Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 27, 1908, Image 3

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K 0. llodnoii dimln hi flml trip
to Htmniko Humly in Li nrw 'id
horoe power Hio. lie liml four
)RMrngr Mwor. T. M. lt 1 .
win, C. I. Winnck, J. II. IVnipU
tun aiul T. D. Hughe and Umlml
tlictn lit the railroad without
rinui id ir 1 1 it p. The roiitj wrn
in fair condition to Cow canyon
hut from lhrr to Hhaniko lltey
wore ft fright. "Knot time u im
powiihlc," ald Mr. Ilodnon, "until
thf rod r llxr'i uj With
houldor rt'tuuvcd and ruta fllUd a
liH'd of fourteen mile an hour
could Imb maintained. Thin wai
the average timo I madn between
Prineville and Madraa on my r
turn, and it could eauily be made
between I'rineville and Mianiko
with a little work put on the road
at the Shaniko end."
"I had oo trouble at all with my
engine," aid UixUon. It worked
like a charm both on a level road
and (dewing through mud up to
the ante. The only tinkering I
had to do wan to tighten three tiuU
from the time I left hero until I
got back."
The Civic Improvement Urigade
of I'rlni'ville held an intrtiliiig
nutting at the Union church Hut
urday afternoon.
The following oflicer were
elected for the running year:
Worthy Commander, Wilford
lkdknap; taut commander, Ague
Klllott; lieutenant commandur,
Warren Yancey; secretary, Glady
Doak; treasurer, Clark Mow;
chaplain, Ktln-I McDaniel; or
derly aergeant, Van ilrinkj flora,
(ioldie Clt'i'k; poinona, MaM
Doak; advisory hoard, Ada I!.
Millican, Anna YYmnrk and Ktlie
Plana for work for the coming
year were d incurred.
I Id a Cohra won the book of
poem offered by Mr. Millican for
the member eecuring the Urgent
numWr of honorary meml-er. It
waa a good edition of Eugene
Field's Poem of Childhood.
The brigade, which wiu organ
ised a year ago, has panned the ex
perimental etage. It ia doing good
work in cultivating n love of
nature in the growing minds of
our young folk. Tin epirit ia
commendable and ahould he foa
tered by our cititenn generally.
We need to beautify our city In
every ponmble way and no mean
ahould le n'glicled which liaa that
object in view. M.
The Best
in Town
Hardware Department
In our Hardware Department, as in other lines,
we are showing many new goods. Quality the
best. Examine our fine line of
Axes. Saws, Wedges, Hoes,
Sledges, Hammers,
Carpenter Tools, .Shovels,
Garden Rakes,
Ammunition, Cutlery,
Tinware, Lanterns,
Granite Ware, Lamps.
Local Mention
Win. Comha returned yenterday
from Cortland.
I'. CI. Milliron returned lhi
morning from lVndleton.
10. J.(ireen of Koaland ! attend
ing to bmiiniiH tuatteri here.
Mr. C. II. Allen and daughter of
Uend were in the city Saturday.
F. J. Lively returned from hi
Portland trip the fir ft of the week.
J. W. Smith of Bilver Lake waa
attending to bucinem matter at
the court houmi today.
Are you going to ' attend the
lailica "high jink" tomorrow evo
ning? Well, I guena, yea.
K. C. Park, our well-known
Uedmond correspondent, paid a
Uying vinit to I'rineville Tuesday.
11. II. Orcutt, K. L Ionnerd
and K. K. Leonnard were paanen
gem on the liend atnge je(tetu.
Elva Handate, the 11-year old
duughter of A. F. Handle, that
died hiat Friday, was buried Bun
day. Mita Norah DoM returned yea
terday to her position in the tele
phone oflko at Bhaniko after a
week'a vittit here.
L. It. Lafollette left ycaterday for
Bhaniko from which place he will
hip rive carloads of bee I cattle to
Portland markets.
Fred A. Wallace of Laidlaw ia
here this week. Mr. Wallace says
that the farmers of that section are
going to organize a creamery.
"Three Hat" is the name of one
of the funniext comedies ever given
bv local talent. Nothing but fun
from beginning to end. Don't
miss it
J. E. Htewart and family left
Tuesday for Portland where Mr.
BtewartV mother is in a hospital.
Mrs. Btewart is critically ill and
all the children have been called to
One of the best jewelry display!
that we have aeen in Central
Oregon is in I). P. Adumson & Co's.
show windows this week. It con
sists of an assortment of watches,
chains, fobs, chnrms, lockets, but
tons, pins, eto , and all that is
usually found in a jewelry stock.
Married At the home of Omar
Claypool, on Wednesday, February
26th, Kev. Dr. Dunsmore officiat
ing, Mr. Andrew Robinson and
Mr. Jane Bourne, both of Bend,
Oregon. The happy couple left
the next morning for Bend, where
they will be "at home" to their
many friends, who follow them
with best wishes and cordial con
We have just received a
Percales, Prints,
Sheeting, Ticking,
Cotton Batts, Towling, Bath Towels, Oil Gloth,
Miss Hattie Quinn of O'Neil was
in town Tuesday.
F. M. Zurnwalt of Hiotera was a
business visitor Tuesday.
L. C. Etna n of Redmond was a
business visitor Monday.
Garden and flower seeds of all
varieties at J. E. Btewart A Co.
If you enjoy a good hearty laugh
see the farce comedy at P. A. A. C.
hall on Friday evening, March 6.
Miss Eva Bmith, sinter of Alice
Bmith of Humansville, Mo., is
expected here on a visit this week.
L. II. Tiffany and Claude C.
Covey, tierintendent of the Warm
Bprings Ind an reservation, are
here buying horses and mules for
use on the reservation.
Mra Michel left for Portland
last Friday whither she was sum
moned by the death o' her brother-in-law,
Mr. O. M. Risser. Mr.
Risser was well known in I'rine
ville. At one time he was a mem
ber of the firm of Michel & Risser.
He was 55 years of age and a man
much esteemed by all who knew
The people of Crook county that
annually visit Belknap Bprings will
be pleased to learn that extensive
improvements will be mado at this
popular summer reort this year.
A new boarding house with a first-
class cook will be a decided gain.1
Thone who wish to camp but do
not want to cook will lie able to
secure excellent board without the
drudgery of preparing it. The
resort will be open earlier than
last year.
At the Presbyterian church next
Sunday, services an follows Bun-
day school at 10 a. ni. followed by
morning worship and sermon at 11
o'clock. The subject of the morn
ing sermon will be, "Bhall We
Know Our Friends In Heaven?"
Meeting of society of Christian
Endeavor at 6:45, and evening
worship and sermon at 7:30. Sub
ject for the evening will be, "Mas
querades." The Male Quartet and
Orchestra at the evening service.
Everylwly is cordially invited to
all these services.
The pupils of the primary grades
o! the rnneviiie runnc cnooi
rendered a very interesting pro
gram Friday afternoon in com
memoration of the births of Ameri
ca's two greatest men Washing
ton and Lincoln immediately
after which the pupils of the four
upper grades gave a short, but
interesting program, the chief fea
ture ol winch was a darkey song
by Anna Thronson, Aver Dobbs,
Lawrence Lister and Lelnnd Belk
nap. A large number of the par
ents and friends of the pupils were
in attendance at both programs,
portion of our Spring Shipments in the following lines
This Department needs
low prices is our motto.
Home Cured Meats
Shoulders, per lb..
Heavy Bacon,, per lb
Ham, per lb
Pinki, per lb
Mexican Red, per lb
Small White, "
Crackers -
l-Ib cartona, per pkg
8-lb boxea
Gate, 1 lb
" 2S lb.;
John Ray waa in from Post
Saturday. j
Roy E. (iray wis in from his
ranch near Post Tuesday.
Chas, Lister was down from his
ranch on the Ochoco Friday.
D. B. Hamilton left Tuesday for
Bhaniko and other points north.
Frank McCaffery was doing
business at the court bouse Tues
day. Mrs. Fry left the Ut of the
week to join relatives in Bpokane,
J. K. Elliott has bought E. 8.
Dobbs' cattle and has rented Mr.
Dobbs' ranch on Ochoco.
Clark Rude of Bandusky, Ohio, is
here looking after the ;ntrest of
the Pioneer T. & T. Co.
Will Led ford spent Monday and
Tuesday in Bend where he went
as a witness on the Jake Reams
contest case.
W. F. Cole, a land dealer of Bt.
Paul, Minn., has been in Crook
county this week looking over the
possibilities in his line.
J. F. Blanchard spent the first
of this week in the Madras country
looking over the political situation.
Buperintendent Dinwiddle acted in
his place at the public schools.
The Dalles high school debating
team debated the railroad question
with the high school team from
Echo. The Dalles team was vic
torious winning the question on
the affirmative.
8. W. Norton, of Washington,
I). C, is in this part of the coun
try acting in the capacity of spe
cial agent for the general land
office. He ia looking up numerous
timber and desert land entries and
says that many will soon pass to
P. T. Poynter was in from Pau
lina the last of the week filing on
homestead. Mr. Poynter says
that he has a IGO-acre tract that is
almost level, and that water can
be found a few feet from the sur
face. There are manv more such
places in that part of Crook county
he says, and settlers will be wel
A movement was started this
week toward beautifying the
grounds of the Presbyterian
church. Adrian Crooks and Chas.
Lytle circulated a subscription
paper and had no trouble in rais
ing an amount sufficient to install
water, cultivate and seed the
grounds. We hope that this will
prove an incentive to others to
beautify their front yards. Noth
ing adds so much to the attract
iveness of a
citv as well-kept
lawns with plenty of flowers, trees
and shrubberv.
Summer Dress Goods, India Linens
Laces, Embroideries, Table Linen
no introduction. High quality and
Space will only permit a few prices.
Dependable, 1 -lb
" 2J-lb
Wadco, Mb tin
Mush Goods
10-lb bag Rolled
Cream of Wheat
10 lb Germ Grit
10 lb Corn Meal
10 lb Hominy
25 lb Graham
50 lb
Extra Patent 501b
Standard 50 lb
.'. 50c
1 00
2 00
Standard 5-bbI lot
O D. Martin of Portland was.
business visitor the first of the
W. J. O'Kelly was in from his
ranch on McKay the first of the
Henry Cadle left Wednesday for
Portland and Corvallis, where be
will visit hie family.
Will Vandevert of Bend was in
the city several days this week.
Mr. Vandervert was accompanied
by his children, Clinton and Miss
Maude They were attending to
land matters at the court house.
Hiram Gibson was delivering a
load of apples to our merchants
here this week. They were grown
on Mr. Gibson's orchard nine miles
north of here and have kept per
fectly through the winter. Yet
the old-timer says this is not a
fruit country.
Services at the Methodist church
next Bunday are aa follows: Sun
day School at 10 a. m; Preaching
services 11 a. m. Pastor's subject,
"The Stranger at Church." Junior
League 2:30 p. m. Mrs. McLaugh
lin, superintendent. Epworth
League 6:30. Preaching services
7:30. Subject, "Choosing a Hus
band," or "Some Leap Year Sug
gestions." Special music. All
are cordially invitel to atend.
The Central Oregon Banking &
Trust Co. of Bend has again re
sumed business. The bank was
found to be perfectly solvent. In
commenting on the opening the
Bend Bulletin says: "Business
started out at the bank in a brisk
manner Monday morning, a goodly
sum having been "deposited by
Bend people the first day that the
bank was open. This baa con
tinued during the week, which
goes to show that the people and
especially the business men of
Bend hare as much confidence as
ever in the local banking institu
Lap Robes, Horse Blankets, Etc
I have lust received a new line of
Lap Robtw, Horse Blankets and
Buggie Whips. Cull and get my
2-6 J. W. Boone, Prlnerllle.
Browa Legharn Eggs for Sale.
I have bought the J. R. Harvey
Brown Leghorn chickens and am
prepared to furnish eggs to all who
want them at fl for a setting of
fifteen. . The chickens are full-blood
Brown Leghorn and are fine layers.
Call on or write, Mrs. T. H. Lafollett,
1'rliieville, Or.
One bay horse, 9 years old, white
face, left hind foot white, branded
' 8" on left shoulder. Began feeding
T 1. O 11 I .. i t . .1 . . . 1
I rw i i iveumouu
Stables, Redmond,' Oregon. Owner
can have same by paying feed bill
and notice 2-27-lm
The Best
25c Coffee
in Town
tin 40c
tin 95c
.. 25c
Oat 50c
1 00
1 25
1 10
4 00
"Spring Time,
Seed Time" jj
Anticipating early our needs for the coming season, 4
I placed our order for eeeds, and waa fortunate in ?
getting in in the very lowest market, besides getting
the very choicest varieties in Strictly Oregon Grown
seeds. These good seeds are bere now, were brought ji?
in from Rhanilrrt tir Mnrma tt nvniil fnv rwaaiMa l
(j) injury liable by frost or otherwise by freight ship- 7?
r ment, and we are going to sell them at exactly the f
Q same prices here in I'rineville as is quoted by the A
rj Portland seed house. I
Radish Yellow Dent
Onions ' Sweet Corn
Peas ' Beets, Vetch
Beans Rutabago
Timothy Red Top
Besides a complete assortment
rta1ranra tuiAla will a Ian Ys a
.sVcaV wwvaJ " wiov a
of seed grains such as
I want to get quite ft numlT of empty 5 gallon oil cans and
will pay to the boys 5 cents each for all they deliver at the
store .until we have the required nnmber. v)
piacksmithing That Pleases 5
I The Kind You Get At
First Place North of the Prineville Hotel V
Horseshoeing. Wagon and
New Prineville
Just opened in the old photograph
building on eaet side Main street
All the latest styles in Photographs. We have
Artura Finish. The best on the market. All work
guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See samples.
The City Meat Market
Headquarters for
Home - Cured Lard and
Try some of Crook county's choicest
products. Its the best that money can -buy.
You will not only save money but
you will help build up a home industry.
We always carry the best in
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
Special rates when sold in large quantities
We handle all kinds of country produce
. for
pot oash. to toSe more money for too to hip Kaw Furs and TIM to on than to
at home. Write for Price Lint. Market Import. Shipping Tom. nnd Klioot our
450 paM. leather bound. Bert thin on ttw subject tw written, lllurtratiag all Pur Animals, all
about Trappwrs' SaereU, Decors, Trips, Gama Laws. How and where to trap, and to become a sue
cWol trapper. It's a regular Encyck-pedia. Price. W- To our cui toruert, 1.2. Hidei tanned mto
beautiful K-hes. Our Magnetic Bait and DeCOjr attrartu tmmils fc trap,. 1.00 rr K'"PTn
Hides and Furs to as and set highert prices. A-tileimds Bra. Iht&L 118. MUmmd11MIu.
Wines and
Country Orders Solicited
First Door South of
frTN ffTTS'i P-"""N?
Corn Pumpkin I )
of D. M. Ferry's
v a fVamnlotA naflLnrt monf
v ' j.' aahjuva nv aa
Wheat, Oats, Barley etc. Q
nonce v-v
General Repair work done 'A
Photo Gallery
L. L. FRY, Proprietor.
& Pollard
Finest Cigars
In Stock
the Poindexter Hotel