ADVERTISE T HE TOWN Suggestions From an Expert as , to a Publicity Campaign. BUSINESS MEN IN CHARGE. Firct Important Duty It to Lay Plans For Securing a Larger Rural Popu lation From Which ta Craw Local ; Trado Protant Facta That Appeal. Mora than a hundred cities mid town la the CuiteJ States are now conducting successful advertising cam paign in tbeir own behalf. Some Canadian cities also boom themselves by this direct method of rWW'.v- 'u recent paper read at a meeting of commercial clul ly Curtis L. Mosher. manager of the publicity bureau of St. rauL some valuable suggestions were given. Mr. Mosher's remarks on mu nicipal advertising are applicable to ny town which desires to present Its .attractions to the outside public Among other things he snvs: "No municipal advertising campalga can succeed until It has the united sup port of practical business men. Some body must be responsible for the collec tion of necessary funds, even though only a moderate and economical cam paign Is decided upon. Some oue must be responsible for the results. Other wlse the campaign will lie ouly desul tory and unsatisfactory. The best and most practical man the municipality can bring forward should be made chairman of the general committee lu charge of the work or be officially des ignated by some similar arrangement as the manager ahd director In charge of the work. "The best beginning that a munici pality can make lu considering on ad Tertlslng campaign Is to look well to Its appearance, attractiveness and local Improvements." Mr. Mosher dwells upon the Impor tance of clean and well lighted streets, good sidewalks, the removal of dilapi dated buildings along business streets, a first class hotel, a public library, at tractive approaches to the railway sta tion, rest rooms for women and public drinking fountains. v "As no town or city," continues Mr. Mosher. "can grow faster than the business from its local and tributary population permits, the first Important duty of local business men is to con alder the possibility of securing a lar ger rural population on which to draw for increased business. To get this population and to build up the agricul tural resources of the tributary terri tory Is one of the Important ends to be sought 19 the local advertising cam paign. "The merchants with country trade should get lists of friends of their cus tomers living In distant states and send them a letter framed up some thing like this: "Mr. , who Is a pros-' perous fanner living miles from this town. Is successfully fanning acres and this year raised such and such crops, clearing such and such profits, lie has given me your name, and I am writing yon to tell you of the splendid agricultural resources of this section and the excellent opportunities near this town and adjacent to the farm operated by yonr friend, which yon may perhaps wish to utilize. Make the letter strong and to the point Set forth the kinds of soil and crops, the Talues of land, etc., so that the man who gets it will have a clear Idea of the situation. "Inclose with the letters lists of farms for sale within easy reach of the city; also tracts of unimproved lands. "If the business men of the town can secure from a h'uDdred farmer custom ers the names of only five farmer friends or relatives In the old home districts,' It means 500 agriculturists upon whom direct advertising work may be started. Each hundred fann ers added to the tributary rural popu lation means $100,000 a year added to the trade of the city or town. Snch work can be done at the cost of a few postage stamps and a little effort" Mr. Mosher dwells at considerable length upon the desirability of keeping commercial clubs supplied with local data and information; of having coun ty exhibits nt the state fair; of secur ing state and district conventions; of having products marked "Made in ." "The most dangerous error common ly made. in direct advertising for the city or town Is to yield too far to the natural feeling of local pride and con struct the advertisement or printed matter In such a way that as a matter of fact It Is more energetic In praising and placing the city in an agreeable light than it Is in presenting purely business facts and arguments that will appeal to a business man. "Give all your forms of direct adver tising a neat and substantial appear ance. Decorative effects do not appeal to business men. By all means publish a booklet even though it cannot be pretentious. Fill it with facts and terse business arguments and use all the il lustrations you can. Edit It carefully to see that all its statements can be proved and that there is no waste of words. It should answer the question, rWhy, as a business man, Investor, farmer or citizen In search of summer outing attractions or a suitable resi dence or city, should I be interested In T This Is the best guide to the proper construction of a booklet that can be given without extended com ment" Reward For Ten Words. Business men of Emporia, Kan., are offering a reward of $100 to the Kan sas editor who will write the best ten words about Emporia. The winning words will be used as a city slogan of publicity. j m r v ror irngaiea rarms ouu i tun iaiiua Lj IN THE DESCHUTES VALLEY WRITE H. F. JONES Redmond. Oregon In THE SIMPLE LIFE. The simple V.t I l.'ve to !n- Hoobiiso it's mufcJtuI With Mvatln lr.m'.-s and nving eoere Ana Utrny.irJ JmB--llttg. We wear a lr!.cr.t Kvl mnbnnt And lonarty lilting prints; W never tttv&ji for minuets Nor put on bt-auty tints. We have- our twr ntvt vMckena, too, A hoR. a mt: in, a churn; We r.ewr cwilJ return to you In city to bum. We've done for eve w!th eity strife. Gle iss cur hon on J chickens. We're badly Muck on simple life; for fun It bouts the dickens. C. M. a THE WYANDOTTES." .This breed was at first commonly called "American Sebrlglits," which was changed to "Wyniutotte" after the Indiana of that name. Historians have failed to trace the time and circum stances of Its origin, but nil claim It to be an American bird mlth Turk Itrah ma and Hamburg blood la its veins. Today the rttnn who originates a breed erects a marble statue to himself If no oi:o else .will. The varieties are Sil ver, Golden, Silver rencllcd. Tartridge, Columbian, Rack. r.tilT and White. STANDARD WEIGHTS. Cock H lbs. ITen H lbs. Cockerel .... Pi tha. 1 ullet EV. IV'. The Whiij Dotte is the most popular and Is a bird of beautiful curves. The original of this picture Is A feathered aristocrat. Haw kingly! What vigor: TDEAL HEAD FOB BREEDfmS. White Wyaqdotte from lite. Wliat a proud pedigreed prince! Then think of the big brown eggs froni his harem and the fluffy, bright eyed chicks, instructed ia wormology and scratching stunts by his snow white cackling queens! Then smack your Hps as you smell the savory odor of a bast ed Wyandotte! Hound, yellow, velvety, smooth as silk, it is he unsurpass ed epienrean bird. In i.ulng on Dottes hold yourself In check at least till the blessing Is asked. Ia breeding avoid single combs, or hybrids, by using broad comlied males. For brassluess and cream In White Wyandottes use no-corn cream cure. FEATHERS AND . EGGSHELLS. Cleanliness is the keyhole to success in the poultry business, bnt some chicken raisers, like the man late home from lodge, can't find It. "Money makes the mare go," but U doesn't always make the hen lay. The millionaires going Into the business don't always strike Standard oil. If you knew it all, you would be drinking government cream oa an ex periment station, while your typewriter would be working overtime oa chicken reports from the cyclopedia. Continual feeding of one kind of grain often brings indigestion, loss of appetite and bowel troubles. If this Is your feeding method and yon are mak ing a profit you deserve a monument The farmers are buying bone cutters, and the butchers have such a rush for bones that they are always engaged. Once more the American hen registers by knocking out Mr. Rags Bones and Gum Joots. Have you reached the broiler" stage? Don't jump from the frying pan into the broiler. Raising cockerels in zero weather to sell at Alaska prices isn't what it's cocked up to be. Beware of a broiler explosion! Now that the hatching season is here get out your signs of the zodiac so you get your hen set in the right sign. Bet ter look for signs of lice and set your hens right and give them better atten tion. You'll get more chicks. It has often been asked why the New York poultrymen keep mostly White Leghorns. Simply because the New York epicures demand large white eggs. Bostonians possess a predilec tion for brown eggs. Why? Oh, Browning, of course! As the chicks dry off under the hen re move them in a soft lined basket to a chair beside the kitchen stove. Have a soft woolen cloth hanging down in the basket to warm their backs, but ar range so they cannot get on top of the cloth, as they may smother each other. By this plan the old hen cannot tram ple them iu the nest When spring is In full bloom you may expect to hear that the American hen has invaded Tanama. We are told that the chickens on the isthmus are a sorry set When a newly wedded cou ple, bound for the big ditch, found eggs were 30 cents apiece they sim ply sent an order north for nn Incu bator and 100 Rock eggs. Good luck! The number of poultry books adver tised is a sign of the interest manifest in the business. You can get a full fledged library for $2.50. Tbey will help you, but don't forget what experi ence teaches you. It doesn't deal In theory. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, administrator of the estate of Commodore Carroll, deceased, to all persons having claims against the estate of Commodore Carroll, deceased, to present the fame with proper vouchers to the undersigned at his otlice in l'rino ville, Ongon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. 4 Dated this 10th day of July, 1008. J. II. llAKBIt, 7-10 8-13 Administrator. 4?Ni iT't 4'niVJ viT?V Attention llotncacckcr. Veopl cvminn lo Crook county with tbe intention of loestitit on irovvrumetit laud itioti'd tiirt rile or cull on, Cady A Jones, rrinevillo, Or. KuU.a for Publication. IVpartnient of the Interior, l"ltitol Sintes ljuil Otlice at The XW, Or., June 2, Notice is hereby uiven that Fmi J. I'ti! p. of Wait idling, Wall Wall.t county, V"fh., ho oil June 2, 1908, imt.lo T. A S. oui fclnlcmr-nl No. 4iV. for NV, NKl, SJV4 N Kl4 at. l M SV ,,, section 12, linli( 1 south, ram-e IS oa', W. M ha liled r.otioo f iti twntion to make timtl proof, to stttMis-li il:im to the land ulwo describe!, Iv tore KcttUU'r mid lUwiver t The Dulles, Or., on the 17th of August, 1SVS. t 1. 1 i mailt names us witnesses: Fred A. Kieo, of rrinevtile, OrojFw ; (trover l Newman, Kolert Itru'.nhUv, Forrest Carpenter, ot YYaitf burg, Wash ington. tMp C. V. MOOKK, Register. Notice ft Pueiicatioa lVpartinent of the interior, U. S. Land Otlice at The l'allcs. Or. J tine 2:5, t'.iOS. Notice is liorebv given that Alfred W. Kuii of Prineville. Oregon, who, on Nov. 27, 1000, made Homestead Kiitry No. !st, for SW'ij section 2 town-hip 13 south, ran;e 14 east. V M.. has tiled notice of intention to make iinal tive year proof to establish claim to the laud above described, before Co jnty Cletk of Crook county, at hU cilice, at Piiueville, treop, on the 17th day .f August, 1008. Cl-iittiaut r.ames as a itr.e-tsi : Francis li. IJayn Jacob A. Uiggs, James Moflitt, U. W. Jones, all of Priiievilie, Or. 7-2p C. W. Mookc, Register. Notice lor Publication. rvpurtmrnt of th Intrrlor, I". S. Uuiii i3ice til Tlio Ihiiiw, Oroson, Jtinv l. i.O Notice Is litrvby fl"n that tisie W. iHKlsin of Cnlvrr, Or.ia.n, wl.( in, l:Hvmtitlrr IK'X1. iti-ttlo ImmrsHNwl Hllo Alton N. U. for ' sM'tK-ii ".'7. township It !Mtitli. rauKw IS ast, V. M Wt tilfd notlwof tnti'iidoti to iitnRO ilnnl tlv-eur lnf to4 -.tjtbiislt rUtlil to lltf Until Uve ili'M-rilH'tl, iH-tort Wurivu Kfxwti. county olt'rk. at Ptiuovitlt'.ttri'ioti.uti the lTtli tin y i'f Auiiu.l, I.ks. Il:itnmnt minif hs wltttcsi.1: WhIutK. Knlle. CliarUs T'tompwii. IVrry Itcad. Jts L. M itiiiom, u'.l of t.'u!vir, tnson. 7-ip ' .: W. Mmikk, Ki-Klsler. Notice for l'tiblicaion. IVptment of the Interior. V. S. Land Otlice at The ltU!es, Or.. May 12, 1903. Ntitice is hereby tiiven tiiat Vfltid r.rnvi-n. of rrineville, ( regon, lio, on April T, n-f, maoe liinwr .a ppiicauon, io. 4liUM, for i:e4n 'j and u'ne1 ace 20. tp 12 s, r lti e, w in., lias tiled notico oi intention tA TniL tinfll ir.inf t., i.ct'iti. lish claim to the l .nd nltove decrili'd, before the county clerk t Priiievilie, Oregon, on the 2i'th ilay of July, l'.'i'S. t. iiiiiam ramfs f.a witnesses: .)ohn K Krowll iii i'nlvor llrikfiin A II Kastiiixxl and i'ale Jones, lst)i o! rrincvi'le, Oregon, and John . Pee. of Cri!y, Oregon. o za t. . .Moore. Keirtster. Notice ta Creditors Notice is In reby given by the rnder igned, the exr-etitrix of the last will and testament of Charity Wilson, deceased, to ail persons having claims against taid deceased to prtsent them with tlie proper vouchers to tlio undersigitpil n" the otlice of M. P.. Klliott in Prineviile, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 2Sll day of May, 1008. M.iku Chain', Executrix of the last wiil and testa ment oi Charity Wilson, defeated. 5-26 Katies for Publication Iii'oarhnent of tbe Ir.terior, T'nite.1 States Land Otlice at The Dailes, Orejon, June 2, 1008. Notice is hereby given that li rover C. Newman, of Waitmirg, Walla Walla county. Wash., who on June 2, l'.KiS, made Timber and Stone sworn statement. No. -1054. for XW NK'4', XWJj SK'4' and K'j KW, section 2U, township II south, range IS eat, W. M., lias liled notice of intention to make Iinal jirooi to establish claim to the land above described, before Kegifter and Receiver at. The Dalles, Oregon, ou the 17tli day of August, 19uS. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred A. Rice, of I'rinevilSe, Oregon; Ezra J. Culp, Robert Hrutuh'ay, Forrest Carpenter, of Waitsbtirg, Washington. 6-4p C. W. MOOUK, Kegi'ter. SAI.K OF TIMP.EU. ' Prinevillo, Or egon, Jure Hi, 1003. Sealed bids marked outside "Hid Timber Salo ap plieation, June 10, 1003, lilue Mountains (Wes:t" and addressed to A..S. Ireland, Prineville, Oreg in, will be received up to and including July 18, 100S, for all the merchantable dead timber, stand ing and down, and all the live timber marked for cutting by the Forest Olli cers on a designated area of about 40 a.-res located in t lie uxA neV b4, eU.' se4 ne, se ne nvM, sea So, tp 17 s, r Zlle, w m, JJIue Alountams (West) National Potest, Oregon ; estimated to be 2oU,000 feet H. M. log scale, more or less, of living and dead ye .low pine, and fir sawtimbcr. No bid for less than J2.00 per tliousaud feet 15. M. will be coiisiiiered for living timber, nor less than 11.00 per thousand feet 41. M. tor deail timber, and a deposit of ?r0.00 must be sent to 1J. ii. Cramer, Fiscal Agent, Forest Service, Washington, D. C, ami made pavable to the TREAS URER OF UNITED STATE-i, for each bid submitted to the Supervisor. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Timber upon valid claims exempted Irom Bale, l or further infor mation and regulations governing sales address the undersigned. A. S. Ireland, lorest r-iupervisor. (i l bl Notice for Publication. IJi-pftrttnr-iil of I lie Interior, C. 8. Lauil OHiec at Tiiu lulled, Oregon, Juno :m, iuM. Notice In hereby given thnt Ia-vI Knorr. of Lnmnnlii, Oret,'otif who on July 1, Tjii.1, niHfle Hone-steHii liiiirv M. lfi'i lor see i:j, Tp 14 , r M k, w M. Iihs tiled notice of Inten tion to miike Iinal (iv')-yeur proof, to eititliHsh clulin to the Ittitd fihove (lescriheil, heforu Wttrren llrou-n. County Clerk, at l'i,luoille( On-iron, on the l'-tli duyof August. lW-. CIh tuiii n t iniin'-a nit viiitiesseH: John I' Waile, Orcn Vluite, Walter llelfrleli and Charles l'axtoil, ttil of f.Hinolitu, Orej.'o;t. 7 'Jp C. W. JlixiKE, JteKister, Notice for Publication. Department of ftie Interior, V, H. Land Oltlee ttlTlie Diillen, Oregon, June 25, l'JW. Kotiec Is herehy given t.hitt ' M. lK lano. of Prtnevtlte, 0--xon. who, on Miireh 8. 1902, made llotm-HteRd lOntry No. lOliio, for K'a HWa oftu.-e II QiidN'iNVV see 11, Ip 1.1 x, r Ifi e. w in, tms tiled notice of int'-nllon to rnuke llnal five-year proof, to eKtahlish idalln vt tin land iihove deacrlhed. lKfore the County Ch-rk ol'Crook t'ounty, Oregon, at I'finevllle, Ore- son, on ine inin nay or aukosi, Chilmant money aa wllnes-s: Kdward R. Jones, (ii-nrge M. lii-htno. Hoy Htuart and John Kat'lln, all or I'rlnovllie, On gon. 7-2p V. W. Mookk, lU-nlatcr, The City Meat Market IIOUKiAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters "for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try soiuo of Crook county's choicest products. Its the. best that money can buy. You will not only save money but yoiiill help build up a homo industry. Wo always carry the lost in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce UIIUilM LTJMBBR c nampion Mowers X '":,-Trjyv h-uv .,1.1 ' IN Reapers, Binders and .Rakes 'All kinds of wire cable, rope, guy lines, hay forks, hay carriers, pulleys, machine oils and other haying supplies Sold Right CW.ELKINS rrineville,!rTrnrTr,irTr - r,l LJ r.l L J r i t'J r,i LJ LJ r i LJ II LJ r..t LJ r.i L J r, LJ r,.i L.l r..T LJ n !.'J ri LJ n Scneral ffilaccsjm'thing IIoRSESHOKixa, Wood Work, ktc, Neatly and Pkom".y Donk Wiikn it in Donk By : : : Siobgrt 9?oorc Satisfaction Will Pbinevillr, LJ Notice for I'ublication. ( iaolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. The Dallee, Oregon, Land Offiee, .Itino 20, 11)1)3. Notice ia hereby vi;n tlmt, an directed by tlie ('omniiM'i()iier of the (lerieral Land Office, under jirovijioiiH of Act of CoiipreHit approved Juno 27, l'.W'i, I'ltblic No. 303, wo will offer nt iiiblic pale, to the highcut bidder nt 10 o'e'nek . in,, on the (ith day of Aiigimt, 1!)0S next, at thin oflire, ths followiim tract of land , towit : KE4 W., See. 20, T. 14 S., It. l(i K.. W. M. Any piTHons cluimin advetHly tlie above-described , lands nro advbed to Hit) their claimti, or objections, on or before tbo day above dt-Higiialed foi sale. ' , C. W. Mooni', Reginter, Ix)i)i 11. Ahnkhos, Keceiver . Notice to Creditors. Notice In hereby Klven by the un ilerMiKiietl, tlie iiiliiilnlHtrfttor of tho i-Mtate of Frank (ilauM, tlecetiHctl, to nl! persona bavln elilnn uinlnnt Kdid (leceiM(!d to present them with the proper voucher to the under Hluiii'd nt Redmond, Or., within hIx montliH from the f i i-h t publication of thin notice. Dated thin ISth day of June, 1!)0S. llOIIKIIT 1 1. (il.AHH, AdininlHtrntor of the estate of of Frank IIIuhh, Ueceaned. 1 Ql 0 1 ILL. Sl.inUs, MouKlinjjf, Winilows", Duuro, Ciluytit, Ktc. Etc., Etc, SHIPP& PERRY rniNICVII.LE, OKEliON Oregon. ir - ir: - ir'ir'r.Tr;Tr,'ir"ir"'',inr;.'ir'r - i 1.1 I J r..- LJ r i. j r.-i L J r. .1 L J r.i L J r.i L J ri L J r,.i L 4 r,.- rn LJ r.n LJ nt L'J c.i L J r,,i LJ rn lie Guaranteed OuKfiON. li'i Notice for Publication. Jlepartment of the Inierior, United NtuteH J.and Olllce nt The Dulles, Oregon, May l!)l)8. Notice is hertdiy vt-n that John W. Hitter, of rrineville, Oregon, who, on March Sith, l!ll)S, made Timber Application, No. 4'itKI, fur HV''4, m-ctirn L'S, town hhip 12 south, rant't) 17 east, V. M., hug filed notice of intention to make final ,rtnf f . ulaI n 1 A lull r.ltiliM ii land abovo described, before llin Keiis- ter and Iteceiver, at 1 f to llalltw, Oregon, on tho 4th day of Aiinst, 11)08. Cluiniant names hb witnesst-a : K. M. Jones, Mrs. N. ('. Jones, limn (j. 1'allour, Arthur J. Docker, all of I'rineville, Oregon. C21p C. W. MOOHK, Register. Notice for Publication (Isolated Tract) Si-rlnl No. 01 ft - I'UMi.KI LAN I) HALE Tbu fJiilk'H, Ori'Kon, Liinil (illicp, .lulv 2. I! is Nfttlfo la lioruby given thnt, n in'm li'd tiy thi-i:onimliHioner nl ttui tJiMicrftl Latnl oilico. tinder iiroviskiiiN rif Act of HoiiKrcMH npiirovt'il June 21, IWHI, 1'nlillc- No. :m:i, via will offer ut pllliliu null', to tlie lilclieut lilililer, lit 1(1 o'clock h. in., on the 18 tiny of AukuwI, IIHW, next, nt thin oltlee, the following tniet of litml, towlt: H'SNW'4, HW!4NW, Hecai, Tji 1ft , K 17 e, W M, Anypernonit eliiltnlntr ailverHely tlie nbove deHerihed ItindH arc Hilvlrteil to Hie their claims or oliJeetioiiH, on or heloro tlio iluy hIiovo 4i!Ifiiuteil for Kale. (I. V. M'KlRR, KcKlKtcr, 7-9 LOCIH H. AMNKKtiN, Huvvlver. iJCvx : Hnfc Shno.Q nnn A ' v. C. " i4 it? r THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Tropiirtor 1KT. THE HAMILTON STABLES (llorscsWinp; in O'tunrtion) J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor I'RIMIVII I i:, Olil'iiON rtiK-k lionriletl y tho Jay, week or imnsth nt Koa.-mnnlJe rules. Uetminl'ir wlien in 1 rineville. Hatm lU:.vtMAnii:. WV Imvo Fine Livery Rigs For Rent "M3 -5334- -ES3 -Z2X--w Report of the condition of The First National Bank Of Princvillc, Oregon At the cloa of buiinm May 14, 1008 i i to sot tti KO tntnt ntut ItUeiMintii. l oll. . I Mlulot ItomU . ttrttik i rriulti Lin fnitn ttittk . . , t;iHh on tmntt ..... . . . lU-Jempitoii filiiil t:i,asi . Ij.jO m . YJ0 ttl . l'.7,4Sltl .. Itr.lM O) ti 00 B. p. AlUn, FraMnl Will Wn.i!.r. VU. rrnMM Sbcr 0. ?ossc 7oary Pudio Ststcrs, Oregon S?ca Cslctto, SftroAcrctffq and Snsuranco Choice Smprovcd Srrigalcd Jarms for Sale Ji J'cw Sood jfComcatoad jEocations f tan Savr jfou 9nty 1 ClL. Jl. A JL Ji. JL iL ii. JLJ Ii Jl. LJ r i lj r.t LJ r i n L J ri L. J r i t,t LJ r. 1 LJ r..-i LJ LJ r.i L J r.i L'J r,ii LJ r. - L J ri The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLEFl BUILDING, PRINEVIbloE, OREGON First Class Mcali 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. L''J - L'J r.,-r.r!irririrr,!irrr.?irirnj(riir?r.rrnrinn?trrflrrrtrr!ir.tir,li LjLUwLJLJLUL;tJUkJlb!JLUL'JLLL!JkULULiULLULiJLUL'UUU It's easy to reach North Beach Take Steamer POTTER from Portland Ptitengeri ire bow Irimferred to the railroad at MECLER fourteen miles op the Columbia River from llwaco. Thil elininatet the necciiity of iteameri wait in ( for the tide anil iniurei a prompt and regular Summer Schedule Tho Steamer T. J. POTTER leaves Toi-Uand every rnorninp; except Saturday and Sunday at 8:30 o'clock. Saturday only at 2 o'clok 1. M. Remember tho Summer rate on the O. R.& N. ia $12.00 from Shaniko to all North Jfcach points and return; good until September 30th. Nnrlli IIkiu Ii Ixri fnototiw,' tiertn tl fill plucc tlio limtt icr fiicl. Im'hi'Ii nn thu whiiln Norlh CuHHt. TIiitii Hi' niH'iiiiiintMlnttiiiiH giilnro Bt, prlcce to tiiilt nil liiKlim; ciiiniiiii( fn .' 1 1 1 1 1 im wllliimt iijuiil -pi-rfrrl bnlhliiK on lit i i j i x ; nil norm of itiiiimrintMila unit ill vcrnliiim. Ciimo, lntvi' ri iroixl ri'nl nml it jolly tlino. Lot us m'ti'l yon our nuw Hiiiiiiner bunk. Bittl tell you nil ftlimit NOIt'l ll IIKACH. . E. J. WILSON, Local Agent, Shaniko, Or. WM. McMURRAY, 7 2tf (k'licnil raRRt'iigiT Agent, Tortlund, Oregon. in Uotnmg A ctunplcto lino of (Jent's ruiiiichings at Prices that you can nlloid to pay. Call in nml let us show you tho goods and quote you our prices. A Choice Line of S & -C3E3tV-4ffiXV- -CB30 "S3 l.l t lill.ll lira mrlml Klo. li fAtWon Kitrvlito una uitiltvlilrrl promt tu.r 7 l lM iiliilloii I".V8 IB tlliltvlillllll ltewte tWItt I . o T. M. n.M-U. CKi.r II. r.'Jlii, Au'l Cl,Ur JL iL iJL JL Jl JL JL. Ji. -L.' Li Ji J ft. LJ r.i LJ M L J r.i li LJ . M LJ r..i LJ r.i LJ ni LJ r.i L J r.i L J (nl L J r..i L J r.i LJ r-i L'J ri