TWO FIREFIGHTERS LOST IN WOODS With the return of the fire fight ers from the forests to civilitation iiain come tales of how narrowly two men escaped death, not from the flames, hut as a result of them. A man named Kelley, from Pais ley, ha the closest call, while Bill McMelhn of this city also endured very unpleasant experience. For tunately, both were rescued in time. is paid, became lost while, hunting. He 6 hot a young War and in following it around lost hia bearings. With bruin on his back he started for camp. After a long tramp he realized that be was lost. 1 hen he was seized with a panic. He threw away his game nnd for a couple of days and a night traveled in circles. hen Kelley failed to make camp the first night out two of his com panions were detailed to search for him. Traces of Kelley were found and the man at one time was heard shouting, but when searchers answered him lie made off in the opposite direction. Driven almost insane Kellev wandered on. He stumbled onto one of the aban doned camps of the fire fighters where he found a bottle of vinegar, After partaking freely of its con tents Kelley recovered his senses Fufficiently to enable him to reach camp. The searchers, who had picked up Kelley's trail and fol lowed its devious wanderings, were about four hundred vards bemnd him when he struck the camp. GOOD WORK BY FIREFIGHTERS The last of the fire fighting bri gade, on whom has devolved the euccessful but ditlicult task of ex tinguisDing tne lorest tires in southern and western Crook coun ty, returned to frineville Sunday night in command of C. b. Congle ton. They report all fires either out or nearly but, and that further spread of the names afield is im possible. Considerable credit is due Forest Supervisor A. S. Ireland and Forest Ranger B. F. Johnson of this city and district for the able 1 miner in which they 6ubdued the Humes after the fires had seeming ly gotten beyond control, with a burning frontage of anywhere from one to fifteen miles. The men un der them also worked hard and well, and judged by results the three weeks' battle of the govern ment brigade was eminently satis factory. Damage was chiefly confined to the Paulina mountains a.nd areas in the upper Deschutes valley. Minor damage was also done near the summit of the Cascades. no "knock" Intended. The Harney County News char acterizes the recent articles in the two Prineville papers anent the wheat crop about Burns as "the most ghoulish and malicious dis position we have ever seen exhibit ed by one locality towardanother." It blames the Prineville press for "knocking Harney county," and a lot more along the same line. As a matter of fact, Prineville wishes Burns only happiness and prosperity, good crops and more of them. V hat is good for one com munity is good for another, and what hurts Burns hurts Prineville and Ontario and Vale, even if 100, 000 pounds of flour did have to be shipped from here to Burns to sup ply a tangible denciency. The Journal got its information- from the Burns freighters and be lieved their opinion of" wheat con ditions in Harney to be perfectly honest, fearing possible exageer ation, however, this paper printed its article as "what the freighters said," not what the local reporter thought. The wheat story was printed as news, not as a knock. It is pleasing to learn that Frank Jackson, Judge Levens and other wheat raisers in Harney have good crops; no one is more pleased to know this than the Journal. An Eye Opener. Smokers find the Eagle cigar an eye opener as to quality.- Try one and see why. Half-soling ladies' and children's 6hoes 50c a pair: mens 1 5c toll at Wilson's Shoe Shop, next door to Journal olhce. Ammunition, Shelf Hardware and Tinware, Wire Netting, Barb Wire and almost everything in the hardware line can be had of J. E. Stewart & Co. at very reasonable price. Agricultural College Corvallis. Oregon Offers collegiate courses in Agiiculture, lnciumng Agronomy, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc. ; Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering; Commerce, Phar macy. Offers elementary courses in Agricul ture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce and Mechanic Arts, in cluding forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, machine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equip ment: free tuition : opens Sept. 25. Illustrated catalogue with fu'l infor- li aluiioii application to the Kegistrar, lite. 8--4t CENTRAL OREGON RAILROAD FIRST J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the Uarriraan lines, in an inter view in the Portland IVlegram, an nounce the suspension of all rail road building elsewhere because of the urgent need of a line into con trat Oregon. This line will be built first, and it will be built at once. Mr. O'Brien says: "We have surveys of all of the proposed extensions, the Corvallis it Eastern, the Columbia Southern and the route up the Deschutes river; in fact, all of them into the central part of the state. It does not really matter which route is chosen, the north and south or the east and west, for either one would have to tap the same territory. I couldn't venture a guess whether the Columbia Southern will be ex tended or whether the new line will follow the Deschutes river from its mouth up. It will all de I end on the result of the conference now on at Pelican bay. Redmond News. Redmond, August 23. Mr. Schenck is back again from an extended trip up the country to the Silver Lake neighborhood. He passes for a stranger here at pres ent until he begins to throw his voice around, then folks look be hind his whiskers and find the same old R. A. Schenck as always. The Sturedevant-Ricker nuptials were celebrated Tuesday evening at the home of the bride s parents. Justice Jones othciated. Thus the segregation loses one of its bache lors for which it is noted, and Red mond loses one of its most popular young ladies. The young people commenced housekeeping the next day at the Sturdevant farm be tween Redmond and O'Neil, fol lowed by the congratulations and good wishes of a host of friends. The surprise microbe is again at work. Lou Reed and his wife were attacked Wednesday night just on the eve of their departure for their future home in Washington. A hayrack crowd went out from town and had a very pleasant time. Friday night Neighbor Smith was attacked on account of his umptyeenth birthday which takes place today and was clear down and out before he knew what was the matter, befote he could even diagnose the case. It hap pened at Zumwalt & Millet's. Thunder showers for several days have kept the'air somewhat cool in the afternoons, though the mornings have been quite hot. e got the thunder, but the showers mostly fell somewhere else. Miss Olive Smith arrived Thurs day with her father in pretty good shape considering her recent sick ness, but pretty tired from the ride from Shaniko. She does not want any more of that kind- of convey ance just at present. Mr. Mulkev, from some outside point, has come to the interior to look after some business matters On his last trip in Mr. Mama brought in a new hack for F W. McCaffery. Lots of campers still in town. Miss Lizzie Smith and some girl friends went to Bend yesterday They wanted an excuse for staying over until today so telephoned back that lightning had struck a tree in front of the hotel where they were staying, or across the street from the store where they were trading. Isn't that being an an artist in the excuse line? Later We learn that they did not have to make up much excuse after all and we beg Elizabeth's pardon. Mr. Terrill of near O'Neil was found this afternoon in the road between Redmond and that place in a badly injured condition due to being thrown from a horse in the morning, the horse probably falling on him. He had probably been lying there six or eight hours when found. A. J. Booth and Mr. and Mrs. Morrill loaded him into a buggy and the latter two took him on to O'Neil. From all that we can learn, the man's recovery seems doubtful. ' h. C. Pakk. The place to save money on j'our Grocery purchases is at J. h Stewart & Co.'s. Willamette University Founded in 1844. New 130,000 build ing this vear. The (Jollege of Liberal Arts has strong brain-developing courses. Other courses in Oratory, Music, Theology, Jvlucation, Medicine, Law, and in the academy. 45 Professors. High quality instruction mate libraries atlord superior advan tages. For catalogue address 8-tMi President F. Homen, Salem, Or. 50 FULL BLOOD Cotswold YEARLING BUCKS FOR SALE CHEAP Address or cull on ED McGREER, Antelope, Oregon LOCAL CAPITAL FOR RAILROAD - (Continued from pne l. or railroad connection at the Colum bia river, via IVneliuten river and on water jrrade. Second, tu case railroad connection with either of said point cannot le obtained, that the cltUens ot Pilne. vtlle, Oregon, nnd contributory territory, nbcrllH tor FIFTY THOFSAM DOM.AKS ol approved bonds of any reliable (tenton, com pany or corporation which almll first connect the city of rrlnextlle, Oregon, by wtandnrtl gunge uteatu railroad, with the Columbia South ern railroad at Shnnlko, Oregon. And we hereby express onr contl denee that the said wulworlptlou can and will U made In the event. We further recommend that a Board ot Trade- or like body le Immediately organised or Incorpo rated for the purpoxe of soliciting such subscription and carrying Into eflect the Intent ot the ton-going recommendations. Dated this 20tli day ot August, 190S, at Prineville. Oregon. C. M. F.I.KtNS. 1. 1.. Kktciu m, T. II. Lakom.ktt, T. M. lUl.DWIN, Wll.U Vl'KVKlI.KH, J. O. Powki i., Committee. The meeting last Saturday night was more largely attended than the first railroad meeting the week previous, and enthusiasm was even more manifest. The promoters of the railroad returned to Bend on Sunday well pleased with the part Prineville is taking in the project. The third mass meeting of the Central Oregon railroad undertak ing will be held at P. A. C. hall, Prineville, next Saturday evening, Aug. 29, and every citizen' should make it a point of duty'to attend. It is now or never with Prineville, and Prineville must not be found wanting. Reward Offered. $5 reward for information or f 10 for the recovery of a dark brown, mare branded XV on left hip. When last teen had hobble on right front foot and was on the road between Riverbed and Bend. Geo. Summers, Prineville, Or. 900 Bucks for Sale. 900 Spanish and Delaine Merino Bucks for sale, 1 nnd 2 yearn old; good condition; - price reasonable. For further particulars address T. S. HAMILTON, Ashwood, Or. 9-24 Dairy Farm for Sale. In city limits of Prineville. 12 Dur ham milch cows; 2)1 head Poland China hogs, 100 Brown Leghorn chickens, 50 ducks ; 4 plows, 1 seeder drill, 1 harrow, No. 4 Sharpless separator. 100 acres deeded land within half mile of Prine ville; rented land 40 acres; all well fenced. Plenty of crop to feed cows this year. For further particulars apply to Charles Carroll, 7-23 5tp Pryieville, Or. I thh star n I Drilling Mine Go. I ia erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL . DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc., etc A moderate amount ot money will t.trt yon ia a profitable busttwts, STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have Wen proved by Competitive Test to be The Best In 'the World. For full particular!! regard ing well drilling machines, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. AKftOM. OWO. Ice For Sale. ticod Ice for sale by D. P. .Adanimn Co. 2t CITATION. ol In the Count v Court of the Slate Otvmn, for the County of I ruok. In the mutter of the .stale of n,.,;.... Homer M. Street, dvceasni. ,0 To Melis Street, Aiip"ta Street, Neta Street, Mattel Street and Yiryil Street, and toall heirn unknown, gret'tiiiii: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to amteur in the County Court of the late of Orricun, for the county of Crook, at the courtroom thereof, at 'Prineville in the county of Crook, on Monday the Mh liv of Orttilwr, ltms. at U o'clock! in the forenoon of I lull ilar.-then anil there to show eatue why a:i order should not 1 granted to the said ad ministratrix to sell tne retil estate of the said decedent, described as follows, to-wit: bSSW'i;, N vVi,S; and SV'i,SK'4 of section -4. township II south, range 10 east, Willamette Meridian; nlv the NWNKi. NK4.SK,. Im 5 and 6 of section It) and IaiU 1 and 2 of Section 20, township 11 south, range U cat, Willam ette Meridian. Witness, the Hon. H. C. Kllia Judge of the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Crook, with the seal ol saiil court alll'xrd, this iOlli day uf August, A. I). S-L'7 Attest: Waiikx Brown, Clerk. , NEW FIRM I Wilson's Shoe Shop I hare opened up a shoe shop ' In Prineville in the McCallinter building, on Main street near , theOchoco bridge, and am pre pared to do all kinds of repairing. All work done neatly and promptly and satisfaction guar anteed. Price Tery reasonable. A trial will convince you that this is the best place to have . your shoe repairing done. J. E. Wilson, Prineville, Or. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice 1 4 hereby given that the part nership theretofore existing between H. G. Davis and E. K. Spaulding, Den tists, was on August I, 1908, by mutual consent disRolved, said K. E. Spaulding retiring.' All accounts due -the late firm are now due and collectible, and mav be settled at the ollice up to Aug. 20, 1908, after which date they will lie placed in the hands of Geo. L. Bcrnier for collection. H.G.Davis, E. E. Spauldinu. SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Crook county: C. J. Johnson, I.. A. I tooth, Ilrure tlray and O. C. Uray, partners, doing lmiiiesa in the linn name of Jolinon, lluotli Co., plaintitls, vs. John A. Egan and James V. Kgan. defendant. To James V. Kgnn, the above named I defendant: In the name of the stale of Oregon, you I are hereby required to appear and answer j the complaint tiled agumt you In the! altore entitled court and suit, on or Ix-fore ! the la-it day of the time prescribed In the order for publication, made herein, to-wit, tbeSthday of Oetolier, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed lor in their complaint on tile herein to-wit: a decree foreclosing the mortgage dvcrilted in plaintiff's complaint and an onler for the sale of the land detcrmed In said mortgage for the payment of Unit -ertain promis.ory note executed by the delenilant, James w . r.gan wherein he promised, four months from the 8th day of May. 1U0S, to pay to the order of plain tiff Four Hundred Thirteen Kj-lonilis Dollar with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the Mh day of May, 1!, together with $.50.00 attorney's fee anil the cost ami disbursements of this suit. This summons la served upon you by order of the Honorable II. C. Kills. Judge of the County Court of the Stale ot Oregon for Crook county, dated the 27th day of August. l!s, and the date of the iml lication lieing the 27th day of August, I'JiW. and the date of the last publication will expire on theSth day of October, 11JOS. M. It. Ki.liott. 8-27 Attorney for 1'laiiitills. The undersigned having purchased the stock of general merchandise and busi ness of Wurzweiler & Company desire to announce to the buying public that they will conduct the business at the old stand along the same generous lines that have made this store deservedly success ful in the past We will continue to sell good goods at reasonable prices and will extend to all new as well as old patrons a cordial welcome and courteous attention Lively, Jordan & Lanius SUCCESOR TO Wurzweiler & Go. y MILLINERY Clearance Sale A nice assortment of Trimmed Hats, Sailors, Outing I fata. Veils, Maline, Chiffon, Flowers, Kibbona To be sold at Cost . Also a full line of Zona's Toilet Preparation, at Mr FtPQ' Millinery I II O. LolCd Parlors Corner Second and Main St. Notice for Publication. (N'otcoal land) Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office. The Dalles, Or., August 12, l'JOS. Xotice is hereby given that John W. Gilchrist, of Paulina, Oregon, who, on January 21, 1'JOS, made Homestead Kntry (Herial No. 0581) No. 15Wit for NK Hec 35, . KE'4, HKi HK'i, Sec 20, Tp 20 8, K 22 K, W M, has tiled notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown. County Clerk, at his ollice at Prineville, Or., on the 21st day of 8ep teniler. 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Wesley Street. C. J. Johnson, h. V. Tice, Henry Pickett, all of Paulina, Or. 8-20 C. W. Moobb, Register. mi mm mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, President D. F.8TEWART, Vic President O. M. Elkins, Cashier DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkini, O. F, Stewart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention THE BEST SIGHT ON EARTH May be impaired ye ruined by poor, or even poorly fitted eye kIuhsoh. What's the use or souse of wmhIIiik your money to your own hurt? Come nnd have your eyes examined In a skillful manner and fitted with KlnOH that are the I (tut to lo bad. An examination costs ; you notlilntr. , W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler & Optician Main Street, Prineville, Oregon I Selling It At Cost As we are arranging to manufacture at home this line of housefurnishings, in order to close out the stock now on hand we are selling all - the goods made by the Pacific Coast Manufacturing Company AT ACTUAL COST This gives you a chance to make a big saving in the purchase of any of the following articles Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses Pillows, Dressers, Chiffoniers Washstands, Commodes ' Sofas, Couches and Lounges A. H. LIPPMAN & CO 9 : : : : : : : ? PRINEVILLE, OREGON FIFTEEN AY sXle of SUMMER DRESS GOODS AND WA1STINGS Rather than carry them over and as the season will soon close we are offering our entire line of Lawns, Dimities, Panamas, Dotted Swiss, Batistes, Silk Chiffons, Organdies and Cotton Voilles for the next fifteen days at Jut Two-Thirds the Regular Price. TheRe are all nice new patterns and were bargains at the former price. Price per yard plainly marked on each piece, but we take off one-third during the next fifteen days Read these Prices, then come and see the exceptional values we offer Lawns in white nnd colored, regular 10c values during sale, per yard , Oj(c Organdies regular 12 jo value, during nolo, yd 8 Ao ' Cotton Voilles regular 20o value, sale price, yd 13Jo Batistes regular llo alue, salo price per yard 7jo Panamasregular 30c yard, during sale. . , , 20c Dotted Swiss regular 33Jc yit, during Bale ,.22o Dimities regular 20c, during fifteen day halo 13jo Silk Chiffon regular 35c value, ealo. price 23o Clifton & Cornett THE BRICK STORE Prineville, . . Oregon. Put Your Machinery in Repair Don't forget that the Prineville Machine Shop is equipped to do any kind of machine work that can be done in Crook County. Prices reasonable. Also carry Belting, Cap Screws, Machine. Nuts, Steam Fittings, Bicycles and Sundries. Agent for Reo and Ford Cars. Automobile garage in connection. All kinds of Gas Engine Repairs a Specialty. Remember that we are supply headquarters for all kinds of lubricating oils and gasoline. We can save ypu money. - Prineville Machine Shop ED HODSON, Proprietor. Bring your job printing to the Journal