Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 30, 1908, Image 2

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Crook County Journal
THUIttDAY,JULYj0, 1908
Subscription 1 1.50 Tr.
Tragic Death of
Mary 0. Douthit.
Mii8 Mry Osborne Ionthit, a
pioneer woman of Oregon, author,
teacher and prominent in the
woman's suffrage movement, died
last Saturday at the Good Samari
tan hospital in Portland after being
ran down by a street car at Morri
son and Lownsdale atreeU, that
city. The funeral was held this
week from Holman'a chapel, Tort
land, with interment in that city.
Rev. William G. Eliot, pastor of
the First Unitarian church, to
which she belonged, officiated.
Miss Douthit was born in South
Carolina, coming to Oregon with
her parents in 1S53. The family
first settled in Linn couuty near
Lebanon, where Mr. Douthit en
gaged in farming. Then the Dout
hiU removed to Crook county, tak
rg up their residence at Paulina,
where Mr. Douthit died in 1S7G.
For a number of years Miss Douthit
taught school in this cDunty, later
going to Portland, where she in
structed the young for 15 years
preceding her untimely death. She
was an aunt of Harry and Samuel
Douthit and Mrs. Luther Claypool
of Paulina.
Aside from the prominence she
attained in the public eye through
her suffrage affiliation?, Miss Dout
hit became well known as the au
thor of "Pioneer Reunion," a book
relating to reminescences of leading
Oregon and Washington women,
issued in 1905, just prior to the
Lewis and Clark exposition. She
also wrote a number of brilliant
papers on educational and suffrag
ist subjects. She had planned to
lecture on pioneer life during Aug
ust in the coast counties of Oregon.
Ford-Poindexter Nuptials.
William C. Ford and Miss Ber
nola Poindexter were married last
evening at the home of the bride,
Dr. Dunsmore officiating. The
wedding was a quiet one, only
immediate relatives of the young
couple being present. Mrs. Dr.
Ong, of Portland, a sister of the
groom, played the wedding march.
Many presents were received by
the young couple. Mr. and Mrs.
Ford left today for Sisters, and
when they return will spend a
month in the mountains.
C I. B. Notes.
At the rose display contest held
at Templeton's drug store last Sat
urday the first prize for the finest
specimen of a rose was awarded to
Miss Mabel Doak. The prize win
ner was a "Dinsmore", a pink
variety, and the prize was $3.50
cash. The first prize for the best
collection of roses was awarded to
Miss Anna Thronson, who showed
about six varieties of choice flowers.
Prize, $1.50 cash. Miller & Sons,
of the Milton Nursery also offered
three prizes for the best specimens
of roses grown from Etock pur
chased from their nursery. First
prize was won by Mabel Doak,
$2.50; second, Anna Thronson, on
a "Prince de Rohan", $1.50; and
third prize was awarded to Mabel
Doak on another specimen of the
"Sweet Pea Day" was held at
Adamson's drug store yesterday.
The display was very meritorious,
as this beautiful flower grows to
perfection in this climate. First
prize for best specimen flower was
awarded to Miss Edith King,
prize, $2.50. The prize for the
largest and best collection of sweet
peas was awarded to Mabel Doak,
with a showing of over 20 varie
ties, prize, $1.50 cash. Prize for
second best collection, $1, was
awarded to Edith King, who
showed 12 varieties.
New Attractions at the Club.
The P. A. A. C. is putting forth
considerable effort to increase the
membership of the club. Besides
the shower baths, the new tennis
court and the skating rink, a new
library room is to be partitioned
off next to the billiard parlors.
The ladies of the Annex will fur
nish the library. This auxiliary
society is always ready to do more
than its share of the work of
making the club better and more
T. L. Caplee, the hardware
drummer, was in Crook county the
first of the week.
E. J. Farrel has returned from
Portland and is at his old place on
the new court house building.
The moving picture show is
drawing good crowds. Two
shows every night. New programs
Mondays, -Wednesdays and Fri
days. T. W. Marshall and A. L. An
derson, commercial men from
Portland, have been in the city
this week looking up business in
their respective lines.
Rev. C. P. Bailey, who is very
popu'ar with the church-going peo
ple of Prineville, will preach at the
Union Church on the morning of
August 9th.
C. II. Erickson of Bear creek
came in Monday for repairs for his
mower. He was in the midst of
his haying when a break-down
made a trip to Prineville necessary.
Dr. Hyde's family will leave the
latter part of the week for a trip
across the mountains. They go
well supplied with "jars" and ex
pect to bring back a load of berries.
A camping party composed of
the members of Sheriff Elkins'
family, James Elkins of Albany,
father of the sheriff, Mrs. Logan,
and Millard Elkins, will leave in a
few days for an outing on the
Miss Brown of Portland, a
daughter of Z. M. Brown, arrived
Monday morning and is visiting at
the home of her uncle, T. M. Bald
win. She expects to go to the
country this week to join her father
at the Millican ranch, on Bear
creek, and may locate a timber
claim in the region of Pine moun
tain. . . .
G. E. McClure, representing the
Realty Associates of Portland, is
again in Prineville looking up
business for his firm. Mr. McClure
says that business was never better
with his house. He. had with him
a $30,000 check from an estate in
Heppner for investment with his
company. Naturally, he felt good.
The oldest son of Rev. Cook of
Powell Buttes met with a painful
accident recently. He was thrown
from a rig and in some way got
tangled in the lines so that he
could not break the fall. His
ankle was badlv sprained. It will
be several weeks before he is abl e
to be around again. The lad is
brought to town every few days to
receive medical treatment.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend onr heartfelt
thanks and appreciation to thotie w ho
so kindly extended us their sympathy
aarinir trie snort innees ana death ol
onr beloved one, Mrs. Jeanie May
ffmead. Wm. Pmeail,
Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
ana lamuy.
Reward Offered.
$5 reward for information or f 10 for
the recovery ot a dark brown mare
branded XV on left hip. When last
ieen naa nobble on right front foot and
was on the roaa between Kiverbed and
Bend. Gao. kcmmers, Prineville, Or,
Good Watches
I have in stock a complete
line of the best waches and
clocks and also do repairing.
Eyes examined and glasses
made t o fit Graduate
W. Frank Petett
Prineville' Old Reliable Jeweler
Fine Ranch for Sale.
The ltest place on Willow Creek.
Four hundred and eighty ncreH of
Kood cultivable land; 100 under cul
tivatiori; .35 acres In alfalfa, 20 in
timothy; 80 acres In grain; good
house; K0 tons of hay W Alfalfa and
40 tlmothp; '. or 40 head of cattle;
20 head of work hornes; 20 hogH; lots
of chiekenH, geese, etc.; Btream of
water running through the middle
of the tract from one end to the
other; big spring on the place, water
all the year round. Two orchards
200 trees bearing apples, pears,
plums and prunes. Good water for
domestic line. Half cash, balance on
easy terms. For further information
address H. L. Montgomery, Grizzly,
Crook county, Oregon. 4-30tf
New Books in High School Library. '
Professor Hockenberry has re
ceived the following new books for
the Crook County High 8cljool
library: Poe's complete works,
consisting of eleven volumes; eight
volumes of Hugo's works; twelve
volumes of Coopet's works; twelve
volumes of Shakespeare's works;
ten volumes of Irving' works; five
volumes ot McCaulay's HUtory of
England; five volumes of the His
tory and Government of the United
States bv such men as Theodore
Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge,
John Hay and many others. The
total volumes received was 75.
1 1 Hip. Star X
Drilling Mine Co.
Killed a Bif Rattler.
II. B. Foster of O'Xeil was in
town Monday. He says the rail
road surveyors are camped at that
place and everybody is eagerly
awaiting railroad news. Inci
dentally Mr. Foster mentioned
that there were more rattlesnakes
seen down his way this season
than ever before. His daughter
shot one Friday that measured 40
inches long and had eleven rattles.
Business Locals.
For your Ammunition go to
J, E. Stewart vt Co.
Willow Creek Lumber the best
in the county for sale by A. H.
Lippman 3c Co.
J. E. Stewart & Co. have added
to their line of hardware a full
stock of Carriage Bolts.
The Ochoco" 10c cigar is better
than the ordinary smoke for the
same price. All cigar counters.
Half-soling ladies' and children's
shoes 50c a pair; men's 75c to $1
at Wilson's Shoe Shop, next door
to Journal otlice.
Professional Cards,
. Shrink
jf jtrert, ZPrimtmUlt, Ortyon.
C. Erfx
SPeal CstaU
Office with Geo. W. Unrnrs
SP. Ctiioit,
ZPrinomMa, Orayon.
O. JITyd
iPMyiieian and Smryaon
Call Answehbu Porri.T Dit oa Night
Orrici Uni Dooa mouth or A damson's
OkoeSTont. Buth oflire au renj.
dence telephone.
iPrinamUa, - Orao-on
!Prinauilla, Orayon,
Chat. S. Cdmardt JT. P. 33alAnap
(County fAyt toan)
fflclknap dc Cdwards
iPlystaiani and Surf ton.
0 fnr 2oor mt m Wmmofo
2rf Stor
IPrinamilla, Orayon.
t JP. S&oteniery
SPhysieian and iSaryaon
Calls antwroa' promptly Jay r myAl
Offoo Hmo aorm oowtA of Cotmtomm 'm
Vm0 Stomo, SP4m moras
si mm" Strosfs.
!Prinailla, Orafon,
Practice "In all State and
.Federal Courts
Clearance Sale
A nice assortment of Trimmed
Hats, Hailors, Outinir Hats. Veils.
Muline, Chiffon, Flowers, Kibbons
To be sold at Cost
Also a full line of Zona's Toilet
Preparations, at
1 II O. LoICO Parlors
Corner Second and Main Sti.
ts erecting a plant at
for the manufacture oi thoir
world famous
for water, oil, gas, etc., etc
A moderate amount of
money will start yon la
m pro&t&ble buslurta,
have been proved by
Competitive to bo
1'ho IWxt In The World.
For full particulars regard
ing well drilling machines,
tools, supplies etc., write to
$250 Howard
A reward of t-.V) w ill b paid for In
formation leading to the arrest and
conviction ot anv peraon fonnd utility
of Interfering with the How ol water or
Jaw of the Siunw Creek Irrigation Co,
k.T.SLAYTON, tcy.
Notice for Publkatioa
IVpurtiiH-flt of Ihr Interior.
V. 8. lnl Orttce at The I w !!., On-eon,
Juiw a i, iv
NuIIm la bfivliy tvrn tht
Chnrlm H. Hhatturk
or trtnrtilliOnin. who, on June II, l!W.
mail.. HomtwlpMj Application No. I.'ot (Or
K't SK'.of aivtlontl. ami 'S SW'twIkm
It', kiwitxltlp I aoulll, ran Urt, . M
hua aird nolle or lutmilon lo maki flnal
ommititfttlon rtor to siililltt claim to lit
land above tlrwrtU'il, twfore W arrvn Hrown,
rouuly clerk, at rilnrvlllo, Urvtfou, oil the
17th ilur of Aiiftial, MM.
Claimant nainnta wllmwa-a:
Mow Mavoitavr, Charlie H. Kuatrr.ftiiauel
8t..-lli,-rtl. Ktauaou A. Iluaarlt. all of I'rlue
vlllt. Oregon.
I-ap C. W. MIX1RK. K.iUUr.
notice for Publication
Department of the Interior.
V. 8. Land Office at The DnUt. Or.
May 12, too.
Notice is h'rclir Kirrn that
Mnry 1 Amteraon.
of Prineville Oregon, who. on March 2Mb,
I'tit, made Timber Application No. MH,
for ac'.x'Vi see X, tp IJ .r Hi e, I.o 1 tec A,
lot .; iwi.ttw1 ace 4, tp IS , r Itie, m,
has Hied notice of intention to make linn!
Sroof to establish claim to the land above
ctirrihed, before the County Clerk at
Prineville, Oregon, on the "ilti day of July,
Claimant nanici n witnee-e: Wade It.
Uiitnn, William Wlcle, 8amuel Diniree
and Archie l'owell, alt of Prineville, Ore
gon. C. W. Mon, Ucgftrr.
Gigantic Explosion of Prices
The success of our waist tales has
more than proven to us that our cus
tomers can appreciate good values
even on small purchases and we have
decided to give a more liberal dis
count and extend it throughout the
store. Cash will talk hers and our
stock must be reduced to low water
mark by July 31.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
I. X IjixI llllicM at Th Dalle Or.
May 11, PAIS. '
rtolice is ncreiir given mat
Olive Cook,
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on April It!.
IHoS, made Timber Application No. 4lili
for iiViiH'W aec VI, tvv sec 1, tp IS . r IS
e, I.01 7 sec It, tp 13 a, r Hi e, w in, has tiled
notice of intention to make tinal proof, to
cHtabli-4h claim to tile land alHvedecrilied
Itefon) the CVtinty Clerk at Prineville, Ore
gon, on the '.".Ith day of July PKKt.
Claimant names aa witneews: John W,
Snyder, Lucy bnvder. Andrew H. Kiel, Is
and Zia O.'icUU, all of Prineville. Or.
b-- C. W. Slooaa, Uejister.
Netict ef Aaauajstrtter'i Sale el Real Estate.
Niitice Ix luTeby plvt'ii tlmt, lu pur
aiinnce f nil order f the County
Court of the Otninty ol Crook, State
of Oregon, niuile nnil eiitortnl tin the
(ith ilny olJ ul.v, l!Xs, In tin? mutter
ot the entnti ol Mary A. lturnrx,
dert'iiMt'il, the utiderHl;ii'(l, the ml
inliilHlnitor of miid cut ate, will wil
at public miction to the til-hent
biililer, for ciihIi, Hold Coin ot the
I'niteis StnteH, nnil mibjeet to con
tlrnmtlon by the until County Court,
on Saturday, the lotliday of Auuuxt,
l'Jt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon,
at the eounty courthouse, at the
front door, In l'rliievllle, Oreuon, nil
the rltfht, title nnil lntenHt of the
Haiti Mary A. I'.arnea nt the time ot
her death, and nil the rltclit, title nut
lutert'Ht that tlie Hiilit extate ban
actiulred other than or in addition
to that of the Hiiid Mary A. liarncH
at the time of her death In nnd to nil
that certain piece or imrcel of la ml
xltiiute nntl Ih'Iiijc In the County of
Crook nnil State of Oregon, and
mort particularly (leacrllH-tl im fol
lows, towit: IOta Six nntl Seven In
Hlock Four, of this Town of I,aldlaw
In the county of Crook, State of Ore
jton, according to the plat thereof an
the name iippeanf of record In the
otlice of the County Clerk of Crook
County, Ori-Ron.
TerniM and conditions of nnle: CiihIi
gold coin of the Culled States.
Dated thU Utli day of July, IDoS.
Wm. I. IUiinkh.
Executor of the Estate of Alary A.
BariifR, ileceaHed. , 7-0
At the height of the season you can buy everything
here in stylish seasonable goods at prices far below any
other pace in town. Quality and style unequalea
Our entire stock of "Sincerity Clothes" goes at a discount of
25 to 33 per cent Florsheim Shoes for "The Man Who.
Knows reduced 50c to $1.50 per pair. Men's fine Neg
igee and Golf Shirts reduced to low water mark.
Our Ladies White Waist sale will continue at the same
low price and everything to make your wardrobe complete
will be sold at explosion prices.
Wurzweiler & Company
Horse Lost
White home, weight 1100 or 1200
pounds, branded .K on left "honl.ler,
T4 connected on left title ; broke to
ride or drive ; about 13 years old. Left
my place near Ixee, Urant County, in
Julv, 11)07. Suitable reaard will lie
paid for its return or lor Information
iea.lliu to its recovery.
7-ltl 2mp J. V. Kchm, !, t)r.
urn mm mi
W. A. Booth,
D, . Btiwaht, Vice President
0. M. Elkini, OasMer
W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkins,
O. F. Btswamt
Transacts a (Jeneral
Banking Business
Exchange Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt attention
I Selling It At Cost
Wilson's Shoe Shop
I have opened up a nhoo nhop
In Prineville in tlie MeCulIinter
builtliiifr, on Main Htreet near
theOchoco bridge, and am pre
pared to do all kindgof repairing.
All work ' done neatly and
promptly and satisfaction guar
anteed. Price very reasonable.
A trial will convince yon that
this is the beet place to have
your shoe repairing done.
J. E. Wilson, Prineville, Or.
As we are arranging to manufacture at home this line
of housefurnishings, in order to close out the stock now
on hand we are selling all the goods made by the
Pacific Coast Manufacturing Company
This gives you a chance to make a big saving in
the purchase of any of the following articles
Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses
Pillows, Dressers, Chiffoniers
Washstands, Commodes
Sofas, Couches and
Rather than carry them over and as the season will
??2!r,f?c . wLa.rr.e"nfif our n'ife of Lawns,
Dimities, Panarnaa, Dotted Swiss, Batistes, Silk ChilTona,
Organdies and Cotton Voillcs for the next fifteen days
at Just Two-Thirds the Regular Price. Th csc are
all nice new patterns and were bargains at the former
price. Price per yard plainly marked on each piece, but
we take off one-third during the next fifteen days
Read these Prices, then come and
see the exceptional values we offer
Lawns in white and colored, regular 10c values
during sale, per yard CJo
Organdies regular 12Je value, during sale, yd , ,8Jo
Cotton Voilles regular 20c value, pale price, yd 13 Jo
Batistes regular lie value, sale price per yard ,.7Jo
Panamas regular 30c yard, during sale ,20o
Dotted Swiis regular 83Jc yd., during salo 22o
Dimities regular 20o, during fifteen day sale 13Jo
Silk Chiffon regular 35c value, sale price 23o
Clifton & Cornett
Prineville, - . Oregon.
Put Your Machinery in Repair
Before Harvest Commences
Don't forget that the Prineville Machine Shop is equipped to do
any kind of machine work that can be done in Crook County.
Prices reasonable. Also carry Belting, Cap Screws, Machine
Nuts, Steam Fittings, Bicycles and Sundries. Agent for Reo
and Ford Cars. Automobile garage in connection.
All kinds of Gas Engine Repairs a Specialty.
Prineville Machine Shop
ED HODSON, Proprietor
Bring your job printing to the Journal