Crook County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1908 fiubacrlptloa 11.50 Jtl. HAULING MANURE. Sm R'.iiHni Advanod far Pottpn Ing th Work. Tbrt la no l't lima to haul ma Bur lUat will apply In all rnm. Tb ninttor t4Minta upou condition. In Mm rim It mlictit I well to haul ami aprvail dlrwtly ou iliv Dulil na fnt aa tliv ninuunt la iiimiIu, ami In another raao aurh a priK williiu tuliflit Involve C'oiipiipriilil Um. It la K'mmI Jmlniiiont tu thla aa lit utlitr lliluua that count lu tliw ruil. rvmarka a writer In Oraoir Judtl Former. Iliiullntf maiiur illriK'tljr from tm atnlil to tun Odd In w Inter In econom ical of lalMtr, liutmntu li aa It tuny be lion with alilk'lia wlii-u tlnT la Dot uiiirh other work to do, lut It la not coiioinli-nl of tiiamira If lh mnmira of tha l nil It la linuloil on to la aucb that tha furtlllaliiv clement of th uiauura will t largely lout ly Ictuu IttaT nml running away. Hm-h condi tion would 1 met ou hilly ground, whent tha WNtvr would run Into the hollow aud carry tha fertilizing lt liienti with It or lu watarwaya whara prlng frvahi'ta ruu, Mora ar Lm Lata. Thi'ra la tuorv or hua hwa on til Ovlda front thla cnimo alnca the gniunil la uatmlly aultlrhMitly fntKcu when tha aprlng thaw come to cause mora or lima watwr to run away, twfora tha protind thawa auttlchuilly to allow of It auHklng In, Th (iuwtion to decide, then, la aa to whether tha loaa from li'iulilng lu tha field will I grenter t Im n what would I enr-ounlcred In tha pllw. Formerly I preferred to haul directly to tha field tu winter, hut with the perfection of the litter carrier and the immure upri'itilcr I am lietter BntlHtVd with the rtmulta of dumping tha um mire under cover and hauling It out In tha aprlng. I do uot f.ivor tha plan of bnullng inntiura on grnxa or clover, twpeclnlly tha Utter, In the fall or winter. If bnuled lu tha fall. It hna a tendency to amother tha plant, and If hauled In winter tha manure drawa tha aim. and tha nietlwd auow rutin down and freeaea, forming a ciwtlng of ! on the ground that I have found to to agnlnat the welfara of tha pluntn. It la true Unit under certain condl tloua tha anow will atiiy on tha ground longer lit the aprlng If covered with manure thaa It will If not, hut It will alio melt oiT more during tha warm ilnja In winter. Moreover. I think It very ipitlonnlile whether It la denlr alile to have the anow Ha on graaa lata In the aprlng. I prefer to have my graaa and clover KW na early a atart Id the aprlng aa la pxlll. HANDY J)EVICL A Simple Cantrlvanea That la Cailly Made and Ui.d. A hg rlntlnu devlre la here pic tured In wnird to which a writer In I'nrin llww an)": In making thin crate I uw 2 by 4 tlmher for all croKn ami upright piece icept the Imnril at the buck to fnaten MOO CIIAT. the bog lit, the atuurhloit and tha crtMiNpleco lit front, which ahotild Imi wider to hold the plua. uiid I And Inch IuiiiIht aullU'li'iit for thla iUh-, The IhHir lo la Inch HlulT, iiiiiI the upright atnuchlon la made of 2 ly U muff, with bulla at the luittom and two other bolta to uhc as plua at the top. The crato la four feet long, fourteen Inches wide nt the bottom and twenty-four IucIich wide nt tho top. I phico It lit the hogiHMi iluor, let the hog In from the rear nud let them out from the front after the rings are ndjimted. Hibernation of Boll Woevila. It hna hecti often noticed Unit In a wooded country hull weevils nppcnr Orat lu aprlng ulong the iHirdcin of tie Ms next to the wood nud gradually work Inward from the edge, in that It ivenia prolmlile that lit a wooded country iitoxt of them lilhcniate lu woodland. Around outliulldliiKi and bnrna a too are found favorable places, aa there oro always more or lew rub blab and protection In aurh situations. In 11)03 more than live times us many weovlla were found In a pleco of cot ton near the Texas Stuto college barn, where cotton had bcou (frown the pre vIoub year, than were found In any other locality In that neighborhood. It la nlao noticeable that weevils are al ways uioro numerous near gins than at a distance from them. Unfortunate ly where much rubbish and grass are present add where the soil remains loose and la uot packed by rains largo numbers of the weevils winter In tho cotton fields. Breading Dairy Cows. In breeding dairy cows a man should have a diillnlto object In view. Too tuauy shift from beef to dairy when dairy products are hlKh mid beef prod ucts nro low nud then shift back again from dairy to beef when beef rises In value. U.v this method a man Is con stantly shifting from one breed to an other, and as a result he Is getting a herd that Is good for neither milk nor beef. A man must have an Ideal to ward which he Is breeding and then bond all his energies to that end. This shifting from one breed to another Is suicidal policy that will ruin any man and nuy herd. Kansas Experiment Station. i I How dta Joucv make bis pUf "Judicious eculsUoii." "And how did Hrown loaa blf "I'abullug lu atocka." I'at-Au' did ye have a good tolina Inat Ulght T Mike-Hum. We v. lot out an' paint ed tha town grmm! -Cleveland Leader. If there were mora kissing dona at borne and less at tha railroad depot, Ufa In tha married state would have mora baloa.-ralmyra Items. "Aren't you ashamed to IxigT" "Unmet lines, mum. When 1 find bow atlugy people are I futrly blushes for them," Mrs. McHpatt-lau't It remarkable how niunv men mysteriously disap pear? Mr. McHpottob, I don't know. Mont of 'vui are married. The Ut Ilulred Una You know, a pool la a prophet. Tha Hordtd mo-Nut to bis publishers.-Uultlniore American. Hemp la a Philippine natural monop oly. It cannot I hi grown profitably lu any other part of tha world. The t'ult ed State Is the largest consumer. Jtldic don't amount to ao much. Koine of the happiest, most fortunate wple wo know are poor. Atchison Globe. "Was bl flying machine eucceesr "Oh, yea. It fulled to work before It got far enough up to hurt bltn." Pear son's Weekly. "ikx tor, you have saved my life! 1 feel that I can never repay you!" "I feel that I'll aue you if you dont" Houston Poet. "Pa, did you aver bear tnotwy ulkf "Yea." "What did It eayf -GoodLy r "-Exchange. Mm. Wark Nothing that mother esta agree wltJl her. mack-Pood scema to have human Intelligence.- Town Topics. Church-Hid you ever try iny of these "co4i to nature" met hods T (iotlmm-Well, I've uwl a porous plaster!-Yonker Ktatesuian. Astronomer There are many stare that are never seen. Theatrical Man agerYes, aud there ste a lot that ought never to be seen "I cannot understand why man's wife la called his 'better half.'" "Yon would If you bad to divide your alary wltb one!" "Do you approve of working Bun day r "Ortnltily not," replied the man addreesH. "Why make an excep tion of 8uudar Philadelphia Ledgor. A mustard plaster la not a very poetic subject; but, ah, how warmly It ap penis to a tnan'a feellngsl-Phllsdel-phla Inquirer. Pooslbly th Idea baa got abroad motif poeti that the aoa waves r and because the ocean Is ao very bine at tlmoa. The relative strength of the fleeta of the powera la stated to b In the fol lowing ordor: Great BrlUln, United States, France, Germany and Japan. In ancient and more almple time It was the custom never to shave. For KX) years tlieie was no such thing barber beard of In Itoma. Wls-Podr nurrougha! Ile'a wor rying great deal about debts Newltt Nonsense! You'll never catch hUn worrying because be can't pay bla debts. Wise He's not worrying about old debts he can't pay, but about new onea be can't coiftract-Phlladelphla Pre. LawyerWell, aunt', what can I do for you J Aunt Ebony I want a deevo'ca from ma busban. "What baa be boon dolugT" "Dolu'I Why, be done got rellgn. an' we ain't bad chicken on de tabs fob a month!" There la no dish In tha world that ao rigidly requires to be eaten hot ateak. Borne wag baa said: "A cold cup of coffee, cold batter cake, the cold boulder, a cool reception-all are tolerable we can use philosophy and forget tbem-but a cold steak la a bom lnabla. It la barbarous." Tbe French method of administering castor oil to ailing children Is charac- tertatle, Tbe oil is poured Into a pan over a, moderate fire, an egg broken into It and tho mixture well stirred. Tbe omelet thus made is served wltb a little salt, augar or a spoonful of cur rant jelly. "Do you think, Mlsa Gertrude," In quired a decidedly vapid young man conceitedly, 'It would be foolish for ma to marry a girl who waa my In ferior Intellectually T" "More than fool too," anewred ?3ertrude eweetly "it would be Impossible." Rehobotn Sun day Herald. Onion Sets Ferry Garden Seeds J. E. AT Stewart & Co Fond Mother (to her precious aged twelve- years) Willie, what would yo'i like to give your coualn Harry for Ms birthday 1 Willie (who has bis own opinion of Cousin Harry, uged sixteen) I know what I'd like to give him, but I ain't big enough t Loudon Judy. "Tbe Fnftu-h are awfully stupid.' "Why, I always beard they rary cleve people." "Wall, tfey aren't I waa the beat French scholar In our class, and yet when I went to Paris they cooUbat understand a word that I said." 1 (on Telegraph. "George, I saw that Singleton an todav carrvlns the silk nmhaatts that ana borrowed from me at ttcef emrd party." "Why didn't yon ask for ttf "I waa Juat going to when I re asms! tbat I borrowed it fcTrnmpar." Cleveland Plain Attention llomcMcekcrs. People coming to Crook county with the intention of locating on government land Bboulit lit nt write or call on Cady A Joneu, Prineville, Or. Try our Fancy Patent Flour J. E. Stewart & Co. Men's Suits, Hats and general Furnishings nt about half price at J. E. Stewart & Co. Dunber'i Resignation. Paul Laurence I mnhar, while he waa dying of consumption, contributed to I.lpplncott'a this sermon of renlgnay riuu: Bwsusa 1 t4 IovmI so deeply, llemuee I had IovmI so long, O'Ml In his arret compassion Jsve me the gift of eons. Beosiiee 1 find loved ao vainly And suns with eiich (altering brsatt, The Mulrf In Itiflnlt ineroy Offer tlie boon of OMia. The Hare of the Adlge. 'I will give a hundred French louts to any one who will venture to deliver tlieso unfortuunto people," aald Count rtpolverlnl when tbe swollen Adlge wept nwsy the bridge of Verona with tha exception cf tho center arch. On thl section stood a bouse whose In mates cried for help from the windows as they saw the foundations slowly giving way. A young peasant sul&ed boat snd pushed Into the flood. He gained the pier, took tho whole family Into tho little boat and carried them anfejy to land. "Here la your money, my brave young fellow," aald tbe count. "No," aald tho youth, "I do not ell my life Give the moesry ta tkia poor family who have need t rt" Again! the Lightning Rod. A long time au a member of the iMitch Keformed church lu Poughkeep- ale made this protest against a proposi tion to buy a llKhtnlug rod for tbe church: "We'va been to great deal drouble and great deal spetiso to build bouse for God Almltls, and now If lie's a mind to il under ou his own house and burn blin up, let him dunder den! I shan't vote for de dunder rod!" La Roohefouesuld on Love. I-ove, like (Ire, must have continual movement. When It ceases to hope and fear, It cense to exist The rensou why lovers are never weary of !lng together la because they lire nlvmys talking of themselves. I'olilnesH In love Is a sure means of being bel ive.L The nioTO we lov the nearer are we to lute. Women who love, more easily pardon great Indiscretions than little Infideli ties. It Is IniiHMslblo to love a second time vthitt we have once really ceased to love, H Liked the Family. Governor Onlborno F. Jackson of Mlnsniirt married five sisters. After one wife bad been lost and appropri ately moiiriieil ho espoused another, and be l;ept bis courting within a nar row circle of bla own relatives, for he rather l:kel the family. The venerable father of these girls wa nlnrist deaf, mid whim the gov ernor went t. this octoeunrisn to ask for his surviving daughter the follow ing conversation etiiued: "I want Llxiler "Lb?" "I want you to let me have r.lls-a-beth!" "till, yon want Lizzie, do you? Wuut forf "Per my wife!" 'Tor lifer "I wnnt-to mi.rry her!" "till, yes! Just so, I hnr you, boy." "I'm clad you do!" roared the gov ernor. "Wei!," slowly rcsiKMided tho vet eran, "you needn't yell hi tliat the whole uelKhUoiiiu.Ml knows It! Yes, you can liuve her. You've got Vm nil now, my lad. but for Koodiiina' sake, If anything happens to that 'ere pr lit tle frill don't count and a-k me for the old woman'." Jackson solemnly premised that be never woulil, The Deadly Tongu. The WHMind most deadly Instrument of ties! ruction is the dynamite gun. The gun merely kills bodies; the tongue kills reputations aud ofttimes ruins characters. 1 ach nun works alone; each loaded tonguo has a hundred accom plices. Tho havoc of tho gun Is visible at once. The full evil of the tongue lives through nil tha years; even tho eye of Omniscience might prow tired lu tracing It to Its tiuallty. The crimes of the tongue lire words of unUtuduess, of anger, of malice, of envy, of bitter ness, of harsh criticism, gossip, lylug and scandal. Theft nud murder are awful crimes, yet lu any single year tho nggregato sorrow, pnln and suffer ing they cniiHQ lu a uation is micro scopic when compared with this sor rows that come from the crimes of the tongue. William George Jordan. rrj'frrfl tfzzs '.tni firs? vs tn??'rf frs? tr?$ $ l. lmi jmSi IfZfi VJS V Ifil Vti t"W( ,mS Pxi I Crown Millinery I PARLORS. NEW ARRIVAL OF E R R Y ,litlMJMlli5Ll'lli!syill mt M SI Ugl I H I . 1 t 71? m Hats, Shoes and Clothing WIDOW! TOEOwXAarOToTS I SAILORS (9 a Ti TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED Dress Hats, Street Hats. Chil dren's Hats. Immense stock of Flowers of all kinds, fancy hat pins, all the latest styles in Ribbons Brown, light brown and tans, the dark and Copenhagen blues The Sale on Silk Baby Hoods Still continues. Many different designs 25c each Miss Jessie McCallister PROPRIETOR A complete line of Gent's Furnishings at Prices that you can afford to pay. Call in and let us show you the goods and quote you our prices. A Choice Line of Cigars & Tobaccos R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor n r: ni n,.nn i PERRY LOXO WALT 8NODERLY Long & Snoderly Dealers in Fine Wines, Liquors and ars. We handle the celebrated Sedgwick W hisky, noted for its rich, mellow flavor. Sole agents for Hop Gold Beer and the famous Napa Soda. $ IF' Solicited, I TJhe deception SMITH & CLEEK, Proprietors k Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wine and Cigars H COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED MAIN STREET Poet Office Box 92 PRINEVILLE, OREGON ?4 aT4 kv?4 iSSi iSSi 4 &t A T Ja B.7 glacksmithing That Pleases Is The Kind You Get At J.RWIGLE'S Something New In Kentucky. Knlrlmnks of Iudlauii uiul Shaw of Iowa wore atumpltig Kentucky. After a smwifsful miH-tlns tho Kentucky coloiu'l who had tho two Kepublican Btiilesuion lit clinrgo luvltotl them Into tho hotel burrooui for some refresh ment. "Whnt'll you havef' he asked Sena tor Fairbanks. "A little cold apollluarls," was tha reply. "And your" said the host to Gor ernor Shnw. "I think I will have a glass of but termilk." Tho barkeeper turned to the Ken tacklau. "What shall I give you, colo nel?" he asked. Tho Kentucky gentleman heaved a long sigh. "Under the clrcumstancea," he said, "I think you can give me piece of pie." . Schopenhauer on Innooenoo. Is In Its very nature stu pid. The first criminal and murderer, Cain, who acquired a knowledge of guilt and through guilt acquired a knowledge of virtue by repentance, and so came to understand the meaning of life, Is a tragical figure more signifi cant and almost more respectable than all the Innocent fools In the world pot togother. $250 Reward A reward of f250 will b paid (or In formation, leading to the arrest and conviction of any person found guilty of interfering with the flow of water or Jam of the Squaw Creek Irrigation Co. E.T.SLAYTON, Secy. Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, Etc. I have just received a new line of Lnp KoUes, Horse Blankets and HuKH'lt' Whips. Call and get my prices. 2-0 J. W. Boonk, rrlnevllle. : 1 9m Flint Pluce North of the Prineville Hotel eS" Si A Homwh1- Wagon and General Repair work done fi n The City Meat Market 1IOR1GAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for I Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Ita the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN & STILL LJUkJLJl.JkJI.JLJkJkJI.Jl.JkJLJLJl.Jk.JI.JLJLJt.jtJt.Jk.Jt r i r u J r.l L J n LJ r L J lj c J n LJ n L. J t j LJ n lj n tJ n ri L J n LJ The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVllobE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. LJk JLJLL.JkJLUJLJLJL.JLjUWI.I.JLJI.JL4kJLI.jLJk.JI.JLua.J L JLJLJLJLJLJLJL Jt. JLJLjLjLjfLjL.JLJLjLJLJLJLjl.JLjL;jL;jL J r.a r.a LJ ra LJ r a L J ra LJ ra L J ra LJ ra LJ ra La r.a LJ ra LJ r a L J ra L J ra LJ ra LJ ra L j ra LJ Sonera ffilaccsmiihmg Horseshoeing, Wood Work, etc., Neatly and Promptly Dose When it is Done By : : : Robert 9foore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Prineville, Oregon. rarararararararararararrair-'rararararararararararar a LyLJLUeULULJLLLIJLLjLJLUfLJLUL!JLiJLyLiJLUkyL.yLULybUUiJ i Bring your job printing to the Journal LU3MBER Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Eto., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PKINEVILLE, OREGON THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent ra L J L J r.a LJ ri L J r.i LJ r,a L J F,3 LJ r.a L J ri LJ r.i L J ra LJ ca L J r.a LJ ta LJ ta LJ L J r.a L J r.i LJ r.a LJ ra L J ra LJ ra LJ ra L J ra ra LJ r.a L J ra LJ r.a L J ca ' L J ra L J ra LJ mi i