Do Not Crowd Ut Sm The first warm day of spring bring with th m desire to n't out kin) enjoy the fxliiliraUn? nir ai .1 sunshine, t'iiil.lien that have been (loosest up all inter are brought out and yon wonder where they all came fr m. The heavy winter rlotLing jo throat) an.l many hed their liannrla. Then a coi.1 wave cornea and people aay that grip Is epidemic. I'uili at thin avawiii are even more dam-erons than in mid-winter, aa there is much more danger of pneumonia. Take Chamberlain' lough keme.1y, however, and you mil have nothing to fear. It alaayi cures, and we have never known a cold to reeult in pneumonia when it i used. It n pleasant to take, t luklivn like it. For rale bv 1). P. A.lamson. Mt. Vernon Springs Free board, lodging and both fur any portion HtUUted with rheum.t t'lHin, that the Mt. Vernou Warm Spring will not cure. H. A. Ml'K THY, proprietor, Mt. Vernon, Ore. Notic to Creditors Notice is hereby given hy the under tripled, the administrator of the estate of Charlotte E. Mcttilivray, deceased, to all permits having claims against said estate to present them with the proper Touchers, to the nndendgned at the oilice of M, K. Klliott in I'rineville, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. W.J. M.-GILLVRAY. Administrator of the est! of Charlotte E. NcUillvray, deceased. 1-16 Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, Tnited Slates Land office. The Iailog, Oregon March . ION A suffirtent context affidavit having been filed In this ortic hy James W.-" ri hi, con testant, fWiitnM d.'ssrt Ihii.1 ntrv No III, ma.tcAprti l, IHiH. ftrs , SK sec. II,. SK' N Nw'. NR'4. Secitnn is. Township lS.(v, Rsmre li, E W m, iy jhn H I'.v.k, asslnn.M to Kusspll . Burnet and Mark Wanvn, I'on testee. In whieta It tsalled lhat sai.l land ' and entry and no part thereof has heen irrt gated or crops raised iliereon: thai there are no means provided hy wlileh to convey water thrvon to Irrigate lh same or anv part thereof: Hint aiiid purlin and each of them have lotally fulled and neiiieeted to cultivate, clear, farm and raise crop on said entry or any pan thereof or provide water in any mannerforlhe Irrijmtl.m thereof and the lee lama tton of the same in any manner, that said failures still exist, said psrlles are hereby notified to appear, respond and oifer evi dence touehlnit said S" .gallon at 10 o'clock a. in., on April 22, is vis, N-fore warren Brown, county clerk, at his office In Prinevllle. Ore gon, and that final ties r In will he he held at li o'clock a. m. on April at, lsos before the Kwister and Keo-iver at the l uited Males Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon. Th said contestant havlmr. in a proper affi davit, eied Februsry M, lsn. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not lie made, it is hereby ordered and directed thai such notice be given by due and prop." publication. -U C. w. MOOKE, Kegister, Applications for Grazing Permits Notice In hereby given that all application for permiti to graze cattle, horses and sheep within the Cascade (south) National Forest, during the seaaon of 190S, must le filed in my office at Kowdmrtr. Ore gon, on or tiefore March 15, HKiS. Full information In rvyard to the graxlng feea to tie charged, ami blank iortus to be lined in making application, will be furnished upon request. S. C. Baktrtm. 2-27 Supervinor. Ttmher Land. Act Jane S, 178. Notice for Pibhcitios IVpartment of the Interior, Cnlied States Land Office, The Dulles. Oregon, February 21, 1908. Kotloeui hereby given that Ruby M. Acker, of Prinevllle, county of Crook. State of Ore gon, haa applied to purchase, nn.lcr the "u-t ofCnngresauf June S, as extendi! bv act of August 4. lsi the SE', N '4. XK'i SWi; N'i E' and t 2, ee. 7, Tp 13 south' range 16 east, w. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the county clerk at Prinevllle. Oregon, on the 1 1th diiy of May. Urt. 8be names as her witnesses: Wade H Huston. Robert G. Smith. Walter O'Ncil and H. A. Foster, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested u lile their claims in this oflioe on or before aiiid of Jluy, l.e. WP C. W. MOORE, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice fs hereby given bv the under signed, the administrator of the estate ot Louisa Spa kg, deceased, that he has made and filed in the county court of croak county, Oregon, his final ac counting of his administration of said estate, and thtt the court has net Mon day, the 6th day of April, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the county court room i:i Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing- gaid final accounting. At which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and object t cam uuai accounting. Daled this 5th day of March, 1908. , . . E. H. .Sparks, Administrator of the Estate of Louisa Sparks, Deceased. 3.5 Summons In the Clrcalt Court of the State or Oregon, for the county of Crook. I-Ulle P Kalama. Plain tin. vs Peter Kalama, Defendant To Peter Kalama, the above named defend ant; In the name of the Htate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against vou In the above entitled suit in the above entitled court on :t tiefore the JHih day of April, Hi, and If vou fall so to answer for wani thereof, tiie pll,iii Jitr will take a decree against you ior the re lief prayed for In I he complaint, to-wit- For a Judgment against you for the owls and dis bursements or this snit; and for a deem- of the uttove entitled Court that the marriage contract now existing between the plalntlif and defendant be rescinded and annulled, that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plalntlif and' defendant be annulled and lermiLated and that ihe plalntlir be granted an absolute divorce from the defendant; ihatthe pluiutill'be awarded the ruture care, custody and control, posw.s. sion. education and direction of the minor children of plaintiff and defendant viz- jmutr, Aaittina, uaugnier, flg.-d twelve ye'trs- t Henry Kalama, son. aged ten years; Ir-ne I So U"!t J"'I K 1 seven years and ! Gilbert Kalama, son. aged three years- until i they shall respectively arrive at Hie age of ' majority. That the plalnlitl be awarded per- j manent alimony, and during the peudenev I of the. suit such temporary aiimonv, counse'l ' fees and suit tmrnoy an theOiun'mav ieui 1 proper and for such vcnerui reiie-.. i i just. """J This summons is served upon vou by null, lioallon thereof in the Cns.k County Journal a w-kly newspaper of general circulation! published at I'rlnevill.Ciook county, Oregon which Is hereby designated as the prone; Paper to give you mil Ice, for a period of It full consecutive weeks commencing with the issue of March alii, A. 1). J Htm. by order of the Hon. W. A. Bell, Judge of the county court of Crook county, Ktate of Oregon, made and entered at chambers this 2ih day or Febru ary, A. I), wm, C. C. DR1X, Attorney for Plaintiir. 6b 0. cr Sisters, fieai Choice Cstato, Brokerage and insurance Smproved irrigated Jarms for Sale Jf Jew Sood Jfomejtead Xocations Save you 7oney Notice of Executor's Sale of Keul rotate. Notice is hereby given, that in pur atiancetoan order of fhe county court of crook coiiulT, Oregon, made on the Slid day of March, in the hiatUT i4 the Estate of L. V. Hailey, diveaaeit, the tindcrsiginsl, the? executor of the last will and tiflsiii.nt of I.. V. lUiley, deceased, will ell at private le, for cash, gold coin of the Tinted State, and nihiivt to confirmation bv said CMtntv court, after the third day of April, lt0K, In rrineville, Oregon, all the right, title, interest and estate of the smuI 1,. Y. Pstilov at the time of hi death and all the right, title, interest and estate that ha teen, bv operation ol law or otherwise Required bv the es tate in addition to that of the said 1.. Y. llailey at the tune of hi death, in and to ail of the folio ing deertlxd fieeeor parcel rf land situated in cnxk county, Oregon, and more Mr tii'ularly il-eribed as follow, to-wit: all of eoelion fifteen, the sou h hall, the south half of north half and the noith east quarter of northeast quarter of section fixtcen north half of north half of eeetion twenty-two in township nix teen south, of tange twenty-four east of Willamette Meridian and the east half of the southwest quarter anwest half of eoutheast quarter of rectum, six in township seventeen south, of range twenty-four east of Willamette Meridi an. Termaand condition of (ale: cash, gold coin of the United States. Ihited this 5th dav of March. liiOS. t.KOKOK W. lUll.KT, Executor of the Estate of I V. liailev. deceased. 3-5 Gasolino Engine Irrifttisa, Spriyiaf 4 Faapuuj MackuMry Fnlrlvinks-Monw tlasollne Kmriiu-s for pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding. Out fits complete. Fairbanks Scales Avr welching. Kairtuoiks-Morw Hynamos aud Motor for power and .thu Kalrbank-More Windmills and Towers. Fairbanks-Morse Grinders Feed Chopper. vell Pump. All first quality gxds at lowest prices. Always in slock. UUral terms. Prompt reply to lnqiiirii and quick ahlpiuenu. Write for catalogue aud prici. W. F. KING, Ageat. rWvillt, Ore. Fairbanks Morse & PORTLAND, OREGON. Co. Notice of Administratrix's Sale of Keul Estate. Notice is hereby given, that in pui suance to an order ol the county court of Crook county, Oregon, made on the 2nd day of Mar1 It, UMS. in the matter of the estate of Lcaiuier IUilon. deceaed, the undersigned, the administratrix with the will amine.! ot the estate of beamier 1MI lon, deeea-ed, will sell at private sale, lor ca-h, gold coin of the I mted States, and subject to contirmation bv aid county court, after the id dav ot "April, UKW, iii t'rmevuie, Oregon, all the right, title. interest and estate of the said beamier Dillon at the time of his death and all the ngh title, interest and estate that has been by operation of law or otherwise ac quired by the estate 111 addition to that of the stud Leander Dillon at the time of hi. death, in aud to ail of the following de- scnlied pieces and parcels of laud situated 111 1 roou county, Oregon, and more par ticularly ue-cnoeu as follows, lo-wit: the west half of the southeast quarter of sec tion thirty-three in township eighteen south, of range eleven east of Willamette Meridian. Also the south half of the northwest quarter and lot four of section four in township thirteen south, of range seventeen east of Willamette Meridian. Terms and conditions of sale: cash, gold coin of the United States. Dated this5tU day of l:ir-h. 19K Lksora Dillos, Administratrix with will annexed of the Estate of Leander Dillon, deceased. 3-6 Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given, thst sealed bids will be received up to March a. 11MS, at lu a- in., bv ihe county court of Crook ominir, Oregon, s'l Prineville, Oregon, ior the building aud con struction of the super-siiiuture to tlie new Court House as per plans and specifications thereof by W. I. Pueb., An hltect, which plans and specification l besei-nsud examined at room AD teuton Building, Portland, Ore gon, up to March 21, lyos, an i at Prineville Oregon, from March 21, to March lis, lW Said superstructure to be rommenced at the Piate line of the basement, and consists ol brick with mone corners, stone belt course stone window caps and sills and stone door caps, galvanized iron cornices, also include clock and clock tower, without statue on tower. Vault to be built with concrete floor and ceiling as specified, foundations for vaults are completed. Certified cbevk lor 10 per cent of bid must accompany .same. Second. Also bid to complete contract on basement cs per speciticatiuna. which consists ol re building the steps on the front and two ends of the basement, concrete porches as spe i hed in the original speeifkattons, the relaying of the concrete floors in the jail and jailor's conrdot, and the repointing" of the basement enlarging well hole leadiugluto jailor's corri- lining jam 10 gra.le line, removing all refuse materials from yard, and removing old Court House to the southeast corner of block Bids must be In by lua. m. March 28, ij and certified check for 10 per cent of amount of uiu umm accompany out. nans aud speeiis iBuoua cau pe seeu atnl cthiii ne.l ..r.. 2u Kenton Building, Portland, and at Prine- -' "'cguu, as aoove mentioned. lue court reserves the riht to reject any ... . .... miL-.j ir, ,asu will toe i'". "i"'" any coniraet entered into. By order of the court. ., Wjkrk.v Bbowk, Clerk Crook County Oregon. Timber Land, Act June 8. 1878. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior , United Ktau-s Ijind Office, The Dalles, Oregon. February 10. 1U8 Kotlce is hereby given that Mai I ha I U lulo or prinevllle, county of Crook, State of Ore- ..u, nasappiieo to pureniLse, under the act of Congress of June 3. ls;s. . , i,.,i..,i Ul't I if A.ioi.ut J U.I 1... -.L'l y . v- L-' T -i ', ' 1 isr.4 .i"saiia rw i-r. loisano .5. or SJ.4. nTn. 1:1 r.i,tl. range W K. It. M. and will ..iiv. ..m.r .. show that the land sought Is more valuable ...i us nuns-, or some man ror agnrulturul purposes. and to establish her claim to sld .je,.,,,; ,UK county cierk ai rrlnevi e, Oregon, on the 80th day of April, laos. She names as her witnesses: " . H. .Huston. John u. . Collins, l B. Laro.letteaud V alter O'Nell all of Prinevllle wn-gijn ' Any and all persins cliilmlng adversely h. ! "7 l'iscril.ed lands are request, ed to file their claims in this office on or be fore the said 30th day of April, Ion. --") W. MOOHK, fti-Blster. Notice of Final Settlement Notice iH hereby given that the under signed, the executor of the estate of I'eter Delore, .ieceafied, has miule and hied in the county court his final ac counting of Inn adininiHira ioii of said etate, and the couit Ihib named Mon dav, the lith day of April, l!fU8,atllj o clock in the forenoon, at the county court room jn Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place for h aring aaid final accounting. At which time and place, any person interested in said eH latu may appear aud object to said final accounting. bated tide 13'h day of February, I!J08, Kxe utorofthe last wil! of Peter De lore, deceased. 2-13 Public Oregon viva mt a call Professional Cards, Camjftr C. r S?a Cstalt Office with Ueo, W, Harnes ZPrintm'll; ?. S?. Cuitt, Orfm, Belknap 6c d wards tVW IW &( S MkMl' IPrimtm'U, ntftm, ' mum' tSmrymmm Cmit mmmrrw4t prmipttj, Jmj mifAt 0K turn mi MaM mt tSrmytofm ' t mm VfmA, J'.w. 3rimiiU, Crmfam, SAjrttmm mnW Smrytm CALlf Axswsaim Paoxrn.T P oa Nil OreH-i iiNg IKx.a .smstm or Adimson'i UaiM smii Belli ortlve au reJ. deuce tcleidiouea. iPn'mtmiilt, OrftM !Pr4mtmiU, E. C. PARK Importer and breeder ol pure-bred Poland CAna Jfoys ana Sitae jCangshan Ckickmns lounit stock for sale. Addresc Kedmond, Oregon. ' Timber Land Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Ptibliction Peptrtment of the Interior, United States Land tiiiice, The Dalles, Oreiton, January ", HHVS. Notice is hereby given that Gardner P; rrv. of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, lias applied to purchase, under the act of t'onuresa of June 3, 1878, as extended hv act of August 4, 18ir2, the W'H ZEi, E. SW., lot ee.-ti.inti. Tp 13 south, range lti east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is mote valuable for its timlier or atone than for agricultural purposoH, and to establish, his claim to said land before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oreiton, on the 10th day of April 1908. lie names ag bis witnesses: Charles M. Charlton, Robert (.. Smith, John B. Shipp, William II. Ixdtin, all of Prineville, tretnn. Any and all peraotm claiming ad vers ly the abovtt-descritxsl lands are requested tj file their claims in this oilice on or before said 10 h .h.v f April, ltHON. C. W.MOORE, Renter. Timber lnd. Act June 8, Pfotice. for PubUcatioa Department of tlie Inb'rior, lTnlied Htiites Land Offl, " The lMHes, Oregon. February ;, lid). ' Jiotlce is hen-by given that J,Meol.l, f II... l of Prineville. county of Cr,,k una. ..r,, gon, has applle.l to purchase, under the art ortongrew or June S, IsTs, as extended by act of August 4, lrtCi. the KK' H .,, hu . MKX and N'jSK'i SUh:. 1. Ti. i:t hoi.ii, r,.,.i .1 e.H' . ,M- B"d 'l "Merproor to"h..w that tlie land sought Is more valuable f,,r Ha .iiiocr or sune man ror kvH.-ii lur.l po..,,and toeslahll.h her rial.,. t,, i;,d .. trine vie, Or.gon on Ihe 1:1th day of May, liH. iie names as her witnesses: RoU-rl i wLu ',.T"o 'V, Hu". H. A. Foster and Waller O'.Nell. all of Prinevllle, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely I ""wfwtwo 'anus are requ..sted u L elalriw in Oils otnee on or liefore "no uay oi -nay, i-vn. V C. W. MOOKE, Register. Timber Land, act June t, 1878. Notic for Pablicatioa Department of the Interior, United KUtes hand Oilice, The Dalles, Or., February 21, 1908. N.otice is hereby given that Edna L. Mnrn. oi rrineville, county of Crook, Htate of wreiron, nas applied to purchase, under the act of Conre-s of June 3. Irl78, as ex- leiincii oy act ui August 4, lK'ri. the HWv. , I, -s .JIT 'Si . irl I:. I, lind -.Kl Ml' oi cccuon b, j p. i.i south, range Hi east W M and will oiler proof ..p . ..i .... ... ' . -'r4 ... . laiiu soiigm ts more val uable for its timber or Stlllie tloin ft.r agricultural purposes, and to establish her .wiim to suiu tana rietore the county clerk ai irineviiie. ore., on the wth .nay, i:.ej. i.... - UJ "I rue names as her witneases: Fred A .ice, Hainnei Dingce. Van M. Morse, ami Kobertli. hmitii all ol I'rineville, Oregon Anv and all nersnns nlaiminn u.i... i..' the ahove.ilcscrilied lands Mm reiiiii,....,! . . hie their claims in this oilice on or before no ilii uay oi -i ay, piOH. 2-27 C. W. ilOORE Register. Timber I-and. Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Publication Department of Ihe Interior, Lnl'ed mates Land Office, v- .. . ,,"ill,'s' ""itori. February 21, 1908. Notice Is liereby given that ' .loiirinln rji.rur.o. ot Prineville, county of Crook, Htate of Ore gon has applied to purchase, under Ihe ad ;"i""''S8 J,,,,e i"". as extended ny tor August 4. the HE'4 NWU, sfA H"'4. and U.tsS and 4, Hire. Ill, Tn. li south range , east W. M and will offer ', 1;'t 't'1'" '"" nought Is mre valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural .mioses, and to establish his chilm u, said ....... .,. , ; oouniy cierg, at Pr ncvlJIe Oregon, on the lsth day or May, l'JOH BniHi." u'"'5 ?? i',1'" '"nesses: Robert (. Snillh WadeH. Huston, C. M. Htioua.and H. A. foster, all of Prinevllle, Oregon 2-27 (J. W. SIOORE, Register. I Royal Insurance Co. J I Not Welchers. I Paid dollar for dollar in the I Frisco conflagration. J. E. STEWART, Agt ! m m m m m m m m m z& Jh'JM) Howard A rewanl of f'JSO itl lm paid for n. forrnati.m leading to the arrest and conviction of anv ponoii found guilty ot iiiterteriutf with the llow of water or l:tm if the rniuawr t'res k IrriKntion Cu. K. T. Sl.AYltl.N, Secv. Nk far FaUicalna. IVvrlmenl of Ihe Interior, 111.1. iillcw I The tnlh,iron, . Fi bruary , lsl, Noll.'e I hereby given thai CVrw 1 mg Iclou, one t Ihe heir and ltr Ihe h.'lr...( Jan.c, H, ln, decewasl, or Canlnop,,.ii, has tiled nolle of her In tention to make rliial rtve-vra proof In siiiw port of her rial m vlv Io.iocmcii.I entry No hnl ma. Ic tail. , fr n,e K', HKl, N HF4 lid NK'.stli, i,. 7 ,!, iane "at, . M., and that attld pnad will Iw made before the c.uniy clerk, at rrineville, ore-g-.ii.on Msr lii, mt, rdw naim-s Ihe ndlowlu lliewai to prove her eoiiUnuou nl.len.v uism, aud eulltva ,.,.,:n"f. ''. : Herl.rt II. Hawiev, r.-'r w- N lor wt. Ore., Klehar.1 f Miller, tharle A. Urwelllin a( Prtiievllia, Orcgou. C. W, Mi H1H K, Register. Timber Ijtnd. Act June , isrs. Notica for Publication tVpnrtmcnt of the Interior, I'mtl States Uui. I Oilice The Dalles, Oregon, Januarys, Notice is her. by (hat Amory S. Collin, of lrineyllle, county of Crook, Slate of Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of Congress of June .1, ls7S, a ex tended hv act of August 4. lsri Ihe K.i N Kt and SWl. S K'4. See. SJ. I'p. 1 .uth, range Is' east, V. M ami will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more val uable for ila timber or atone than for agri. cultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to said laud la-fore Ihe countr clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the istli ,y uf April, ism, lie names as hla witnesses: I Robert tl. Suuih. t'harlea M. Charlton, H A. Foster and Charles W, Malhew. all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all pernios claiming s.lver-cly the aEsivcil.m.rilKHi lands are re.Ucstisl lo tile their claims In this t.tllce on or before said ISlh day of April, Pi8. 2-i C.W. MOOKK. Register. Notice Ior Pabiicatian IVpartment of the Interior, l-and Oltlce at The Imll., dngen. . , February a, ISOS. Notice t bendy given that Fisher C. lAan orcrvKik. Oregon, haa tiled notice or III In U'litlon lo make Itnal live-year proof In all p ixtrtofhl . Inlm. v: Itomesiead entry N.v II7TII made November 17, p.W). Air the W N W ,V.N SH ,'c- ' T" sou i h. range so eai, . m., ana ttial nld pnsif will lie made before Ihe unmtv clerk, at I'rineville, Ore gon on M ar-h . lsK He namcH (he rowtn( wltiiMwes to piove ma ooniinuous nwucuc upon, and eultlva tlon of, the land. vl: Norils Morgan, F.d ward A. Irker. drvllle I, liavldson aud r run Doraim al or Chmlt, urcgnn. J-'lP U. W. M.K1HK. Not in f.r Publication Department or the Interior. Ijind Oilhw at The iMIIca, tiregon, February 8, Mm. Nollce I berehr given that vtllllam K. French. or Prinevllle, Oregon, ha tile.1 nothwofbls lnt.stitlon hi imki. rltial Hvvmp i.n..i ... suppiirt t hi claim, vln lloin.Uad entry o. asvo mane January in, nun, fm the W' VUI. VUI.UUI...I . li i ul.i . - -- . . .. . r-, . . inn r. r . . i. r . W, To 1 oul h. range IS easi, V. . J? n,j mat saiii pna.r win lie niu.le henire the county cicra, at rrmeviue, Ol.g.m, on March 27. lie niimea the following wi news to Drovs ni dHiiiiiiioiia niiticn.s upon, and emu v Hon of, the land, vl; It. H annul olin O. Powell. K A I'oe IjiKiillelU o.l jonn it. utroiiette, all or iTInevllle, linou -' C. Mt KIKri, Krister, Timber Itinl, Act of June S, IMT8, Notice for Pablkatioa. Department of the Interior, tinted States Land OtUce, The Dalles Oregon. January 8, ly08. Notice la hereliy given that Alice Smith t I'rineville, county ol Crook, state of t'reg.ui, mis opplu-l to purchae, under the act of Congress ol June S. ls7M. .h- e. tended hy act of August 4. Istr' the K'.i N 111-, and ,NK'; SK1,' uf .Sr. X 21, in Tp. No. 12 south, range IH east. V. M and will oiler prtKif. to show that th mil. I sought is more valuable for it. tim hcr or stone than for agricultural iniriio.. and to e tuhli.-h her claim to said land before the county clerk nl Prineville, Ore gon, on the isith day of April, !:. she naiiies as her witneases: Joseph 11. I lunar, H. A. poster, Carey ro.tpr, ami A. 11. hastwood allot Prineville. Oregon Any u ml all persons claiming adversely the aiHive-described hliiiN are reitie-ted to tile their cluims in this oilice on or liefore said tfrth day of April, Mm. x v. . MOOitK, Kegister. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, . hand Oilice ut The Dalles, Ore.. January 8, 1K8. -Notice is hereby jriven that Ida M. Anderson. of Print-villa, county of Crook, State of wregon, t,a applied to purchase, un der the act of Conirresa of June 3, 187H, an extemieii hy act of Atii-iiHt 4, 1H92, the .SWJi and SK4', Swtion 10, I 15 S, K 18 K, W. M., and w ill oner prool to show that the land Hought i more valuable lor its timber or stone tlian for agricultural purtioseg, and to est.itilish hor cluini to Bail laud hi-fnre the county clerk, at Prineville, Oretron. ii viiu ui-.y 01 nprii, i;s.w. She naiiics af her witnesses: Charlea M. (, Ijirk Klliott, Harry (;, Chase, and James !S. .Smith all ot rrineville, Oregon. Any and all persons clainiino; ad versely the above-descrilied lands are requested to hie their claims "in this oilice on or before said 13th day of April, IIX18. l-lp C. W. MOORE, Regime.. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 Notite for Publication United Ntnti'H ljtnd f)fll,... The Ditlh'H, (ireyon, January H, T1108. isonte 1 1 nerciiy (riven that Charity Wilwin. of Prineville, county of Of ok, State of . Teni, huh appue.i to purchase, under the act of coiiKrcHS af Juneil 1M7K. extended by net of Ainrust 4. 18! E2 HVM, Sec. .'15. T 12 S. R 1(1 V.. W M aiiu win oner prool to H IOW that I. he land .. . .1 ...iii . re . 1 . . . sought in more vaUialile for ita timbei or Ktone thnn for agricultural pnrpoaeH. and to establish her claim In mii.l lun.i before the county clerk, at Prinnvilln., uii uie nil) uay ol April, P.MJ8, one names an ner witnesses: CharleH M. Charlton, John W. Kitter, Try li. Poindexter. and Prose, all of Prineville. fir. Any and all persona claimingudverHely the above-i'escrihed lands are requenlcd to nie their chains in tins ..din.. nn before said lltb dav of April. 1908. l i" C. W. MOOKK, HcgiHler. Tlmiii-r Land, A.:t June S, 1tf7. Notice for Publication. Ii'Txirtmcnl of tho Intertnr. U nl led Ijind Oillm. i .,rh.' ''a". Oreaon, K.;liruary21 Noti(s Imreliy (riven Unit A I 14 t 'I,.., nA , 1908. 2,f.i'1.mlV,I.ln',;'"."nly " mk, slate or Or.v T.rii.''.. Miinmuse, miller the act. orui,Kr.-ss of .Inn.- 8, 17. as xin.l..d i.v oi Auaiist 4. l2, tlie Ni4 Htt: NW5 m;o. 10 and NW ui..ix ...4'. ; th south, runire 16 eimt. w. M . DtiH will imior to aliow that th Inml soiiKlit Is more vaHntli e for Its .1.... ... ..... . ..." . rtnultuntl piirpos.,8, and" to aslabUal, In'r .111. ,H?'oro triH county oi(rk. May, iw" Bl Ur'""a- on 1,10 '" "ay of Sin'i'ii A". W wltn'ws: Ilot.rt . an V 1 iUl, M' 'arlton. Wttu0 H. Huston, inii H. A. Koslor, nil of 1'rlnovlllu, ()r. Kon. Any and nil pcirsons clulinliiK advitraiily the above.. ...rll.d lands nro r.irins(..d ti. "J" V.'!", rf,"i"."i.ln l.hlM me "" orlaifore said llili day or May, IIkjk. c. W. MOORE, Ueglstor. I Nutlet (or Publication. Department ,r Interior, ljlld Olh.-e at The Dalles, Oregon, ., ' , . Kcbruary 1, liaja. Notice is hereby given that Anna Adams 'foimerlv Anna Marka of I'micyifle, Oregon, has notice of her Intention to make llital live-year proof in support of her claim, vis: lloimtcad entry ,Nn, It Mil made Scplcmticr K, l!i'J, lor the Kt SK, SiVi SKit and N K,rtKi, v a, to. 1.1 tmth, range 17 east, W. M.aml that said proof will be made More Ihe county eierk at Prineville, tiregon 1 11 March lit !!. Mo- immcs the following wltneuco to prove her continuous residence upon, ami cultivation ol, Ihe land, via: Charles Kvucrhclm and Alma Morris, allot Prineville, Oregon. !W 0. W. MOO UK, Iteglsler. Timber Und. Act June S, IS7K. Notice for Psblkslwa !'rtment uf Ihe Interior, t Mates Und Oilice, The Dallei.. Oregon, January 7, Notice t hereby given that John T. MiMue, of Prinevllle, county uf 1' Htate of Oregon, haa applied U purchase, under the act of Congress of June 8, lsTst, aa e. tended hy act of August , Ixsn. the N ti .-hi,hKr!K,.8ee. 17. ami NKi NKi, of shw, -ji, Tp 1.1 south, range I east, W. M, and will oilir proof lo show thai the land sought to more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose.. 111. 1 to establish his claim to said Innd liefore the county clerk, at Prinevllle, Oregon, on the loth day of April, PHW, He names a his witnesses: Andrew 8, Fields, Z, u. Fields, J. V. Snyder, ami I.ucy Snyder, all of Prineville. Oregon. Any and all persona churning adversely Ihe above-described Innds are requested to tile their claims In tins ofttc on or before said huh tiny or April, luna. 1-3 C. W. MlKIKK, Register, Timber Ijind, Act June 8, ItC.I. Notic for Publication IVpitrtmeulof the Interior I' lilted Slates 1-and Ollb-e, The Dalles, Oregon, January M, tutw, Notice is herebv gtvnn that Williain 8. Cook, 01 rrincytiie. county of Crook. Stat. ,.f tr'gon, has applied lo purchase, under the aci 01 v oiigrs 01 June , l,7, as ettemled i-y act 01 Atipust , isirj, the ,U NK ec. 13. Shi ufHeu. I, Tp 13 south range 15 east, and la. 7 of See ft, Tp IS s.1,1,11, mop,, in run, .t., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought I. mure vaiunoiH ior its timiH-r or atone than ror agricultural purpose, and lo establish his claim to said hind before the county ciera, ai rrineville. tiregon, on the llll .lavui April, IMOB, lie names aa his witnesses: J. W Snyder. I.ucy Snyder, J. ti. Fields, and A 8. "-mids, all of I'rineville. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the al.ove-,lccnhed lands are re.tieaietl to tile their claims in this oilice 011 or before am 111a oay 01 April, num. I-2.1p 0. V. MOO UK, Uqjlsler, Timlier Ijind, Act June 3, 1H78. Natka lor Nklicatioa IVvartmeut nf the Interior Uiiite.1 Siatea Land tlilU. The- Pallea, tlreyon, )h. 30, 1D07. Noth-e m l.ert-bv (jlven that India. M. .Stewart, ot tl .Neil, county of Crook, State of tireiron, has applied to purchase, nn.ler the act of tVimrca of June 3, 1S7N, a by act of August 4. lhV2, the hi. :sYt-aud St, NEU' Heo. 23. Tn. 1 2 xiut h . range 19 east, and a ill offer pr..f losuiiw mat tne lan.i aonglil la wore, val ttablo for iu tiiuUir or atone than for "Kncultural pursaica, and to establish her claim to said land More the county clerk, at Prmevilln, Oregon, on uie .-oin uay 01 .Marcn, imm. She names aa her witlleae-: W. It Huston, Walter O'Neil. Arch 1WU, and Walter Snodurly all of Prineville, vreuon. Any ami all persona claiming ad .oimiy uiu aoove-iicacrnied lands are reiiueaie.1 to file their claim in this omce on or liehire said LDlh tlav of isiarcu, uairi. i 1. ..., ' Bp V. W. MOOKK, Kegister. Timlier I.aml, Art June 3, ls7M. Notice for Publication Department of th Interior, tinted Mnti'B Ianil UHice The Ihtllcs, ilri'Kon, Januarys, lyiirt, Notice is hiTi'hy )iyen that .Mmv C. t!,liiii of Prineville. county of Cnaik, ftate of wrrK.iii, "as 10 purchase, under the nil in t.onKress 01 June a, IN7"l. a extended nv act 01 AUKttst 4, H!r. the HW4 S W n w tn 14 an. I nr. '4 SW Hec. '24. Tn lit ooutn. range ineiist, w. M ami will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timlier or stone thai, agricultural nurmist'S. ami tn 11. 1. i,.r claim to tiiid land beforo the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, 011 the IMth day of . j'l la, l.-VO, one names as licr wltncsscc Jennie Williamson. K.lrn Willi,.,,,.., 1. A. H. tolhns, and John Ih-tniins all of rrineville, un-Bon. Any and all persons clnlmlng adversely the ahove-descrihed hinds are re.picste.1 to tile their claims in this oilice on or, aid '.tlth day of April, Won. Wijal V. W. Moult K. lteglster. Notic for Pablicatioa. Department nf th InU-rlnr, Laud tlltlue at The lMilli., (iri-non, Nollce I hen l.y slven that Johh KfiumlliiK, or Prinevllle. Onun. haa tiled nntl or his nhmtlon to iniikij Until eommulallnn pnair In sii,Hirt .,f tilx claim, via: Hoini'stead uiVi? I"' 1 .!", June hsri, for the H WX.Mec. , Tp. li south, runifs 17 east W. M.,and that said pns.f will Is. minis before ii' 'V"SlLU!rkt Bt I'rineville, Uregnn on lie names the following wltmisiws to prove hlsminllniious n-sldenoe upon, and cultlvn tlon of, tho the land, viz: John O. Powell, Jiimcs Pro. Pearl aud Klchani Powell all of Prinevllle dreamt. V-Uv C. w, MOOHK, Register. liiiilxir Land, Act Juno 3, 1878 Notice fur Piihlieuion. DcpartnKMit of the Interior, liiitt'il Htatcs Iian.l Oltlto Tlio Ditlles, lin-Kon, .lamiury , 10H. Notice is hereby iriveii that Harold V. Kim.!. of Prini'Villt', county of Crook. Htnta of Oregon, mis applied to purchn'e, umler the act of Coiiitress of June H. 1S7M (ih pi teiiiieii ny net oi auiiiisi 4. M!r2. t in NU n r.y4, o n yt r ami n r-f w Bee. 8J, J p 1ft soiitli, raiiKe llieitst. W. M.. ami wll oiler proof to show that the land somlit is more vuiuuoie ior its 1 1 ill l it-r or stone than for agricultural purpose., and to establish his cluini to siinl la n .1 before the county clerk, nt Prineville, Oregon, on the aitli (lit V Ol April, I1KIH. Sle names as his witnesses: llyron duly, A. IJ. Kniirliteii. It. E Jones, ami Kulph Hlmrp, nil Prineville, .n'S,uil. Any and all persons claiming adversely tlie above-desuiilied lands are requested 'to tile their claims in this oilice on or before NitiU villi day ol April, I'.SM. Mi 0. V. MOO UK, Register, Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878, , Notic Tor Publication. Depiirtinent ol the Interinr, United Ktutes J,ainl Ollico The Dalles, Oregon, January 8, 11108, Notice is hereby given thut Kdna 0. Hamilton. of Prineville, county of Crook, State of Oregon,, has applied to purchase, under the act of Congress of June 8. 1878. isn. tended by net of August 4. 1811!. tlm HU KH'f. Sec. 28, Tp. 15 south, range 18 east. W.M.. and will offer nroof to show tl.uf. the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish lmr claim to said land before the uountv clerk af. I'rlniivlllo Oregon, on the 11th day of April, 11)08. ' Hlie nnnies as her witnesses; I! Vf Stroud, II. A. PoBter, Charles M. Charlton, Robert Q. Hinlth, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons cluiming adversely the above-described hinds are requested to tile their cluims in this nftice nn nr said lltli day of April, 1(108. 1 &m If.' THE OWL R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor PKHHY LONU Long &. Dealers in Fine Wines, Liquors ami ars. We handle tho celebrated Sedgwick W hisky, noted for its rich, mellow flavor. Solo agents fur Hop Gold lloer and the famous Napa Soda. Family Trado Solicited. ' .SMITH & CLKEK, rKoi KiiToim Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY OkPLHS SOLICITl-l) I 4? I'oat Olliic litis 92 MAIN STREET i.?i'r,ir!"trirr!"irsiri'irseis , . LlULl-Ji-'Li: JL' JL Jl' 11 11! l.-rll r 1 LJ n LJ r 1 The O'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIloloE, OREGON I'J r. t r.t LJ ri LJ n LJ r.i L J r.i LJ r 1 l J ri First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season LJ ri LJ r.i SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. LJ r 1 LJ r 1 LJ r tririr-.ririrnririrsirinj LJLJLJLJLLJL.L.JLJLJLJLIL Jl ri LJ r.i LJ Serieral tftlaccsmithing IIOKHKSHOEINQ, WOOD VoRK, ETC., NSATLY AND PllOMITLY DflNK When it is Done Bv : : : Robert 9fooro Satisfsaction Will lie Guaranteed PkINKVHiLK, - OltKOON. r.i LJ r i LJ ri L J ri L J n LJ r.i LJ r.i L'J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.i L"J -1 C'J ri . LJ r,(i k J L JLJLUi; JUUL JLUL JLiJLULiJLULlJ IjTJjVCBEiR, III tsVtf THE HAMILTON STABLES 18 T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON ' Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember uu when in Prineville. Ratios Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Hats, Shoes and Clothing A 'complete lino of (lent'. Furnishing, at Triers thnt you can afloril to jay. Call in ami lot us show you the gomlso ami quote you our prices. A Choice Lire iT Cigars & Tobaccos CASH STORE WAIT "NOPKHLY Snoderly .."..fjs s, .t . v.5 oception PRINEVILLE, OREGON ifimimr.i ft LJ r.i L j r.i l j ri L J ri L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i L j r.i LJ r.1 L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ L J r..i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i l J r,i LJ r.i L'J R.I LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LU L J r.i LJ r.a LIU L' J LUkULiULJLUUULjuUUUUkULiuuUkJj r.i EtiIBErteiiaj riL ft Shingles, Mouldinjr', AVinlow, DotirH, GliiKHeH, Etc, Kto., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLK. ORirfnM hi . I w.. 1 r,'j A A A A A it 2? ? Tl' ..i o-u u. W. MOOKlfi, Kegister.