Crook County Journal MARRIED. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. j l fcurn., Or., Msrch 16, Harvey . .. ITTi . 7 r"T Tw nna ' Window and Mica Lena Strtvt. THURSDAYJViAR. 26. 1908 Rey A h Subscription tl.SO yaar. A Legal Holiday. By request of the Civic Improve ment Brigade and others interested in the appearance and growth of our city, I, as mayor of the city of Prineville and by virtue of the authority vested in me a ueh of ficer, do hereby appoint and desig nate the Mtt day of March, aa a legal holiday, set apart for the purpose of cleaning up the city. Rubbish in all streets, alleys, yards and vacant lots must be cleaned up and removed. Will Wcrzweiler, Mayor. ceremony. The bride ia the popu lar daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Street of Crook county. The bride groom is a Seattle boy, a nephew of W. Brown. The younR lady has many friends in Prineville who join us in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Winslow much happiness and pros perity. A Well Wisher. OBITUARY. FOREST RANGERS' EXAMINATION Ta W HrM at r ratlin aa April 23 aad 24 -TWLbM Ma WaateJ tW Fare si Service The United States Civil Service Commission has just announced that examinations will be held for the position of ranger at the super visors' headquarters at every Na tional Forest on April 23 and 24. It is estimated that 300 more rangers will be required during the present fiscal year than were on j duty last year, and eligibles to fill these vacancies will be furnished j the forest service by the coming examination. The examinations will be held in seventeen states and territories. Supervisor Ireland will have charge of the examina tions held in Prineville on the above dates. Applicants can secure informa tion on the examination from the United States Civil Service Com mission, Washington, D. C, or from Forest Supervisor Ireland at this place. Those who wish to take the examination should asked for applcation form 1093, a copy of the "Use Book," and a copy of Information regarding Employ ment on the National Forests." The papers in the examination will all be forwarded to the Civil Service Commission and the re sults announced in due time. Experience, a thorough knowl edge of forest conditions, and a sound body rather than book edu cation, are the qualities sought in examining applicants who desire to become forest rangers. The man must have the ability, however, to make simple maps and write in telligent reports upon forest bust ness connected with the position. A ranger must be able to take care of himself and his horses in regions remote from settlement and sup plies. Necessary qualifications of applicants include the knowledge of trail building, construction of cabins, and the ability to ride, pack, and deal tactfully with all classes of people. They must also know something ol the land laws, surveying, estimating and scaling timber, logging, mining and the livestock business. The applicant should be thoroughly familiar with the re gion of the country in which he seeks employment. Personal equipment and horses for use in connection with the duty of a ranger are furnished by the rangers them selves, and not by the forest service. Working under the direction of the forest supervisors, the raneer Died, in Prineville on the even ing of Thursday, March 19, 1908, Mr. George Taylor, aged 65 years. Mr. Taylor was one of the early settlers in the Sister country, but j about three years ago moved to a I ranch near Bear Creek, where he has since resided. The remains were taken to the Sistere cemetery for burial, where the funeral serv ices were held by Kev. Dr. Duns more of Prineville. The large at tendance of old frianda and neigh bors attested the esteem in which the deceased was held. Mr. Tay lor leaves a widow and a grown family of sons and daughters to mourn the losm of a fond husband and father. Redmond Items Mr. Lauderback and family left here about ten days ago for some Willamette point. Mr. Rencer will be another new settler in a few days. Mr. R. is already located, but we did not learn where. Mrs. Bauer has so far improved that she is partially able to resume her househould duties, and she has already been calling. C. L. Lowther preached yester day to a good-sized audience. Quarterly meeting will be held on the evening of April 6. Word received from Miss Muma states that she reached Sunnyside, Washington, in good shape, and is visiting there for a time. Two more late comers are Mr. File and Earl Benton. They live just north of McGuffie's, where Mr. File has lately bought. The forty where Mr. Richardson from Tennessee lived has been sold again, this time to an actual settler. His name some other time. Mrs. Manderschild has retunred to Oklahoma. Tom will stay here for a time yet but baa rented the farm to W. L. Gibson, who will soon occupy it. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Tinsley were business visitors at O'Neil today. They will Boon be in stalled in the hotel there, caring for the ever shifting population as well as the regulars. We neglected to state that the Frank Glass building has been moved to the corner across the street east from Ebret Brothers' store, so those four corners are now pretty well taken up. The masquerade at the hall on St. Patrick's day was well attended by a crowd who thoroughly en joyed themselves. We did not learn who took the prizes except one, Mr. NorwooJ, impersonating Uncle Sam. J. G. McGuffie is home from Bend for a somewhat extended visit during reorganization busi ness in the D. I. & P. Company. Some San Diego capital has been interested, but details of the trans action were not to be had. ' F. S. Candidates Column. F. E. Dartaa far Caaaty Aunnr To the republican voter of look county: I hereby mmouiuv myself n ft CMinllilnte for the ottW of county Hinkwor, iljivt to your provnl at the primaries to lie lielil April 17th. F. K. Pavtox. Ivilillaw, Ore. H. L Hotfitt Far Jiat Saaatar I wish to utate that I am h rniiili ilate for the rvpuMW'Hit nomination for Joint Senator to represent the (HtrKt eonlstlnir of crook. Klamath nml I-ake countlin. H. 1 Hoi.uatk, Konaiua. Ore. T. T. Catr far Cmfnu Candidate for Republican comrrea slonal Nomination In the Second Plu trlct. Literal appropriation for waterway, equal opportunities ami prlvtleite for labor nml capital, ami government control of corporation. T. T. tiKKH. Trti A. Rica far Coaly 5arTac To the republican voter, of Crook county: I announce tnyelf a can didate for the o.dce of county ur veyor. subject to your approval nt the primaries to U held In April. Krkii A. Kick. H. To P. ftrikua ftr Joiat Rranaratativa the republican of Crook, Grant. Klamath and Iike couutte: I wish to Inform the republican of Crook. Grant. Klamath and Lake comities, constituting the Twenty tirxt Representative Pistrict of Ore Bu, that my name will t presented for your "consideration at the primary election to le held April 17, llHis, asking your sutfraire for selec tion a one of the republican nomi nees for Joint Representative to lie balloted for on June 1. l!Ks. II. V. Uki.k.nap. Prineville. Ore. H. F. Jeaea far Axetaar To the voter of Crook county: I hereby announce mvelf a a candi date for the office ol county assessor, subject to the approval of the repub lican voter at the primaries to In held April 17. V.m. II. F. Josks. Redmond, Jaka Stroaal far Sheriff To the voter of Crook county: I hereby announce myself a n candl date for the nomination of sheriff, aubject to the approval of the demo cratic voter nt the primaries to tie held April 17th. Jakb St not n. luutt Rkt far Caaajniuiaacr To the voters of Crook county: I hereby announce myself n a candi date "for the nomination of county commissioner, subject to the ap proval of the republican voter at the primary election to 1k held April 17. Jam km Rick. W4c H. IWitoa far Caaaty Sarvayar To the democratic voter of crook countv: I hereby announce myself a a candidate for nomination to the otlice of county surveyor. Your support at the primaries in April will be appreciated. aie H. Hilton. Stanley and others interested are patrols the forests to prevent tire i expected in a very few.days. and trespass, estimates, surveys Word has been received from E. and marks timber, supervises arid j L. Iverson that he will ship his performs other duties which a man , goods'about the last of this month thoroughly familiar with forested : He has leased C. M. Redfield's regions anu possessing a lair edu-; house for a year and has rented cation is able to fulfill. j the George Wood store building Only those men who are at least; and we will soon have two general 21 years of age, and not more than i merchandise stores to accommo- 40, of good character, temperate, j date our ever increasing popula and in good physical condition areltion. eligible to take the examination i Quite a number of friends of Mr. land Mrs. F. T. Redmond gathered at their home Saturday evening taking them completely by sur prise. The evening was spent very 1-tlt.ncn n 1 .. r . i hilitv. I hr i F""-"J K', conversation .v. t x i , . and refreshments. Mr. Redmond to these men, for it is the policy of : . . . ... ,, . . ii . I has been improving his home very the forest service to fill varanoU! 6 cij in higher positions by the promo tion of rangers who have proved The salary paid to beginners is $75 per month. Compensation runs as high as $1,400 per year for rangers who have had some experi ence and demonstrate their capa their capacity. i ; ,i , i materially anu now nas a nice large, roomy residence. E. C. Pakk. Redmond, Oregon, March 23. Mt. Vernon Springs Stump Grubbers Sale. for Free board, lodging and baths fori any person afflicted with rheuma-' tlHin, that the Mt. Vernon bpriiiK win not cure. Ji. A. Mill, dition. For further particulars address rn if, proprietor, Mt. Vernon, Ore. ueorge MoODfc, vend, Oregon. 3-12-lm Two stump grubbers for sale cheap. r vt o i..n- i L l v arm fl1)y equipped. Both in firnt-clasH con W. C. Caarttta. far Sberiff I hereby announce myself as n can didate for the ofllce of sheriff of Crook countv, subject to the ap proval of the democratic voters at the primaries to le held April 17, l:xw. V. V. Conoi.kton, Puiiliun. M. A. UUaa far Caaatj SW1 Saarialat 1 hereby announce that I wllllx'H candidate for comity school superin tendent of Crook county nubjivt to the action of the republican voter In the primary ckvtloa. M. A. Lkuxmn, tKNell, Ore. Ralph Skara far Jaitica a Ik Paaca I hereby announce Myself a can didate for the office of Justice of the Peace subject to the approval of the democratic voter at the primaries to le held In April. Siiari. C $aria(r tar Jotat Saaalar To the voter of Crook, Ijike and Klamath counties: I announce my self a candidate for the otlice of Joint Senator, sniijivt to the approval of the democratic voter of the district. (). Si'kinukk. culver, Oregon. W. F. t'mt far Caaaty Traatarar To the voter of Crook County: I hereby announce myself a a candi date for rv-elcctiou to the ottlee of countv treasurer, subject to your approval of the administration of the otlice during my present term. V. F. Kino. H. A. Ftr far Asaaaaar To the democratic voter of Crook county: 1 hereby announce my can didacy for the office of county as sessor, subject to your approval at the primary election to lie held April 17. II. A. Fosritr. J. D. LafalUtta far Caaaty AiMuar I hereby announce myself n candl date for re-election to the office of county assessor, subject to the ap proval of the democratic voter at the primaries to he held tu April. J. P. I.AMH.i.rrTK. R. A. Far far Caaaty Sckaai SaaariairaaVal To the republican voters of Crook county; I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county school superintendent. Your sup port at the prim. tries In April will tie appreciated. R. A. Fonl. W. P. Mjrtfl Far tKttrrct Attarwy To the Republican voters of t lie Seveuth Judicial District: 1 desire the nomination at your hands to the otlice of Plstrlct Attorney and will appreciate your vote at the coming primary election If you deem me worthy of your support. V. 1'. Myf.hs, Lnidlaw. Ore Fraak Elkiu for Sheriff To t he voters of Crook county: I hereby annotiuce my candidacy for the otlice of sheriff of crook county. on the republican ticket, subject ti the approval of the republican voters at the primary to lie held In April. FlIANK F.I.KtNS. (SaaJWa("aaWai(Bla(ajpiB HUTTKUICK Sl'KIMS New Showing 1 8 FASHIONS 20 CluNTS. ? A 1 " -'y'2-v X of Spring Superb Showing Goods of ffi Fine Shirt Waists t The Larseat mnd Best Una lligh-CUtt Good we hava cv.'r hown are here for your ctiootinf. Shoes, Our New Shoes! i w rn IWURZEILER & Sprinp Lines of SOROSIS SHOES for Ladies, FLORSEIM SHOES for the Man Who Cares and Distinct "76" School Shoes are coming in Daily, Our Prices are Right. See Them. ffi Fancy Wash Silk and Net Waists from Ki .fi3.R0 to $8.50 tt t krj 92 m Warrea Brawa far Caaaty Clerk To the voters of crook county: I hereby announce myself n. candidate for the the olliee of county clerk, subject to the approval of the demo cratic voters at the primaries to be held In April. Waukk.n Iiiinws. A. H. KeaaeJr far Justice of tka Peace I hereby announce myself a candi date for the otlice of JuMice of the I'cace subj't't to the approval of the republican voters at the primaries to lie held lu April. A. H. Ke.nxkpv. W. R. Cook far Cesat School Superintendent To the democratic voters of crook county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination to the office of county school superintend ent. Your support at the primaries in April, will lie heartily appreciated. VV. U. Cook. W Johntoa for County Treasarer To the voters of Crook county: I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination, on the re publican ticket, to the otlice of county treasurer. If nominated and elected I promise to faithfully dis charge the duties of the of lice. Wm Johnson. L F. Willits for State Seaater I herewith announce myself a can didate for Joint senator from Klam ath, Lake and crook comities on the republican ticket, subject to the de cision of the primary election. L. F. Wii.uth. Klamath Falls, Ore., Feb. 4th. 1'JO.H. Ceo. H. Merryaaa for State Senator I hereby submit my littiue to the republican voters for joint senator from Klamath, Lake and Crook counties at the primary election to le held April 17, l!MW. , Having faithfully represented this district In the last sessfon of the leg islature, and since the scnutorshlp has, for this term, Iteen conceded to Klamath, I tiK'iIn ask for the favor able consideration of the voters of this Senatorial district. Respectfully, Gko. II. Mkkhyma.n. Qa&At&ifct&iftB5fi3i & ift & iTi T4 i!k Q 2 c : 2 : ft For uction 30 Sale Days Big saving in Furniture and Household Goods For 30 days I will reduce the price on all grades of Furniture and Household Goods from 10 to 35 per cent My Stocks Must Be Reduced A. H. LIPPMAN & CO PRINEVILLE, OREGON mm 14 14 14 14 14 mm 14 14 14 4 4l J ll 14 41 11 tjl ! 4t ll li g ft tS ij Q J. f. Biaacaard for Caaaty Jaae Madras, (rc.. January LS. To the voter of Crook county: I hereby announce myself a candl date for nomination, on the repub lican ticket, to the otllec of County Jud).re. Yitir supjiort nt the pri maries, April 17, will be truly appreciated. Slnwrely yours, J. F. Hi.ANf'iiAiin. H. A. Brattaia far Joiat Repreteatalire To the republicans of Klamath, Iike, Crook mid Grant counties: I wish to Inform the republicans of Klamath, Lake, Crook ami Grant Counties, coiiHtltiitlntc the Twenty first Kepresentntlve District of Ore gon, that my name will lie presented for your consideration at the pri mary election to be held April 17, l'JOs, asking your suffruKes for selec tion as one of the republican nomi nees for Joint Representative lu said district, to Ik- balloted for on June 1, WON. II. A. UitATTAiN, 1'alsley, Ore. pet tei iei :e mtm m iei mm H. C Ellii far County Judge To the voters of crook county: I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the ofllce of county judge, subject to the approval of the repub lican voters at the primaries to be held April 17, WON. II. C. Frti W. Wilaoo .For Diitrict Attomey Subject ti the approval of the voters of Crook and Wasco cotinllcs, my candidacy Is announced for the Republican nomination for District Attorney tif the .Seventh Judicial District. If nominated find elected I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the ofllce faithfully iih pro vlded by law. FltKI) W. Vll,HON, W. R. McFarlaad for County Treasarer. To the democrat ic voters of Crook county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county treasurer, subject to your approval at the primaries In April. W. K. Mfl'AHI.ANll. Petition for a Liquor License. To th(! Hnorall! n'mtily :urt ol tho ntBto of OroK'm for the county of crook : Wf the ijndcrniKnp'1 lcKftl voiera of Ki'rtinond I'renliK't No. 27, of criKilc muniy, OriRuii, re stjee.tfully iictitlon your Honorable iloly to urBiit a lleerisu to F. M. Ziimwnlt A I). I,. llllr unrtt'T the Urni name of ftumwnlt fc Millor, to Mfil (iplritiiouH, malt and vinoti llitiorHt and hard clil-r In iiuiitttleH Ivhk lliun oni) kkIIoii In RvdmniKl Hroolnut No. 21, ('rook county. Orison, for a nuriod of nix inoiitlK from anil after My th 1st, JiW. K W Micaffi'ry, J II j-non, clnudi Mffiaulcy, J A MNir, JA N'orwiKid, B K lli'imlny, WK Vouni?. i:K McLullin, . T MoClay, O 1 IinK, Mll covert, II K Nichols, L M covert, (j W Munia, Kj'ovi:rt. (I W DnvleH, H P Hiwneer, I) Hturdlvan, K I- Bates, Ku Koliv, K Atliemon, R I) Chesley II J smith, K W Morwan, K Archer, Joe Medlar, Vh Kicker, F- T Hedmond, UK KulcHCh. P I'eluk A K Amleron, John Jack, win, A J Booth, W Archer, ior( Powell, Ply Hinith, A C Tetherow, Harvey Miiller, John Teiheniw, Jimmo Tetliernw, ! A cllne, James Tetherow, R 0 Zlrnmerle, A A Orcen, N n Whlt aker, John JolniHon, K M Donaldson, B K Went, Robert Hnyhnrn, K W Kaylxirn. I) K Hears. Jim Fox, p M While, K llevnril, It KiiKxan, II J IlcnniliKer, B Willlarns, W L Onden, J A Went. Notice la hereby xlven hy the underslxned that the alKive and loregolnn iietltlon for a license to sell spirituous, malt, vinous and fer mented liquors in iianiltleH less than one Ral loll In Redmond I'reelnut No. 27 In (Took county, Oregon, will lie presented to the llon oruhle county (ynirt of (Took county, Oregon, on Wednesday, the fith day of May, WoH, at which time a license will be Hiked for. 3-VM F. M. l'MWAl.T, U, L. MllJ.KK. Skirt Pants E argams 1 DRESS SKIRTS We have an unusually attractive line of Dreu ffi Skirt which we will tell at the following BIG CUT in prices : $6.50 values cut to ...$4.25 ' 6.25 " " 4.00 6.00 44 44 ......: .. 3.90 5.50 44 44 3.75 4.50 44 44 3.00 3.75 44 44 . 225 3.00 44 44 ... 2.00 225 44 44 1.50 MEN'S PANTS $6.25 Pant, now ...J4.15 5.50 u " 3.50 4.50 " " 2.75 4.00 M " 2.50 3.75 " u 2.35 3.50 " " 2.25 93.25 Pant 3.00 " 2.75 " 2.50 2.25 " .2.00 .. 1.95 .. 1.85 .. 1.75 .. 1.50 Clifton & Cornett Successors to R. E. Simpson Report of the condition of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon At the dote of butineat February 14, 1908 RKHOUItOISH I.IAI1M.ITI1C8 capital Htoflk 1 60,000 00 Surplus and undivided prodli 57,560 W Circulation W,500 00 Individual Deposit! 2T3,550 M DIvldeiiNun pnld , 8,170 00 I Loans and Discount 122(1,044 80 United HUitea Honds 12.800 00 Bunk F remised 12,2110 13 Due from bunks sub) to ck m.lM 80 CiiHh on hand 80,270 K0 ttedempllon fund 625 00 87,70 58 B. F. Allan, President Will Wurzweilar. Vic. Pr.ild.nt SI70,7BO 58 T. M. Baldwin, Caahlar H. Baldwin, A.t't Caahlar Subscribe for the Journal. $1.50 Year