Local Mention c. a ciow .f town thi wrk. LtniouU wiik in iivoTn A. HUVlli til Tit W in in to ii tlii wtk. J. II. Zvrly of Howard, w in town tin fir, of tlx vHtk. Min Mr vlif Ue got hnvV W. 0, Congli'ton of Paulina i in Humlay from a wnk'it vinil to IL'IkI. town thin wl, Mr. W. K. Klnn rrturnej Hun day from Portlami. John It. Itrown of I Inyxtnt k , wa In tli city TomiIu)-. II. V, Crlin ami family of Hi-nr Creek r in Print villi. KJ Smith vimttMi at K.-ilmoml lnot HtturJity and Hutuluy. Hnlph Jordan in at work aain fur a wirk' tul with tin grip. Mi Marion Mycr will tench the Klayton icIhkiI for tlio apring term. IiiiKrtrl inlaid linoleum f 1.3.1 per aqunro yard at A. II. Mppman A Company'. (1 Springer and wifo wore In Prinevillt Monday from thulr home near Culver. I), li. l.alfrirh wa in town from hi ranch near Lamonta last Satur day attending to himinec matter. Mr. and Mr. A. M. Morgan of Hotel Redmond, wer in th city today from I ho irrigation town on the deert. You cannot afford to overlook the hargain that J. K. Stewart & Co. are offering for Salurda y' ulo. See their ad in thi ioxue. The annual election of oflh-eri of the P. A. A. C. will ha held at the club hall on Monday, April 0, at 7:30 . n. All memlw r are re quested to he present. UT. Mitchell of i'ond paeaed through Prineville Tueduy on hi way to viit hi family at Lo Aic gelea and alo to attend the general conference of hi church. Alex. Mclntodi of Paulina lout two houeg and three stuck of hnv hy fire March 18. There wero a hundred ton of hay in the Htack. The origin o! th fire i not known. lteri Salnave, who waa taken from Prineville to Portland to.be tried for fending ohacene letter through the mail, plead guilty to the charge and waa sentenced to erve 180 d.iy in the Multnomah county Jail. J. O. Fry and Wm. Steven of Hend were in town thi week for anpitlie. Mr. Fry visited hi nephew, L. L. Fry, the photog M. A. Lehman waa in town the find of the week tiling hi nomina tion jxHilion with the county clerk. Kev. J. T. Moore will preach' next Sunday, March 2'd, at the Shepherd thool houxe at 11 a. m. A numWr of ateel My depoit hoxe were placed in the big vault of the Fift National Hank yeHter- day. Ale llouk, a rancher whoe Inline I in the I.atnonta ditrirt, a pent everul day in town tin week. Mr. BooU-n wa in town thi Wri-k lor aupplie. lie in gelling ready to turn hi lock out in the JUr-rlieaven country. Prof. J. F. I'.lanchard, principal of the Prineville Public School, viited at hi former home in the Madraa district lmt Saturday and Sunday. SuierviKor S. C. Hartrum and Clyde U. Sieti of the Cacade (South) National Forest and Deputy Superviaor J. Itoy Harvey, will meet the flock men of Crook county in Prineville March zoth to talk range matter. The service at the Methodint church next Sunday ill be Sun day School, 10 a. in.; aerrrmn by the t'ator, aervice, 11a. m.; Kp worth League, B:4ft; evening erv ke, 7;4.r). paator' ubject,"What it Man?" Social muxic. All are welcome. P. L. Caple, repreenting the Honey twin Hardware company of Portland, ha been interviewing the local trade thi week. Mr. Caple came in from Shaniko hint Tuesday and eay that the dust atorm of that day extended all the way from tho hend of Cow Canyon, and was the mott terrific that he ha ever encountered. All memlxT of the hand and other who deaire to unite with the organization are requested to meet next Mondav evening at 7:150 in the Athletic Hall, when work of reorganization will be taken ur and the matter of ordering uni form! and other equipment difciiHH td All thiwe having lnntrument M. It. livti i home ayain. He came in on Sunday' alnge. Mi Iva Wet of I'.end i vicit- ng her iter, Mr. Ora Poindexter. Mr. P. 1). Doak and her mother, Mr. Dunham, are vitdting frfcr.ua t The Dalle. Claude A. Hiddle of the Madrai i.meer, ha accepted the poaition dinn of Min G,Mie Gray to Clar- of foreman of the Journal office, i anffe Htover on next Monday. i ii.. -I. - rapher, and Mr. Steven took oc-' reqiieaieii io uruig mrm n,o..K caion to viit with Jack Summer j Unaehall fan are beginning to torenewanold acquaintance that ' wk,, up jn Prineville wilh the date back. lo 18u. coming of the apring season, and member of lat year' team are al ready discussing the line up und proKpecIs for the local team thi year. An effort i being made to Uecure ground nearer town than Kd Umlaut, left Tuenday noon for Shaniko in hi automobile tak ing in with him Charles Fo ter of Sinter, who i on his way to Port land for medical treatment, beinc scarcely able to aland the long trip' the one at the fair ground, hut so by ordinary road conveyance. Thomas Ferguson also went to Shaniko in the auto. Mr. and Mr. John Moore of Redmond, were in the city today. Mr. Moore states that he now has some new drilling tool on tho way in from Shaniko and that he ex pects to be ready to commence .drilling another deep well about the first of the month, the scene of the work to be at the Niswonger place on the Hend road. far nothina definite ha tseen ac complished. Frank Forest, of O'Neil, wa at Madra the firet of the week, at tending to matter in connection with the oil prospecting operations which are to be commenced in that region within the next few weeks The promoter are still taking leace of the land over which they expect to" prcpect and as soon as theft lease have been se cured drilling will be commenced Jacob Stroud of Lamonta, is in the city, L. S. Iignn came up from Port land Sunday. L. H. Lafollette returned Iat Saturday from an extended viait in Eastern Waxhing on. Invitation are out for the wed- Dr K. C. Mohler, oculint-op ticlan, from The Dalles and Spo- urie, Wash., is on hi annual trip lo Prineville. The firm of Lippman & Co. is Jvertising a big cut in household ooii ana lurniture lor me next thirty days. If you want to save money now is your chance. Some of the sjieedy ones for the races to !e pulled off in Prineville May are now at the Hamilton Stables. "Wade Hampton" is here, so I "Masters," and an Oakland lorso. A good string will lie here for iho meet. F. E. Dayton of Laidlaw an nounces himself as a candidate for the office of county assessor on the republican ticket. Mr. Dayton is buxinesa man of Laidlaw and his friends believe he has the right qualifications to make a good assessor. Freighter and others who travel on the road between Cross Key and Antelope are commend- ug very highly the improvements that have been recently made on that highway by the road super- inor in that district. A portion of that road that hits for many year Itcen a dreail to the freight er has been put in fine shape and a a consequence tho road 8Ujer- visor is the subject of many compli mentary expressions from those who use the road Rev. W. F. Coburn, D. D., who has just closed at the Taylor Street church, Portland, one of the most successful series of evangelistic meeting held in Portland in recent years, will be in Prineville in the latter part of April to lead revival meetings. This arrangement is the outcome of negotiations which have lnen carried on by the local pastors for several months, with the intention of having a big re vival meeting here thi spring Dr. Coburn i recently from the East where he ha a considerable reputation as a successful evangel ist. The meetings will be held in in the Methodist church. Spring Millinery I-atntil stvlna In Bpring I lata for lilien, M i mm aii'l Children. ;! mIhcIM by an t-xpnrienc-xl buyer and arr strictly op to ilate. Mr FqIpq' Millinery I II LolCd Parlors Coraar SaeoaJ and Main Su. George L. Simmons and C. W. Allen of Laidlaw, returned home last Sunday from ten days' trip to Portland, where Mr. Simmons went to take the receivership of the Columbia Southern Irrigating com pany's affairs, and from which he will endeavor to straighten out the muddle letween the company and the settler on the segregation which lies ou" the west side of the Deschutes about Laidlaw. Mr. Simmons is an irrigation settler himself and h s appointment as re ceiver wa Jnchlv satisfactory to the settlers. These gentlemen are strong advocates of the enactment of a code of state water law as suggested by State Engineer Lewis, and say that that matter is the one that U all important to the people of the irrigated districts. Mrs. and Mr. George Welch, who have lieen visiting at the home of Ed Slayton, left for Hood River Sunday. W. H. Huston has a government job of surveying in the John Day country. It will take him a week or ten days to complete it. Talk about money in hog rais ing, itorigan k mill paiu idu for eight porkers the other day. Just like getting money from home. W, J. Johnson was in from his Mill creek ranch Saturday. Mr. Johnson says that hi cattle have come through the winter in fine shape and are ready for the range. Charles Horton, a cattle buyer from Klamath Falls, is in this vi cinity looking over the cattle situ ation here. He says that he is not sure whether he will or not as the price is pretty strong. II. C. McAllister, accompanied by his wife, arrived from Portland Tuesday, Mr. McAllister being on hi regular trip through Central Oregon. Mr. McAllister is an as pirant and has good prospects of receiving the appointment of State Fish Warden. Ole Hamilton, the man who be came unruly when a passenger on the stage from Rosland to Bend when Mrs. L. A. Booth and Miss Iva Booth were passengers one day last winter, is wanted by the sheriff of Lake County for the murder of Julius Wallende at Silver Lake on the night of Decem ber 27." A reward of $400 ia offered by the Lake County officials for his capture. J. L. McCulloch returned today from Grants Pass where he has been attending the funeral of his father, B. O. McCulloch, who died there on March 11, after a brief at tack of pneumonia. Mr. B. O. Mc Culloch was a pioneer of Southern Oregon and was 78 years of age. He waa born in Massachusetts and has followed civil engineering, hav ing been in the employ of the Northern Pacific during the build ing of their transcontinental line. He was county surveyor of Jose phine county several times. The last thirty years of his life was spent in Oregon, a greater part of it in Grants Pass. He has spent several months in his son's abstract ollice here during which time he gained many warm friends. He leaves two sons, J. L. McCulloch, of Prineville, Charles McCulloch, of Bandon, Oregon, and a daughter, Mrs. John llowells of Portland. BANDON "BY THE SEA" Mti-jr ihm i'it yon. M.000 PT toll nionihly. A rountrr of rlih rvmwM. H.-l rhntl nk berh. Th Snm honi-lb- now on ule, (ideal r low, l-rueu)r. Un Acm) Wmmfd In yonr county. Writ t mi lr toauiMome booklet D1 full rtlrtiliira. o The Warren Publicity Co., Suit tuf Buchanan Rid., Portland, Or. S ?rS) frTS) ?S tfZS! f-iTv ? fr""N5 fc'Wj Vmtri fc-Wv !t fcV fr-WV ' Professional Cards. . SHrink jf ttrttt, jCawyr iPrimtmHlt, Qt C. 32rix S?at Cttat Office with Geo. W. Barnes Ortyo X. Cliiott, j(tirnty-Mt-jCmm PrintmJH,. a Facts About Machinery i ji CJ In buying Plows, Drills, Harrows, etc, it behooTes ?ft one to know beforehand that they can get repairs for l same. It is a great inconvenience and expense to bo 0 unable to get any certain part to an implement or ma- y chine from the local agent, therefore we aim to keep supplies for all our machinery, besides our endeavor is 7? to handle only the best, standing the least show for iz breakage. Of such we are the exclusive agents for Oliver Chilled Plows, Su prior Grain Drill, The Os born Spring and Spike Tooth Harrows, etc. In ad- dition to being able to supply you any necessary re m pairs, we are selling them at reasonable prices. Cream Separators Have you been thinking about ( renin HepnratlttrH? It so, look Into the merits, not price, of the various make and see If yon are not decided In favor of the Sharpie Tubular. It In positively the slmplent, root durable, l!rht-rminlnx eloxest-nklmmliiK ma chine on the market. Its system of separating la entirely differ ent from any other make the milk gnif In at the bottom where It whirls with the bowl being subjected to the powerful centri fugal force which the bowl generate, the skim milk Immediately leaven the cream, the milk whirling upward ngnltiHt the wall of the bowl and paHxIng out at the aklm milk outlet, while the cream whirls upward Inside the milk, pawning out of the crt-am outlet. This bowl conniHts of only three pieces which are eay to take out and clean, which la one of the great points about a ma chine. You will notlee that the supply can In TheTubular Is low so that one doea not have to climb op to empty the milk. Any child can operate a Tubular. We would be pleased to show yon a Tubular and know that they are a great convenience and money saver to all who have milk to take care of. TTTT T TT W. ii? . E1B I Mi 1 0. Jfy0 SPAytcam ami Smryn Cauj tuniini Paoamr Day o Nwbt Orrica okb Dooa South or AoaaaoiCt baue Srois. But n o0ic an resi dence wlebbonea. jfttornmf-mt-jCmm 0 rymm. E. C. PARK Importer and breeder of pure-bred (Poland China JCoys and ZSlaeA jCangshan Chickens Young stock for sale. Address Redmond, Oregon. CAa. Jl &mars J P. SStlknap ( Cmnty ffAynJmm) Belknap dc Cdwards !PAytiimnt mmtl fSmryttm. Oti AW W'mmmfB iPrintmiU; Ortyon. Girl Wanted A girl for general housework, at this office. Apply 3-20 iPAywian mnd mrym Citim mwiW prmftijr ra-jr r nigAt IPriHMuU: Orffom. TrJr ii Xiii Removal Notice W. Frank Petett, the Jeweler, has removed from Adamson's Drug Store to the northeast corner of the O'Neil Restaurant Do not mistake the place. LARGEST CATALOG and Mail Order Howtw m th Northwest GROCERIES Hcfdwate, Dry Goods and NifHaaf J1 bad. qwoted m nts regular Monthly latatof ECONOMIZE THRO JONES JONES CASH STOKE liv nuy nci. Srmj to, The Buyers Cuidr Front and Oak St. PORTLAND. OR. WE BUY m Es ts t &2 m e t m a I Royal Insurance Co. g S Not Welchers. I Paid dollar for dollar in the Frisco conflagration. I J. E. STEWART, AgL Ml I FUR for spot OMh. 10 to 6 J more money for rem to ship Raw Fan and Hu1t to oethiaa to Mil at home Writ for Prto List, Market Bptirt. rthipping Tatfs. anil atmit our HUNTERS'oi TRAPPERS' GUIDE ,?UH r &0 pca. lahar kmi Boat Ihint ca tha anbjesl anr written. Iliimr&tinf all Fur AbibmUi. Alt abo4t TranMra' Sacrata. Darora. Trapa. Oame Ua How asd whera to trap, and t.. become a atic- eeaifal trapper. If a reevtar KncTcl.'pe.iia. Price. W. Tooaroirtoinera. $1 Vi. TA'Am tnn.M int beautiful Itcea. Our Kacnettc Bait and Decor attracts animali u. trap. Ii 00 i-r h-.ttle. Sh.p r..ur Htdei urm to ua and ret bheut prtoea. Aaateiack UNaw.laept.llU, Miana.BuJia,Mln. Barley to Trade I will deliver steam rolled barlev at Prineville in exchange for fresh milk cow with calf, Jersey preferred. Ad dress 11. K. Jacobs, 3-l!t5-a2 Madras, Oregon, Lap Robes. Horse Blankets, Etc. I have Jviet received a new line of Lap Robes, Horse Blankets and BiiRgle Whips. Call and get my prices. 2-6 J. W. Boose, Prineville. Saturday Surprise Sale A few extra special offerings in high-grade gooda that are an absolute bargain. These goods will be sold at this price on Saturday. March 28th only. So supply your wants. Prices Extraordinary "i f r Willi every 4-Pound purchase o! our Special V-OllGC 25-Cent Caricol Coffee we will give one pound Iree, or wilh a 2-Pound purchase we give 1-2 Pound FREE. We dely anyone to put out a better grade ol eolfee at 25 Cents, every grain perfect and nice even roast Diamond W Brand Olives, our regular 40-cent OC grade will go on Saturday lor ItOK, Buckwheat in 10-lb bags. A ten-pound sack ol Pure Buckwheat like you have been paying 75c C A lor you can buy ol us on Saturday lor only JUL TEA. Our Exposition Brand ol Japan Tea, a lull 16-ounce package. A No. 1 article and we will relund the purchase price on any that is not satisfactory OC Regular price is 50c, but on Saturday tJJl Notice U Creditors Notice is hereby Riven by the undersign ed, the executrix of the last will and testa ment of Allen Hash, deceased, to the cred itors of and all others having chums auainst said deceased to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to the under signed at the office of M. R. Elliot in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the tirst publication of this notice. Dated this 19th day of March, 190S. Martha Ans Strmt, Executrix of the last will of Allen Hash, deceased. 3-19 Maker & Croak Knivct School Books Camera Suppliti Jewelry Wall Paper D. P. Adamson & Co DRUGGISTS Maiical lnttraaMati Mafaxiaea Lawaey's Camdiei Stationery Cigars The place to buy an Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Rockford, Hampden, Illinois, or any other good make of watch movement. These you can have in solid gold, gold filled, solid silver or nickle cases. Prices to suit all. l We have Chains, Charms, Necklaces, Fobs, Rings, Bracelets, Emblem Pins, Cut Glass and Silverware. C Competent Jeweler and Engraver in charge. D. P. Adamson & Co. Petition for Liquor License To the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Crook county We. the undersigned, legal voters of Ashwoed rrecinct, ureog county, uregon, respectfully petition your Honorable Body to erant a license to Gonser & Geer to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors and naru ciuer in quaiibities less uiuit uuv gui ld! in said precinct, county and State for a period of six niontns irom ana alter toe 8th day of May, 1SW8. K D Gonser M ilo Wood P B Geer Fred McCollum Frank R T Doak A V Warren W D Walker J W Hale Walter Mitchell John Wishart Bob Am ine . John M Liman L W Tomllnson Allan M Liman Frank P Hipe Archie M MeBherson M unlock McDonald S 8 Black Applications fur Grazing Permits. NOTICE is hereby given that all appli cations for permits to graze cattle, horpea and shtHp within the CASCADE (WILLAMETTE) NATIONAL FOR EST during the Season of 1908, niUBt be filed in my office at Engene, Ore., on or before April 15, 1908. This new division includes grazing districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9 and 10 of the Ca -ivle (South) National Forest as establish 1 last year. Full information in rsguru tu the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making application will be furnished upon roq'wt. 3-19-4t C. R. Surra, Supervisor. Geo D Cardew J R Bayhss C O Short W C Grater D P Shruni W H Shrum Asher McCollum D McCarty Oliver McCollum K Dean Huston G H Grater Bert James Chas B McCollum W F Barber Garrett McCollum J W McCollum John Minder C S McCorkle C M McPherson John Cretran G M Elkin C T Bradford Lee Wood Allan Grant Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given by the undersign ed, the administrator of the estate of Mary E.Stewart, deceased, to the creditors of and to all other having claims against said deceased to present the same with the proper vouchers, to the undersighed at the office of M. K.Elliott in Prineville, Ore gon, within six months from the first publi cation of this notice. Dated this 19th day of March, 1908. J. E. Stewart, Administrator of the estate of Mary E. Stewart, deceased. 3-19 C P Man pin J H O'Kelley J G Clark J C Brogan HGilroy D C Slater J W Jamison Notice is hereby given by the undersign ed, that the above and foregoing petition of Gonser & Geer for a license to sell spirit uous, malt, vinous and fermented liquors in quantities less than one gallon in Ash wood Precinct will be presented to the Honorable County court of Crook county, Oregon, on the 6th day of May, 1908, at which time application will be made for said license. Dated this 19th day of March, 1908. S-19 Gonser & Gkkr. I For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands wi mm mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Pr.tld.nt D. F. Stewart, VIco President O. M. Elkins, Oashi.r DIRECTOR8: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkin, D. F. Stewart Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections -will re ceive prompt attention J. E. Stewart & Co DRUGGISTS In the Deschutes Valley write H. F, JONES, Redmond, Oregon.