Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 02, 1908, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal
Subscription f 1.50 a year.
The twelfth anniversary of Car
nation Chapter, Order of the East
ern Star, was held on Friday even
ing, March 27th, in the Masonic
Hall. A larce attendance of ihe
members and their friend? were
present, and a very pleasing musi
cal and literary program was rendered.
The Worthy Matron Mrs. Smith,
welcomed the visitors and mem
berg in a very happy address, after
which Mr. Brink pave a brief his
tory of the Chapter and read some
of the correspondence relating to
the organisation twelve years ago.
A solo, "Schooldays" by Miss
Lorene Winnek, and one "Through
Sonny Spain" by Miss Nelm
were greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Dr. Belknap recited a poem
by Joaquin Miller, in her usual ef
fective and charming manner, and
another recitation by her son,
Master Wilbur, was conclusive evi
dence of the dramatic talent in the
Belknap family.
Hon. J. N. Williamson surprised
the audience by his wonderful
Tersatility, in that he proved con
clusively his ability to comprise
an entire quartette in himself, as
he "sang a little tenor, sometimes
baritone, and sometimes a little
bass." His song brought an en
thusiastic encore from his audi
ence, to which he responded with a
repetition of the chorus.
The " hit " of the evening
was a " Screaming Farce" en
titled M Female Masons," given
by fifteen ladies, members of
the Eastern Star. Mrs. Brink
presided " in the East " and
was most effectively supported
by the various members. While
they perhaps did not always ad
here to the requirements of parlia
mentary law, and although their
passwords and signs were a little
unusual, it is certain that every
brother Mason present must have
gained a new insight into the
secrets and beauties of masonry as
its precepts, principles and prac
tices were unfolded and presented
by the "female masons."
The sudden appearance of a lit
tle mouse on the floor rather op
Bet the dignity of the members for
a time, and caused some of them
to strike peculiar and mavelous at
titudes, but the interruption was
shortlived and the "regular or
der" resumed.
Following the program refresh
ments of ice cream and cake were
served, and the company lingered
some time in the enjoyment of
that fellowship always found under
such auspices. Carnation Chap
ter O. E. S. is one of Prineville's
most prosperous and flourishing
Services by Evangelist Moon.
Thursday April 2-DM Christ Arise from the
Friday, April Tlie Two Covenants.
Saturday, April 4-Kaiih.
Sunday, April 511 a. m. Diseases. 7:30 p.
m. The Holy 6pirit.
Monday, April 6 The Devil. '
Tuesday, April 7 Baptism.
Wednesday, April (Mjlirist came.
Thursday, April 9 Olwdiunce.
Friday, April 10 Tut Value of a Man.
Saturday, April 11 The Five Kingdoms. '
Sunday, April 12-11 a m.-The Tabernacle a
Type of the Church. 7:30 p. m. Photographs
of God.
Girl Wanted
A girl for (.Mineral housework ; good
place ; good waes. A pply at this oltice.
$250 Reward
A reward of 250 will be paid for in
formation leading to the arrest and
conviction of any person found guilty
of interfering with the (low of water or
dam of the riquaw Creek Irrigation Co.
K. T. SLA y TUN', Secy.
Barley to Trade
I will deliver uteam rolled barlev at
Prineville in exchange for fresh milk
cow with calf, Jersey preferred. Ad
drees 11. E. Jacobs,
3-26-a2 Madras, Oregon,
Stock for Sale
90 head of stock cattle. Young.' and
in good condition. Call on Philip Gra
ham, Hay Creek, Or. 3-19-lmp
Stump Grubbers for
Two Btump grubbers for sale cheap.
One No. 2, fully equipped ; one No. 3,
fully equipped. Both in first-elasn con
dition. For further particulars address
George Hohbs, Bend, Oregon. 3-12-lrn
Mt. Vernon, Springs
Free board, lodging and bathe for
any person ntllicted with rheuma
tism, that the Mt. Vernon Warm
Springs will not cure. H. A. MUK
THY, proprietor, Mt. Vernon, Ore.
Redmond Items
Uedmoiid, Ore., Mar, SO, VS.
Fin s Woods was to go to Mad
ras today.
A remonstrance is out against
granting a license for saloon at
this place.
The new schoolhouse is begin
ning to take on the appearance of
a building.
C. V. Muma reports the rads
from Shuniko in pretty good con
dition, especially for this time of
Lou Ueeti was in from spending
Sunday at Mr. Tuck's. Mrs. Keed
has been there for a week or ten
P. K Simons showed his pleasant
countenance once more in Kedmond
last Wednesday from the Bend
bound stage.
Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, Davidson
and Mr. Kby attended the Sunday
School meeting at the Forked
Horn schoolhouse Saturday.
The annual business meeting
and election of ollicers of the
Ladies' Aid Society is to be held
Thursday April 9. A full at
tendance is desired.
A very pleasant surprise on Mr.
and Mrs. II. F. Tinslev was plan
ned and on Saturday night was
carried out. Many neighbors
gathered and passed the eveuing
with them.
Two road petitions are out, one
for a continuation of the last
north and south road on south
across the school section to connect
with the Laidlaw road, and another
one to connect that one with the
Bend road.
And now comes word that an
old friend, Neighbor Handegaard
did not go to the eld country at
all but settled down at Lake Park,
Minnesota, and last fall got mar
ried. e knew that he was afflict
ed with the microbe when he left
here, but we supposed it would
carry him off before it did.
E. P. Park.
Additional Locals.
Charley Summers left the first
of the week for Arlington, Or.
Registration c loses April 7.
Don't wait until the last moment.
II. F. Jones, the republican
candidate for nomination as as
sessor, will have an article in next
week's issue of the Journal that
will be of interest to every tax
payer in Crook county regardless
of party affiliations. Mr. Jones
has bad four years' experience as
assessor in Colorado, with an ad
ded experience of fifteen years as
a real estate appraiser and sales
man, and as he is thoroughly fa
miliar with the subject bis article
should be read by every voter in
the county.
William P. Vandevert of Bend,
was in the city Saturday in attend
ance at the meeting of the stock
men with the forester supervisors.
Mr. Vandevert runs his stock in
the upper Deschutes country where
he has made his home for many
years. "We certainly had a fine
meeting," he said, in speaking of
the session with the supervisors.
"One matter was adjusted that has
for a long time been a subject of
controveisy, and that was the ap
portionment of the range in the
vicinity of Crane Prairie. Every
body's interests were looked out
for, passage ways for the bands of
sheep were provided for, and every
one interested in that portion of
the range wa, so far as could be
learned, perfectly satisfied. It is
the adjustment of these matters
that make the meetings of the
stockmen and the representatives
of the government so valuable."
crooe mm mi
W. A. Booth, President
D. F. Stewart, Vice President
O. M. Elkins, Cashier
W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkins,
D. F. Stewart
Transacts a General
Banking Business
Exchange Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt attention
& For Irrigated Farms
and Fruit Lands a
In the Deschutes Valley write
Redmond, Oregon.
Candidates Column.
Jaawe W. Writ fer Ceaat Mf
To the lVntocrattc voter of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce my can
dtilMcy for the ottiee of county Juduv.
subjevt to your approval nt the
primaries to t held April IT.
J. E. Marks far Jeial Riprmatitifa
To Kepuhllcnn Voter I nm n
candidate tor the republican nomi
nation as one of the Joint Hepnwnt
nttve front the Twenty-first repre
(tentative district, coinprintnjr Grant,
Crook, Klamath and Luke count U,
there being two ctuididatca to de
nominated and eki'tet! from this dis
trict. It I aiu nominated and elected
I will devote my time and t Korta to
the enactment of nocensary Inwa and
the repel of unnecessary laws; that
I will vote tor the people's choice for
Cnlted Stated senator, provided he
Is a republican.
J. E. Makkh.
Canyon City, tirnut county, Orv
irou F. L Dartaa far Cecal Assesser
To the republican voters of Crook
county: I horvby announce myself
a a candidate for the otllce of
county assessor, subject to your ap
proval at the primaries to 1h held
April 17th. K. K. IUvton.
Laidlaw, Ore.
H. L Half alt Far Jeeat Stealer
I wish to state that I am a candi
date tor the republican nomination
for Joint Senator to represent the
district constating of crook, Klamath
and I jike counties.
11. I j. IIoi.oATK, Honaiua. Ore.
T. T. Cacr far C s .
Candidate for Republican congee
sional Nomination in the Second Ois
trlct. l.tla-ral appropriation for
waterways, equal opportunities and
privileges for labor ami capital, ami
government control of corporations.
T. T. tiKKK.
fni A. Ric far Ceaatj Sareer
To the republican voter of Crook
county: 1 a un ounce myself a can
didate for the o.ilce of county sur
veyor, subject to your approval nt
the primaries to be held In April.
Frkd A. Kick.
H. P. BelkaaB far Jeiat Reereseatatire
To the republicans of Crook,'
Grant, Klamath and Lake counties:
I wish to Inform the republican of
Crook, Graut, Klamath and Lake
counties, conHtttuting the Twenty
first "Hepresentative DiHtrlct of Ore
gon, that my name will lie preseuted
for your consideration at the
primary election to le held April 17,
l'JOS, asking your suffrage for selec
tion as one of the republican 'nomi
nee for Joint Representative to lie
balloted for on J une 1, l'.KX
11. I. Uki.knap, Crinevllle, Ore.
H. F. Jaaes far Assessor
To the voters of Crook county: 1
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of county nswssor,
subject to the approval of the reput
llcan voters at the primaries to be
held April 17, 1!K)S.
II. F. Jo.nkh. Redmond,
Jak Stnwl far Sheriff
To the voters of Crook count': I
hereby announce myself a a candi
date for the nomination of sheriff,
subject to the approval of the demo
cratic voters at the primaries to le
held April 17th. Jake Stuol'o.
Jaaes Rice for Ceaseussioaer
To the voters of Crook county: I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the nomination of county
commissioner, HUhJcct to the ap
proval of the republican voters at
the primary election to lie held April
17. J a m km Rice.
Wade H. Hostoa fer Cesntj Surreyor
To the democratic voters of crook
county: I hereby announce myself as
a candidate for nomination to the
office . of county surveyor. Your
support at the primaries In April
will Ihj appreciated.
Wadk II. Huston.
W. C. Ceogjetea far Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of sheriff of
Crook county, subject to the ap
proval of the democratic voters at
the primaries to lie held April 17,
unj. w. u. uoNoi.ETON, raiiima.
M. A. Ukataa far Ceeatj Stkl SaaanataaaVe
I hctvbv announce that I will lie a
candidate for county school uerlu-
tendeut of Crook county subject to
the action of the republican voter
In the primary election.
M. A. I.khman, O'Noll. Ore.
Ralph Sharp far Jastke ef the Peer
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of J not lev of the
Pence subject to the approval of the
democratic voter at the primaries
to ho held In April.
It a t . mi Su a hi1.
C Serierw far Jaiat Seaater
To the voter of Crook, Ijke nd
Klamath "counties: I announce my
self a candidate for the otllce- of Joint
Senntor, ubjtvt to the approval of
the denuK-ratlc voter of the district.
U. SiMtiNiiitu, culver, Oregon.
W. F. Kiaj far Caaaly Treesarer
To the voter of Crook County: 1
hereby announce myself a a candi
date for re-eloctlou to the otllce of
county treasurer, subject to your
approval of the administration of
the otllce during my present term.
W. F. Kino.
H. A. Fester far Assesser
To the democratic voter of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce- my can
didacy for the office of county a
sessor, subject to your approval at
the primary election to Ito held
April 17. II. A. FoHTKr,
J. D. Ufellatte far Ceaat Assessar
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for re-election to the office of
county assessor, subject to the ap
proval of the democratic voters at
the primaries to be held In April.
J. I. Lakoi.i.kttk.
R. A. Far! far Ceaatr Scheel Saeriatraeeet
To the republican voters of Crook
county: 1 hereby announce myself
a candidate for the off lee of county
school superintendent. Your sun
port at the primaries in April will be
appreciated. U. A. Fobi.
W. P. Mytrs Far Diitrrtt Altera
To the Republican voter of the
Seventh Judicial lUntrlct: 1 desire
the nomination at your hand to
the office of IMstrlct Attorney and
will appreciate your votes at the
coming primary election If you deem
me worthy of your support.
W. F. Mykics. Uildlaw. Ore
Fraak Elkiai far Sheriff
To the voters of Crook county: I
hereby announce my candidacy for
the otllce of sheriff of crook county,
on tlie republican ticket, subject to
the approval of the republican voter
at the primary to be held In April.
Fkank Ki.kinm.
Warrta Br we fer Ceeaty Clerk
To the voters of crook county: I
hereby announce myself a candidate
for the the office of county clerk,
subject to the approval of the demo
cratic voters at the primaries to be
held In April. Waiihkn IIuown.
L F. Willils fer State Seeaior
I herewith announce myself a can
dldate for Joint senntor from'Klam-
atli, Lake and crook counties on tlie
republican ticket, subject to the de
cision of the primary election.
L. F. Wili.ith,
Klamath Falls, Ore., Feb. 4th. l'.KW,
Cee. H. Merrjraaa far State Senator
1 hereby submit my name to the
republican voters for joint senator
from Klamath, Lake and Crook
counties at the primary election to
lie held April 17, 11)08.
Having faithfully represented this
district In the last session of the leg'
Islature, and since the senatorshlp
has, for this term, been conceded to
Klamath, I again ask for tlie favor
able coiiHiderntlon of t he voters of
tills Senatorial district.
Gko. II. Mkkkyman.
Reduction Sale
or 30
Big saving in Furniture
and Household Goods
For 30 days I will reduce the price on all
grades of Furniture and Household Goods from
10 to 35 per cent
My Stocks Must Be Reduced
jj New Showing of Spring Goods
Superb Showing of jj
Fine Shirt Waists $
Fancy Wash Silk
and Net Waists rrom
$3.50 to $8.50
The Largest 'and Best Line of
High-Class Goods we have ever
shown are here for your choo.inf.
m Shoes,
tJ Our New Spring Lines of
0 SOROSIS SHOES for Ladies,
j2 Man Who Cares and Distinct
Kpj "76" School Shoes are coming
in Daily. Our Prices are
pi Right. See Them.
J. F. BlaackarJ far Ceeetr Jadr ,
.MtiilruM, Ore., Jiuttmry 2H.
To the voter of Crook county:
I hereby announce lnywclf it cntull-
date for iioiuiniition, on tlie repul-
llcnn ticket, to the olllce of County
JuiIkc Your Mtipport nt the rl
innrleM, April 17, will lie truly
Klticen-ly your,
J. K. Ill, AN( it Alio.
H. A. Braltaia far Jaiat RtareseatatiT.
To the republican of Klamath,
Lake, Crook ami Grunt count lew
I wIhIi to Inform the republican of
Klamath, Luke, Crook and Grant
countlcH, cniiMt I to tinf the Twenty
(irHt ltepreHcntatlve Ulntrlct of Ore
gon, that my name will be preeutel
for your cotiHlileratlon at the url-
niary election to tie hehl April 17,
l'JO.S, nk I UK your Htiffrajre form-Ice
tlon a one of the republican nomi
nee for Joint ltepreHcntatlve In Haiti
diHtrlct, to I' balloted for on June 1,
1!KW. .
II. A. Ukattain, PalHley, Ore.
H. C EUis fer Ceaatr Jwlf.
To the voter of crook county: I
hereby announce niyelf a a candi
date for the office of county Judge,
Kubject to the approval of the repuli-
llcan voter at tlie prlmarle to be
held April 17, 1908. II. C. Elm.
Fred W. Wilsea ;Fer District Attenw
Subject to the approval of the
voter of Crook and Waaco countie,
my candidacy I announced for the
Republican nomination for DiHtrlct
Attorney of th6 (Seventh Judicial
DiHtrlct. If nominated and elected
I hIiuII endeavor to dlwharge the
diiticH of t he olllce faithfully a pro
vided by law.
Kked V. Wilhon,
W. R. McFarlaad for Coaat Treasurer.
To the democratic voter of Crook
county: I hereby announce tnyelf a
candidate for the office of county
treasurer, nubject to your approval
at the prlmarle In April.
W. 11. McFahi.and.
A. H. Keojiedjr for Justice ef Ike Peace
I hereby announce myelf a candl
date for the office of Justice of the
Peace nubject to the approval of the
republican voter at the prlmarle
to be held In April.
A. H. Kknnbdv.
W. R. Cook fer County School Superintendent
To the democratic voter of crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candidate, for nomination to the
olllce of county Hchool Htiperlutend
ent. Your Hiipport at the prlmarle
in April, will be heartily appreciated.
W. H. Cook.
Win Jobnsoa for County Treasurer
To the voter of Crook county: 1
hereby announce myself a a candi
date for the nomination, on the re
publican ticket, to the office of
county treaHtirer. If nominated and
elected I promise to faithfully dl
charge tlie duties of the office.
Wm Johnson.
Skirt k Pants
We have an unusually attractive line of Dreii
Skirts which we will sell at the following
BIG CUT in prices:
$6.50 values cut to...JH
625 " "
.... .. 3.00
...... 1.50
$6.25 Pant, now $4.15
5.50 " "
4.60 " '
4.00 " "
3.75 " " .....
3.50 " ...
$3.25 Pants now $2.00
3.00 " 1.95
2.75 - - 15
2.50 " 1.75
2.25 " 1.50
Clifton & Cornett
Successors to R. E. Simpson
Report of the condition of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
At the clot of business February 14, 1908
Loom and DUoounta tm,M 80 capital Btook 80,000 00
United Statea Bonds W.SO0 00 flurplns and undivided proflti 67,m W
Bank r remises 12,206 1J circulation 1200 00
Due from banks sub to ck 114,184 80 Individual Deposits 2SSAW W
cash on hand 80.270 0 UlvlileiiHiin pnld 8.170 00
Redemption fund 62S 00
t7fl,700 68
B. F. Allan, President
Will Wuriwetlar, Vice-President
"7A.7M R8
T. M. Baldwin, Cashier
H. Baldwin, Asa't Cashier
Subscribe for the Journal. $1.50 Year