LOCAL MENTION Carlylo Triplrlt of Heml was In town Monday. Kev. Anthony Mitchell of Hctul mii a buint'i vlfilor in the city , (lilt week. (iuy Lafollell left on TuH(lay' I n n to attend a convention of presidential ptmaters in Port land, , Mr. Alice Clajip, of Muxki'gon, Mich., in viritinx at the home of Mm. (1. V. Reynold of Powell Hutte. John Pnvin wu down from Paulina Monday, lie say every bdy in Imxy haying, and that the crop will make nn average yield. Service nt the Methodist church nixt SiiinUy will he u uunl, with sermon hy tin pimtor both morning ami evening. The tinin young people' meeting will hi held in the Methoilint church at 7 p. in, . M. It. Horkenberry expect vixit from hi father within the month. The elder gentleman in nn eutliniatio fisherman ami ninirod, ami mine of the local friend of the popular high Kchool principal arc already preparing to do the honor in thowing hit father the hint pin res in the county to cant a fly. K. A. l!uet'of Powell lluttea wan a culler at the Journal ollico Tuesday. He report nil grain, es pecially oat, a being exceptionally heavy in hi ection thi yenr, and he lelh of one patch in hi eighty which stand so high that a titan or a steer not ovtr twenty feet dis tant i completely hidden; head, shoulder ami all. lie, ami all far mer in hi neighborhood, nenr Niwouger's station, nro enthuaias tic a nei ' the crop outlook. Ir. 12, K. Hpaulding ha, hy mu tual consent, withdrawn from the partnership heretofore existing le I wren himself and lr. If. Q. Ihivi. The notice of dissolution appear in another column of thi issue. Just what l'r. Spauldiug's plan are for the fuluie have not heen revealed, - though he will not at once leave Prineville even though hi connec tion with tin dental llriu ha heen severed. The htHines will he car ried on in the came locution a formerly in the Aduni'on tdock hy Ir. Davis. Wear Insured Sox Aro ymir iH'k numK r "Hole prnol' hi.i ar 'MJMtnluralii month. Till l I lie Mrmnlrr - llur K iwlta ol "Holeproof" Sot for t-' W and It anr or all of Oh-im cum to hulrg or iimhI tUrnlnir III ! immtliam will rvpUc llwu witb. tKW aux M1I.K. Holeproof Sox' re nvj wiin nhiniuiolr fan) roliir. 'J'h- will not "ttml," "nml nor ln.la. "llnla. pool" Hon rto not ulirlnk nor lrruh. Yon can bur thtm In aortvd oilorai pair ol null wqUjUI In box. Wrur "Holeproof" Roi one and iron wilt never wenr anr olhcr kliul. KememlMrlhey rr ua rum I tnl In wrnr ! month or vou ir.it new mi KfcK. Let u lull you box tutlxr. J. E. Stewart 4 Co. C. 12. Waldron waa down from Bend Monday. B. J. Hence and wife were down from Hend Friday. Mi Birdie Morria ia exacted home from Portland today. II. K. Poynler waa in from Paulina the end of the week. Philip Krancia of Bend atayed over Hunday in the county acat. Mr. K. K Hherwood and daugh ter were down from Crook Mon day. P. It. Davis of The Dalle hai arrived to remain for six week in Prineville. (forge Kuckey eHnt thi week ot Price Cos how' ranch, which I.uckey recently sold to the present owner. Mr. and Mr, (luerin were in the city from their home at Bend Haturday. r If. 15. Kane and family, after a reidence of 1) year in Prineville, left thi week to seek a livelihood elsewhere. Our bundle of paper lat week for I.ainonta miscarried, somehow. We hope the package hn reached it destination long before thi. The mail from Hhaniko Sunday morning because of the breaking of an axlclrce waa several houre late. The inic Imp occurred along Willow creek. Haying haa just commenced at the head of the Ochoco. Rancher reHrtau average crop; larger, possibly, than uual. P. It. Poindexter made the round trip to Hhaniko Haturday and Hun day in hi automobile, doing the trip of CiJ mile back in just six hour. He took out with him Dr. Ong of Portland, and Will Worx weiler and J. L. McCullough. The number of person over 4 and under 'JO yearn of age in Crook county, according to the last school cmisus, was 2.0HO. Thi achool pop illation under the state law give thi county the mm of 11,500 under the apportionment April 21, 11)08, and $ 1 ,828 under the amount dis tributed (or educational purpose August 1, 1'JOS by State Treasurer Steel. The total apportionment for thi county is, therefore, 13,328. The total for the state is 1256,007. U. A. Ford, new county suerin tendent of schools, took up hi offi cial duties here Monday. He ia re ceiving numerous inquiries aa to w hen the county teacher' institute will lie held, and desire to say that no date will be set until after the convention of the county iu perintendents of school has been held at Salem September 10 and 11, for the reason that he hope to be able to induce the state superinten dent, Mr. Ackermar., and other prominent educators to attend the Crook county institute. According ly, when 'Mr. Ford returns from Salem next month he will desig nate and announce the local dates. LOCAL MENTION. ('ova Applet at Stewart'. L. M. Miller i In the city from Paulina today, W. K, Young of Redmond came over Tuesday night.. Osborn Kdwards of Git ia (top ping at the Poindexter. Warren Smith ia tick abed with symptom ef typhoid fever. Frank Ireland went to the mine at Howrfrd today on buine. O, C. McDowell of Paulina spent Sunday in Prineville. W. I. Dixon of Paulina paid the county seat a viit Saturday. Hy Adam of Silver Lako regis tered at the-Prineville Sunday. K. L. Rose i expected home dai ly, after an absence of several week. K. J. Wyman and K. II. O'Kelley of Hay Creek are county scat arri val today. (iet the habit of smoking the "Kagle" clear Havana cigar. Made in Prineville. -J. W. Hanley and family left last Friday for Paulina to work in the harvest field. They will return here in the fall to garner the sec ond crop on their own land. Miss Alta Dillon, who ha been visiting at Frank Wilhoil'a place down Crooked river, returned home Sunday. Her sister, Mia Aleatha Dillon, i expected home within a week. Mrs. Lctlie Miller and mother, Mr. T. J. Powell, with Dr. K. C. Mohler, have returned home from a camping visit with Fred Powell on the ranch at Paulina, owing to the precarious health of Mr. Pow ell. George Stanclift and wife, recent arrival in Prineville from Burns, who have just !ought the Cuntrell place in thi city, are leaving for the Willamette valley to remain until autumn. They rusticated last year at Newport and will probably Hud some time there this summer, returning here about October. A. It. Roller this week climbed the high school flag pole, over 100 feet above the ground, to adjust the halliards. The feat looked quite perilous as Roller shinned up the swaying staff, but the nimble and adroit Prineville steeplejack re turned quickly and safely to terra lirma. II. J. Overturl cam down from liend today. For sweet mild smoka try the "La Rosa" 10c cigar. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Grove Caldwell, near Rosland, a daughter. Ed Ferguson lacerated all of the fingers on one hand in a hay der rick this, week at Henry Cadle'a place. Dr. Rosenberg dreseed the injury. Pneumonia caused the death on Wednesday morning, Auguat 5, of the infant child of R. C. Immile. Interment was made today at Redmond. Rev. C. P. Hai ley will not be abl to keep hi appointment fpr next Sunday. He will, therefore, not preach in the Union church aa an nounced last week. He may do so later. Oj)e of the prettiest lawns in the city is that of the Presbyterian church, which by industrioua and continuous attention Dr. Dunsroore has brought to a high state of ex cellence. Tom Dean, a young Scotchman from near Chicago, lost the end of one "hand by traumatic amputation this week it a hay machine on the McKay ranch at the head of the Ochoco. He was attended by Dr. Belknsp. John Alden Seabury, represent ing the Crook County Journal, will call on farmers and ranchers of the Ochoco valley as far up as Howard Friday and Saturday, and next week he will canvass Paulina, Poet, Crook and the country lying between. A camping party consisting of John Combs, Mr. and Mrs. Ward well Cram, Miss Eflie Dobbs, Nate Wurzweiler and Clyde Kinder and family returned home last evening after three weeks and one day spent fishing and camping upon a long circuit which included visits to Davis lake, Crane prairie and Lava lake. Although they had an enjoyable time, not one in the par ty but was glad to see Prineville a gain, for much of their pleasure was marred through necessity of fighting forest fires at Bachelor mountain, about Crane prairie and to the south bf Twin swamps, in Klamath county. The party re ports a large number of Prineville people encamped down that way, among whom are G rover Ewiug, Joe Treichel and Bryce Ewing, with whom they camped awhile. John Terapleton and Dave Stewart have gone to the bead of the Deecbutea for an outing. John Sisemore, the Bend pioneer, is down to take several weeks' rob treatment of A. W. Grater. Mrs. Vira Cyrus returned Tues day from a trip to the mountains for berries. Mrs. Msry Ilinton, who went with her, Is still in the mountains, but will return shortly. Although there is usually a complaint regarding business con ditions during the month of August, the stage company findi all the business it can handle be tween this place and Shaniko. Besides the passenger traffic large quantities of tarries are shipped in daily. William Bradford, for (lie past 15 years a resident of Crook county, died Wednesday, August 5, at the home of his sister, Mm. Picket, in this city, of a complication of dis eases, aged 51 year. Funeral ser vices were held at his late home in Prineville Thursday afternoon, Dr. Dunsmore officiating. Deceased bad been in poor health for five years and the end was not unexpected. At a congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church, held af ter the morning service Sunday, it was unanimously voted to give the pastor a month's vacation, begin ning at.once. There will therefore be no preaching service held In the Presbyterian church until the first Sunday in September, when the regular services will be resumed. The Sunday school will meet aa usual every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Dr. Dunsmore will proba bly make a trip to the mountains during his vacation, but for the present he remains in town. I BEES-HONEY-MONEY Mi 9 TT The bee industry in Crook County should be ji entered into by a great many more than now do. It doesn't seem to be generally known that they do exceptionally well here, and the price of honey ia always high. " TT Bees travel from two to four miles to gather jj honey, so thatjf there is an alfalfa field within this distance from your place, you can profitably care for bees. We feel that a few stands of bees at every ranch will give the greatest returns on the money invested of any branch of industry on the place. We have recently received a complete assortment of Bee Supplies of the "Root's Patent" make, which are made different and from better material than the common western make. We can supply all your needs along this line. W. F. Kin; The Wigle party left for their camping trip to the Matolea on Wednesday. They will be gone about two weeks. J. E. Pyatt ol Bend was in the city Saturday. J. II. Homey came over from Madras Saturday. "THE SCHOOL OP QUALITY" Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal CWe occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $20,000 equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all others iu quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. CSalJ a Itiislucrt Mailt "Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said an E Jura tor: "The quality of instruc tion given in your school makes it the standard of its kiudin the Northwest." C,Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. Reference 1 Any bank, any newspaper, any business nun ia Portland. Mtkcr t Cntk Kaivtt ScbMl SmIu CiKtra Sapplict Jwdry Wall Tiftr D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Mukal IaitnuMaU Mafuiact Uwaty't CaaJic Statwacrr Cigar 1$ The place to buy an Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Rockford, Hampden, Illinois, or any other good make of watch movement. These you can have in solid gold, gold filled, solid silver or nickle cases. Prices to suit all. We have Chains, Charms, Necklaces, Fobs, Rings, Bracelets, Emblem Pins, Cut Glass and Silverware. q Competent Jeweler and Engraver in charge. D. P. Adamson &; Go. DRUGGISTS NEW ARRIVALS IN SHOES We have just received a portion of our Fall order of shoes. All kinds, men.s wom en's and children's. Call and see them. We can save you f money. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Come and take a look at our line of Golf and Negligee Shirts, neckwear, fancy hosiery, etc. We can please you. !SiV.:irJ'' '4fS til il Agents for "HOLEPROOF" HOSE Six Months'-Guarantee. Specials for Saturday AUGUST 8 Wild Rose Honey A pure honey in glass jars, gross weight 1 lbs., special for Saturday . 25c Heinz Dill Pickles 'The celebrated- Heinz brand, regular 20o per quart, ppecial for Saturday , 15c Diamond W Queen Olives Regular 40c bottle, special for Saturday. 25c Garden Hose We do not intend to carry over the leavings in our stock of garden hose, and in order to make the remainder move we are offering it at exceptionally low prices. If you are going to need a new hose next season you cant afford to miss this sale. A good grade of hose at 8 1 -2c per foot. Our best hose at I lc; this hose is equal to any you can buy regular at 1 5 to 1 8c The Horton "Spinner" wash ing machine. One of the latest and best machines on the market Price is no higher than for .old style machines. HARDWARE, DEPARTMENT We are constantly adding new lines in this department and can fill almost any want in beware, graniteware, wooden and willow ware, garden and lawn su pplies, ammunition, etc You will be pleased with our prices. S T EW A R T- COMPANY