Do Hot.Crowd th SeM'O Tl firt vtrn ilny of uriiig bring iritli th m a desire to ,ret out n.l enjoy the exhilirtUinir ir ml untiine. Children ttut tmv ben housed opH winter are bmtiiilit out mid too wonder where thev nil came fr m. The hevv winter is thrown snide n.J manv hed their flannel. Then cold wave oome ami people mv that grip if epidemic. I'oila at Uiia aeasun are even more dangerous than in mid-winter, aa there in much more daninr of pneumonia. TakeChamlerUin'at'onsh Remedy, however, and you will have nothing to fear. It alwnya cures, and we have never known cold to result in pneumonia w hen it wa used. It if pleaxant to take. Children like it. For Mle I). P. Adamron. of all Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Plate of Ore gon for Crook County a Walter Ray Wilkinson, plaintiff, vs. Beatrice Annette Wilkinson, defendant. To Beatrice Annette Wilkinson, the above named defendant: You are berehv required to appear and answer the comjdaiiu tiled agamat you in the above entitleit suit, on or te!ore Thur dav, the 90th dav of April, being the but day of the time prewnbed in the order for the publication of this summons, the find publication thereof being on the !!h dav of March, l-t; and if you fail ao to ap pear and answer, for want thereof the niaintitr amdv to the court for the re lief p raved for in the complaint herein. t wit: i'or a decree diaaoivinc the bonds of mairim.inv now exiting between plaintiff and defendant, and that defendant may In barred trom eve' hereafter claiming or aa- twrting anv claim or mterei-t, rv way 01 lower or otherwise in and to the W U N E' oeetion S, township 18 S. Rt2 K WM: also WV fWVt, section IS, f-K' section M In township 25 S, R K. M. and for such other and further relief as to the court niAV seem just and e.juitahle. This mmmons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Crook County Journal. bv order of the Hon. W. L. Brsd shaw, judge of the above entitled court, made and dated at Chambers in The Dalles Citv. Oregon, on the ISth day of March lao8 which said order re Uirs that summons in this suit be published once a week for six successive weeks. W. A. Bill. j.19 Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Executor- Sale of Keal Estate. Notice i hereby given, that in pur-snuii.-e to an order of the county court of crook count v, Oregon, made on the 2nd day of Marvh, I'.HVS. in the matter of the Ktat of L. V. Kailoy, deceased, the nndersigiuM, the exivntor of the last will and testament of I., V. I'vuley, deceased, w ill fell at private aale, tor cash, gold win of the I'mtivl StatoH, n.l u o.vt to continuation ov sai-i cnintv court, after the -third day inril'likw. In rrineville. Oiviron, the right, title, interest and estate 01 the said L V. Hailev at the time of his death ad all the right, tit , interest and estate that ha teen, by .lporation i of law or otherwise aiMuitvd liv theei- tate in addition to that of the said I.. V. liailev at the time of his iteatn, in - . -it :.. - .i......;i,.l ami to an oi me huio mr ut--. ritwaor parcels f land situated ui crook county, Oregon, and more par ticularly de-oribed as billows, to wn . all of section fifteen, the sou h halt, the south half of north half and the north northeast uuarter of section sixteen north halt of north halt' .d ae.-tion twentv-two in township atx t.-eu south, of iniigw twenty four east of WiiUmetie Meridian nd the east twit' of the southwest quarter and west half of southeast quarter ot section ix in lownshin aeventeen south, of range taeuty-four east of WilUmette Meridi an. Terms and conditions of sale : cash, gold coin of the United States. Paled this 5th day of March, 108. t i EOKli K W. BaII.KV. Executor o the Estate of 1 V. Uailey deceased. 8-5 ttait far NWioImw. IV-rtnieiu of ihc Interior. Land oittt- at Th 11I.-. Oregon. Mrvh IT ill, IML Notl.- it hcrebv etven that Vtlliorn. of rritifville, On-u. hw Hle.1 nolle ot hit In- Irnttonto niLf filial KvisjMt l-rool In ti. i-ort of htiu'laim, via: H'im-u-l Kitlrv No, lilt Janunrv 3. lAt, lor lhr..M'v4 il.t K'. Sh 4 nl Ksll.tll 31, Toh.h isaoiilli, rHiik-elS K. M. li.t llml mulil erit Willi m-ie U'(orihe enunty clerk, at I'rlnevtlle, On-on,n Mv 4h. Ilvnsniea lii lote ln wltnease to prove hi eoniitoitMia reilenee iiH,n. ciiltua n,n ot ili Unit, vii: Ktoinil A. I'urKer, Aiex Hinlen. irnvllle Neftlul llek Mulhol- luii.l. nil ot nrtiKMlle. Oregon. a..Vp V. . .MlHlKr, Begio-r. t-50 Reward A reward ot I?.) w ill ho lail for In formation leading to the arreet and conviction of anv person found guilty of interfering with the How of water or .lam of the Squaw Creek Irrigation Co. K. T. SLAV TON, Secy. Notice for Publication. IVrlment ot lh Interior, Un4 Ortiee ai rim italic. Orciton, mhkIi mil, r. Notice It her'by given thi Heurv l.. rrrv. of ITitletU. Obsoii. Iou. tile.l nolle Of Mi In tention ii iiiMk Hua nv.v,-r iroet in m- i-or( ( lii eUitn. vii: HomcMc.l Knlry N,, nm.leJime -H, 1 l, (or llie Ul 4. S Ni,n,l i, swi. Section . Tooiuliqil omll. ruiu-e IS K, V M, t Hint wld irHt I lHmle U-tore ihe eoutiiy clerk, at rrtn ville, Oregon, on Mv Mh t. He iMiue 111 hulon nil! wimeasea io rov hi eouunuoii r,-l.lenee np-u, ana cultiv onot llie land. John II. tiray, J.-wa? Vamvv. Kalntl Br,-e and Vhn ,1 A.Koaell.all ot I'rtneville, On-guu. I . . .MttlK. jLjt,p Kegisu-r, Ctntest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land offlce. The Dalles, Oregon Gasoline Engine Irrifitioa, Spryia mi P Mackiaecy FttrbanksMors (.Sasollne Engines" ar nnnininir. suruvlua. sawtna. irluUliul. (mi nis eoiiH'U-u. k-irtu,i,k S.-H m nir wianinr. KairlMuiks-Mors ltyuaiuoa and Motora tor power ami lfihU Kairtvanks-Morse Urluders Feed Choppers. Well Pnmp. , an rt aitallt roo,ls at lowest prtova. Aiwava In sux-k. l-ltM-rMl terms. Prompt n-plv to lniilrt and qutek ahipmenta. W rtt for catalogue and prtcea. W. F. KING, A(rt. Fnnillt, Or Fairbanks Morse & Co, PORTLAND, OREGON. March . 1 o. Asufllclent contest afrldsvtt having been fllrf In thin offlce hT Jamea . ruiht, con testant. aKatnst desert land entry No. 441. n,.,l inrii l iwu. for S' SK1.. Sec. 14.. N K N St. "wl N EL4, Section 3S. Township US. S.. Ranae 1. E " M. by Jonn rl- (.our. assigned i to Kussell M. liurne ana nari "arreii, v on i .- - - . i i tre!tn which It lsall.-a.-d lhat said land estate ot Lean.lcr Dillon, decea-eil. the .n.t n., n,ri tii,.mir has been lrrl- I iiTi,l, rsu'Tie.l. the administratrix with the (ated or crops raised thereon: that there are I annexed ot the estate of beamier Hil- no means proviaeti oy wnten uenv,-T water thereon to trrteate tne same or any part Notice of Administratrix's Sale of Real Estate. Notice b hereby given, that in pur suance to an order of the county court of Crook countv. Oregou, made on the dav of Marh, U5 in Notice, for Publication. Timber liiid. Act June S, lfT. Notice for Publication IVpartmenl of tha Interior, I' lilted Stales Ijtnd HiUc The Ualles, Oregtin, Januaiy 8, 1H0S, Notice ia hereby given that Aniorv I olittis. of rrineville. county of Crtavk. State r tretttn. has applied to purchase, -inner lite act ol t onaresa of June .t. as ex temle.1 hv act of Aumist 4. lM the S KI. andSWi. NKi..Sn!.J3. 1 1. U outh. ranse 1." east. W. M and will otb-r proof to show thai the land sought U more val uable ltr its timher or stone than tor agri- iiliiinil nuriKwes. and lo estnlilish his claim to said land liefore the county clerk. at I rtneytlle, Oregon, on the IMU nay oi April, pnvs. lie names aa lilt witnesses: Uola-rt tl. Smith. Charlea M. Charlton II. A. Foster and Charlea W. Mathews, all of Prineville. Orcintll. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the alaivetlescnl-eo lamls are requested ic tile their claims in this otttce oil or iHHore said ISth day of April, bVt. i-iip C.W. MtKiRK. Register. To Dreeders. Thoroughbred Jeraev bull for service thl- aeasotl. J. r.. AnvMaoN, 3 13 Int I'nneviUe, tr. Notice In Ihe tiUlrlet Court ot the I'nlte.l Htalea tor the liimrli t l Idaito, ( etitrai oui.ion In the mailer el Klcliard Ctmunigliam, bankrupt. N otie l hereliv given that J. Connor, -rk.i.iea In llie lttatttir ot Hlehard Ciitiltllill- Itaiti, ttaukrupt, all! sell i privat n- n,,. httltilre.1 WI sliarea tI lite rapllal iih tit iihf Ameriean Sian.lartl Niniiig iMiuitatiy. a eor- mtratlon ot IH-itvor. ftiio., ami ai ttte norin Itall of tint norlltweal tinarler, and thvllolth- atmt tinarler t Hi nortlteaat uuarter l Hon aevenieea (17). and lite iiorllit-at uuarter of llie tiiirittt-t quarter of ieilou (ia. In toalltli llilrtv-lao (.Ul soiltn of rane ii eaut ol Hi illattieiie Meridian, Hi rtsu eotintv. Wale of Oregon, saui miuutu ana i to li sold in one lot and said real estate in ont toi. . ... Sealed bids a III tt received lor aaiu pn. pertv ty atd truatve, at gilver Cliy, l.taito, etihi-p tier,iitallv or tliroittfll Cltltetl Hlalt niHtl, during lite perttHi t-ottiiiirneiiix wittii.t. nral puMleatlttn ol tills liotlee Slid lertlllual- itur on inti join dav tu Aoru. its. tu l accompanied hir a eerlllleil cheek e.iial lo ten er cent ol the amount hid, Hi trustee being antuorucd to accept ine nmuet ao tb..t lii.! auldoct l.t thd aoorttvat of the reterve, titter a return to llie refer ol his rocecdtttc hy aaitl irimtee under oalii, and a Itearlng h Ihe n'fere iltt-retui, allot ten days t,.,tl.- lor mall lo Ilia eredllora. tiate.1 at Stiver City, Idaho, lliugiin uayot Feitruarv, itwe. l,V turtdl-nn, uwi m .... - h Hats, Shoes and Clothing nffl . r e- b WeK IS.' I the 2nd matter of the .Vlu Land oitice at The IHill.-s. tiregon, March mil, IK. Notice i hon-by glvtvn thai il.Htrce II. Milliorn. of Pr-net ille. iiretfon. ha tiled uoiice ol ru lu- lemion lo make rtnal live-tear prtHl In sup- Hrt ol his claim, vii- Homelea-t r.ntry o. I-M47 made January i!. t. tor ihe W L, NW Nl W i. tit Section Js, Township 17 south. ' ranse 17 K V M. and Hist said proot will le made liefore the tviintv clem, at muevinc, tir- Ktin, ou May bth, lJS He names l ie to oalnit w unease itt prove his wntiniious rt-sidenee mion, and culttvation oi Hie land, vi: luts M. Iltalaes. kiiill Antlerson, Andrew Anderson, an. t iiinioii, all of Prineville. Orraon. C. atHlRh, j-jsp Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior Land oilice at The liallea Oregon. Mart h 11, l'.Ot Notice i bcrebv Iven thai Alla-rl T. Httcii. of Prineville. Oreson. has tiled notice pf hl In tfinioii to make final commutation proof lu smipcrt of his eUtm. vii: Homestead Kntry So l:.J made Msn h I. 14. for Ihe Lol 4. swt SX w of Scviion S. Lot one and SK', NK1, sti,it 4 Townslun 1:1 south, ranice lb r. w -m ami that said proof will be made before the countv clerk, at I'rinevllle, Oregon, on May ilh. ISO. He names the following wltnesse to prove his continuous residence uHtn. and cultivation of the laud. vU: Aidren K. kastwtaal. Iteorge Turner. Samuel Supy. Henry Met oy. allot Prineville. Oreaon. C. W. .MOtiKr.. S-a5i Register. N.tice. thereor. that ajtid parties and each of them have totally full- and nealected to cultivate, clear, farm and raise crops on said entry or any part thereof or provide water tu any manner frtr the Irrigation thereof and the rec lamation of the same In any manner, ihatsald failure still exist, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evi denee touching said aUwatlon at 10 o'clock a. m., on April 22, l.K before warren Brown, countv clerk, at his office In Prineville, Ore gon, and that final bearing will be he held at loiaoloeka. m.on April 3. 1st-. Iwforethe Ret9ter and Keoetver at the I'nited States Land Offloe in The Utiles, Oregon. The said contestant having. In a proper affl davli, filed February it. ItaiK, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, i I Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and prope publication. &-1S C w. MOORE, Register, Timber Land, Act June S, l.78. Notice for Pblictioa Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon, February 21, IMS. Notice ia hereby ilven that Ruby M. Acker, of PrineTille, county of Crook, State of Ore gon, baa applied to purchase, under the vt of Congress of June , 178, as extended bv act of August 4.U012, the fE'i St',sW;(, NWi SF'. and I Ait i. Sec. 7. Tp IS south. ranee 18 HUL W. M. and Will Offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or sUine than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the county clerk at Prineville, Uretron. on the 11 lb day of May. WS. She names as her witnesses: "arte II. Huston, Robert G. Smith, VH alter O'Nell and H. A. Foster, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said llthidayof May, 18. Icp C W. MOORE, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. Ion. rieoea.-ed. will sell at urivat sale, tor cah, gold coin of the United Suites, and subject to confirmation by said county court, after the 3d day of April, in Prineville, Oregon, all the right, title, interest and estate of the saitl Lcander Dillon at the time of his dea'h and all the rit-lc. title, interest and estate that bus been by operation of law or otherwise ac quired bv the estate in addition to that of the said "Leantier Dillon at the time of bis death, in ami to all of the following le sorilied pieces and parcels of laud situated in Crook county, Oregon, and more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit : the west half of the southeast tnmrter of sec tion tUirty-three in township eigiucn south, if range eleven east ot Willamette Meridian. Also the south half or the northwest quarter and lot four of section four in township thirteen south, of ranm seventeen east of Willamette Meridian. Terms and conditions of sale: cash, gold coin of the United Mates. Dated this 5th day of March. Lkxori Pillow Administratrix with will annexed of the Estate of Leander Dillon, deceased. 3-5 Timber Ijnid Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Publication IVpirtiuent of the Interior, I" nitetl States Land Ottice, The Dalles, Oregon, January 7, 1'JtXS. Notice u hereby given that tmrdiier P rrv, Notice t hereby given that the under- si ir ncd. l.!ichel. Administrator de bonus nun f the Kstate of tloorg Lend, tic-ft-ast-d. has tiled his final account and n- lHirt with the clerk ot the comity court oi the State of Oregon lor Crook county and that Monday, the 4tli day ot May, ilkw. at ten o'clock a. in., of said day at the county court room m the county courthouse at Prineville, Crtaik countv. Oregon, has been tixod bv the court aa the time and place for hearing any obiections there may be to said report. Dated tin nun nay ot .vtarcn. I. Slt llKI Adiiiinistrator tie lam u lien of the estate of tiajrge lauitl, deceased. S-'.tl Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, land tittle at Tlu- Hall.-a. oreiion. March 17th, lw. lollc I hereby given that Zlieha lllite. of Prineville, Oregon, tiaa tiled notice ol her intention lo make Itnal five-year proot In sup rt of her claim, vl-. Homestead knlry No. iy)nide May . l.W, tor the SK'. St , SK1 ot ts tion it. and N K'. S K1. of reelion Toa nship li miulh. ranite l. K, W M. and that said prtHtf will tie made before the county clerk, ai I'rtneville, Oregon. m May 7th l She names the follow lug wltnesse lo prove her conitiutou resident- tiHn, and cultiva tion of the land, vi: Kreti Smart. Koy tlurt, Heurv tiniiie and lavl.l Vt. t,rlm.n, all ul Prineville. oreaou. C, W.MooltK. s-3p aegmer. A ctiinjilt'te lino of (Jont'i FumUhiiij: at rritt'sthntyou can nllortl to jmy. Cull in ami lot u fhovv vou the fjtHHl aiul quoto you our yr'wct. Tiuilier Ijittd. Act June S, lS7ti, Ntic far PaUkatiM lVpartment of the Interior, United State Ijttul Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon. January T, UW. Notice la hereby given that J idt n T. Moore. of Prineville. county of Crook, blate of Oregon, hn applied to putchase, under the act of Congresa of June , 1ST, a ex tended by act of August 4, Is?'-', the . H SK',. SKW fK,, See. 17, and Vt .r.. ... ...V.. ,j. I. 1 ...t VV Ol iji-v. .1", ip l-t wt'tim, la.iae t- ... M., and will ollVr prtaif to show that the land sought if more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural, and to establish his claim l snul land before Ihe county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the loth day of April, IW. lie liami'f as hi wit lies sea; Aintrew c. Kieltls. Z. 11. fields, J. W. Snyder, and Lucy Snvder, all of Prineville, Oregon. Aiiv aitd all persons clninilng aoversely the nfiove-descrtttcd Itmtls are rttiesled to tile their claim in Hits olllce on or before said loth day of April. l'.w. t , v . .vioour., itegisier. A Choice Lino of Cigars & Tobaccos THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor t'KHHY l.OStl WAIT DNODKHLY Notice f it Publit-atietl Dermrtment of the tntertor. una uinw i itte twnis,.',,!!. February 8, !, Notice t heretiy given mat W illlaitl K. Krrnch. TTf Trincville, countv of Crxk. state of of Prineytll. Or.-,on. has tiled nolle of hi. - . .1 i..!.,,, i !.,. to m,kri nttal nvtvear nrtMtr In t)regon, has applied to urclie, tintler Bids Wanted. Notice is herebv given, that sealed bids will be reeeived to M.trch J8, 1'W. ai 10 a. m., by t-ourt oi Crtxik oountv. OreKon. ai ; prineville. Oregon, for the building ami t on : gtrtu-tion ol the. siier-sElU('Uire to the n. w ? Ctmrt House as per jilans and six-cifk'aiions : thereof by VV. l. Push, Architect, which plans i ami specirkations can be seen and examined at room Kentou Building, Portland. Ore i gon, up to March 21. 1M, and ai Prineville, ' OrvKon, ironi March il, lo March Si, lyuS. Said superitnifture to be eonuin-need at the i plate line of the basement, ami consists oi i brirk with atone corners, stone belt courses. j sione win-low caps and sills and stone door ! caps, galvanized iron corni. es. also im lude I cloek and clock tower, without statue tin tower. suits lo be built with concrete Boor and ceilitu- as stieeitied. fouudations for vaults are completed. Certified check ior 10 the act of Congress of J une 3, 1878, as extended bv act of August 4, ltU2, the SWW SEW. Ki SWt., lot tl gecti.mtt To 13 south, range 111 eaut, W. M., ami will offer proof to show that the liltul sought is- mote valuable for its titnler or stone than for agricultural purposea, and to establish, bis claim to said land before the countv clerk, at rrineville, Oregon, oil the 10th day of April llk8. He names aa his witnesses: Charles M. Charlton. Robert Smith, John B. Shipp, William Loftin, all of Prineville, Oregon. Anv ami all tieraone claiming viT3-lv the above-described lamia are retnieste.l to tile their claims in this oitice on or before said 10 h dav of April, HMDS. -ti t . vt . Alt m i u ii, lU'gisicr. . 11. R.I- Notice fa hereby given by the under- Pr t-'Dt ui bld musls:'.l",n)' mtrned, the admimetrator of the estate Also bid to complete contract on basement nt T nitlaii Sth ta deceased, that he has as rter sneciflt -atioiia, whi.-b consists of re- , . , e . :, ,.,,,. ,. n : buibfine the steps on the front and two end made and filed in the county court of ; , . ms,.mi.ur eournte XHrilri as sp. . i f-mtt CllintV. OrCIZOn. 1118 final aC- fid ... rh nri..inl .t.ei(i.'MlioIi!.. the relavitlff counting of hie administration of aid I of the concrete fl.wra in the jail and Jailor' r j .,. ,. tu nut Mnn eonrdor, and the repointtnn ol the basement, estate, and that the court fwfl net 31on- ho lnlo jaiior- enrri- day, the 6th day of April, 1!J8, at the dor, rilling yard to grade line, removing all hour of 10 o'clock in the torenoon, at the 'county court room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place for hear ing iaid final accounting. At which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and object to said final accounting. Dated this 5th day of March, 1908. E. H. Sparks, Administrator of the Estate of DLouii-a Sparks, Deceased. 3-5 Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Ciook. 1-iUle P Kalama. Plaintiff, vs Peter Kalama, Defendant. To Peter Kalama, the above named defend ant; . In the name of the Htate of Oregon: you are hereby required to appear and anwer the complaint Bled against you In the above entitled suit in the above entitled court on jr before the lttlh day of April, h. and if you full so to answer for want thereof, the plain tiff will take a decree against you ior the re lief prayed for !n the complaint, to-wit: For a Judgment attains) you for the costs and dls bursementa of this snlt: and for a decree of the above entitled Court that the marriage contract, now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be rescinded ana annulled. refuse material from vard. and removing old Court House to tbe southeast corner of block Bids must be in by 10 a. ni. March as, lso and certified check for 10 per cent of amount of bid nsust accompany bid. Plans and specifi cations can be seen and examined at room 2W Fent'ou Building, Portland, and at Prine ville, Oregon, as above mentioned. The court reserves the right to rejeet any and all bids herein called for. Cash will be paid upon any contract entered into. By order of the court. Warren Browk, S-5 , Clerk Crook County Oregon. Intention to make nual five-year proor in support Jof hi claim. vl: Homestead entry So. nj made January IS, IU0I, foi Ui W't SW4, NVVi4sWi4tif Hee. St, and MK1. NK si Tn U out h. ranae W east. VV . f a nd lhat said proof will lie made before the countv clerk, at Prlnevlde, Oiegon, ou March n. vmh. lie name the followlnc witnesses to prove hi continuous resilience upon, and cultiva tion of, the land, vlK Joseph H. Buraon, tilin O. IVwell. K. A. ! laiFnlletie. and John U Lal-'ollette, all of Prineville, Oregon. t-VSp C. . MiHUtr iieis"--r. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1T8. Notice for Publicatioa Dt-partment of the Interior, Cniied Slates Land Office, The Dalies. Oregon, February 21, 1'JtiH- Notloe is herebv given that Joaeplilne M. tierardo, of Prineville, counly of Crook, State of Ore gon, has applied to pun-base, under the act uf Congress of June S. ls.7. as extended hy act of August 4, l-2, the SK'i SW1,, K' SK'4 and N'jSE'i Kec. 1. Tp. IX south, range 16 eiutt, W . )., and will offer pnsif to siiow that the bind nought Is more valuable for lt tiuilier or stone than for agricultural pur-ptj-t-s, and Ui establish tier chtim to said land before the county clerk, lit Prineville, Oregon, on the l iih day of May, l'Jiw. She names as her witnesses; Rol-rt (1. smith. Wade H. Huston, H. A. Poster and Waller O'Nell. all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the altove-descrilied lands are requculed to hie their claims in this office on or la-fore said '.3th day of May. I OS. T, C. W. MOOKE, Register. Timber Land, Act of June 3, 1S78, Notice for Pablicatise. Department of the Interior. United States Lmd OtBce, The Millies, Oregon, January 8, WIS. Notice in hereby given that Alice Smith of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of Congress ot June 3, 1H78, as ev tended by act of August 4,, the SK'i SK! an.r NK'4 tK'. or Kec. No 'Jl, ill Tp. No. south, range Hi east, W. M., and will offer proof, to show that the land sought is more valuable for it- tim ber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to e-tublisb her claim to said lanii liefore the county clerk nt Prineville. Ore gon, on the a it li day of April, I'JUa, She names as her witnesses: Joseph II. Mimer, 11. A. Poster, Carey W. poster, and A. R. p.astw.XHl nil of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aljove-tlcscrilK-d lands are reipMe-tcd to lile their claims in this olllce on or before said 20th day of April likw. Z-iJ u. v. Jiuour., itcgister. Timber Land, Act June 8. 1878. Notice for Publication Ilepartment of the Interior United States Utnd Office, The Dalles, Oregon. February 10, 1H08. Kotloe ts hereby given that Maltha J. Wlgle. of Prineville, county of Crtsik, State of Ore gon, has applied to purchase, under tbe act of Congress of June S, 17H, as extended by aet of August t, lsn. tbe HK'i S '.i andsw'. UK.',, lots 2 and 3, of Sec. 4, in Tp. 13 south, range 10 K, W . M and will oir.-r proof to show that the land i)ughl is more valuable ftir Its tlinlier or stone than for agricultural purposes. and to establish her claim to s-tid land liefore the county clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on the 80th dav of April, I'M. She names as her wiimnse: VV. H. Huston. John W. Collins, L. B. Lafoilette, and VV alter O'Nell all of Prineville, Ort-gon Any and all persons claiming adversely that the bonds of matrimony now existing i the above described lands are request- between the plaintiff and defendant Is: annulled and termiLated and that the: plaintiff be granted an absolute divorce from the defendant; that the phiintiil be awarded the future care, custody and control,, education and direction of I lie minor children of plaintiff and defendant, viz: ! Esther Kalama, daughter, ug.-d twelve years; Henry Kalama, son, aged ten years; Irene Kalama, daughter, aged seven years; and Gilbert Kalama, son, aged three years; until they shall respectively arrive at the age of majority. That the plaintiff be awarded per manent alimony, and during the pendency of the suit such temporary alimony, counsel fees and suit money as tbe Court may seem proper and for such general relief as may be Just. This summons Is served upon you by pub lication thereof in the Crook County Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at Prinevlll.Cioolt county, Oregon, which is hereby designated as Ihe proper paper to give you notice, for a period of six full consecutive weeks commencing with tbe issue of March 51 h, A. 1). 1W. by order of t be Hon. W. A. Bell, Judge of the counly court of Crook counly. State of Oregon, made and entered at chamber this 2Mb. day of Febru ary, A. 1). lfbS, C. C. BEIX, Attorney for Plaintiff. ed to tile their claims In Ibis oftice on or be fore the said 30th day of April, IhoS. 2-13 C. W. MOOKU, Hi-gistcr. Notice of Fina! Settlement Notice is hereby "iven the under signed, t tie executor of the estato of Peter iJe'ore, deceased, has m.-de ami filed in tlie county court his final ac counting of his ailuiiniHtra'ion of faicl estate, and the court has named Mon day, the 6th day of April, 1908, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the county court room in Piineville, Oregon, as the time and place for h arinj sai l final Recounting. At which time and place, any person interested in said eH tate may appear and object to said filial accounting. bated this 13' h dav of February, I!Nl8. I'IJARLKS BKRNAlil), Exe utorof the last will of Peter De lore, deceased. 2-13 Timber band, act June 3, 1S78. Notice for Publicatioa Department of the Interior, United .states Land Office, The Dalles. Or.. February 21, l!'8. Notice i- hereby given that Edna L. Morse, of Prineville, county of Crook, Slate of Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of Longre-a of June i. lHin, as ex tended bv act ot August 4, JWJ2, the SW'14 NWU, Wv SV'4, Hec. and SK'A SKH of Section 8. Tp. 13 south, range IB east W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more vai liable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to "am land before the county clerk at Prineville, Ore., on the l'ith day of Mav, i'.m. She names as her witnesses: Fred A. Rice, famnel Diugee. Van M. Morse, and Robert O. Smith all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons c'uiming adversely the nhove-ch scribed lands are requested to file their claims in this oilice on or before said Uth day of May, V.m. 2-27 C. W. MOORE, Register. Choice Sber D. TTjossie TJotary IPublio Sisters, Oregon Cstate, Brokerage and insurance improved irrigated 3 arms for Sale j &ew Sood JfComeatead jC oca Hons f can Save you 2ffortey too m a eatl Timber Land. Act June 3, 18:8. Nottc for Publicatioa Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. The failles, Oregon. February 21, 1908, Notice is hereby given that Jonouln Gerardo. of Prineville, county of Crook, Slate of Ore gon, lias applied to purchase, under the act of Congress of June 3, 1-7K, as extended ny act of August 4, In -if. the HEW NH W, NKW HVV.W. and ItBSandL Hec. Iff, Tp. 12 south. range bj, east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more vahiaiile for lis timix-r or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land liefore the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the lfth day of May, WW. He names as bis witnesses; Robert O Smith, Wade H. Huston, C. M. Stioud, and H. A. Foster, all of i'rinevllle. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the atiove-descrlls'd hinds are requested to nie their claims In this office on or before said 13th day of May."iww. 2-27 C. W. MOORE, Register. Citation Citation 0 In the County court of the Htate of Oregon, for llie i;ounty oi croon: In the matter of the estate, of JOHN i'KKJK, To the heirs unknown, tf any thoro be, of John Prior, deceased, greeting: In the name of tbe State of Oregon, you are herebv cited and reumred to appear In the county court of the slate of Oregon, for the county of crook, at the courtroom thereof, at 1'rinevillo, in the county of crook, on Monday, the 4th day of May, lDUs, at 10 o'elw k, In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if anv there be, why an order should not be granted to Isom Cleek, administrator of Ihe estate of John Prior, to sell all the real estate belonging to said deceased, or said estate, towit: Lot Two in Block Thirteen, In Monroe Hodges plat of the town of Prineville, according to the record thereof as the same appears In tbe oflice of the county clerk of Crook countv. Oregon. . Witness, the Hon. w. A. IselT, Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, for tbe county of Crook with the seal of said Court Hinxeii, uns ir.i uhv oi Maren, a. v j:rm, Atleat: Warren lirown, clerk. 8-28 Notice Kor Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Oitice at The Dalles, Ore.,- Januarys, l!K)8. Notice is hereby given that - Ida M. Anderson, of Prineville. county of Crook, 8tite 'of Oregon, baa applied to purchase, tin der the act of of June 3, 178, an extended by act of August 4,-lH)2, the S, 8WJi and SK SI-;W, Section 10. T15N, K 18 E, W. M., and will offer proof to pliow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpoHCH, mid to establish her claim to said land before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 13th day ot April, 1!J. She names as her witnesses: Charles M. Charlton, I.ark Klliott, Harry C, Chase, ami James S. Smith all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and ail pergons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are rtmllOHtod trt filo their t-laima ill flli oilice on or before said 13th day ol April, HAM. l-10p C. VV. MOORE, Register. 1-23 Timber Land, Act June S, IH7H. Notice for Publication IVeiwrtmcutof the Interior United States Imiid Otttce, The Dalle. Oregon, January a, Ub. Notice is hereby given that William S. Cook, of Prineville. county of Crook. State of Oregou, ha applied to purchase, under the act of t ongre-.t ol June a. tsi, a extended bv act of August 4. 1M2, the l , h Sec. 12, SK'i SrW of Hee. I, Tp 13 outh. range IS east, mid hot 7 of See tl, Tp 1.1 south, range id cast, W. M., ami will oiler proof to show that the laud aought I more valuable for Its limlier or stone I Inn for agricultural iuriH)et, and to catahlb hi-, claim to said laud before the county clerk, at Prineville. Oregon, ou the llth tlnv ol April. llW. lie names a III wniiesies: j. w. Snyder, Lucy Snyder, .1. U. Field, and A. s. Field, all of Prineville, Oregon Anv ami nil nersotu cluimliiK adversely I Ik- alaivc-describcd lands are reiiutwUttl lo Ih.-ir claim in thi olllce on or before sa d llth tluy of April, bmH. I-iip li. W. MtHJUE, Register. Petition for Liquor LlceoM To the Honorable County Court tor Crook county, Hiateoi uregon: We. tlto un.lenilgne.l legal voter of U Butte ir.H-iiict. Crtaik County, On-ifon, rtpts-t fully petition your lionorb(tt bod)- to griit li.-t-ni. toii.-orgw A. ateveli to sell apirlt.iu. malt and vlu..u ll.tiorsanl hard elder tu h-tat iiusiltltiea than one lallon In Ml, k bull.' Precinct, t'rtsik County, Oregon, for .t.ri't oi Ix luoulli from ud ller thu 6ih tlay of May 1WH JcobOiilta-r, Pan W Inkle. T J Fryr.-r, t) II Fryrear. II K Allen A 0 nllinghaui. I.' II To t.-r. K M iimttslt, Jnlin H pr rear, M II 1'svln lulin aehulle. VV A Vsllbuklrk, J O Cobb B Kt-t-.l. Ia-v Cover. Lincoln silver. F FH.-lliiin Kr.-I Aklna. K II Howell, L M Oliver, John W Inkle, John Tnylor. I, I Cutiner, K K Jordsu J B li.sliiou, K M ll-silll, I'llde Johliaoll, l,.-0i t: lilover. tieorge W M.Cnlttittfr. Clirl- Cr. son, J 1 Bowman, VV N Cuhti, F M Hootli, Sunt Hltlwell. tieorge HUUcll, W K CUyiiol, i (1 Wilson. laitiibtt New, J II rainier, I. B uler I Frank B.hI) I.-1i, J K Phlllli. O l Ailing Iikiii, j k Fuller, i hs 11 1 ii-l iiihii. ii t; Miner h i. Johnson. : H Jotitmon. II w rnrthlug. flit kmn.C L Ilranion. VV T li Wilson, J F. Fuller Charley (itt, Clyde Ult, VV F Fryrear, Kl Jolinson. Noili e In hereby given by thtt underilgiicd tliHt tbe lKive Ktid for.-golng petition of ti.sirge A. Steven for lleeli.e bisell aplrltotu, malt, vinous and leraii-uted ii.iuora in iusiitt-tb-s less than one gallon In lllek lliitm pre eiu.'t will Is iir.-seiitcd to tbe ll.iuorsble Counly Conn of CriHik f-.iunty, Oregon, on thi ll h day of May. I'Jo. hi slurb tunc application will ta! made fir said lie. line, bated thla .sith day of Mnn h, l. 2il tiwiaog A. ST(iVN. Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878 Notite for Publication United StateH Land Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon, January 8, l'.H)8. Notice ii hereby given that Charity Wilson, of Prineville, county of Crcok, State of Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of congress af June 3 1H78, as extended by act of August 4, 18!2, the K4 SK, Sec. 35, T 12 S, It 10 K. W. M and will offer proof to show that the land eought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish her claim to said land bt-foie the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the llth day of April, 11A18. She names ss her witnesses : Charles M. Charlton, John W. Ritter, Perry Ii. Poindexter, and Saiiiui-1 A. Prose, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any andjjll persons claiming adversely the above-i 'escribed lands are requested to tile their claims in tins omo; on or before aid llth day of April, HAI8. 1-10 C. W. MOORE, Kegmter. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1K7S. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. United States Land Ofllne, The Dalles. Oregon, February 21, 190K. Notice 1 hereby given that A I men H. Cleveland. of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Ore gon, has applied to purchase, under thn act of Congress of June 8, 1S7S, aa extended by act oi August 4. 12. the N',4 HWW. NWW HKW, sec. 10 and HVJA. M'H "f sec. . tp. 1 south, range IS cast, W. M and will otter proof to show that the hind Bought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the county clerk. at Prineville, Oregon, on the llth day of may, luos. She name a her witnesses: Rotiert O, Smith, Charles M. Charlton, VYatlo H. Huston and H. A. Foster, all of Prineville. Oregon. Anv and all person claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this olllce on or before said llth day of May, lMUS. 2-27 p 0. W. MOOKE, Register. Long & Snoderly Dealers in Fine Wine, Liquors ami ars. We handle the eclehrnteil Sedgwick hisky, nottnl for its rich, mellow flavor. Sole agent for I lop (Johl Ueer ami the famous Napa Sotla. Pamllv Tiado SolicItodL 5P - n.4 TJiQ deception SMITH & CLKKK, 1'hoi Hifrnim Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTKV OUDLRS SOLICITLI) 1 si : ; ): tj wj t "I ' "1' "I" A V VCr''iV VtVVW yy V " - - w - Tout Oilice Hox t2 MAIN 8TKKET PRLNKVILLK, 0HK00N I.JI. JL.JI. Jl. Jt. JL Jk. JuJwJTtk.JC Jt-Jt. Jvi Jt-JWJJl-JU Jk.JtWk.JUJW Timlier Land, Act June 3, 17. Hotit for Publication Department of the Interior, I iiilc.l hiatc Land Otlico The Dalle, Oregon, January 8, lun8. Notice ia hereby given that Mary C. Collins, of rrineville, countv of Crook, Htate of Oregon, bus applied to iurchac, under llie act ol Congress of June 3, 1H7H, a" entctnleil by act of August i. tlni MWiNWV, VVX Wl al Ki HW!i hve. 21. Tp. 13 south, range lMead, W. M., find will oiler proof to show that the laml sought Is morc vaiualjle for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estnlilish her claim to said laljl before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 'JHli day of April, l!ja. bhe names as her witnesses: Jennie Williain.-oti, Faint Williamson. A. H. Collins, and John Jb-mari nil uf l'rinevill(., Oregon. Anv and all persona claiming ail versely the above-tlc-Ncrilieil lands arc reipieKled to nie their ciuims in tins otnee on or before said 21 H h tlay of April, 1!)M. 2-l)d C. W. MUORK. Register. P s 1"J I 1 W'J r.t w j r t u w J r.i i J LJ n tj r 1 u L J rt L'J n Li V. J r.i L'J r.t L'J L'J r." Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878 Notice for I'tihlicaion. Department of the Interior, Coiled Htate Land Olllce The Dulles, Oregon, .Inmiary 8, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Harold C. Kane, of Prineville, county of Crook, Htuto of Oregon, lias applied to purchase, uutler the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, as ex tended by act of August 4, WU, the N N KX, 8WJ4 N K and K F.f is w Hec. 32, Tn Ifi south, range lbeast. W. M uud will oner proof to show that the land sought is more vaiuuoie ior us iiinoer or stone uuio for agricultural purpose., and to eMtulili-li Ills cluini to tuml land liefore the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 2Hlli dav of April, 1008. fie name aa his witnesses: Ilyron Cndy, A. C. KnighUn, R. K. Jones, ami Ralph Sharp, all ol Prineville. Oreson. Anv and all persons cluimim; adversely the ttliove-deserilu'd land ure re.liesteil to tile their claims in tins olllce on or bcloi'c said 2utli tlay of A jiril, 1IHI8. 2-0 (J. W. MOO RK, Register. Tiuilier Land, Act June 3,1878, Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, United Htate Land Olllce The Dulles, Oregon, January 8, W08, Notice la hereby given that Kdntt C, Hamilton, of Prineville, county of Crook, Htate of Oregon, has applied to purchase,, under the act ol congress ol June , is, as ex tended by act of August 4, 181C!, the B4 HF.i. Hee. 28. Tn. IS south, range 18 east, W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or Htonc than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish her claim to said land liefore the county clerk at Prlnevillo, Oregon, on the llth day of April, 11W8. Hhe names as her witnesses: C. M Htroud, H. A. Foster, Charles M. Charlton, Robert O. Smith, all of Prineville, Oregon. Anv and all Demon, claiming adversely the above-described IuikIb ure requested to Hie their cliiiim in this office on or before naid llth day of April, 11(08. 6-13 C.W. MOORE, Register, t-j ri LJ r.i L J M LJ r,i L J r,.i L J LJ LJ 1 1 LJ n LJ r..i L J ri L J ri L J r..i Li LJLULJLJuJLJLJLJL.JLJk.JL-.LJLJ- The O'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIbbE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. t jr tr irnr. i r. i r. 1 r. t r, 1 r i r. i r i r, t r. r. t r. a r. r; i i r, i r i r, -t r, ! r. i r. i r, -t r, i r i r t c -t r. i r, -i L JLJLJLJOJL JLJl Jl.JLJLjLJL:jf L'J ri L J c,.T L'J r.r L'J L"J r,i LJ rt L'J n LJ r.t L'J n LJ LJ r.i LJ r..i L'J r,t L'J r.i L'J ThI L'J Sonera ffilacksmithing IIOKHFHIIOKINO, WfXlD V0UK, KTC,, Neatly and I'iiomitly Ddnk Whkn it ih Dcinb Hy : : : Siobort ?ooro LJLJLJLJLJL JLJLJL JL.JL JL JL J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r..i LJ r.i L'J r.i LJ r.i L'J rui L'J n.i LJ r.i L'J r.Li L J ' r,a L'J nn LIU nn ULI K.-irririnrririrtir?!itifnnATO L'JLJLJUJLUL JL'JLJLJLJLJLULUfLJLIJLiJLJHJLlJLJL;yLiULIJLJLLILU Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed PRINEVILLE, OltKOON. i TT TTTV TX3 U I LZ 1 Hliiriglcs, Motildingn, Vinilowt, Doors, GlanHes, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY I'RINEVIIXE, OREGON i . THE HAMILTON STABLES T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at ReaHonable rates. Remember ub when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent