I Crook " County VOL Xll PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 20, 1908. NO. 10 JoMreal m i. j rn VJ M I. J ri t j r.i LJ ri kj r,.i L J ri i j ri tk" j n L J r.i L J r.i r i Li ri LJ r.i L'J r.i L'J ri LJ ri LJ ri L J ri LJ r.i LJ ri L J ri LJ ri LJ ri LU ri CJ ri Ll'J ran L J r.i . V'J rn LJ ri LJ ri L"J ri LJ ran . LIU ' ri L"J rm , LJ . ri L J r.i LJ ri tJ ri LJ rm LJ rn tia rn L!J rn L!J r:T L1 J rn LJ r.i L'J ri LJ ni Ll'J ri THE HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE ; luitliiiHiiiHiii run lilh at the Inter-society delate held by the ntudenli of the Crock County Iigt School litt Friday evening. Th big P. A. A. C. hull wan crowded with tin) friend of the kcIiooI who were anxious to et what proven wn U'lng iniido along thii im- port a nt meaiiN of education Our eolo exNcted much and they were not diwaioinled. Judge Brink presided. The evening' exercinea were I gun with a nolo hy Mis Conway. The chairman then announced the auhject for dehateIlenolved, "That the railroads in the United Htatea nhould lie owned and ope rated hy the Federal Government." Luther Mo. in wa the leader for the affirmative and in hia 15-min-ute opening atateil clearly and forcibly what the affirmative ex pected to prove. Iluheu Boot en followed for the negative ami used considerable akill in handling the etrong and wk point of hi opponent. Ilia exjerienee in de hating laet year atood him well in hand. He parried the Mrong point and ridiculed the weak one. Arthur Limlborg wa the next speaker for the affirmative. He made a good impression with hit) hearer and advanced Home strong argument hut wa handicnpHd hy hi delivery. He lout Keif-control and allowed hi excitement to hurrr hi enunciation to that many of hi bet argument were not clearly understood. Frank I.afollette wa the second peaker for the negative. A (hi wa hia firnt try-out for n jxiiition on the debuting team hi friend were a little uueay until after he got fairly started with hi argu ment, lie allowed hi elf malery of himself and hia auhject and handled hi well diluted fact effectively. Mi (Hiliorn closed the main rY?'?.rYr7 e 47 22 See Our Winter Hosery and Underwear at Special Cut Prices I o Always Come to Our Store and Get Prices Before Buying Elsewhere Do not forget that Mail Orders Receive Our Personal Attention C rn L'J rn tiu rn LIU rn L'J rn LJ rn L'J EI2Ci2!3unuGSni!jG argument for the affirmative. Hhe wat lomled with facia and pre aented them with condensation and clearness. Hhu had the fac ulty of minimiiing her opponent argument and making her own stund out clearly. Her enunoia tion wa good and her delivery carried conviction. Hie la a "comer" on the Crook County High School debating team. Uavid Pickett followed Mis Gabon!. One could see that he had put in an immense amount of hard work on the auhject from the way he handled hi fuel, hut he lucked confidence in himself. Thi eriouly handicapid him In delivery. One must be sure nl himself to carry conviction with hia hearer. David will become a formidable duhater when he over come thi defect. After a solo hy Mis Celia Nelma Ruben Ilooten and Luther Moore were allowed ten minute each for rebuttal. Jtoth vounn men did well. They were quick and ready thinker and were right on hand with the good when an 0H-ning presented itself. The leader for the affirmative used it tic artifice that are sometime effective in debate and would un- loubtedly get a decision before a Kpular assemblege, but they didn't work with the experienced udgca. When Luther got throngh the audience would have given hi aide the decision if put to a vote. lut the audience wa not to de cide the con teat. This wa re eerved to Messr. J. N. William- aon, M. It. Klliott and Judge Bell who found for the negative. Wide deciding the inter-eociety debate the judge were to pick the team for the high echool debate with The Dalle. The team se lected wa Keuhen Itooten, Frank Laiollette and Luther Moore. On the whole, the debate this year allowed a clear gain over last year. Particularly is this true of the manner in which the negative aide wa handled. The team work wn splendid. The argument - Best Place At O ur The Place Where Everything Is Satisfactory "s" "asaaiaa" awawaaai MBMBMMajaBBaaaaaBMBsMBiiaBHBjBjiHBaBBBBBH Where Prices Are Always a Little Lower Than at Other Stores Where A Complete Stock is Always Maintained M Where you will find it to your Continual Profit in Buying U SPECIALS 1 Boys' knee pants suits $1 70 up Men's Winter Weight suits $15 values at $9 49 W. PRINEVILLE'S dove-tailed to a nicety. There was no repetition or overlapping or floundering around in territory that be.ongcd to a colleague. With eome good hard work on delivery our high fchool instructor can end a team to The Dalle that will give a good account of them selves. We congratulate the de bater and our high achool teach er on the result shown. We have one grain drill and a few plow left which we will sell at a bargain or will trade for grain J. K. Ktewart & Co Dry Juniper for Sale Good dry Juiiljw-r delivered ot a dny'a not lee. Apply nt this oflice. 241 Strays Taken Up Four head of stray cattle were taken tip nt the old Joe Taylor place about two months ago. Anybodv looking for Mtrrtya will please cull. 2-0 3w (Imardui, Luumnta, Or. arley for Sale Chopped barley, without socks, tit per ton. Hacked $21. Inquire ot llelfrieh Bros., 0"Nell, Ore. 2-Ctf To Exchange Honey In sections to trade tor ISeiinlless Hurley, J. K. Adanmou 4t For Sale A nine months-old Jersey bull calf. J. E. AdamNon. 4t Building For Lease The Moore building on Main street, one door aouth of the Crook County Bank for lease. Posses sion given February 1. Apply to J. W. Boone. 3t j23 Genuine Imported Sweeduh Razors Best rnaor made. Try one. Fnlly warranted hollow-ground, $2 Fully warranted hollow--ground Ivory handle 3 Hlngle Porprolse raaor strop 5)e Double Porprolse and web raaor strop $i Poet paid to your nddress. Geo. MT. Reynolds, 50 East Davis St., Tort land, Oregon. L JI.JL Jtjt JkJLjLJLJI.JLJk.Jk.JI.Jl. or to St 12Jctol4c Outing Flannel 10c 0 LJ 81c Outing Flannel . 6ic C ELKINS BIG STORE kJJLijLJUkjUuijjLywuLyLJCJkucijuc'JkjjtyLLiijijyLjkwj THE SUCCESSFUL TEACHERS The regular examination, for state and county pajiers closed last Saturday. The successful appli canta were: Four itale certificate J. Alton Thorn) son, Laidlaw; P.C.Fulton, Madras;' Maude Vandevert, Bend; Annie Hwinney, Prineville. Misa 8winney and Mis Vandevert were granted certificates on grades made in a former examination for etate certificate. For first grade county certifi cateMr. Cora L. Chapman Redmond. For eccond grade county certi ficate -Amie Cleveland, Irene Barnes, H attic Houston, Lizzie Kester, of Prineville, W. O, Ford- ham of Hot-land, Florence A. Huo nell of Bend, and Martha Pettit of Cross Keya. For third grade county certifi cateTeresa Hnyder of Prineville, and Johnnie Campbell of Madras. County Court Proceedings SPECIAL TKRM The court met February 12. Wm. Blair waa appointed justice of the peace for Lyle Gap district No. 30. William Schmidt wag appointed justice of the peace for Summit district. Regarding the matter of build ing roads and constructing bridge on the Warm Springg reservation The opinion of Frank Menefee, district attorney, waa read. The clerk waa ordered to send a copy of the decision to the Warm Springs Indian reservation and notify that official that an appli cation would be considered by the court on the part of the govern ment in conformity with said decision. A. Kotzman sent in his resij nation as road supervisor of the Deschutes district. It waa accept JL JLJk Jk JLJI.JI.J1.JLJL. Jl-J r. i ed and E. N. Richardson appointed in hia stead. The bond of Earl McLaughlin a road master was approved. The roting place of the Lyle Gap district ia at Stewart' Hall, at Youngs, Ore. In the matter of finishing the work on the new court h6sse base ment. Certain defect were ad mitted by the contractor, C. C. McNeeley, but he refuted to finish aid contract and remaining pay ments were declared forfeited. The clerk waa ordered to advertise for bids to complete said basement. W. F. King filed an additional bond of IGU.OOO as county treas urer. Bond approved. A. J. Arnold waa appointed justice of the jace for the La monta district. In the matter of the Richard King road. At the request of ftilioners the matter was con tinued until next term. C. R. Henry was appointed con stable for Beaver Creek district. The offer of J. L, McCulloch to furnish sheriff with list of prop erty not on roll of 1907, was accepted. T. N. Balfour was appointed Justice of the peace for Hardin district. John B. Brown was declared a public charge subject to the direc tion of the court. In the matter of the Newoom Creek, Wigle and Forest bridges. Continued until March term, 1908, at the request of contractor. Sewed carpet rags for sale. Apply to Mrs. C. D. Calbreath, Prineville, Oregon. 2-6 House and lot for sale cheao. Call on J. W. Horiean or D. F. Stewart. Men's Suits. Hats and ceneral Furnishings at about half price at J. E. Stewart & Co. Clothes cleaned, pressed and mended. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Cohrs, at the Red by. jt; t,-wy cwg (V) ts pwttftw3 CW5 GRAN MASQUERADE j BALL Given by the Department at ebruary A continual supper will be served in the .hall after 10 o'clock The Grand March will start promptly at 8:30 o'clock Six prizes to be awarded. o 1 ICKfitS Floor Manager -P. B. Poindexter. Assistants P. B. Howard, Jack Summers, W. F, King, Dr. Rosenberg, Granville Clifton, Grover Young WILL PROSPECT FOR OIL Plans have been made to begin at an early date prospecting for oil in this vicinity, and the numerous indications of oil which have been found in this district will he thor oughly prospected in order to de termine whether or not oil exists here in paying quantities. These plans have been perfected, and it is stated that there i sufficient capi tal behind the enterprise to insure a thorough investigation of the various prospects, and actual drill ing will begin just as soon as suffi cient leases have been secured up on the land in the immediate vicinity of the points where the first wells will be sunk. Mr. Frank Forrest, a prominent stockman of this county, is now engaged in se curing these leases, which it is reported are being very generally signed without any opposition. It has been known for several years past that good oil prospects had been discovered in this section of Crook county, and several years ago an option was taken on the Dave Barnett ranch with a view to making a thorough investigation of a prospect found on his place, but this plan never materialized, and up until this time there has not been an effort made to follow up and test any of these prospects. These indications of oil have been found in a territory of consider able scope, covering practically all of this end of western Crook county. It is the plan of the present prospectors to sink several deep wells, preparations having been made to go to a depth of a thou sand to fifteen hundred feet. The leases under which the prospect ing will be conducted are liberal in their provisions for the land owner, whose interests in the land and in any discovery made upon it are amply protected. - Among other provisions in the lease is one Prineville Fire P. A. A. C. Hall 21 f0 yet SI that if no oil ia found in paying quantities, but water ia found, the well becomes the property of th land owner without any cost to him except the actual cost ot the casing. If, however, artesian water found and no oil, the land owner agreea to purchase ihe aame at the customary price of a well drilled to a depth of 600 feet, irrespective of whether the well has been drilled to a depth ot 1000 or 2000 feet. And, any rancher in this district can afford to pay the price of a 600-foot drilled well to secure artesian water on his land. In the event oil is found in paying quantities, the lease provides for a royalty of ten per cent to the land owner, so that in any event he, the land owner, has his interests taken care of and cannot but be benefited by the work done on hia place. The leases also provide for an option on the land, at a price fixed by the owner. Madras Pi-neer. Real Estate Transfers Central Oregon Development Co. to George B. Iiroeterhouse ne of lot 11, Llixk 5 of Bend. Coualdera tlon $213.75. Central Oregon Development Co. to George B. Broaterhoum Lot 12, block 9 of Bend. Conatderatlon 70O. Grizzly Live Stock; Land Co. to Ed H ol run leane of 900 acres of land. Corwlderatlon of crop. John E. Ryan and wife to Det. chutes Lumber co. nw quarter nw quarter, sec. 21, n ne quarter, aw quarter ne quarter, sec. 20, tp 22 south, range 11 eaat. consideration no. Harry A. Hill to John White interest In lot 7, block 2, of Bend. consideration 587. William c. Lathlm and wife to William Brownhill e ne quarter. e se quarter, sec. 24. tp 9 south, range 13 east, containing 160 acres. Connideration f 1. - Frank R. Albright and wife to Deschutes Lumber Co nwj nwV, sec. 21, n nejtf, swli ne sec 20, tp 22 south, range 11 east. Considera tion $2900. Hugh D. Campbell and wife to Hershey Lumber Co. ew3f ne, eW nw& lot 1, sec. 31, tp 12 south, range 11 east, wjj se sec. 27, tp 17 south, range 11 east. Consideration L Charles C. Hon and wife to Mary I. Wright Lots 7 and 8, block 14, fourth addition to Prineville. Con sideration $-'550 Northern Pacific Railway Co. to Weils Gilbert ne ne, sec. 11, tp 12 south, range 10 east, containing 40 acres. Consideration $320. Northern Pacific Railway Co. to Olean Land Co ewjf nejtf, sec. 20, tp 12 south, range 10 east, containing 40 acres. Consideration 320. Joseph H. Quinn, et al to E. F. Cooper Bond for deed for 130 acres in sec. 26, tp 12 south, range 15 east. Consideration $1800. Laidlaw Townslte Co. to J. W. Caqen Lot 9, block 6 In Laidlaw. Consideration $150. - S. J.'N'ewsom and wife to C. D. Calbreath Parcel ot land In sec. 32, tp 14 south, range 16 east in Prine ville. Consideration $350. R. S. Hyde to S. Y. Hyde in terest ill 8 tlvhi, V 8V 8W sw4 nw)j, sec. 36, tp 18 south, range 25 east, contulniug acres. Con sideration $320. Albert tJ. Walters and wife to Albert S. Slioles and wife e ne, n,H' se)i, sec. 20 tp 22 south, range 12, containing 160 acres. Consideration $2000. Mary J. Boyce and husband to G. W. Kidder and Edmond Healy Parcel of land In sec. 12, tp 12 south rauge 13. Consideration $20. Guy G. Lafollette and wife to George W. Slayton Lot 3 in block 17, town ol Prineville. Considera $325. Mary E. Peek and husband to Mary E. Peck, et al se se& sec. 7, s swjtf, swj sej, sec. 8, tp 13 south, range 15 east. Consideration $1 Charles P. Peebler and wife to Archie M. Hammer s aej, 6 sw sec. 11, tp 12 south, rauge 13 east, containing 160 acres. Consideration $1100. Louis Solberg to Ole JGennes and Nels Layon se sej, sec. 12, tp 20 south, range 13. Consideration $325. Frank W. McCaffery to Rachel MeCaffery nejj, sec. 14, tp 15 south, range 10 aast. Consideration $2100. Frank Hunter to Trustees of Min- otiite church Parcel of land In sec. 17, tp 12 south, range 13 east, con sideration $1. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby eiven bv the under signed, the administrator of the estate of Charlotte K. McOilivray, deceased, to all persons Having claims against uid estate to present them witli the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the olUce of M. R. Elliott in rnnevillc, Oregon, within sit months from the first publication of this notice. W.J. McGILLVRAY. Administrator of the estate of Charlotte K. McOilivray, deceased. 1-10