Local Mention I. W. Wsrd ctm In from Port Unil th first of ths week Imported inlaid linoleum $ M r 'quart vsrd at A. II. I h.paun 1 1 ft n. . I . a ifim m. ruewsrt and rnuav. Jauhler of O'Nell, I. ft on jester, day'a alaga for Cortland. K H. Bpurluof Lower ".ridge, la in town iy. jre on ,, way to Vancouvrr, tt'.sh., where lie haa bought a ranch. You cannot sffi.nl lo overlook tli bargain that J. K. Hlcwart A Co. aro offering for Saturday's mle Nm their ad in thin Imui. Mm. Kiln A. IVHow. who ha pnding the winter with her daughter, Mra. T. It. Zell. returned to her hotnt In Pomeroy, Wash., eunesday, I lie annual election of officers of the V. A. A. C. will U held at the club hall on Monday, April 6, at 7:30 p. ro. All members are re- quoted to he present. rt . . . I M iwy or girl that wanta an eipresa wagon will have a chance to bu one cheap next Saturday. April 4th, if liny lake advantage J. H.O'KHIrv of A,hood. in thw nly thin w.-rk. i. i. i . . i ip rumored, iimi Alum ,,rt Ward la to he married soon. tr i. ti . i .. .. .. . i. unrure and w. li. Miles of Lsiillaw. were In town Friday. II. J. Ileiily of Culver, waa at I tending to business in the city lasl of J. K. Stewart & Co.'a special aale. Teddy 0. Itoker waa in Prino villa lat Friday returning to hi ranch near Laidlaw from Burns. where he went to make proof on a timber claim. He spent several weeks at Burns. A aocial dance will be given at the P. A. A. C. hall next Friday evening April 3, for member of the Athletic Club and their friend and the Ladle' Annex. Dancing will commence at 8 o'clock. Music by Ferguson and (ilaxe. The usual services are to lie held at the Methodist church next Bun day. At the morning aervice the pator will preach the sermon. In the evening Rev. J. T. Moore will preach. Both services are to lie in the nature of union services of the Methodist and Baptist chtirchea. There will be special muic. All are invited. Mra. Collins Klkina entertained Tuesday afternoon in honor of the Misses Baldwin. Those present were: Misses Bertha and Fay Baldwin, Mrs. Hockenberry, and the Misses tUritcll, Conwny, Acker, Ilolsworth, Cleveland, Morse, Sweeney, Alice Smith, Ceole Smith, Iva Booth, Iiaxel Howard, Friudie Lippman, Bertha Homey, Maude Brown and Maybelle Heed. There were a number of contesta which afforded Iota of fun. Mica Edna Miller Mui'txTMon, a stockman from the Anhwood neighborhood, was in town hint Saturday. J. W. Ficbcr, a stockman from Shaniko, fjH-nl several days jn I'rinrville during the week. Chester H. McCorkle, a resident of the Blijuard Hidge country near Anli wood, was in the city the latter part of last week. J. II. Haner returned home Sun- day from a Hl-dny' trip to Lake view where he had business before the United Stntea hind office. K. J. Setzer of Bellingharo, Wash., arrived in Prineville this week. He is looking over this country with a view to locating M. Maxwell, a aheepman from Shaniko, was in I'rinevillo during the conference of tb stockmen with the stijervisors of the forest reserves Miss Angie Owens who hat lieen visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Ssrah Stevens, tor the past two months, left for her home at Eu gene today. Fred W. Durbin. an Antelope sheepman, was in Prineville lnt Friday and Saturday conferring with the forest suerviors about range fur stock. Henry Turner of Powell Buttes, was arrested for statutory crime last week. He bad a hearing he- fore Justice Luckey and was bound over in the sum of $2500 to art pear at the spring term of the dis trict court. Turner will remain n the county jail until the amount of his bond is raised. Ed Hodson made the run from Shaniko to Prineville last Sunday night in a little over five hours. The auto left Shaniko at 7 o'clock and arrived here between 12 and! This is pretty good going but does not equal the record time made by the machine on Its first trip. It covered the distance at that time in 4 hours. The KOplv of the First Presby terian church are not satisfied with anything save the heal, and in ad dition to the refurnishing noted ast week, they have purchased a new organ ol the most improved type, and especially adapted for use in churches. The organ will tie Percy Walter of Bend, visited in town last Friday. Born On March 2iHh, to the wife of (iuy Latollette, a boy. Boiled barley, lowest rash price at J. K Stewart St Co. C. W. Klkina' millinery opening is announced for Friday and Satur day, April 3d and 4th. Tbe type last week got It 2d and 3d. A large number of strangers and visitors have been in the city the pust week, the Hotel Prineville be ing full for several-nights. No stagnation of business in this part of Oregon. Tillman Ileuter.of Madras was in town during the week. He has been exerimenting with the grow ing of different varieties of corn, of which the Journal will muke more extended mention next week. Usual services will be held in the Presbyterian church next Sun day morning, Ir. Dunsmore preaching at each service. The evening service commences t 8 o'clock instead of 7:30 as formerly. Special munio by the male quar tette. Everybody invited. Few of our citizens ? as enter prising or publio spirited as Mrs. McDowell, proprietress of the Ho tel Prineville. In addition to the many modern appliances and im provements in connection with her hotel, sho has recently completed an indeiendent sewer system run ning from the hotel snd discharg ing into septic tanks, from thence the overflow is conducted into the Ochoco by the new sewer. Mis. Lee Wigle came up from Portland Sunday. Mrs. Este has her new stock of millinery on display. Farmer Powell relumed from his visit to Portland Sunday. TheCiown Millinery Parlors re ceived a new lot of spring hats yes terday. C. C. Brix received the nomina tion for supreme judge at the socialist convention in Portland. Mrs. Prose announces her millin ery ojning for Saturday, April 4. See her ad. Carl Ehret of Ehret Bros., the Redmond mercantile firm, parsed through town Tuesday on his way to the railroad at Shaniko. Walter Foster came in Sunday from Corvallis where he has been attending the 0. A. C. He will spend the summer in Crook county. Miss Cordelia Stevens has bee'n confined to her room with sicknecg this week. Prof. Hockenberry has been taking her classes at the high school. James W. Wright i out for the county judgeship on the demo cratic ticket. As he is the only democratic candidate out for that office he will have no trouble in landing the nomination. J. E. Marks of Canvon Citv publitdies his announcement this week as a republican candidate for the office of joint representative of the Twenty-first District, compris ing Crook, Grant, Lake and Klam- ! ath counties. ' Nick Weider was from Bend Tuesday Howard F. Jones of Redmond, was in I'rinerille Sunday. Colonel W. A. Belcher of Red mond, vifited in the city Sunday. Judge F. A. Brooks of Madras, came up from that place last Toes day. R. Ii. Hinton and wife of Shani ko, were registered at the Prine ville last Saturday. Joseph W. Cook and Dave Peck were in town Tuesday and Wednes day from their homes near Culver. Andrew Morrow of the Morrow & Ket-nan company, at Grizzly, at tended the stockmen's meeting here last Saturday. Charles D. Brown, the real estate and insurance man of Bend, was in the city the first of tbe week at tending to business. James Overturf of Bend, made a flying trip to this city last Tues day. Mr. Overturf exjiecta to go to Seattle in the near future. Baker Knox was down from Post tbe last of the week. Mr. Knox has his left band in a sling, tbe result of an accident with a team. The Ladies Annex will bold their regular annual election of of ficers next Tuesday evening, April 7. All members are expected to be prenent. Evangelist E. R. Moon of Al bany, began a series of revival meetings in the Union church tbe first of the week, under the auspices of the Christian church. in the y,nsegsSeSl&3S?3SSSS3Se533 .0. 0 11 worse won the book contest and shipjied here at once and will be Misa Sweeney captured the prize all ready for use in the sjncial Easter service, which will occur in in the magazine contest. Miss Cleveland, too, came out with the best score in the proper way to handle an infant. Refreshment were aerved and the young ladies reKrt a very enjoyable time. two weeks. At the communion service held lant Sunday lour new members were admitted to the church and baptism administered to two eirls. StkMl ft0fcl Cum Sappli Jtwttry Wll r.pr D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Mukal Uiliiiuli Mifuiati Ltney'i Cu4ic StaUoMry Ciftn Q The place to buy an Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Rockford, Hampden, Illinois, or any other good make of watch movement. These you can have in solid gold, gold filled, solid silver or nickle cases. Prices to suit all. We have Chains, Charms, Necklaces, Fobs, Rings, Bracelets, Emblem Pins, Cut Glass and Silverware. I Competent Jeweler and Engraver in charge. D. P. Adamson & Co. DRUGGISTS p Facts About Machinery i q In buying Plows, Drills, Harrows, etc, it behooves one to know beforehand that they can get repairs for, same. It is a great inconvenience and expense to be unable to get any certain part to an implement or ma chine from the local agent, therefore we aim to keep supplies for all our machinery, besides our endeavor is to handle only the best, standing the least show for breakage. Of such we are the exclusive agents for Oliver Chilled Plows, Superior Grain Drills, The Os born Spring and Spike Tooth Harrows, etc. In ad dition to being able to supply you any necessary re pairs, we are selling them at reasonable prices. Cream Separators Hveyouoeen thinking alw.nt Cream Separatum? If no, look Into the merits, not prk, vl the various make and see It you are not dttl!el In favor of the Sharpies Tubular. It In positively the simplest, most durable, light-running, cloaeat-skhnraliiK ma chine on the market. Its ynU?tn of separating Is entirely differ ent from any other make the milk going In at the bottom where It whlrln with the bowl being subjected to the powerful centri fugal force which the bowl generate, the Mklm milk Immediately leaves the cream, the milk whirling upward against the wall of the ImjwI and pa.lng out at tbe skim milk outlet, while the cn-ani whirl upward Inside the milk, passing out of the cream outlet. Tbi bowl consists of only three piece which are easy to take out and ck-an, which Is one of the great points about a ma chine. You will notice that the supply can in The Tubular Is low so that one does not have to climb up to empty the milk. Any child can ojierate a Tubular. We would be pleased to show you a Tubular and know that they are a great convenk-nce and money saver to all who have milk to take care of. 9 W. F. 0 Removal Notice W. Frank Petett, the Jeweler, has removed from Adamson's Drug Store to the northeast corner of the O'Neil Restaurant Do not mistake the place. lar; wit LARGEST CATALOG , M.il Onkr How m GROCERIES CNONtJZE THRO JONES KarrfwMT. Dry Goocfc and ifJNFS C A CLJ tTAI.r 1 I w wnn vnc Oifm a nvuij) on wUipvet you may art-J Srtl ( I Catalog, The Buyers uidc Front and Oak Su. PORTLAND. OK r WE TO BUY FURS 5 IH1 DDE for rot wh. mil m nome. IV to mom mont tor vrai b tthin Raw Fnrst and TliHw tn m thun tn Writ for Price Lis. Market Keport, Snipping Tuto. and shook oar HUNTERS'&TRAPPERS'GUIDE., V-0 ps, Usvtlwr bimod. Best tbinc on th object wrttu-n Illustratinj all Fur Animals. Ail abrat Trpprs ' SacrsO, Decoy. Trap. Gun) Law. Bow and whn to trap, and to heom a siio OMfal trapper, h't areolar Encyclopedia. Prica. 92. To our curtomart, $1.15. H'd? unn-l into baauttfot Rohea. Our agnatic But and Decor attracts animals fe traps, ft 00 rwr hurtls. Stpp nar Bidaa attract to Maadgetajftpooaa. Aa4eraek Uruav, IN:pt-118. MimwiNJla, High-grade Nickel Alarm Clocks As good as you ki'U erally buy for $1 50 Oor prk-e only 95c Watch The famous Ingei-soll make, guar- anteeil for one year 0.V Cht our prloee on high-grade Wal tham or Kliflti makes; we can save you money. Baking Powder Schillings, Mb eaus ... ..." r0e " B-lb " 2 00 Golden Gate, l-lb cans . 50c 2X-lb " 1 00 " 5-lb " 2 00 Dependable, l-lb tlus 40e a,Vi-lb " i)5c Wadeo, l-lb cans zrc Beans No. 1 rinks, per lb 0(lc ' 8uiall White, per lb 07c " Llmas, iH'rlb 00c " Mexican Ited, per lb OJe Canned Vegetables Standard Corn, per case 2 50 " Tomatoes, per cone 3 25 Beans, per cane 3 00 M Teas ......... 8 25 Canned Fruits Diamond W brand, all kinds of fruit per can 30c Standard Brand, per can 25c Cheese Full Cream choeBe per lb 25c Lots of 5-lb or more 22Je 11, Home-Rendered Lard 6 m 80c 10 IIih l.tto Macaroni l-lb pkgn 12) 10-lb boxes 70o Crackers 1- lb CartoiiH, r pkg 12c 2- Ib ' ' .. 1 25c Extracts The very best grades 2-o lemon 25c 2-os vanilla ...... 30c 4-os lemon . 45c 4-is vanilla . ooe Mush Goods 10-lb lings Rolled Oat 50c Vlolot " " ,. 10e Crvam of Wheat 20c Germ Grit 400 Korn Kluks 8!ic Force . Kh; Grahniu, 25-lb sacks (We 50-lb " . l 00 Whole Wheat Hour 25-lb GOc " " " 60-lb 1 10 Hominy, 10-lb bags 45c Corn Meal " " 4rx. Grapenwt .... Milk Carnation 12c Englo 20c Syrups Sunset, X-gal palls ... 40c lgal " 80c Rock Candy, -gal 50c Tea Garden, Jtf-gal COc " " 1 gal 1 15 Diamond W Maple, qt 50c Diamond W Maple, -gal 80c " 1 gal....... 1 65 Astec (pure Sugar Syrup) gal 60 lgal 1.00 J. E. Stewart & Co. Specials for Saturday, Apr. 4 These goods will be gold at these special cut prices on this day only. Take advantage while you can, No. 1 Macaroni, white or vellow, 10-lb boxes, Saturday. .". . Best grade soft shell walnuts 2 pounds for Best grade of almonds. 2 pounds for. .... . Lnrp.' fancy lemons. . , per dozen With every one-pound can of either Schillings or Folgers baking powder at 50 cents, wo will give a 15-cent can of Old Dutch Cleanser free. OKI Dutch Cleanser has no equal as af scouring and polishing powder will not scratch the finest silverware 55o 35c 35c 25c 20th Century Express Wagons These are extra well made wagons, good strong wheels, and the gear is malleable iron which will not break. It will pay you to take advantage of this sale as the price is at least 25 per cent, below value No. 121 inch bed 95c No. 2 24 inch bed.... .1 55o No. 3 28 inch bed -. . .2 15c No. 4 30 inch bed ' 2 60o Lightning Icecream Freezers 2 quart size 2 25 3 quart 2 60 4 quart 3 15 6 quart 4 00 Food Choppers Medium size 1 60 Large size 1 85 Common W5r Nails Basis priee per keg .. 5 00 Small lots per pound ; Ot! Stoneware 1 gal stone jars and covers 50 2 gal . 80 4 gal 1 25 5 gal , 1 60 1 gal stone jug 50 gal bean pot 35 1 gal " " . 50 2 gal stone churn 85 3 gal " , " l 10 Men's Suits - We have on hand about 25 men's suits which we are anxious to close out as we do not Intend to carry a stock In this line. Our regular price was reasonable, but to make make them move quick we will let them go at juBt one half price Men's Hats A lot of broken lines In hats, a few of each kind and sizes a little brok en, value up to $3.50, your choice 05 Clothes Pins Common, 3 doz 10c U. S. clasp 1 doz . 8c Lanterns, No 2 cold blast 1 5 Wash Boards No 1 glass.. jZ 55c No 1 brass 55c No 1 Zinc . 45c Rice No 1 Japan per lb : 8c No 1 Head per lb 10c Salt R. S. V. P. 3-lb pkg '. 15c Fancy, small bags 1 10c Dairy, 50 lb l 20 Soap Star, per bar 5c " 20 bars 90c Tar " " 6c Borax " medium size 6c Castile, large bars 25c Fancy Toilet soap . 5c Dew-Drop Wash Fowder, 3-lb pkg 25c Pyramid " " " " 25c Smoking Tobaccos l-lb can Union Leader 50c '. " Dixie Queen 55c " " Pedro 60c Mince Meat Condensed lu l-lb pkgs.. 12e Nuts No 1 Soft-Shell Walnuts, per lb 25c I. X. L. Almonds (the very best).. 25c Home-Cured Meats Hams, per lb 19e Bacon " Hie Cove Apples (The best on the market) Per box 1.65 D. M. Ferry's Garden Seeds Number 1 Onion Sets Garden Tools No. 2 Garden Hoes 35e "1 " " 65c No. 2 Garden Rakes 40c " 1 " " 70c Flour Flour, per sack. . . 1 10 " " bbl 4 25 " 5-bbl lots 4 00 Lye, Rex friction top can 10c Diamond W Honey, Ka' 85 Vinegar, pure cldar, per gal 40c nBBHBBIBESBBBi