' i 1 Crook , Couety ourm VOL XII PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 2, 1908. NO. 16 ORATORY AND DECLAMATION 6 Crook County High School Inter- Society Contest at P. A. A. C Hall FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 10 TU Wmwr fa Ortlwjr U Im SmI U BW U Will W.H.. ' f f I reparations are now complete ' for tlm annuul oratorical and decla mation contest lieiwecti the Oi-ho-. conian and Alpha literary fodetiea 'of ttm Crook County High School, . which Mill take place lr, I'. A. A. Hall Friday evening, April 10. , Ine Uclioconian society will Ihi represented in oratory by Luther Moor, Arthur Undlmrg and Kan ilolph Kelehum; in declamation l.y telia Melum, Kthel Moore, fttiwi Kidder and Wilford lid knap. Kdgar Ha men and Itolwrl Cram will represent the Alpha ao ciety in oratory; Clara Homey. l-orcna Winnt-k and Donald Ur wood in declamation. The twelve eonU'atanta have worked hard and the context promise to m a clone otic, closer even than the Inter-a-eicty debate, Thooratora have chonen U.K. (Iray, J. F. Hlam hard and W. A, Booth to judge the content Th.ne gentlemen will read over the or.itiona la-fore the context, grad ing them for English, and will grade for delivery alone the night of the context. Thia method pi vex the participant fair judgement and niak-a the work eaxier for thoxe who aro to judge. The judge, aa choxen by thore in the declamation context nro Mrx. Col r, r.n fin h&iSJ-:-: W fur uMfvvfa II sir tfijr :-K W W Zi L'J uu KJ rn rn nn D J nn tICJ nil - no cu yu U'J , Ll'J ran nn uu nn uu en am nn i uu nn vij nn vu nn LU nn. uu . nn? vu nn uu .. nn uu nn ,.: Lsa nn , uu .: nn tiu nn . Ci(J nn V'J DEI BO nn uu A. I V Muslin Underwear AT A HEAVY DISCOUNT We have bought for this c ccasion 360 pieces of Musli Under wear Drummers' Samples-at a heavy discount and will place them on sale for the first time on our opening day. No i2.Pje,c?s 'k' an( every piece a perfect sample. Includes PETTICOATSWNS' T CERS' DRAWEkS and " i " 1 BEAUTIFUL SPRING SHIRT WAISTS, W Skirts and Ladies' Jumper 8uita now ready PRINEVILLPS BIG STORE lin- W. Klkii.n, M. R. Kllimt and J. N WjiamMi. Mori- 1 1 nin initial I n i cub i center" around this event, fur arrange' tiu'iitK have lire ii iimilfi lu cnd the willing of tht medal tor oratory to linker City, to participate in the Kanterti Oregon oratorical conic!?' ami tli' winner of tin medal for declamation to Whitman, in con Wnt riKHinit both Oregon and WaKhingtoii. itv I a . . i ui'Kt'M ior urn content arc now on aula and may ls purchan-d from any Hic.li Srhool Undent, Price thirty-five cent, rctrvfd eat at Winnek fifteen renin extra, Well Known in Crook County Charlea M. Cartwright, a promi nent and well-known etockman, died laal week In Portland. He wim 73 yearaof age. The immedi ate cauae of die death was blood K)ixoning, though hia health had been impaired vine a year ago when he wan injured in being run over by an exprexa wagon. Mr. Cartwright r roared the plain in 1853 ami nettled in Ore gon City. Later, he went into the mercantile bnxinexa nt Butteville, where be prospered. He next went to Salem where he was one of the pioneer inercbanla of that city. Thence, he came in iCuxtem Oregon and engaged in the sheep buxinexa for '20 vearii. . . a ' While liere he became tu-aociated with the lute A. H. Breyman and John Sommerville in the Baldwin Sheep and Laud company and waa it president throughout iU ex- Ixtence. A'few yeara ago he bought the old Hen llolladav place at Sea- aide, now called Seattle limine. and owned it ul the time of hi Icalh. IIU first wife waa Adelia (leer, by whom lie hud three children, who art all livine: Mrx. Van. iiouten of New Mexico, Mr. V. H. Moeer of Portland, and J H. Cartwright of Seaside. He mar ried Mrx. Charlotte Moffat t who urvivea him, 21 yeara ago. awiMWUIiJI,JfVa Spriin C W. EOCIN CLEAN-UP DAY BIG SUCCESS Between ISO and 200 all Little Worken Busy Day. RESULT -C00D CLEAN CITY Tkt Prxtic Oac F.Ui.k4 Will Not AbusWJ tifj Earoriraat CJuca Ik Brifad. liih! Kali! Kali! Itlm! lioiim!! I(a.v!!! Civic Improvement In here to xtny. Clean-up day in Prineville waa grest aucceaa. from early morn until the nhadea of evening mem bera of the Civic Improvement Bri gade could be rten going from one iiart of the citv to another armed with brooma, rakex, epadcx and pitchforks. Each xquad hud a captain and each captain knew the territory aligned hint to be clean ed up. Alley, too, came in for their ahare of attention. Nor ia all the credit for a good clean city ejue lo the Civic Brigade alone, During the morning hours from 6 to 10 our buxineca men and clerk helped the good, work along. The atreet were awept clean and the rubbixh tacked in convenient pile for the men with wagons to haul away. And what a difference it niakea in the looks of a place. You could hardly believe it with out an iioluiil teat and once tented you will not give op the practice. After the day' work wa over the Civic IiiiproveiiR'ntl!rigade formed on B atret-t, marched up to Firxt, then down firxt to Wurx weiler' fc Co. 'a storo. The Brigade yell wa given and Mayor U'urz- weiler called for. The annearance in s Friday and Saturday, AN IMMENSE DISPLAY OF EASTER MILLINERY in the choicest and most tempting of the season's styles. AH at modest prices SPRING TAILORED SUITS On this date we will have for your inspection about 40 high-grade Ladies' Tailored Dress Suits made for us by one of the exclusive ladies house. These represent the choicest creations for Spring and if you are in doubt as to what you should wear at Easter ti;re, wait until you see this line Notice to Subscribers 1'rlnevllle, Or, Mar. 27. 'OH. I'tilillxlier Crook . Juiiriiah iH-ar Kir: April 1 la the limit allowed lijr the I'oat Dlllce Ih-partnieiit to ptibllxlii-ra for the nrrniiKcliielit of collect Ioiih on tlielr aiiliw.-rtitloti llntx. After that time It la the pr poM! of the department to enforce the new lawajfovernlnif the mnllliiK of -eind-cliiHM laaltt-r. which rendu lu part na followa: A reaHoiwitile time will lie allowed pulillxlierx to mi-ure renewal of Hiidm ilptloiiH, but unleHH xnliwrlpt Iohm are ex-" pnnxly rt newed after the term for which they nre palil. with in one year (for weekly pulill. catloiiH) they xliall not ! counted In the legitimate lit of Niilixc-rllM-rM. The rlnht of a pulilixher tu extend credit for xuliwriptlonx la not denied, hut hla couipli mice or noncompliance with thla regulation will le taken Into coiiHlderat ton In determin ing whether the publication la entitled to traiiMiniHHloii at the wrond-elHMM pontane rale. Taken from Form No. IVW, I'. I.. & 11., dated .lammrv 1, 1!K)S. Ili-xiKi-tfully, tit v Lafoi.I.kttk, I. M. of the mayor caused r m wed cheer ing with criea of "Fpeech," "ppet-c h.'' In a few- well chfi.-eij worda the mavor thanked the Brigade for the l?ood work they had accomplished for the tityanil promised hia co operation" in ali efforts to make a better town, After the call upon the mayor ench memher of the city council was vicited and cheered for the encouragement gr'en the Bri- g idt). 1 he newspaier offices were not overlooked in the general felici tations. Thu nay wag certainly a profit able one both from a civic and aanitury oint of view. The little folks lo the numlier ot aome 150 or 200 have nn added interest in the town which their labor helped to make neat and clear. We con gratulate thase lfidies at the head of the ISngauc lor the good ac complished and the lesion taught the little folks in civic pride rn u r.n peraii nn LJ r.n r.ji LJ n April 3 and 4 L J r. L J ri LJ "J LJ r.n LJ n L J r.n LJ r.n L J r 1 LJ nn L'J ri LJ r.n L'J r.n LJ r.n L J rn LJ r.:i LJ rn LJ r.n LJ r.n L J nn LJ rn LJ r.n LJ r.n LJ rn LJ r.n L J nn LJ ri L J r.n LJ r.n LJ rn LJ r.n LJ rn L J r.n L' J r.n L J LJ nn L J rn LJ rn t. j r n L J r.n L J r.n LJ rn L J nn L'J r.n LJ rn L J r.n LJ nn L'J r.n L'J r.n LJ nn LJ nn PRINEVILLES BIG . STORE 245 VOTERS REGISTERED T. . . n ii. iwice as many Republicans as Democrats in Crook County by Registration PRINEVILLE LEADS WITH 191 KtfirtntiM CUn April 7lfc D. fet DcUj Uatil IW Urt MM(...Re(irtr San TraaU. The registration of voters in Crook county has been all that could be expected, although many can lo found who have neirlected to regiator and others who have not had an opportunity. Two yeara ago there were gome Mxteen hundred votes oolled in the county, a remarkably large percentage of which were sworn in at the poll. - Up to last Tuesday evening there were 1245 names on the clerk's books at the courthoiiKA Of thee there are 777 republicans, 372 democrats, 53 eocialisu and the remainder independent and prohibition, or no party given. In precinct No. 1, which is Prineville, there are 94 republi cans, 91 democrats, 4 socialists and 2 independent. Of the others, Kntcher is the most important with a total f 153 voters, Redmond second with a total of 87 and Black Butte third with a total of 78 names to date. On March 31st the registration stood as follows: Aahwood IU-iiulilicaiiH 30 DemoeratH SocInliKta , Bend Kepublk-aiiH &H Denicx-ratH - 5 SocinliHtH 1 Black Butte ItepublicanH 37 Democrats 34 SoclallatH i'roliiliition 1 InileMMulent 2 Bear Creek Kepuiincana 14 Democrat 14 Socialists Indi'iH-uili'iit Beaver Creek Hepulilieana Democrats J Breeze . Kepuhlicnna 13 Democrats ; 4 Socialists 1 Cross Keys KcpublicniiH Democrats 1 Camp Creek Uepublieans 10 IX'iiHH-rats 2 Independent ; Deschutes Uepublieans 18 DeiiHH-rats 14 SiH-ialists . 1 Prohibition 1 independent 1 Haystack Republicans 33 Democrats lfi Socialists 5 Prohibition 8 Hay Creek Republicans 24 Democrats $ Independent Howard Republicans 8 Democrats 1 Hardin Republicans , 3 Democrats 1 livland Republicans , Democrats .... i; Johnson Creek Republicans 17 Democrats , 14 Socialists 1 Kutcher Republicans , 123 Democrats 21 Socialists 5 Prohibition 1 Independent 3 Laid la w- Republicans 5G Democrats 10 noruillNtJ 1 In(M-M-iilcnt !...... 2 Brie Gnp Rj-lititiliciiriN iH-iiKM-rntu S.M-lllllMtS I'rolilliltiiin Independent Montgomery IU-)lll)lllHII Ieniierntii . 4 SiM-tiilista . 2 McKay Reiiublii-arm , 30 , 2ii 2 7 IH-iii(K-ratM . Hoclalista Mill Creek Itepiilillrana Ivnuw-rata HoelnlintM 1 1 Indeprn(lent Maury Republican Newnom Republicans . 1 . 15 . St4 . 1)1 . 4 . 2 . 31 . 13 ...14 . m . ia . 3 . a . 3 . 3 l'inierats Brlneville ' RepublleaiiM , It-ino-rats Socialists Iliileiiendi-nt rowell Butte Republicans If-miH-rats Hoclalists 7 Itedmond Republicans Di-iiifs-rats . Socialist Prohibition ." Summit Republicans Democrats Warm Springs None in yet. Mow Creek Republicans . Iemocrat IndejH'ndet... J ' Total ... 1 .... 01 .1.24. Gray -Stover Wedding A very pretty wedding took place Monday, March 30, when Miss Goldie West Gray became the wife of Clarence O. Stover. ' The bride is the popular and ac complished daughter of J. H. Gray, at whose home, near Post, the cere mony was performed. Mr. Stover is a promising young man, recent ly from Council Grove, Kan., but now ranching near Post, where the young couple will make their home. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. C. A. Housel of Prineville in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. The bride was becomingly at tired in a gown of silk Persian lawn and wore orange blossoms in her hair. The groom wore the conventional black, with a spray of orange blossoms in his button hole. x After the ceremony, the bridal couple with the guests, sat down to a splendid wedding din ner, the table groaning under an abundant supply of all the good things possible to obtain. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gray, Roy Gray, Bruce Gray, Maybelle Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Breese, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Keehn, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rowell. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Norton, Mrs. Ora Poindexter, Miss Iva West, Gaylord McDanel, Wm. Post, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gray, Rev. Moore, Blanche Rowell, Madge Rowell, Harold Gray, Edith Gray, Cleo Gray and Eldred Breese. Many beautiful presents were received. Absolutely Pure The only baking powder mads with Rcyal Grape Cream of Tartar lo Alum, flo Lims Fhosphafo PRINEVILLE BAND The Old Band Reorganized and Placed on a Good Solid Footing. WILL BUY NEW UNIFORMS C A. RkUU Elected Muicai Dindar TW WW Wuk U BtcMM timbers SkomlJ Joia ai 0k. At a meeting held in the Fire men's Hall Tuesday evening the local band had a re-organization with the election of Adrian Crooks aa president, Warren Smith, secretary-treasurer, and Dr. J. H. Ro en berg, as trustee. The president, secretary and the one trustee form & board of trustees for the transac tion of the band's business affairs. C. A. Riddle was engaged as musi cal director. About fifteen band men were present, many of whom are already proficient on their instruments, and the practice held after the business meeting had adjourned showed that Prineville has the ma terials for the development of a first-class band, and the spirit of those who are taking part eives evidence that no effort will be spared to make the band a com plete success. The question of a name for the organization was discussed but the band members finally concluded that just plain "Prineville Band" was good enough for them. The charter membership roll will be held open for a short time longer, after which time those de siring to join may find that they will have to meet requirements not demanded of those who join now. Another reason why those who ex pect to join should come in at once is that the matter of ordering uni forms will be taken up at an early date. The prospect is that the town will have one of the best bands in its history, and it will be but a few weeks until the organization hopes to enliven the streets by playing regular weekly open air concerts. f Men's Suits, Hats and general Furnishings at about half price at J. E. Stewart & Co. To Breeders. Thoroughbred Jersey bull for service this season. J. E. Adamson. 3-12-lm Prineville, Or. Two Lots Cheap. Two lots in Prineville for sale at a bargain. Address John Bino, Shel burn, Oregon. 3-12 Imp Pa . Socialists 5 Prohibition 1 II L'J r.n LJ Bamonta ennn nnnnnnnnnnwnnnnnnnnnnrinpiriiinnnnnin? Republicans ......21 Democrats ,. 21