Crook County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. THURSDAY,JULY 16, 1908 Subacriptloa It.JO a Tear. THE HOME MERCHANT Without any thought of senti ment or suggestion that we owe allegiance to any one, the coU hard truth" i that the retail merchants of our home town are the hest busi ness friends we have. The retail merchant conducts a school of com merce for our education and the tuition is free. Every man, woman and child gels the benefit of seeing in the home town about ever v thing that is of real importance. In the store of the retail nierchaut samples of goods adapted for use in the com munity are displayed and a Skilled person is at hand to explain the use and advantage of such things This educational work is too conv mon for us to appreciate, but take away the influence of the retail store and the' wheels of commerce would soon Blip and begin to run backward, because human progress is only possible where the people have an every day opportunity to see and make actual comparisons. Suppose the home town con tained nothir.g more attractive than the odorous railrad "stock yards" and the lonesome, un gainly grain elevator, what t dreary old place it would be. Take the retail stores out of a town and what have you left? It is well to remember that the tidy housewife only sends away for a dress after she has satisfied herself fully as to the style in texture and color schemes by re peated visits to the local store which is only another evidence of their value. The thrifty man must know exactly what he wants before he invests any money in goods he never saw. Where did he get this necessary knowledge? He got it by years of education the retail stores. Fellows, let's give the home mer chant credit for what he has done and is doing for us. He is teacher whose school is open to us twelve months in the year. He keeps us informed about the prog rest of the world by bringing its latest and best offerings to ou door. While we are occupied with our own work he searches the world over for things that will add to our comfort or profit and keeps them on display so we can see them whenever we choose and be come educated to tneir value and use. lie protects us against fraud and deceit. He stands for the square deal. You never ordered a ten dollar lightning rod of your home mer chant and then found your note for a thousand dollars in the bank next day as a result. You never paid him sixty dollars for a range that warped out of shape in six months without your wife getting the money back. He never charged you seventy-five dollars for a "trailer" buggy that you found out afterward could be bought anywhere for sixty. No, the home merchant is just like you. He lives where he does business and his success depends on making a friend of you and your neighbor. Like you, he has to "make good." , The retail merchant is now the one great factor in our commercial system and this is true solely be cause he renders us a better service than we can get elsewhere. Take him away and our home town is gone; take our home town away and we deprive our children of the retail store which is the greatest single educational factor in mod ern life. No, it cannot be. The retail merchant will continue to abide in our affections so long as we value our homes, because the average American citizen is proud of his town (he always tells bow close his farm is to it) and he secretly despises the method of peddlers and the peddler system is now known to be the legitimate father of the whole catalogue house business. The Furrow. A special from Heppner to the Orcffonian pavs that on Monday The following article on tl.e -i,ernoon . cloudburst broucht Relationship of the High School : torrents from the hills to the County" is from the pen of Lbout town ariving Willow Creek Prof. Hockenberry, principal ol tne , . u i)knk9 ,nil threatening Crook County High School. It is (or a ti t tfletjon 0 the disaster taken from the annual catalogue .j .1 t,uv of the school, just issued from the Brulg,. t the upper end of town Journal press. were carried awav, sidewlks and The value of a high tchool " fenCfg lweit down the streets, and such a county as ours is almost many ,ou,08 filled with two or incalculable. It is to Crook thfM o waleit the receding County what the state university fllKKi leaving Whind a trail of mi d nd tne agricultural college are 10 nj j0rjSt Several bouses were Oregon. It furnishes .the only means of higher education within the reach of most of our people. Nfost of our voune people who attend our high school are not old enouch to be sent too far from home. From Prineville it is possi ble for all our pupils to go home wveral times a term and many of I them can eo home oftener. Besides ELATlONSHlPOFHiGH SCHOOL TO THE COUNTY Qoudbortt Floods Heppner. 1 star piacp partially wrecked. In a few instances people living in the path of the water had to be carried to places of safety, but the greater part of the population, re membering the experience of a few years ago, fled to the hills as soon as the storm assumed dangerous proportions. No lives were lost and it is not in case of sickness or some other believed that damage to crops will urgent necessity, it is always pos be serious. siblo to send for pupils without a long delay. Thus the home feeling is kept up and parents do not lose sight altogether of their children. But the greatest value of our high school lies in the fact that the cost is small enoueh to bring it Mrs. Bessie M. Hamilton. Mrs. Bessie M. Hamilton, wife of Sam Hamilton, died Saturday evening from a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Hamilton was taken sick is erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famotia PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHLNE3 for water, oil, g. etc, eta A moderate amount 0 money Mill atart you in profitable baatneaa. , STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have bocn proved by Compotitivo Test to bo The lkst In I tipWrll. For full particulars regard ing well drilling machines, tools, supplies, etc., write to THE STAR DRILUNB MACHINE CO. or AKKOH. OHIO. JULY DISCOUNTS $250 Reward A reward of 1250 will b paid for In formation leading to the arrnat and conviction of anv pewon found guilty ol interfering with the How ol water or dam of the Squaw t'reek Irrigation IV. K.T.SLAYTON, Secy. wuum me n-atu 01 uj wj . Saturday morning and grew in our county. If our pupils were gteaJiIy worse unlil the enJ. She sen; to cutsiae scnoois, tne cost 01 le,ve8 , husband and five child travel arlone would De a large uem. The chiWren are iiy a for. Other expenses would be twice I . ,; .... t, v lllvl lliniiiwv sjv wnat tney are nere. in laci so Baunleaw and Miss Emma great is the cost that probably not .... , . Valoarasio. Ind one pupil in ten would be able -to Charl Wiolow o! Battle Creek, go beyond the eightn grade. . . G Wjnslow. of Ann tcnaner, suj enntenuent in ArW Mich Mrs. E. W. Clam of I 9 - Snokane. Wash, there are lour Kotlca for PubUcatioa TVlMtlmrflt of the Inlrrktr, O. R. iiil onto ol The IirIIi-s, Onn, Juu it. IWK Notice la b-rby itwn Hint rtirl K. HlialttU'k nf lrlnrlll llmron. Whlk. On Jllll II, W HttnMvleail AppllrMllon No . tidtC for K' NK' of option . unit W N vetlun 111 Y..wi..l,ln III iiitti. ran 14 PMl. . M.. iti. n.tii of lutt'itilon to nmk Itnal niiiimulMllim proof U mUilillili rlalm to the IhiiiI atmva drwrtlMiI, bvftira warrrn llrown, county clerk, at l-iliu'vlllf. Urrgon.on th 171 n day or , " Moara Nlawouar r.l'harlni H. Kiiater, Hnmnel Klirpherd, Klanaou A. Kuaarlk all of Itlne- vine, un-son. , . Dr. Schaffer, superintendent in Pennsylvania ,some time ago proved very conclusively mat tne iour vears of hieh school training is worth to the average boy at least 124,000. It mean 3 such a large difference in his wage earning capacity that it is almost a crime that he should be deprived of it. But the money value of an educa tion is the smallest part of the worth of an education. The enlarged mental view, the in grandchildren. Mrs. Hamilton was married to her second husband in April last. She was 48 years of age. Horse Lost White horse, weiahg 1100 or 1200 noiinils. branded 3i on left shoulder, T4 connected on left stifle; broke to ride or drive ; about 12 years old. Lett ni ulace near Izee. Grunt County, in Julv. 1907. Suitable reward will be ... , paid lor ita leturn or lor lnioruiaiiou creased means 01 happiness, tne eadinc to its recovery ddfid nownr to bpnpfit the commu- Hti Zmp J. . Kchx, lxee, ur. r I Itcaa ova fVta roil vnfiiia ft Gigantic Explosion of Prices VI r,r,l. fix?.. Va'r'" iw 'i'MW-' The success of our waist attics hat more than proven to us that our cus tomers can appreciate good values even on small purchases and we have decided to give a more liberal dis count and extend it throughout the store. Cash will talk here and our stock must be reduced to low water mark by July 31. Htic (or PuUlcatiaa Department of the Interior. TJ. 8. Land Office at The Dalle, Or. May 12. IUUH. Notice U herehjr Kiyen that Maiv L. Anderson. of Prineville, OreKon. hi. on March 2Mh. l!HW, made Tnntwr Application . for awViaeU m XI. tp 1J .r ll e, ll 1 wi, lot 4 aw.iiw'i . tp Un, r Itie, w in. haa tiled notice of Intention to make llnal proof to eetablitli claim to the land anove i j :i i i. . at.. I....,... I'lu.l. .I i lll'acnpeu, oviurr lur vv.i,,, .1.-,. . f rineville, Uregon. on me in uay 01 juiy, Claimant name a witnenses: Wile H. Huton. William Wiitle. Hanmel Diniree and Archie 1'owell. all or J'rineyille, Ore gon, f. W. Moo an, Kegmter. t2p Motica for PubUcatioa. Department of the Interior. May 12. ItWrt. V. 8. Land Oillce at The Kallea, Or an education. x- . . 1 v.l Trespttffiiii2 and liuntinR is positively io commumiy can long m. prohibited cii mv rand in Section 31, prosperous that does not provide I Tp. 14 s., U 16 K. lL. j .V I Dated June 25. lor tue euucauon oi lis yuuui. lm J. E. Adamsoh Those who value the welfare of their children the most will leave it, and the good people who have children to educate will not move there Fine Ranch for Sale. The bent place on Willow Creek. Four hundred and eighty acres of jrood cultivable laud; 100 under cul tivation; 35 acres in alfalfa, 20 in timothy; 80 acres in grain; good hoiiHe; SO tons of hay 40 alfalfa and 40 timothp; 35 or 40 head of cattle; 20 head of work horses; 20hogn; lots of chickens, geese, etc.; stream of water running through the middle of the tract from one end to the other; big spring on the place, water all the year round. Two orchards 200 trees bearing apples, - pears, plums and prunes. Good water for domestic uhc Half cah, balance on easy terms. For further information address H. L. Montgomery, Grizzly, CroOk county, Oregon. 4-30tf Dated June 25, 1908. Natkt af Aoaiaittratar' Sk af Real Edite. Notice Is hereby given that, in pur suance of an order of the County nf tliu rv.utitv fit f 'rtfcrtlr Mint. Other places in Oregon are 0f Oregon, made ami enUwU on the fiirniaViintr iha Knot, mno na tit edn- Cth day of July. VJw, In the matter 1 ..r ti,.. aatnt. i.r 1iirv A HuptiiHi eating the children ot the comma- deceased, the underHlgned. the ad- nity, and we dare not do less if we mlnltnitor of said estate, will wli J1 nt vanillic fatlMttftn ti tho lilrliaut would prosper, this is an age ol judder, for cotdi, ohl Coin of the fall Culted Stattn, and subject to con 1 (ImintlAn liv tho Ulllfl I'lklllltV Clklief. behind other counties in the effort on Saturday, the 15th day of August, best educational 1S. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, nt tlit .tnntv nnll rt Iwilttuk 1 1 1. til. facilities for our children. front door. In Prineville. Oregon, all U .l .oKh nno ennnfv the right, title and interest or tlx .J . mild Mnrv A. Harnett at the time of consists not in the number of its i.r death, and all the right, title and Interest that the said estate Iiiuj u.riiiliwl f.tluir tiinn tr In nildltliin not in its herds of cattle and to that of the said Mary A. Uarne of its at t,ie tl,n" lll'r ,1,'at1' in and to all forests and mines, but in the cul- situate and being In the County of tnro oA Munoicr nf its men anl Crook and State of Oregon, and men women. A good high school is of vastly more value to any commu nity than rolling mills or cotton factories. Its products will bring you better returns in the increased happiness and usefulness of your children. May what Crook County has done in the past for the educa' tion ol its boys and gins he only a promise of what it shall do in the future for the same cause. U. S. Marksmen World Champions Bisley, England. The great In ternational team match shoot, the most important event of the Olym pic Rifle contests, has been won by America and the American marks men thus become the champions of the world. The American aggregate score was 2553; that of the British team 2486, while the Canadian score was 2439. , Starting with a lead at the end of the first range, the Americans never were displaced, and with the exception of the contest j at the 600-yard range, they scored higher totals for each of the six distances than the finest teams that Canada and all Europe 'could put in the field. In the individual aggregate the Americans always were prominent, first Leuehner and then Martin leading all the world's crack rifle men. Many experts consider the outcome a victory not only for the men but for the rifles. They de clare that the short-barreled new Springfield rifle proved itself a far better arm than the new short barreled Lee-Enfield in use in the British service. more particularly descrllied us fol lows. towit: Lots Six and Seven In Block Four, of the Town of Laldlaw In the county of Crook, State of Ore gon, according to the plat t hereof as the same appears of record In the office of the County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash gold coin of the United States. Dated this 9th day of July, 19oS. W'M. 1). liAKNKH. Executor of the Estate of Mary A. Barnes, deceased. 79 Gasoline Engine Irrifitioa, Spriyiaf aa4 Paaataf Mackiacry Falrbanlcn-Morxe (inwillne Knirlmn for pumping, Hprajrlnc, aawliiK, (rlmllng. OuU fltn complete. Kl rim nk Hralea fur welslilne. PalrbankH-Mrae Ujrnanioa and Motor for power and light. Kulrbanka-Monie Windmill and Tower. Fulrbanka-Monie Orlndem. Feed Chopper. Well Foinpn. All first aaalltr roo1n at lowest price. Alway In nUx-k. Liberal terinx. Prompt reply to Inqnmea and quick miipmenu. Write for catalogue and prima. W. F. KING, Agent, PriawT-Ile, Ore. Fairbanks Morse & Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. MILLINERY Clearance Sale. A nice assortment of Trimmed Hats. Sailors, Outinir Hats, VeilB. Maline, Chiffon, Flowers, Bihbons To be sold at Cost Also a full line Preparations, at of Zona's Toilet Mic Ftp Millinery I II d. LoICo Parlors Corner Second and Main Sta. Wilson's Shoe Shop I have opened up a shoo shop In Prineville in the McCallister buililing, on Main street near theOclioco hriiige, anil am pre pared to do all kinds of repairing. All work done neatly and promptly and satisfaction guar anteed. Prices very reasonable. A trial will convince you that this is the best place to have your shoe repairing done. J. EL Wilson, Prineville, Or. Notice la hereby given that Olive Cook, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on April 18, 11XW, made TimlH-r Application No. 114 for nneV( ec 14 sejiej sec I, tp IS , r 15 e, lxi 7 sec 0. tp 13 a, r 111 e, w m, has tiled notice ol intention to make mini nrooi. 10 establish euiira to the land alioveileacrined before the County Clerk at frmeyille, Ore gon, on tlie21Kli day of July I'M. Claimant nanteti as wnnei"e; juon . Snyiler, l.uey Snyder, Andrew H. Helils and Zeda U. Fields, all or Prinerille.Or. 6-28 ' C. V. Moors, Keinler. Notice to Contrators. Notlee la hereby given that Ren led bids will lie received by the under signed, nt the otllce of the l-'lrst National Hank In Prineville, Oregon, up to 2 o'clock V. M. July 1H. l'Jtw, tor the furnishing of nil materials and the erection, construction and com pletion of a two-story stone and trick building on lot 1. In block 3, 111 Prineville, Or., oh follow": Flrnt For bids for the excavation for, and the contraction and com pletion of -the etone foundation to grade Hue and all cut atone to lie uxed In the construction of the build ing. Second For bldn for the excava tion, contraction and completion of the building, exeept Imddo tinbdilng. Third For hid for the excava tion, erection and completion of the building, except Innlile llnlHhlug, of the eutire building constructed of stone, except the west and Hotith walls, which are to lie of brick. All construction to be according to the plantt and Hicclllcatloim now In the hands of the undersigned, where the same may lie seen by the bidders. Further particulars with reference to conditions of bids may lie ob tained of the undersigned. All bldn must lie aeuled and ad dressed to the undersigned mid marked, "Hid for Masonic Temple." Haled this 25th day of June, 1!K)S. Masonic Bt.'ii.niwi Association OK l'KINKVILIJC. By II. lUi.nwiN, Secretary. At the height of the season you can buy everything here in stylish seasonable goods at prices far below any other pace in town. Quality and style unequaled Our entire stock of "Sincerity Clothes" goes at a discount of 25 to 331 per Florsheim Shoes for "The Man Who Knows" reduced 50c to $1.50 per pair. Men's fine Neg igee and Golf Shirts reduced to low water mark. Our Ladies White Waist sale will continue at the same low price and everything to make your wardrobe complete will be sold at explosion prices. Wurzweiler & Company IK OHM A IKtJI mutmium !lHTCn IHI1 1 LU Farm or Business for aala, Kot partlealar aboot locaHna. Wish to pau tiom waar oolr M will sell dlnct to borer. Glva prt. s, description aaa ttaia wbsa possasslua caa ba had. Address. L DAUTSH1U. Sas MM Siilisw. 1. T- m mm mi OFFIOtRI: w. . Boots, President O. f. Stiwast, Vies Prssldsnt O. M. Elkiss, Oashlar . DIRECTORS: W. A. Booth, O. M. Ilxims, D. F. Stiwart Tranaacts a Oeneral banking lUisincHS - Hxoliange Bought and Sold Collections will ro ceive prompt attention ffi ari r- n jT mm . untton & ornett m S 9. Selling It At Cost : As we are arranging to manufacture at home this line of housefurniahings, in order to close out the stock now on hand we are selling all the goods made by the Pacific Coast Manufacturing Company AT ACTUAL COST This gives you a chance to make a big saving in the purchase of any of the following articles" Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses Pillows, Dressers, Chiffoniers Washstands, Commodes Sofas, Couches and Lounges A. H. LIPPMAN & CO : ?4 : ?4 : : Si New Spring Clothing Our stock is now complete. Before you buy come and see our line. Prices and quality that cannot be equalled PRINEVILLE, OREGON Clifton & Cornett Successors to R. L. Simpson m m m m m &ac m m m m m: ia Put Your Machinery in Repair Before Harvest Commences Don't forget that the Prineville Machine Shop is equipped to do any kind of machine work that can be done in Crook County. Prices reasonable. Also carry Belting, Cap Screws, Machine Nuts, Steam Fittings, Bicycles and Sundries. Agent for Reo and Ford Cars. Automobile garage in connection. All kinds of Gas Engine Repairs a Specialty. Prineville Machine Shop ED HODSON, Proprietor Bring your job printing to the Journal i