A NEW METAL ALLOY. tAMrfhint 8tml Said to Pmmm Ma MMrkabl QualittM. Vanadium rtool ta the UtMt Mnl VXpcrtnMat, and at various nary yardt ttd fan ahop rxprUnnta art twin which are watched with ken tn- from WanhliiKton to aarartain i paecllar qualities of th new alloy. Coatly Drink. "Sjwaklng of ct!,v lriuW," aaid a wtoa axpvit. "do you kuow tht tt tba : Criterion, in London, thoy hava cah-! tnat hock at fci5 a botuT We tried It, the boea aud 1, the lust Uiue we were abroad, and our Untie waa uudrlnk-! able. It had jmuo Iwd. Noverthelma ' w bad to ia.v our fca for It Juiit the I eaiue, for, with thin aa with all very ' old and rare ins, patrons order at j Afi aorta of claim are made for thla j their own risk. The wiue carda tell It la raid to be the tongbest ' Tm aa R la touirh, though. Isn't it. af ateela aa well aa the hardest. It ctn 1 w 1J for a bottle of wine that to wrought nnder the hammer, and It "m h,r to thpow out r New Orleana folia and preesea like the aofteet of ! TluieIVm-rut. wedtah Iron, and the reduction to a j Believed Himaelf Invisible. JBlnlmnm of the number of anneal- The first Lord Lytton waa certainly togs required by large pieces of fab- daft. one morning while he waa en- ncauon n an important element or . tvrtatnlng a large company at his coun- ponomy. These are the principal claims which the nary department ta trying to sift tnt So far It has succeeded rather un expectedly in producing an alloy so try aat the trues t were atwenibled at ; breakfast tn the great hall when their ' host came In In an old dressing gown, ' poured out a cup of tea and disappear-' ed without uttertug a word to any kard that no ordinary tool will touch ; oue. Arthur Kussell expressed hla gui lt, which should make It especially raluable for the teeth of cutters and machine tools generally. There la also suggestion that such hard metal night make a good face for armor plate. But It Is suspected of brittle-! toss tn thla condition, a fatal defect j and an effort Is to be made to unite It ' with a soft and tough steel backing, making the armor correspond with the present face hardened armor. Vanadium is very expensive, but the nary department la promised an abun dant supply at low figures tn the future. DIET OF CONSUMPTIVES. prise to hla next neighbor, who said "He believes himself to be Invisible." And, sure enough, in a little time he appeared In his usual dress aud salut ed his frleuds as If he had not seen them sluce the previous night Servanta In Spain Servant worries In Spalu are reduced to a minimum, not because the domes tic class Is an ideal one, but for the reason that nothing very exalted is ex pected of it Servants are taken less seriously than In England aud allowed fuller piny of those Impulses natural to their youth aud class, Spanish serv ants sing over their work aa a matter of course. As they wash In the court- Viiril thev tnlk ami lui?h frvwlv nror ' wnnmmj nrammmaw, dux rrop.r (h(, wa wn n,gtlborlng umlJs at thp Digestion Must Be Assured. ! tub thtl,r mlstres3. proximity on the nerbert C. Clapp of Boston says b,,iwny being no hindrance to out that diet te a most Important factor uHrsts of merriment-Woman's Life. ! tn the treatment of tuberculosis. A consumptive Is much more likely to ' Cruel of the Judge. j eat too little than too much. System-! u,an s recently being tried for . atic overfetHling and proper digestion j murder, but the evidence against him of the food are the accented remedies. 8 so weak that the Judge directed ' Th t.A ,,,... iu I the turv to Hud a vertllct of "Not i Jt I. ,UV'U I i i i v LI i 111111... 'IV uuu v f i t , . , m , . ... ! millM'" an.l n.vtltl.l k.. ..n " servefi. ana uie amount must vary who ".' ......v the patient and his circumstances. The In'entiou to stop the case. But the j outdoor air will enable him to asslml- youthful counsel for the defense want- j late Innre amounts. j J ue opportunity of lecomlug fa-1 ' Milk and eggs are the best foods to ! nous. He asked permission to address ; produce fats, which are most neces-! h wcrt "Certaiuly, Mr. Cantspout" j . . . 1- . . . . . . t 1 . n t ... 1 t Vi 1 1 1 . 1 1 .i ' W" .1 ' I 1 ha, Villi ' earj 10 iuv luiiciii. auiiior aavo- .'... i' jwjij . , i : i 1 .. i ... n-ftl, n.,'ittill-kk tint ilrut f -ir mafatv'n ' tines imw SKiiitt iiit-Hls a UUJ , w IU1 " lunches ttween of milk and eggs. "ake. we'll acquit the prisoner." j about three quarts of milk and six The learned counsel blushed.-Lon-eggs a day lieiug taken. Fresh meats ' ion Straps, are especially necessary for these pa- j Wonderful Bird FlighU. IvVL" ed diet is nndoBbt- A naturallst tnat Q thel ed!y the best Meat juice Is valuable. I , , " . . . . I t.. , ., , I longest continuous flight made br birds ! bage should be let alone. Alcohol is lu thoir uieona Is accomplished by ; ; 6 WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ATTEND OUR MiMiinieipy not advisable, but coffee, tea and chocolate may be taken moderately. Medical Record. f Nonslipping Pips Wrench. Inventors have studied and worked - over the problem of devising a satis factory pipe wrench for many years. Hundreds have been patented, but few have been practical in use. A great many have been too complicated, mak ing the cost of manufacture prohibi tive." A Wisconsin man has devised rthe one shown here, which has the merits both of simplicity and nrac- i xacauimv. nst lu the lslauds of Bering sea and sjend the winter at Hawaii and Fan-1 nine Island. 2.200 miles aivnv As unna of these birds live entirely on the ! 'i shore and are probably unable to rest I !!' outhe surface of water, they must ac-1 ' complish the whole distance in a sin gle flight. Vet they make their way to their destinations with absolute pre cision. Montreal Star. Worse and Worse. A convict in a German prison had I WBENCH CASJIOT BLIP. tratlon the method of operation will be apparent The Jaws of the wrench are placed around the pipe, the free end of the lower Jaw being pivoted to the handle, which serves as a lever. The greater the pressure on the han dle, the tighter will the Jaws grasp the pipe. When the pressure has be come sufficient to rigidly hold the pipe the latter will then be forced to follow the direction the handle Is traveling. In addition no time Is lost In obtaining a fresh grip on the pipe for the next turn. been extremely refractory. One means By referring to the lllus- ' and another had been tried, but noth ing could break his spirit Oue morning the governor said to the warder: ! "1 say, Huber, the scoundrel Is be ; having worse than ever. Put him on ! bread and water." "But he Is already doing two fast I days, sir." "Then give him a cookery book to read. We must break his spirit some how." Illustrated Bits. J ' Whittier's Humor. , A story Is told of Whittler which j illustrates the character of his humor. I Two of his neighbors, an aged broth- I er and sister, had accumulated a com-' j petuuey. He thought they were work-' j lug harder than was necessary In view ' of their age and worldly accumulations ; j and spo"ke of it I "We must lay by something for our ' i lust sickness and bare enough left to j bury us," said the sister. i ' "Mary," replied Whittler, "did thee ever kuow any one In his last sickness to stick by the way for want of funds?" Th Age of Man on Earth. Man's past history upon this planet has been Immeasurably lengthened out by the discoveries of the geologists, but It Is impossible to fix upon any hard and fast date for the beginning of the species. It Is certain, says so careful a man as John Flake, that men were living in Britain contem poraneously with the big nosed rhinoc eros, which became extinct about-the beginning of the glacial period. The glacial period, according to the best authorities, began at least 240,000 years ago. In all probability human beings have been living on the earth for that length of time at the least cal culation. How much longer men have been here does not appear. New York American. Patrioian Names In Humble Life. India Is not the only country where historic names are borne by people In humble life. The same thing is found la the Italian Tyrol. The district for merly belonged to Venice, and many of the peasants are probably descended from Venetian grandees who In the palmy days of the republic were lords of the soil. This would explain a ear tain eastern flavor, for Venice iro'i nothing if not Byzantine. A common surname In the Tyrol Is ConBtanHn Climbing li the Dolomites, writ-: correspondent, I was accompanies one of the family. It gave an uLCd dignity to the ascents to feel that my guide was a possible descendap " the emperors of the east, and he 1 ' the part pejTMjTH, SATURDAY, APRIL 4th The showing will embrace all of the seasons newest conceptions. Bewitchingly beautiful, charmingly becoming are the hats that we display. Our hats come from a firm who pay from $ 20.00 to $60.00 each for the original mode. They aro a firm who have gained a world-wide reputation for their beautiful hats. They have Tarasian designers like Mine. Ileneau, Mine. Ogus, Mine, Lucile who originate exclusively for them. The modistes are famous the world over for their bats. If you have not been able to obtain hats that satisfy you; if you always paid too much for your hats, then for economy and satisfaction's sake you should pay us a visit. Do not entertain the thought that if you visit us you are obliged to buy. Come and see us, you are welcome. A visit will acquaint you with styles that appeal to your good taste. We have placed very special prices on our hats during this showing, thus compensating you fully for the trouble of a visit. Don't forget that we expect a call from you we know that you will be delighted with the styles and save money on your new hat PLEASE BRING YOUR FRIENDS MRS. EMMA PROSE V Opposite The Redby PRINEVILLE, - - OREGON Lli1 fa v ' i 1 y m i Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete line of Gent's Furnishings at Prices that you can afford to pay. Call in and let us show you the goods and quote you our prices. A Choice Line of s' Cigars & Tobaccos THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor P m m m tii S3 I'KHHY LONU WAI.T SNODKKLV Long & Snoderly Dealers in Fine Wines, Liquors and ars. We handle tho celebrated Setlgwick Whisky, mted for its rich, mellow flaijr. Solo agents for Hop (iold ileer and tho famous Napa Soda. IF'a.rcLllTr Tiado Solicited. piacksmithing That Pleases & a Is The Kind You Get At J. H. WIGLE'S First I'lace North of the I'rlneville Hotel 2 Horseshfving. Wagon and General Repair work done 1 f Nondivining Rod. The Clvlning rod expert who was ent by the German authorities to their colony In southwest Africa has been unsuccessful In hia attempts to find water. This expert made many dis coveries of underground water sup plies in Germany, and the home gov ernment accordingly determined to Utilize his services In the colony, where the need of water is pressing. It was Stated that be was successful In but one place, a valley where a chalk for mation contained a great deal of wa ter and wells would have been suc tessful If driven anywhere. Progress of Wireless Telephony, Professor Kennelly of Harvard col lege says wireless telephony is mak ing steady progress, though the pres ent range Is only about ten miles. The reason for the short range as com pared with wireless telegraphy Is the feebleness of the electric currents used In telephonic communication. In the development of a method of using ttronger currents lies the extension of She range of wireless telephony. Jfcenderson & tPollard Country Orders Solicited Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of the Poindcxter Hotel A t 'VA'Vt ' ' f ' 'v t t ' Nft Xf - " 'Vf Aa ' afc m 4? c option SMITH A CLKEK, riioi Rim)is Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines aud Cigars COUNTRY ORDFHS SOLICITI'D MAIN' STREET lt Ollice Box 0'2 PRINEVILLE, OREGON ri L J L J r..n w J n LJ n LJ rt L'J c j n r.l L'J r.T LJ r -i L'J r i L'J r.i L'J n L'J r t l J The O'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIloloE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. L J r.i L'J r t L j r.i LJ ri L J LJ ,r a L J r.l L J Yi L J r..i L J rt L J r.i L J u J r.l L J r .t L J r irinrnriririrflr"irirmjr"iririrflr"irinririr?ir!tnnr,.i L JL JLJL JL JL JL JLJk JL JLL Jt. Jk JL JL JLLLILJLJLULJL JL JL JL J rr rlr:"rr'nrr!r',r..rlrir'rr;'r'1rl"1r'l,r1rlr'1rr1rJr"t L JL.JLJLlJLiJUJLiJLiJL(JL,JL,JLJL,jf L JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL. J The City Meat Market II ORIGAN & STILL, Props. Barley for Sale Chopped barley, willioi sacks, $18 per ton. Sucked $21. Inquire ot Hcilrith Iiros., O'Neil, Ore. 2-0tf Attention Hoint-swckcrs. People coming to Crook county with the intention oi locating on government lar.d should first write or call or; Cady & Jonos, Prineville, Or. For oranges, lemons and banan as, call on Mrs. Cyrus. Onion Sets Jil Prrrv Cp,rAcn Sprl - ,m 5 AT (i I J. E. Stewart & Co.'s jj ji-ir;Tr3lTtljrilrrJll Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN & STILL r t LJ r "t LJ r.l L'J l J ri L'J r.l L'J r i L'J ri L'J r.i LJ ri L'J rt L'J r.i LJ r.l LJ ri L'J m L'J rn L J Seneral ffilacksmithmg iioiwkshokino, w(k)d wokk, ktc, Neatly and Promptly Donk When it is Donb Ry : : : tfodert 9?oore Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed Pkinkvillk, OkKdON. r.i L J n LJ ri LJ n L J IV .1 LJ r.i LJ ri L J r.i L J r.i L'J ri L J r.i L J r.n LJ n LJ r..i Li r.n L J r.a UJ r.iirriririr'irirrr.Hriir'irnrirr'irnrr'iriiririnriririrrrir.a LJLJLUtyLULJLUL JLWLJLjLJLjf LJLJLtiLLiL.JLLL-ILULJL'lJLJLULJ HI LUMBER Shingles, MoukUnRH, Windows, DoorH, GlaHHes, Etc. Etc, Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Si3nEEEiETEjEriEr3 V 4v ts ts.' fc-V kN .ISH LL I mini 1 1 mn l Bring your job printing to the Journal 9 THE HAMILTON STABLES T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent