Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 18, 1908, Image 2

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Received 702 Votes on First Ballot
Amid Great Enthusiasm Was
Named as Republican
Standard Bearer
Chicago, June 19. Amid
wild enthusiasm Secretary of
War William H. Taft was
nominated for President of
the United States on the first
ballot with 702 votes, by the
National Republican Conven
tion, this (Friday) morning.
His running-mate has not
yet been chosen.
Shaniko Wool Sales.
Orer a Million Pounds Sold at
Average Price of
15' Cents.
At the second auction wool sales
it Shaniko Tuesday over a million
pounds of wool were gold at prices
that averaged close to 15 cents.
Sotte of the growers got 16 J cents
while a few received but luj and
11, but the average price right
through was the highest paid for
the Orecon clip this season
Yancey Bros, pot 14 J for their clip,
A. P. Jones 13 J, Morrow & Keenan
14J, Harris & Miller 12, Porfily
10, Wm. Adams 12, Taylor & Me
Coin 11. A special to tha Ore-
gonian says:
At the second auction wool sales
Shaniko has re established its rep
utation for being the best wool
market in the state. Over a mil
lion pounds were sold at prices that
averaged fully 15 cents. The range
of prices on the 35 clips sold were
from 10 to 16J cents. This is an
advance of about 15 per cent over
the prices paid on June 2, the first
sale day, and is due chiefly to the
superior condition and quality of
the wools ottered.
Jacob Kasser. with an exception
ally choice lot of 35,000 pounds,
leads the growers at 161 cents,
while J. Mognen with 45,000
pounds runs a close second at 164
cents. Reeder & Fisher sold their
55,000 at 15f cents, and F. V
Dnrbin took the same for his 22,'
OOO. lhe John ihornton estate
wool, 13,000 pounds, brought 15
Among the largest lots sold were
R. R. Hinton, 107,000; Prineviile
Land & Livestock Companv, 95,
000; Morrow & Keenan, 73,000;
Hilton & iiurgess, 1.000; Frank
Uabel, 78,000: F. A. Young, 100
All the wools offered were sold
with the single exception of one lot
of 55,000 belonging to the Black
Butte Land & Livestock Company
ot rrineville, the ofier of lOc be
ing declined.
The next sales day scheduled for
bhaniko is Tuesday, July 7.
Railway to Crook County
Shaniko Line to Be Extended to
Prineviile and Bend Local l
Men Back Project
Crook county is-about to be
joined py lianas ot steet to tne out
side world. Local men of wealth
and influence are behind a plan to
extend the Shaniko line to Prine-1
ville and Bend. A committee com
posed of Uoscoe Howard, manager
of the u. 1. & 1 . to , U. M. Ketl-
field, chief engineer 1). I. A P. Co ,
John Steidl of the Central Oregon
Development Company, A. C. San-
ford of Madras, Frank Forest and
George O'Xeil of O'Neil, L. Kiule-
rud, secretary of Uio u. . x L. Co.
of llavcretk. meet the business
men of Prineviile today to ta'v-j up
ha proposition of extending the
Shaniko branch of the O. R. X. to
Prineviile and Bend. Our busi
ness men have indored the project
and will do all they can to aid in
the work. Portland capital nd
the Portland Chamber of Com
merce are also behind the plan to
develop this country.
It will be a steam roau. lhe
plan is to build to Bolters, bond
that for CO per cent of its value,
then with this money build to
Madras, then to Lamonta, and
from that point to Prineviile and
Bend. Work is expected to begin
within the next thirty days.
T. M. Baldwin Honored.
T. M. Baldwin and daughter
Miss Fay, returned from Portland
on Monday, where Mr. Baldwin
had been in attendance at the re
union of the Portland Consistory,
Scottish Rite Masonry, and also
the annual meeting of the grand
lodge of Oregon, A. F. & A. M. In
the latter order Mr. Baldwin was
honored by election to the office of
junior grand warden, an honor no
less deserving by Mr. Baldwin
than it is appreciated bv his
brother masons of Prineviile lodge
ot which he has long been a prom
inent and efficient member, and of
which he is for the present year
tne master.
(Continued from first page)
promptly at 9 30 and will march
through the principal streets to the
courthouse grounds where the
musical and literary exercises will
take place. After the exercises
the barbecue feast will begin.
Another matter that the com
mittee wished to impress upon our
citizens was the importance of
decorating business houses and
dwellings. Nothing adds ti the
gala appearance of a place more
than the liberal use of bunting and
flags. Everyone if expected to get
A grand ball at P. A. A. C. Hall
Friday evening will add to the
festivities of the celebration. Those
who do not enjoy outdoor sports
in the daytime can find pleasure
in tripping the light fantastic in
the evening.
Horses for Sale.
One mare and yearling colt w ill be
sold at public Bale, on Saturday, the
18th day of July, 1!)08, at 10 a. in., at
inerancn 01 v. u. r.r mott, on the
Oeuoco, to satiHfy feed bill. C-184v
Pay Up.
All persons Indebted to us are re
quested to call and settle at once.
Respectfully, Smith & Clekk.
Prineviile, Or., June 11.
For Sale.
One new Deer hay-loader in good
condition, at reaHouable figure. Ad
dress L. 13., care J ourual. 6 2if
County Court Proceedings.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Crook Conntv:
I, the undersigned, Jul in and for
Crook County, Orein, do hereby call a
special stv-sion of the Comity Court for
Crook County, State of Oregon, for the
transaction of countv tmsice, torn it: For
the purpose of receiving the abstract of
the vote, and declaring the result thereof,
on the question of the prohibition
of the sale of intoxieatinjj liquors
for beverage purpase-i, for the en
tire county ol Crook, and for ariy""subdivis
ions thereof, as may be voted upon at the
regular election to be held on June 1, ,11-OS,
within said Crook count;. -Said special
term ta hereby called for aforesaid pur
poses to meet at the courthouse in Prine
viile, Oregon, on Friday, the 12th day of
June, I9JS, at the hour of three o'clock in
the afternoon of said day, and the Clerk of
this court is hereby directed to notify S. S.
Stearns and R. H. Bayley, county commis
sioners in and for said Crook County, ol
this order, as required by law.
Dated at Prineviile, Crook County,- Ore
gon, this 27th day of May. 1008.
V. A. Be'.l, Judge.
In the County Court of rhdSte of Oregon
for Crook County
Cjurt mot June 12, 139 at three o'clock
1. M., pursuant to order and call" therofdr
of the Honorabb W. A. Bell, Judge of said
c jart, d ited May 27, 1908, when were pres
ent V. A. Bell, judge; It. 11. Bayley, com
nii .. I Hiei ; Warren Bro vn, clerk; Frank
Elkins. sheriff, when the following pro
ceedings were had:
In the matter of the vote for or against
prohibition of the sale ot intoxicating
liquors for beverage purposes for the entire
County ol Crook, lul l June t lit).
Now at this time this matter coming on
to l e heaid upon the abstract of the votes
cast at the general election hold June l,
13. in said Crook County, Oregon, upon
the question "Vote for or agauist prohibi
tion o! the sale of intoxicating liquorj for
beverage purposes for entire county of
Crook," and it appearing to us from the
abstract of vote', and the Court finds
therefrom, that the re.-ult of uch vote
upon said question requited ai follows:
For Prohibition. 1H0 rote-; Against
Prohibition, :oH votes; majority for prohi
bition 64 votes for entire county of (.r.w.k.
Tl e f fore it is ordered, adjudged and
directed, that on and after Jnly 1. l.8, in
the entire county ol Crook, be and it here
by is absolutely prohibited to sell,
exchange, give away or in any manner
dispose of intoxicating liquors for bever
age purpo-c-s wituin sai l Crook Conn' v.
Oregan, except as provided for. by th
, inaptcrz,
entire county of Cr.vk, and for snlxtivt-ioto
i of Crook county, consisting if precinct
j kutchcratid Haystack. I
I Now at this tune this matter conduit on
to be hntrvl HHHI the sti-tract of the Yito
csslatthe general election held June 1.
1 W, in .iid Crook county, Otvgoii, uihoi
the qiie-tion "Vote for or 'acaint prohibi
tion ot the sate of iiiloiienting liquors for
beverage- purpo-es for entire countv of
Crook, and for subdivisions of cVook
county consisting of Kutclier and Hay
t:ek prwuicts," and it appearing to us
from said abstract of votes, and the Court
finds therefrom, that the result of such
vote upon said question resulted as follows:
For prohibition IM votes. Against pro
hibition T.l totes. Majority for prohib'.
tion IP) totes for said Kutcher and Hay
stack precincts.
Therefor it i ordered, adjudged ami
directed, that on and after July 1, 1HW, in
said prveiucts of Kutcher and Haystack,
Crook county, Oregon, bo and it hereby lj
nbsol itely prohibited to sell, exchange, away or in any manner dispos of
ii t Seating ti piors for beverage purpose
within said Kutcher and Haystack pre
cincts, rook county, Oregon, except a
provided for b) the Local Option laws.
Chapter 2, pages il and 5. inclusive, of
the stdon lawi of the State of Oregon for
the year t'.X until such lime as the qual
ified voters ot said Kutcher and Havstack
nrecints at a legal election held for that ! Cauj
purpose, by a majo ity tote dec! I other
wise. And it is further ordered and
directed that the clerk of this Court cause
this order of prohibition to be duly pub
lished in th Crook County Journal.
In lh matter of the vote for or against
prohibition" il the sale of intoxicating
liquors for beverage purposes for the enlir
county of Crook and for subdivision of
Crook county, consisting of Beaver Crjk
Now at this time this cause coming on to
be beard upon the abstract of the totes
cat at tho general election held June 1,
I W, in said Crook County, Oregon, Uon
the question, "Vote for or against prohi
bition of the sale of intoxicating liquois
for beverage puiposc for entire County
of Crook, and for subdivision of Crook
County consisting of Beaver Creek pre
cinct,'' and it appearing to us from said
abstract of votes, and the Court finds
therefrom, that the result ol such vote
up m said miction resulted as follows:
For prohibition S3 votes. Against pro
hibition 11 votes. Majority for prohibi
tion 19 votes for said Beaver Creek pre-
ci ict.
Therefore it is ordered, adjudged and
directed, that on and after July 1, l'.KM, in
S lid Heaver Creek precinct. Crook county.
Oregon, be ami it liereliy is absolutely pro
hibited to sell, exchange or give away or in
any manner iiispo-e of intoxicating liquors
lor beverage purposes within saul Heaver
Creek precinct. Crook County, Oreg n,
except as provided by the Local Option
law s. i napier pages un.i ao inclusive,
of the session laws uf the State of Oregon
for the vear KK6, until such lime as the
qualified voters of said Beaver Creek pre
cinct, at a legal ehction held for that
purpose by a majority vote decide other-i
wise. Ami it is further onlereu anil
directed that the clerk of this court cause
this order of prohibition to bo duly pub
lished in the Crook County Journal.
Thereupon there apiea.-ing no further
business lor the purposes for which this
special term of Court was called, the Court
thereupon adjourned.
V. A. Bkll. Judge.
R. 11. Bayley, Commissioner.
'Washes riiowx, Clerk.
Professional Cards
Qt C. SSrix
Office with Ueo. W. Bamea
- r rTT" :
Local Option taws. Chanter 2. napes 41 and
inclusive, of the session laws of the state
of Oregon for the year l'JOo, until such time
as the qualified voters- of said ' Crook
County, at a legal election held for that
purpose by a majority vote decide other
wise. And it is further ordered and d'rectd
that the clerk of this court cause tnis
orderof prohibition to be duly published
in tne uroon county Journal.
In the matter of the vote for or'against
prohibition of the sale of intoxicating
liquors for beverage purposes for the
0. J?yJ
Answskku Paoarrit Pt oa Nhikt
Omcs Ok twos Sucth or uawa'i
pacw S-ro Hoih oAtc au rvsj
UeiiC leUihoues.
iPrimtmillt, Orfm,
33 el knap
O0i .Isr IW &4 S tMteM'
dc Cdwards
iPAyti'an mmtt Surf
CaNt mwwvW promptly day r ntfkl
mm Wfmim
iPrintuill; Onmmn.
Grayed from my ranch, naif rulle
south of Ilediuoiid, 2 black mures
with one cult with crooked front
leys; all with leather hultera on.
Mares wellt about 1200 each; both
with vh He tprt In forehead. A lib
eral reward will le paid for Informa
tion lending to their recovery, or de
livered ut my place.
Fine Ranch for Sale.
The lie t pluee on Willow Creek.
Four hundred nnd eighty acres of
pood cultivable laud; lot) under cul
tivation; ;." acres In alfalfa, 20 In
timothy; oj ncrtft lu sriiln; (rood
hotine; S) tons of liny W ulfulfa nnd
40 timothp; ;J5 or 40 head of cattle;
20 head of work horaiw; 20 hogs; lots
of chickens, jteese, etc.; stream of
water running through the middle
of the tract irom one end to the
other; big spring on the place, water
(ill the year round. Two orchard 4
2(X) tntf bearing iiiiples, pears,
pluma and primes. Good water for
domt-xtic: use. Half cash, balance on
easy terms. For further Inforiaatloti
mliiress II. L. Montgomery, (Iri.zly,
Crook county, Oregon. 4 30tf
Notice to Creditors.
rractleo In nil State and
Federal Court
Spring Millinery
Gigantic Explosion of Prices
1 himh
v V'" V
The aucccst of our waist tales hai
more than proven to iu that our cut
tomera 'can Appreciate good values
even on small purchases and we have
decided to give a more liberal dis
count and extend it throughout the
store. Cahwill talk here and our
stock must be reduced to low water
mark by July 3. Buy your outfit here
and the difference in'price will more
than pay for a good time on July 4th,
when all 'ofJCrook County will cele
brate in Prineviile. Plenty of fun and
excitement for all.
At the height of the season you can buy everything
here in stylish seasonable goods at prices far below any
other pace in town. Quality and style unequaled
Our entire stock of "Sincerity Clothes" goes at a discount cf
25 to 33J per cent. Florsheim Shoes for "The Man Who
Knows reduced 50c to $1.50 per pair. Men's fine Neg
ligee and Golf Shirts reduced to low water mark.
Our Ladies White Waist sale will continue at the
low price and everything to make your wardrobe complete
will be sold at explosion prices.
Wurzweiler & Company
Latust stvles in Spring Hats for
Ladies, Misses and Children.
'. Goods selected by an experieno
e l buyer aud are strictly up to
Mrs. Estes' W
Corner Second and Main Sts.
notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Olllce at
The Dalles, Oregon, June 2, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
Grover C Newman,
of Waitshurg, Walla Walla county.
Wash., who on June 2, 1908, mailt)
Timber and Stone sworn statement, No.
4m4. for Nh NWft and
K,'2 iSW, section 28, township 14
south, range 18 cast, W. M., has filed
notice of intention to make final proof
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Kegktor and Iteceiver
at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 17th day
of August, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesnes:
Fred A. Kice, of Prineviile, Oregon;
Ezra J. Culp, Hobert iirumhlay, Forrent
Carpenter, of Waitshnrg, Washington.
6-4p C. W. MOOKE, Register.
1 I w
W. A. Booth,
D. C. Stiwamt, VlcPrildnt
O. M. ELKiHa, Oathler
W. A. Booth, O. M. EiKiNe,
Transacts a General
Banking Business
Exchange Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt attention
053? tea tejie$je!e?i5s:ee assies :e:ssiEi
Clifton & Comett
Notice Is hereby given by the tin-
uerFiiriieu, tne adininiHtrntor of the j
i-Htute of Frank GIdbh, deceased, to i
nil perHonn huvin clniniM fliiinHt'
unfa ileceatvd to present them with j
tne proper voncnern to the under, i ev
Hljrtiod ut Redmond, Or., within nix
months from the first publication of
thi notice.
DutedthiH 18th day of June, 1908.
Kor.KHT I,. Glaus,
Administrator of the estate of
of Frank Glaus, deceased.
Selling It At Cost
A we are arranging to manufacture at home thia line
of housefurnisrungs, in ord;r to close out the stock now
on hand we are selling all the goods made by the
Pacific Coast Manufacturing Company
Everything in the store at a great reductkn.
Trimmed Hats, Street Hats, Children's Hats,
more than five dozen to make your selection
?9.00 Ilats...
17.00 Hatu ..
15.00 Hats...
f l.00 Hatn...
:i.00 Hats ..
2.50 Hats ..
1.50 Hats
This gives you a chance to make a big saving in
the purchase of any of the following articles
Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses
Pillows, Dressers, Chiffoniers
Washstands, Commodes
Sofas, Couches and
All kinds of Flowers
? i.50
and all late style
45c Ribbon...
35c Ribbon...
25c Ribbon...
85c per ynrd
25c tier yard
15c per yard
This offer will last until July 4th and after
that date the store wi'l be closed until the
Fall Opening
issJessie McCallister
New Spring Clothing
Our stock is now complete. Before you buy
come and see our line. Prices and quality that
cannot be equalled
Clifton & Cornett
Successors to R. L. Simpson Sp
eep Well
All kinds of oil and water
well drilling done. Any depth
and any size hole. For terms
write to
25 Overton Street
Portland, Oregon
Tfcw 97filiincry
Anollier Shipment just
received direct lrom lhe
The very latest thing in
millinery can now be seen
at our millinery parlors
mma SProso
Oppoiite The Redby
Bring your job printing to the Journal