Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 19, 1908, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal
THURSDAY, MAR. 19, 1908
Subscription (l.SO ft yr.
A Legal Holiday.
By request of the Civic Improve
ment Brigade nd others interested
in the appearance and growth of
our city, I, as mayor of the city of
Prineville and by virtue of the
authority vested in me as such of
ficer, do hereby appoint and desig
nate the 31st day of March, 1908,
as a If gal holiday, set apart for the
purpose of cleaning up the city
Rubbish in all streets, alleys, yards
and vacant lot must be cleaned
up and removed.
Will Wcrzweiler, Mayor.
At a special meeting of the direc
tors of the Central Oregon Live
stock fe Agricultural Association
held on Friday last, it was decided
to hold their annual fair in Oc
tober from 13th to 17th inclu
sive. A letter from Julian Byrd,
secretary of the Harney County
Association . was read, intimating
that their fair will close on October
3d, which will give horsemen ten
days to attend our meeting. The
pavillion has been painted, the
track will be put in thorough go
ing order, and the contract has
been let to erect enclosed stalls for
the horses, and other improve
ments will be made to ensure the
most successful fair and race meet
ing ever held in this county. It
was further decided that all de
linquent stock shall be disposed of
by public sale (at a place to be an
nounced later,) on or about May
15th. The association is now out
of debt, and to enable it to remain
so, the remaining unsold and de
linquent stock will be offered to
the public, and there should be no
trouble experienced in finding pur
chasers. Statement No. 1.
Culver, Or., March 9, 1908.
Editor Journal Dear Sir: I
notice in a recent interview you
make me say I believe the question
(statement No. 1) will cause lots
of scratching when the ballots are
counted. Should the candidates
be divided on the question some
declaring for and some against, it
would no doubt result in a healthy
disregard of party lines. At this
writing, however, I do not know
that there will be any division
among the candidates on the
question. I am sure I would not
be better pleased if before the
primaries every legislative candi
date would declare his loyalty to
the people by indorsing the pop
ular election of United States
Senator as I believe it is more im
portant than the success of any
man or party. G. Sphlngee.
New Land Requirements.
Department of the Interior,
General Land Office,
Wasnington, D. c, February 21, 1908.
Registers and Reciverg, United States
Land Offices. Gentlemen : In cases of
applications to locate all script, war
rants, certificates, soldier's additional
homestead rights, or to make lien se
lections of public lands of the United
States, the following requirements will
govern on and after April 1, 1908:
1. The location or selection must be
accompanied, in addition to the evi
dence required by existing rules and
regulations, by affidavit of the locator,
selector, or me credible person pos
sessed of the requinite personal knowl
edge of the premises, showing that the,
land located or selected is not in any
manner occupied adversely to the lo
cator or selector.
2. You will require the locator or se
lector, within twenty days from the fil
ing of his location or selection, to begin
For an Impaired Appetite
Lops of appetite always results from
faulty digestion. All that is needed is
a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. They will invigo
rate the stomach, strengthen the diges
tion and give you an apretite like a
wolf. These tablets also act as a gentle
laxative. For sale by D. P. Adamsou.
Try our Fancy Patent Flour.
J. E. Stewart & Co.
Notice for Pubiicaiioa.
Department of the Interior,
Laud Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
February 8, 1908.
Notice U hereby given that
John Keiutnllng,
of Prineville. Oregon, hag filed notice ofhin
intention to make final commutation proof
in support of Ills claim, viz: Homestead
entry No. 11066, made June II, 1902, for the
BWK, See. 28, Tp. ID south, range 17 east, W.
M., and thatsald proof will be made before
the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon on
March !M. 1908.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Discontinuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, the the land, viz: John O. Powell,
James Prose, Pearl Johnson and Richard
Powell all of Prineville, Oregon.
a-ISp C. W. MOORE, Register.
tmb'ication of notice iheiwf, at hi own
expense, in a newt paper to liWi,2nRtoJ
by the rvtrlnlor as of p-neral clrvuU
tlon In the rk-lnlty of the lnn.l, ami
to le the nearvnt thotvto. Such
publication must cover it ihtIihI of
thirty days, during which time n
similar notice 4 the location or no
tation must Ih posted In the l.x-nl
land office nml upon the lands In.
hided In the location or selection,
and upon each and every noncon
tiguous tract thervof.
8. The notice must describe the
land located or delected, frlve the
date of location or selection, and
state that the purpose thereof Is to
allow all persons claiming the land
adversely, or dcslrlug to show It to
lie mineral In character, an oppor
tunity to Hie objection to such lo
cation or selection with the local of
ficer for the land district In which
the land Is situated, and to establish
their luterest therelu, or the mineral
character thereof.
4. rroof of publication must con
sist of an affidavit of the publisher,
or of the foreman or other proper
employee of th newspaper In which
the uotk was published, with a
copy of the publication notice at
tached. Proof that the notice re
mained posted upon the land during
the entire period of publication,
must be made by the locator or se
lector or some credible person having
personal knowledge of the fact. 'The
register will certify to the posting In
his office. The first and last days of
such publication and posting must
In all cases be given tery respect
fully, K. A. Uallaxgk.
Approved: Feb. 21. 190
James Rudolph Garfield, Secretary.
Candidates Column.
H. L Holi Far Jaiat Seaater
I wish to state that I am a candi
date for the republican nomination
tor Joint Senator to represent the
district consisting of crook, Klamath
and Lake counties.
H. L. Holoate, Bonania, Ore.
T. T. Gcr far Caafrew
Candidate for Republican congres
sional Nomination In the Second Dis
trict. Liberal appropriations for
waterways, equal opportunities and
privileges for labor and capital, and
government control of corporations.
T. T. Geer.
H. P. Bdkaaa far Job Reareaeatitrn
To the republicans of Crook,
Grant, Klamath and Lake counties:
I wish to Inform t$ie republicans ff
Crook, Grant, Klamath and Lake
counties, constituting the Twenty-
first Representative District of Ore
gon, that my name wlllbe presented
for your consideration at the
primary election to be held April 17,
1908, asking your suffrage for selec
tion as one of the republican nomi
nees for J olnt Representative to lie
balloted for on June 1, 1908.
H. P. Belknap, Prineville, Ore.
Free1 A. Rice far Ceaaty Sarreyar
To the republican voters of Crook
county: I announce myself a can
dldate for the otilce of county sur
veyor, subject to your approval at
the primaries to be held In April.
Fred A. Rice.
W. R. HcFarlaaJ far Canty Treuwer.
To the democratic voters of Crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of county
treasurer, subject to your approval
at the primaries In April.
W. R. McFabland,
Kalpa Slurs far Jastke af the Peace
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of Justice of the
Peace subject to the approval of the
democratic voters at the primaries
to be held in April.
Ralph Sharp.
H. F. Joaet far Awetear
To the voters of Crook county: 1
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of county assessor,
subject to the approval of the repub
lican voters at the primaries to le
held April 17,1908.
H. F. Jonkh, Redmond,
G. Spriaier tor Joist Senator
To the voters of Crook, Lake and
Klamath counties: L-announce my
self a candidate for the office of Joint
Senator, subject to the approval of
the democratic voters of the district.
G. Springer, culver, Oregon.
R. A. Ford for County School Superintendent
To the republican voters of Crook
county; I hereby announce myself
a candidate for the office of county
school superintendent, Your sup
port at the primaries in April will be
appreciated. K. A. Foan.
W. P. Myers For Dirtrrd Attorney
To the Republican voters of the
Seventh Judicial District: I desire
the nomination at your hands to
the office of District Attorney and
will appreciate your votes at the
coming primary election If you deem
me worthy of your support.
W. P. Myekh, Laldlaw, Ore
Horse Taken Up.
I have in my possession one dark
brown horse 8 or 9 years old, white spot
in forehead; branded 7H combination
on left shoulder; weight about 800 lbs.
Anyone claiming such brand please call
on or address Kabl Fobkht,
2t Piineville, Oregon.
Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, Etc.
I have just received a new line of
Lap Robes, Horse Blankets and
Buggle Whips. Call and get my
2-6 J. W. Boone, Prineville.
Jake StraaJ far Sheriff
To the voters of Crook county: I
hereby announce myself as it candl
date for the nomination of sheriff,
subject to the approval of the denuv.
era tic voters at the primaries to 1h
held Apr!) Kill. Jakk Sthoi i.
Rice far Cea
To the voters of Crook county: I
hereby announce myself as n candi
date for the nomination of county
commissioner, subject to the ap
proval of the republican voters at
the primary election to be held April
K. J a mk Kick.
WmU H. Haetaa far Ceaaty Sarreyar
To the democratic voters of crook
couuty: 1 hereby announce myself as
a candidate tor nomination to the
office of county surveyor. Your
support at the primaries In April
will be appreciated.
Wauk H. Hi ston.
W. C Ceailetea far Sheriff
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the otilce of sheriff of
Crook county, subject to the ap
proval of the democratic voters at
the primaries to be held April K,
11MK V. C. Conglkton, l'millim.
A. H. far Jiutk af Ike Peace
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the otilce of Justice of the
Pence subject to the approval of the
republican voters at the primaries
to be held In April.
A. 11. Kk.nnkdy.
W. R. Ceak far Ceaaty Sckeal SeperiateaeVat
To the democratic voters of crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candidate tor nomination to the
office of county school suierlnteud-
ent. lour support at the primaries
In April, will tie heartily appreciated.
W. K, Cook.
H. A. Ukaua far Ceaaty ScWoal Seperiateaant
I hereby announce that 1 will U a
candidate for county school superin
tendent of Crook county subject to
the action of the republican voters
In the primary election.
v M. A. Lehman, O'Xeil. Ore.
Wat Jeaatea far Ceaaty Treanrer
To the voters of Crook county: I
hereby announce myself as a candl
date for the nomination, on the
publican ticket, to the office of
county treasurer. If nominated and
elected I promise to faithfully dis
charge the duties of the office.
Wm Johnson.
W. F. Kif far Ceaaty Treaurer
To the voters of Crook County: I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re-election to the office of
county treasurer, subject to your
approval of the administration of
the office during my present term.
V. F. Ki.mi.
H. A. Fetter fer Aueeeer
To the democratic voters of Crook
county: I herelvy- announce my can
didacy for the office of county as
sessor, subject to your approval at
the primary election to le held
April 17. II. A. FosTKr,
J. D. UfoDette fer Ceaaty Aueuor
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for re-election to the office of
county assessor, subject to the ap
proval of the democratic voters at
the primaries to be held in April.
J. 1). Lakollkttk.
r.n Tn tup
Crown Millinery
All the latest styles in Dress
Hats, Street Hats and Children's
We have a fine line of Rib
bons, Flowers and Malines.
Miss Jessie McCallister
Report of the
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
At the clone of buiine February 14, 1908
Loans and DlacounU 1226,044 8
United State Bond 12.500 00
Bankj: remlm.' 12,28 12
Due from banks subj to ck 04,184 SO
cash on band 80,270 80
Redemption fund 825 00
$876,790 68
B. F. Allen, President
Will WurzweiUr, Vice-Pretidetit
Freak tikis far Sheriff
To the voter of Crook county: I
hereby announce my candidacy tor
the office of sheriff of crook county,
on the republican ticket, subject to
the approval of the republican voter
at the primary to be held In April.
Frank Kikins.
Warn Brew far Ceaaty Clerk
To the voter of atk county: 1
hereby announce myself a candidate
for the the othe of county clerk,
subject t the approval of the demo
cratic voters at the primaries to he
held In April. Waiikkn Brows.
L t. Williti far tate Seaatar
1 herewith announce myself a can
didate for joint senator from Klam
ath, I.nk and crook counties on the
republican ticket, subject to the de
cision of the primary election.
L. F. Wii i.iTs,
Klamath Fall. Ore.. Feb. 4th. 190S.
J. F. fcWhare fer Ceaaty JaJre
Madras, Ore., January 2S.
To the voters of Crook county:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for nomination, on the repub
lican ticket, to the office of County
Judge. Your support at the pri
maries, April K, will be truly
Sincerely yours,
J. F. lU.ANliUHl).
Cea. H. Merry fer State Seaater
I hereby submit my name to the
republican voters for joint senator
from Klamath, Iike and Crook
counties at the primary elect lou to
1h held April K, 190S.
Having faithfully represented this
district in the last session of the leg.
Islnture, and since the senatorshlp
has, tor this term, been, conceded to
Klamath, I again ask for the favor
able consideration of the voter of
this Senatorial district.
Respect fully,
Geo. II. Mkiiiiyman.
H. A. Brattai fer Jeiat Repreeeatatie.
Jo the republicans of Kiamath,
I.uke. Crook and Grant counties
I wish to Inform the republicans of
Klamath, Lake, Crook and Grant
re-;countles, constituting the Twenty
' ! . , ......1 111.. ...I... ... t
goit, that my name will lie prvHcnted
for your consideration at the trl
mary election to lie held April K
1!KS, asking your suffrage for selec
tion as one of the republican nomi
nees for Joint Representative lu said
district, to lie balloted for on June 1,
II. A. ltitATTAlN, Paisley, Ore.
H. C. FJlie fer Ceaaty JaJfe
To the voters of crook county: I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of county judge.
subject to the approval of the repult-
llcun voters at the primaries to lie
held April 17, 1U0S. II. C.,
Free! W. Wileea .Fer Dietrict Atteraey
Subject to the approval of the
voters of Crook and Wasco counties,
my candidacy Is announced for the
Republican nomination for District
Attorney of the Seventh Judicial
District. If nominated and elected
I shall endeavor to discharge the
duties of the office falthfullv as pro
vlded by law.
Fhed W. Wilson,
condition of
capital 8 took f 60,000 00
HurpliiRand undivided profits 67,569 92
circulation 12,500 00
Individual Deport ta 253iTiO 6(1 v
Dlvlcicnxun piild , 8,170 00
70,70 68
T. M. Baldwin, Cuhier
H. Baldwin, Au'l Cuhier
j New Showing of Spring Goods g
j Shoes,
LU Our New Spring Lines of
02 SOROSIS SHOES for Ladies,
A n;0f:r.e-f
KSI "76" School Shoes are coming
to in Daily. Our Prices are
fj Right. See Them.
W. tbtititb Tmrvvi rn
W. A. Booth,
D. f. SriwAar, Vice Preeldent '
O. M. EkKiNS, Oaihler
W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkimi,
TnuiHaotrt a (Juneral
Hanking Hu.sinHn
Ex change . Bought
and Hold
Collectioiw will re
ooi ve prompt atten
tion r. Not lea te Creditor!
Notice in liprt'liy kIvi-ii by tlit unili-rnli.'ii.
td, the eiwulrii of tli lunt will aiul ti'ntn.
ment of Alli'ii Hash, ilcccaMcil, to tlw ito4
itorn of and all others haviiiK eliiima
Utfiiln-t niiid dect'itiiHil tii prpwnt the imnic,
with the proper voiichfrs, to the iinilt'r-
iKH''l at the otilce of M K. Klliut in
Prineville, Ori'Kon; within nix ninnthit
from the tirnt puhln:ittioti of thix nutiw.
Ditted thin tilth iliiv of March, I'M.
Martha Ani Ktrait,
Kxwutrix of the last will of Allen HhhIi,
(leceuHPil. 8-li)
Petition for Liquor Licensa
To the JlonoruWe (iounty Court of the
Stittv of Oregon fip Crook county:
We,, the nmlentlKiKnl, le?nl voteri of
Axhwooil Preciiwit, Crook county, Ori'Kon,
respectfully petition your Hotionihle Jtuiiv
to Krant tt liceiiMe to (ionseri (Jeer to aell
KpirituoiiH, mi nit and vinoUN liiiors and
hard cider in quantitii' thun one gnl
Inn In miid precini:t, county ami Hate for
a period of Hi x month from and after the
Htli (lav of May, l'.Kw.
K U (iiin-er M ilo Wood
I H (Jeer Fred McCollum It T D..k A V Warr.'n
W 1) Walker 3 W Hide
WalUT Mitchell John Winhiirt
Huh Am vine John M I.imun
L W Tomllnson Allan M l.iuinn
Frank P Jlipe Archie M MePliermui
M unlock .Meimiiiiia n n itiacK
(Jeo I) Cardew K Dear. lliiHtrin
J H ltayli 11 Jl (irater
0 O Hhort Hert J aincs
W (J (Jrutcr ('has B McCollum
I) I Hhrum W K lliirhcr
W II Hlirum (Jarrett McColluiu
Aalier McCollum J W MoCollum
I) McCurty John Minder
Oliver MeCollum C H McCorkle
0 I' Maupln C M McPhemon
J 11 O'Kelley John Cretan , f
J (J Clark (J M Klkin
J C HroKan C T Uradford
H (Jllroy I,ee Wood
UCMIuUir 'Allan Urant
J W JaiuiHon
Notice in herehy (Iven hy the underHlpn
ed, that the ahnve and foregoiiiK lietition
of OoiiBer A Heer for a licenne to aell spirit
uouii, mult, vinous and fermented liquors
in quantities lesa thati one gallon in Ash
wood I'reeinct will lie presented to the
Honoralile ('ounty court of Crook county,
Oregon, on the (Ith day of May, 1IKIS, at
which time application will be made for
said license.
Dated this 10th day of March, 1D0S.
3-11) - OowmbrAOkkii.
1 For Irrigated Farms
and Fruit Lands I
In the Deechutee Valley write
& H. F, JONES, S
Redmond, Oregon. j
m &s z& m m t m m m m ts$
r r
I skirt & Faints
We have an unusually attractive line of Dresi
Skirts which we will sell at the following
BIG CUT in prices:
$6.50 values cut to $4.25
$6.25 Pant now $4.15
Rlacksmitning That Pleases S
I" The Kind You Get At
15J M.-l
J. H.
jf. Horsoshfx'tng. Wagon and
Subscribe for the
L CL ' C V
Shirt Waists J3
The Largest and Best Line of
High-Clats Goods we have ever
shown are here for your ducting.
Fancy Wash Silk wa
and Net Waists from
$3.50 to $8.50
& co
. !S
$3.25 Pant now $2.00
& Cornett
to R. E. Simpson
Pliu-e North tf the Prineville Hotel V
General Repair work done J
Journal. $1.50 Year