LOCAL MENTION J. V. CurUon rvturnrd Monday from Corvilli. J. II. Ilanrr Kit Tiicxday noun (or Sliaitiku on Imxineiti. Horn, on June 20, to tho wife of Alfrtd 11. I'dikcy.a girl. llor n, on Juno IS), to tho wife ol llnrl.-y M. Humlerit, a girl. W. C. Congliitmi cam down from Paulina tho lut ol the wc k. C. II. Krlikfton of IU'nr melt was tmncncting tiuini-HS in town Tuub dtty. Mr. Alfi Tlimmon returned liul Friday (ro:n Iter vUU to tho luxe Fwliviil. T. F. ltuilmnan ol Princvillo, who at 0110 tiiuo livrd m-ar Jolin Iay, BtteuJvd tho rncct lunl wivk. Now. C. M. Llntfr rame down (rem hie ranch on tho Oclioco Tuwday. i't. Motor My that crops up hi way will li hard to hrat thl year. Thore will ha a dunco at Tun jih'lon Hull on McKay Crrtk July '2. There will he good iiiuaio and a good time for Ihoce who attend. K. Itootcn and 11. D. Dunham of tho llornchfavcn country patrod through I'rinrvllle tho Urn I of the wt'tk with a lunch ot cattle for tho railroad. Hev. J. T. Moore clo-c hi pas torate ot the Uaplint church of thia place next tfuiuUy. Ho proachr at 11 a.m. and 8 p. in. Every body cordially invited. Henry Heard of Lake county wit in town Tuomliiy. He ay that contddrrahle rain Ml in that part of Central Oregon and that proct are good for an average crop. All the cervices will be at the usual hour at the Mcthoditt Church next Hunday. The pastor will ie.cli both morning and evening. Tho public it cordially invited. David Hanu r of Crook pa?cd through tho city Tuesday on hi return from a vinit to bis old home in Miwouri. Mr. Humor wa mar ried a (hort time ago in Kanvni City and had hit wifo with him on hi return. Forest BuervUor Ireland ond Chief Inspector C. H. Ada in left Monday for un cxtenfivo trip ovtr tho l'.luo Mountain National Forent, and will limped condition! in all part of the reserve and col lect data for ue in tho Washing ton ollico. A movement i on foot to unite the tho Young Teoplo'e Societies of the churches of tho city during tho month of July and AugUBt. Meetings would ho hold alternately in the different churches, led by a memlier of one of tho societies in regular crdor. It is expected in this way to continuo tho interest in tho young copied meetings durinj iho warm weather of midsummer. John Hoffman, jr., was up from Madrax, Tuesday. II. K. Nien of Madras hmhecn in town several days this wci k. M. C. Mason wai in from Madras the last o? the week. John I.awler of Ashwood came in for supplies this week. Will Ilaiher of Culver, vlHited in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Chomp Buiilh returned Monday from a visit with relatives in Albany. Mrs. M. K. I'riiik got homo yes terday from her visit to tho Wil lamette Valley. Uoorgo Milliom was a hurines vinitor from his Crook ranch the first of tho week. Tho schoohnste of Master Arthur Michel turned out in force last Friday evening and gave him mi at a '"surprise. Charles Bedell, the owner of the real race horse, Wade Hampton, was a familiar figuro around tho race track at John Day lac t week. Kagle. Tho school memorial mentioned in Inst week's Journal should have read "C. C. Maling" inntead of "K C." A slip of tho typo got the initial wrong. At a recent meeting the members of tho hand tendered a vote of thank to tho Indie who agisted them with the icecream social, and to all thoto who contributed sup plies of cream, cakes, etc. Mr. Henry Cadlo has their special thanks for the gift of five gallons of cream. W. II. Wilson, formerly of Bend, but who now has a position with a big land and livestock company in Harney county, was in Prineville Sunday on his way to Burns. He made the trip up to get his little son, who has been spending several month with Mr. Wilson's mother at Bend. A the First Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning, tho regular quaiterly communion fervice will be observed, with icrmon by the pastor, followed by reception of member, buptisms, and the sacra ment of the Lord's Supper. Dr, Dunsmoro will also preach in the evening, continuing the line of thought as presented in the sermon loft Sunday morning. Tho public is cordially invited to all the services. Mis Leslie Knapp and Miss Margaret Walter have returned from a protracted and delightful visit at Prineville, Or., with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharp (Mis Margaret Morrison). Coming home with them wa Mies Joethino Smith, who was a guest for the 'past week of Mr. and Mrs. Sharp, following a visit at tho llaycreek ranch of Mr. and Mrs. John Ed wards. All threo of the girls have thoroughly enjoyed tho attack of "limpleliftia" and went in exten sivelv for ridine. diiving and hunting. Oregonian. Miiis Nora Dobbs i home on a viiit. The best (hoe value in town at J. H. Stewart & Co.'. F. A. Uo well La gone to Sweet Home on a busines trip. Willow Creek Lumber the lst in the county for sale by A. II. Lippman & Co. Mr. T. M. Baldwin and daugh ter Fay. returned Monday from a visit in Portland. Ralph Poindexler is back from Corvallis where he ha spent the Winter studying pharmacy at 0. A. C. Mrs. A. H. Ireland returned Tuesday morning from a three weeks' visit with relatives in Port land and Southern Oregon. Stone work on the new court house is being completed up to the tops of tho window on tho first floor. Contractors hope to crown tho windows before July 1st. Miss Lizzie Kester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Kester of this place, was married last Sunday in Corvallis to Leon T. Bowser, a young buiiness man of that place. The Mi: ses Myrtle Loveland and Yuls Sinford are in the city to day. These young ladies who live at Madras, came in with Mr. San ford from the oil wells near La monta. Next Monday, Juno 2'J, tho third annual Summer Normal will be opened in Prineville by Principal Hockenberry of the Crook County High School. The school will con tinue about a month. Mrs. Delia Mason and Mrs. L. A. Booth arrived Sunday morning from Portland. Mrs. Booth has been in Portland for the paft three weeks visiting friends. Miss Mason will spend her vacation here. Mr. On Zcll of Crook county came to Moro this week with her mother on a visit to her brother, George E. Lewellin, as their parent returned to her home in Clacka mas county. Moro Observer. Carey Foster returned Monday from Shaniko where he went to meet his wife and her two sisters, the Misses Garfield. Mrs. Foster has been visiting her relatives at Walla Walla for the past month. The Misses Garfield will spend the summer here. Mrs. James Douglass and child rcn arrived last Friday morning from Portland. Mr. Douglass is one of the contractors for the stone work at the court house, and says that he may mako his home in Prineville. He is junt the kind of citizen Prineville always likes to welcome. A special slago was sent out Monday afternoon in double quick time in order to catch the Tuesday morning train from Shaniko. The passengers were Deputy United States Marshal Terry, Sheriff Mc Coy of Sherman county, S. Gor don, a collector, and N. Thomas, A. II. Grant and C. Morris. Past Lands for Patents. A special to the Orrgonian from Laidlaw say that State Engineer John II. Lewis ha just been in thi part of the state on an inspec tion tour of the various irrigation rojects, vUiting the Deschutes rrigation and Reclamation pro ict, the D. I. & P. and tho C. 8. I. segregations. Mr. Lewis will certify the lands of tho Detchute Irrigation and Reclamation company for patent, thi company having fully com plied with the law and the re quirement of the State Land Board. The company is composed f farmer, who took up the land as Carey Act homesteads and the segregation embraces some 1200 acres of the finest land in the Deschutes Valley, and their ditches and water supply is second to none. Trespass Notice. TreMmcMiiz and hunting i poitively prohibited n mv land in Kecliun 31, Tp. 14 H., It 1 K. Iteted June Z', it'", lm J. E. Adamsom. For oranges, lemons and banan as, call on Mrs. Cyrus. Moving Pictures THIS WEEK June 25 to July 2, Inclusive Every Week Night . SUBJECTS Out for a Walk. The Pill Maker's Mistake. A rlumorous luverside ricnic Illustrated Song, "In the Wild Woods Where the Blue Bells Grow." Extras. Fine Ranch for Sale. The Ixnt place on Willow Creek. Four bund rent nml eljehtjr arret) ot IThm! cultivable land; 100 under cul tivation; 35 aertu In alfulf. 20 In timothy; HO rrn In grain; good hoiioe; Ml ton of bay 40 nlfalfn and 40 tlinotlip; 35 or 40 head ol cattle; 20 lii'iid of work hon; 20 boifM; lots of chicken. Kne, eu:.; stream ot water running throtiKh the middle of tho tract from one end to the other; big xprlnx on the place, water all the year round. - Two orchards 200 trwM (tearing apple, pearn, plums and prune. (Jocxl water for domtwtlc ue. Half cauli, balance on eay terms. For further Information addrctM II. L. Montgomery, iirhxly, Crook county, Oregon. 4 'Wit Try our Fancy Patent Flour J. E. Stewart & Co. ' PI387 Good Watches I have in stock a complete line of the best wachea and clocks and also do repairing. JEWELER and OPTICIAN Eyes examined and glasses made t o fit Graduate optician. W. Frank Petett Prineville' Old Reliable Jeweler BEES-HONEY-MONEY j Jtu TIT The bee industry in Crook County should be jj entered into by a great many more than now do. T) exceptionally well here, and the price of honey is I? always high. rip fBees travel from two to four miles to gather honey, so that if there is an alfalfa field within this distance from your place, you can profitably care for bees. We feel that a few stands of bees at every ranch will give the greatest returns on the money invested of any branch of industry on the place. We have recently received a complete assortment of Bee Supplies of the "Root's Patent" make, which are made different and from better material than the common western make. We can supply all your needs along this line. W. F. Hmd LARGEST CATALOG , JONES CASH STORE Olm mmt nm Ktrrt r MV atcd. brfwJ k oiiTiTrnii-c I FrrMiinMi7F th or inuFtca,, m-j iv.r4.i V a - tg-K PI LEBEB ft Tt" Buyer. Cuid flM Moslblv PORTLAND. OR. I. O. O. F. Building Lower Hall Admission, 25c;' Children, 15c Wilson's Shoe Shop 1 hsve opened up a nhoe shop In Prineville in the MoCaltis-tttr luiilding, on Main street near the Ochoco briiluo, and am pre pared torioall kimlsof repairing. All work done neatly and promptly and satisfaction guar anteed. Pricei very reasonable. A trial will convince yon that this is the best place to have your shoe repairing done. J. E. Wilson, Prineville, Or. MUTED' IJirOKMATlOK ftEUiMllJIU Farm or Business for lale. Hot partlcalu abont location, wlab to nu trom owner only bo will tell direct to barer. Give price, description and state worn poaaeiaiou can be bed. Addreea. . t DAMTSHIU. lea MM lnlniir. R. T. Maker a Creak Katvet School Boolu Cataera Sapplica Jewelry WaU Paper D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Musical butrmaMBta Ma(aiiaea Lewaej's Csadics Statioeery Cfara l The place to buy an Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Rockford, Hampden, Illinois, or any other good make of watch movement. These you can have in solid gold, gold filled, solid silver or nickle cases. Prices to suit all. , We have Chains, Charms, Necklaces, Fobs, Rings, Bracelets, Emblem Pins, Cut Glass and Silverware. Competent Jeweler and Engraver in charge. dalHSOU DRUGGISTS & Co. J. E. ST E'WAR COMPANY - M m .111 m&WK ACCBSSORIBS -i:.r i m TM'f-iiiirif n inn tit. INJbWVVAr rARAFINEIlUBBER m ta i tv 1 1 i i a m KiTiiK.rii3nT favrA SEALING ANY I 3 MA Pints, per dozen $1.10 Quarts, " 1.35 Half-gals. " 1.90 Jelly Glasses, doz. . . 60c Smooth Edge Clear Glass Sp eciais FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 27th SOAPS Another lot of the A. B. Naotha Soap. This brand is one of the very best Naptha Soaps on the market Regular price 3 bars for 25c. Our Saturday Special at 10 bars for 55c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP Wherever a white laundry soap is needed this will give the best of satisfaction. Special for Saturday, per bar 5c TAR SOAP True Blue brand special for Saturday, bar 5c LEMONS The wholesale price on Lemons has advanced materially since the warm weather. We have a choice lot, large size, to offer for Saturday at per dozen 30c Above prices special for Saturday 27th only Leave your orders with us for Hood River Strawberries Men's Suits and Extra Pants The latter end of our stock in this line, while they last, to go at just half price. i . ' j in -: I "-tf. I'll j t i Ojfl-iosjso jiajfcnBSaia tWieSeSamw- New arrivals in Golf and Negligee Shirts A mr assortment and prices reasonable. 1 1 1