OLD MARRIED PEOPLE Dale Jonei and Mi Maude Brown Were Married June 24. Vou lrt, a woman ran kerp a vi ret (or a few days at h-nnt. I ltro I r wciltliiiK tlutt tiHik place June 21 ami thin in tlio lirxt inkling the iiblic tut liml of it. JIuleJoni'M mul MIm Maude Uronn are t lie iH'Hly wedded m ir. Ir, JhiriKraorc pi'rforiiinl tlm ceremony. There were junt two other twwnt Warren lirown, the brother of the hritle, and Mien May Hello KeeJ, The whoh) nffalr :wn to he kept a secret tmtil announced In the Journal. The young hride left to day lor a vifit willi friend end relntive at lUyMurk and Culver. lrtle lenvee (lii Hlternoon for a three week' outing nt the hrntl of the MhcIumixih. When he return the happy onn couple will go Jo hotioekerping. The lief t wiihea of the Journul go with theiu. Shaniko Wool Sales. Hlinniko, July 7. At today' wool le 5S,(XK) HiundH were aold at price ranging from !Jc to 10i!c. The thoieo clip of K. F. Mcltiie, of HT.tKHJ pound drought tlm top ligtir.D. The J. N. Wil lininson clip of fiS.OOO pound, hrought 13 Ju Among other clip offered and fold were the follow ing: J. V. At-I.ott, 4.1.01K) oundK at luY W. W. Ilrown, 40,000 pound, 10.V.; Thorns Sherlock, U7.IKX) pound Uio. Thin in the liKt woo of the eeon here. )uring tit i eeniKm H.INKl.tKX) Kundn have Imm-ii oold at the .tc, averaging alxmt 1 1 cent pound. I,at KHHon about the nme quantity war eold at the null, averting about lUo. The choiee clip of the lUldwin Sheep & I .ami Company, eome 225,000 ouiide, hm not Uni-n offered for pale Ihii eeaxon. Thin l prnrti mil v the only lot of wool unnold at liiia point. The nlt of wim1 nt thi point thin year foot tip to about 9 125,000 a Bgainct nearly tGOO.OOO lat year. County Clerk Hrown left today for hi timber claim to bo abcent three or four d y. FherlfT Hmilh and hi deputies throughout the county are looking for a man who hired a team of horee from Smith Rroa.' livery table nt lliirricburg hint Monday morning and ha not returned with the nnimalrf. The man mid he would return the enme evening but failed to do o. Hit believed that he la making for I'rineville and Sheriff Klkin of Crock. county will noli tied to watch for the man and team. Albany Herald. The pany tdiow held at C. W. Klkin'a etore yeeterdiiy under the aucpicea of the C. I. It. reunited in a lino display of tlioito beautiful flowers. raiiHiea were civen to each visitor. First and second rir.ea were won by Anna Thronson. Firnt pria was for the largest Hpeoimen flower and cocond prize for the greatest variety, Miss I hronaon having over 100 vane tie in her exhibit. Mabel Donk being the next large! exhibitor wax awarded a prize in the form of a sofa cushion cover. Mia Thron son's prize were a pair of shoe nnu a pair of gloves. F WITH Tilly NIiW V I .mm WITH MfOU) w Jelly Glasses, doz. . . 60c Smooth Edge Clear Glass Leave your orders with LOCAL JMENTION Walter and (leorgo O'Neil have gone to Turtlund. Mr. W. II. Pe;k of Lainonta wai in town Monday. 1). r. Adanmon & Co. bought the Iong & Hnoderly lee, W. W. Ilrown returned Wtdncs day from a brief trip to Hhaniko. Mrs. I. Michel and two on left Wednesday morning for Portland. William Fox, the buggy man, panned through to Shaniko Mon day. M. F. .Hawthorne of Ilonland wa a county eut visitor yester day. Mi Delia Mukoii returned the firet of the week to her homo in Portland. A. II. Kennedy of the Review left Monday for Portland on a buh!ncs trip. J, K. Uos returned to Princ villi the lirnt of the week after a year's absence. (1. l' Itarnn returned the lnl of the week from a six weeks' tieit with hi daughter at Hood Uiver. The alfalfa harvest Is in full blunt. Men for work in tlm field are paid from 11.50 to $1.75 a day. The new county official have taken the onth of oflico and are fairly launched on their official career. Warren Duncan and wife of Silver Lake are veiling Mr. Mary Yandcrpool, mother of Mrs. Duncan. Max Holer, I-cster Cohrs and Dale Jones leave for the bead of McKcnziu today on a three weeks' hunting trip, Mr. J. H. Ilnner and her two sona are expected home tlm hint of the week. Mr. llmier left on to day's stage for Shaniko to meet them. Mlfses Allio Horrigan and Agnes Klliott were passenger on the northbound etngo Sunday morn ing. They will spend their vaca tion at Cross Key viniting relatives. ('. J. Sundnulnt. who was badlv Injured while fr-ighting a few weeks ago, ih still in a critical con dition. The nature of his wounds and the hot weather combine to make life a burden. U. I. Long left Wednesday for Kansas City, Mo., where he will visit his mother for a few months. Perry says that they have "showed" him here and he will see if ho can learn in Missouri. N. F. McCoin passed through Tuesday on his return from the summer quarters for hi sheep in the Cascades. Mr. McCoin says that there is plenty of snow on the mountain tops and that grass is good. Mrs. O. W. Aldridgo arrived Saturday from her homo near Wilbur, Washington, and wiU-l vinit relatives here for a time. Mrs. Aldridgo was a resident of this place some ten year ago and has many acquaintances here. ' Ming Cora Ferguson has resigned her position in the Prineville pub lic school. This wad done on account of her health. While the school board is sorry to lose her services and offered her flattering inducements to stay, Miss Fergu son deemed it advisable to take a year's rest. Pints, per dozen Quarts. JiUvHalf-gaIs. " (Jeorge Cyrus of Culver was a business visitor yesteid ty. Ilev. J. K. Craig of Madras w in town on business Tucoday. Mr. and Mr. Wilcoxnou spent the Fourth with the family of C. W. KIkins. Nick Weider of P.end played backstop for the lledmond team during the celebration game in I'rinevillv. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Uobinnon and Mrs. L. M. Habn and daughter umii up from Madras and cele brated at l'rinevillo. l!',n Knox was in town Wednes day on his way out to hi home in tho Willaitetto Valley. lie reported that his father is very iiiucii improved. Curl Khrct the lledmond mer chant, came over from that place last Thursday with the Redmond baseball team and spent the three day in town. Oliver (!. Adams returned the last of the week from Portland where he has been attending the Holmes liusinens College for Uic past eight months. Among the Madras people who attended the celebration here were Mrs. l.itma It, Wood, John Dillon, Claude Itamsey, (Jus Iovelandand wife and Mins Myrtle Lowland. Harry Danly and "Jirumie" Douavin left Wednesday morning for New Pine Creek on tho Oregon California statu line where Danly may go into the saloon business. F. L. Kicker was brought in from Kedmond Tuesday night suffering from hernia. An operation was performed on unfortunate mm Wednesday. He is resting easier but is not out ol danger. T. J. Ferguson was in from his ranch near Crook yesterday. He report everyone busy haying in that part of the county. The yield is average or In tter and the range is in good condition for ntock. Mrs. Arthur M. Lara of Bend brought over a number of Bend ladies the first of the week for a vinit to Prineville. In the party were Mrs, Maddock, Mrs. O'Kane, Mrs. Wilson and Miss Alice Wilson. Wm. Brownhill of Youngs was in town the last of the week. He stales that the ranchers on the north end of Agency Plains will have fnir crops this season, but nothing like the bumper crop har vested la?t year. A letter from Harry Hudson to friends here navs that ho is in a hospital in Boston, Mans , under going treatment for cancer. Mr. Hudnon is one of Crook" county' pioneer having resided here for the pnht thirty years. The llev. Walton Skipaorth, superintendent of The Dalles dis trict, will vinit Prineville next Sunday and Monday. He will preach the sermon nt the evening service, Sunday, at the Methodist church and administer the com munion. All are cordially in vited. Mrs. T. F. McCallistcr, Miss Jessie McCallistcr, and Mrs. II. P. Belknap left the flrnt of the week for Willamette Valley points. Mrs. Belknap is a delegate to the grand lodge, Degree of Honor, which meets in Portland. Mrs. McCallistcr and daughter will spend a couple of months at New port. They will cross the Cascades by team. STE WAR $1.10 .1.35 1.90 FOR us for Hood River Strawberries Ia Memoriam. Another fell from the fat thin ning ranks of the Oregon pioneers hint Wednesday, July 1, when Mrs. Matilda J. Knox pasned awy at her home near Post. She CADie to Oregon in 1853, then ti.n year of age, and lived at Crenwell, Lane county, until 1887, when she, with her family, moved to Crook county, where she has resided up to the time of her death. She was married at Cres well in June, 1801, where most of her 13 children were born. Eleven children are still living, all of whom were at her bedside during her sickness, and are still with their father, who is al-o in a seri ous condition of health. The children, all of whom are grown, have spared no expense nor pains to care for or minister to the needs of their parents. Indeed, their devotion is warmly commended by all who have knowledgo of the esse. Mrs. Knox died triumphant in the Christian faith and although suffering intensely, wss upheld by unneen power, so that she was able to comfort those who came to comfoit her. The remains were laid to rest in the Newsom Creek Cemetery last Thursday afternoon, the services being conducted by the Kev. C. A. Hounel of this city. For Sale. One new Deer liny-loiiler in good onclltli.il, nt reiiKOHfililt- llcire. Ad- (lrirtM m IS., care Journal. 5-L'sif Strayed From' the Ditch Can-p. One sorrel! teldintr hrnnded with Hhlelil on left liiml etltle, ami one Imv Kelilina l on lint eliouMiT, liotii witli liallerH. A Kitlfnlile reward for Information. K. Hokankox, Ikfilinoiiil, ore. MILLINERY Clearance Sale A nice assortment of Trimmed lltOM Kuilom llntin,. Hfif. Vuita Mitline, Chiffon, Flowers, Kibbon To be sold at Cost Aim) a full line of Zona's Toilet Preparation, at j Mpc Fcfpc' Millinery j uio. ujivj Parlors Corner Second and Main Sit. Vilson's Shoe Shop 1 have ojH-fusl up a k!hh nhop In Prineville in the McOullinter luiil iing, on Main (itreet near tln"t)cliiKo bri iuti, aivl am pre lnsl Unloall kimlHof reiairui. All work dune neatly anil promptly and at intact ion j:ii:ir ttlitetit. Prices very reasonable. A trial will convince yon that this is tho Ix'ft (jhice to liavo your ghou repairing done. J. E. Wilson, Prineville, Or. Wear Insured Sos Are your ocli s isrriff Oar "IIolo prooi" Sox nro iHtMttd tor six mouUi. i bis Is (he ttMramtrr Uuy six pairs ol "Holeproof" So for fZ.Oi end II anr or all of thi-ra come to bolt's or need darning In six months w will replace them wiUx new sox FKi-E. Iv. Molnroot W Vst ro drd with itbsoUitety fast colors. Tlicy witl not "crock." rtjs.t ' cor futla. "Hole proof" Sox do not shrink nor stretch. You can buy them in assorted colors .x pairs ot a aue axvX weight iu it box. Wcnr "Holeproof Sox enr and a you will never wenr any other kind. R Ke member they are gvarantfvd to 1 yevnr six months or you net new sox 1 MU.l Let us scil you a box today. J. E. Stewart & Co. eciais SATURDAY, A. B. Naptha Soap Special for Saturday, 10 bars. 55c Olives Queen Olives in Glass, 8 oz, special for Saturday 20c Pioneer Condensed Milk This well known brand needs no introduction; it's one of the best on the market.. Special Saturday per can 10c Oranges A nico lot of oranges, good Bize, our regular GOc doz. kind, for Satur day at per doz c Men's Underwear Men's Summer weight underwear, broken lots. We do not have a completo run of sizes in this lot but can fit most anyone. All first class Balbriggan. While they last to go at per garment 40o Above prices special for Saturday 1 1 th only 7cw TfftWnerj Anollirr Shipmrnl jusl received direct from the wholesalers The very latest thing in millinery can now he seen at our millinery parlors r in frs. umma rroso Opposite The Redbjf PI3S7 Good Watches I have in stock a complete line of the best waches and clocks and also do repairing. JEWELER and OPTICIAN Eyes examined and glasses made t o fit. Graduate optician. W. Frank Petett Prineville'i OU Reliable Jeweler t ' ' yrs. Omma Jroso w x -8 - D. r. Adamson & to -- Ca-. s0?Pi. l.wt . ca ' DRUGGISTS ST - l The place to buy an Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Rocltford, Hampden, Illinois, or any other good make of watch movement. These you can have in solid gold, gold filled, solid silver or nickle , cases. Prices to suit all. l We have Chains, Charms, Necklaces, Fobs, Rings, Bracelets, Emblem Pins, Cut Glass and Silverware. Competent Jeweler and Engraver in charge. i JULY 11th 1 BEES-HONEY-MONEY S w M The bee industry in entered into by a great It doesn't seem to be generally known that they do exceptionally well here, and tho price of honey is always high. iffTT Bees travel from two to four miles to gather jj honey, so that if there is an alfalfa field within this distance from your place, you can profitably care for bees. We feel that a few stands of bees at every ranch will give tho greatest returns on the money invested of any branch of industry on the place. ' We have recently received a complete assortment of Bee Supplies of the "Root's Patent" make, which are made different and from better material than the common western make. We can supply all your needs along this line. r W. F. :e: :e: :s: :: se:i LARGEST CATALOG M.J Orirr Horn m Ntln.nl I iMKrwr. Ihr Gaod. nl J Jt kad. nul m trlf Mlklv l.ut 7jri A 1 amson est o. DRUGGISTS COMPANY Men's Suits and Extra Pants The latter end stock in this line, they last, to go half price. ' t , i i r , A nice prices 9. Crook County should be many more than nowr do. Q Kin :ss 33; :e: :e: jsi ?s:a X JONES CASH STORE mim ,mmm!tLmLdj PORTLAND. OR. of our while at just New arrivals in Golf and Negligee Shirts assortment and reasonable. I f