J 1 -I i : f i " 5 C 3 r Si r Where the finest biscuit, cake, hot-breads, cruris or puddings are required fyoyal is indispensable. Baiting Powder Absolutely Pure Not only for rich or fine food or for special limes or service. Royal is equally valuable in the preparation of plain, substantial, every-day foods, for all occa sions. It makes the food more taity, nutritious and wholesome. 1 j TtmlH-r ljmt, A-l Juiw . !". Ratio f.T Publication. ISTurlmrnt f t ho Inferior, . I'lUlnl SlHltw I Jlllil OllltV, j Tli.-0.il l..r.irt. Maivli ivl, I I NvlKv i Iht'Iv Bixon tlial Fmiil H. Mlllli.rn. t( IVInvMlo, rtmutv of rHk. M' ofOn. ! Kvn, lm riIImI lo 'nrvliH. uUr thr i of ' t Vnarvsa ti .1 n' 3, l7S. t trn.l-l I'V not uf Alll!llI , lf!. ili- k1NW'. h1, wv. mul i t v. M, Tp. I will li. nnv IS j W M mul will nr r lmf i almw 11ml lli una imittil l iiiin THlUrtlDi lr lliutwr or iin Uimii fur HrliuUuml pun1. il lo wt.t'illi hi cUltil lo vtl.l Inntl l'fott Ihi iimntv clot It. hi IMmvtl Onnn, on tUv Uth ilnv r Jnn '. Ho nnliH'i a hi wllm'W,' llArvi'V IX IHinhitm. of IV!. OnuiMi. llvnmf'Mily. It. K. Jom mil Knll'h Mmi p, of rrtnv!li i irnil, Aiir Mn.ttll poron dutmlnc mlivpirlv Ih hovMli,orllHi Itimls tv rullHl In rtl Iholr Waiui In IM orRo on or IwtVrv Ml'l Unh iImv of Juih'.h 4- C. . MlXMIK, KitiMcr. TlmUr hand.' Art Juim , 17S,' Notic for Publication. IVprtrlmortl of th lnl'rtor, Vntmt Mnlon I jtml Oitli. The IXilUw.OioKon. Mm rvh Siitl, Notice I mrvy iilwii that ItMUrtl I. IIoiimI, f lrlni'vlltis tumty oi I'nnik. ofOri. (on, htm mtnsl ui puniMM', utittor lb '! f lMlnH of JUIII. 17?I. rt fXU'lKliHt I'V nof of AuauM , li-A lln N t N K'4. "wMlon SI. T. U uUi. ranin i mL M.. nn.l will oiler prHf (o how Hint tli Unit .ought U mon vniiiMoli nr lu llinlwr or lont Umn nkr H.-rl-oulluml liurlo.. mlil lo iHlIWIi liiirctiitiu to until UiiiiI liefon tin comity clerk, nl lTtm vlllo, Onicon, on tho h ility of Jun, I aI. iw timtu tut her wlnics: I li'--tcr siarr. of tlownnl, iintron; SmiiiiiW liliiir'. Ktvt A. KUv, mul Lucrctlit J. IHiutw, of rrluc lllc. Orivon. Any anil ml pcrHonnoialinliitf mlvcnwMv lhi mioW'ilivH'rIU'u ImihU are nninitra lo rile thftrrttttin. In thU offtcv on or tvfon mil. I 9tb ily of June, W. MtK'KK, - HciUtcr. Lost, Strayed Stolen or From the Hay Creek ranch, about six weeks ago, a lemon-colored shophenl dog, with white ring around neck. Answers to the name of "Highball." A reward of $10 will be given for his re turn to me at Hay Creek. 6-14-1 m Jch Folst. Natict far PaUicatiaa. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 12th, 1908. Notice U hereby given that John VV. Kitter, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on March 9th, 1908, made Timber Application, No. 4569, for SWfc, section 28. town ship 12 south, range 17 east, W. M., has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before lhe Regis ter and Receiver, at The Dalle, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: R. E. Jones, Mrs. S. C. Jones, Wil liam G. Balfour, Arthur J. Decker, all of Prineville, Oregon. 6-21p C. W. MOORE, Register. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Oflice, The Dalles, Oregon, May 13, 1908. A sufficient on test affidavit having been filed in this office by Rboda M. B. Arnel, contestant, against homestead entry 1152, made October 11, 1902, for SW SW, Sec. 1. $X SEJ4, Sec. 2, HWhi NWW, Sec 12, Tp. 13 8., R. 15 E., W. M., by Patrick Kelly, deceased, Contestee, in which it is alleged that said Patrick Kelly died some time dar ing the year 1906 or 1907; that said tract is not settled upon nor cultivated by any of the heirs of said deceased ; that the heirs of said claimant are unknown to me and that I have been nnabie to receive any information as to the whereabouts of any heirs whatever; that said alleged absence was not due to employment in the army, navy or ma rine corps of the United States in time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 30, 1908, before Warren Brown, county clerk, at his oflice in Prineville, Oregon, and that final hear ing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m., On July 8, 1908, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Of fice in The Dalles, Oregonr The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed May 11, 1908, set forth fa;ta which show that after due di) licence personal service r f this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 5-21p C. W. MOORE, Register. Kotict of Administrator's Estata. Sal of Seal Notice is hereby given, that in pur suance of an order oi the county cour; of Crook County, Oregon, made on the 6th day of May, 190S, in the matter of the estate of Jlin Prior, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will sell at private sale, subject to confirmation by said county court, from and after the 19th day of June, 1908, all the right, title and interest of the said John Prior at the time of his death, and all the right, title and in ter st the estate has acquired In ad dition to that of the said John Prior at the time of his death, in and to nil that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the City of Prineville, County of Crook, r-tateof Oregon, more parlu-ti-larly described as follows: Lot two in block thirteen of Monroe Hodges' p!at of Prineville, Oregon, as the same ap pears cf record in the office of the county clerk of Crook County, State of Oregon. Terms and condition" of sale, caih. Dated May 21, 190S. Isost Clbfk, Administrator of the Estate of John Prior, deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, administrator of the estate of Commodore Carroll, deceased, to all persons having claims against the estate of Commodore Carroll, deceased, to present the tame with proper vouchers to the undersigned at his otlice in Prine ville, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. J. H. Hanbk, 5-21 Administrator. 1 . I Ferry 1 J- ESraarrjifa Onion Sets Garden Seeds AT E. Stewart & Co.'s II For Irrigated Farms U J C '.M. I 1 f dim i run lianas IN THE DESCHUTES VALLEY WRITE H. F. JONES Redmond, - - Oregon 3 1& t-& mmmmmt m m t& $ Royal Insurance Co. Not Welchers. Paid dollar for dollar in the I Fraco conflagration. J. E. STEWART, Agt 3 Z-& 3 3 S& & It -& &i S, Timber Land, Act Jane S, 1S7S Notice far Publication. Depaitment of the Interior, I' ii I ted Ktates Land Ul( The Dalle. Oregon. March 2ird, 1S08. Notlw is hereby Klven thiit Clarence A. Housel. of Prineville, county of Crook. Ktnte of Ore gon, hue applied to pnrcbaae. under the iu-t of Toner-ens of June 3, 1?, om extended by set or August l,iss, the K'tMi1,, M'4K'4. section IS and S 'i SW'i of section 17. Towrl- 13 iiouth, range 1 eat, W M, and will ohVr pnxif to show that the land sought i more valuahle for Its tinier or sione Ihun for ngri- cultunu purpeweft, and to estaUMMi htf cihiio to ald land before tfce county clerk, ut Prine ville, Oregon, on the th day of June. IHw. He namea as his witni'KseH: Kolw-rt G. Smith. Wade H. Huston. W. H. lxiftin and William H. McCoy, all of Prineville On g.,n. Any and all persons claiming adversely the atKivewlewrilied lauds are reo.ui.Hted lo liJe theirclHlms in this otlice on or before.aM 9iu dy of J une, lMt C. W. MOOK A. - BegUter. Tiuilier fjind, Act June , 1TS. Notict for Publication. Department of the Interior, Vmteit t-tatc IjiiuI tihce, The Dalles, Oregon, March 23rd, lsnw. Sotii-e is heriliv gien that Myron ll, llockcnlx-rry, of Prineville, Coutnv of Croolt. Slut of "Oregon, baa applieil to purvhac. under the aei ii ongres or June 3, as extended l- act oi August 4.10. the NNK',, S'i,t SK'i, and NV4 S K, section It. township U south, range IS east. V. M., ami will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timtieror stous than for agricultural purposes, and to ei-taWish his claim to said land before the county clerk, at Prineville. Oregon, on the 10th d:iy of June, t!t. He namea as his witnesses: M. li. Y, liott. Ueorire W. I.uckev. Joseidi J. lianl. tug ami Hyron Cady, alf of Prineville, I're- gon. Any and all persons claiming avlverdv the above-descrilieii lands are requested til hie their claims in tins othce on or before said 10th day of June, l!vs. 4- C. W. MOUKK, Register, State Selection, Notice for I'uMicatioii. Cniteil Sus Land llice. The Dalles, Oregon, -March is, I:S, Notice t lienhy given that under the provisions of the act of t'ongres-iof August U. !!, and the acts supplementary and amendatory thereto, the (Mate of (iregon Ha tni" ilay tiled in this oilice its appti. canon. No. ..is. toselettthc Sr.' ol the ot section 31, township 17 south, range KS east. W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-descrilied land, orilesirtg for any reason to object to the haul jifowanrr of the selection, siunild tile tiieir claim- or biectiotts in -his otlice on or before the rd day of May. WW. - u. w. MUOKK, Kegister. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. May Snd, llH. Notice is hereby given that Charles Miller. of Prineville, Oregon, has filed notice of Ins intention to make final livc-vear proof in support of his claim, via: llmne-tcad Kiarv No. atM3 made May 15. 1:101, for the K! SK section 2,i, towns .ip 13 south, range 15 cast, Lot 1, section 30 and Lot 4. section In, township 13 south, ratine it; east, W. M. and that said proof will be tnaile before the county clerk, at Prine ville, Oregon, on June Sth, llKJf. He names the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence unm, and cultivation oltheJanil via: (ieorge 1- hmo. William Arnold, Kichard M. Powell. Kdward S. June: 5-7p C all of Prineville, Oregon, W. MOUKK. Kegister. Notice for Publication Isolated Tract. Public Land Sale. The Dalles, Oregon, Land Office, April loth. 1908. Notice is hereby given that, as direct ed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 190i, Public No. 303, we will offer at public tale, to the highest bidder, at 10 :45 o'clock a. m., on the 27th day of May next, at this office, the following tract of land, to wit: Lots 2,3,4 anil NEJ SV$ of Section 31, Tp. 18 south, range 20 east, W. M. Any persons claiming adversely the aliove-desi;ribed lands are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the day above designated for sale. C. W. Mookr. Register. 4-23 Louis H. Arnpsox, Heceiver Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April 2'jth, WW. Notice is hereby given that Kdmund M. Love of Liimonta, Oregon, has tiled notice of his intention to make final live-year proof in support of his cluiin, viz: Home-tead Kntrv No. 12414 made April 3, V.'A. for the SW'i X!,' SWtf and SW'4 SSV'i section 1 15, township 13 south, range li east, V. M., and that said proof will la made before tlie county clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on June 9th, iVM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz Joseph F. Weigand, Charles Paxton, John CKush, Waiter Heifrich, all of Lamunta, Oregon. 5-"p C. W. MOOKE, Kegister. I M P O li T E O Black Perch eron STALulON i c o 9 o . J. Kergii be left at by piiylnir paHture bill. Terms f 7, f 12 and flo. Will make the wason at T soil's ranch. Mares can the ranch at owiht'h riHk T. J. Ferguson, Prop. WALT B.NODKRLY pi PERBY LONG Long & Snoderly Dealers in Fine Wines, Liquors and 1 ars. We handle the celebrated Sedgwick Whisky, noted for its rich, mellow flavor. Sole agents for Hop Gold Beer and the famous Napa Soda. Trstd-e Solicited. j $) 7 4 &4 & 1?4 i?4 1?4 &4 1?4 1?4 1?4 4 1?4 1? elling It At Cost IS 9A 3 a? Notice for'Publicatlon. Department ol the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. X April 2Mth ll18, Notice is hereby given that Nevada LaFollette, formerly Nevada Tetherow of Prinevil Oregon, has tiled notice of her intention t) make final hve-year proof in support ol her claim, viz: Homestead entry Mo. 11810 made Novemlier 20, 1902. for the HK'i SK4 Sec. 4. X'A SlVli and Lots 3 anil 4. Sec. 3, Township 14 south, range 16 east, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on June th, l'.njn. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: K. A. Poe LaKollette, John O. Powell, Pearl John son, Mrs. Sarah Potter, all of prineville, Oregon. C. W. MOOliK, 5-7p Register. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has filed his final account as ad ministrator of the estate of Elizabelli Prine, deceased, with the county clerk of crook county, Oregon, and the county court of crook county has set Monday the 1st day of June, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon as the time for hearing said final account, and all objections that may be made thereto, Dated this 16th day of April, VMH. Abthur Hodukh, Administrator of the estate of Elizabetl Prine'deceased. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, United States Land Oilice at The Dalles, Oregon, May 8th, 1908. Notice is hereby given that John .Schmeer, of Crook, Oregon, who on February nun, iifua, mide Homestead luitry, io. 12133, for SV SWtf Sec. 34, Tp. 19 8 It. 19 K., Lot 4 and SW NWSec. 3 and st, Kr. of Mee. 4, Ip. 20 .S.. H 19 E., vV'. M., has filed notice of in tention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above do. scribed, before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on lhe 15th day of June, llfUo. Claimant names as witnesses: John W. Hhattnck, Paul Held, Thomas J. FerguoBon and Frank Horsini, all of Ciook, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, 6-14p . Kegister. - 5 At we are arranging to manufacture at home this line of housefurnithings, in ordrr to cloae out the stock now on hand we are selling all the goods made by the Pacific Coast Manufacturing Company AT ACTUAL COST This gives you a chance to make a big saving in the purchase of any of the following articles Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses Pillows, Dressers, Chiffoniers Washstands, Commodes Sofas, Couches and Lounges A. H. LIPPMAN & CO PRINEVILLE, OREGON O ll ll ll Igl ll l&l 9& V V W W l?4 vv?4 tTf T4 ?4 ?4 4 4 4 4 T 4 4 4 4 4 4 J lacksmithing'That Pleases f B Is The Kind You Get At J.RWIGLE'S 14 Jrlrst riace North of the rrtwvllle lltt-l V 14 p. Horsesho ing. Wagon and General Repair work done 4 The City Meat Market IIOUIGAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Ita the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN & STILL nil SI ll 1 ray a! 3 ipj I w'J 3 1 Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete Hue of (iiMtt's FurniHhings at I'riecs that you ran allord to pay. Call in and let us nhow you the good and quote you our prices. A Choiee Line of Cigars & Tobaccos THE OWL CASH STORE tL B. ADAMS, Proprietor I i.i li rr 1 .11 i'1 a. m T4 8 THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIOLG, Proprietor I'KIM.VKIJ:, okk;( St.u k Ixmnlfd by the dity, v-rk or month st Iuii-iuilile mte. ReinrinlHr lid wtirn in Iriinville. Hatm Uk m)NAlii.K. Vi hit v( Fine Livery Rigs For Rent ft Rport of lK contiilion ol The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon Al th cloaa of buaiaaaa Fbrur 14, 190S lllfilll lll'I.H l.n. oml IH.iiiiI . .. tt.WH M eiillnl Hiit Ikmiia Hank n iut- Ivy II I'lir (mm lmnk uli) lo t'k V l on Imml ,. S".J70 0 HiHlrinpllun fund MA 00 I.UIIII.lrO'a nillil Hliv-k I lki. W Hnrilu ami iimlll.l-l pmltla bl.tm M ciri'nlallttn . UjtP 00 lll.ll vl.ttlitl IITMIU VA.Ktim lv,rliMIII.ll 1,170 m rir.r.v m B. F. AtUa. Prilnl Will Wunw.d.r. Vk-PnMt 0Mja.NO W T. M. B.M-U, Oulilw H. Boldoim A- l CukUr c option SMITH & CLEEK, Pkohrietokh Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED MAIN STREET Post Oflice Box 92 PRINEVILLE, OREGON 1st. p. It 7t7777St 7t7t7t7f7t7i7i 7t7f7t r i I. J r i r.i r.A V.J r T Li T L J n r i t j r,.i L J r.f r n LJ r.i r -1. n Li The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIIcUE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. r.n LJ r.ji L.J r..T L.I r,a LJ LJ rid L'U LJ r.n LJ r,i LJ rm LJ LJ L.U Till L J cuk'UkuuukuikUaLauuyukuuuluyuuuuuuuuuyyuiiiuu Bring your job printing to the Journal Jftendcrson & Zrollard Wines and Liquors (J Finest Cigars JJCir In Stock Country Orders Solicited First Door South of the I'oinde.vtiir Hotel bor 0. 77osstc 7otary Pubiio Sis tors, Oroyon ffiaal Cstctto, ffirokoraga and Snsuranco Choice Smprovad Srriyatod Jarms for Sato j 3ow Sood JKomoatoad jCocations S tarn tSavt yen 9onty Siv m m The Famous Maltese Kentucky Jack "HEADLIGHT Will stand four days of each week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Prineville at the Dillon Feed Yards and the other days of the week will bo at tbe David Elliott ranch f n the Ochoco, 7 miles from Prineville. TERMS: $10 to Insure; $5 for Single Service. DAVID ELLIOTT, - Owner 0 . STALLION Blaisdon Standard 8623 Will be kept at the Hamilton Stables in Prineville for service until about May 15. For terms see groom in charge. BlttiBilon HtaniJnrtl is four years old and weighs 1880 pounds, lie wan imported by us from the estate of the famous Peter Stuhhs of Olos, England, and was a blue-ribbon winner in the bent horse shows in England. There is no better Shire blood in the world than that of the Blaisdon pedigree. Baldwin Sheep & Land Company OWNERS Haycreek, Oregon mm