Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 02, 1908, Image 4

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Oregon Man
(Porliamt journal.)
Calvin Morris of Fuuliru, Crook
county, Oiogon'a most unsophisti
cated mart, boujiht a comic valen
tine. It cost liim a nieklo. Then
he did a little drawing. A postage
utamp was attached. The vaUn
tine, wns addressed to a young
woman. It was dropped in the
mail. It delivered. She ohj vted.
That valentine cost Calvin 300.
Calvin was indicted lv the
federal grand jury for tending ob
scene matter through the mail.
Owing to the circumstances of the
case and upon the recommendation
of the district attorney, Judge
Wolverton let Calvin off without
a jail pcn'.ence when he leaded
guilty in the United States court
Until brought to Portland by a
deputy United States marshal,
Morris had never ridden cn rail
road train, had never seen a steam
boat, had never even seen and
didn't know there was such a thing
as street cars.
And furthermore, Calvin Morris,
Crook county, Oregon, has never
been kissed. Owing to this fact he
has become known as Oregon's un
sophisticated man.
Until last night Morris had
never seen the inside of a jail, had
never eaten in a restaurant, had
never heard the rumble of a wagon
on paved streets, had never seen
an automobile nor did he know
there was such a thing as a bicycle.
He had heard of city sky
scrapers, to be sure, but thought
they were something that floated
about high in the air.
Morris has never been inside of
a theatre, never smoked a pipe,
cigar or cigarette, never chewed to
bacco and has never had a drink
of liquor in his life.
And the thousands and one
other forms of amusement which
are afforded the people o: a city
are all new to Morris.
But in spite of all the fasci
nations of a great city, Morris
slept in a cell at the county jail
last night. And his dreams
weren't of music and dances and
beautifully gowned women and the
buzz of automobiles. But instead
his fancies were far away in his
old home country in Crook county,
and the dreams were of green
valleys and mountains and cattle
and horses and of the people he
has known all his life, and who
are natural and more to his 1 king.
Morris is 22 years old. lie lives
with his father and mother and
has never kea in trouble before.
All his life has been spent on the
range and he had no anticipations,
no longings for the city. He knew
not of the city, nor did Jie care,
and he was happy.
But last Valentine's day Morris
got hold of a funny valentine.
And poor Morris fell from grace.
District Attorney McCourt Etated
to the court this morning that with
the exception of the valentine inci
dent, the defendant had always
been on his best behavior. Since
he was a boy, he said, Morris has
worked hard and taken care of his
family. During that time he has
accumulated nearly $2,000 in cash
and a bunch of horses and cattle
Owing to these facts the young
man, though he claimed ignorance
of the law relative to sending oh
scene matter through the mails,
was Jet off with the $300 fine and
without a tail sentence.
Tomorrow Calvin Morris leaves
for his home in Crook county
Behind he will leave with Uncle
Sam $300 in hard earned cash.
And for months to come as he
rides the range visions of that
comic valentine will flash through
Morris' mind. But it won't seem
funny any more.
Horses for Sale.
One mare and yearling colt will be
sold at public wile, on Saturday, the
ISth day of July, l'Jiw, at 10 a. in., at
the raneli of W. ). Elliott, mi "the
Oehoco, to sutMy feed bill. C-lS-4w
A Business Directory oi each cilv, town
and viIlK in Oregon Hnl Washington,
Kiving a descriptive kcti h of each place,
tottethcr with the location and Hhippinj;
facilities and a c lassified directory of each
businesa and profession,
Gasoline Engine
Irrigation, Spraying anil Pumping Machinery
Fnlrhanks-Morne Gnsnllne Engines for
pumping, anrayinc, sawing, grinding. Out
flta complete.
Fairbanks Scales for weighing.
Fulrbankx-Morse Dynamos and Motors for
power and light.
Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Towers,
Fairhunka-Morae Grinders. Feed Choppers,
Well Pumps.
All first quality goods at lowest prices.
Always In Mock. Liberal terms. Prompt
reply to inquiries and quick shipments.
Write for catalogue and prices.
W. F. KING, Agent, PriueviUe, Ore.
Fairbanks Morse & Co.
Canvas Boat for Sale.
Cimeiid li.tnt lirnti t..i init
nt n barcatii. Apply to lVrry Polii
dexter, rrlneville. Or. 6 5
Pay Up.
AH prnona Indebted, to unre rv-
qncwU'd to call and settle t otpe.
KtSHVtftlIlV, tMITH & l I.HKK,
(H'l iueville, Or., J tine 11.
For Salo or Trade
One Jokftn Kolipse Haystacker,
three Acme Hack Hake, one 2-horpe
power Fairbanks-Mon' gasoline engine.
Y ill vll or t radt. Add r.-i
F.r Slavics.
.VJStf rrineville, Orein.
Notice for Publication.
t Isolated Tract .
Public Land Sal.
The Pallcs, Oteaon, IaiM Oflice.
June 20, l'.MS.
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner o the
;.ri.,r-tl t uti.t OM"i,t lirtivisiona
of Act of Congress approved June 27,
1;W, Public No. 80.5, we will offer' at
public sale, to the burliest bidder at 10
oY'ock . m., on tltot'tli dav ot August,
l;X8 next, at this othee-. thp following
tract of land, towit : SKi SK, Sec. 2t,
Tp. 14 S.. K. It K... V. M.
Any person rktimiujt adversely the
above-desert bed lands are advised to
tile their claims, or objections, on or
before the day above designated tot
C. W. Mooar, Register,
0-25 Lous H. Arnkson, Receiver
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby Riven by the un
dershiued. the administrator of the
estate of Frank Glass, deceased, to
all persons having claims ncainst
said deceased to present them with
the proper vouchers to the under
signed nt Redmond. Or., within six
months; from the first pulilicittiou of
this notice.
Dated this ISth tiny ot Jtttie, RK)S.
Koukkt I Glass.
Administrator of the estate of
of Frank Glass, deceased.
Kutice for Publication
Department of the interior,
I'nited States Laud OlHee at
The lhille. Oregon, June 2, l'JOS.
Notice is hereby given that
Grover C. Newman,
of Waitsburg, Walla Walla county.
Wash., who on June 2, l'JOS, nitrde
Timber and Stone sworn statement. No.
4tvt. for NE' NWJj SEl and
E'a SWtj, section 2o, township H
south, range IS east, W. M., has tiled wtt i-kf lnti.lititin til mal:A tinul lirrulf
to establish claim to the land above
dewilied, before Kegitter and Kecetver
at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 17th dav
of August, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Fred A. Rice, of Pi inevilie, Oregon ;
Ezra J. Culp. Robert BrumWay, Forrest
Carpenter, of Waitsburg, Washington.
6- lp C. W. MOORK, Register.
Notice for Publication
IVpartmflt of the Interior,
V. 8. Laud Ulllce at The Hallos, Otvenn,
June :i, llMS.
Notice Is hereby given that
Charles K. Shattnek
of Piinevllle, Oregon, who. i n Jim? 11. ltT.
made Himt-lml Application No l.Viofl. for
K'j NE'.of section, and W!4 NW'-ifectl n
It', township lti Mvith, ranire 11 ejott. M..
has filed notice ttt intetithin to make tlnal
commutation proof to eKtablKh claim to the
land alnive des.Tited. tx'fore Warren linorn.
eountv tlerk, at Prinevilie, Oregon, on the
17th a 7 or August, urns.
Claimant natn.'s as wltnese!
Moses iswonser, Charles H. Foster, Pamuel
Sliepiierd, Kiansou A. llussett, all or Prine
vilie. Oregon.
7- :p C. W. MOORE, Ii.nUter.
Notice for Piiblicution.
Peja tment of the Interior,
V. S. Ijuid Clll at T le lwllca, otvgnn,
June 23, lidiH.
Notice is herchv given thiit M. 1) lano,
of Prinevll'e. O iunn. who. on March S, 1002.
made 11, m st-ad Kotry f o. 10lt for
SWS of see it amlS N V4 see 11, tp U s. r 15
e. w in. has filed notice of intention to make
tlnal tive-yejir pnwif. to etttitlish ehihn to the
land above deseril ed, before the County Clerk
of Crt,tk 'ounty, ' r--gtm, at Prinevilie, Ore
gon, on the 1Mb day of August, l!ft.
Claimant names as wituc'sca: Kdw:trd K.
Jones, ieri;e At. s-laiio, Itoy Ktuarl and
John Urtiiu, all of 1'rineville. Ongon.
-2p C W. Muoke, Holster.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
United States I.iuid Ollice at
The Dalles, Oregon, May 12Ui, 1UU8.
Notice is hereby given that
John'W". Ritter,
of Prinevilie, Oregon, who, on March
9th, P.t08, made Timber Application,
No. 4"iif), for BW, section 28, town
ship 12 south, range 17 east, W. M.,
has filed notice of intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the Regis
ter and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon,
on the 4th day of Angust, l'J08.
Claimant names as witnesses:
R. K. Jones, Mrs. N.C. Jones, Wil
liam G. lialfour, Arthur J. Decker, all
of 1'rineville, Oregon.
5 21p C. W. MOORE, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Ollice at
The Dalles, Or., June 2, 1908.
Notice is hereby (riven that
Ezra J. Culp.
of Waitshurg, Walla Walla cotintv.
Wah., wlio on June 2, 1008, made T.'&
S. sworn statement No. 4(."5, for N'K
NEJ4, SV NE an I SK NW 14,
section 12, township 15 south, ran 18
east, W. M., has filed notice of in
tention to make hnal proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Register ami Receiver at The
Dalles, Or., on the 1th day of August,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Fed A. Rice, of Prinevilie, Oregon ;
Grover C. Newman. Robert Rrumblav.
Forrest Carpenter, of Waits burg, Wash
tt-4p C. W. MOORK, Register.
Til r? . - .in Hi
in ror irncrRTPfi rarrns m
a WP.ITE lr
id! H. F. .IflNFS I
H aeumono, - - Uregon
1 Royal Insurance Co.
Not Welchers.
1 Paid dollar for dollar in the
Frisco conflagration.
m ti' i&&x& m m m r.s m m
Notice of AJministntot'i Sale of Real
Notice) Is hereby jiven, that in pur
suatic ot an order ol the county court
of Crook County, Oregon, made on the
tit h day of May, 1"8, in the matter of
th eate o( John l'rior, deceased, the
undersigntsl, the administrator of said
estate, will sell at private sale, subject
to continuation bv eaid county court,
from and after the Mrd day of July,
bXW, all the right, title and interest id
the said John l'rior at the time of hia
death, and all the right, title and in
ter, st the estate hae acquired In ad
dition to that of the said John Prior at
the time of hia death, in and to nil that
certain jiece or varvvl of land situated
in the Cit of rrineville. County of
CrMik, State of Orevjon, more particu
larly described as follows: two in
block thirteen of Monroe Ibalgt's' lat
of rrineville, trgon, aa the same ap
teats cf record in the ollice of the
county clerk of Ctvok County, State of
Terma and conditions of aale, caih.
Dated May 21, l'.k$.
Administrator of the FstatA of John
Trior, deceased.
SALF. OF TIMPKR. Tiineville, Or
egon, June lti, l'.UVH. Sch1I bids
marked outside "Bid Timber JSale ap
plication, June 16, l'JOS, Rlue Mountains
(West I" and addressed to A. S. Ireland,
rrineville, Oreg m, ill lt rH-etvel up
to and including July 18, HHW, for all
the tnarchantable dead timlter, stand
ing and down, and all the live timber
marked for cutting by the Forest OMi
vers on a designated" area of atout 40
acre located in the el ne eeW. e,1
se w, sej nei lu-Vi, sec 35, tp u a, r
-0 e. w ni. Dine Mountains (West)
National Forest, Oregon ; estimated to
be 2jO.OO0 feet B. M. log scale, mom or
less, of living and dead vciIjw pine, and
fir sawtimber. No bid for less than
2.U0 per thousand feet B. M. will be
considered for living timber, nor less
than $1.00 per thousand feet B. M. for
dead timber, and a deisit ot t0.00
must be sent to H. B. Cramer, Fiscal
AgtMit. Forest Servii-e, Washington, 1).
C. and made pavable to the TREAS
each bid submitted to the Supervisor.
The right to reject any and all bids is
reserved. Timber upon valid claims
exempted from sale. For further infor
mation and regulations governing sales
address the undersigned. A. S. Ireland,
Forest Supervisor. ti 18 ot
Notice for Ptbliotioa
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Or.
June 2o, l'JOS.
Notice is hereby gien that
Alfred W. Barn
of Prinevilie. Oregon, who, on Nov. 27,
l'JOO, made Homestead Entry No. 8700,
for SW section 25, township 15 south,
range 14 eat, W. M., has tiled notice of
intention to make final five-year proof
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Co itity Clerk oi
Crook county, at hia office, at Diineville,
Oregon, on the 17th day t f August, l'JOS.
Claimant r.atnes as aitne-tses:
Francis B. Bayn Jacob A. Riggs,
-lames Moftitt, 0. W. Jones, all of
Prinevilie, Or.
"7-2p C. W". Moore, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Ivpartmentof the Interior.
V. 8. Ijiud Olllw at The lmllea, OreRon,
June U. 1.0'.
Notice 1 hen-by given that
;eore W. lHdnon
of Culver, Oregon, who, on lieeeinmber 2t.
1H(J2, made htimetead apnlle.itlon No. llf7,
for N W4. ftection 27, township 1.1 fuitilh, range
13 east, W. M., baa Uled notice of intention lo
make final five-year pro f toestattilih claim
to the land a ovc tt er tied, before Warren
Bron county clerk, at Prinevilie, Oregon, on
the 17th dt j of A ut: tut. ISO.
Claimant nnliit't hi wltnexe:
Waller R. Huble, Charles Thompson. Perry
Read, Ji I W ludom, all of Culver. Oryon.
T-.'p C. W. MooKR, lO-glalcr.
Notice for l'tiblicaioii.
Depnttment of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ulliceat The Dalles, ()c.
May 12, l'JOS.
Notice is hereby given that
Maua Brown,
of Prinevilie, Oregon, who, on April 7,
l'.SJH, made Timber Application, No
4004, for ne'nw and nne1 sec 20,
tp 12 s, r 10 e, w m., has tiled notice of
intention to make filial proof, to estnl
lieh claim to the land above tlescrilai),
before the county clerk at Prinevilie,
Oregon, on the 2"Jth day of J uly, 1008.
Claimant names as witnesses: John
B. Brown, of Culver, Oregon, A. R.
Eastwood and Dale. Jones, both of
Pi inevilie, Oregon, and John W. Dee,
of (trizzly, Oregon.
5-28 C. W. Moobe, Register,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed, administrator of the estate of
Commodore Carroll, deceased, to all
persons having claims against the estate
of Commodore Carroll, deceased, to
present the tame with proper vouchers
to the undersigned at his ollice in Prine
vilie, Or-gon, within six months from
the (late of the first publication of this
notice. J. II. Hankii,
5-21 Administrator.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given by the rnder
signed, the executrix of the' last will and
testament of Charity Wilson, deceased,
to all persons having claims against said
deceased to prtsent them with the
proper vouchers to the undersigned at
the office of M. R. Elliott in Prinevilie,
Oregon, within six months from the
first publication of this notice.
lated this 2hth day of May, 1906.
Maria Chain,
Executrix of the last will and testa
ment of Charity Wilson, deccaeed. 5-28
In the County Court of the state of
Uregon, lor the county of Crook :
In the matter of the estate of Mary
A. Barnes, deceased, Citation.
To William D. Barnes, Agnes, George
ami Yelma A. Barnes, and all other
heirs of said Mary A. Barnes unknown,
if any there be, greeting:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the county court of the state
of Oregon, for the county of Crook, at
the court room thereof, at Prinevilie, in
the cmnty of Crook, on Monday the (itli
day of July, 1908, at 10 o'clock, in the
forenoon of that day, then and there to
show cautte if tiny there be, why Wil
liam D. Barnes, the executor of the
will of Mary A. Barnes, deceased, shall
not sell the following-defCiihed real
estate of said Mary A. Barnes, deceased,
for the purpose of paying the costs and
expenses of administration, the legacies
named in said will and for the purposes
of distribution, towit: Lots Six and
Seven in Block Four of the town of
Laidlaw, Crook counly, Oregon, ac
cording to the plat thereof nt the same
appearH of record in tho ofllco of
the county clerk of Crook county,
Witness, the lion. W, A. Bell, judge
of the county court of the state of Ore
gon, for the county of Crook, with the
seal oi said court aluxed, this 25th dav
of May, A. J. 1008.
5-28-0-25 Attest: Wahrkm Brown,
iseai) Clerk.
The City Meat Market
Headquarters for
Home - Cured Lard and
Try some of Crook county's choicest
products. Its tho best that money can
buy. You will not only save money but
you will help build up a homo industry.
Wo always carry tho best in
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
Special rates when sold in large quantities
We handle all kinds of country produce
I T ,TT1Vn?TP.T?. I
H Shingles, MouKlinj;, Window,
m Door, Glasses, Ktc. Etc., Etc
Champion Mowers
Reapers, Binders and Rakes
All kinds of wire cable, rope, guy
lines, hay forks, hay carriers, pulleys,
machine oils and other haying supplies
Sold Right
Trineville, Oregon.
It's easy to reach North Beach
Take Steamer POTTER from Portland
Pmksi cn arc now trtntferred I lht riilrxj al MEGLER
fourteen miles ap the Columbia Rifer from Ilwo. Tbio
eliminate Ik aecetiitjr of tteimert waiting for Iko lido
ud injurei prompt ni regular Summer ScLeduU
The Steamer T. J. POTTER leaves Torlland
every morning except .Saturday and Sunday at
8:30 o'clock. Saturday only at 2 o'clok P. M.
Ilemember the Summer rate on the O. R. & N.
is $12.00 from Shaniko to all North Beach
points and return; good until September 30th.
' North lli-nch lBn famoMnlicaiitlfiil j.Uce the nioat per
fect beiicli on the whole North ComhI.
There are nceoinmoriatioiiii ifalcire Hl rleefi to milt nil
tastea; eaniilni faellitli-a without eiiml perfect balhhiK
coiicliliona; ali norm of niiiBcinvnta and divernlona. Come,
have a kwhI rent and a Jolly time.
Iel im fiend you our new Hummer book, ami tell you all
about NORTH IIKAC11.
E. J. WILSON, Local Agent, Shaniko, Or.
7 l!Lf (ionerul riiHHeiifrr Agent, Portland, Orepron.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior.
XJ. H. Land Ollice ut The DiilleH, Or.
Mtty U, l'JOS.
Notice is herehy given that
Mary L. Amleraon,
of rrineville, Oregon, who, on March 2,"t!i,
1!KJS, made Tiinlier Application Mo.
for ne'se ec 33, tp 1'2 a,r XI e, l)t 1 nee 5,
lot 4.k nvi'inw'A Mcc 4, tp 13 a, r 111 e, w in,
has tiled notiee of intention to make linal
proof to estubliah claim to the land above
described, before the County Clerk at
rrineville, Oregon, on we saitu nay or July,
Claimant naniei tin witnesses: Wade II.
Huxton, William Wiele, Huinucl Diiifjee
ana Archie l'owcll, an or J'rineville, Ore
gon. C. W. Moo hK, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
U. H. Land Ollice at The Dulled, Or.
Muy 12, 1U08.
Notice Is liereliy given that .
Olive Cook,
of I'rincville. Oregon, who, on April 1(1,
190H, made Timber Application No. 4(112,
for njne ace 12, aesef aec 1, tp 13 a, r lfl
e, Lot 7 xec 0, tp 13 a, r II) e, w in, hog filed
notice of intention to make final proof, to
establish claim to the land above described
before the County Clerk at 1'rineville, Ore
gon, on the '-'fnli day of July. 1!K)8.
Claimant names aa witnesses; John W.
Snyder, i.ucy Hnyder, Andrew H. Field
and Zedu U. Fields, all of Prinevilie, Or.
5-28 C. W. Moowc, Register.
R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor
(Horseshoeing in Connection)
J. H. WIOLE, Proprietor
Ptcnk hoarded by tlm day, wwk or month at
KcaHonnlde ratn. Itonionilicr us when in
rrinoville. Hatm Hkamixadi.e. Wo have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Raport of
The First National Bank
.Of Prinevilie, Oregon
At tho cloao of buainoaa May 14, 1SOS s
bnn knit IMmuiiiiU rv
t' illicit Hlotra lunula 11..V10 CU
llauk rrmlm , 13.VO
l'urrom liik 1TT.IJUW
null on Imnd 37,ll CO
hrdrnipllon fund ON
B. F. All... PmlatM
Wilt Wxnw.lUr. Vk Pr..Mw
bcr 2). ?oss,e
7otary Public
Sis tors, Oregon
ZRoal stato, SBrokorago and Snsuranco
Choice Smprovcd Srrigatcd Sarms for Sale
j &ow Sood Jtfomcatcad jCocations
f cam Tat jrar 7mtjr
The Famous Maltese Kentucky Jack
Will stand four days of each week Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday in Prinovillo aftho Dillon Feed Yards
and the other days of tho week w ill bo at tbo David Elliott
ranch on the Ochoco, 7 miles from Prinevilie.
TERMS: $10 to Insure; $5 for Single Service.
The 0'Neil Restaurant
First Class Meals 25c and Up
Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season
Senercil ffilctcksmiihing
Li J
u J
iiokseshoeina, wood wobk, etc.,
Neatly and Promptly Done
When it is Done By : : :
flobert Wfoore
Satisfaction Will
Hats, Shoes and
A complete lino of
Ucnt'a Furnishings
at Prices that you can
aflord to pay. Call
in and lot us show
you tho goods and
quote you our prices.
A Choioo Line of
Cigars & Tobaccos
Ut condition of
mpltal Mlork I Ml
Hurplua and undlvtdod prudla Hi'
llri-ulaltou u.ui m
InUtvlituai lvpo.Ha , sn,7lt n
V..7 M
T. M. B.U.i. Caakia
It. BaMota. Aa1 Caaltaar
Sir m m crnll
. .. na
Be Guaranteed
ft a
ra -
uu uuuuuuLULULULULjULjLiLyLiULjijf iyuuuyuyuuuuuuuuyuyuyuuuiaw