Premium List for the Crook County Fair (CONTINUED) To be held at the Fair Grounds near Prineville, Oregon, October 13 to 17, 190S, ir. in? irr XT 170 IS) 1SI lv 1SI 1S4 185 is 187 isa ltX) 191 102 103 l!U 105 1JM5 107 10$ 10ft 200 201 202 Division H-VEGETABLES. SuperintcndVnt R. Brceee. Table lioots, tliive iH;lnioi)i 1 00 Sugar txvtt, tlirw iqiccliueiis..- 1 00 Miinirv!, tlirve Fix-clmena 1 00 Potatcc. V.iry Kose, one xck 1 00 rotatiH'n, Uurlmnk, one pwk 1 00 Potatoes, SmuvHukr, one reck 1 00 rotators. lUue Victor, one jxt-k 1 00 Potatoes, White Victor, one peck.. 1 00 Potatoes, any klml not named above, one peck Cabbage, three heads 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Carrots, three pounds Sweet corn, six ears Field corn, his ears Onions, Red Wethersfleld, three pounds or more Onions, Yellow Danvers, three pounds or more 1 00 Onions, white pickling:, three pouuds or more . . 1 00 Onions, Priietaker, three pounds or more ; 1 00 Onions, any kind not named above three pouuds or more 1 Rutabaga, three specimens 1 Turnips, three specimens I Sfiuasu. three epetlinen8 1 00 00 00 00 Fumpkiua, three specimens Tomatoes, six specimens ! Cucumbers, six 8nvimens Celory, eix specimens Watermelons, three specimens MiiskiiH-loiin, three sinvlmens Best collection vegetables grown by boy .or girl uuder 10 years "1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 ro 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 CO 50 50 50 50 50 Division J-FLOWERS. Superintendent Mr. A3 B. Million. cim xxvn. Pest collection of potted plants 3 00 Best tJeranlum (potted) I 00 Best lbse . Best Collection of Roses Rest Fern Z v0 2: Sll 212 2t 2U iX Beat Aster. 2W Best Collection of Ferns.. Best Carnation Best Collection of Carnations.. 23S Best Collection of Asters... Most beautiful and best arranged Bouquet Most beautiful and artistic linng. lug basket.. 00 50 00 75 00 75 00 75 00 75 1 00 60 $20 Reward Return of Two Horses. Strnved from the MnvdeU pine on Crooked river In May, team, ono sorrel with flaxen inam, thre vettr old ; one lrc n tluee yenrnold. branded Jll connected on left alumlder. Both Imv been worked hut are not sonde. Will pv 120 reward (or their recovery. Notify J. R. lUrvey, Prineville, Oregou. 7ltlf Horse Lost White hore. weight It 00 or 1200 Hntnil. branded .) on left ahonlder, 14 connected on left (title; broke to rule or drive; bout 12 year old. Left mv place near lee, tirant Countv, In Jnlv, 1007. Suitable rearl will be paid for itt leturn or for tnfortnattou leal in j to its recover. -16 Snip J. V. Ct iis, lie, Or. 1 50 2Si Most artistic and unique bird-house 2 00 Div. K-SEW1NG, EMBROIDERY, ETC Superintendent Mra. T. M. Baldwin. CUta XXVIII. 2 00 . 1 00 Division I FRUITS. Superintendent George Summers. Claaa XXVL To be grown by exhibitor In Crook County. 203 204 205 206 207 2CS 209 210 211 i12 IV, 211 !i." 210 218 219 220 221 21;! 224 225 22ti General exhibit of apples... Dish of Baldwins Dish of Esophus Spltienberg Dish of Golden Russett Dish pf GraTenstein. Dish of Newtown Tippin Disk of Northern Spy Dish of Seek-no-further Dish of White Pearmain: Dish of Winesap Dish of Rambo j Dif h of Pewaukee Dish of Yellow Bellflower Dish of Wolf River . Dish of any variety not named above 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dish of Crab Apples Dish of Bartfett Pears.. Dish of Idaho Pears.. Dish of Winter Nells Pears. Dish of Fall Butter Pears Dish of Petite Prunes Dish of Italian Prunes Pish of Plums Dish of Peaches.. 00 00 00 00 1 03 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 io 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 240 241 242 213 214 245 240 247 24S 249 250 251 .252 253' 254 255 250 257 258 259 200 201 202 203 204 2G5 260 2G7 Display silk embroidery, not less than three pieces . ' French and Eyelet embroidered Shadow embroidered waist Wallaehian embroidered waist French and Eyelet embroidered centerpiece Wallaehian embroidered center piece Embroidered lunch cloth (not less than 30 Indies square) - Ilardanger embroidery Drawn work ,. 1 00 00 00 00 Best displny Llnea Needlework Best hand-made handkerchief Best specimen tatting Embroidered towels Toint lace, best specimen Batteubcrg lace, best sjieclmen Best crocheted Bklrt . Best crocheted shawl Crocheted lace, lest specimen.. Knitted lace, best specimen Knitted socks Patch-work silk quilt rateh work cotton quilt,. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 CO 75 75 CO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 75 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 Best haml-roade bed spread Best display hand-made garments.. 2 00 Best hand-mnde button holes (ou cotton goods), half dozen 75 Best specimen needlework by girl over 12 and under 18 years 1 00 Best specimen needlework by girl 12 years of age and under : 1 00 Best specimen of darning on hose by boy or girl 11 years or under 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 1 00 50 60 25 50 50 60 50 60 50 25 50 50 50 1 00 50 50 v mmAmiwx NEW For Sale by It s wholesomo It's pure It's good For Bale at all Reading temperance drink stands. Guaranteed UON-lNTOXICATUfd NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO. ASTORIA, OREGON Citation. In the County Court of tlie State of Oregon, for the County of Crook. In the matter of the estate of Fred P. Anderson, deceased. Citation. To Minnie L. Anderson, Edith M. Anderson, Wesley L. Anderson and Beatrice R. Anderson and a'l heirs un known, if any there be, greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Crook, at the courtroom thereof, at Prineville, in the county of Crook, on Monday the 7th day of September, 190S, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be granted to M. R. Elliott, the administrator of said estate to Eell so much of the following described real estate of said deceased as may be necessary, to-wit, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion eight, and the south half of the southwest quarter and the southweat quarter of the southeast quarter, of sec tion nine, in township fifteen south cf range twenty east of Willamette Meri dian. WitneFs, the Hon. II. C. Ellis, judge of the County Court of the Htate of Ore gon, for the county of Crook, with the seal of said court affixed, this tith day of August, A. I). 11)08. Attest Warren Brown, (lerk. 8-0 Notice for Publication. Not Coal Land) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ofiice, at The Dalles, Or. July 28, 1U08. Notice is hereby given that William G. Balfour, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on July 28, 1308, made timber and stone applica tion No. 0391, for SEtf XEJJ, K SEV, and SW SEtf, Sec 14, Tp 14 S, R 18 1, WM.has filed noticeof intention to make final timber and stone proof, to estab lish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, county clerk, at his ofllce at Prineville, Or., on the l'Jth day of October, 1008. Claimunt names at witnesses : Rachielliis E. Jones, John W. Bitter, Thomas O'Kelly, Albert Seurs, all of Prineville, Oregon. N 8-6p C. Mooek, Register. Buy your Shoes of J; E. Stewart & Co. Summons. In the circuitTourt of the ttate of Ore gon, for Crook county. Bertha White, plaintiff, vs. James F. White, defendant. To James F. White, the above-named defendant In the namo of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to ap and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court on or before the 10th day of October, 1U08; and if you fail eo to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in the com plaint, to-wit: For a judgment against you fir the costs and disbursements of this suit; and for a decree ot the above entitled court that the marriage con tract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be rescinded and an nulled; that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be annulled and terminated and that the plaintiff be granted an absolute divorce from the defendant that the plaintiff be allowed to take her former name of Berth Watkins; that the plaintiff be allowed counsel fees and suit money aa the court may seem proper, and for such general relief as may be just. This summons is served upon you by rublication thereof in the Crook Connty Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at Prineville. Crook county, Oregon, which is hereby designated as the proper paper to give you notice, for a period of six full con secutive weeks, commencing with the issue of August 27, A. D. 1908, by order of the Hon. H. C. Ellis, Judge of the County Court of Crook county, state of Oregon, made and entered at chambers this 17th day of August, A. D. 1908. . 8-27-Ow C. C. BRIX, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notict for Publication. . Hepartment of the Interior. U. 8. Land Offlce at The Dulles, Oregon. July J, 11HJ8. Notice Is hereby (riven that Emily ft. Powell, of Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, who, on June t2, IDOg. mude timber and otone gwnrn statement No. (Watt 411711, for E'ANKii. NWNE!4.secl8, and H!4NW. eC 17, tp IS s, r 16 e, V in, h us filed noil of Intention to make finul proof to eHtHlillsh claim to the hind above described, before the county clerk at Pilnevllle, Oregon, on the 8th day of October, IWig. Claimant names aa witnesses; Robcit O. Smith, Samuel A. Prose, Heury McCoy, and Marcus D. Powell, all of Prineville, Oregon. 7-3Up C. W. ilooiiK, Ileglater, Notict for Pallicatio. ( Not Coal Iand.l TVpnNment of the Interior. U.S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Or.. JulylfJ.Hl notice Is hereby given that Carl V. Hrlx. formerly Carl Chris Mlkkelwn. of Prineville, Oretfon, who on April ltith, I'M, made Hume- xtead Application No. 1J4U. for IVjSH.5. SVVV.SE'. KK'4sW.sec20. Ip 15. r U e. ' m, has Bled noilce of Intention to make final five year proof, toestahllsh claim to the lun above deHcrilcd, Ijefore Warren lirown county clerk Crook county, Oregon, at Prlnc vllle. Crook county, Oregou, on the 8rd day of September, it. Claimant names as witnesses: Chas. 8wauon, Robert U. Hmltb, J. A twin Itlegs and Klanson A. Bussett, ail of Prineville, Oregon. C. W. Moohk, Keghder. 7-80 Gasoline. Engine Irrifttioa, Snrayiaf ftW Poapiag MxkiMry tnlrlutnk-Mr UaoMn Kiiglnrd fur (mmptmr, spraying, Hawing, rinding, Out- Dis complete. halrtmnks Scales nr wrlglilnc. Kuirtmnk-MoM livuaiiHNi aud Motor for power nnu iigni. I'alrhauks-.Morse inilmllls and Towir. KstrlaiiksMunu tlrludera. Keed Chouurra. Well Punipm All nrsi quality goods at iowwi pricra. Always tn stork, l.llx'ral teniis. Prompt reply In tnqulrtra and quick lilptiienta. w me ror vaiaumue and prices. W. F. KING, Atat, Pr;U, Or. Fairbanks Morse & Co. PORTLAND, OltEUON. Wood Sawing. Hnvliitf purclinmHl the wood aw IliK outfit of C. U. Culbrvnth t Mil prt'pnrvd to cut wood both tor the leoplt living lu Prineville tind the tn the iH'lKhburlnu tllMtrlct, tt-U II. U llotniM, Prineville. $250 Howard A' reward ol I'ioO will 1m paid tor In formation leading to the arrest and conviction of anv perron found guilty of interfering lth the How of water or jam of the Npiaw Creek Irrigation to. K. T. SLAV TON, 8ecy. pffiMSS&ililSSWilSiffl SESi!SMil5 Hats, Shoes and The Dalles, l i t No. 0400 Notice for Publication. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalle, Or. Julv 29. 1908. Sotice is hereby given that the North ern Pacific Railway Company, whose pottotlice address ia St. Paul. Minne sta, has this 2i)th day of July, 1908, tiled, in this otfice its application to select under the provisions of the A't of Congress, approved July 1. 1898 (30 Stat. 597, 6J0), as extended by the Act of Congress approved May 11, 190(1, the EJ KE Sec 31, Tp 18 S, R 20 E, VV M. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the lands described, or desiring to object because of the mineral charucter of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this ofllce, on or before the 15th day of -September, 1908. C. W. Moobe, Register. 1st pub 8 13 last 9-10, 08 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. V. rl. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., July 'a, vm. Notice Is hereby Riven tliat Hilas K. Hodges, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on May 18, 1908, made tlmter and stone sworn statement dtiM) No 4(1", for NE'4HWJ4 and NWJ4HKI4 and Lot 2, sec 7, tp U a, r 1 e, w m, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim lo the land above described, before the county cierk. at Prine ville, Oregon, on the SUi day of October, l(w. Claimant names as witnesses: M. D. Pow ell, Wade II. Huston, Hubert O. Hrnlth and WalterO'Neil all of Prineville, Oregon. .7-30 C. W. Mookr, Register. Notice for Publication (Not Coal Land.) Department of the Interior. IT. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., August, 24, 1908. -Notice is hereby given that H. Eugene Gittins, of Portland, Oregon, who, on March 9, 1908, made Timber and Btone Application No. 4572, for HEtiW, SWNK and and N!SEJ, sec 28, tp 15 s, r 18 e, w m. has filed notice of intention to make final timber and stone proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Orhce, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 9th day of November, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: John W. Ritter, Byron Cady and R. E. Jones", all of rnnevuie, Oregon, and Ueorgo a. Jiudy, of Portland, Oregon. 8-27p 0. W. Mooiie, Register. Notict for Publication (Not Coal Land.) Department of the Interior. V. H. Land Ottice at The Dalles, Or., August 24, 1908. Notice is hereby given that (leerge N. Rudy, of Portland. Oregon, who, on March 1908, made Timber and fcitone Application No. 4570. for NESW, BEKNWK and Lots 3 and 4, Bee 4, tp 10 s, r 18 e, w in, has riled notice of intention to make final tim ber and stone proof, to establish claim to the land above 'described, before the Uegisterand Receiver of the United Btiites band Ofiice. at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 9th day of November, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: II. Eugene Gittins, of Portland, Oregon, knd John W. Ritter, Lyron Cady and R. K. Jones, all of Prineville, Oregon. 8-27p 0. W. Moobk, Register. Fine Ranch for Sale. The lHtt place on Willow Creek. Four hundred nnd elirbty Here .of pood cultivable bind; UH) under cuU tlvntlon; .ft ncren In nlfnlfn, 20 In timothy; SO wcr lu umln; irooil hoitm: Ml ton of liny 40 nlfnlfn nnd 10 tlmothp; 35 or 40 head of cuttle; 20 heml of work horwn; 20 Iiokh lota ot chicken. Keee, etc.; l remit ot water runnliiu; throiiuli the middle of the tract from one end to the other; bl prln on the place, wnter all the year round. Two orelmrii 2lK) treen lienrluit npiilea, ihiiw, plutna Mild prune, flood wnter for dometle lino. Unit cnnli, Imlaiii-e on eav terniH. Forfurther Informntlon ndiinnH II. Ifc Montttoniery, UrUaly, Crook county, Oregon. 4 IWtf rp- B rJ 5 m 1 m i n f ! I PRINEVILLE-SISTERS 71 rf M nr a st w- fTn la I i PRINEVILLE-SISTERS STAGE LINE Leaves Prineville daily for O'Neil, ReJuionJ. Cline Falls and Siters. Connects with the Lebanon stage at Sisters Thursday nights. First-class service and courteous treatment. New man agement. Stage leaves Prineville at about 9 A. M. daily. Fare Irom Prineville to Sisters $3.00. S. SROUFE, PROPRIETOR 4 Sisters "JLebanon I atctffe JLine 4 Direct communlcfttlon with libation by RtiiRV. From w Trlnevllle to Lebanon In four tlnye. Fare from Slater to Lebanon, fs.OO. Tnke Slteni tnre on Thuredity at 0 A. M., leave Sinters on Fridays nt 7 A.'M. M Reserve right to cense oierutlons ns soon after SeptemlH-r fns the roads get very bad. The mountain division operated by S. Whiicomb The City Meat Market IIOUIGAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon v Try gome of Crook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will 'help build up a. homo industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. km Clothing A complete lino of dent's Furnishings at Trices that you can afford to pay. Call . in and let us show you the goods and quote you our prices. A Choice- Line of Cigars & Tobaccos THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor .QSiSiiQSllS ESliiSimiljWiilllS THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor i', oufuon Stwk lioardeJ by the day, week or month nt Ileaonabl rate. Remember tm when int I'rineville. IUtm We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 8 Special rates when sold in large quantities Wc handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN & STILL Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doots, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON k'JkujidJUJUuujuLijyjyyuuai-jriuyyjuiJUuuuyuuyuijuiJUJUuyuk;'j L J i. j t j L J t j K.I CJ t J ri ta m i. j - t j r.;i tj t J Seneral iSlacksmithing iioeseshoeinq, wood work, etc., Neatly and Pkomptly Done When it is Done By : : : Robert 97?oorc Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Prineville, Oreoon. r,ii t j U'J na na ra ra aJSJ no ca V-J ca by ra UJ Report of K conditio of The First National Bank Of . Prineville, Oregon Uio cloao of buainoM July IS, 1908 At iir.ftoiiiu'Ka towna aim IHaeounU tilKW a t'nllrd Minimi UNO 00 Hunk t nmilar 2.iMa O Dun from baiika cuali oo Imnd U,m t! lUxtctnplloo futa...., S 00 i.unii.irii.a Cupllnl Hlocll IW.000 00 Hurftlua and undlvldrd pniBU V..J"1 M Circulation a.lWOO IfirtlvlilUBl lirpnalia Will t IMvltlxiidouiiPDlit 4 l,100 00 B. F. AU., Prid.l Will W.n.ail.r. Vlca Pr..U.l . m,m no T. M. BalJoia. Caaklar H. BaMola, An'l C.J.Uf 'r!r.!rrrrl.:rns,R1rlr,rrrrJ, The O'Neil Restaurant k J r.a CJ r.a t j r a L'J M L'J r,-i t .-1 Li r.a L'J i. j ra LJ ra L'J ri r.a L'J r.a LJ ra LJ r,a L'J MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIbbE, OREGON First Clan Mealt 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season CONFECTIONERY STORE IN CONNECTION Cnrrjlnjr ft cholio Hili-ellon of lino cniuly, vlKnri", (iranp-ti, U'lniiiiH, etc. (ilvo a cull. SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. r,rnr,arrrrar:',r,arnrr-arirariar,rarriarar.ararir,ar?irr7ir,a L JLiJl.'JLyLUL,JLulLyLyLyLULJ 9 (L.JLULLJLLILJLJLULlJL.JLJt JL.yL.JL,J It's easy to reach North Beach Take Steamer POTTER from Portland Paittnfart ar now IrantfarreJ I tb railroai al MECLER fonrtaaa miles ip tha Columbia Rivar froia Ilwaco. TLii x ' tltmiaalas tb ccattiljr af ataaaicra waitinf for tb tid and iniarat . a prompt and rtf nlar Summar Scbtdul . " a. The Steamer T. J. POTTER lenves Tolland every morning except Saturday nnd Sunday nt 8:30 o'clock. Saturday only at 2 o'clok P. M. Remember the Summer rate on the O. R. & N. is $12.00 from Shaniko to all North Bench points and return; good until September 30th, ' North noach laa hmni,brautl(ul place th moat cr loct Iii'rijIi on the wliolu North t'oaat. There aru awoimiioilutloiia galore at rli'ca lo anil all tati-; (imphiK larllllln without equal-perrt balhliiK cilltloni all aorta of ainiiai-invnt and aiveralolia. Come, have a Rood rent and a Jolly time. It on ai'nd you our new Hummer book, and tell you all about NOUTU HKACH. 7 2tf E. J. WILSON, Local Agent, Shaniko, Or. WM. McMURRAY, Goncrul TuBe-cnger Ageut, rortlunil, Oregon. For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands in lli INTHR . i DESCHUTES VALLEY fr p WUITK Jj jS H. r . J UIN to Kedmond, Uregon Pedigreed Stock Willow Creek Lumber tbo best in the county for sale by A. II. Lippman & Co. m- naii'fflJir.rfiJBwafim n H ILL BM 11 H mm n 111 ni..i. Ea Poland Chinas Duroc Jerseys H O G S Langslian Chickens E. C. PARK REDMONf), OUKUON 1 it i i'n fc.l irrj F..I r ril h' " ft ft- ri L J r.a LJ r.a L j C n LJ r. a L j r.a L J r.a L j r.a ' L J r.a L J r,a LJ r.a LJ ra LJ r.a LJ r.a LJ r.a L J