POLITICS WARMING UP A LITTLE Many new snnmiiicetiieiita will be found In our Citmllilati' (!1 uuin tlil wet-It II you waul lo know the llvt ones kop your eye on It. They ask your ii jwrt mid will iiTcoUto It. W. C Cimgleton ol Paulina publishes nnnuiKH-incnt this wwk (or tlni olliro ol sheriff. Mr. Coti(li'ton nmls no Introiluclinn t our hand. He linn served two. terme a sheriff and hi record at mis a hit Ix-ot recommendation. Wade Huston ask the nomirm tion (or county purveyor at the hands ol his dmotratic friend on April 17th. Mr. Huston i iu tlve ion o( Oregon and the koii of a man that wa many year county surveyor, so that ly instinct and trainiiiK h naturally takes to the plumb and transit. He hna fol lowed surveying for tho pant ten year and la familiar with the work of the ollk'e to which ho aspire. I. D. I.afollelle, who announce himself (or re election to the office of county assessor, is a man of ex perieuce in this most difficult Kiii tion. The friend o( Mr. Lnfollette have persuaded him to lot hi name go hefore the voter ol the county (or ar.other term. Jake Stroud I in the Hold (or the democratic nomination (or sheriff. Mr. Htroud made the run two yeara ago and rame within an ace ol winning, lie i going to try again and believes hi friend will lurid him a winner lie i an old-timer in the country and in well known by everybody. II. A. Fouler ullih'R hi an nouncement this week for the office of county assessor. He i it young man of recognised ability, honesty and integrity, and i well quali fied to discharge the duties of any office te which ho may le tin ted. (J. Springer of Culver announce hi candidacy this week for the nomination of joint senator for the I7lh district, comprising Crook, Lake and Klamath. Mr. Springer la a native Orcgonian nnd hna lived for twenty year in Crook county, He ia a man of excep tional business ability and ha ac cumulated considerable property. He hna alwaya been identified with tha growth of the coitaty and the different interests that build up a community. When aked to de line hi position on building the new court houxe and on county division, Mr. Springer aid that be wai in favor of completing the structure and did not favor county division at thia time. Ho thought that waa n question (or tho future The Best Apples in Town NEW Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Draperies, Sheeting, Ticking, Hardware Department In our Hardware Department, as in other lines, we are showing -rtany new goods. Quality the best. Examine our fine line of Axes, Saws, Wedges, Hoes, Sledges, Hammers, Carpenter Tools, Shovels, Garden Rakes, Ammunition, Cutelry, Tinware, , Lanterns, Granite Ware, Lamps. J sanHBji r At thi lime he wa not in favor of it. Hut litre wa one thing he Wit In favor o(, and that wa Statement No. 1. "1 am a native Oregonlan," laid Mr. Hpringer, "and I am proud of it. I am proud of my Mute, and I am proud ol the fact that it wa one of the first to give the peo le a chance to eh ct their own UiiiUd Htatei Sen ators." "Just put me down in fuvor of Statement No. 1 every time." Local Mention Geo. Taylor ia in the city from Crook. J, II. Ilaner returned yeterday from Portland. J. K. Hobert of Alkali Flat wai in town the first of the week. liirden and (lower needs of all varietiea at J. K. Stewart & Co. K. H. Spark and wife of Lower Uridge are at tho l'rintville Hotel. Mi Maude Vandevert and Mr. McKay left Friday for their home at Ik-nd. J. K. Robert of Ciook waa attending the meeting of the fair Iniord the firt of the week. Mr. A. Harmon ha bean ad judged insane and will be sent lo the aylum at Salem. Two attend ant arrived thi morning to take charge of the old lady. Henry Stiles wa given a fare well party at the homo of J. B. Shipp Monday evening. There wa quite a crowd of young people present among whom Mr. Stile waa a general favorite. He left on Tuesduy's stage (or Spokane. F. Maaon returned the first of thia week from a two-month' visit at hi old home in Cherokee, Iowa. Although ho enjoyed hi vixtt with relative there Mr. Mason aid that he wa glad to get back to Oregon. There will be a call meeting ol the Prineville Civic Brigade on Washington's birthday at the Union church. The hour haa leen let (r 2 o'clock. All mem ber are requested to he prevent on plans for thia year will bo taken up. Those who would like to become member are invited to come out to the meeting. "Three Hat" U the title ol a farcial comedy to be given under the auspices of tho 1. O. 0. F. and Rehekahs at P. A A. C. hall March 6. It j a thrce-nct comedy and bubble over with fun from beginning to end. You cannot afford to miss it. Our local talent will lw seen at it IkkL It i given under the leadership of Duncan Mucleod. We have just received a S Cotton Batts, Towling, Bath Towels, Oil Cloth, This low A. (I. Hcoggin i in the city from Paulina. Mr. M. A. I'arrich and ami of Haycreek were in the city today. William Hannon of Agency Plaina wai in town on buainiMi yesterday. Alex Mclntoah of Paulina waa a business vlaitor to the city yeater day. (). M. Cornell ia expected to re turn (mm Portland the last of the week. C. A. Luca, the popular hotel man of Bend, paed through the first of the week on hia way eait. . A marriage license waa issued yesterday to Charles L. Dennison and Mary J. Huston, both of Sister. Orover Kwing i hack from The Dalle where he ha Wen as one of the principal witnesses on the Hale murder trial. The potato race at the skating rink Monday night -waa won by Orvil Dillon The girls race on Tuesday evening wai taken by Kmerine Young. 0. W. Slayton has bought the 200-acre farm of I B. Lafollette on Crooked river, about four miles below town. The ranch i a typi cal alfalfa farm, although not thoroughly aet yet. The deal in eluded 700 shares in the Rye (irass Irrigation Co., several horsea and a few head of milch cow, some twenty head of hog, and some farming machinery The price paid wa f 12,500. An effort is now being made by the local pastors to secure the ser vices of Evangelist C. ft. Handen- ehield, of Chicago, to conduct union evangelistio services in Prineville. If arrangements are finally completed, a temporary tabernacle would probably be erected for the meetings. Mr. Handenshield, is reinaikably suc cessful in hia chosen work. He baa been holding meetings through out the northwest for more than a year past. One just closed in Pendleton last Sunday, in which, some 400 conversions are reported. Elmer Kayler has received the ad news that hia father, II. F. Kayler, died at Molalla last Fri day, aged 87 years. He waa born in North Carolina and came to Oregon in 1850. Death was due to an attack of grip. He ia sur vived by a widow and the follow ing children: Ellen, George, W. P., P. J., II. A., Perry and Florie Kayler, of Molalla; Mrs. R. J. Moore, Mrs. F. E. Schatsman and Mrs. J. F. Adams, of Molalla; X. P. Kayler, of Bumpier; Elmer Kayler, of Prineville, and Mrs. Linnie Swift, of Eugene. PRING portion of our Spring Shipments in the following lines Laces, GROCERY Department needs no introduction. prices is our motto. Home Cured Meats Shoulders, per lb Heavy Bacon, per lb... Hami, per lb Beans Pinka, per lb Mexican Red, per lb Small Whita, " Crackers 1 -lb cartons, per pkg 8-lb boxes Baking Powder Golden Gate, 1 lb , , " " 2S,' lb " - 51b TEW ART PRINEVILLE, OREGON Miaa Joanne Irving left Tuesday to join her parent in Portland. It. K. Jone wa a passenger on today's stage for Portland where he goes lo close an important timler deaU. A. K. Bather, a prominent mer chant of Bend, paed through yesterday on hia return, (rom Portland. The Reams atage on the fifteenth arrived with eight passengers. Such loads are not uncommon. Central Oregon ia all right. Mrs. Virgie Lytle baa been ap pointed postmaster at Paulina, rice S. W. Miller, resigned. The work haa been too strenuous for Mr. Miller, he says. There will be a big crowd at the firemen's masquerade ball tomor row night. Inquiries from differ ent part of the county point atrongly to this conclusion. Get your ticket early if you want a (ront seat. The citizens of the Powell Butte country have mailed a peti tion to the postoflice department asking that a postoflice be estab lished at M. Niswonger's place with Mr. Niawonger aa postmaster. Thia is a central location (or a prosperous and growing commu nity and their petition should be granted. The Prineville Creamery com pany shipped 600 pound of butter to Portland yesterday where it haa been contracted for by a commis- "ion merchant. Thia is the first shipment of butter thia county haa ever sent to the outside world and looks small beside the many tons of the same commodity that have been imported. The receipts from the High School debate netted that institu tion a ' neat little sum. The amount will go into the piano fund and will be used to make up some of the back payments. The next event of importance will be the oratorical declamation contest which ia scheduled to come off sometime in the latter part of March. Shipp Sl Perry have bought a quanity of shingle timber of the forest service. The tree are, cut and tawed into blocks in the woods and hauled and ricked in the yards here where they are meas ured. All limbs and tops are cut into wood and used by the same parties'. Only the mature trees are used and every portion ia util ized. The government charges (3 per cord for the shingle blocks and 2 per cord for the refuse. There was a triple birthday cel ebration at the Dobbs home last Friday. It was the natal day of 1 - Mrs. Dobba, Miss Elva and Master GOODS Summer Dress Goods, India Linens Embroideries, DEPARTMENT Space will only 12 16c 19c 06c 06 07c 12 80c 50c 1 00 2 00 Dependable, 1-lb 2)4-lb Wadco, 1-lb tin Mush Goods 10-lb bags Rolled Cream of Wheat 10 lb Germ Grita. 10 lb Corn Meal 10 lb Hominy 25 lb Graham 50 lb . " Flour Extra Patent 501b Standard 50 lb Standard 5-bbI lots Hugh. A big turkey dinner and a few invited gueste helped to make the day a pleasant one. Another prixe baa been added to the long list so generously dffered by our business men for the fire men's) masquerade ball tomorrow evening, w. rranic reuu, me jeweler, offers a fine lady's watch fob for the beat female bulresque character. The usual services will be held at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Morning worship with sermon at 11 o'clock and evening service at 7:30. At the evening service, Dr. Dunsmore will con tinue the series of character sketches, speaking on "Moses, the Uncrowned King." The male quartette and orchestra at the evening service. Everybody is cordially invited to all the ser vices. The county treasurer'! bond waa increased from 120,000 to 180,000 at the special meeting of the county court last week. In the opinion of the court the former figure was en tirely too low to protect the county from possible loss. The latter figure represents the maximum amount of funds that ia controlled by the treasurer at any one time County Treasurer King agreed with the court that the amount should be increased and baa ac cordingly furnished the additional bond. Try onr Fancy Patent Flour, J. E. Stewart & Co. Maher & Grosh Knives i ft n TCrtAMCrtM E333S Mt. Vernon Springs Free board, lodging and baths for any person afflicted with rheuma tism, that the Mt. Vernon Warm Springs will not cure. H. A. MUR PHY, proprietor, Mt. Vernon, Ore. Timber Land Act J one 3, 1878. Notica for Publication Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, January 7, 1908. Notice ia hereby given that s Gardner V rrv. of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, baa applied to purchase, tinder the act of Congress of J une 3, 1878, extended by act of August 4, 1892, the 8WW 8EW, EX SYVU, lot 6. section 6 Tp 13 south, range 16 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timbe or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish, his claim to said land before the county clerk, at Prineville Oregon, on the 10th day of April 1908. He names as his witnesses : Charles M. Charlton. Robert G Smith, John B. Shipp, William H Loftin, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad vers ly the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said lUtb day of i April, ioo. I 2-6 C. W. MOORE, Register The Best 25c Coffee in Town Table Linen Etc High quality and permit a few prices tin.. 40c tin 95c 25c Gat... 50c 20c 40c 45c , 45c 60c 1 00 1 25 1 10 i 4 00 CO .Ram ges Ram ges Don't be humbugged into buying Ranges from outside people who have no interests in the county. v We can give you a better Range for less money any day in the week. See us about it We have Cook Stoves and Eieaters, too, that are reason able in price or service. W. F. AaaaaaVaaaatl.! I piacksinithing Is The Kind jJ Horseshoeing. Wagon and New Prineville Photo Gallery Jost opened in the old photograph building on east side Main street All the latest styles in Photographs. We have Artura Finish. The best on the market. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See samples. L. L FRY, Proprietor. r The City Meat Market IIORIGAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN j RJKSslHIDOE WE BUY tar a not naah. 10 to more all M home. Write for Price xlJaW HUNTERS & TRAPPERS GUi Dt ,r, 450 TMtrea. iMtfaer bound. Bert ifainf on the) subject mr written lllurtratlni all Fur Auimala. Alt Jfexit Tmnnara' Scrota. IWova. Tr.M. Dims Lw. Bow ud wher to trap, and to beoowa tue- CMBfultrppr. l'wcuUrEaejclopedi. Pric. 3, Tooor customers. $!.. Hirtes tann4 into HidM and Furs) to as beautiful Robes, thir Rantic tr Magnetic Bait sad get biciMtt JFfenderson ZPollard Wines and Liquors Country Orders Solicited First Door South of and guaranteed That Pleases & You Get At J. H. WIGLE'S Flint Place North of the Prineville Hotel 5 sV General Repair work done i,l & STILL LUt, Market Report. Shipping liwm and abont oar money for too to ihip Raw For and Hllt to natHan to Haiund Utoo snraru animaii w uapi. i wiwr ik-hw.. ohj." and Decoy attracts animals to traps, fl 00 nrh.ttl. Ship time prios. AadersicJa Bm. Iet. 118s MlaM0oli,ttUa. Finest Cigars In Stock the Poindexter Hotel