LOCALMENTION 8. 8. NYgua of I.amonta waa in town Wednesday. Mia Doily Ho.lg i l out at 8. 8. 8 wii' placo fr a visit ol. a few tlayi. Mini Unit Smith of (irlzxlv wai In town ihoi ing the first of the wwk. Oncar HyJ and family have returned from an outing un tiia UCIIOCO. Judgfl Kliis of licml kii In town tha flrrt of the wwk attending to county bunineia. County Itoadtnaater Karl Mo Laughlin wut at Ashwoml this week attending to olliclal duties. Mra. Walter Meeainger, nee Buiilli, of MaJra. who was married a few week ago, wai hopping in . town Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. John Hean fame over from the Tulea tha first of the week. Mr. Ryan iay that e?err thing i looking flue over hi way. (1. W. Updike, who haa charge of the Columbia Houthern head gate up Tumalo creek, ha gone to lorlland to remain about one week. Carl McGhee and wife,, of I.a- monta m several daya in town thia week, Mr. McCJhee having eouie in to receive treatment for n abeceft on hi hand. Mr. and Mn. Dale Jonea were erenaded by the "can" brigade Wednesday evening. Afterward, Mr. and Mra. Will Ford came in for their ahare of the fun. Juttt received, at J. K. Stewart & Co., a choice lot of fancy ham, in 6 to 10 lb average weight; email enough to boil whole. Jut the thing to have for your camping trip. County School Superintendent ft.. A. Ford eamo in from hi home at 8itera yesterday to attend the Ford Poindexter wedding. He will aeiiume hia ollicial duties Auguat 1. Word wai received at Prinevillo that a man named Ifutton, living at Wagontire, wai kicked in the alotnach by a borne and i not ex pected to live. A he live thirty mile from a telephone line it ia impoarible to get detail. Wear Insured Sos An rmtranckt iWntmfr Our "Hnls Wool" bm ara tiurd for aU mootUv Thia la I ha Ho al pair at "Holrprant" n for 13 00 and II any or all ol Ihrra coma lo bolra or niwd darning In ! month. will rapUo tlMio WHO Mw aoa ritCE. - noieproot Sox ara drad ajrilh abaotutal la.t colnra. Th will not croca," "rual " nor lad. - Hot, arix.l" Boa do not alirlnk por atreu-h. Von can bur than In aaaortnd eolora ala pain ol Im and watobt la a boa. Waar "HotoprooC 80s one) and foa will navar wear any other kind. Remember ther are guaranty to lT.r.i'lnoB,h or "t new ao 1 UKK. L tU you bos lotlay. For a aweet mild tuioke try the "U lion" 10c cigar. Priacilla K Combi proved up on her timber claim thi week. Uoy Chilwood of ri.ly filed on a deaert claim the other day. Prof. J, F Iilanohard ia in town from hia home near Mad ran. C. . F. Smith and family are camping on the Matolea thi week Mr. and Mra. Perry lama re. turned the firat of the week fiom Portland. Light froet fell in tho upper Denchutea valley early on Tueeday morning. W. II. Langford and Mra. 8. S. Brown were in from Hayatack on Saturday. Dr. and Mra. Ong of Portland are vlm'ting at the home of Perry Poindexter. Mr. Olive Cook iirovrd ud on her limber claim beforo Warren Krown yeaterday. L. M. Thoma of Lamonta pawed through Prineville a few titty) ago on hie way up Crooked River. - Will Barber of Culver haa Wen vialtinc relative at Willamina in Yamill county for the pant few weeka. . if n i . . wax iioier returned irom iila camping trip Saturday. Dale Jones and Lerter Cobra got back Monday Mra. II. P. Belknap returned the firat of the week from Portland, Salem and other Willamette Val ley point. Kdna (!. Kale made final proof on her timber claim in township 14 aouth More the county clerk on rdncaday, Mia Grace Parrinh, who haa been visiting frienda here for the paat week, returned to her home at Iaycreek Monday. Max Wunweiler waa called in from hia camping trip the firat of the week. H ay that the reat of the party may be expected any day J. II. Wigln and family. Dr. and Mr. Hudnon, Mra. Charlea Lytle and tho MirHca Diinpniore and Nelma are getting ready for a camp- tig trip to the Matolea. Alf Ellefson will open a whole- ale and retail candy store in the corner of the O'Neil restaurant, lately vacated by W. Frank Petett, juki a noon a lug stock arrives from Portland. The place has been papered and painted and will make an attractive place of business. Mr. Eastmanjs in town today looking for men to work in hi sawmill over on the McKay. He is willing to pay 12 a day and board, but cannot Gnd a roan. All idle men have gone to the hay field. Recent rains have been very heavy tip h.a way, he says. On Thuriday a week ago sawloos that were hauled up on dry ground at lus mill were floating around. May Belle Reed is visiting in Bend thia week. Xfra. Dal J fin a return ml Httlti. " " ' a w y vi f ' a V U I day from a viait with parent all B. Cormley returned the first of the week from a business trip to Portland. J. II. Beck ley came in from hi ranch at Paul.na Monday after noon in hi auto. He haa a habit of breaking eed record between Prineville and his place. ft. Boole n got back Monday from Portland, where he had taken a bunch of cattle. He atruck the 'market when it waa pretty well upilied with cattle from Southern Oregod and hence price were weak. Ralph Jordan, 0. C. Clavoool. Karl Wurxweiler and Walter Hyde left Monday for an outing at the headwater of the Descnute Among other thing the boy took a boat which they will use on the lake when fishing for big fish. Tho new courthouse ia receiving: the secon floor this week and bv Monday the stone masons will be back at work on the wall for the last atory. Few counties in Ore gon can boant of a court bouse such aa this one will be when it is completed Ibis Fall. Sheriff Frank KIkina went to Sister last week and met his father, James Elkins, who came over the mountains from Albany. Mr. James Elkins is well known here and will riwnd three week or more visiting friend and rela tives before returning to hi Wil lamette alley heme. John Aldcn Seabury, until this week editor of the Laidlaw Chron icle, has moved his family of a wifo and four children to Prine ville. ' During tho next few months he will do field work for the Crook County Journal, and will also compile information and names for a county directory to be issued when the necessary data ha been gathered. II. W. King, a civil engineer of Pendleton, and W. D. Barnea of Laidlaw, who have been off on a hunting and fishing trip in the John Day country for the last three weeks, returned to Crook county Monday, staying that night at Prineville and proceeding west of the Deschutes Tuesday. Mr. Kinc headed the recent rnaurvKv of work on the Columbia Southern segregation canals and ditches. Walter. O'Neil is up from Shaniko. Get the habit of amokins the "Kagle" clear Havana cigar. Made in Prineville. Mr. and Mra. Marks, parents of Mrs. E. T. Slayton, and their daughter, left tolay for their home at Lebanon, Oregon. They have been here about two weeks visiting relaiivea. Misa Katie Dunamore, daughter ol Dr. Dunsmore, arrived from Portland on Saturday mornine to spend a few weeka with her father. She will join the Wigle camping party next week, and spend a short time iu the mountain. Walter Mendenhall wa in town from hia ranch near Culver the last of the week. Mr. Mendenhall is now having a deep well drilled on his land and expects soon to be rid of the task of hauling water for a distance of several miles. Farmers and ranchers west of the Deschutes river have been greatly annoyed of late by coyotes. Ibe animals seem unusually num erous this year, and hardly a chicken roost but has suffered from their midnight incursions. Dr. M. Nicbter, veterinary sur geon and dentist, paid Priaeville a visit the first of. the week. He came up by private conveyance from California. I(e says that the Prineville country looks good to him. His objective point is Pen dleton, but he will come back to Crook county if a railroad ever strikes the country. At the Presbyterian church next Sunday, the regular services will held morning and evening. Sun day school at 10 A. M., with preaching at 11, and meeting of the united Young People's socie ties at 7 o clock, then the usual evening worship and sermon at 8 o'clock. The public ia cordially invited to all there services. With the exception of a stretch of six or seven miles, the new county road between Powell But tea and Laidlaw is now completed. As yet, however, the new highway is hardly in usable condition, the earth being very soft and consid erably admixed with sage roots, though the larger obstacles to good driving have been removed. Travelers still use . the old road, which by reason of diverging toward the south is two miles longer. Byron Cady and wife were in town the first of the week. Born July 27, to the wife of Charles M. Elkins, a daughter. Born July 21, to the wife of Clarence ft. Harvey, a daughter. Mrs. Michel and her two boya returned from Portland Sunday morning. Randolph Gibpon was kicked by a horse a few daya ago and badly hurt. He leg wa fractured. Miaee Agnea Elliott and Allie Horrigan returned Monday from a two weeks' outing at Bolter, on Trout Creek. The Jonmon ditch, which is used for irrigation purposes in the district iut north of the Tumalo and west of the Deschutes River. burst iU banks on top of a hieh hill near the Johnson ranch a few days ago and before the break was discovered the water did consider able damage to growing grain in the fields below, as well a forming a small lake across the Bend Laidlaw road at that point. A miniature sawmill is being operated at the court house grounds by Contractor J. B. Slrpp. In order to get the joist for the new building of exact width after they were cured, ample allowance was made in cutting them for shrinkage and now a frame con taining a small circular saw that is propelled by the gasoline engine belonging to Holbs's wood saw ha been arranged and is being used in trimming the big timbers' to their proper size. Five men are re quired to handle the small saw mill. . iff I BEES-HONEY-MONEY as nn inn vvv inuuairy in irooK tounty snould Do , 31 entered into by a trrcat manv more than now lo f 1 - It doesn't seem to be generally known that they do excentionallv wi11 rip nn.l ihn ----- -1 '- w v i avw vi UVlIt AO trrt always high. v) 1 this distance from your place, you can profitably care 'k for bees. We feel that a few stands of bees at every r ranch will give the greatest returns on the money Si invested of any branch of industry on the place. We ) have recently received a complete assortment of Bee Supplies of the "Root's Patent" make, which are made different and from better material than the i common western make. We ran annnlv a11 vnnrnwdi' XIV J "-V-a along this line. ft V -" at- ii aim W. F. Bees travel from two to four miles to gather honey, so thatjf there is an alfalfa field within For Sale or Trade three Acme J'.nck Rakeg, one 2-borte iwer eairbankn-Morse gaaoline engine. iress Kd Slatto.1. do Will tell or trade. Adilress 5-28tf Prineville, Oregon Trespass Notice. Trespassing and hunting is positively prohibited tn mv land iu Section 31, Tp. U S., II 16 K. Lated June 25, 190S. lm J. . Adambo. "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY"- Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal C.We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $ao,ooo equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. CSuld a Business Mn : " Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said aa EJucators "The quality of Instruo tion given in your ichool makes it the standard of ita kind In the Nortli f 11 .1 "t. . m T . . u.wpen au me year, otuaents aamittea at any time. Catalogue free. References 1 Any bank, any newaoaoer. anv businau mm in vmua MaWaV Croak Ku'rcs Scaaal Back Camera Sapplvea Jewelry Wall r.ptr D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Mukal IaatracaU Mafuiaes Lawaty's Caadies Statioaery Ciftn i The place to buy an Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Rbckford, Hampden, Illinois, or any other good make of watch movement. These you can have in solid gold, gold filled, solid silver or nickle cases. Prices to suit all. We have Chains, Charms, Necklaces, Fobs, Rings, Bracelets, Emblem Pins, Cut Glass and Silverware. Competent Jeweler and Engraver in charge. D. P. Ad amson DRUGGISTS & Co. NEW ARRIVALS IN SHOES We have just received a portion of our Fall order of shoes. All kinds, men,s wom en's and children's. Call and see them. We can save you money. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Come and take a look at our line of Coif and Negligee Shirts, neckwear, fancy . hosiery, etc We can please you. Ur .i,!,-NJ.i mm !' AH'-- Agents for "HOLEPROOF HOSE Six Months' Guarantee. Specials for Saturday AUGUST 1 Lemons For Saturday a choice lot of Lemons, large sizo and of the best quality, special, per dozen ; .....30c Canned Plums Fountain Brand Canned Plums, special for Satur day, per can . ...... i(c U. S. Clothes Pins The standard clother pin, usually sold for 10c dozen, our Saturday price, per dozen fjoc GROCERIES Buy your groceries of us. We carry one of the largest stocks in .Grook County and are selling at a live and let live profit. The Horton "Spinner" wash ing machine. One of the latest and best machines on the market. Price is no higher than for old style machines. 'NaT'.. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We are constantly adding new lines in this department and can fill almost any want in tinware, graniteware, wooden and willow ware, garden and lawn supplies, ammunition, etc You will be pleased with our prices. J . rvr inun & COMPANY