Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 12, 1908, Image 3

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Only 700 votr have !mm ti f
IftfreJ up lo yenU-nltty with llic
county clerk. Every art of tb
county li reirceritil in this Intnl.
Yet th-r ara aome trrdncU from
which tha rccorda bava not been ra
mi ve J. Thr ara aome 2iXX)
voters in tha county ao that thone
who would vote at tha April pri-1
marina mut not daisy too long.
The following figure, uliow the
rfgiMtration at tha different prn
clncta: J'rliifvlllo prirlnct U ilemocrnU,
77 rviniNlcrwia, 1 iH-lallxt. Total 140.
Ah wooil J iicin, fl ri-i. Tot al H.
Hliii k llutto 2 (l.-ni. 'W n-i, 3 In
dependent, 3 tM lnllnt. Total 60.
llenrcrwk 7 iletn, 10 rep. Total 17.
ltrww-3 dt iu, 1 Iml. Breu. Total 13
i;roa Keky 1 dVin. 3 rti. Total 3,
CHinpiTeek-2(1em, Step. Total 7,
IteiKl not In.
Dem-hutM nut not In
Hny.tuk 10 dem, H pro, 33 rep. 5
ao. Total 01
Hay rrvek 5 dem, 11 n-p. Total 10,
Howard 1 lem. 8 rep. Total 0,
liarulii I dem, 3 rep. Total .1.
Irelauil 3 dem. 5 reo. Total 7
Joliimnn riwW dem, 10 n-p, 1 ao,
MH. Iier 13detn, 1 pro, Sliid," rvp,
. i oiai wu.
1 Jilillaw B dem, 1 pro, 47 n-p, 6 ao
Total 3.
i-amoiita 11 dem, 3 Iml, 4 rep, l
ao. Total IS.
Lyk Onp 2 iletn, 1 Ind, 20 rep, 1 ao,
rotai 24.
MoiitK(iinery I dem, 10 rep, 1 to
Total 13
McKay 17 dem, 10 rep. Total 3(1
Mill iwk-0 dem, 1 Iml, 6 rep, 1 ao.
Total 13.
Maury I rep. Total 1.
NVwaom 8 dem. 5 rep. Total 8.
1'owell Kuttea-7 di l.'.rep. 11 ao.
Total XI.
Itediuotid 3 rep. Total 3.
Kummltt 3 d 1 rep. Total 3,
Warm HprluicaNot In.
The Three Hats
MThrH Hats" drew a big houne
last Friday evening. The farcial
three-act comedy wan brim full of
fun. Duncan Macleod aa "yam
Selwyn" a married man, waa well
conceived. He i always good Dr
Davie played "Boaco Blithers" to
Infection. Thee two, with
"Dibba," tha boy in buttons, by A.
1$. Roller, were the chief fun
makers. Mrs. II. P. Belknap a
"Mra. SelwyD," was all right, but
the part was not one that gave her
talent much opportunity to dis
play itself. Warren Brown of the
Kilkenny Irregulars, made a fine
looking soldier but the audience
thought his love-making waa too
cold for a warrir. Of course it
wasn't elected that he would
break any riba but there were aome
healthy Irishmen present who re
sen led Warren'a interpretation as
a good Bcimen of old-fashioned
Irish love-making. Misa Reed,
Mrs. Davis and Miss Brown were
casle for minor ports and filled
them acceptably.
Fur aa Impalrad Appatits
Lous o( )tit always ruaults from
faulty digestion. All that is needed it
a lew riimoa of CliatuU-rlHiu't Stomach
and Liver Tablets. They will invlgo
rata Die stomach, strengthen the diges
tion and kv you an apretita like a
wolf. Them tahlxta alan a.-t mU
laxative. Kor sale by 1). P. Adamsou. irerroon at 7:30.
Local Mention
Mrs. Delia Btewart of (VNeil,
visiting in town.
Mrs, Crorgo Wiley of I'oxt, has
been visiting in town.
Mrs. William Combs and daugli
ter came in Friday.
Ed Kennella and wife of Paulina
were In town last week.
The Misses Bertha and Fav
Baldwin returned Kunday from
week's vinit at Bend.
Wilkins, the old man who was
adjudged insane a few weeks ago
and sent to the asylum at Falera
died at that institution the first of
the week.
Misa Kva Fmiih of Missouri, a
sister of Miss Alice Bmith, came in
on Friday'a stage. Hlie will take
charge of the school at Combs Flat
the first of next week.
j ne sasiing masquerade an
nounced for tomorrow evening
haa been indefinitely postponed
on account of sickness in the fam
mily of Manager Poindexter.
tleorgo Hold and Mabel Bald
win were married at the home of
the bride's mother, Sunday the 8th,
Rev. W. 8. Cook officiating. Only
a few of the immediate relativea
were present.
Miss Marion Myera of Ban Fran
cisco, a niece of Mr. and Mrs. John
E. Ryan, arrived last Friday on a
visit to her uncle and aunt. Hhe
will probably spend the a u mine
in Central Oregon.
About 1500 head of sheep be
longing to Harris A Miller that
had Iteen wintered on the desert,
passed through town this nuornin
on the way to the Harris place on
Dry creek. They are in fine con.
Misa Jackie Brock is dead.
Word waa received yesterday by
friends of the young lady. Miss
Brock was well known in Crook
county. She worked at the print-
ng trade in Bend, at Prineville
and at Mitchell.
A telegram from Harrisburg,
dated March 7, says that Damon
Smith died at the home of his
grandmother on Februarv 28.
The young man was well known
in Crook county. He waa afflicted
with consumption and left here
hoping that a change of climate
would do him good.
The literary societies of the Crook
County High School will hold a
oint meeting in the assembly
room of the high school next Fri
day afternoon, at which meeting J.
N. illiatmon will address them.
His subject being "Stray Thoughts
or Odds and Ends." All who wish
to hear Mr. Williamson are cordial-
y invited to attend.
At the Presbyterian church next
Sunday the usual services will be
idd as follows: Sunday school at
10 a. m. with morning worship and
sermon at 11 o'clock. The society
of Christian Endeavor will meet at
6.45, and evening worship with
In the evening,
N. F. McCoin of Willow creek
was in town Saturday.
For oranges, lemons and bsnan
as, call on Mrs. Cyrus.
James Lawson was transacting
business in town the other day
Mrs. U. A. Lytle is visiting at
the home of George Lytle on Wil
low creek.
Mra. Eugene Lussier of Bend
paid a flying vMt to Prineville the
last of .the week.
J. W. Ritter was in from How-
ard Saturday transacting import
ant land business.
Max Crandall, the expert ac
countant, it out for assessor in
Washington County.
Rev. Moon of Eugene, will be
gin a series of meetings at the
Union church March 20.
Alex Mcintosh passed through
the city Friday on bis way to Port
land where his wife is sick.
Miss Vida Jones, who haa been
attending a husinesa college at
'ortland, came home Monday.
Ibo. O'Kelley was in from
Howard Saturday arranging bis
bond as postmaster at that place.
A. L. Wigle of Portland, a
brother of John Wigle, came in
Monday on a visit to his mother.
Mra. Bob Smith is visiting at
the home of her mother near Butta
Station, taking in the wedding of
her sister, Mabel Baldwin.
W. B. Johnson of Paulina, re
turned from Portland Friday
where he has been undergoing
treatment for his eyes during the
past month.
Surveyor! have been at work the
past few days surveying a channel
for the Ochoco through the city
mits. When once established
this chunnel will be observed by
property owners in the future. Its
course will be nrrattd and
made to bold the waters of the
creek at all times.
Willie Moore, the little eon of
Robert Moore, suffered a painful
accident the first of the week.
With several little companions he
imhei onto a wagon that was
passing the schoolhouse and slip
ping fell between the wheels. A
heel ran over his right arm,
reaking it just above the e'lbow.
Choice Loin Kteaks 12
Hound Xteakit..
Hhonlder "
Veal CiiiU-U..
Veal Itoimt
I'rlme Hill Itoiut
Plain Itoitst.....
J'ork Chop
Pork Roaat 12
Pork to boll 10
.... 10
... 10
... 12
... 10
... 8
Klew of beef
Htew of Veal 7
boiling lU-f Hlb 7
" Hank 6
" " llrlaket
I'Ik Feet..- 4
Hog Heads 4
Houp Meat 8
HaiiMaw B
Hhouldeni 12J
liarns la
Heavy lQe
Stump Grubbers
J wd stump an
One No. 2, fully equippeJ: one No. 8.
grubbers for sale cheap.
fully equipped, both in flrnt-clasH con
dition. or further particulars addresi
uaorge hood,, lieml, Uregou. 3-12-lm
Dr. Dunsmoro will speak on the
aubject, "The Transcendence of
Man." The male, quartette will
sing as usual. Everybody ia
cordially invited to all these
yyc invite your attention to our iNew Spring
Goods that are coming in right along.
They are right from the manufacturers and
are the newest and latest out. Examine our
Summer Dress Goods, Prints,
Laces, Embroideries,
India .Linens, Table Linen, Etc
Hardware Department
Our Hardware Department is complete. The
Shelf Line has been selected with great care.
It will pay you to get prices.
We are the Leaders. Both in quality and
prices. Try our Home-Cured Meats. Our
"Ham What 'Am" cannot be beaten.
J. E. Stewart & Co
Remember the Leap Year ball
tomorrow evenine. The ladies
ave made preparation for a large
ttendance. They have put in an
extra invitation to every member
so that it could be sent to a friend
instead of applying to the commit
tee for an invitation. Ho please
remember to mail the invitation
yourself. The person to whom it
is sent should present it at the
Rev. C. A. Housel finding that
he would be absent from the city
next Sunday arranged with Rev.
T. Moore to have the two con
gregations, Methodists and Bap
tists, to hold their services together
both morning and eveninsr. Mr.
Moore doing the preaching. The
services at 11 a. m., will be held at
the Union church and at 7:30 p.
m., at the Methodist church. W.
S. MeEwing will sing a special
solo at the evening service. Every
body invited to these services.
The O. K. Market advertises a
special Saturday sale. Read the
Read the Easter opening an
nouncement of the Crown Milli
nery Parlors. The date is set for
next Wednesday and Thursday.
The boys' athletic club of Crook
County High School held a meet
ing Tuesday evening to organize a
baseball team. Orrin Mills was
elected captain, and Randolph
Ketchum, manager.
8. W. Norton, the government
inspector, returned Monday from a
tour of the Sisters country investi
gating land proofs that are pend-
ng. He left immediately after
ward for Paulina and Burns.
A. II. Kennedy of the Review,
eft Sunday for Portland to receive
medical treatment. He expects to
be away two or three weeks. Miss
Addie Vanderjool is getting out
the Review during his absence.
R. E. Jones returned from Port-
and last week where he has been
looking up the timber market.
He says that there will be con
siderable activity among buyers
within the next ninly days and
that he will soon be in a position
to handle some claims himself.
Col. Belcher and II. F. Jones
came over from Redmond last
evening. The colonel says he
likes to come to Prineville so that
he can enjoy the comforta of a
steam heated hotel. Mr. Jones is
filing his nominating petitions with
the county clerk. Both gentlemen
report lots of new settlers in the
Redmond district.
Redmond Items
Redmond, Or., March 9, '08.
Carl Ebret was at the county
capital on Saturday. He would
not say much for publication, but
we found out that he has a rail
road up his sleeve. We could al
most hear the toot of the whistle.
We did not learn that any definite
assurances have been given that a
railroad will be built in time to
carry us to the Fourth of Juty cele
bration at Prineville, but Carl
says he is working on a proposition
that may lead to something after a
Ed Bates came in from Portland
Sunday. We wanted to get a re
port on bim and the other mem
bers of the Redmond aggregation
at the metropolis, but failed to
make connections with him.
Frank McCaffery is putting up a
feed barn that will be run by Milo
Covert. Z. T. McClay now has
charge of the hotel barn.
At Portland, Or., Friday, March
6, Mrs. Emma Stewart, wife of D. F,
Stewart, of Prineville.
ine news of Mrs. Stewart's
death, while not unexpected, caused
a feeling of gloom to overspread
the community where she has lived
so long. She was born in Mercer
county, O., March 31, 1858, and
was married to D. F. Stewart at
Firth, Neb., October 3, 1875. She
leaves three children, J. E. Stew
art of this place, Mrs. Grace Krebs
of Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. Una
Carlson of Portland. She wasxa
member of Sunbeam Lodge, De
gree of Honor, and had been a
member of the Baptist church here
for fifteen years. She was not only
faithful to her church, but just as
laiimui in oeneving mat it was
her duty as a Christian to do the
will of her Master at all times
She was always ready to lend a
helping band in time of need-
both in acts of kindness and in
words. She was buried at River
side cemetery, Portland.
Rheumatic Pains Selisred.
B. F. Crocker, Esq., now 84 years of
Ke. ano lor twenty years Justice of the
reace at .Martim-burg, Iowa, says: "I
am terribly afflicted witb sciatic rheu
matism in my left arm and riarht hlD.
1 have used three bottles of Chamber
lain's Pain Balm and It did me lot of
good." J-or sale by D. P. Adamson.
To Breeders.
Thoroughbred Jersey bull for service
thit season. J. K. Adamsom,
3121m Prineville, Or.
i O'C! i& ( " 2 f "-
- .S-J w tW9 W VW W3 w:i
"Spring Time,
Seed Time"
Anticipating early our needs for the coming season,
I placed our order for seeds, and was fortunate in
getting in in the very lowest market, besides getting
the very choicest varieties in Strictly Oregon Grown
seeds. These good seeds are bere now, were brought
in from Shaniko by express to avoid any possible
injury liable by frost or otherwise by freight ship
ment, and we are going to sell them exactly at the
same prices here in Prineville as is quoted by the
Portland seed house.
Radish Yellow Dent Corn Pumpkin
Onions Sweet Corn Squash
Peas Beets, Vetch Turnip
Beans Rutabago Clover
Timothy Red Top Alfalfa
Besides a complete assortment of D. M. Fe rr's
package seeds, will also have a complete assortment
of seed grains such as Wheat, Oats, Barley etc
f Special Notice
3A I want to get qnlte a number of empty 5 gallon oil cans and
K will pay to the boys 5 cents each for all they deliver at the
J store until we have the required number.
" . '
Lap Robes. Hone Blankets, Etc
1 have Just received a new line of
Lap Kotxtt, Horse Blankets aud
ButfKle Whips. Call and get my
2-tt J. W., JPrlneTllle.
Brown Leghcrn Eggs for Sal.
I have bought the J. R. Harvey
Hrmvn Tirhnrn rlii..L-mia art A am
prepared to furnish eggs to all who
wnui. xneiu at i ior a setting ol
fifteen. The chickens are full-blood
Brown Leghorn and are fine lavers.
Call on or write, Mrs. T. H. Lafollett,
Prineville, Or.
In the District Court ol the United Btatea for
the District of ldho, Central Division.
In (he matter ei Kkhud Cunningham,
Notice ia hercbv iri ven that J. O. Cfinnnnt
Trustee in the matter ol UK-hard Cunning
ham, bankrupt, will tell a private aale Ave
hundred (500) (hares of the capital stock of the
American Standard Mining Companv. a cor-
uurnuvii vi tft-Dver, iaho.. aou also me norm
half of the northwest quarter, and the noith
west quarter of the northeast quarter of sec
tion seventeen (17), and the northeast quarter
of the northwest quarter of section (18), in
township thirty-two (Si) south of range ()
earn 01 ine vt uiauicue aieriuian, in irooa
county, 8tat of Oregon. Said mining stock to
be sold in one lot and said real estate in one
Sealed bids will be received for said pro-
l-ny oy Bam trustee, at Oliver city, inano,
either personally or through United States
mail, during ine period commencing with the
first publication of this notice aud terminat
ing on the 3uth day of April, 190S. Bids shall
be accompanied by a certified check equal to
ten per cent of the amount bid, the trustee
being authorized to accept the highest and
bust bid, subject to the approval of the
referee, after a return to the referee of his
proceedings bj said trustee under oath, and a
hearing by the referee thereon, afte ten days
noiice by mail to the creditors.
Datd at Silver oitv. Idaho, this 27th davof
February, 190S.
i W. F. ftmrf
Removal Notice
W. Frank Petett, the
Jeweler, has removed from
Adamson's Drug Store to
the northeast corner of the
OWeU Restaurant Do not
mistake the place.
D. P. Adamson & Co
"yE have in stock the most complete line of
Jewelry, consisting of Watches, Chains,
Bracelets, Rings for both men and women, Charms,
Clocks, Silverware and Hand-Painted Ware ever
in Prineville.
We have a Competent Jeweler and Engraver
in charge of our Repair Department.
D. P. Adamson & Co.
The City Meat Market
Headquarters for
Home - Cured Lard and
Try some of Crook county's choicest
products. Its the best that money can
buy. You will not only save money but
you will help build up a home industry.
We always carry the best in
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
Special rates when sold in large quantities
We handle all kinds of country produce
Mail Order House in
he Northwe.t M - as.saBt
" . - YiY VV0. M P
in iKit rcmtai Monthly
Kmrn a Mvmt on wftitrvcr
vou may Deed. Stm. to
i Catalog.
The Buyers Guide
Front and Onir lt.
jfcencierson & !Pollarcl
Wines and
Finest Cigars
Cir In Stock
Country Orders Solicited
First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel
V we
pot Mail 10 to 60 more money for jpn to ship Raw Fur and Hid to hr tbaa to
at home. Write for Price List. Market Import, Hhip,ng Ttup. and alxmt our
450 pa.o. leather bound, Bm (hinr on th aobjeet iw written. ll)urtrlin all Kur Arum!. All
bout Trppi' Secret. Dwoyt, Trap. Game Uwi. How and whert to lrp, aud t bwn (")'
'cMfal trppor. It's a rwrultr Eueyckipedi. Prica, $3, Trj ur miiam, 1 J. H'te iahhI i,t
beautiful R"bM. Our ntlc Bait nd DacOTftUm-isaniniBli to trap, fl 00 rr httlo. Mi v "f
UidN and fun to u and got nigboft pnoas. AM&onek Urn ircpt-119. JlU-ajKll,.tt inn.