Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 02, 1908, Image 3

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IWy day nt Klkiiu More ntxt
Wednesday, July 8. '
Minn NVIIi KrynolU in In from
Powell UuttM BttenJiiid tlio Hum
hut Normal.
(Scoria l.yllo of lliiyrrcck, linn
I'wn veiling with relatives n
rrinevillii thin week.
Mayor Will Wurswrlltr ami
AW MnointoHli returned from
Portland the drat of tho work.
Mra, M. II. 11 ckiilicrry depart
rtl on ye terday ninrning utajje
lor a vlit with rotative at La
Mr. and Mra. II. K. Allen
Portland, and llieir granddaughter.
Mia Ail:t Allen, of Kugrne, nrrivc
Win. IWcli came in from th1
Cove Orchard th find of th week
with another load of cherries for
the local market.
lien Knox arrived Hunday from
lib home near Portland nnd left nt
once for I 'oh I where hia father and
mother are both very ill.
Next Tuesday la the date of the
regular meeting of llio La die An
nrx at the club hall and all mem
bera are relented to attend.
Claranrs McCalliater nnd hia
fialer, Mra. Johnson, left the firat
of the week for a month'a virit
with relativci in Sneet Home.
John Hnnnaker pawed through
the city Monday on In way to
Shaniko with a load of wool for
the diamond C Wool Company
Mica Cora Flrcilel and Mra. II.
H. Cram nnd two sons left Monday
for Derail Park, WaMiington,
whrre they will upend tlio next six
Mr. and Mr. 8. L. Hulrn of
Halem, are vit-iliiig relative in
Crook county. Mra. Hulen it the
mother of Chariot Lytlo, and hat
been spending a part of the timo
In I'rineville at hia home nnd al
to vlaited at Paulina where two
other tona reside. Mr. and Mra.
Hulen made the trip over the Cat
cadet ly team.
Married On Wednesday, July
lft, in the parlor of the Hotel
Prinevillo, Snmm l T. (Juinn nnd
tMia Ora L. McKonzio. The cere
mony waa performed by Ir. Duna
more of the Prenbyteriau Church
in the proaonco of a few intimate
friend. The happy couplo left nt
once for their home nt drizzly
Hutte, where the groom has n
Acting Foreat Fiiorvior 11. F.
Johnson hna juat (iniidird mailing
blueprint inapa of different sec
tiona of tho National Foreat to
iwert of tho range and to rangers
for their uao in determining lines
and making trail. The map is a
good one and ia rondo from data
collected by rangers on the ground.
It wae drawn by It. F. Johtmon and
ia a job that will be gjeatly appre
ciated by those who use the range.
T. M. Pot of (iit( was in town
I Ida week.
Jim Head of Culver waa vititing
in town Iat Hiturday.
(!. C. Price of Crook, baa liecn
attending to buainena matter in
town thia work.
C. K. (iiat of (!inl, panted
through thn city on hia way to
Shaniko Monday.
V, . Wooley, thfl popular
drummer for the Marahall Well
Hardware Co., ia in the city thia
I. F. Ftewart left Tuetday morn
ing for the Willamette Valley.
He will cross the Caacadea in i
Mra. Illy of Mend, patted througli
I riuoviUo Jueadayon her way to
Loa Angeles where the will visit
L. H. Lafollelte and family re
turned Wednesday from a trio to
White Dluffs and Goldendale,
The first game of the Fourth of
July toriea of hanchalt between
lledtnond and I'rineville will take
place this afternoon.
W. H. 1J. Kent, inspector for the
Forest Service, left Tuesday morn
ing for Portland after inspecting
the local oflice here.
J. II. Gray came down from the
Honnyview Stock Farm tho first of
the week. He ia moving from bit
town home to the ranch.
Misa Katborine Milliorn and II
. lielknap were married at
Junction City on June 21. Mia
Milliorn has relatives here.
the rrinevillo "Cuba" went to
Kodmond Inst Sunday and gave
the second ball team of that place
a wullopmg to the tune of 2 1 to 13
tieorge. Milhcnn came in from
his lkar Creek ranch Monday to
attend an important meeting of the
Crook County Livestock Jc Agri
cultural Association.
The Ladies' Annex of the Ath-
etic Club havo decided to prepare
float for the parade on the
Fourth. That it will be an at
tractive one ia a forefone con
Patriotic services nt the Prod y
terian church next Sunday morn'
ng with appropriate address ly
the pastor, and evening service nt
the usual hour. Kverybody cor
dially invited.
Frank Kinney nnd wife 'have
been here the past week visiting
Mr. Kenney'a brother Kay. They
eft Monday for Grizzly where they
will visit relatives a week In-fore
turning to their home m New-
W. II. Hurlburt arrived the first
ol tho week from Hay Creek and
will spend several days in this
vicinity collecting data for the use
of a railroad project. Mr. Hurl
hurt hna a fine location for a power
plant at Cline Falls that will be
used some day for the operation of
nn electric rond. '
Mrs. Ki Iff son is still on the sick
I". K. Gillcnwnter of Pout, wat a
businest visitor Saturday.
Iunsmore Lytell, nephew of Dr.
Dunsmore left Wednesday for Port
W. A. Pill and son returned the
first of tho week from a visit to
L. M. Thomas and W. W. IJen!
nei oi l-amontii, were in town
Mies Honda Claypool returned
I 11 1
iaai i nursaay from visit to rela
tive! in Portland.
nns jwnnciie Hillman left the
last of tho week for l!irl,m.,n,1
lleach. Wathincton.
Charles Pnxton and (Wee Pec
nan of Lamonta, were visiting the
county seat Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. S. A. Pro?e have
returned from their fishi
They report fine luck.
Mrs. A. H. Lippman has return
ed from her trip to Missouri, where
she had been visiting iu.r
o ' .
Misses Lillian and Bertha
Iollzman returned to their home
n rortlund the last i.l ll.(
Mrt. L. (1. Do Wolf, who has
been visitine here for smt!m
eft the first of the week for Shani
mg trip.
Mrs. Cyrus is the first to catch
tho Fourth of July spirit. Her
show windows are neat and at
tractively decorated.
Duncan Macleod returned from
Portland the last of tho week. Ho
represented the K. of P. lodge at
the ttato convention.
A. ii. Scoggms was down from
Paulina the first of the week. He
reportt everything lively on the
Prineville-Purns stage line.
T ! f r ...
jAJuis v,. morgan, a civil service
eligible for tho forest service, nr
rived in Prinevillo a few days ago
to work in Supervisor Ireland's
Servicct at the Methodist church
will he at the usual hours next
Sunday. The pastor's sermon in
the evening will bo a patriotic one
on thotubiect "God 'a Foot nrinta
in America." There will nleo b a
christening service just before the
sermon, hverybodv is invited.
In compliance with the recent
fire ordinance passed by the city
council, entrances to all public
uildings are being arranged to
swing both waya and in case of
upHr story halls, fire escapes are
being built. It is a good ordinance
and should be observed to the
At the last regular meeting of
the Juniper Circle, W. 0. W., Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Roller reroivprl
liandsome wedding present from
the members of tho Circle, in the
form of a silver filigree fern dish.
as a token of tho esteem in which
they are held by their fellow
members. I
Z. M. Prown is up from his borne
in Portland for the Fourth.
Orval Oaborn arrived yesterday
from Paisley where he has been for
the past year.
W. W. Prown of Fife, arrived on
the Ilurna' stago Tuesday evening
and left the following morning for
Dr. A. A. Morrinon and little
daughter arrived yesterday from
Portland and will spend their va
cation visiting Mr. Morrison's
daughter, Mrs'. Thomat Sharp, Jr.
G. M. Ingram, a supervisor of
the touthrrn division of the Cas
cade National Forest, was here the
first of the week arranging for the
surrender of a part ol his territory
to the local oflice. He left for hit
headquarters in Lakeview Tuesday
Prinevillo is making ample ar
rangements to entertain its visitor!
during the celebration. An aver
age of 12 cratei of fruit arrive daily
at the ttago odice la-side the usual
daily shipment of 14 crates of
strawberries. The shipment! in
elude strawberries, cherries.
peaches, grapes, oranges, bananas
and lemons. Don't miss tha eel.
bration. You will be amply pro
vided for.
T T 11 .
it. iHiKnap periormeu a very
critical operation on Mrs. Knox at
ber home near Post Sunday. She
has been sick lince the first of
January and hai been crowing
gradually worse. Dr. Pelknap
says tint she is in a critical con
dition and that there are small
hoie8 of ber recovery. Mr. Knox
very sick also, and two oper-
Holler ic Calbreath have set up a
swing on the vacant lot south cf
Clifton & Cornell's store.
Mrs. Nellie Newtom arrived tl.e
last cf the week from Denver, Colo
rado, and will visit relatives here
for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mn. J. II. Vindom and
family arrived yesterday from
their home at Culver and will
tpend the Fourth here.
J. S. McMeen and family of I,a
monta, came in today for the
Fourth. They report that every
body in their neighborhood is com-
ing to TrineviUe for the Fourth
t t a
atjons have been performed on
him but his chances for recovery
are favorable. Both are under the
care of an experienced nurse.
Later Word came from Post
this morning that Mrs. Knox died
June 30. The funeral will be held
today, Rev. C. A. Housel of this
place conducting the services.
Must tjse the Hydrant.
Prineville is as dry as a bone.
At midnight on June 30 the doors
of each of the six saloons were
locked. Ever since the ballots
were counted on Juno 1 the sale of
"wet goods" has Wen enormous,
but the sales of June 30 were away
ahead of anything reported. Job
lots of odds and ends were snapped
up as soon as offered. Henderson
& Pollard and Charley King will
Bell soft drinks and cigars until
their present supply is exhausted.
The Opera saloon will be used as a
storeroom for the present. The
"Bucket" will be used for a res
taurant at an early date and the
Long & Snodcrly building will be
occupied by a moving picture
"show." The saloon men are tak
ing things cood naturedlv and
without exception are planninn to
enter other lines of business or for
brief visits to relatives and frienda
in other places.
Good Watches
The bee industry in Crook County should bo
entered into by a great many more than now do.
(j) It doesn't seem to be generally known that they do 5j?
flTnrit lAn 11 r Vtns anJ 4 1 a t jf ItAnAif !a
ill ,AV,"fwv"1,v vi Vj unit tut; yi ic vi uuiitrjr ia
always high. -
m irn IJees travel from two to four miles to gather
4 j honev, so that if there is an alfalfa field within
VI this distance from your place, you can profitably care
for bees. We feel that a few stands of bees at every
ranch will give the greatest returns on the money
invested of any branch of industry on tho place. We
have recently received a complete assortment of
71? Bee Supplies of the "Root's Patent" make, which
1 trt( a 1 t ii i 1 if .1
aremaue ainereni ana irom Doner material man me
common western make. We can supply all your needs
along this line.
I have in stock a complete
I ne of the best waches and
clocks and also do repairing.
Eyes examined and glasses
made to fit. Graduate
W. Frank Petett
Prinerille' Old Reliable Jeweler
w. f, mini
M.B Orirr Ho. m
H.,d. (V, God, mmj
CWri iwnf M vKrM
mr xnl. b, ti
The Buyers uide
Front aruf Oak St.
Saloon Men Attention!
Parties nishins New Location in
Saloon business can obtain rel!ahl
information hv writine or calline
on us. The Mav-IIolland Co.. Inc..
Rooms 626 27-28 Corbctt Bldg.,
i uruanu, uregon
Maker k Cratk (aim
Sckeel BLi
CiaMra Sapplict
W.D Paper
D. P. Adamson & Co
Mukal iBttmeait
Lewaey't Caadie
i The place to buy an Elgin, Waltham, Howard,
Rockford, Hampden, Illinois, or any other good make
of watch movement. These you can have in solid
gold, gold filled, solid silver or nickle cases. Prices
to suit all.
We have Chains, Charms, Necklaces, Fobs, Rings,
Bracelets, Emblem Pins, Cut Glass and Silverware.
Competent Jeweler and Engraver in charge.
.D. P. Adamson & Co.
fyjujLivji ii jwi rinis, per aozen
. Half-gals.
Jelly Glasses, doz. . . 60c
Smooth Edge Clear Glass
Ml m ill v U
Half-pound flat tins, our regular ISc seller, Saturday special ..... 10c
Large size cans, medium size fish in Tomato Sauce, special for
Saturday, per tin 20 c
Medium size pickles, regular 25c quart, special on Saturday 17c
QUEEN OLIVES, 8 oz. glass, special 20c
Regular 10c value, on Saturday . - -. 7. .T .7." . . Sc .
Above prices special for Saturday 4th only
Men's Suits
and Extra Pants
The latter end of our
stock in this line, while
they last, to go at just
half price.
V '? w
Leave your orders with us for Hood River Strawberries
New arrivals in
Golf and Negligee
A nice assortment and
prices reasonable.