4 Dri TtiG star ! 1 Is erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES ' for water, oil, gas, etc, etc. A moderate amount ot money will start you in m profitable basinets, STAR PORTABLE ' DRILLING MACHINES have been proved by Competitive Tests to be The Best In The World. For full particulars regard ing well drillinir machines, , tools, supplies, etc, write to THE STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO. rorrtAD. umtoh, or AKffOff. OHIO. In the settlement of neighborhood SIffereoces or deputes arbitration U much cheaper method than coin to taw and at the some time make possi ble subsequent ' friendly relations, which U a most Important considera tion. - ralut the rloture ns rosy as the rep resentatives f the beet supir factory are able, the fact remalus that the corn farmer is prone to look askance at the proposition of descending from his rid ing cultivator and gi'ttlns down on his marrowbones to weed and tuin tiRar beets which he is to sell for ?3 per ton. Redmond News. Redmond, une 13. A. J. Booth was a caller yesterday on his way home from Cllne Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Finsley of O'Nell were vlnltlngla this neighborhood Sunday. John Johnson had the misfortune to have his two black mares and colt stray away. He had the good for- tuue to get track of them out in the Bear Butte neighborhood, when they were gone a week. Robert pa vis of Sisters passed here Friday on his way to Shanlko. He will bring in a load of buggies and hacks which were sold lately in this neighborhood. Robert Glass, who has been here lately looking after the affairs ot his late brother, left Saturday morning tor Corvallla. He was driving a team and Mr. Bolsted another one for him, They were to pick up Mr. Duggan before going far. The two latter gentlemen will spend some months in Willamette points before return ing. Besides these there was Mr. and Mrs. Cbappell with a team and wagon. Altogether it made quite procession. Zumwalt & Miller gave a dance Saturday night In their building, the old saloon building. We hope.to see It made a credit to the town now. The ball game Sunday between Lamonta and Redmond played here, resulted in a victory for the home team to the tune of 7 to 6. Every tnlng seems to be coming our way lately. Mrs. Park continues to Improve little, but recovery is very slow, la now eight weeks since she was taken down and most of it has been spent In bed. The weather man has been giving us a pretty good article daring the past week.jfc The hot days following the rain have made things grow as fast as they knew how. E. C. Pakk. It Saloons make business-yes. more for the saloon keeper, but less business and more bad debts for the butcher, baker, grocer, clothier, dry Roods merchant and newspaper man. TUoy make more business for the courts and Jails ana fewer comforts and conveniences' and much less happiness for the town and country home. The difference in the value of seed corn that will produce a yield of twen-ty-Bve bushels of corn per acre and that which will yield fifty hnshels with no additional effort except that Involved In husking Is fST.50. this on the assumption that the twenty five extra bushels of corn are worth $ 12.50 and that one bushel of corn will plant seven acres. This is a very easy conclusion to arrive at and one that every fanner should figure out wtth lead pencil before he puts nia corn into the ground this spring. Notice of Administrator s Sale of Seal Estate. Notice is horebv eiven, that in pur tuauce of an order ot the county court of Crook County, Orejron, made on the 6th dav of Mitv, HKVS in Hie matter of the ettateof John. Prior, deceased, the umlertipned, the administrator of said estate, ill sell at private sale, ukjoci to confirmation lv mm county conn. trom ana auer mo am j w mji l!HW, all the right, tule and interest ot the said John Prior nt the time ol Ins death, and all the riht, title and in ter, st the estate has aioinr.M in so- lit ion to that of the said John Prior at the time ot his death, in and to nil tbat certain piece or parwl of land situated tn me lit? or iTinevuie, v uuimy w Crook, Hate of Oregon, more particu larly described as follows: lt two in block thirteen of .Monroe Hodges' plat of Prlneville, Orwon, as the same ap peals cf record in the olhce ol the county clerk ot Crook County, State of Oregon. Terms ana communis oi sate, cam. Dated Mav SI, 190$. ISOM Cl.KKK, Administrator of the Estate of John Prior, deceased. Every young woman who contem plates presiding over a home or ner own should know how to cook well, to do plain sewing and understand the essential principles Involved In an eco nomical and intelligent management of her household. If tn addition to these acquisitions she can play. sins, paint or draw she is Just so much the better endowed. The average husband, whose heart is so often most effectively an nealed to through his stomach, has dif ficulty In reconciling a sogsy mess of biscuits or an India robber pie crust with a finely executed musical classic from Wasmcr or an aesthetic home wrought panel of daisies or panslea, Try our Fancy Patent " Flour J. E. Stewart & Co. $250 Reward A reward of 250 will be paid for In formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person found gnilty of interfering with the flow of water or dam ot the Squaw Creek Irrigation Co. E. T. SLAYTON, Secy. In many states health laws Impose a severe penalty for the selling of milk. cream or butter from cows which are known to be afflicted wtth tuberculosis. In Btatee where no such laws exist the creamery manager and the individual dairymen should exercise every possl ble precaution with a view to locating and weeding out animals that may be sickly, and especially those that show symptoms of being afflicted with this disease. The use of the milk from such animals Ira source of danger not only to the- members of the family., hot to all who partake of It In such cases state law ought not to be required to make one follow a course .that would seem to be dictated by, rood horse sense. .. . . ; r f : ' : . . As a result of bettfer mechanical ban dllng and treatment with preservative solutions previous to being laid,' wood blocks are now being used for pave ment and with very 'satisfactory -re sults. The Erst wood blocks laid some fifty years ago were left cylindrical as cut and were not treated, the re suit belnsr that the edges soon broke or wore off and the blocks , rotted, Those laid recently, cut In rectangular , shape and given a preservative treat ment are giving the best of satisfac tion, surpassing any paving material but granite or sandstone In point of durability. It costs laid per square yard from $2.40 to $3.30 as compared with $3.50 for sandstone, $3.20 for granite, $2.30 for asphalt, $2.00 for brick and 00 cents for macadam. Blocks of Australian eucalyptus in use on the streest of London hasve lasted for fifteen years. - - The City Meat Market HOUIGAN & STILL, Props. SALE OF egon, June TIMBER. Prineville, Or lb. HKD. Sealed bids marked outside "Bid Timber Sale ap plication, June 10, 1903. Blue Mountains l vest)" ami auureesea to a. . ireianu, Prineville. Oreajn. will be received ni to and including July 18, PKM, for all the merchantable dead timber, stand- ins and down, and all the live timber marked for cutting by the Forest Otli- cers on a tleeisundxl area ot aiiout it) a.-ree located in the e neV seV, eV, se"-i m, sek ne rrn. sec So, tp 17 s, r S) f, w in, utiie Mountains ( v est I National Forest, Oreeon: estimated to be .'50.000 feet B. M. toe scale, more or less, ot living and dead yedow pine, and rir sa timber. An urn lor less than fi.OO ner thousand feet B. M. will be considered for living timber, nor less thin $1.00 per thousand feet B. M. for dead timber, and a depiit of f.'iO.OO must le sent to II. B. Cramer, rural Agent, Forest Service, Washington, I). C. and made parable to the TKLAS- LRKR OF UNITED STATES, for each bid submitted to the Supervisor. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved, limoer upon valut claims exempted from sule. For further infor mat ion and regulations governing sales address the undersigued. A. S. Ireland, rorest supervisor. b lsot a. ' Contest Notice, 'Department of the Interior, - United States Land Office, ' .The lalles. Oregon, May 13. 1008. A eutlicient contest affidavit' having been bled in tins otllce by Kli!a -M. li Arnel. contestant, against bomestead entry ll"i2, made October 11,11102, for SWT if SYVJ-i, Sec 1. S SK, Sec. 2 XW MY, Sec. 12, Tp. 13 S., R. 1" E., W. M., by Patrick Kelly, deceased Contestte, in which it is alleged that said Patrick Kelly died some tiinedur ine the year lsMJ or 1907: that said tract is not settled npon nor cultivated by any ot the heirs of said deceased ; that the heirs of said Claimant are unknown to me and that I have been unable to receive any information as to the whereabouts of any heirs whatever that said alleged absence was cot due to emrloyment in the armtvnavy or ma- rine corps of the United States in time of war. Said parties are Jiereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence tombing said allegation at 10 o'clock a m. on June 30, ia08, before Warren Brown, "county clerk, at hia olfiee Prineville, Oregon, and that final hear ing will be held atluocUxk a. m., on July 8, 1903, before the Register am Receiver at tlie United States Land Ot fice in The Dalles, Oregonr The said ' contestant hsvinp, in roper affidavit, filed Mav 11, 1908, si rth facts which show that after due dijlience personal servicer f this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered snd directed that such notice be given by diM and proper nnb'ication. r21p ... C. W. ilOUKE, Kegister. E. C. PARK Importer and breeder of pure-bred iPoland China Jtogs and SSiaek jCangshan Chickens Yonng stock for sale. Address Redmond, Oregon. POLK'S GAZETEER A BuBlnem Directory ol each city, town and village in Oregon and Washington, giving a deacriptive sketch of each place, together with the location and shipping facilities and a classified directory of each business and profession. R. L P01X k CO., INC SEATTLE FOR AGENTS A SUCCESS "The Old World and Its Ways" BY Wm, Jennings Bryan S76 Imperial Octavo pajres. 251 superb engraving from photograph) taken by Colonel ilryan. Recounts his trip around the world and his visits to all nations. Greatest book of travel ever written. Most suvcesHful book ot this generation. 41,100 called for in 4 months. Write us for sample reports of first 100 agents employed. The people buy It eagerly. The Outfit Fr. Send fifty cents to cover cost of mailing ana nanaung. Address, The Thompson Publishing Co., St Louis, Missouri. Gasoline Engine brigatios, Spraying aad Pimping Machinery Pnlrbanka-Morse Gasoline Engines for pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding. Qui nts complete. Fairbanks Scalps for weiarhlnsT. Fairbanks-Morse Uynamos and Motors for power and ugni. Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Towers. Fairbanks-Morse Orlnders. Feed Choppers. Well Pumps. All first quality goods at lowest prices. Always tn stock. Liberal terms. Prompt reply to inquiries and quicK snipments. Write for catalogue ana prices. W. P. KING, Agent, PrimeT-Ile, Ore. Fairbanks Morse & Co. PORTLAND, OEEOON. 1 For Sale or Trade One Jack?on Eclipse Haystacker, three Acme Buck ; Kakes, one 2-horse power Fairbanks-Morse gaeoline engiiie. ill sell or trade. Address tD Slavtoh. 5-2Stf Prineville, Oregon. Notice for Publication Department of the Interiors- TJ. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or. May 12, 1908. Notice is hereby given that . Marv L. Anderson. of Pricieville, Oregon, who, on March 25th , fJ08, made Tim tier Application -o. for x-KseVi sec 32, tp 12 s,r 16 e, It 1 sec 5, lot 4& ew'inw'i sec 4, tp 13 ,T li e, w m, has filed notice of intention to make filial nroof to establish claim to the land shore described, before the County Clerk at PnneviUe, Oregon, on the awn day oi J uiy, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Wade II. Huston, William Wigle, Hamucl Dingee and Archie Powell, all of Prineville, Ore gon. C. W. Moore, Register. Notice for Pablicatioa. j Department of the Interior, J United (States Land Office at ; The Dalles, Oregon, May 12lh 1908. Notice i hereby given that f $ John V. Kitter, .. of Prineville, Oregon, who, on March 9th, 1908, made Timber Application, No. 4009, for bvtft, section 2S, town ship 12 south, range 17 east, W; M has hied notice ol intention to make final proof, to establipti claim to tlie land aliove describe!, before the Ueeis- ter and Receiver, at The Dalles, t)regon, on trie 4th day ot August, luuu. -Claimant names as witnesses :- H. E. Jones. Mrs. N. C. Jones. "Wil liam G. Balfour, Arthur J. Decker, ail ot Prineville, Oregon. . ? 5-21p C. W. MOORE, RegiHter. - Notice for Publication, i Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at 1 The Dalles, Or., June 2, 1908, Notice is hereby given that i ',. Ezra J. Culp. i ; f of vaitsburg, W alla Walla . county. Waeh., who on June 2, 1908, madef.-A S. sworn statement No; 4ir5,lor H4 NEJ4, SWH NEif ani NF NW, section 12, township 15 south, range 18 east, W. Al., has hied notice of in tention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, fore Register and Receiver at , The Dalles, Or., on the 17th day pf August, 19US. Claimant names as witnesses ; t Fred A. Rice, of Prineville, Oregonj Grover C Newman, Roliert Brumblav, Forrest Carpenter, of Waiteburg, Waeh- lngton. . ; 6-4p C. W. MOORE, Register. ' Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only savenoney but you will help build up a homo industry. Wo always carry tho best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN & STILL Sonera ffilacksmithing r.- r. t i. J n LJ n WJ ri r.t ti L J r.-i t j ri t j r. - LJ r LJ r.t LJ ri LJ r.T ... . LJLJLJWJk-jLJLJL JLjLLJLUk.Jf CJLL IIORSESnOKlNQ, WOOD WORK, 1CTC., Neatly a.nd Promptlt Dosb When it is Done By : : : ftobcrt 7ooro Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Frinkville, :jl;jv.jljljljljl j-il'jljujl j L J L J r.i LJ LJ L J r.i LJ LJ LJ LJ n L J r.i L J r a L J r.a LJ r.a L J r..i LJ LJ Okeoon. ,LILJLJI.JkJLLjL.LJLJLJkJ f Shingles, MoulJinKi", Window?, Door, Glasses, Ktc. Etc., Elc. SHIPP& PERRY TRINEVILLE, OREGON Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete line of Oent'a Furnlshing at Prices that you can afford to pay. Call in and let ua show . you tho goods and quoto you our prices. A Choieo Line of Cigars & Tobaccos THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor ft THE HAMILTON STABLES (Horseshoeing in Connection) O. H. WIOLE, Proprietor lRIXEVIl.LI. OK!:ON FtorVbosrdt'd by tlie dny, week or month at RettHonaMo rate. Remember u.i when In Irincville. Rates RkaMxadlr. We luvs Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 9 8 8 8 8 ft L.JCJuJUJL.JLJLJfc.jLjLJ-Rl.JI.JUJLJWJL.Jl.JWJfc.JL. JU- - ...Notice for Publicaion. Pepartmpnt of the Interior. U. S. Laud Ollice at The Dalles, Or., May 12, l'J03. Notice ia hereby (riven that Maud iirowu. of Prineville, Oreaon, ho, on April 7, 1!X)8, made Timber Application, Ko. 4004, for i)el'n and o'neS-j ecc 20, tp 12 s, r 1U e, w in., lias tiled notice ol intention to make final proof, to eetab Iieh claim to the bind above described, before the county clerk at 1 rinevule, Oregon, on the 2Uth day of July, 1008. Claimant names as witnet-nes: John B. Brown, of Culver, Oregon, A. B. Eastwood and Dale Jonea, both of f nnenlle, Oreeon, and John W. Dee, of Gmzly, Oregon. 5 28 C. W. Moorf, ReKister. L' J '. T LJ r.i C J n t j r.i L'J n LJ r. - L J r 1 L'J r i LJ r i LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r. 1 LJ r..i LJ ri U n LJ , Notice to Creditors. 7(1 1 'i I'll Sa l.nralw fT? rl Ktf iKi. 11 n 1 i i r signed, adminittrator of tlie estate of commodore Carroll, deceased, -to all persona having claims auainet the extatc of Commoloro (Jnrroll, deceased, to present the same with proper vouchers io me unuersigneu ai ins oince in i nne ville, Ortgon, within eix months from the date of the first publication of this notice. J. H. IIaner, 4 5-21 Administrator. Notice to Creditor. Notice Ih hereby civen by the under- Bljnieil, the admlrilKtrntrix with the will annexed of the entate of Alexan der McCloy, dcceuHed, to all perHonn having tiiilmn agaliiHt nald OuceaHed to present them with the proKT vouchers to the underwlnned at the office of M. It. Elliott at Prineville. Oregon, within lx montlm from the drat publication of tliiH notice. Dated thlH 21st day of May, 1908. AlA MTU A IIooveu. Admlnlntratrix with the will annexed f the estate of Alexander McCloy, deceawed. 5-21 Notice, to Creditors Notice is hereby given by the rnder siijned, the executrix of the last will and testament of Charity Wilson, deceased, to all persons having claims against said deceased to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the ollice of M. K. Elliott in Prineville, Oregon! within six months from the nret puhlication ot tins notice. Dated this 28th day of May, 1908. Mahia Chain, Executrix of the last will and testa ment of Charity Wilson, deceased. 6-28 Notice for Publication. 1 ' Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Ollice at The Dalles. Or May 12, 11X18. iv once is nereny given mat -Olive Cook, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on April 10, lOOfi. made Timlier Application No. !12. for nne'4 sec 12, sc.Jne sec 1, tp i'i s. r 15 e, ixt sec d, tp li s, r 1(J e, w m, lias tiled noticexif intention to make final proof, to establish claim to tlie land ahovedeHciibed before the County Clerk ut Prineville, Ore gon) on tlie yjtn day oi July liws. Claimant names as witnesses: John W, Snyder, Lucy Bnyder, Andrew 8. Fields anu eda u. ieid8, an ot f nneviiie. or. 6-2S 0. W, Moobr, ltegister. The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIlobE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. LJ r.i LJ r.a L J r.i LJ ra LJ r.i LJ r-a LJ M LJ r.a LJ r.i LJ t-a LJ M L J r.a LJ B.I LJ ra LJ LJ F irrirririrrtrirrir!ir.ririj(r!ir,!irrririririr7r.7irrnrr!Prr(ra Lk:yLULUk:LULyLUUiJL.UUL:UL;LULULiULUkUL.UL.UkULUU'JL;Uk;jL:J 1 1 V. Uho deception SMTTII & CLEEK, Proi'Rietoks Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED Foet Oflice Box 92 V MAIN STREET PRINEVILLE, OREGON $ CITATION. In tlie County Court of the of state Oregon, for the county of ('rook : In the matter of tho estate of Mary A. Barnes, deceased, Citation. To William D. Barnes, Agnes, George and Velma A. Barnes, and all other heirs of said Mary A. Barnes unknown, if any there bo, greeting: In the name of the State of 'Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the connty of Crook, at the court room thereof, at Prineville, in tho county of Crook, on Monday the 0th day of July, 1908, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cauHe if any there bo, why Wil liam D. llarnes, the executor of the will of Mary A. Barnes, deceased, shall not sell the following-described resl estate of said Mary A. llarnes, deceased, for the purpose of paying the costs and expenses of administration, the legacies named in said will and for the purposes of distribution, towit Lots Six and Seven in Hlock Four of the town of Laidlaw, Crook county, Oregon, ac cording to the plat thereof as the same appearH of record in the oflice of tho county tlerk of Crook county, Oregon. Witness, the Hon; W. A. Bell, judge of the county court of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Crook, with the seal of said court affixed, this 25th day of May, A. D. 11108. 5 28-6-25 Attest: Warkbn Bbown, (Seul) Clerk. Contest Notice. Department of tho Interior, United Staies Land Offce, Tho Dulles, Oregon. May 1.1, 1!W8. A sufficient contest alildavit having been filed in this oflice by James B. Adams, contestant, against homestead entry No. 14220, made February 25, 1005, for Wi KEJ, H 8W, Section 2!), Township 14 (South, Kange 10 East, W. M., by Louis F. Guillaume, con testee, in which it is alleged that said Louis F. Guillaume has not resided on said tract at any tline since filing thore- on;that there is no improvement of any kind whatever upon said tract; that said alleged absence was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States in time of war. Haid parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m., on July 1, 11108, before If. C. Ellis a U. 8. Commissioner at his of fice in Bend, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in., on July 8, 1008 before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Oflice in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper aflldavit, filed May 7, 1908, set forth facts which ehow that after due dilligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 5-28 C. W. MOOKK, Register. Raport of tk condition ol The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At tho do of kWa( May 14, 1908 KKMnl'lU'K I.UIHI.ITIK loan and IHwounU tllMHJ 19 mpllnl mora I M.0OJ CO tUillnl HlnlMi IKirnli MADID Murplua nd undivided nroOU tttM M llnnk I tvmlr U.StfJ cln-uUtlon !. 00 lu from bank l7.su t8 Individual Uepoalle , ri,?l 7 rtuh unhand,.... 17.1104 Itsdempilon fund tJI 00 ji,Ti r&.tnt 0 B. P. ADaa. PmUiiH T. M. aUU. Ca4W Will Wmnllw, Vka Pmidaal M. B.Uwla, Am'I CaAWr Henderson f Srottctrd Country Orders Solicited Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of the Poindcxter Hotel 6b or 0. 7otary Sisters, 97osste Oroeron float Cstato, $rokoraga and Snsuranco Choico Smprovod Srrigatod S'arms for Sato Jl J'ow Sood JComoatcad jCo cat ions Sin m m tmll The Famous Maltese Kentucky Jack "HEADLIGHT" Will stand four days of each week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Prineville at the Dillon Feed Yards and the other days of the week will bo at the David Elliott ranch on the Ochoco, 7 miles from Prineville. TERMS: $10 to Insure; $5 for Single Service. DAVID ELLIOTT, - Owner Barred Plymouth Rocks Large, hardy and good layers. Choice eggs $2.00 per 13; two settings $3.50. Address Laura Graham. Haycreek, Or. FERRY LONG WALT BNODERLY Long & Snoclerly Dealers in Fine Wines, Liquors and ars. ' We handle the celebrated Sedgwick Whisky, noted for its rich, mellow flavor. Sole agents for Hop Gold Beer and the famous .Napa Soda. anoAl-sr Txa-d. Solicited.