Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 13, 1908, Image 4

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Redmond News.
August 0, UV
The MiloVs-t duty that has falltn
t) the writer' lot for a liU time
is that of recording the bereave
ment of Mr. and Mr?. Robert Im
naeke in the los Tuosilay night of
their infant son from pneumonia.
T he ficknesn was of short Juration
a it was only on Momiar that it
became evident that medical at
tention was necessary. They took
him to Trineville but without
avail, and now with many sym
pathizing friends they mourn t lie
loss of their Utile loved one who
came to brighten their home for a
few short months. Interment was
from the house on Thursday morn
ing. The services were simple and
unostentatious, as was lefittinp
the circumstances, the child and
Dairy Farm for Sale.
Let. T a ' :;;;,rV(:T;;-
Child In a Pcny. t luvs. hi) Uioun livli.u,. .-hi-l n,
Fvory favorable Ja.v of Hi? sutiiij din ks : 4 i low . I tvd.-r diiil. I l.rr,'.
No. 4 j-s ft'ivtrntor. Ii) ,.v.
ios!ril ami wiilun half mile of l'rine-
iy of tli? sptiii;:
ovnlrniv of the pvwliirf
the simple sympathy of the friend
who were gathered. In the a!
sence of any one authorized by tl
church of their choice to tak
charge of burial services, friend
sang two hymns and offered prayer
before the sad procession started
At the grave side another hvmn
was sung and the "Oar Fathei
and "Hail Mary" repeated and the
little body lowtred to ha res-tin
place. One hom cherished bv all
is that the memory of the lit tie 1 If.
will stilt remain with the bereaved
parents to comfort and inspi
x-.-ii ...
eiguoor eauiii returned iron
Spokane and reports Miss Olive n
much improved. She will r.ot be
able to go to work, though, and a
a consequence, will come down in
a week or so to take a somewhat
more extended vacation than was
being planned when she was taken
At an informal gathering of
some of the settlers last nisht it
was decided to ask the members of
the Settlers' Association and othe:s
to come together again on the next
regular meeting night of the asso-
01 ition, August 22. This step L-
iK9 3 partly on account of the
ri jreof the Water Users' Asso
..ion to pertect Us organization
.-i.d partly because there are mat
ters of general interest to come up
August 22. Everybody come.
Reports from F. L. Ricker a I
Prineville are encouraging, so
much so that he is expected home
the latter part of the Week.
Several parties have gene f cm
here to the mountains, or woods,
on pleasure trips. Carl Ehref and
J. G. McGuffie with their wives
Btarted Friday morning. Tuck--and
Reeds went Wednesday..
While engaged in hauling l.av
for F. T. Redmond to the D. 1. &
lus t r.;:j;:;t
litmus for ponies, r.oys mid plila on
po::ie or In carts nn no lonp-r the
somewhat r:;ro s'.slit ef n nnutbor of
years Many fortnn.ito youtiKstors
tpenA most of their leisure time In
the snilvtlo. the little pirl wearies t!i.
t'.ivMod skirt Hint rii'.iiiit tmy fashion.
Sj:::t' ptvi!i think a boy or girk can
fciuvd. I'lnily of cro to (h1 co this
year. For (ui titer hi tiei t;im ritv to
I'llAKU.Sl Cakkki i..
" oti Prinevilh', Or
j $23 Reward Return of Two Horse
Strayed from th Mnyfiold iUo
v riKiiisi river in May, a team, one
n imxon mano, innv rear
old ; one Drew n tlitiH yemnol.l, branded
Jll conneele.t on left ftuuMr. lloth
iihvo Keen worked but are not pMitlo
Will rav t rv-r.l ..............
-'!!-v ' 1 Harvey, Piir.evillo, Oregon
The City Meat Market 1
smrri.AN ivm howaud iu
i Inner of first prise In .I:llUn ciasai tt
M.-rkls f?ur. nu-niivr v( ih horJ of
lt.Ie -Mo.uio farra, Mass.uhuscts.
derive raore fun. physical development
ami ru.iV lienlih to the square luch
o;:t of n Sl'.etlaud ioay thau in any
other .way. la a lar.e measure this la
true, for l y li.rseb;ek riding every uuis-
eio ia the body is brought luto play,
makSus it vastly superior to the we-
etianieal eserx-ite ohtaiuovl from a gj"IU
ua$:uui, aiu in nun.g niul driving a
pony- the child readily ncijuires self re-
liauee ami courage, ijuieknesa of ludl
vidual acton and a sense of Judgment
The accompanying cut from tho
American Cultivator shows a notable
(KU-.y, with description as follows:
fciandias forty inches high. Howard
B. U of remarkably pxd conforma
tion, havinjr an unusually small head,
full chest, deep Ivdy, short back, ex
cellent hi:;d quarters and very straight
legs, wiru gid bone. Wonderful to
relate, he Is as vigorous and la as
wd coadttloa today as wheu he 'en
tered tho show ring at the World's
fair and as a perfect specimen of tho
Shetland ia dillieuit to be excelled
either for beauty or speed. Ilia color
la black and white.
A Contrast.
The largest horse so far as is known
was brought to Watertown. Minn., by
Sylvester Dory of this city, who traded
herd of Shetland ivuics for him.
says the St. Paul Pioneer Tress. The
animal stands eighty-one inches high j
and weighs clo.v to COCO pounds. lie
was raised by II. It. Carroll, a farmer
living near Doland. in this state.
In the County Court of the State of
t-'nwn, t r the I ounty of Crook.
in the nutter of the ostato of Kied I'
An.ternoti, deceased. Citation.
lo Minnie I.. Anderson, IMith M
Aiuerson. Wesley l Anderson and
iH-atnco u. Atulerson and a 1 heirs un
Known, 11 ttny there be, siwtinit:
In the name of the state of Oregon
yon are hereby eitevl an.l re.jnirt to
"l'rf ' inei ounty t. nurt ol the ft ite
01 vrvgon, tor the county cf Cro k, t
the courtroom therxsif, at" Prineville, in
the county of Cnok. on .U ndnv the 7th
day of .S ptcmber, IsHW, at 10 o'clock in
me forenoon ot that day, then and
there to show cause. 'if aitv ilur. l
why an order should not be granted to
M. 1. Klliott, the administrator of said
e.otate to sod po much of thefollowinrf
.lescriUnl real estate of said divease I its
may te neivssarr, to-xvit. the southeast
quarter ot the southeast quarter of see-
lion eisni, aim the south hall of the
soutiiMi'st ipiarter and Hie. southwest
piarter ot tln southeast quarter, of sec
tion nine, in t' nship ti'ttvn south cf
range twenty east cf ulainette Meri
Witness, the Hon. It. C. Vl'ij
of the County Court of the State of Ore.
con, tor the count v of Cnnik. nitl. th..
soil of said court aifyie.1, this tith dav of
AUglli t, A, ll. l'lil.S.
Attest Warren Urown.tlerk. 8-(l
Staking a Hog on Pasture.
A plan for tying out male hogs, as
cows are tied out on pasture or range.
shown In the accompanying Illus
tration, which Is the idea of one of
our readers. A double girth of me
dium sL-ed chain is made to Et the
bedy of the hog before and directly
P. Co.'s barn, A. E. Anderson met
with a severe accident by being
etruck in the tide by a large rower
Lay fork, nearly tearing tome cf
his ribs out. At last accounts he
was coming on nicely.
C. R. McLallin and wife were
Prineville visitors Saturday and
Corn, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Buckley Anzust 10. a son. No
matter whether Republican, Demo
cratic or just like his father, it'll
have to be Bill.
Thomas Sharp, jr., and wifr,
miss Jean Morrison of Portland
and Col. Belcher Sundayed with
F. T. and Mrs. Redmond.
Mrs. Immele, Mrs. Kenyon and
lone will spend Wednesday with
Mrs. Myers.
Married, August 10, 15)02, Mr.
E. C. Park and Miss Eva Trisler,
at Ottumwa, Iowa.
W. B. and DeWitt Lamb are do
ing some work on Miss Etkerson's
forty west of town. They will
clear and plow ten acres and crop
it to timothy and clover.
E. C. Paiik.
Card of Thanks.
To the many kind friends who
Helped us una sustained us in so
many different ways in our late
bereavement, we extend our heait-
lelt thanks.
Mu. and Miss. R. C.
behind the shoulders. Below they are
connected by a few links of chain, and
the chain from the stake is also con
nected with the harness here. We
are informed that this Is a very satis
factory way of keeping hogs on range
where It is Impossible to have a spe
cial lot for their use, remarks Iowa
Notice fur Publication.
(Xot Coal,1)
IVr-artmont of the Interior,
I". S. Land twice, at The IHillos.'Or.
. . , July pics.
Notice is hereby (riven that
William (t- lUlfour
of Prineville, Onyon, bo, oa July 1S
made timln-r and ftone np'-lica-tion
No. o;i(l, for SK NK,', F.l2 SI'i,
and s tj SKi4, Sec U. Tp 14 S. K IS h
SI, has tiled notice of inti ntion to make
nnai timber an.I stone proof, to estatv
lish claim to tb- land above descrilevl.
before Warren Drown, rminm ch.ri.- u
hisolileeat Prineville, Or., oil the P.Uh
dav of Oetol-er, VMS.
Claimant names at witnesses:
Kael.iellns K. Jones. John W. Hitter,
Thomas O'Kelly. AlU'rt Sears, all of
Prineville, Oreon. -S-tp
C. W. Mookf, Register.
King Edward as Stockman.
The rK!i crop of prizes which the
king's cattle and sheep won at the
Bingley Hall show, Birmin-rham, is the
lat.-st deraoiLstration of his majesty's
success as a farmer, of which he Is so
deservedly proud. When the king be-
suu ureeum; nearly rorty years ago
the Sandiinghnm farm lands were In
an almost hopeless condition, barren
and barely capable of cultivation. To
day, according to Rider Haggard, "It
is a wonderful farm, for nowhere is
so much high bred stock to be seen on
the same area." Cut probably no
where will you find such an array of
plates and cups won at shows as that
wcuca Sandnngham boasts. At a sin
gle exhibition his majesty once won no
fewer than fourteen first prizes. In
1003 he captured five first prizes and
cups in addition to numerous seconds
and thirds. In 1004 his prizes num
bered twenty. In 1903 he won a cham
pion plate, a challenge cup and eight
een other prizes, including four firsts,
while last year he took at the Smith
field show ten firsts, nine breed cups
ana piates, six other prizes and several
"highly commendeds," and every prize
winner he has bred himself. Westmin
ster Gazette.
Notice of Admj'niitritor'i Sale of Real Eitnle.
Notice i hereby niven that, in pur
suance of an order of the Cuiinty
Court of the County ol Crook, Stat'e
of Oregon, made ami entered on the
6th day of July, 1!MN, In the matter
of the estate of Mary A. Barnes.
ueeeaneii. the unilorxigncd, the ad
ministrator of caul estate, will wdl
at public miction to the highest
bidder,, for cufcli, (iohl Coin of the
I'liited Stated, anil tMihjeet to con
urination by the naid Count v Court
on Saturday, the l.'it Inlay of August,"
ll)i)N, at ten o'clock in the forenoon!
at the county courthouse, at the
front door, In Prineville, Oregon, all
the riulit, title and Interest of th
said Mary A. Barnes at the time ot
her death, and all the right, title and
interest that the said eslate h.-i
ictiuired other than or in'addiiion
to that of the Maid Marv A. Bnrnci
at the time of her death in and to all
that certain piece or parcel of land
situate and lieingr In the Couutv of
croon nun state of on-nti. nnri
more particularly described an fol
lows, town: Jots Six mid Seven In
i.iocK l our, of the Town of l.aidlaw
in me county ot t rook, State of Ore
-u, occoiuiiiK in me piat t Hereof as
the same appears of record In the
onieeoltlie t ounty Clerk of Crook
i.ouniy, ureg-on.
Terms nnd conditions of sale: Cash
goui com of the I nited States.
Dated this nh day of July, l!)c,S.
Wm. I). Baiims.-
i.xcciitor of the hstate of Mary A.
i.arnes, deceased. 7-i
Headquarters for
Home - Cured Lard and
Try some of Crook county's choicest
products. Its tho best that money can
buy. You will not only save money but
you mill help build up a homo industry.
We always carry tho tost in
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
m If ,V
Special rates when sold in large quantities
We handle all kinds of country produce
liingK, Mouldinv's, Winilows,
lWrs, Classes, Ktc. Ktc, ICtc.
r t
r 1
II(disKSH0t:txu, Wood Work, rrc.t
Neatly and PuoMrrLY IXi.nk
When it is By : : :
!7iobcrt 9foorc
Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed,
ill Ci&a
Hats, Shoes and
A complete lino of
dent's Furnishings
at Prices that you can
aflord to pay. Call
; in and let tis show
you tho pvnls and
quote you our prices.
A Choice Line of
rs & Tobaccos
R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor
- 4"
a i .
(Horsehoeintr in Connection) I
kiirt rr rt I vv
"iw-i rrupnuior
J. H.
I'KiM Vii.i.i:, out ;
ctiH'k lnutrtlei! by tlm Jay, week or month ot
ltcn-oiiiiMo nites. IJeiiieinl'cr us win-it iru
Irineville. Hatm Uk,sonaiii.k. Wp lmv
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Rupert of tho conJition of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
tha clot of biuintu July IS, 1908
III Mill IK'l.S
Ionn niul lvcmiit n
I'nlli-il Mtntn Ikiiida
HaiiIi I n-iiitw-.,..
I'm- fnin l-un k-
ili on Imnd
!(-Jt-liiptloli rumt
.. livmm
.. 13.V W
. lif.Kii m
. . ;.": m
lUi.lVJ "I
I.I.UIII till
riiiii Kiix k in.cno oo
Hiiiphi. mid untl lil-t ptwrtu ,Vi." M
4-tn ulial ,., V.IU) CU
liiillvliliinl Ik-iHwiit J-'.BIT 'T
I'll Ui li.l. mumd! -l IU
D. F All, Pr..;
Will Wr.w.llr. Vir. Pr..U.r,l
i".Vli 4
T. M. B.U-U. CkUt
II. Ratdwta. Ami Chlr
Kotice for Publication.
rx-parlir.fnt or Hie Ind-rlnr.
U. Si. Luna OIUcv at TliuimMi-a, Orr-gon
.... , , Junt- 21. i.t
Notice Is hi n liv givi-n (lint
, , iw VV. IiiiiIkiii
i .ufpr. wr-eoii. who. oit !)wfm,nlL.r on
JWH, niiidi- lionii.sK-aii Nn
'',r " )V ,? T.';Li"n '"WO'l'lK "outli, rntiiii-
l.i t-asl. V. .. hill llll-d nnllr rw.f ...
nm iivr-yi-ur prnor locsti.liiish lu,ti
to I IK lllll'l lllNivn rli--rllu-.l la.r..... i-
Hrou-n. county ci.-rk. at t'rliievillc,Ori gon,on
tin- l.tti -lay orAuKii.i, IM,
I la.munt nitmi-ns wlf fii-sf-.s:
n .. i ,r "' '"''.' "lirl- Thompson. IVrry
- ., ' iixiom, an or i in vcr, lr.-fon
7'-P VV. Moiikk, lOKisu r.
Buy your Shoes of J. E. Stewart
fe Co.
Pedigreed Stock
g G
I s
Poland Chinas
More Horse Meat.
In 1000 Cj.COO horse3 wcrrslaughteretl
for food In Taris, fumls'uing about 12,
000 tons of meat. Formerly liorso
moat Tvas eaten by only the poorest
classes, but now It In no longer regard
ed as refuse meat, and its consumptlou
ly the working classes is rapidly ln
treasing throughout Europe.
A Bone and Muscle Maker.
While alfalfa Is too rich a food for
mature horses unless used in combina-
non witn some other roughness, It is
nn excellent feed for young horses, as
It eeem3 to contain just the elements
necessary to (lerelop bone, muscle and
consequent size.
Kotice for Publicatioa
I)( parlim flt of the Inti-rlor,
L. S. Lund Olticc ut The Dulli s, drct'on,
...... , . June 21,
otlcc Is lic n-liy riven that
Charle s ll. Hhallnck
or I riiK ville, Un ison, w ho, on June II. 1!W
J'.""""'Kl,'i"1 Application No l for
K j .NK'of ..-ilon, and V"-i N W!i Kw-tion
in. township in Kout'i, nuiir..- lli-t, W. j
has flli-d iiuilm of lali nilon lo make llnn'i
i-oiiinniiallon proof u -stal,l-h claim to tin
land almve di.-s-rihd, la-lore Warri-n llrown
county clerk, u l'llm-villc. On-son, on the dayof AuKiml, luos.
Clalliiant namcK a witnesses:
Moses NiHWoiwr, Cbarlin H. Koter, Knmui-I
Shepherd, Klanson A, liusKelt, all of 1'rlne
VI lie, Ori-Kon.
7'2P C. W. MOOIU-:. IUvUUt.
Black Langshan Chick
Wood Sawing.
Having purchased the wood naw-
outfit of C. I), ii m
prepared to cut wood both for the
people livhiK In I'rineviile and those
in the nelghboriii"; district.
(-ll II. L. Honiw, rrlneville.'
Willow Creek Lumber the best
in the county lor gale by A. II.
Lippman & Co.
Irrigation, Spraying nnd Pumping Machinery
Kalrhanks-Mor-e Gaso!ln Knuines for
PiiinpliiK, uprayliiic, sawln., srrindlii.. Out-
l-alrhanks Hcales for welKhlnit. 1
Kali-hanks-.MoTki. iivnni.w.u .....i t
power and IlL-ht.
KalrhiiiikH-.Miirsc WnrlmlM and Towern.
I-alrhanks-Morhe (jrlnderH. K-ed (Jlioppcrs,
"ell Pumps. '
AM llrst. nnnlltv c,.i-..lD
. ... . - ........ k "-'-.--. ii. tcs. iiriceu.
Always In Mock. UlH-ral Krins. I'roinpl
repy to InqulrleH nd iulck shlpim-nls.
Wrlle for culaloKue and pHccb.
V. F. KING, Agwt, Primeyille, Ore.
Fairbanks Morse & Co.
Notice far Pablicatioe. .
tl Sot Coal Land.)
IVpnrlnient of the Inlerlor.
U. H. Ijind tun til Tin- linilen, Or..
July J'. hi"'.
Notice Is licn-tiv k I ven that
I 'ni l r. liri x.
formerly I'arl Chrl-i Mlkk.-lM-n. of Prlm-vlllc
"" who on April Itith. 11-(l. made ir,,n,.
"lead Appliiutloii No. I-.'IK). f,,r h.M''.
',si:',.sK',.sW',..2ii, ip 15, r i, ,.,
111. has tiled notice of Intention to make llnal
live year proof, toctahlMi claim lo the hind
above de,-rlhed, hefore Vrri'ii llrown
mainly eletk t rook ciuinty,Oreion, at I'rlnc
vllle. I rook county, Oiegou, on the 3id day
of S pieiniM r. in.
liilinanl names as. wMnesiuo.' ('m I)
swaiwm. Kobert ). Kmlth, .1. Alwln KIl-k
and Klanvm A. Hunsett, all of frlm-une
on-iron, ( , y. MooHK. lUielsler.
Notice for PuUicatioo.
Hcpnrtmcnt of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Olticc ut 'file lutlles, ir. on.
v. ,, ', . , , July -ii. Hi".
Notice Is heri hy plven (hut
Kinliy K. I'ow. ll.
of I'llnevllle, Cnxik county, iir.-ion, who, on
.In in- a-.', hfiti. made tlmlH-r nnd toiu- sworn
staicm.-nt No. Uto-i ii;n, for KSNI-:',
N;4NK'4, s-c Is, and hV'NW'.. wc 17, Ip
1 1 s. r 111 e. w in, has tiled notice of Int. -nil. hi
(o make Hnal prooflo claim lo tho
mini aisive (lei-crllx U. la-lore I lie mm elerk
at lilncMlle, Oregon, on the btU day of
I lailuaut names as witnesses' l!i,! tl
"inllh. Kaniuel A. Trow. Ilenrv .Mci 'ov. en, I
..oireus ii. i-oweii, nn or I'rineviile, Oi-i-Kon.
;. VV. Mookk, lieiilsler
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby civtMi bv the. under-
signed, aflniinidtrntor of Iho ertafo of
lOiiiiii(Mlore Carroll, dvceawnl, to all
persons havinir claims against tlincstao.
oi coniiuoiloio arroll. i i-i-casi-i ,
present the fame with oroner voiicherw
to me tiinierHifrneil at Ins ollice in Prine
ville, Or- eon, within six months from
the date of the first publication of this
Dated this Kith day of July, 1908.
.1. II. IlANKIt,
7-10 8-13 Administrator.
Notict for Publication
IVpartineiU ol lln Interior,
I. Un.l (Xticoat Tim Ihilli-s, Or.
Jiiiib 2:1, liU.S.
Notice i'm lien-bv jfiven that
Alfrw'l V. Huvn
of rrinevilli', Oregon, wlm, on Nov. 27
l'.M), iniiiht IIoiiii.s(.a, Knlry No. HTtNl
ior si-ciiiin .'.), lowiir lup l. sniltii
rutit;e U fiirt, W. M., Iihs liied rmtii (1
iiiU-htioii to iiuike litntl live yoar priM
i esliibii,)! cliiim to the land above
Ui-M-rilMil, In-fore Coiutv flerlc m
Crook comity, at bis nfllco, at Prinevilliv
Or.-n-m, on the Kihdav of Atimist, PKJH
v i.iiinaiii rumps us itiiesm-H:
Irancm li. Phvii Jacob A. I.i vis
.iiiim-H .Moltitt, ti. W. Jones, all of
i rim-vine, ur.
-! C. W. Mooio:, Hi Kicter.
Notice for Publication.
Depart inent nf Hie Interior,
U. 8. Lund Ollice at Tho lialles, Oromm,
June 3d, l!w.
otli-e Is hereby Riven that
Levi Knorr.
of Liirnniila, Oreijiiii, who on July 1. I-O.'l. made
oeiie-sieHu r.inry .o. izs ior iswi sec 1:1,
Tp Ms, rile, W M. has filed niitlee nf (men.
uoii m make ll m. I live-year proof, tn cstalilish
eliiiia to the land nlsive desi-rlheH l. (,.,-..
varren llrown. (.oumv Clerk, at I't-d.eeiii..
On-Koii, on the l'Jth day of Auilsl. PjijH. '
( huiiiaiit niiines us witnesses: Julia H
mine, uren a le. Wa ter If,- frO.I. ...,,i
Chries I'axton, all of Laiiioiila, Orewin.
'-'Jl C. VV. Jloouu, Hegioter.
For Irrigated Farms
and Fruit Lands
iv Tin hi
ffi' l- IT If
!i i i. r. .a nr iii
m Redmond, ' . . Oregon H
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, -United
States Land Office at
The DalleH, Or., June 2, 1!)08.
Notice ia hereby jriven that
Kzra J. C'ulp,
of Waituburn, Walla Walla county,
Waeli., who on June 2, 1U08, made T. &
S. Huoin Htatemi'iit No. 4(i.r),ri. fur Ki.
BW'i KEii and NKtf NWJ,
section 12, townsliip 15 eouth, range IH
east, W. M., lias filed notice of in
tention to make final proof, toeHtablinh
claim to the land above described, be
fore Ileister and Keeeivor at The
Dalies, (Jr., onttieltli day of Auiruiit.
Claimant nfimeB as witnessea:
Fred A. Ilice, of Prineville, Oregon ;
GroverC. Newman. Itobert lirumblav,
Forrest Carpenter, of Waitebtir;, Wanli
inKton. i
-4p C. W. MOOUE, IvegiHter.
Notict for Publicatioa i liolttcd Tract ) .
Serial Ko tim
I't'm.i'.: i. ami hai.k
The liitlk-a, Or. nun, I.mii-1 omee,
. . Jn Iv 1. pins,
IS lierehv IT veil 1 hut n. ,l,r.., i.-.l I...
iLi.e ..i . . . . '
, "-e-e-i oi nn: iiriierai i,anil limr
under provisions nf Act id CoiiKri-iM uppmvi
"n. , I.--I. i iiimic-ii. ,r,i, u win i,rr,-r in .nn-, n nil- IIIKIII-SI j,liler, at 10 o'clock
. in., on the IS day Aiikhi, I'sw, m-xl, nl
VV . ' " " ll!K Oael "I hui'l, inivlt:
W Sf " M"''Nrt'','l-', T. l.i , It- 17 ,
Any pern.iis i-h-.liu!iii; adversely t, n,vl..
ilesenhi d lands are advised to flic their claims
or i.l.jeciioas, on ; hi-,,re ihe day nlmvu
deslyimled for sal -. '
i v.. .v u hi k, iti(tlster
i' M. A:ms.,n, Hecelver.
Nulice for TublicilioQ
ln-parfSm iit of t. Interior,
t . M Land (iftu-e ut T he I lulies. Or.,
xt . . . . July IM.
Notice Is hcrchv vlvcn that
Kilns k 11,. ill... u
or rrlneville, Oregon, who, on May m. VJUH
'".J""' limner and slone sworn s'nleinenl
NVVfHK'i and l.t 2, w-c 7. In 1; m. r lu u
in. has tiled not lee of Intent Ion lo make II mi I
proof, to estaldlsh ehilni i,, ii... i ..i
desi-rlhed, heforc Ihe county clerk, nt. I'rlm-
""H'lu. me bin day of Ociola-r,
Claimant names ns n-iiiieas,.u. t r. o
... . .... -- I ow-
en, wane ii, jiuslon. II,, ner! II Hi, .In ,i
' v ..ei. un 01 j-rnieviiie, uri-Kon.
' . w. .moouk, HculsU-r.
or u.
S&ca Cstatc, jftrokcrago and Snsuranco
Choice Smprovcd Srrigatad Jarms for Jao
Jf Jew Sood Jfomcatcad Xocations
f fan ? jf9tl 9enry
r -LJ
r t
r i
r i
r 1
r 1
it ir-rir -p-n-f
L j
L j
The 0'Neil Restaurant
First Class Meals 25c and Up
Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season
Notice for Publication
Department of the Ir.terior,
United Htatiw I,am Ollice at
The Dalles, Oregon, June 2, 190$
Notice is hereby given that
tirover C. Ni
oi vtaiisniirir. Wa a Wu nno.o.,
Vanli who on Juno 2f 1!K)H, maile
i imnur aim isione Hworn Btatemerit, No.
'"f KM XWJ, BKWiml
Vi, kWJi. action 211, tnwiiHliip 11
Houth, raiiKelH cant, V. M., has fileil
notice of intention to niiltco final riroi.f
frt l.i:.. I. .1.:. . .. . .
io uniaunnii cutiiii a iiio i-iinl ,.,.,
dewibed, before Itcister and Receiver
hi. jiiu 1niier, uregon.on the 17th day
of AiiKtiHt, H'U8.
Claimant iiameH an witnecKeB:
Fred A. Itice. of Piinnuilii.
E.ra J. Cllln, Itiibert. Urn
Carpenter, of Vaitnburi, WaHbinnton.
0-1 D C. W. MOOKM
Notice for I'ubllc'utioii.,
Department of thn Inferior,
U. H. band Ofllco at The Dulles, OreKoii,
,. , . , . June 25, J0OH.
Notice Is herehy Klvcn thnt
l,l..le M. Delano,
or Irineville, On-iion, who, on March 8, Hue.
nwulo Homestead Knlry No. icmii.-, for Ji'.
H W H of si- 1 1 mi d N N see lit . : i L . 1 1
c. w iii, has tiled notice of IntciiUon to n'mkc
flmi! five-year proof, loestahllsh claim lo Hie
, ...-ove uescrnieii, nerorc lliei;ounly(:ierk
of Oniok ( ounly, Oregon, at, I'l lnevllle. Ore
(on, on the day of AiikukI, 1IK).
ClaliuiMit iiameH as wltnussi-s: Kdward H
. ones ileoiue M. D.-laiio, Hoy Htuurt nnd
John KiiKlln, nil of I'rliK-vllln. Oivkoii.
V. W. MooiiK, Kc.lslcr,
It's easy to reach North Beach
Take Steamer POTTER from Portland
Paitcnicri are now lo the railroad at MECLER
fottrtwo nilti Bp (ha Columbia River from Ilwaco. Thi
liminate tht ntceitity of ilcameri wailing for th lida
aod inturaa i prompt tail rtular Summer Schedule
The Steamer T. J. POTTER leaves Porllancl
every morning except Paturdny nnd Sunday nt
8:30 o'clock. Saturday only at 2 o'clok V. M.
Kciriember tho Summer rate on tho O. R. & N.
is $12.00 from Shaniko to all North J leach
points and return; good until September 30th.
Iln-re are iii'ciiiaiundalliuia ualoro nt lirleen in .nil .11
pio;-:;a!!ir;::;r;x ariSSi HS
have a kooiI r. sl and u Jolly ,U " 1 "nLr L,""i
7 2tf
E. J. WILSON, Local Agent, Shaniko, Or.
ieiiernl I'nHHeiiger Ajjent, I'ortlunil, OreKon.