, A tag from a 10-cent f.iec will count FULL xalua .' ' A Ug from a 5-cent piect will count HALF valua The City Meat Market IIOKKi.VN & STILL, Props. jP5jl A J&Z with valuable tags V Save your tags from 5 - ' . - HORSE SHOE GRANGER TWIST MASTER WORKMAN STANDARD NAVY Old Statesman Old Peach Tlnsley's 16-oz. Spear Head Sailor's Pride Eglantine Jolly Tar Bridle Bit Old Honesty Black Bear W. N. Tlnsley's ttaaaral LmI J.T. Big Four Tenpenny Fide L. Ivy "M" Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many other useful presents as shown by catalog : r Gold Cuff Buttons 50 Tags Fountain Pen 100 Tags English Steel Raior 50 Tags Gentleman's Watch 200 Tags French Briar Pipe 50 Taps " Leather Pocketbook 80 Tags Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Best Steel Shears 75 Tags Lady's Pocketbook 50 Tags Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Cards 30 Tags 60-yd. Fishing Reel 60 Tags Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write us lor catalog. s1 PREMIUM r DEPARTMENT THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., St Louis, Mow' To Train Catholic Boys Fatter Hickey Invites Hem to Gather at Wasco August 1 To the Catholics of Prinevilie- Redmond-Paulina Mission: During my recent Easter visita tion of my large missionary dis trict, I announced to the various congregations that I visited that it was my intention to gather into Wasco on the first of August, or immediately after the harvesting season, all the boys of my whoje district of sufficient nge to make their first communion and to be confirmed. I now desire to extend through the Crook County Jonrnal "the same invitation to the parents and youth of Prinerille, Redmond, Paulina and vicinity. I also stated that 1 would jer Bonally bear all the extwnses of these boys, once they came under my charge, that i?, I would board, lodge, train, educate and supply them with religious literature without a dollar's expense to them selves or their parents. I re marked to all the boys with whom I personally spoke on this pubject, that whilst they would spend a large amount of time in religious training and in preparation for the reception of the Sacraments, ns above, I would give them a good, pleasant time and an opportunity to indulge in healthy boyish sports. I desire it, however, clear ly understood by the parents and by the boys themselves, that I require the boys to know their prayers and Catechism fairly well beforehand, so that they may the better profit by the instructions I shall give them during the month or six weeks they may be under my charge. The prayers they are to memorize are: The Our Father; Hail Mary, Holy Mary; Apostle's Creed; Confiteor; Acts of Contri tion, Faith, Hope and Charity; Hail, Holy Queen; the Ten Com mandments and the Six Precepts of the Church. The age of making First Com munion and Confirmation is from ten years, upwards; exceptionally well instructed, good, bright boys a year younger, might be permitted to receive these sacraments. Owing to the fact that on the 20th of May last I met with a very severe accident at Redmond, from the effects of which I am now under the doctor's care in St. Vincent's Hospital, some may think that I have abandoned the idea of training these boys as above out lined, but I have not. I am more intent now than ever on this movement, because I consider it about the only practical means of accomplishing any good on these wild Missons for the dear boys themselves, and of keeping them and their parents in the Faith. No boy or man will be shut out from this opportunity; quite a number are anxious to come. I will furnish fine, ample, free ac commodation for all, and we will feed them all well, too. I hope to visit the Missions again by the end of July, please God, and make personal arrange ments for their proposed visit to Wasco. For further information and particulars, write immediately to Rev. Father Hickey, St. Michael's Church, Wasco, Or. Attention Homcscckcrs. reo)le coming to Crook county with the intention of loratiug on government land should ti rt write or call on Cady & Jones, Prineville, Or. Wood Sawing. ITnvIns purchased the wood saw ln;x outfit of (.. I). Cttlhrvntl! I "in pn-pnreil to cut wood Imth for the I ten pie living In Prini'viilo mid those In the neighboring distrk-t. 0-11 H. J. Hoirnx, l'rineville. Notice for Publication. !.(. art imnl of I he lnliTitir, U. S. Jjitui (Hike Hi Tlie Halle. Orf-con, June J.', l'.w Nolire is hereby givn tlmt Ix'vi knurr. of IAinnntH. Oregon, who mi July 1.. VX nift'If Hrtm-'Sti'mt fcmrv v, rji lur w hi. T s, r 1 1 v M, low lilfl nutii-i1 f intn- lui! l H!mk? nrml nve-yetr rioi. lt eiinnrt claim in the Uii't Nve ilrrril.-.l, U-turn U'rrt-n Itrmvn. Coumy Clerk, at rriuevilte, oniron, on the Ink day oX Auii4t. l'.n rialmmit natm-s a ui! newest: John S W'iu or.-n Wane, Walter Ifclirirli anl Charles f'axloil, ail of ljintonta, Or.iion. 1 C V . M'XR, Kei;bjter. Notice for Publication. iH'pnrftitent or the Interior, 1'. S. l.dtiil Olliue alTtie Inillm, ureenn, June 25, l:os. Notiee Isiiereliv ejlvon that Mzie M. Ib'Urio. fif f'rlnevil!e, o-.-uon. who, on Mnreh R, Ufot?. maile Hone st. ii'1 Kotrv No. KM'i's for KW Of see I 1 HIl.lX'iN W ' , i: U, t I h, r l.'i w in, bus fll.il notlee of intention to liuike n:ml hve-yinr mr, tuestiilihuh Holm to Hie bin.l aimve ile.seriiied, liefore the (Viunty Clerk of Crook ouiily, "reifon. nt l'rineville, Ore gon, on Hie lsth day of AiiKUif, liH. t.luiniant names uh wltue: Kdward w. Jonei, '.rorKe M. la-lano, Itoy Sluart and John KitKiin, all of l'rineville, Oregon. 7 lip C. W. .Mookk. Ifc-slster. Koticc to Creditors. Notice in hereby given bv the under- signerl, ailminiftrator of the estate of Commodore Carroll, decease"!, to fill perrons having claims a.TairiHt the extnte of Commodore Carroll, tleeeapeil, to prepentthe fame with proper vouchers to the umleriMgueil at his ollice in Prine ville. Or, ffin, w ithin pix niontha from the ilate of the first publication of this notice. J. H. Hanki:, ;-21 Adminiatrator. Kotiee for Publication. Department of the Interior, Unite.! States Land Ollice at The Dalles, Or., June 2, 1008. Notice in hereby triven that Kara J. Culp. of AVaitslmrsr, Walla Walla county, Wash., w ho on June 2, 190K, made T. A S. sworn Htateinent No. 40Tr, for NJj' NKJ, SV4 N E14 ani N V.Vt NW', section 12, township 15 south, range IX eaft, W. II., has filed notice of in tention to make final proof, to eetsiblinh claim to the land above described, be fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on the 17th day of Augunt, l'.HIS. Claimant names a? witnesses: Fred A. Rice, of l'rineville, Oregon ; CI rover C. Newman. Robert liruinblav, 1'orrest Carpenter, of Waitfburg, Wahh ington. lp C. W. MOORK, llegister. 'I For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands i IN' TflK DESCHUTES VALLEY f WHITE & i H. F. JONES i n , . IK hi neumona, . . Uregon rjT Royal Insurance Co. Not Welchers. Paid dollar for dollar in the Frisco conflagration. STJEWART, AgL 0 s J. E Notice for PoUitiliM iH'partntent of the Interior, U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Or. J une 1, ltHJS. Notice is hereby given that Allnt'l W. Bavn of Prineville. Oregon, w ho, on Nov. 27, 1!KX), made Homestead Kntry No. S7M), for section 2", towniiliip 13nuth, range H eat, W. M., hag tiled notice of intention to make final five-year proof to e-t ibli?h claim to the land alxive described, before iVinty Clerk ol CnKk county, at hisottice, at Piineville, Orejon, on the 17th day of August, l'.HW. Claimant name as itneeeH: 1'rancin 15. Payn Jacob A. Riggs, James Moftitt, Ci. V. Jonc?, all ol Prineville, Or. 7-2p C. W. Moony., Register. Notice for Publication. rV'pnrtment of the Interior. V. S. IjoiU Ultii-e tit The Ihillen, Oregon, Jane H. l.i Notice Is hetvhy ilven that iHrt;e Vv. liodsoti of Culver, Oriiui, who, on I ieimmler I'.VJ, made homestead apiiiie.lltoll No. lll'iT, for N Wl4 seii.n 7, towiiHhlp 11 Mouth, ranxe 1:1 east, V. M., ha- riled notle,'of inleiil ion 10 make final live-year lroif locMahlMl elaim to Die hind at-ov, ,d.wriUMl, U-fon Wurrvn Hniwn.eounly elerk. at l'rliieville,OnKon,ou the ITtit (lay of Am;ui,t. !'.. Claimant names tot wltnes1!": Waller K. Iluhte, Cliurli-a Thompson, IVrry Head. Jctw K Itldom, all of Culver, Oreffnu. 7-2p l". W. M00UK, KiKisler. Notice for Puhlicaion. Iepartmint of the Kerior. 1'. S. Land Ollice at The Dalies, Or.. May 12, Notice i hereby given that Maud r.roivn, of Prineville, Oregon, w ho, on April 7, l'HIS, made Timber Application, No 4'i4, for nenw 'J and n'ne'' sec 20, tp i T lti e, w 111., has tiled notice of intention to make linai proof, to eptab lish claim to the land above dcmUM, before the county clerk at l'rineville, Oregon, on the 2!ltli day of July, I'JUS. Claimant iiameH as witne-hes; John P.. lirown, of Culver, Oregon, A. It. K.astwood and Dale Jonew, both of Piineville, Oregon, and John V. Dee, of t irizzly, Oregon. 5 28 C. V. Moork, RcgiHtcr. Hotice t Creditors Notice is hereby given by the tni ler Higiied, the executrix of the last will and testament of Charity Wilson, lieceaned, to all persons having claims against paid deceased to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott in l'rineville, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 2Nth day of May, 1908. Mama Chain, Kxecutrix of, the last will and testa ment of Charity Wilson, deceased. 5-2H Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, United States Uml Ollice at The Dalles. Oregon, June 2, 11)08. Notice is hereby given that i rover C. Newman, of AVaitburg, Walla Walla county. Wash., who on June 2, PK)8, made Timber and Stone sworn statement, No. 4i;r,l. for S NL SW- SK,'.4' and K?s NWJJ, section 2(1, township 1-1 south, range 18 east, W. M., has lileil notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver at. The Dalles, Oregon, on the 17tli day of August, 11)08. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred A. Rice, of Prineville, Oregon; I'zra J. Culp, Robert l!rumb!ay, Korrest Carpenter, of Waitsburg, Washington. tMp C. W. MOORK, Regiiter. KALK OK TIMRKR. Prineville, Or egon, June (, 1!K)8. Seale.1 bids marked outside "I'.id Timlier Sale ap plication, June 10, lyog, iao Mountains (West)" and addressed to A.M. Irelimd, l'rineville, Oreg in, w ill be received 1111 to and including July 18, 11108, for all the merchantable dead timber, stand ing and down, ami all the live timber marked for cutting by the Purest Olli eers on a designated area of about 40 a.-res located in the e ne w4, i: ee4 na'lt ?u, w', m't. sec 3.r, tp 17 s, r 20 e, w m, Jllue Mountains (West) National Porest, Oregon ; estimated to be 250,000 feet li. M. log fcale, more or less, of living anil dead yellow pine, and fir sawtimber. No bid for less than $2.00 1 per thousand feet 1! M. will bo considered for living timber, nor less than $1.00 per thousand feet J!. M. for dead timber, and a deposit of f."0.00 must be sent to II. IL Cramer, Fiscal Agent, Forest Service, Washington, 1). C, and made payable to the THKAN URKIt OF U'MTKI) STATKS, for each bid submitted to the Supervisor, The right io reject any and all bids is reserved. Timber upon valid claims exempted from sale. For further infor mation and regulations governing sales address the undersigned. A, 8. Ireland, Forest Supervisor. 0 18 5t llcjulquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest jiriHlucta. Its tho best that money can biiv. You will not only save money but you will help-buihl up a home industry. We alwavs carry the lest in r Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all Kinds of country produce H0RIGAN & STILL LUMBER inwrc, vuiises, ru r-ic,t r-ic. w SHIPP& PERRY I FRINKVILLK, OUKliOX B Champion Mowers t IFiW,.--. mxrn Reapers, Binders and Rakes All kinds of wire cable, rope, guy lines, hay forks, hay carriers, pulleys, machine oils and other haying supplies Sold Right C. W. ELKINS Prineville, Oregon. Seneral ffilacksmithing r 1 LJ r..i Li r 1 LJ r 1 L J r LJ r..i LJ r, 1 LJ r.i LJ LJ LJ r.n L J r,! Li r,,t LJ r,n Li r,i LJ Tel LJ rin Li r.n Li Tit Li r,n L'J r.i L'J r.i! LJ rn LJ r.i! Li Li r1Trrr,nrrrrr!ir!7rrrrr!ir;nririrriri!!rrrrirrir.!!r7tr'!rrr:rru! L JLiLUuitjLjLL JLUL JL JLiiLiiTLJLULLlL JLULUL'JLiiL JLliLUUULli r -1 L'J r.i CJ n L'J r i L.J r ,1 LJ r ! LJ n L'J IIonsEsiiOKiNa, Wood Work, ktc, Neatly and PuoMrn.Y Dunk Whfn it is Done By : : : Robert ?oorc Satisfaction Will ie Guaranteed Pkinevim.e, OUEOON. Notice for Publication. ( iHolated Traet.) Public Land Sale. Tlie Dalles, Oregon, Land OflTiee, dune 211, I'.KlH. Nntiee in liereliy (jiven that, as directed by tlie ('ouimiHsioner of the (ieneral Land OHiee, under proviHiuns of Aet (if ContrreHR approved Juno 27, I'KIti, I'ul.lie No. 'Mi, we will offer at pnlilie Hale, to the liik'lietit, liiildcr at 10 o'e'neka. in., on tlie'ith day of AniiHt, 1!)0S next, at this ollice, tho following tract of land, tmvit: HK See. lili, 'Ip. 14 S., H. Ill K., W. M. Any p(ronn claiming adverHely the ahove-denerihed lands are adviced to lilo their claims, or objectioiiB, on or before the day nbovo dtHignated foi sale. C. W. Moobk, UegiHter, i-25 Uiuih II. Aii.nkhon, Heceiver Nolica to Creditors. Million lu lwiHittit (pltmn 1 ii 11, it i,n ....... .n 1 . .... p,, . , ,,j , 11 ,- deVKhriii'il 1 lui fiiliiilnlMlrn tur fif i he t-Htiite of Krnnk (iliiKH, deeeiiHeil, to 1111 pei-Koim Having cininm niiiiiHt Hold (li'ccjiKcd to preHent tlifin with the proper voneherH to the under Hitfiied at iledniond, Or., within kIx inonlliH from the f 1 i-h t publication of thlM notice. Dated thiH 18tli (lay of June, 1!)08. ItollKHT li. Ul.AHH, A (1 in 1 iiIkI rn tor of the cwtate of of Frank OIuhm, (leceased. ) Notict for Publication. Department of tho Interior, United NtatcH Land Ollice at The DalleH, Oregon, May iL'lh, l'.IUH. Notice hereby given that John W. Kilter, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on March 0th, 11108, made Timber Aonlicalioii. No. 4511!), for bY Hection liH, town tihip 12 Houth, riingo 17 eiiHt, W. M., Iiiih filed notice of intention to make final proof, to ectabliHh claim to the land above described, before 1 he Regis ter and Receiver, at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on me nil nay oi Aiigimt, wnm, ClainiHiit names as witnesses: K. K. Jones, Mrs. N.C. Jones, Wil liam O. Italfour, Arthur J. Decker, all of l'rineville, Oregon. 5 21 p 0. W. MOOKK, KegiHter. Notice for Publication I liolalcd Tract) Herilll N(i. OKI l'I!lll,IO LAND HAI.K Tlio Jiullcn, Oregon, I, mi. I omen, July 2, 1IMIS. Notli'o Is horeliy glvpii tluit, iH (ifrwliMl hy the Ciimliillmliilier ol I lie lleiicrnl 1. 1111. 1 ( Htii c, under provisions of Aet of (loiiKrvHS Hiiiiroveil June 27, 1IHKI. I'ulille- No. Will, wo will olfrr lit puliHe Mile, to the hlxheat hlililur, nt HI n'i lin k , in., on the IS itny of AiikiisI, 1IHIS, next, itt this office, the following tract of l.iml, towlf HVV'iNW, tluuM, Tp 15 B, K 17 e, Any persons clnlminir ailversely tho ahnve di Mi rl l.c.l laii.lmiri! silvlsiiil to tile tlieir elulms or objections, on or lieforo tuo iluy above deHignaled for sale. (). W. Mimiiik, Keglntur, 7-9 IxajlH II. A hnkson, Meeelver. l s 1 s t i s m Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete lino of Ocnt't Furniahingi at rricoi that you can atlord to pay. Call in and lot in show you tho goods and quote, you our rcv. A Choico Line of Cigars & Tobaccos THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor THE HAMILTON STABLES I Q THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in 0)nncetion) J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor I'KINKVII.I F.. OKI ;ON Slock tHitnled by the day, wwk or month nt Uensonalil rate. UeineinU'r uh when In I'rinoville. Hatm Ukaikinabik. V Imve Tine Livery Rigs For Rent Report of K cowIIum ! The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon Al K clot ! taiM May 14, 1 SOS Unot'lii Kn Uwiia and DUrunnU.,... r.'l.l & United Hlntisl lionda HAW 00 Hank I mill U.!W0 Kl tiifi fniin tHiiikn IT7.1S" M CHh on Imnd 7.lt 00 llrilrno.ll.m fun J UM !&.: m B. r. AIU. rmli.M Will Wr..iUr. Vk, Pr.UJ.mt IJAHII.ITIKi mpllai Hturk I o.tntgi Huriilua and undivided rudU W.f U1 tirvuiatkm lo.affot Indlvliliml IkriMMlia IT 1.7 IK h . STi.tmi K T. M. aJola, CaAiM IL B.W.lm A.'i CuliW ber 0. ?ossic 7otary PmkiU Sistors, Oregon ZRoal Cstato, broker a cq and Snsurance C hot co Smprovod Srrigatcd Jarms for Sato Sow Sood Jfonojcad jCocaiions Sir m m (11 L J ri UJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r, l LJ r.i L'J r.i L'J r.i LJ r,.i LJ r.i L'J r.i L"J r.i L'J ni L'J r.i L'J rj.i The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIlalBE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season L'J ni uj ni LJ r.n LJ r.i LJ nil c J 13 J nil LJ tJil LJ 15.1 L'J na LJ n.i SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. LJ LJ ri:irnr.Hrnrnr?irirrirrirrirrirnjinnrnrnr,rirnrnnnnririirnrnrin LJL JLJLULJLULULIJLJLyLIJLuSLJLULUL;UL.iJLULtiLiJLIjyLJLULULUUJ It's easy to reach North Beach Take Steamer POTTER from Portland Paiirnftri art aaw Iraatftrrtl U lfc railraaJ al MECLER fourttea aiilci tk Coiaaibia Rirar Cram llwac. Tkia tliminalta Ik Mctiiitjr al altaaMra waitiaf far Ik tld aad iniurci a praaapl uti realar SaauMf ScaaJula Tho Steamer T. J. POTTER leaves Portland every morning except (Saturday and Sunday at HMO o'clock. Saturday only at 2 o'clok P. M. Itemcinber the Summer rate on tho O. R. & N. is $12.00 from Shaniko to all North J each points and return; good until September 30th. Nnrlli Hiihi'Ii laa fanimia.'lH'aiitlliil plnro the niimt por fi'ft lii'ui h nil Iho wholu Nnrlli CokhI. Tlitirti am ai?('oiniiinilatlina KKlre at prlroa to anlt all tAHti-Hi I'ainpliiK fai'lllllt'a wltlinnt Hiial perfwit tmllilng 1'oiiilitlniin; all wrta of aininn'iiiunla anil illvvralniia, Cuiim, liavu a Kml ri-Mt anil a Jolly Unit). Let iin Ht'nri vim our nuw Hiiiniiicr book, and lull you all about NOKT1I 1IKA;II. 7 2tf E. J. WILSON, Local Agent, Shaniko, Or. WM. McMURRAY, (Ieneral rusHt-iiKcr Agent, rortlaud, Orogon.