& Crook . Go unity oinrea VOL XII PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 13, 1908. NO. 9 NORMA ROWLEE GIVEN THE BABY Norm . Uowli'O was given per fmatiriit custody of 3-yenr-old Will, lam iHidley Toinlin by Judge (Ian tenboln of the Juvenile Court, pay the OrrgoulanM it it apK'nred to hi in from the reports of rotqMiniii ble 'parties that the child hni re ceived good care during the Irntt two months. The tmKrnry cub tody of the child, over whone par entagt) so much legal red tape was ' unwound ahout six month ago, was given temporarily to Mr. Ho lee in December, after it had heen'ln charge of tho Hoy' arid Girls' Aid Hoeiety for never I months. Redmond Items In rton to invitationa from Mr. Jonen, a number of friends of II. F. gathered at the Forked Horn home Katurday evening for a little turprUe in honor of hi fiftieth birthday. The evening wan pleas antly punned In social conversation and the party dinperned at a late hour with wishes (or many happy returna of the day, voting the hoet nd hoxteea royal entertainer. The amount of sickness at thia time in Kedmond is enough to tuake one think that he mill liven back Kant where we always exect a lot of sickness through thia port of the year. The womt rnae la in Bauer home, Mr. Bauer Uing very low, and tome of the children quite tick. Mr. Carl Khret ha the hahy in her home caring for it. Mr. Finis Wood i also ick and some of the children ailing, with sickness also in the J. U. Woods family. Take it all around it just about keep thooe busy taking care of the tick who are both able and willing to do so. A preliminary meeting waa held Friday evening for the purpose of forming a Kedmond Water Users' Association. We did not leitrn C3 L J . , u j rn i j n t j r;.i t J ri.i Til V'J LJ t j m LJ LJ r.n run kj LJ rani Tin L'J Till LJ r-T LJ L'J ri LJ on EJ LJ LU ra ua rci tiu rui L)J , till ' LJ rid LJ r,n LJ Till LJ m L J nn LJ - nn CJ BB LJ nn LJ Bil By LJ k 4 I ihe. Best Place to Trade I ri - 1 At Our Store Mk I I A V J "ace Where Everything Is Satisfactory .MWiM U i z-- : ri See Our Winter Hosery and Always Come to Our Store and Get Do not forget C, LJ thnt anybuwinest was done except to adjourn to February 21, when it la hoed to have a larger represent lation prexent. We understand that there in a M'tition out north of town for entablinbing another ichool ilintrict to ronnint of 13-14. There will probably le nothing to binder the formation and the choolhoue site o haa already been selected. Tliia in only one more evidence of the rapid development of thia auction. L. L Welch' wai in from the homestead in the Jolmnon ranch nnighlorhood. It N retried that the 1). I. & V. Co. baa withdrawn the 2.r per cent discount for cah on the sale of their lands. The tailroad ban not yet reached here, but of course in the face of such an advance it will not be long coming. We will just order a few extra giant cracker for thia year' celebration. Mr. Your Truly and the writer spent the latter part of week on a business and pleasure trip to the Havntack country, being storm bound for a day. Mr. Trichler in now a bona fide homesteader, having moved out to the homentead on Thumday. We hear that a petition la out aeking for a county road running north from town to intersect the Princville McKcmie river road and give a legal opening to Trail Crneaing. When that in granted and alno an cant and went road through town to Clino Falln, we will feel ourselves more fortunate in the matter of county rojds than one would have deemed it jMicniblo in a thousand year judging front nome of the debute that took place ahout a year ago. - Another hotel dance Saturday night. We did not learn particu lar. Mr. ChriB Khret returned from Princville Wednesday and i doing quite nicely. E. C. Park. Rolled barley, lowent each at J. E. (Stewart A Co. price Where Prices Are Always a Little Lower Than at Other Stores Where A Complete Stock is Always Maintained E3 r i r f r L J Where you will rind it to your Continual Profit in Buying f3 3 1? 47 Boys' knee pants suits $1 70 up 22 Men's Winter Weight suits $15 values at $9 49 Buying that Mail Orders W. PRINEVILLE'S HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE FRIDAY Everything in now in readiness for the great debate ltwecn the Alpha and "Ochoconian aocietiea of the Crook County High School. Everyday increases the enthusi am of the aocietiea and they are preparing to make the air resound with their respective yell. Judge M. E. Brink will lie chair man of the evening and Judge W. M, J, N. Williamnon and M. H Elliott will judge the debate. The following ia the programme: Vocal Molo.. .Minn Cntliertne Conwny lh-lmte: "Itennlved thnt ttie Nill rcmiU In the flitted 8tnt4H should Ih owned Mild oM'riitei liy the federal Boveriiuieiit." Luther Moore, lender, itlllriimtlve 15 min utes) ; lU'iilteit Huoten, leader, neg Htlvel5 minute; ArtbtirLlndboric, ninruiittlve 15 niliiuten; Frank La toilette, negative l.'i minutes; Klnle Ostium, nlllrinatlve l.'i uilnuU; David rickett, negative 15 mlnuU-H. Voenl null) MIhh (V'lla Neliutf IlelmtlJll lirllU'Il Uuotell, negative 10 minutes. Luther Moore, (llr- inntlve 10 minute. Nong..., The School DeclHton of the judge. Real Estate Transfers Nelnou iirewell et ux. to Peter N. Vlldiert et ux nwW. 4:, ec. 19, tp aouth. rnmce 14 ennt, ('ottHlderntlun f3KH. Ivdward O. Lokiiii et ux. to I S. IoK'tu nw lot 3 and 4, aec. 2, tp. lf aouth, rniiKe 1H ennt. Con Mlderntlon flOOO. Northern I'arlllc llnllwny Co. to Aliralmin ell nw mx. 2, tp 11 Kouth, rnntce 13 eunt, eontnlnliiK 40 iierea. ("oiiMlderntlon $240. Cnlted Stntea to llarley A. lMk. imp wfi w, m- aw-4. r, aec. 1, to l'l aouth, rntiKi' 13 eat, coutnlnliiK piO ttorcn. Culted State to California & Ore. tron Land Co. Timber land, eou titliilnjr 2:iv.74 nere. Connldera tlon I. S.J. Newaoiu and wify to A. W. tirntor parcel of land In aec. 32, tp 1 1 m. itit li, rniip 10 cant, eontaliiliiK 8 1-7 ncae. CoiiHldernt lon f 204. ZEj G? JJLXjS 2c to 14c Outing Flannel . 8lc Outing Flannel 6c Underwear at Special Cut Prices Elsewhere Receive Our Personal Attention BIG STORE Wurdwell I'rmn mid wife to ChnrM W. t'ollty nw 'i awji. nee. 32, tp II south, range Vi eimt. Con sideration m. Hnrnb A. Itnrron to ArnU II Wnlte 'H- tl '2 utb, rnnitf 14 eunt lt 2. wt. 1, lot 4, mv. 1, tpl.lnouth, ruijfe II eiuit, contitlii lnii l.'a m rcn. (iiiHlderntluti IK). Arthur A. llnldwtn to (Mnr l!nld- wln-l,oU. 3 and 4, m- aw nec. M, ration iruo. IJooth-Kelly LumtK-r Co. to J. L Wimhburti Tlmlrt'r Innd, contain- lint 20'jx.37 atrea. Connlderntlon 10,000, HootlvKelly Liiinlx-r Co. to J. L. WaMhtiiirn H ', wt. 3. net. 4, m'li aec. 9, nwJi m-c. 10, tp 17 aouth, rmiKH 10 eiwt, contttliiliiK ItW wrea. CoUHlderntlmi 1.000. Booth-Kelly Lumtier Ci. to J. L. WiiMhlmrn ne. u of .ir, m-e. 20, tp 1 aouth, rane 10 ennt. (n- nld. ration 11000. Ktu.f (irpmin to Fred A. I'owell w w, m-. M awJi, 1, tp 10 Houth, rune 2T eiust, containing: 320 jfow Crook county is to have a acre. Connlderiitlon IW0. new court houge thftt win State of Un-Kon to Jacob Kaaer , . . . , ne.iij,rxiwc.30,-tp 10 aouth. abrea t of the times, and in keep ,.. is- ru t K eK of eK neV inK with otner counties in the --- i ' -1 m-k. aec. 3(1, tp 10 nouth, runre 19,1 coiiUiIiiIuk 700 acre. Counlderatlon t't-M- I Ktate of Oregon to (J. KprluKer- ec '.', tp 12 I aouth. raiiire 12 eat, containing 80 acre. CoiiHl.leratlon 200. David W. Baroett to iiyon sprlniier-w awx. V " Connideratlon 1123. acre. Ouyon RpringiT aud wife to Mary r.. J'eCK CI III Kl ur7l. " " i. 17, tp 13 south, range 15 ennt. Con sideration 1. Jullua Kaaer to Jacob Kaaer n n w w quarter nw quarter, nw iu arte j aw quarter, , tp 10 nouth, range 1 eant, containing 160 nerea. Consideration 400 Clvde U. Aitchliinon to Alwortb- Wahburn Co. e quartT aec. 22, tp 13 aouth, range 10 eat, contain- i.-n i'nul.ii.ulliiti i'' .'UKI Fml II. MoVk-r to Ida M. Mosler Dwelling houne and Improvement e quarter aec. 33, tp IB noutn, ranire 23. bind owned by W. V. & C" M. W. K. Co. Connideratlon tlOOO. State of Oreiron to Jame S. Mc- Met-netal nw quarter ue quarter, aec 33, tp 12 aouth, rangf? 13 east, eontninlnir 40 acre. Con.dderation tllMI. Wnlwr to (ieortre Broater- houne-Lot 12, block 122. aituated lu lk'iid. Connideratlon 125. L J ra LJ L J r,n L J LJ r.a LJ LJ 10c ra L J LJ r,s LJ L J LJ LJ ri L J Prices Before j L'J LJ r.a LJ r..i LJ ra L'J ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra L'J ra LJ ra LJ ra L J ra LJ ra LJ mm CROOK'S NEW COURT HOUSE Tb Chronicle Crook county ia to have a brand new court lioune. the county court of that county, and Judge jjjj m pftr. jcular ha been severe ly criticined in the action taken by them in the determination to have a new court houne. Every reform baa received more or leea adverae criticism; everything that has ever been promulgated for the betterment of the public good haa received a few criticisms from thoee who would keep back any semblance of progreea. But it ia a fact that the better clatta of Amer ican citizen are always willing to espouse anything that win make for the good of the majority. great commonwealth of Oregon Crook county's best citizen the mora nrntrrennl ve cIakm. utihold the i r- o i I .: ,.i t,,.i,. iK.n : j. .,.;. a(-frlui KJl uu A'v' iu hid ucviniuu to nave a nuuoing lor tne county seat of Crook that will be a credit to that county. Judge Bell is pro- greasive and the whole people of """V - J they will say "he was right in the uihci. BEEF 3 CENTS ' AT SHANIK0 J. C. Houston returned the first of the week from Shaniko, where he had been to deliver cattle. He made the trip to the railroad in good ehBpe, the cattle, apparently being in as good condition, if not better, than when he started on the drive. His beef averaged 1010, for which he received 3 cents pound. Mr. Houston was well satisfied with his returns. The buyer expected prices to go still higher. CELEBRATES HER 90th BIRTHDAY Last Monday, February 10, Grandma" Harbin passed her nintieth birthday. She is in very good health and we hope that she may live to enjoy many more birthdays. Mrs. Sidney Stearns has for several years been giving her a birthday dinner, so last Monday Bhe prepared a feast of good things and invited "Orand nia" who certainly enjoyed the good dinner and the tokens of affection. It also being the second birthday of Rev. Moore's baby boy, he, with Mr. and Mrs. Moore were also invited to celebrate the day at the Stearns' home. It was nmtu a nnnfraat in oiroo Ortn ninety and the other two years. "Grandma" Harbin was born in Henry county, Ky., when y0Ung movea to Missouri ana in tooo she crossed the plains to Oregon with an ox team, locating in the Willamette valley near Browns ville. Several yearn ago she moved to Prineville. For Sale A niue months-old Jereey bull calf. J. E. Ailamnou. 4t Building For -Lease The Moore building on Main street, one door south of thtf Crook County Bank for lease. Posses sion given February 1. Apply to J. W. Boone. 3t-i23 Will Weave Crpeta Anyone wishing: Mrs. Joe Taylor to weave carpets tor the next two months will please leave orders at the brick store. 2tpd Genuine Imported Sweedish Razors Best razor made. Try one. Fully warranted hollow-ground, $2 Fully warranted hollow-ground Ivory handle .' $3 Single Porprolse razor strop 50c Double Porprolse and web razor strop.. H Postpaid to your address. Geo. W. Reynolds, 950 East Davis St., Port, land, Oregon. NEW RAILROAD DEVELOPMENT The Columbia & Great Southern Railroad, which two years ago be gan in. a modest way to build a railroad from The Dalle to the rich wheat country lying to the south of that city, ha announced it intention of extending the line from it present terminus at Dufur farther into Central Oregon. Building of the road haa resulted former productivenesa. in development of new territory A great deal of the range land that ia now producing a large in the west is overgrazed and does traffic, and it also greatly in- not carry aa much etock as former created tba profits of the old pro- ly- The method ol handling atock, ducers who for many years were particularly sheep, ia perhaps mora obliged to spend about all of the responsible for this condition than profits of their work in getting their crop to market. Tbia new line was financed by local cap improving the forage crop need to italisU of Seattle and Portland, be studied, that the range may be and for that reason ita resources brought into the beet condition to have never been exploited or meet the imperative demand of the pawned for funds with which to livestock industry, buck the Wall street tiger, or to The plan ia to establish experi buy up lines in territory far re- mental stations in several parta of moved from Oregon. In the actual the country. Probably not more work completed by the new road than six will be tried at first, but to Central Oregon, there is ground they will be bo located as to secure for hope that the long-neglected typical conditions. The experi and wonderfully rich regions of ments will be begun on a small southeastern and central Oregon scale, on five or six-acre tracts, are at last to be opened up by both native and wild grasses will transportation facilities which will permit development of the great resources of the country. Ever since control of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company passed out of the hands of Port- land men, it has been impossible to induce its management to open up any new territory until the approach of a possible competitor forced it to act. As there seems to be small hope of any immediate change in this policy, the enter- pr'se of such men as are backing the new road aouth from The Dalles is all the more commend- able. The undeveloped country for which the road is heading can easily produce more wheat than the maximum crop yet produced experiments will therefore be un in the Columbia river counties in dertaken in thia section of the Oregon, and it will also supply a big traffic in lumber and other commodities. With the Hill lines on the north bank of the Colum- stockman knows that stock do not bia and easily accessible by a com- waste aa much feed when unre paratively inexpensive bridge, an stricted in their movements as independent line into Central Ore- when close herded. An experi gon would no longer be at the mental pasture was enclosed last mercy of the Harriman lines for summer in the Imnaha National an outlet to market. Forest, in Oregon, which will be a Central Oregon is not the only model for others next season. In rich region that is about to be this pasture sheep were turned liberated from its commercial loo8e without a herder to shift for bondage by means of an inde- themselves. It ia too soon to pendent system of transportation. A Lewiston dispatch in yesterday's Oregonian announced the probable absorption by the Spokane & In- land Electric Railway Company of the proposed electric line from Lewiston, Idaho, , to Grangeville. to carry a very mucn larger num This line, which was projected by o! animals when they are interests friendly to the O. R.& flowed to graze free than when N., shortly after the Northern close neraed. mis Met, n eatab Pacific built into the Clearwater Ushed. wil1 ol decided import- country, should have been a natu- ral feeder tO the O. R. & N. Co.'s Lewiston-Riparia branch, and it would have tapped a region which tor tramc-producing purposes was unsurpassed even by the rich fields invaded by the Northern Pacific. But, here, as elsewhere, Harriman has been too slow. The Spokane & Inland has made tremendous inroads in the O. R. & N. business in the Palouse country, turning , , ... .. iUO ', lM luc "UCT and it win probaoly do likewise with the traffic from the Grange- ville country. Fortunately for Portland, com pletion of the North Bank road will bring the business from the . ,, ... .. . .... J new neiu to mm city, out ii ia uot at all creditable to Mr. Harriman iiiai ma pui ujr 01 u p,c vailed until we are dependent solely on private enterprise or the Hill lines to supply facilities for reaching trade fields which . should have been opened by the Harri man lines years ago. Conducted on business principles, the JVall street magnate might find rail roading in Oregon more profitable than thimble-rigging elsewhere. Portland Oregonian. Men's Suits, Hats and general Furnishings at about half price at J. E. Stewart & Co. WILL RESEED THE RANGE The government has planned a series of scientific reaeeding experi ment on several of the national forest ranges thia spring and sum mer to determine under what con ditions and in what manner those portion of the rang which have been seriously damaged by over grazing may be restored to their any other cause. But all causes of deterioration and all means for be tried, but it is believed that the pi" of encouraging native grasses eet with greater Buccess than the introduction of cultivated spe- chss, at least, in the Rocky Moun- tain region. In the coast range, W1th their greater rainfall, culti- fated grasses are more likely to Play an important part in range development Th ranges of the northwest nave nt been so seriously jam aged by overgraiing as those of the southwest, perhaps because of superior moisture conditions of the northern part of the country, It ia a fact, however, that none of the ranges support the etock which they did formerly, and reseeding country also. lne method of handling stock 19 aJ8 to considered. livery araw positive conclusions from tma experiment, Dut tne sneepaid well and there was a decided lessening m tne loss or lorage by trampling. It looks as though a Uiven area Eund can be made ance stockmen. We hv nn trraln drill and a few piowa jeft wnich we will gell at a bargain or will trade for grain j. g. Stewart & Co Dry Juniper for Sale Good dry juniper delivered at a day notice. Apply at this office. 2-8 Stray9 Taken Up I fonr he"d ' ta mcat,tle were raseu up oi um urn jue mjior piact) about two months ago. Anybody looking tor strays will please call. 2-6-3wp Oscar Cox, Lamonta, Or. Barley for Sale Chopped barley, without sacks, ff InqUl?! Helfrich Bros., 0'Jeil, Ore. 2-6tf To Exchange - Honey ,n to trade for Beardless Barley. J. E. Adamson 4t Cash paid for a timber re linquishment. Inquire at this office Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given by the under signed, the administrator of the estate of Charlotte E. MeGillvray, deceased, to all persons having claims against said estate to present them with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the ollice of M, K. Elliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. W.J. MoGIXLVRAY, Administrator of the estate of Charlotte . Mctiillvray, deceased. 1-ltJ uuywuuuuauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu