It Star Dril3 Mae 03. is erecting a plant at PORTLAND, OREGON for the manufacture of their world famous PORTABLE WELL DRILLING MACHINES for water, oil, gas, etc. etc A moderate amonnf of tnnnrv will start yoa in a profitable business. STAR PORTABLE DRILLING MACHINES have been proved Mr Competitive Tests to be The Best In The World. For full particulars regard ing well drilling machines, tools, supplies, etc, write to THE STAR DRILLING KACH1KEC0. POUT LAS o, oew. or AKRON. OHIO. LUPINE PLANT DEADLYTOSHEEP (Pendleton Tribune.) Being called upon to look Into the cause of the death of 250 head of ehecp belonging to George McDonald on McKay Creek, which were being driven from the K. G.Warner range. Dr. W. II. Lytle, state eheep Inspec tor, made a poet mortem examina tion of one of the dead sheep and found that death had been caused by eating luplne.torj wild pea, "some times called crowfoot. Dr. Lytle states that the lupine is a good forage plant, resembling alfalfa In its food value, both being members of the pea family. However, sheep coming from a range where the lupine does not grow to one where the plant does grow frequently die from the effects of eating the plant. Just why the plant should prove o poisonous to sheep unaccustomed to the lupine Is one of the mysteries of science. Instances have been known where the eating of alfalfa produced the same result. Loss from this cause occurs only when sheep are being driven from one range to another, as the lupine is one of the best forage plants when sheep are accustomed to it. It Is thought also that the fact'the sheep become hot and thirsty on long drives may haAe some bearing on the matter. : However, potassium permangan ate has been proven to be a success ful antidote when used in.tiiue. The strength of solution best adapted for this purpose Is obtained by dis solving five to seven grains of the drug in four ounces of water. News from Redmond. W. B. Lamb had the misfortune to lose one of his black horses Sunday morning after working on him all night. Bots in the stomach seem to have been the cause of the trouble. Robert Immelee also lost one of his new horses the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Chappell are to start this week overland for Corvallis and other Willamette points to spend the summer. Mr. Manderacheid will do the Irrigating while they are gone. Dr. Russell Is gone again. It re- minds us of the following words of Longfellow, we think it is: "Sblpa tbat pass in tbe night and speak each other in pausing: Only a signal shown then darkness again and a silence." The school entertainment and basket social Saturday night was one of thebest if not the best ever given In Redmond. Something over $40 was netted to go towards the purchase of a bell. One event which tended to mar an otherwise pleasant evening was a lire scare. Severul ol the school girls were to take part in a Japanese drill and Nellie Covert's sash caught fire from a gasoline Btove and then there was a skidoo. The blaze could be seen through the curtain. Fortunately no one was much Injured though ;Mis Wilson, the teacher, got some burns on her wrist in trying to put the fire out. i Several callers were in yesterday afternoon and Mrs. Park was feeling better until they were all gone, but later was feeling worse, not on ac count of the visitors, however. This morning she is feeling better again. The ball game yesterday resulted in a regular old-fashioned Jlintown score of 18 to 11. Of course in favor of the Redmond boys who made the 18. As we look over the ballots toriav it seems that the republican candi dates for the legislature from the twenty-first representative district will surely have a walk away, as there are only two names on the ticket and two to be voted for. W. A. Belcher is in Portland at tending the Rose Festival and other festivities and will be back about the 10th. J. Ward Harader is in again from Sunnyslde, Washington, superintend ing some building on his place north west of town. Miss Minnie Norwood of Salem, Oregon Is expected In dally to make a month's visit here. Incidentally she will take lessons in trout fishing of uncle Jim. E. C. Park. $250 Reward a ,,f t'VI Kill ha nai.l f.vf In. f.irmatmn lttdtlmo .1 thn Irmt ami conviction of any jvraoii fonnd guilty of interfering nith the flow of water or Jam of the bquaw Crwlr. Irrigation Co. K. T.SLAV ION, 5hcv. $50.00 Reward A reward of fcW will be paid fr in formation leading to the arrest and con viction of any person or person that willfully or maliciously turn in a false alarm of fire. Will WraiwKti.cR, Mavor. Dated this 19th day of May," lsWS. Attention Homeseckcrs. People coming to Crook county with the intention of locating on covernnient land should first write or call on Cady A Jones, Prineville, Or. Before buying your garden hose this Spring, get our prices. J. E. Stewart & Co. Notic U Creditors Notice is hereby given by the rn ler signed, the executrix of the last will and testament of Charity Wilson, deceased, to all persons having c'aims against Nii.l deceased to present them with the proper voucher to the undersigned at the otlice of M. R. Elliott in Prinevi'le, Oregon, within eix months from the first publication of this notice. Pated this 2Mh day ot .May, iws. Makia Chun, Executrix of the last will and testa ment of Charity Wilson, deceased. 5-2$ Kotica for Publication. Department of the Interior. V. S. Laud Office at The 1'atles, Or. May U. liiOS. Notice is hereby given tbat Olive Cook. of Prineville, Oregon, who, on April l'. Uw, made Hmler Application .no. iz. for liWneU sec 12. selsel sec 1. tp IS s. r lo f. Lot 7 sec 6, tp 13 s, r lli e, w m, lias filed notice oi intention to make nnai proot. io tabli-h claim to the land above described before the County Clerk at Prineville, Ore gon, on the 2sth day of July l'.VS. Claimant names as witnesses: John W. Snvder, Lucy r-nvder, Andrew S. Fields and Zeda G. "Field. ail of Prineville. Or. 5-2$ C. W. Moobk, Register. Timber Land. Act Jane S, UTS. Ifotice for Publication. Department of tbe Interior, foiled Slates Land OtHoe, The Dulles. Oiegcn. Man-hard, iiS. Notice is hereby given that Laura 1. Hougel. of Prineville, county of Crook. State of Ore gon, bas applied to purchase, under tneaci of Congress of June 3. IKTi as extended by ml of August 4. lsa the NS SK1,, seciliin it. Tp. U south, range 18 east. tv. M.. and wlU offer proof lo show that tbe land sought is mure valuable for its timber or stone than rt'r ftk-rt- cuitural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the county clerk, at Prine ville, Oivgon.on the :h day of June, 108. She names as her witnw-s: Chester Starr, of Howard, Oregon; Samuel Dlnuee, Fred A. Klee, and Lucrtlia J. Inngee. or frtiievllie, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above-described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said 9th davof June, 1WJS. C.W.MOtiKK. - Register. Timber Land, Act June S, 173. Notice for Publication. Department of the Inferior, United States (.and Office. The Dalles, Oregon, March '.3rd, 1908. Notice is hereby given tbat Frank B. Mllliorn. of Prineville, county of crook. State of Ore gon, has applied to purchase, under the act of Congress of June 3, lTS. as extended by act of Aueust 4. lsw, the Se' X E', SW1,. and Wi 8vV'-4 sec. 22. Tp. lo south, range lit east, VS. M.. and will oiler proof to show (hat (he land sought Is more valuable for Us timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, ou tbe 10th day of June, 19-18. He names as his witnesses: Harvey D. Dunham, of Post, Oregon. Rvron Cady, R. E. Jones and Ralph Sharp, of Prineville, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said loth day of June, 1 O. 4-9 C. W. MOORE, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April 2oth 11W8. Notice is hereby given that Nevada LaFollette, formerly Nevada Tetherow of Prineville, Oregon, has filed notice of her intention to make final five-year proof in support of her claim, viz: Homestead enlry No. 11810 made November 20, l!W- for the HK'4 XKJi Sec. 4, SVi NW'1 and Lots 3 and 4. Sec. 3, Township 14 south, range lb' east, and that said proof will lie made belure the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on June 9th, l'JOS. fche names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: E. A. Poe LaFollette, John 0. Powell, Pearl John son, Mrs. Sarah Potter, all of Prineville, Oregon. C. W. MOOttE, 5-7p Kcgister. Notice for Publication. Department of the interior, Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. April 2Uth, V.nM. Notice is hereby given that Edmund M. Love of Lamonta, Oregon, has tiled notice of his intention to make final live-year proof in support of his claim, viz: Home-t-ad Entry No. 12414 made April 3, l!i.3. for the HV SE(4, Sy, HV and SWK SWK section 15, township 13 south, range 14 east, V. M., and that said proof will be made before the county clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on June 9th, 1!W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz' Joseph F, W'eigand, Charles Paxton, John CKush, Walter Helfrich, all of Lamonta, Oregon. 5-7p C. W. MOOUK, Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. May 2nd, l'joa. Notice is hereby given that Charles Miller, of Prineville, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make linal five-year proof in support of his claim, viz: Home-tead Entry No. 9343 made May 15, 1901, for the NE section 25, townsnip 13 south, range 15 cast, Lot 1, section 3J and Lot 4, section 19, township 13 south, range 10 east, W. M. and that said proof will be made before the county clerk, at Prine ville, Oregon, on June Hth, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land viz: George De lano, William Arnold, Richard M. Powell. Edward 8. Jones, all of Prineville, Oregon. 5-7p 0. W. MOOUK. Register. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby plven by the under signed, the administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of Alexan der McCIoy, deceased, to all persons having claims against said deceased to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott at Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated this 21st day of May, 1908. Maiitha Hoover. Administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of Alexander McCIoy, deceased. 5-21 Contest Notice. lVpartmont of the Inteiior, Cnitrd Hate Ijtttd Oiliee, The Dalles, Oregon, May 1:1, P.KW. A FUltWicnt CMitcst alll.l.ivil havinc been tiled in this otlice hv UIkvU M. 1. Arnel, contestant, against home-stool miry H'C. made October 11. l'-HO, for SWt4 St4,Sec. 1. St, SKt4, See. 2, . XttV Nee. I-', lp. 13 M., K. n F... W. M.. liv Patrick kellv. deocaso I. ContesUe, in which it is alleged that said Patrick Kellv died tome time dur ing the year PA'tior l!X7: thnt said tract is not settled upon nor e titivated by any of the heirs of tudd iUhvbwJ ; that the heirs of said claimant are unknown to me and that 1 have Ikvii unable to receive any information as to the whtreabouta of any heira whatever; that said alleged abseiu-e was not due to employment in the army, navy or ma rine corps ot the I nitivt Males in time of war. Said partic are hereby notitktl to 8ioar, nsHnd an I offer evidence touching said allegation at lOoYlin ka. m. on June St), PAW, K'fore Warren Hrowii, county clerk, at his ottlc in Prineville, Oregon, and that final hear ing will 1h held atlOoVlo k a. m on July 8, p.XV, before the Kcgister and Ueceiver at the I nited Mates laiHl Of fice in The Dalles, Orogonr The saUl contestant having, in a prrter affidavit, tiled May 11, PHIS, set forth facta which show that after due dilligence porsonnl service i f this notice can not be made, it is hereby onlerevl and directed that such notice le given by due and proper publication. S-I'lp C. . MOOKE, Keg.ster. Notice for Publicaion. Pepartment of the Interior. U. S. Land Otlice at The lhtlles. Or.. .May 1.', l'.W. Notice is herehv given that M..M.I l!.,.., of Prineville, Oregon, who, on April 7, P0$, made Timler Application, No. 4tan, lor nenwij an.t nne sec su, tp 12 s, r lti e, w in , has tiled notice of intention to make dual proof, to estab lish claim to the land alwve ilescri!ed, twforrt tha coiintv el.o If n t Prt ti.,ill.t Oregon, on the Siih day of July, PA'S. V. laimant names as witnesses: John B. Brown, of Culver, Oregon, A. K. L'.....wv.l l..l., T.. ...... l...l. ..I .1" .1 null X UOtl.'I., Ok Pi ineville, Oregon, nd Joim W. Pee, oftiriizlv. Oreso-i. 5-28 C. W. Moobk, Iiegister. Notice- For Publication. Pepirttnent of the Interior, I'nited States Land Oilice at The Dalles, Oregon, May 8th, P.MS. Notice is hereby given that John ISchmeer, of Crook, Oregon, alio on February 19th, VMi, made Homestead Fntrv, No. 121:5:1, for SWV, !SW"4 Sec. 31, To. "19 8., R. 19 E.. 4 ami SWlj N Vl4 Sec. S and SEH. N K'4 of Sfc. 4, Tp. 20 S., R. P.) E., W. M., has filed notice of in tention to make final rive-year proof, to establish claim to the land atxve de scribed, before the county cleik, at Prineville, Oregon, on the loth day of June, VXS. Claimant names as witness,:: John W. Shattuck, Paul Held, Thomas J. Fergueson and Frank Borsini, all of Crook. Oregon. C. W. MoOKE, 5-14p Register. Contest Notice. Pepartment of the Interior, I'nited Stales Land Offce, The Dalles, Oregon. May 13, W08. A sufficient contest atlidavit having; been tiled in this otlice by James B. Adams, contestant, against homestead en'ry No. l42Jti, niade February 2o, 1905, for W'H SEtf, S SW.V4'. SetUion 29, Township 14 South, Range 10 East, W. M., by Louis F. tiuiliaumo, con testee, in which it is alleged that sail Louis F. Ciuillaume has not resided on said tract at any timesince filing there on; that there is no improvement of any kind whatever upon said tract; that said alleged absence was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marire corps of t lie United States in time of war. Said parties are hereby notmed to appear, respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation nt 10 o'cl s-k a. m., on July 1, 1908, before 11. C Ellis a U. S. Commissioner nt his of fice in Bend, Oregon, and that final hearing will lie held at 10 o'clock a. in., on July 8, 1903 before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Otlice in The Dalles, Oregon. The sai 1 contestant having, in a proper affidavit, tiled May 7, 1903, set forth facts which show that after due dilligence personal service of thi notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 5-28 C. W. MOOUK, Register. CITATION. In the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Crook : In the matter of the estate of Mary A. Barnes, deceased, Citation. To William IX Barnes, Ague?, George and Velma A. Barnes, and all other heirs (if said Mary A. Barnes unknown, if any there be, greeting : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Crook, at the court room thereof, at Prineville, in the county of Crook, on Monday the Gth day of July, 1908, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause if any there be, why Wil liam D. Barnes, the exucutor of the will of Mary A. Barnes, defeased, shall not eell the follow ing-deC ibed real estate of said Mary A. Barnes, di ciased, for the purpose of paying the costs and expenses of administration, the legacies named in said will and for the purposes of distribution, towit: Lots Six and Seven in Block Four of the town of Laidlaw, Crook county, Oregon, ac cording to the plat thereof as the same appears of record in the office of the county tltrk of Crook county, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. W. A. Bell, judge of the county court of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Crook, with the seal of said court atlixed, this 25th day of May, A. J. 1908. 5 28-0-25 Attest: Waiiben Brown, (Sea!) Clerk. FOR AGENTS A SUCCESS "The Old World and Its Ways" BY Wm. Jennings Bryar$ 576 Imperial Octavo pnges. 231 superb engravings from photographs taken by Colonel Bryan. Kecnunls his trip around the world and lilx viHltstonll nulH.iis. (jreattat honk of travel ever written. Most nurcewtful hook of this feneration. 41,11 called lor In 4 month. Write u ior sample reports of first 100 agenm employed. Tbe people buy It eagerly. 'n,c. Outfit Free. Semi (ifty cents to cover cost of mailing aul handling. Address, The Thornpsoa Publishing Co., St Louis, Missouri. Try our Fancy Patent Flour J. E. Stewart & Co. The City Meat Market HOKKiAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and 1 Bacon Try some of Civok county's choicest products. Its tho best that money can buy. You will not only savo money but you will help build up a homo industry. Wo always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN r. -I U M L i e CJ r.1 i'j ri V J r.i k J kj -.i k j A. ri k'J V J r i k J f" k'J r.i kj k'J rt k'J Seneral tBiacksmithhig IIoRsEsnoKixa, Wood Wokk, etc., Neatly and ritoiirTLY Doss When it is Done By : : : Robert ?ooro Satisfaction Will Tkineville,'irirr'irrnrinrnr.i L Jk. JLJkJ.'JL JLJL JL.JLJL. Jk JL,jf LJLJk JL JLjL JkjLjL Jk'JLJL JLJ Timbrr Land, Act June 3, 1S7S. Notice for Publication. Pfjmrttm'nt of tlic Interior, I'niti'd r-tate Liiml Ottiw, The Dallca, Oregon, Marrli inl, l:S, Notice is herehv (riven that Mynin It. llockenlH'rry, of Prineville. county of Crook", Pt:t of ilnsr.m, liii iipplifil to purch:i-e, uiuh r the :ict of Concre-s of Juiii" 3, 1S7S. as extt nileit hv net ol August 4. IsirJ, tlie N'NK',, XK'.J, ami NV,i 8KU mciioii 14, township 14 suutii, raiifru 18 emit, V. M., :imi will oiler proof to xhow tlmt the luml loucht is more valuable for it timheror itone thnn for (rncuitural purpoM-n, an. I to estaldiih his claim to f ai.l I ami before the county clerk, nt I'rincyilU", Oregon, on the l'ltli day ol j line, llms. lie name! a bis witneies: M. It. Kl liott, (ieorife V. Luckey, Joepii J. If aril, in;; und liyruo Cady, alt of Prineville, Ore un. Any and all persons rlnimini; adversely the uuove-descilwd lands are requested to lile their claims in this otlice on or before said lOih day of June, l!'S. 4-a C. W. MOOUE, Uegistcr. Notice to Creditors. Notice in hereby givon by tho under signed, ndmiiiietrntor of the estato of Coiumodoro Carroll, deceased, to all persons having claims anaiiint the estate of Commodore Carroll, deceased, to present the fame with proper vouchers to the undersigned at his oilice in I'rine ville, Or.jron, within fix months from the date of the first publication of this notice. J. H. Hankii, 5-21 Administrator. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is herebv civen. that in nnr siiance of an order of the county court nt Lrook County, Oregon, made on the Gth day of .May, 1908, in the matter of the ei-tate of John l'rior, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will sell at private sale, subject to confirmation by said county court, from and after the 3rd day of July, liMJH.alltho right, tille anil interest of the said John Prior at tho time of his death, and all the right, title and in ter st the estate has acquired In ad dition to that of the said John Prior at the time of his death, in and to nil that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the City of Prineville, County of Crook, Htatoof Oregon, more particu larly described as follows: Lot two in block thirteen of Monroe Hodges' plat of I'rinevillo, Oregon, hs the same ap peals cf record in the office of the comity clerk of Crook County, State of Oregon. Terms and conditions of sale, cath. hated May 21, 1908. Ihom Ci,it kk, Administrator of the Estate of John Prior, deceased. Gasoline Engine Irrigation, Spraying and Pumping Machinery Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Knulnes for pumping, spraying, suwlnic, grinding. Out llts complete. Fairbanks Henles for weighing, I'ul thanks-Morse Dynamos und Motors for power and light. Fairbanks-Morse Windmills nnd Towers. Falrliunks-Morse Orinders. Feed Choppers, Well Pumps. ' All first quality goods at lowest prices. Always In stock. Liberal tanns. Prompt reply to inquiries and quick shipments. Wrlle for catalogue and prices. W. F. KING, Agent, PrimevUle, Ore. Fairbanks Morse & Co. l'OKTLAND, OREGON, & STILL J n n L J r .i n i. j LJ u j r ." L J r i L J r.i LJ rt u n tj r.i He Guaranteed L'j ri LJ Okkhox. li" Shingles, MoulJinR, Window?, Doors, (J lasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON E. C. PARK Importer and breeder of pure-bred (Poland China Jogs and S3 lack jCangahan Chickens Voting gtoek for sale. Address Redmond, Oregon. Spring Millinery Latest stv'eB In Spring Hals for Ladies, Misses and Children. (i(xsls selected by an xperienc e.l buyer and are strictly up to date. Msc Fcfpc' Millinery inoi ioivl parlors Corner Second and Main Sti. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1K78 Notice for Publication. Iiepnitmentof the Interior, Hulled Hlnles ljind Olllee The Dnlles, Oregon, March 2lrd, l'JOH. Notice is hereby given that Clarence a. llousci, of Prineville, county of Crook, Hlnle of Ore gon, has applied to piireliuw. under the act of longrcsn of June S, l7S, ax extended hyael of August 4, lS'A the F.'NK'-i, NrtWN'F.'i, sentlon IS and HVi'4 N " ', of swllon 17, Town 1:1 south, range IB east, W M, and will oiler lrooi io snow nun ine land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agrl cullural purpose, and to eHiabllnli bin claim to said land before llieeouiily clerk, at I'rlno- vnie, uregon, on ine sin (lay orjune, iwis. He names as his witnesses: Itnls-rt O. Hmilh, Wadn II. Huston, W. H. lfiln anil VMIIIam H. McCoy, all of l'rliiovlll", Oregon. Any and all Persons elalmlmr the nbove-descrlhed lands are n-i nested lo file their claims In this olllee on or before ald Ulh (lay or June, U. W. MOOUK, ' Itcglstur. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Uuitod Staten Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 12th, 1U08. Notice ii hereby givi n that John W. Hitter, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on March Hth, lllOH, made limber Application, No. 4500, for SW section "8, town- ship 12 south, range 17 east, W. M., has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Ileitis- ter and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on itie -it n day ol August, liios. Claimant names as witnesses: U.K. Jones, Mrs. N. C. Jones, Wil liam O, lialfour, Arthur J. Decker, all ot f rineville, uregon. 6 21 p C. W. MOORE, Register. Ifotice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Oilice ut The Dulles, Or. May VI, 1U08. Notice Is hereby given that Mary L. Anderson, of Pri'icville Oregon, who, on March 2.rth, 1IMJH, made Timber Application No. 4.W2, for scse'i sec H2, tp 12 s.r III e, hot 1 sec 5, lot 4iV. sw!nw!4 sec 4, tp 18 s, r 111 e, w m, lias liled notice of intention to make final proof lo establish claim to the html above described, before the County Clerk at Prineville. Oregon, en the 28th day of July, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Wade If, Huston, William Wigle, Hamuel JJingee and Archie Powell, all of Prineville, Ore- gon. 6 2Sp 0. W. Moobic, Register. fti A i. a 1 rtU Lei i V'O'X v Ml THE OWL CASH STORE R. D. ADAMS, Proprietor fen &4 (((G3)Gg2)G&)i THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprlotor I'HIMCYU.M:. t)IIi:;oN FtiH-k bonnli'tl by the day, w t k or month at lu'iteoiiiiMo rate, r.fiiiciiil'cr tm when In I'riiu-ville. Uati Kkaso.nahi.k. Wo have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 6 Raport of tb condition ol The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At the cloao ol buainta May 14, 1 008 KKHCH'lU'Ra Ixwna and )unla r.'U.nsl r I'nltvd Hliilm lUinda I2.AOU Ul Hank I n-mlaea 1'J.SdU el lue from Iwuka 17. ) RI rush on hand f7,ll Ou lUdrmpllon rtiuil US 00 m B. F. AlUa, WiU Waravailw. Vic. PrMal 3Gnderson ZPdllarci Wines and Liquors Country Orders Solicited First Door South of bcr D. 7ossc 7oary (Public Sisters, Oregon Real Sstate, Brokerage and Snsuranco Choice Smprovod irrigated Smarms for Sato Jew Sood JFComcatcad jCocations S tan Saw ytu 7oty The Famous Maltese Kentucky Jack "HEADLIGHT" Will stand four days of each week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in I'rinevillo nt tho Dillon Feed Yards and tho other days of tho week will bo at tbo David Elliott ranch cn tho Ochoco, 7 miles from Prineville. TERMS: $10 to Insure; $5 for Single Service. DAVID ELLIOTT, - Owner Barred Plymouth Rocks Large, hardy and good layers. Choice egga $2.00 per 13; two settings $3.50. Address Laura Graham, Haycreek, Or. PEKHY LONG Long & Snoderly Dealers in Fine Wines, Liquors and ars. We handle tho celebrated Sedgwick Whisky, noted for its rich, mellow flavor. Solo agents for Hop Gold Beer and tho famous Napa Soda. IF'cunllTT" Tiado Solicited. Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete lino of (tent's Furnishings at Trices that ) on emi allortl to pay. Call iu ami let us show you tho goods and quoto you our prices. A Choieo Mne of PI t. Cigars & Tobaccos ' ft. MAIHI.ITIKi rnpllal Hlork I 10.000 00 Murplua and uiidlvldud pro it la fi..'i0 ftf drvulalluu l.o 00 Individual DrpuaKa n,TI fl ..; SO T. M. B.U-la, CAimt H. B.Mia. Am'i CaaaiM Finest Cigars Ctr in Stock the l'oindcxtcr Hotel Si m m tmll WALT SNODKRLY 4 ft 8