LOCAL MENTION V. P. Thorp, the Laldlaw lor Lit, mi in (he city Monday. Mayor Wursweiler returned on Handuy from hi Portland (rip. Mr. Drink's father, mother and sister came In Sunday morning. Klirriff Klkin and family are at (ho Maloles (or a month' outing. Tin La Hoc a cigar at 10 cents ii not a leader; ii'a a good full smoke. J. M. Montgomery of Crooked river in camping in (he mountains Warren Smith, the local harder, la around again after hit touch of typhoid. The hay crop (o (ho east of Pine creek ii poor, and over in (he next county to the east there in only half a crop. . Mr. and Mra. C. W. Kikins left Monday for a trip to Portland and Hrasido. They expect to be away about two weeki. There will bo a social dance at Tt'inpleton hall on the McKay to . morrow (Friday) evening, Aug. 14. Everybody invited. Pine creek ran dry 1 It in week for the first time in history. It hai been very low in pnut years, but never entirely dry before. Joel Klliott of Powell Hut tea left Wednesday morning with a load of fire fighters (o aid in extinguishing (he big blaxe alove liend. Ii. 8. Terrell and wife of Ixine Pine were in (he city Monday on bulnes connected w.th (heir con tent clnim tliereo mile north of O'Neil. Koscoe Knox of the llurns road neighborhood it reported seriously ill again at hie ranch. He Buffered a stroke of paralysis some 2 years ago, and recently lust his wife. Mice Birdie Morris was given a aurpriso party last Friday evening by her young friends. The young people met at Adamson'a Icecream parlors and from there were (aken to the lawn at Mrs. Powell's place, where a very pleasant evening was passed. Clarence F. McCalHstcr is quite sick wjth typhoid at his place on the Hums road, seven miles from town. In the same tent with him lies Melvin White of Eugene who is down with dropsy. The women folks are bravely running the ranch and harvesting tU-ir mtlier short crop of hay. Wear Insured Sox Are yonr anrka imarVt' Oor "Holo. firiiut' fcii aroixjxrWturiU months, i hi. U Xtg mmmltf Hut ! pair ul "Hnlrpronf" Sn ir 1MJ0 ami II ny or all of (tirrn enma lo hulpa or nttcd dttrtiitia; In alic rm.nlln wa will replav. lUaut wlU M lux llit.K. jm. noieproot Sox' are Arn with ahinlntrly la.t culora, Tbr will ml crock." rual" nor lailo. "Hoi, proof" Bog do nol ahrlnk oor airmen. Yon can buy (ham In aaaortod Colora alx pain ol lUo wkI wulwbt In box. Wear "Holeproof Sox one aw) yon will never wear any other kind. Kamember they are guaranimi to wear alx montha or you art new aox x ur-iu ixi ua aou you a box today. a Xqliewt Cary and Frank Foster with their families are taking an outing at the Matolra. To burn or not to turn! That Is the question with some cigars but not with the Eagle. J. It. Harvey of Powell Duties was in town Tuesday on business. Everything looks good In hi part of (he country. Mint Cora Ferguson of liend came in on Tuesday's t(agc. Hhe Is a member of (he board of exam iners for state and .county papers which ii now in session at the Crook county high school building. Prof. M. H. Hockonbcrry, of (he Crook county high school, left on Tuesday for La Grande, where he will join bis family at the home of his father. Mr. Ilockonberry and family will return to Prineville about tho middle of September. Omer Claypool, Ralph Jordan Karl Wurzwciler and W. H. Hyde ruturned Sunday from a two weeks camping tour to Davis lake and thereabouts. They abstained from fighting forest fires; likewise from slaying War too much smoke. Threshing commenced this week bet ween Post and Paulina. Farm hands-are still scarce, and good men can get all (he jobi (hey want, hut (he dearth of farm labor is not nearly so marked at it waa at (be beginning of (he baying season. Perry Poindexter und family, William Ford and wife, Ora Poin dexter and wife, and Miss Iva West compose a party (hat left this week for an outing on the Upper Deschutes. They will make their camp at Crane Prairie and later expect to visit (he Odvll and Davis Lake regions. Jesse Yancey and family left on Tuesday (or a trip to Willamette valley points. They will go by wsy of Klamath Falls to southern Oregon, visiting relatives and their friends en route. They bavo a fine outfit and proposo to enjoy them selves en (he road. They will be gone a month or six weeks. C. I. Winnek returned Sunday from his trip to California. While at bis father's ranch near Ban Diego, he bad the pleasure of pick ing nil kinds of fruit. A tree of last season's crop of orangeg was saved for his epecial benefit. Figs and other semi tropical fruits are reaching (ho market stago. San Diego, Portland and SeaUle are (he best towns on the coast from a business ttnlpoint, Mr. Winnek Bays C. 0. Lee, formerly of Albnny, who recently filed a homestead on land in the Haystack country near the home of A. W. Boyce, came into town Tuesday to receive treat ment from Dr. Hyde for a bad case of blood poisoning that has devel oped on his right band. He will remain in the cily for several days. Mr. Lee is the father of Carter Lee Minnie, who will be well remem bered by the baseball fans as hav- . - ... .. I !LI. L.11 ng played wun mo mvinciuie van J. E. Sto wart & Co. team of Bend a few years ago. LOCAL MENTION. W. W. Soule was in from Bear Creek Sunday. L. Krdnrud of Hay Creek was a caller in town Sunday. C. E. Waldron of Bend came lo town the fust of the week. V. J. O'Connor and wife of Bend visited (he county seat Saturday. A. G. Eby of the Baldwin ranch lunched at (he Poindexter Monday, Mrs. Kulh Myers of Paulina was a guest at the Poindexter Sunday. William H. Short and wife were shoppers from Lamonta Tuesday. Miss Nona Richardson and Miss Hazel Caldwell of Bend came into town Monday. Supt. Ford, Mist Ferguson and Mrs. Kaylor are the examining board for state and county papers. Prof. J. Alton Thompson, over for the teachers' examinations', is registered at the Prineville hotel from Redmond with Ward Harader. The Journal's field representa tive returned Tuesday from a four daya' trip by bicycle in three di verse but adjacent directions to Prineville. Last Friday be pedaled up the Ochoco nearly to the How ard mines in the Blue mountain reserve; Saturday he rode down Crooked river lo O'Neil, thence across the sage flat to Lone Pine and back by war of the south slope of Grizzly Butte; Monday and Tuesday was occupied in a jaunt up Crooked river and on the Bnrns road as fur at Pine creek, beyond Post. All roods are excessively dusty, making the going very heavy, especially for a bicycle. Three parties of relatives this week descended upon David Wea ver and family, ranchers of down Crooked river, within one 24-hour day; and the queer part of it all is that neither party expected to meet (he other. But with all his 21 guests, Mr. Weaver was glad to welcome them and be, bis wife and children bave been hosts in earnest all week. There are men, women and children merrily fraternizing at the Weaver ranch, and the names of (he men are J. W. King and D. C. Weaver, from Klickitat county, Washington, en rente to their new home near Eugene; V. M. Jones of Salem, up on a visit; and Larkin Weaver and Gideon Weaver, over for a few days from Baker City. I'.oe Shelton of Hcio is in the city. H. D. Dunham and wife are in from Post today. C. Hartley of Wasco it here to day looking over the country. W. B. Chapman of Redmond ar rived in the city Wednesday. Walter McCoin was in from bis home near Lamonta Wednesday. J. W. Boone and family left Sat urday for Belknap Springs to camp.' Mr. and Mrt. Howard Turner came down from Powell Buttes Wednesday. The Misses Eflie A. and Josie Taylor of Madras are in Prineville (aklng (he teachers' examination. Guy LafolleUe returned Monday from Portland, where he has been attending the postmasters' conven tion. W. F. King and family are get ting ready for a visit to the moun tains. They will leave in a few days. A marriage license wat issued by County Clerk Brown Saturday to Charles K. Wiley and Mary F. Phillips, both of Gist. .Announcement is make of the wedding here early in September of Miss Iora Ward and Mr. Frank O'Connor, of Walla Walla, Wash. They will make their borne in the Washington city. Six nights a week, as regular as clock work, the moving picture show in Prineville keej t open house, and many are the delighted patrons who go home each evening with happy thoughts as a result of viewing the lifelike scenes por trayed on the canvas of the local house of amusement. Nearly every screen imparts its lesson, and the new facts thus obtained could nit be had otherwise for double the price. . The first rain in three weeks visited this section yesterday and today, and the heavy clouds still in the sky as the Journal gos to press indicate further precipitation. Not only does this storm end the oppressively hot weather, but it will aid greatly in extinguishing the forest fires rag'ng throughout the county and state. Little or no damage will be done to hay as most of the yield has been gar nered and stacked. The rainfall for the past 24 hours amounted to .16 inch. John Hanley and family came borne Tuesday after harvesting for ten days in the Paulina district. J. E. Stewart and family and J. W. Horigan and family leave today for the bead of Mill creek for an outing of a few weeks. William Marks it expected home from Lebanon this week. Hit folkt at the ranch think he it detained by forest firea on the Cascades, Mrs. Ralph Breese and brother, Mr. Andrews, who live on the Burns road, left Monday by wagon across the mountains on a visit to Lebanon. Robert Zevely joined bit wife Monday at the home of Mrs. Zevely't mother, Mrt. Jeff CKelley eighteen miles op Ochoco, for a week's outing. Haying is about over up Crooked river, along the Burns road. The hay crop in that section is a little light this year, but all farmers bave considerable grain. Frank Peas ley of Redmond and Mr. Reynolds of Cline Falls passed through Prineville today on trip through Lake, Harney, Klamath and other counties of Oregon. It will (ake several months to make (be journey. Rev. J. T. Moore, la(ely pat tor of (he Baptist church bere, returned to Prineville this morning to re join bis family. He traveled over a wide scope of country but saw nothing thai, looked aa good to him as Crook county. Wesley Cain, after three years spent in Idaho, returned Tuesday to visit bis people in Prineville, traveling across country by way of Burns and Paulina. He will re turn toon to Pocatello, where he works in a dairy. ?rT3 rv-v ri fcWi iV) fc-wS Vw'e --A BEES-HONEY-MONEY ii V The bee industry in Crook County should bo entered into by a great many more than now do. 1 j) It doesn't seem to be generally known that they do 5 ?P? ATramtinnnli-v woll rir and th nriin r,f rinnov i 55? always high. IP ifTT Bees travel from two to four miles to gather jj honey, so thatjf there is an alfalfa field within this distance from your place, you can profitably caro for bees. We feel that a few stands of bees at every ranch will give the greatest returns on the money invested of any branch of industry on tho place. We have recently received a complete assortment of Bee Supplies of the "Root's Patent" make, which are made different and from better material than the common western make. We can supply all your needs along this line. w F. Biei83ig ss6 ass ESMBsa sea ass ass sss sssa taWf Half-soling ladies' and children's shoes 50c a pair; men's 75c to II at Wilson's Shoe Shop, next door to Journal oQice. 1 Reward Offered. to reward for information or $10 for the recovery of a dark brown mare branded XV on left hip. When hist leen had hobble on right front foot am! wag on the road between Riverbed and Bend. Go. Simmers, Prineville, Or. Maker A Cntk (aires Schal BMfc Caaura Sappli Jtwalry Wad rarer D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Ktuical Lulruwala MagaxiiM Law?' Caadlra i Statioacr; - v Cifara "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY' Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, IX. B., Principal C.We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. CSald a Business Man l " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said an EJucator: "The quality of instruc tion given in your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest" CPpen the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. References t Any bank, any newspaper, any business man in Portland I The place to buy an Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Rockford, Hampden, Illinois,, or any other good make of watch movement. These you. can have in solid gold, gold filled, solid silver or nickle cases. Prices to suit all. - fl..We have Chains, Charms, Necklaces, Fobs, Rings, , Bracelets, Emblem Pins, Cut Glass and Silverware. Competent Jeweler and Engraver in charge. D. P. Adamson & Co. DRUGGISTS NEW ARRIVALS IN SHOES f j We have just r.ecelved a portion of our Fall order of shoes. All kinds, men.s wom en's and children's. Call and see them. We can save you money. GENTS' FURNISHINGS t Come and take a look at- our line of Golf and Negligee Shirts, neckwear, fancy hosiery, etc. We can please you. pmi if. Agents for "HOLEPROOF" HOSE Six Months' Guarantee. Specials for Saturday AUGUST 15 WORK BASKETS FREE Our "Special' this week is the gift of a very handsome little work basket with each cash purchase amounting to One Dollar or over. Only one basket to go to each family. They are of assorted patterns, so come early Saturday and make your selection. Garden Hose We do not intend to carry over the leavings in our stock of garden hose, and in order to make the remainder move we are offering it at exceptionally low prices. If you are going to need a new hose next season you can t afford to miss this sale. A good grade of hose at 8 l-2c per foot. Our best hose at lie; this hose is. equal to any you can buy regular at 1 5 to 1 8c The Horton "Spinner" wash ing machine. One of the latest and best machines on the market. Price is no higher than for old style machines. a HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We are constantly adding: new lines in this department and can fill almost any want in tinware, graniteware, wooden and willow ware, garden and lawn supplies, ammunition, etc. You will be pleased with our prices. E. stew a: CO. R MPANY