f i Co malt ook nnxy PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 16, 1908. NO. 31 VOL. XII RAIN DID MORE GOOD THAN HARM That h tbe Opinion of tie Owners Who Had Much Hay Down in Surrounding District IIElP SECOND ALFALFA CROP LoU of Hay i. Crook County To Make Fat Bccvea for Market Next Winter. Ten thoudftiul tout of hay in the central part of Crook County re ceived n thorough welting in the field lrtnt Fundny ani Monday. Much ol the, liny w either in the thoik or in pnrlly finiliid Black, Foino in the winnow, nnd no iiiiall 1 rt of it in Ihn awath, jimt aa it foil from tho Machine. Kvcryone begun cutting as aoon a 1'Oenil'ltf, ofler the Fourth ol July ami hut few of them had begun t atnek when tho storm commenced. Tho greater part of tho lny that got wt in alfalfa and meadow gramcd, and will not ho aeriouoly injured utile the rains contlntw. Within a radiu of ten tnih a of th'iH (dure ten thounatid ton have heen caught in the rain, hut all of the rancher are optimistic, pitying that tho benefit will he greater to the second crop than tho damage to the lint. Tho crop of hay la above tho average, and thin is very gratifying to tho owners aa nothing better than a half crop wu expected litre a month ago. II. 8. Cram's place four mile e.vHt of town will prodoco ll 00 tona of choice hay thia year, which will be feed for several hundred hcail of hfiif cattle during the coming winter. Orange, Lemon, Banana, and Strawberiiea at lowed price at J. E. Btewart t Co.1. The Summer Normal. The Hummer Normal, which is being held in tho Crook County High School building, is now well under way. Tho following are taking tho work: MadrasMario Mothring, Ber tha Iforney, Clara llorney, Kalh ryn Lowther. PrincviHe Kdna Morce, Nellie Reynolds, Elnio Osborn, Virna Howard, Elva Dob!, Eva Smith Will a Comb. Itedmond Bertha Ihgardt. Culver Grace Robinson. Lnmonta Floy MctJhee, Ethel Smith. I'.cnd Marion Meyer. Tho instructors are Prof. Hock enberry, principal of the Crook County High School, ex-County School Hujierintendent Dinwiddie and Mrs. Margaret Klkins. The instructor are eierienced teach ers and oro recognized as special ist in'thoir different lines of work. Fell Twenty-pour Feet. Luther Moore received bad fall Tueeday froro the derrick at the new court houHe. IIo had a load of rpalls on a wheelbarrow that he was taking to the masons at work on the walla. In some way he missed his footing and fell a distance of twenty-four feet. He was picked op unconscious and taken to tho home of J. B. Shipp. Dr. Belknap was summoned and after an examination said that no bonea were broken and that if the young man was not injured inter- j nally he would be all right in a week or eo. Wood Sawing. Having piirchaHed the wood Haw ing outfit of C. I). Culbrefith I am prepared to cut wood both for the iieoplo llvlnit In PrlnevlSle ouil thone In the neigh Imrlixr district. (Ml Jl. I" lloiiun, rrliievllle. Horet for Sale. One niHre nml yearllK colt will 1k Hold at public Hiik-. on Saturday, the 1Mb lav of July. I'M), nt 1( a. m.. nt ranch of V. O. Ki i.iott. on the Oehoeo, to HiillMfy find bill. C-lH-lw '1 AT C. W. ELKINS STORE cut 4 July oee Now that the warm clays arc here you will want to take advantage of our sale Friday and Saturday and continuing until. July 18. Everything is planned to give you the benefit of extremely low prices on the finest assortment of , goods that has ever Been brought to this city. Look! Look! ... .... .i - Beautiful Shirt Waists During this sale your choice of any of our beautiful shirt waists at one-third les3 than regular price. This means that you will get regular $1.25 Waists for.., ; 85c $1.50 Waists for $1.00 New Silk Juniper Suits Every lady will want to see the new Silk Jumper suit3 that have just arrived. Colors blue, black, brown, in good grade taffeta. Waist and skirt separafe. Waists tire elaborately trimmed with fancy braids; skirts plain and very full, making a cry handsome and ser ke ablc dress for ladies of any age. One-third off on Millinery 1 lundreds of beautiful hats of the best and latest styles for Spring and Summer will go at 1-3 off. T his will proe a great attraction for 1 ccrs. of good millinery and you will find it be3t to come early and select. 50 High-grade Dress Skirts We have 50 high-grade dress skirts in best materials, Voile, Panama, Brilliantine and other weaves that are included in this sale at 1 -4 less than formerly. Do not put off buying. It will mean dollars to the early pur chasers. Specials Fancy Dress Lawns, Ginghams, Swiss Foulards and other Spring Fabrics at large reduction. a Summer Parasols, regular $2.00 to $2.50 at $1.25 each White Belts, regular 65c and 75c values at 50c each Ladies' Blue, Pearl and Grey Hose, reg. 40c, now 25c Ladies', Misses' and Children's White, Grey and Canvas Shoes one-third off. All White Hose- reduced New Hair Goods Good dressers will find in our notion departments sev eral styles of new hair goods which are all important to the correct and latest styles of making up the . coiffure. 25c to 50c New Veils, Silk Gloves, Linen Dusters Lace Curtains 3 yds, good Nottingham, reg. price $1.75, on sale $1.20 Fine Lace 3 yds. reg. price $4,00, during sale, $3.10 Beautiful Silkoline, Madras Cloth, Repps, Roman Stripes for decoratie uses, 1 2Jc and up. Grocery Specials for Saturday andVUl Next Week Fountain Raspberries, Strawberries and Cherries v per can .; 22 c Fountain Peaches, Apricots and Pears, ..... 20c No. 1 Small Navy Beans, pound. . .6 jc Bayo and Pink Beans, pound... 5Jc 10c Bar "Tyee" Scouring Soap Free with each 50c cash Purchase. POLAR STAR Ice Cream Freezers, quarts, . .... $1.00 Half Gallon Size, $1.50 Call and see the demonstration of these freezers Saturday afternoon. . ' C. iW. ELKINS, PRINEVILLE, OREGON VTA VTA tt-'; XL A --'. v. 3 stlN sL'i as Xi.J XJ XL XL 1 X" m x Xi. Xi.o X.t x. Xi. 8n &! m XV . V.1 X' M xv -lx. Crook County Fair To Be Held at Prineville October I3th to I7th Inclusive List of Premiums. (Continued.) M M 57 M r.a GO Division B CATTLE. Superintendent J. H. Cray. V CUm IX Hereford. Best bull, two ycnni old or over Bull, one year old and under two. Bull calf, under one yenr L Cow-, two j-eara old or over Cow, one year old and uuder two. Heifer call, nnuor one year old 5 00 5 00 2 00 S 00 5 00 2 00 CD 61 65 CG C7 CS CO Breeder's herd, to conglnt ol one bull one year old or over, one cow, one two-year old heifer, one yearling heifer and one heifer calf 5 00 Clait X Shorthorn. Beat bull, two years old or over 5 00 Bull, one yenr and under two 5 00 Bull calf, under one year.; 2 00 Cow, two year old or over 5 00 Cow, one year old and under two 5 00 Heifer calf, under one year old 2 00 Breeder's herd, to conBistof one bull one year old or over, one cow, one two-year-old heifer, one year ling heifer, aiid.one heifer calf ' 5 00 70 71 72 73 74 75 78 CUm XI Devon Best bull, two years old or ove Bull, one year old and under two. Bull calf, under one year Cow, two years old or over i i 7S 79 80 81 S2 S3 5 00 5 00 2 00 5 00 Cow, one year old and under two. 5 00 Heifer calf, under one year old 2 00 Breeder's herd, to constat of one bull one year old or over, one cow, one two-year-old heifer, one yearling heifer, one heifer calf 5 00 Clau XII Jerseys. Best bull, two years old or over 5 00 Bull, one year old and under two 5 00 Bull calf, under one year 2 00 Cow, two years old or over 5 00 Cow, one year old or under two 5 00 Heifer caif, under one year.J 2 00 Breeder's herd, to consist of one bull one year old or over, one cow, one two-year-old heifer, one yearling heifer, and ono heifer calf 5 00 cu xm-Miich Cows. 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 84 3 00 Best niileh cow of any breed, quan tity and. quality of milk to be considered, to bo milked under the direction of the judges 5 00 The age, breed, (if known) aud the time ot . calving of cows shown as milch cows must be certified to the judges. CI&ss XIV Sweepstakes for Beef Breeds. (Only registered stock eligible for entry.) 85 S6 87 88 89 00 Best bull two years old or over Bull, one year old and under two.... Bull calf, under one year Best cow two years old or over....j. Cow, one year old and under two.... Heifer calf, under one year 10 00 10 00 4 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 Division C SHEEP. Superintendent L. B. Lafollette. Class XV-Merino. Ranis, two years old. and over 4 00 . Bams, one year old and under two 4 00 Itnms, pair lambs 4 CO Ewes, two years old and over 4 00 Ewes, one year old and under two 4 00 Ewes, pair lambs 1 4 00 Class XVI Rambouillet ' o Rams, two years old and over 4 00 Rams, one year old aud uuder two 4 00 Rams, pair lambs 4 00 Ewes, two years old and over 4 00 Ewes, one year old and under two 4 00 Ewes, pair lambs ... 4 00 Class XVII Delaine. 103 Rams, two years old and over 4 00 104 Rams, one yeur old and under two 4 00 105 Rams, pair lambs..- . 4 00 100 Ewes, two years old and over 4 00 107 Ewes, one year old and under two 4 00 10S Ewes, pair lambs . 4 00 91 92 93 94 95 9G 97 9S 9!) 100 101 102 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 CO 2 00 2 00 2 00 '? .'. -is TV . -'v VvV -"!'-V.v -IS -IS Tv -1 ?1 'w nJ.-C .'wV -"IV -IV -TV -TV Vri -TV ?7v -TV -TV to 5to -TV ito -TV "to g TV to -TV .to -T V "to -TV Jl'w? : m -TV 'ito fc'Wlf iTV -TV BRYAN AND KERN ARE NOMINATED Eoth Nominations Made Unanimous Bryan Demoastation Lasts Over an Hour KERN IS A CONSERVATIVE Opposed . Free' Silver in 1896 But Was Loyal Party Man and Supported Bryan. Eryan and Kern. These are tbe nominees of the democratic party for the ofJCco of President and Vice President of the United States made by the national democralio convention at Denver last week. A dispatch of July 10 say: Several hours of Btirring oratory and unparalled demonstrations culminated in the national demo cratic convention at 3:45 ft'clock this morning, when William Jen-' ninj?3 Bryan was nominated for President on the first ballot. The vote was: W. J. Bryan, 892 J. George Gray, of Delaware, 59J. John S. Johnson, of Minnesota, 46. ' , , Not voting, 8. Bryan was placed in nomina tion by Ignatius J. Dunn, city at torney of Omaha, Neb. His elo quent eulogy of the great common er evoked a mighty roar of approv al. Pandemonium reigned when a great oil painting of Eryan was unveiled on the platform. Simul taneously a white dove was re leased, and the bird sailed out over the heads of the vast throng. Bryan's nomination was second ed by several democratic orators, first of whom was ex-Senator J. M. Gearin of Oregon, who took occa sion at the same time to advocate a stringent exclusion law. When the result of the first bal lot was announced, Hammond moved that Bryan's nomination be made unanimous, u nentne mo tion was put it was received with one mighty "aye." A solitary ( "no" was voiced by J. M. O'Con nor of New York. A feature of the convention was the demonstra tion for Bryan at the close of Dunn's nominating speech. The tumult lasted ope hour and twelve minutes. Later in the day John W. Kern, democratic national committee man from Indiana, was nominated for vice-president on the first ballot. When a partial poll of the vote gave Kern the necessary ma jority his nomination was made unanimous. John W. Kern has been a prom inent figure in Indiana politics for the past twenty-four yearsc He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, and betore his entrance into politics was regarded as one of the brainiest young lawyers of the state. He was elected court reporter, has served four years in the state senate and has been twice honored by his party with the gubernatorial nomination. Once he received the complimentary vote of the legislative minority for the United States senatorship. When free silver was the issue Kern opposed the adoption of that plank by the democratic party and was a pronounced gold man and predicted defeat for the party if it should endorse free silver. How ever, when the state and national' conventions spoke for free silver, Kern, who has always been a loyal party man, lined up, and did his utmost to elect Bryan. Business Locals. and Buy your Confectionery Fruits of J. E. Stewart & Co. Willow Creek Lumber the best in the county for sale by A. H. Lipprnan & Co. Half-soling ladies' shoes, 60c to 75c; men's Bhoes from 75c to 11 at" Wilson's Shoe Shop, near Ochoco Bridge.