Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 20, 1908, Image 2

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Bethel sad1 Nelsoa Gettiof Busy
at the Mouth of the River
Thought That James J. Hill
Will Construct Road Across
Oregon and on South
Good news for the people of
interior Oregon comes today in a
dispatch from The Dalles to the
effect that the presence there of
N. W. Bethel, locating engineer of
the Hill lines, simultaneously with
W. F. Nelson, of Seattle, promoter
and principal owner of the Oregon
Trunk railroad, augurs the speedy
construction of a railway up the
Deschutes valley from the Colum
bia, where it would connect by
bridge across the big river with the
new North Bank line.
Foundation for the surmise lies
in the memorable speech made by
James J. Kill at a banquet held in
Portland three years ago, when he
said that after the completion of
the North Bank railroad he might
have something interesting to say
to the people of central Oregon in
the matter of development and of
transportation. Secondary verifi
cation for the report is had in the
presence of a crew of surveyors who
have been working up the valley
of the Deschutes from the Columbia.
The Oregon Trunk railroad, if
built, will form a Great Northern
feeder through the heart of Oregon
to California, affording Mr. Hill
at one and the same time a chance
to compete with the Harriman
system and giving him an outlet
to San Francisco and the south.
Redmond News.
Redmond, August 1G.
Mrs. Redmond lias our thanks
for a batch of news notes received;
Mrs. La n des and Mrs. Munia tor
culinary favors received.
Another large outfit of campers
in town; also Kd Landerback and
friend with their families are
camped again north of the town
Neighbor Smith will start for
Shaniko tomorrow morning to
meet Miss Olive coming from Spo
kane. Lou Reed intends leaving with
his family the middle of the week
for Washington, where he may
take up canal construction work.
Elmer Covert was riding ditch
during Mr. McDuffie's vacation in
the mountains.
Mr. Lilly was unable to fill his
appointment here today owing to
an accident to one of his horses.
He expects to preach at Redmond
next Sunday evening, August 23.
The D. I. & P. ditch camo broke
up and moved to town Wednesday.
Some went up to Hall's to do a
little work, while others went to
Our mountain campers got back
during the week. As they passed
here Robbie Ehret held up the
"bear" his father shot for our in
Joe McClay, Mr. Stewart, Mr.
McAuley (not Red, the other one),
Mr. Atkinson and others are away
fighting fires in the timber.
E. C. Park.
E. G. Hodson and J. E. Roberts
went by auto to Millican's ranch
above Bend Saturday and while
there hunted a cougar which has
slain a dozen or more colts and
other domestic animals in and
about Pine mountain. The tracks
of the beast could be easily traced
in places, but neither "hide nor
hair" of him could be seen, so he is
still at large.
This particular cougar has for
long time made life miserable for
the ranchers and stockmen of the
vicinity and efforts have before
now been made to track him down
and shoot him. His lair, even, has
been discovered, but it evidently
was one of several dens, as the
cougar refrained from returning to
it while the huntsmen were watch
ing for him.
Although Messrs. Hodson and
Roberts failed to find the animal
another effort will shortlv be made
to run him down and kill him.
Paulina's New Schoolhouje.
Slaughters Calves, Poultry, Dogs
and House Cats
Thought fo Be Lion or Tiger
Eacaped From Some
I Drilling Mine Go. I
Ben Gotter of Redmond and
Arthur Kelly of Post are rapidly
completing the building of the new
schoolhouse at Paulina, and it will
be open when the classes meet in
September. The building is to
cost about $1,900. It contains two
spacious rooms, a wide vestibule,
two cloakrooms and a belfry. The
Bchool compares favorably with
any in the county. No teacher has
been engaged yet for the 50 chil
dren who will attend. Last year
owing to inadequate facilities, only
30 pupils could be accomodated
and neither the eighth nor ninth
grades were taught.
Anyone who desires to see Crook
county at its best, barring summer
heat, should go out into the rural
districts of this great county dur
ing August, hot as it is, and take a
look at the fields awave with ripen
ing grain wheat, rye and oats,
and get a whiff of the perfume of
timothy and sweet clover that is in
the air.
During the past week it has been
the pleasure and privilege of the
Journals field representative to
penetrate that heft of Crook coun
ty's agricultural section the
Ochoco valley the journejbeing
made by bicycle in one day from'
the city of Prineville and back as
far up, almost, as the Ochoco
mines, well above Howard post
office, in the tall and majestic tim
ber of the Blue Mountain forest
reserve. It was a great trip to a
lover of nature and for one who
admires the fruits of man wrung
with perseverance from the soil.
In many places along the road
side, and in adjacent fields,
browsed mild-eyed, fat cattle, hap
py in their own animal content
ment for the ultimate benefit of
man. No half-starved beasts here,
nor ugly ones, for who animal or
man can be ugly or starved with
nature prolific to overflowing on
every hand. And alternating
between the pasture lands are
fields of grain, and harvesters
garnering the abundant hay on
every side; for the haying season is
at its apex this month up tbej fair
lo the lover ot scenery tnere is
no fairer place in Crook county
than thi3 valley varying in width
down below from two miles to
narrow gorges in places above
And the waving grain plumes
make the -valley all the more
Like you the true, pure life of
the country? Then visit the
Ochoco, for you haven't seen Crook
county until you go there.
A wild beast of terrifying pro
portions knd great destructive
powers is causing consternation
among all ranchers living between
Post and Pine creek, and ranchers
are afraid to let their smaller
children stray far from the house
even in broad daylight, though
thus far the animal has only com
mitted his depredations at night
D. Koopman alone has lost eleven
young calves, ten of them this
year, and other, ranchers report
the killing off ot calves, pigs and
So bold is the bestial marauder
sometimes that he will slink up to
the porches of farm houses and
take therefrom cats and dogs lying
thereon. No dog has yet been
found brave enough or strong
enough to frighten the beast away,
and all dogs which have come to
close quarters have either been
killed outright or terribly mauled.
The presence of the wild animal
has been known for two years, but
only during the present summer
has he been feared. He does not
seem like a cougar; his traits indi
cate otherwise, for he will not tree,
keeps away from pens and traps
and never shows himself by day.
He has been seen at night, however,
but never within easy range, and is
of a tawny color. Ranchers are
inclined to think the animal is a
lion or tiger escaped from some
traveling show, and are preparing
to organize a hunt for him as soon
as harvest is over.
i erecting a plant at
for the manufacture ot their
world famous
for water, oil. gas, etc., eta
A moderate amount ot
money will start you in
a profitable fcaaines.
have been proved bv
Competitive Tet. to be
The Host 1" TligTVorUl.
For i nil particular regard
tag wU UrtUioK machines,
tool, supplies, etc., write to
Gcod ice for
4 Co.
For Sale.
sale by D. P,
Building Stone Residence.
Thomas H. Brennan is building
a fine ranch home of native stone
on his place six miles east of
Paulina, on the Burns road. It
will be the finest ranch homestead
in Crook county when completed,
though not quite as large as a few
others of wood. The floor area is
36x38... Fourteen men are em
ployed by Mr. Brennan, both at
haying in the fields and at work
on the house. Although the fam
ily is one of the oldest in that sec
tion, they have always lived in a
little log house as in pioneer days,
so the change in accommodations
will be great.
If you want a cup of delicious
Coffee try the White House Blend.
For sale by J. E. Stewart & Co.
Corvallis, Oregon
Offers collegiate courses in Agiiculture,
including Agronomy, iloitleulture,
Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry,
etc. ; Forestry, Domestic Science and
Art, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and
Mining Engineering; Commerce, Phar
macy. Oners elementary courses in Agricul
ture, Forestry, Domestic Science and
Art, Commerce and Mechanic Arts, in
cluding forge work, camjiet making,
steam fitting, plumbing, machine work,
etc. Strong faculty, modern equip
ment; tree tuition ; opens sept. 'est.
Illustrated catalogue with fu'l in for
uiation on application to the Registrar,
tree. 8-6-4t
Founded in 1844. New 150.000 build
ing this year.t
The College of Liberal Arts has strong
brain-developing courses. Other courses
in Oratory, Music, Theology, Education,
Medicine, Law, and in the academy.
45 Professors. High quality instruction
State libraries afford superior advan
tages. For catalogue address
8-0-0 President F. IIomen, Salem, Or.
900 Bucks for Sale.
900 Spanish and Delaine Merino
Bucks for Bale, 1 and 2 years old;
good condition; price reasonable,
For further particulars addrenH
T. S. HAMILTON, Ashwood, Or. 9-24
Professional Cards
JJJt C. S8r,mk
Qt C. SBrix
&eal Citate
Offlc with Oeo. W. Ovim
IPrimmmiUm, - " Orym
ZPrimimM'l, Ortfmm,
iPrtmtmJlU, Ortfmm.
tPrnjtttmm mmm Smiym
Ciuj Amuni Paonmr DiT oa Niaar
Dmca on Dooa Bourn or auuok l
DBUstfToas. Bin oi- as resi
dence Ulepliuuc.
Ckmm. J. Crn'mrm't JV. 3,tJtnmj,
(Cmmmy PAftmmm)
Belknap & Cdwards
ffJkyimimn$ mmm Jmrymmmt,
Oft XV. mf mwtmmmfm
(Vv Jtmrm
IPrimmmHI; Ormymm.
The undersigned having purchased the
stock of general merchandise and busi
ness of Wurzweiler & Company desire
to announce to the buying public that
they will conduct the business at the old
stand along the same generous lines that
have made this store deservedly success
ful in the past . We will continue to sell
good goods at reasonable prices and will
extend to all new as well as old patrons
a cordial welcome and courteous attention
Lively, Jordan & Lanius
Wurzweiler & Co.
Wilson's Shoe Shop
I have opened up a xhoe shop
In Prineville in the McCallister
building, on Main street near
the Ochoco bridge, and am pro
pared to do all kinds of repairing.
All work done neatly and
promptly and satisfaction guar
anteed. Price rery reasonable.
A trial will convince you that
this is the best place to have
your shoe repairing done.
J. EL Wilson, Prineville, Or.
SPijftfmm mmm4 Smrfrmm
Cmlti auxraV promptly m"mf mr mifMl
Offmm mmm mt mf WTmmapmrmtm'm
Jmi mmm WfmJm tfm mmmu
2l, P.
Practice In all State and
Federal Courts
jCai'JIamt. Orwfmm
Clearance Sale.
A nice aaaortiiiimt of Trimmed
Hats, Sailors, Outing llatu. Veil.
Maline, Cliiflon, Flowers, Ribbons
To be sold at Cost
AUtoa full line of Zona's Toilet
Preparation!, at
Mnr FcW Millinery
I ii o. loilj Parlors
Coma Second and Main Sta.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice U hereby given that the part
nership theretofore eiisting between
H. O. Davis and E. E. Spaulding, Den
tists, was on August 1, 19(18, by mutual
consent dissolved, said E. E. Spaulding
retiring. All accounts due the late
firm are now due and collectible, and
may be settled at the office up to Aug.
20, 1908, after which date they will be
placed in the hands of Geo. L. Bernier
for collection. II. G. Davis,
E. E. Spacldinu.
Notice for Publication.
(Not coal land)
Department of the Interior,
V. S. Land Office. The Dalles, Or.,
August 12, WO!.
Notice is hereby given that
John W. Gilchrist,
of Paulina, Oregon, who, on January 24,
I'jOh, made Homestead Entry (Serial No.
0581) No. 158M for NEJ4 NEJ4 Sec 35, K,
HEi, HE NE. Sec 20, Tp 20 8, 122 E,
W M, has tiled notice of intention to make
final commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, before
Warren Brown. County Clerk, at his office
at Prineville, Or., on the 21st day of Sep
tember, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wesley
Ptreet, O. J. Johnson, L. V. lice, Henry
Pickett, all of Paulina, Or.
8-20 C. W. Moore, Register.
erode mm mi
W. A. Booth, President
D. F. Stewart, Vice President
O. M. Elkin, Cashier
W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkin,
Transacts a General
Banking Business
Exchange Bought
and Sold
Collections -will re
ceive prompt attention
May lie Impaired yen ruined by poor, or even poorly fitted
eyeglass. What's the hh or Baime of wonting your money
to your own hurt? Come and have your eye examined In a
Bklllful manner and fitted with Klatwen that are the In-Mt to Im
had. An examination coats you nothing.
W. FRANK PETETT, Jeweler & Optician
Main Street, Prineville, Oregon
G)ivT4ii?4iirf4i?4irT4irTi T A i?4 T
I Selling It At Cost f
As we are arranging to manufacture at home this line
of housefurnishings, in order to close out the stock now
on hand we are selling all the goods made by the
Pacific Coast Manufacturing Company
This gives you a chance to make a big saving in
the purchase of any of the following articles
Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses
Pillows, Dressers, Chiffoniers
Washstands, Commodes
Sofas, Couches and
Rather thanjcarry them over and as the season will
soon close we are offering 'our entire line of Lawns,
Dimities, Panamas, Dotted Swiss, BatistesSillc ChijTons,
Organdies and Cotton Voilles for the next fifteen days
at Just Two-Thirds the Regular Price. These are
all nice new patterns and were bargains at the former
price. Price per yard plainly marked on each piece, but
we take off one-third during the next fifteen days
Read these Prices, then come and
see the exceptional values we offer
Lawns in white and colored, regular 10c values
during sale, per yard 6jc
Organdies regular 12 Jo value, during tale, yd 8Ho
Cotton Voilles regular 20c value, aale price, yd 13go
Batistes regular Ho value, sale price per yard 7jo
Panamas regular 30c yard, during tale 20o
Dotted Swiss regular 83 Jc yd., during tale 22o
Dimities regular 20c, during fifteen day aale 13o
Silk Chiffon regular 35c value, aale price , 23o
Clifton & Cornett
Prineville, . Oregon.
Put Your Machinery in Repair
Don't forget that the Prineville Machine Shop is equipped to do
any kind of machine work that can be done in Crook County.
Prices reasonable. Also carry Belting, Cap Screws, Machine
Nuts, Steam Fittings, Bicycles and Sundries. Agent for Reo
and Ford Cars. Automobile garage in connection.
All kinds of Gas Engine Repairs a Specialty.
gM Remember that we are supply headquarters for all kinds ol
lubricating oils and gasoline. We can Bave you money.'
, Prineville Machine Shop
ED HODSON, Proprietor
Bring your job printing to the Journal