The City is prepared to feed a multitude. Do not miss the big barbecue. .4 IT roo Mew J MOM VOL XII PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 25, 1908. NO. 28 Everybody is Coming to the Princvillc celebration. 0 k CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS John Eajan Arretted for Burglary of Dozen Watches from J. C Rush at Lamonta CRIME COMMITTED LAST FALL Eagan Waive Examination and in Default of $250 Bond Will Board with Sheriff After waiting einee hi-t (all for ome evidence jointing to the guilty nrty, Jack . Kagnn of La inonta haa tarn arrcxtcd by Hlieriff Klkina on a charge ol tlt burg lary ol some watchca, the properly ol J. C. IUixh, the Lamonta mer chant. Kngait waived examina tion and J untie Luckey bound hjm over to tho full term of the district court in the nun of 1 2.'0. lie will board with tho flit-riff until ho con mine tlio amount of the bond. It wa hint full while Mr. Kuh'ij wa at Uicr that sntno one broke in tho bark door of tho nlore and niiide away with a tray containing ceviral hundred dollar worth ol wutchc. The sheriff wa notified and that oflicer ha hern on the lookout ever rsince lor the guilty parly. The flrxt ol the week hagm came to town with one ol the stolen watchca in hi pocket. The nhrriff fathered him in. The ciue nguitif t Eiignn I very utrong n the r ol the watch (ound on him agrvr with the number ol one ol the miming tim'-piecei. Engan in a middle aged man and in well known in the Lamonta district. Wood Sawing. IIhvIiii purrliHM'it t lie wood nw. Injf out II L cf ('. 1. Cultural h I inn prrpurvd to rut wiiml lmtli for tlio peoplu IIvIiik In I'rtu'VlIlo uiui tlioxe In tlio lU'IliliDi'lnic tllHtrli t. , (1 11 II. L. ilomiM, 1'i'liii-vllU'. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS CHOSEN Some of the Best Talent in County Engaged in Prineville Schools for Coming Year PROF. FULTON AS PRINCIPAL Building Not Large Enough to Accommodate All Gasiea Need Two More Room The public achool boaid ba completed tho lint ol teacher lor the Prinevillo public schools for tho yeara 1U03-1). There are eight teacher and among the number may lie found eomo ol the best talent in tho county. In the selection ol principal there could not have been a better w lection made than that ol P. C Fulton ol Madras. Mr. Fulton ba a life certificate and ha bad many yearof experience in the county. The even assistant teacher are: K!ie Onborne, Mini Ilartwie, L. II. Arennmcier, TJva J. Hmith, Cora FergUHon, Alwilda Wilson and Cora Streitel. The date ol opening the term ha not been decided upon but will be either September 14 or 21. Besides the room furnished in the public school building wbicb ha recently been enlarged, at least two room in other part ol the town will have to be rented to ac commodate the classes for the com ing year. Attention Hoineseekcrs. IVile coming to Crook county with (lie intention of location on government land should first write or call on Cady & Jonee, lTinevule, Or. Hcrset fur Sal. One mnre nml yenrllijjr colt w 111 1e old nt putillc wile, on Saturday, the lHtli duv of July, l'Jos, at lo a. m., nt the ranch of W . (). ICi 1.10TT, on the Ochoeo, to eutlsfy feed bill. C-1S-4W AT C. W. ELKINS STORE v? vr Hot S a S 6 Now that the warm days are here you will want to take advantage of our sale Friday and Saturday and continuing all next week. Everything is planned to give you the benefit of extremely low prices on the finest assortment of goods that has ever been brought to this city. Look! Look! Beautiful Shirt Waists During this sale your choice of any of our beautiful shirt waists at one-third less than regular price. This means that you will get regular $1.25 Waists for 85c $1.50 Waists for $1.C0 New Silk Jumper Suits Every lady will want to see the new Silk Jumper suits that have just arrived. Colors blue, black, brown, in good grade taffeta. Waist and skirt separate. Waists are elaborately trimmed with fancy braids; skirts plain and very full, making a very handsome and service able dress for ladies of any age. ' tar rr - One-third off on Millinery Hundreds of beautiful hats of the best and latest styles for Spring and Summer will go at 1-3 off. This will prove a great attraction for lovers of good millinery and you will find it best to come early and select. 50 High-grade Dress Skirts We have 50 high-grade dress skirts in best materials, Voile, Panama, Brilliantine and other weaves that are included in this sale at 1 -4 less than formerly; Do not put off buying. It will mean dollars to the early pur chasers. . Specials Fancy Dress Lawns, Ginghams, Swiss Foulards and other Spring Fabrics at large reduction. Summer Parasols, regular $2.00 to $2.50 at $1.25 each White Belts, regular 65c and 75cv values at 50c each Ladies' Blue, Pearl and Grey Hose, reg. 40c, now 25c Ladies', Misses' and Children's White, Grey and Canvas Shoes one-third off. All White Hose reduced New Hair Goods Good dressers will find in our notion departments sev eral styles of new hair goods which are all important to the correct and latest styles of making up the coiffure. 25c to 50c ' New Veils, Silk Gloves, Linen Dusters Lace Curtains 3 yds. good Nottingham, reg. price $1.75, on sale $1.20 Fine Lace 3 yds. reg. price $4,00, during sale, $3.10 Beautiful Silkoline, Madras Cloth, Repps, Roman Stripes for decorative uses, 121c and up.' Mothers Read This We had a a large shipment of Boys' Clothing delayed in railroad wreck in which the wreckage took fire and and the clothing was slightly damaged by water and smoke. We have arranged with the railroad to take the clothing at what it is worth. This shipment will be on hand and for sale Saturday morning and dur ing this sle at prices about one third of the regular price. Suits are in best browns, greys and tan shades in sizes 5 to 1 5 years. They are strictly up-to-date and made by an exclusive manufacturer of Boys' Clothing. Bring the boys and get a suit at about one-third real value. 1 ; w as; C W. ELKINS, PRINEVILLE, OREGON Crook County Fair To Be Held at Prineville October 13th to 17th Inclusive PARTIAL LIST OF PREMIUMS The Journal Will Publish Complete List of Premiums Offered and Racing Program for Fourth Annual Meeting List of Premiums. Division A HORSES. Superintendent George Millican. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 20 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 CUm l-Ojietiale. Best stallion, 2 years old or over. One-year-old and under two Under one-year-old. Mare, two year old or over $5 00 . 5 00 -3 00 . 5 00 Mare, one-year-old and under two. 5 00 Filly, under one,year.old 3 00 CUm II Belgian. Best stallion, 2 years old or over 5 00 One-year-old and under two 5 00 Under one year old 3 00 Mare, t wo years old or over 5 00 Mare, one-year-old and under two.. 5 00 Filly under one year old. JL 3 00 CUm ITJ Shire." " Best stallion, two years old or over. 5 00 One year old and under two 6 00 Under one year old 3 00 Mare, two years old or over 5 00 Mare, one year old and under two... 5 00 Filly, under one year old 3 00 CUm IV Perch eron. Stallion, two years old or over. One year old and under two Under one year old S 00 5 00 3 00 Mare, two years old or over 5 00 Mare, one year old and under two 6 00 Filly, under one year old 3 00 $-1 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 300 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 50 51 53 53 CUm V Sweepstakes. (Only registered stock eligible for entry.) Best draught stallion, two years old or over, any breed 20 00 Best draught stallion, one year old and under two, any breed 10 00 Best draught mare, two years old or over, any breed 10 00 Best draught mare, one year old and under two, any breed 5 00 Best draught colt, under one year old, either sex, any breed 5 00 CUm VI Coach Horses. Best Stallion, 2 years old or over 5 00 3 00 One year old and under two 5 00 3 00 Under one year old . 3 00 2 00 Best mare, two years old or over , 5 00 3 00 Mare, one year old and under two. 5 00 3 00 Filly, under one year old 3 00 2 00 Best double team, mares or geld ings, shown in harness, by owner 10 00 5 00 Class VII Thoroughbreds. Best stallion, 2 years old or over 5 00 3 00 One year old and under two. 5 00 3 00 Under one year old 3 00 2 00 Mare, two years old or over 5 00 3 00 Mare, one year old and under two.. 5 00 3 00 Filly, under one year old 3 00 2 00 Class VIII Roadsters, Trotting Bred. Best stallion, 2 years old or over 5 00 3 00 One year old and under two S 00 3 00 Under one year old 3 00 2 00 Mare, two years old or over. 5 00 3 00 Mare, one year old and under two... 5 00 3 00 Filly, under one year old 3 00 2 00 Double,team, mares or geldings, to have been owned by exhibitor 30 days prior to date of Fair, to be shown In harness, style, action, speed and soundness to be con sidered 10 00 5 00 Single roadster, same conditions 5 00 3 CO Turnout to be driven by lady, horse, harness, buggy, whip,vlap robe and costume to tie considered 10 00 5 00 Gentleman's saddle home, to be shown under saddle 5 00 3 00 Lady's saddle horse, to be shown under saddle ridden by lady 5 00 3 00 ess pi m m m m -"IS as 38 ft ft 3'VV m 25$ RAILROAD IS INCORPORATED Capitalized" at $50,000, Most of Which Wifl Be Tken by Crook County People PORTLAND CAPITAL WAKING UP May Extend a Helping Hand to Central Oregon in Her Dire Need of Transportation 58 m Articles of incorporation of the Central Oregon Railroad Company the object of which is to construct a railroad from Shaniko to Prine ville and Bend, were filed in the office of the county clerk this morning, says the Portland Tele gram. The company is capital ized at $50,000, which will be taken up to a considerable extent by the people of Crook county, who have practically decided to build their own road, because Harriman has done nothing. The incorporators are Alfred F. Biles, F. S. Stanley, Jesse StearnB and Roscoe Howard. The route of the new road will follow the line on which Harriman promised to build a road when he took over the Columbia Southern. Hampered by the lack of an outlet for their immense resources, the people have tired of Harriman's delays and as a result the Central Oregon Railroad Company was organized. "Thia is not a scheme of specu lation, nor is it a great enterprise," said Jesse Stearns. "It is simply a united effort on the part of the people of Central Oregon to secure an outlet for their products. Many of the farmers who have not the ready money will contribute grain and others will give work on the grading, so that the road may be built. "While it is of vast importance to Central Oregon, it is also highly important to Portland, so import ant in fact that the people of Port- and ought to help in every way possible to insure the construction of this road. It wil give a direct route by rail for the shipment of Central Oregon produce to the Portland market. In the mean time Harriman is apparently try ing to turn the trade ot uentrai Oregon to San Francisco. He is building up from the south, and of course the trade will go with the railroad. "In order that Oregon may have the full benefit of her own indus tries, it is necessary that the vast Central Oregon trade should come to Portland instead of going to San Francisco," Aside from the irrigation enter prises now under way in ventral Oregon, there is a large volume of produce now grown in Central Oregon. Last year there was ship ped from Shaniko 4,000,000 pounds of wool, to say nothing of wheat and other grain and timber. All this produce had to be hauled by team to Shaniko from points as far as 150 miles in the interior. Connecting with the 0, R. & N. at Biggs, on the Columbia River, the Columbia Southern extends as far south as Shaniko. From Shaniko to Prineville is 65 miles, and from Shaniko to Bend is about 90 miles. By .constructing the Central Oregon road south from Shaniko the rich interior country will be provided with an outlet for its products, and will be given a great impetus in the way of further development. It is the purpose of the organ izers of the new company to push the work to completion with the utmost dispatch. Portland Journal: Over in Crook county the inhabitants have reached the stage of desperation where people get out with picks, shovels and scrapers and build their own railroad in order to get crops to the markets. This is the (Concluded on page 2) 3Wf