SALTBUSH IS NOT ALL NOXIOUS WEED Redmond News. Deleterious faltbushes as well a thUtles and other noxious weed are occupying a great deal of at tention right now on the part ol county and state official?, acting in the interest of the farmers of in terior Oregon. In this connection it may be said at the start that all saltbushcs are not weeds. There are some varieties that make ex cellent forage food. This fact is not generally known in Oregon, principally because the only salt biish known to agriculturists of this state is one of the undesirable kind?, unfit for provender, and a weed of stubborn growth which spreads with amazing rapidity. Saltbushos had their origin and thrive in arid countries. The sil ver saltbush which is such a farm pest here is said to have been brought into the county upon the representations made by an eastern seed firm. It was highly recom mended as a forage riant. The stuff proved to be worthless and became so abundant that there is a state law classing it with the thistle and cocklebur as inimical to agriculture and providing pen alties when it is not removed and destroyed. Knowing that Australia was the weaning ground of the saltbusb, H. J. Newsom of Prine villa about a year ago wrote to the New South Wales Department of Mines and Agriculture at Sydney asking for information about, at the same describing, the silver saltbush against which the roadmaster of Crook county is waging war. Walter S. Campbell, the director of Australian agriculture for the British commonwealth, answered Mr. Xewsom's letter very courte ously and also sent him the seeds of three valuable varieties, which l:e still has. Director Campbell's letter, in part, is as follows: I have the honor to inform you that the plant mentioned by you Is probably one of the v inferior salt bushes of this country (Australia), of which there are about 90 varieties, many of which are excellent fodder plants. Many varieties have been Introduced into America and seed is obtainable there. Two ounces each of the following varieties of saltbush have been forwarded to you under separate cover; viz., antriplex luuiu ruularia, antriplex seuiilmecata and antriplex balernoides. The Australian department also sent Mr. Newsom a pamphlet (Miscellaneous Publication 717); telling all about saltbushes, their conservation and cultivation, with pictures of the more important varieties. It forms an invaluable pamplet for farmers in arid regions. C. H. Erickson obtained some of the seed sent to Mr. Newsom arid planted it on his place in Crook county. It is flourishing well and Mr. Erickson reports that his cat tle make for it every chance they get, preferring it to anything else. Caution must be used, however, as too much saltbush acts as a physic, to a stronger degree, it is said, than fresh alfalfa. With this light on the subject, the three varieties rec ommended by the Australian gov ernment are worth trying here. Uedmond. Or, Aus. 30, IOCS. Messrs. and Mesd.-unea Chapman and File pot buck from their outing In the mountain and tall timber after having enjoyed theitiwlve very much. We niisoed reporting them when they wont, c Josne Tuck, George Wtihtl, Civil Wood and another friend took aw outing up tu the Crescent Lake country. They got o deer apiece aud some other game. A. W. Morgan was n returner on today's stase and expressed himself as glad to get back. J. K. Lamb will build on hi lot lu town this tall. ! IVWitt Lamb and family will occupy the K. C. Koby house In towu for the school year. Wm. litioUey wa home today from surveying on the C O. visiting with young Dill. Ed Kennard is working for the C. F. T. Co. at Cline Falls. Ir. Cline Is camped In town and has Ikvu doing onie dental work. Word received from Lou Keed states that they got as far a Shan iko In good shape and exevted to keep on to Washington tu the same way, with their own team and vehicle by easy stages. The Hotel nedmond will soon be under new management, H. M. Smith retiring aud LeRoy Covert taking charge. Roy ha been con nected with the hotel for some time. Jiminle Roy has Joined the ranks of the benedict. Just when he got married or w here or how or whom he married or any of the other details we cannot state. He went Friday morning and will be back when he gets here. We predict that Mrs. Jtmnue isoy will receive as hearty a welcome as he will upon his return. We have an idea that Mr, Norwood's "brother" will con' elude that he does not need the O'Connor house and will let Jim have it. J. M. Spencer with his son and their families have gone to the Willamette to pick fruit. E. C. Pabk. Albert Noble Hurt. Albert Noble, son of (ieorge Noble of Beaver creek, was thrown from a horse Monday and severely injtmd. The young man was je'ting ready to take part in the fall ro dero. He was riding alone about a mile' from home when the cinch broke and his saddle turned. The rider was thrown upon a large boulder, striking on his left side. Ho was knocked senseless for a time but when he regained con sciounefs called loudly for help His cries were heard at the heue and help arrived about an hour after the accident. Dr. Rosenberg was called and after a ride o! 75 miles reached the sufferer. Young Noble was struck between the hip bone and the ribs otherwise some bones would have been broken. As it is it will be some time before the young will be able to get out of bed. BUCKS FOR SALE. 300 IVlalne and Merino Rucks for sale, two-year-old. Will lie at the Alex Pavenport place nimul svpiom lierSth. These are the Tom Hamil ton bucks. IKlif Sam Hamilton. Needs Mail Service. E. A. Parker, who visited this city Tuesday from his home in Bear creek valley, voiced the senti ment of ranchers living along the 125-mile stretch of road between Prineville and Buck creek when he stated the simple truth that the postal authorities at Washington are saaiy neglecting the mans in this wide and productive though remote part of Crook county. The government maintains a postoffice at Crook, 50 miles southeast of Prineville, but furnishes no mai service to the 75 families resident in the district. The ranchers take turns hauling the mail once each week from Prineville out to Crook Prior to seven years ago the gov' ernment furnished a semi-weekly mail service to Crook postoffice but now the federal authorities are unwilling to pay more than wa? paid in the year 1900, when the mail was carried only 60 miles to Milliorn's ranch, whereas now goes to the Barnes place 50 miles away. Several petitions have been sent to the department at Wash ington, D. C , but without avail. REWARD OFFERED. Whereas, our brother. Rev. C. A Housel, has received a letter threat ening personal violence; and, where as, the writer of the same has not been apprehended, the nieinliers of Oehoeo lodge No. 4i, I. (. O. F., hereby offer a reward of $50 for in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons Implicated in the writingand sending of said threatening letter. Com mittke. Buy your Shoes of J. E. Stewart & Co. Frost fell in and about this city after several hard but brief show ers last Friday and Saturday, and there was thin ice in Prineville on Sunday morning. Ammunition, Shelf Hardware and Tinware, Wire Netting, Barb Wire and almost everything in the hardware line can be had of J. E. Stewart & Co. at very reasonable price. Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon Offers collegiate courses in Agiiculture, including Agronomy, Hoitleulture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc. ; Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Civil, Klectrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering; Commerce, Phar macy. Offers elementary courses in Agricul ture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce and Mechanic Arts, in cluding forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, machine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equip ment; free tuition ; opens Sept..25. . Illustrated catalogue with fu'l infor mation on application to the Registrar, free. 8(5-4t House and Three Loti for Sale Good house, just lieen repapered new sidewalk built, three lots, barn etc., for sale at reasonable price. Ad oress, T. . iEKcrsox, 9-3tf Prineville, Or. Willamette University Founded in 1844. New $50,000 build ing tnis year. The College of Liberal Arts has stron brain-deveioping courses. Other course in Oratory, Music, Theology, Education Medicine, Law, ami in the academy. 45 Professors. High quality instruction Mate libraries alforu superior ad van tages. For catalogue address 8-0-6 President F. Homes, Salem, Or TIib Star N Drilling Mine Co. I la erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for ttio manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc., etc, A moderate amoant ot money will itart yoa in a profitable business. STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have been proved by Competitive to be The Be' la ' World. Fox full particulars regard ing well oiillins machines, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. or AKHON. OHIO. Hay for Sale. 200 tons of alfalfa- and meadow- hay for sale. A barxalu If taken within the nest 30 days. Address Sl-3 ltu C I ItoiiKHTs, I'ost, Or. Half-soling ladies' and children's shoes 50c a pair; men's 75c to f 1 at Wilson's Shoe Shop, next door to Journal oflice. of Best and cheapest line heaters in the city at A. H. LIPPMAN & CO.'S Ico For Sale. C.cod ice for sile by l. H. Ailamson A Co. -M CITATION. ol In the Count v Court of tlio Stale Oregon, for the t uuiity oft rook. In the niNttrr of the tate of ;,,,, i.. Homer M. Stm-l. deoraw d. I v "OI To Melissa Strwt. Augusta Street, Net a Slwl, MaM Street n.l Virgil fctrwt, ami to all heirs unknown, greeting: In the name of the Mate of Oregon, you are hereby cited ami required to appear in the County Court of the Mate of Oregon, for the county of Crook, at the courtroom thereof, nt rrineville in the county of Crook, on Monday the lh day or tMotier, l'MS. at tt o'clock! in the forenoon of that dav, then and th 're to show came why a'l order should not Ih granted to the said ad mlnistratriK to sell trie real estate of the said deeihlent, described s follows, lo-wit: eSW'.. NWl.SWH: and KV,SK4 of seeuou '.'1. township 11 south, ratine 10 east, Willamette Meridian; al'o the N"ViSK', NK'.MK1,. bots 5 and 6 of section IS) and Lots I and 2 of Section 'JO, township 11 south, range 11 east. Willam ette Meridian. Witness, tite Hon. H. C. Kllis Judge of, the County Court of the State of Oregon, , for the County of Crook, with the seal of i said court a 111 led, this SXli day of August A. D. WW. tW7 Attest: Waiikx 1'rhvs, Clerk. NEW 900 Bucks for Sale. 900 Spanish and IVlalne Merino Bucks for sale, 1 and 2 years old; tfood condition; price reasonable. For further particulars address T. S. HAMILTON, Ashwood. Or. Wilson's Shoe Shop I have opened up a shoe shop In Prineville in the MeCallister building, on Main street near the Oehoeo bridge, and am pre pared todoall kinds of repairing. All work done neatly and promptly and satisfaction guar anteed. Price Tery reasonable. A trial will convince you that this is the beet place to have your shoe repairing done. J. E. Wilson, Prineville, Or. SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oiegon for Crook rounlr: C.J. Johnson, I.. A. (tooth, ltniee Oray , and O. C. dray, (mrlners, doing business j in the tirni name of Johnson, Hooth & Co., plaimitis, vs. John A. Egan ami James W. Kgan. defendants. I To James W. Kgan, the above named I defendaut: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer j the complaint tiled against you in the ! aliove entitled court anl suit, on or More ! the last day of the time prescribed In the) ortler tor publication, ma le Herein, tvwu, theSthday of tk'toher. Prt, ami if you fail so to answer for want thereol the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed tor in their complaint on lile herein i to-wit; a decree foreclosing the mortgage I described in plaintin's complaint and an ' order for the sale of the land ilescrineil in said mortgage for the payment of that certain promissory note executed by the j defendant, James W". Kgan wherein he promised, four months from the Kill day of Mav. llJH5, to pay to the ortler of plain tiffs Four Hundred Thirteen M-luOtlis Dollars with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the stli day of May, 1DU5, together with S.VI.UO attorney's fee and the costs u:id disbursements of this mu. This summons Is served upon you bv order of the Honorable ((. . Kills, Judge of the County Court of the State ol Oregon for Crook county, dated the 27th day of August. l!Oi, and the date of the first pnl licatiou Iwing the 27th day of August, fans, and the date of the last publication w ill eipire on the Kill day of Octolier, I!j8. M. It. Kl.LIOTT, 8-27 Attorney for Plaintiffs. The undersigned having purchased the stock of general merchandise and busi ness of Wurzweiler & Company desire to announce to the buying public that they will conduct the business at the old stand along the same generous lines that have made this store deservedly success ful in the past. We will continue to sell good goods at reasonable prices and will extend to all new as well as old patrons a cordial welcome and courteous attention Lively, Jordan & Lanius SUCCESOR TO Wurzweiler & Co. MILLINERY Clearance Sale A nico assortment ot Trimmed I lata. Sailors, Outing Hut. Veils. Malino, Chiffon, Flowers, Kiliboua To be sold at Cost Also a full lino Preparations, at of Zona's Toilet MrQ FstPQ Millinery illa.LdlCd parlors Corner Second and Main St. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice it hereby given that the part-; nership theretofore existing between H. G. Davis and E. E. Kpaulding, P:i- j tista, was on August 1, l'JOS, by mutual i consent dissolved, said E. E. Spaulding ; retiring. All accounts due the late firm are now due and collectible, and mav be settled at the otlice up to Aug. 20, l!K)8, after which date they will be placed in the hands of Geo. L. Cernieri for collection. II. G. Davis, j m E. E. i 50 FULL BLOOD Cotswold YEARLING BUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Address or call on ED McGREER, Antelope, Oregon CROQE CHIT! ME OFFICER8: W. A. Booth, Preildent D. F. Stewart, Vice President O. M. Elkihb, Oaahler DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, O. m. Elkinb, D. F Stewart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention THE BEST SIGHT ON EARTH May be linpnlred ves ruined by poor, or even poorly lifted eye jfliiHWH. What's the UMe or n-tnse of wiiKtlnu your money to your own hurt? Come mid have your eyea e.Miiiiliied In n skillful manner and fitted with kI'io' that are the bent to bo had. An examination coats you nothing. W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler & Optician Main Street, Prineville, Oregon i Selling It At Cost MORGAN'S ORCHESTRA OFFERS ITS SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC For dances, entertainments, dinners and private parties and Is prepared to furnish latest hlgh-rade ihiihIc appropriate for all occasions. Terms very reasonable INSTRUMENTATION Violin, I,. C. Mordan Clarinet, Warren Crookh l'iano, MRU. h. E. Hi'DSOM Cornut, W. Frank I'ktktt Drums. Dr. L. K. Huimon Trombone, (J. A. Kikklk Call on, or address all Inquiries to W. FRANK PETETT, Business Manager, Prineville, Oregon : aft As we are arranging to manufacture at home this line of housefurnishings, in order to close out the stock now on hand we are selling all the goods made by the Pacific Coast Manufacturing Company AT ACTUAL COST This gives you a chance to make a big saving in the purchase of any of the following articles Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses Pillows, Dressers, Chiffoniers Washstands, Commodes Sofas, Couches and Lounges A. H. LIPPMAN & CO S3 : : : : : : PRINEVILLE, OREGON FIFTEEN DAY SALE OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS AND WA1ST1NGS Rather than carry them over and as the season will soon close we are offering our entire line of Lawns, Dimities, Panamas, Dotted Swiss, Batistes, Silk Chiffons, Organdies and Cotton Voilles for the next fifteen days at Just Two-Thirds the Regular Price. These are all nice new patterns and were bargains at the former price. Price per yard plainly marked on each piece, but we take off one-third during the next fifteen days Read these Prices, then come and see the exceptional values we offer Lawns in white and colored, regular lOo values during (ale, per yard Cjjo Organdies regular 12Jo volue, during rale, yd 8o Cotton Voilles regular 20c value, sale price, yd 13 Jo Batistes regular 11c value, sale rice per yard 7Jo Panamas regular 30c yard, during sale '20c Dotted Swiss regular 83Jo yd., during sale 22o Dimities regular 20c, during fifteen day sale 1 3 Silk Chiffon regular 35o value, salo price 23o Clifton & Cornett THE BRICK STORE Prineville, Oregon. Put Your Machinery in Repair Don't forget that the Prineville Machine Shop is equipped to do any kind of machine work that can be done in Crook County. Prices reasonable. Also carry Belting, Cap Screws, Machine Nuts, Steam Fittings, Bicycles and Sundries. Agent for Reo and Ford Cars. Automobile garage in connection. All kinds of Gas Engine Repairs a Specialty. W Remember that we are supply, headquarters for all kinds o lubricating oils and gasoline. We can save you money. Prineville Machine Shop ED HODSON, Proprietor Bring your job printing to the Journal