Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 05, 1908, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal
THURSDAY. MAR. 5. 1908
Subscription ll.SO Ji.
Dr. Belknap for RepresenUtiTe.
In c peaking of the progress of
hit campaign totucceed himself for
a second term in the lower house,
Dr. IVlknap was most sanguine.
Many flattering assurances of sup
port come from his constituents ail
over the district. His nominating
petitions have been circulated
freely and have been liberally
signed. They were filed with the
secretary of State last weeks
There is no candidate before the
republican voters of the Twenty
first district that is more deserving
than the doctor. His splendid
record at the last session entitle
him to a complimentary term and
this idea is shared by his constituents.
It seems unnecessary to men
tion Dr. Belknap's early struggle
to get an education and his politi
cal experiences in Central Oregon,
where he has always been identi
fied with the beet class of people
and all progressive and education
al movements. He has served in
turn as county school superin
tendent, county treasurer, and
mayor of the city of Frineville for
three terms, and in each capacity
as well as in his present incum
bency has proven industerious and
efficient, always a clean man for a
clean government.
Dr. Belknap attended the Uni
versity of Michigan two years and
bas been a member of the alumni
of the University of New York
since his graduation from the
medical department of that in
stitution in 1S86.
He has lived in Crook county
since boyhood and his wide pro- j
feesional acquaintance and many
supporters in times past will no
doubt be in evidence at the April
primaries. He is an able citizen
and an efficient legislator.
me rxKiy 01 Allen Hash wa
found in his mining cinip on Ha
Creek yesterday by a boy who had
been in the habit of taking him
Several days ago when the
young man who was attending
him was at the camp the old
gentleman said that he had a bad
cold and thought he was takin
the grip. The young man asked
him to go to his ranch near La
monta until he was better but Mr,
Hash said that he would stay in
the cabin and thought he would be
all right in a day or two.
On making his next trip some
ten days later the young man die
covered the dead body of the
miner. Mr. Hash was an old
pioneer settler on Willow Creek
ana was yi years old at the time
of his death. A. H. Lippman has
charge of the remains.
Additional Locals.
First Gnn to be Fired Sunday.
The first gun in the local option
campaign to make Crook county
"dry" will be fired next Sunday
night when a union meeting of the
three local churches will be held
in the Methodist church. The
principle address will be made by
II. B. Hudeon, of Portland, who is
field secretary of the International
Reform Bureau. Services"at both
the other churches will be dis
missed for the evening. The
Presbyterian male quartette will
sing. Mr. Hudson will also make
the address at a meeting for men
only at the Union church at 2:30
Sunday afternoon. , This also is a
union meeting to be participated
in by the three churches. All men
and boys above fourteen are in
vited to this meeting. Everybody
is invited to the evening meeting.
Mr. Hudson will also tour the
county as far as practicable. The
following are his dates: Sheppard
school house, March 9: Weaver
school house, March 10; Redmond,
March 11, Cline Falls, March 12;
Sisters, March 13; Gist, March 14;
Laidlaw, Sunday morning March
15; Bend, Sunday evening, March
15; Grizzly, March 17; Lamonta,
March 18; Red Rock school house,
March 19; Culver, March 20; Opal
Prairie, March 21; German church,
iounclii morning March 22; Mad
ras, Sunday evening, March 22;
Big Plains, March 23.
Breeze from the Sisters.
Editor Journal The weather of
the past few days has been very
Edwin Graham and wife of the
Matoles, were in town the first of
the week.
a u tuieu Mates land inspector
was in this vicinity several days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell returned
Saturday from a trip to Frineville,
where the latter went to attend the
teachers' examination.
James Boyd, who has been trap
ping in the mountains near this
place during the winter, left Tues
day for his home near Seattle.
F. M. Zumwalt made a trip to
Frineville last week. He reports
me roaus Detter tnan he ever saw
them at this time of the year.
Mrs. Lee Cover of Matoles, was
in town the first of the week.
G. A. St evens left Saturday for
Prineville points.
Born To the wife of J. H. Tay
lor, a girl.
The Man Looking fob a Job.
Rev. Moon of Eugene, state
evangelist of the Christian church
will begin a series of meetings
April 1, at Union church.
Hermann Poch is building
tannery on his ranch two miles
east of town and will tan furs and
hides of all kinds for local and
outside markets. Hermann knows
his business and will no doubt be
successful in his undertaking.
The Ladies of the Annex are go
ing to give a Leap Year ball March
IS. Each member is allowed to
invite one friend. The ladiee will
prepare supper at the hall and a
good time is anticipated. Every
girl get busy.
u. epnnger oi c-uiver, was in
town on business -Tuesday. In
talking on politics Mr. Springer
said he would like to have his op
ponents define their position on
Statement No. 1. He believed the
question would cause lota of
scratching when the ballots were
Candidates Column.
H. P. Bdkaaa far Uat RcpraotatiTt
To the republicans of Crook,
Grant, Klamath and Lake counties
I wish to Inform the republicans of
Crook, Grant, Klamath and Lake
counties, constituting the Twenty-
first Representative District of Ore
gon, that my name will be presented
for your consideration at the
primary election to be held April 17,
1908, asking your suffrage for uelec
tlon as one of the republican nomi
nees tor Joint Representative to be
balloted for on June 1, 1908.
H. P. Belknap. Prineville, Ore.
fni A Rica far Caaaty Saneyer
To the republican voters of Crook
county: I announce myself a can
didate for the oLlce of county sur
veyor, subject to your approval at
the primaries to be held In April.
- Fbed A. Ricb.
W. R. McFarUae' far Caaaty Traanrer.
To the democratic voters of Crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of county
treasurer, subject to your approval
at the primaries in Auril.
W. R. McFablakd.
Ralph Slurp far Jutkc af the Peace
1 hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of Justice of the
Peace subject to the approval of the
democratic voters at the primaries
to be held in April.
Ralph Shabp.
H. F. Jomtt for Aueuar
l:o tine voters of Crook county: 1
hereby announce myself aK a candi
date for the office of county assessor,
subject to the approval of the repub
lican voters at the primaries to be
held April 17,1908.
H. F. Jones, Redmond,
G. Spriaf er tor Joiot Senator
To the voters of Crook, Lake and
Klamath counties: I announce my
self a candidate for the office of Joint
Senator, subject to the approval of
the democratic voters of the district.
G. Spbi.ngbr, culver, Oregon.
R. A. Ford far Caaaty School Saperiatewlent
To the republican voters of Crook
county; I hereby announce myself
a candidate for the office of county
school superintendent. Your sup
port at the primaries in April will be
appreciated. R. A . Fobd.
W. P. Mjert Far Distrrct Allan cr
To the Republican voters of the
Seventh Judicial District: I desire
the nomination at your hands to
the office of District Attorney and
will appreciate your votes at the
coming primary election If you deem
me worthy of your support.
W. P. Myekb, Laidlaw, Ore
Jake StraaJ far SWiff
To the voter of Crook county: 1
hervhy nnnonncv in.vwlf n a chikII
date for the nomination l KhcrllT
subject to the approval of the demo
cratic voter at the primaries to le
held April 17th. Jakk Stkocik
Jaawa Rice far Can
To the voters of Crook county
hereby announce ntywlf as a caiutl
date for the nomination of county
cotmuiKsioncr, wnhject to the ap
proval of the republican voters at
the primary election to be held April
17. jAMKSltUlt
WaJe H. Haataa far Caaaty Santfar
To the democratic voters of crook
county: 1 hereby announce myself as
a candidate for nomination to the
omce of county surveyor. Your
support at the primaries In April
will lie appreciated.
Wai II. lll'STO.
W. C Cealetae far SWiff
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate tor the office of sheriff of
Crook county, subject to the ap
proval of the democratic voters at
the primaries to be held April 17,
W0S. V. C. Conoi.kton. raullua
A H. KeaaeaV far Jut tea al tlx Paaca
I hereby announce myself a eandl
date for the office of Justice of the
Pence subject to the approval of the
republican voters at the primaries
to be held In April.
W. R. Caak far Caaaty Sckaal SapariataaaW
To the democratic voters of crook
county: I hereby announce myself a
candidate for nomination to the
office of county school eucriiiteud-
ent. Your Kiipport at the primaries
In April, will be heartily appreciated.
W. It. Cook.
I. A leaaaaa far Caaaty Staeel Saaerialtaeeat
I hereby announce that 1 will tie a
camlldate for couuty school smierlu
tenilent of Crook county subject to
the action of the republican voters
in me primary election.
M. A. Lehman, O'Neil. Ore.
Wat Jeaatei far Caaaty Traasarar
To the voters of Crtok county: I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the nomination, on the re
publican ticket, to , b office of
county treasurer. If nominated and
elected I promise to faithfully dis
charge the duties of the office.
Wm Johnson.
W. F. Kief far Caaaty Treaiartr
To the voters of Crook County: I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for re-election to the office of
countv treasurer, subject to your
approval of the administration of
the office during my present term.
W. F. Kl.vci.
H. A Fatter far Aueuar
To the democratic voters of Urook
county: I hereby anuounce mv cnn.
didacy for the office ofcountv as
sessor, subject to your approval at
the primary election to l held
April 17. H. A. Foht.
J. D. LafoDette far Caaaty Aueuar
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for re-election to the office of,
county aHHt'KHor, subject to the up-j
provai oi the democratic voters at
the primaries to lie held In April.
J. D. Lakoli.ettk.
Fraak EHmm far SfceHff
To the voters of Crook county: I
hereby announce my candidacy tor
the office of nherlff of crook county,
on the republican ticket, subject to
the approval of the republlcau voters
at the primary to lie held In April.
Frank Ki.mnm.
Warns Ira wa far Caaaty Clark
To the voters of crook county: 1
hereby announce myself a candidate
for the the office of county clerk,
subject to the approval of the demo'
cratlc voters at the primaries to be
held In April. Wakrkn Known
L F. Villa far St.t Scalar
1 herewith announce mymlf a can
didate for Joint senator from Klam
ath. Lake ami crook sonntles on the
republican ticket, subject to th de
cision of the primary election.
L. F. Wiixits.
Klamath Falls, Ore., Feb. 4th. 11KVS.
J. F. BUecUra" far Caaaty JaJte
Madras, Ore., January SS.
To the voters of Crook count v
I hereby announce mysel a candi
date tor nomination, on the repub
lican ticket, to the office of County
Judge. Your support at the pri
maries, April 17, will te truly
Sincerely yours,
J. F. Kl.ANt'UAKO.
New Showing of Spring Goods &
Superb Showing of
Fine Shirt Waists
The Largest and Best Line of
High-Clasa Goods we have crr
shown are here for your (Lcii.-j.
Fancy Wash Silk
and Net Waists from
$3:50 to $8.50
Caa. H. Ma raMa far Stata Saaatar
I hereby submit my name to the
republlcau voters for Joint aenato
from Klamath, Ijike aud Crool
counties at the primary election to
1k held April 17. l'JOS.
Having faithfully reprenenttd this
district In the letst session of the leg.
Islature, ami since the Ncuatorship
has,1or this term, been conceded to
Klamath, I ngalu ask for the favor
able consideration of the' voters ol
this Senatorial district.
v Respectfully,
Oico. II. JIkuhyman
jlj Shoes.
H. A Brattaia far Jaiat Repreaeatatira
To the republicans of Klamath,
Ijike, Crook and Grant counties:
I wish to Inform the republicans of
Klamath, Lake. Crook and Grant
Counties, constituting the Twenty
first Representative District of Ore
gon, that my name will le presented
for your consideration at the urt
tnary election to lie held April 17
190S, asking your suffrages for selec
tion as one of the republican nomi
nees for Joint Representative In said
district, to la- balloted for on June 1,
H. A. Ukattai.n, Paisley, Ore.
ctj i
: SI Our New Sorim? Lines of
i gCj SOROSIS SHOES for Ladies,
lU Ait i7i r i .
1M vo vares ana uisunct
f "7fi" Srhnnl
M in Daily. Our Prices
jv( Right See Them.
& col
H. C Ellia far Caaaty JJ(a
Tt the voters of crook county: I
tereby anuounce myself as a camll
date for the office of county Judge, I
subject to the approval of the repub
lican voters at the primaries to In
held April 17, 1908. 11. C. Elms.
Barley for Sale
Chopped barley, without sacks,
flS Mr ton. Hacked $21. InmiireoP
Helfrlch Kros.. O'Nell. Ore. 2-0tt
Fred W. Wilaaa Jar Dutrict Attara y
Subject to the approval of the
voters of Crook and Wasco counties,
my candidacy Is announced for the
Itepubllcnn nomination for District
Attorney of the Seventh Judicial
District. If nominated and elected
shall endeavor to discharge the
duties of the office faithfully as pro
vided by law.
Frkd W. Wilson,
Clearance Sale
Beginning January lit I will sell t
cost trimmed Hats. Street lists. Cis.
Ribbon, Veiling, etc.
This sale also include! nice line of
Underwear, Fascinators, Handkerchief,
Shopping Bags and other notions. '
Mr FtpQ' Millinery
I II Os LaOICiJ Parlors
Corner Second anal Main Sta.
I P. A. A. C. HALL
Friday, March 6th
One bay horse, 9 years old, white
face, left hind foot white, branded
' 8" on left shoulder. Began feeding
December 8. Horse Is at Redmond
Stables, Redmond, Oregon. Owner
can have same by paying feed bill
and notice 2-27-lm
H I Home Cured Meat
U Ij J. E. Stewart & Co.'. I
- Winter
We have an unusually attractive line of Dreii
a m m m - -
Skirt which we will sell at the folk
BIG CUT in prices:
$6.50 value cut to
6.25 " "
6.00 " '
5.50 u
4.50 " "
3.75 M w
3.00 " 44
225 " 44
-. 4.00
III cc
To Exchange
Honey in sections to trade for
Beardless Barley. J. E. Adamson 4t
"TL, UtJ
A Farcial Comedy in Three AcU.
Sam Selwyn, a married man 4r. Duncan Macleod
Fred Bellamy, his unwilling slave: Mr. J. F. Blanchard
Capl Kalskill, of the Kilkenny Irregulars Mr. Warren Brown
Dibbs, a boy in butlons Mr. A B. Roller
Bosco Blithers, professor of penmanship Dr. H. G. Davis
Mrs. Selwyn, Selwyn's belter half.. Mrs. H. P. Belknap
Grace, her daughter Miss May Belle Reed
Tilly, a parlor maid Mrs. H. G. Davis
Lottie Blithers, Fred's fiancee Miss Maude Brown
Given under the auspice of the I. O. O. F.
and Rebekah.
Admission 35c. Reserved Seats 50c
On aale at Winnek'a Drug Store
Performance begins at 8:15 sharp
Cash paid
( i
ior a iimoer re
Inquire at this odice
c f. d a i mm mi
W. A. Booth, Praaldant
D. r. Stiwart, Vlca Praaldant
O. M. Elkini, Oaahlar
W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkihs,
O. r. Stiwart
lm tr
For IrricrfltpH Farm S
o -
t and Fruit Lands I
S In tha Deachutes Valley write $
j Redmond, Oregon. 2
2 ct m m ti m e c ea m t
Transacts a General
Banking BuMrieHfl
Exchange Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt attention
$6.25 Panta now.
5.50 " "
4.50 " .
4.00 " " .
3.75 - " .
3.50 " - .
.. 3.50
.. 2.75
.. 2.50
. .2.35
, 2.25
$3.25 Pant now..
3.00 " " ..
2.75 - - .,
2.50 ..
2.25 - - ..
.. 1.95
.. 1.85
.. 1.75
.. 1.50
Clifton & Cornett
Successors to R. E. Simpson
Placksmithing That Pleases &
lh The Kind You Get At
Flraf IMiu'e North of the rrtnevlllo Hotel k5
Horseshotjing. Wagon and General Repair work done
Subscrii)e for the Journal. $1.50 Year