt.it. w 1 wsr noieproot Sox. ar. dvd wllh atitnlnt.1 liinl colon. Tlirr will nut "crock." rul'' nor I ml. " llolo proof Soi do sol hrinkBor alraich. Von can buy thatn In orlad eolora tu pain ol a aUa and might In a box. Wear "Hnlaoroor Box ear and you will navar waar any other kind. Hanirrabar (hey are frHltH to wrnr ila monlha or you cat new aos KUKK. Lei ui aell yon a boa today. J. E. Stewart & Co. NEW illKl This week we have received new goods in almost every line. Dress Goods, Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Men's Sheep Lined Coats, Winter Gloves and Mittens, Overshoes and Rubbers, Silverware, Shelf Hardware and Ammunition. Prices in all lines most reasonable. If you don't trade with us we both lose. mmm mix You will find everything in For Comfort Shoe" is the Jfpof JMm. i Wllm Mayer Khocn at J. K. 8 tew art A Co. 'a. The Cove orchard hiui a flue crop of ienche llila frill. J. M. Ilenkle of Orlxily wna In the Ity on bUHlmN Monday. Mayer HIhxh at J. K. Htewart A Co. '. They a re the bent. Mm. C. M. Iledneld of Item) hi vl.lu lug her parent at Condon, MIm Marian Hire left Tuenday tor Cortland to attend a bunlneM col- lege. Ivan I Hale la drlllliig a well for II. 1). Wood at the latter, place near Crooked river. Mm, Oeorge Howan of Duluth, Minn., Joined her buabaml on a homenUad near Culver tide week. 11. V. YVIIholt U the new proprietor of the Dillon Feed Yard. He eollclU a ahare of the public patronage. Dr. Harold Clark hna found an abundance of water at a depth of 00 feet oil hi honieatend near Culver. Mra. Ijitee haa been obliged to piMtpone her millinery opening on account of the non-arrival of tier Koodn. Hlie will announce her open ing day later. l'rof. J nine F. Illanchard, a mem- tier of the high echool faculty, came up from hi liomentead near Madraa yeolerday. He la getting ready for the opening of echool next Monday, Mr. Condon of Denver In the new dry good clerk atC. W. Klklne' etore. Sale In the dry gooda department have been unuaually heavy and the crvlc of an exHrt la required to handle the Hue. The Crook county fair manage ment haa decided to offer two peclal prlxee of 920 and f 10 for the tint and eecond beat collection of farm prod uct, Including grnlna, gratiaee and vegetablea, collected from a alngle voting precinct In the county. Now get In and ruatle. Laat week Mra. A. Cobra of thla city advertised In the Journal for a puree lot on the Khnntlui road. On Tueedny of thla week ahe received by mail from an unknown writer In Cortland the two checka which the puree contained, but the finder coyly retained aome S In cnab aa the aum of hi own reward. County Superintendent Ford got buck from Kaleni yeaterday where he ha been attending a very Kiicccwiful meeting of the county achool an per. Intendenta of the atate. While away Mr. Ford touched elbowa with ttie prominent educator! of the atate and haa eccured their promlHe to lie prea- eutnt the Teuchera Inatltute to be held at rrlnevlllo on Heptember 30 and October 1 and 2. Jeaae Yancey and family returned yeaterday from a vhdt to bla aged pnrenta at Merlin, Southern Oregon. He made the trip by team, going from here to Klamath county and thence ncroea the mountalna. Home 700 miles wna covered by the Journey without a mlnhiip. Mr. Yancey'a father, J. I. Yancey, lived In Crook county fifteen yenra ago, and will lie remembered by many old ploneera. The Ofty-aeventh nnulvcraary of the eoclcty of IteU'knha, auxiliary to the Odd Fellow, will be celebrated by the local aoclety next Sunday. Sunday evening the Iteboknha will march In a body to the Flrat Ireaby. tcrlnn Church where an add rem will lie delivered by Dr. Dunamore.paator of the church. Special munle will be furnlahed. The public cordially In- vlted to the service. A special In vltatlon la extended to the Odd Fellows to attend. Sootoh Fife Wheat. Pur Scotch Fife Seed Wheat for sale. Guaranteed pure. Apply to Jkhmic Winiiom, Culver, Or. U-li-i'm GOODS IN In Our Dry Goods Department staples. New, fresh goods, prices The "Martha Washington For comfort and Service the "Martha best. LOCAL MENTION School Monday, Fay Chit wood of Grizzly was In town Monday. , II. A. lieck of l'ost wa III the city Sunday. Walt Knox of Poet came to town on Haturday. II. K. Moore of Dufur paid thla city a viiit Sunday. C. n. Durkin of Antcbpe dropped lo here Saturday. W. Uoberts of Hay Creek was a local vbdtor Sunday. F. F. Smith of GUt waa a local caller the flrat of the week. J. J. Klllnifer and wife were over from Itedmond Tueaday. Misa Jennie Phillips of Madraa waa a vhritor thla week. Mra. Frank Oiborn of Madraa waa viiitlng in town Saturday. Mra. M. E. Delore and daughter reg Utored at The Friaevtlle Tueaday. Vol Olllcer, the racehnrae man from John Day, arrived in I'rinevilla Mon day. J. S. Bogus spent three days at the county seat thla week. Ilia home it at Roaland. Orrin Milla haa returned to Prineville after epending the aummer at hit home in Buplee. F. O. Minor of Bond arrived in the city Wednesdsy and will remain a few daya attending to buaineaa mattera. E. F. Fryrear of Siatera together with John Schulte of the same locality spent Saturday night at the county aeat. Robert Faasoll, jr., of Bend, a native of England, on Monday made applica tion before Warren Brown to become a citizen of the United State. New Oregon pensioners have been designated at followt by the buiesu at Washington : Joseph Murrell, Prineville, fl2a month; J. W. McCollum, Ash- wood, f 15. Decidedly cooler weather descended on t'rook county luesilay, following thunder showers Sunday and Monday. It was the first real cold anap of the autumnal season, and people are now beginning to think about winter. Heavy rain full in Prineville Wednesday night. The autumnal equinox, or time when the sun passes over the equator on its southward Journey, will take place Sept. 23. Mont people fix the changing of the seasons from summer to autumn to full on Sept. 21, but the 23rd ia the date thla year, the period varying a little annually. Luther Moore, son of the Rev. J. T. Moore, accompanied by hia father, left by team Monday morning for Condon, where he takes train for Witcherville, Ark., In which place be ia to attend a theological seminary for the next four year while studying for the Baptist ministry. Rev. Mr. Moore will ttop over at Fossil, and preach there next Sunday. He will preach again at Bend the lost Sunday in September, and he thereafter expect to preach at Fossil twice and at Bend once each month. "THE SCHOOL Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal C,We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $10,000 equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. XSald a Business Man : " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said an Educator: "The quality of instruc tion given in your school makes it the standard of it kiud in the Northwest" UPpen all the yeac Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. Raferaneeat Any bank, any newspaper, any business man La Portland reasonable Shoe" Washington Mr. and Mrs. W. F. King are expected home tomorrow. Miss Rosa B. Parrottof Roseburg, the new high achool teacher, will arrive by auto this evening. A. II. Kennedy of the Review Is speeding homeward today in Hodjon's auto from Shaniko. C. K. Forsyth, of Castle Rock, Wash., and II. V. Gates, of Hi'.UWo, Oregon, owners of the Prineville Light & Power company, arrived in here Wednesdsy by automobile. There ia no especial sig nificance to their visit other than a gen eral inspection and overhauling of the local works. Preparation ia being mule for the specisl anion meetings to begin Sept 23, under direction of Rev. C. R. Hsi denschitld. All the Prineville chorchet will unite lo these services and all are hopeful for a successful series. The meetings will beheld in the Methodist chnrcb. The track at the fair grounds has been made ready for the fall racing and la now in condition for try out by hor ses entered for the races at the county fair next month. Owners of horse contemplating entries at this meet may bring their horse in at any time now, and a half dozen or so are already in the waiting stables. Ed Hod son returned Sunday from The Dalles in brand new 20-hore power Reo touring car, the fastest machine, he aaya, he ever drove. It weigha 1G50 B and la valued at $1,140. Hodaon got it to sell, but while awaiting a buyer be may keep it in condition on the roads. It is black finished and very pretty. The owner aaya there ia no road in this ccunty good enough to strike top speed with. State Superintendent of School? Ackerman baa issued a state teach er'a certificate to Maude E. Vande vert of Bend, and baa also allowed Prof. J. Alton Thompson, Laidlaw, tbe grade necessary to obtain state papers as soon as he bas bad the required teaching experience in thir stale. The Pa villas are good, very good. Their triple production in tbe Prinevillo opera hall Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights of this week, and their dance without extra admission Wednesday night, were at once meritorious, amusing and entertaining. Furthermore, tbe audiences were appreciative and good-sized, which counts among the assets of an operatic troupe. Another thing, it was all in the family, for father and mother Pa villa have four children of theatri cally usable ages, and all appeared here. .Perhaps that's one reason why they scored such a success, but merit was the principal reason, as always. Prineville hopes to greet the Pavillas and their sweet singing child re h again. Dillon Feed Yard Open for Business The Dillon Feed Yard is again open for business.. Good grain and alfalfa bay on hand. Careful attention given to all teams left in my care. Good pas ture five miles below town. 9171m B. F. Wilhoit, Prop. OF QUALITY"- A GOODS IN THIS COLUMN specia: Saturday, Sept. 19, Fels Naptha Soap 10 bar box .7 55c Gold Medal Coffee This coffee you will find equal to any coffee retailed at 35c. Our special Saturday price per pound 21 c V Ladies' Hose Our entire line of Ladies' 15c Hose special on Saturday per pair 10c LOCAL MENTION You never smoked a milder cigar than the La Rosa. Robert Osborn of Culver was in town Wednesday. W. II. Boies and wife were io from their ranch Monday. C. L. Ream of Post registered at the Poindexter hotel Sunday. M iss Beulah Crooks bas accepted a position in the office of J. II. Hsner. Foster Sl Hyde bare made a big cut in the price of shoes. See their ad. New planking was this week laid in front ol the Prineville city school. Joe Taylor and wife, Miss Daisy McCal lister and brother, Roy Mc Callister, left Wednesdsy for tbe huckleberry patch at Seven Mile mountain. W.J. Hightower, of the High-tower-Smith Lumber company, which operates a mill at Rosland, was in town on business the first of tbe week. Attention is called to the adver tisement for bids on 80 cords of wood which appears elsewhere in tbis issue. The wood is for the court bouse and tbe high school. Rev. C. A. House, pastor of tbe First Methodist church, telegraphs his wife from . Wenatchee, Wash., where he has been attending con ferenco, that he has been assigned for the coming year to the church at Dayton, Wash. His successor in Prineville will be Rev. J. D. Lewellen. now at Pendleton. Oth- er nearby appointments arc: C. L. Lowther, IJend; U. K. Moorbead, Madras. LaterMr. Hou;l came back on today's stage. KiWt Crh laiTt SWI BMfcs Camera SaspUts Jtvrlrr Wall Paps- eJlf jin D. P. Adamson DRUGGISTS LL DEPARTMEN Only The ducks want good Ammuni eon Guns ECniv es, All lands of 'sportsmen's Supplies. Shotgun shells loaded to order. Powder shot, shells and reloading outfits SOLD W. F. An Eye Opener. Smokers find tbe Eagle cigar an eye opener as to quality. Try one and see why. D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS JW and Complete of UPost ; Cards School Supplies: We have everything needed in school supplies, such as Dictionaries, Composition Books, Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Penholders, Chalk, Etc. We have lots of good Blotters, come and get what you want free. We have just added a line of Silverware in and Dessert Spoons, Child s Sets, Berry Spoons, Meat Forks, Etc. Come in and inspect them. Ammunition for the are getting plentiful and in order to get the best results you ammunition. Our Selby Shells can't be beat lar,1,! 'iiBg .Belts BY Horse Lost. Gray mare, branded 24 on left shoul der; strayed from Barney place on Mill creek; information wanted leading to recovery. Address Arthcb Misxlib, Prineville, Or. statical kutraoeais Mafuiaes Ltwatj ' Caadie Sutioaery Cifart 1kg' & Co. Rogers Silverware Knives and Forks, Tea, Table 1 Ducks J. E. STEWART & COMPAN