1 a S 5 u 11 OFFICERS: . A. Booth, Protldont D. F.Stcwart, Vie PYsldnt O. M. Elkini, CasMsr tH DIRECTORS; W. A. Booth, C. M. Elki, W O. F. STtWAUT Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt atten tion III ; I'l ! ;jErPiHtSEfEET We have one grain drill and a few plows left w hich we will sell at a bargain or will trade for grain J. E. Stewart A Co To Exchange Honey lu sections to trade for Itearxlleaw Barley. J. E. Adamson it j HOTEL PAULINA ELMER CLARK, PROP'R. Modern Conveniences. Special 1 Accommodations for Commercial i ' Men. Feed and Liwry Stable in Connection. Katks rROM tl to P $3 PKS DAT. & Paulina, Oregon. For Irrigated Farms !! and Fruit Lands ! i 1 B ; ! $ In the Descbutea Valley write H. F, JONES, Redmond, Oregon. t &3 u m r e-s c-3 ea s 3 ! IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK f laTEt S 10W AS ttSTtil KOISCI Estray Steer There came to my ranch near rrine ville, ab ut the riret of October, a rei baldfaced. 3-year-iild fcteer, branded I'll on right hip, marked crop Hril.it uuderbit in left ear, swullow fork at'jl underbit in right ear. Owner can hav-i 8ame bv paving all expeiie. 5w ' ' E. T. SLAYTON. jfcencierson Wines and Liquors Sftar Country Orders Solicited First Door South of tnr Knot cftsh. 10 to 50 't xnnpp mon Mill bt home. W rite f-.r Priw Lit. Ytv aide p2, leather Vfflnl. B Mi! or r-Ttniwn Mcret. Tk-frn. Trsii. sfal traritMT. It's a r'iUr Vnml autifol K I. 0ir MatrD' tic H:nt EiJt aaid 'ui to ut ud h-..-t hi elicit I , - , eTr mi i i -ii ii'" WE buy Folding Kodaks from 86 Upwards Brownie Cameras from to $5 Premos and Hawk-Eyes 10 per cent discount KODAKS AND CENTURYS Bargains in second-hand cameras. Illustrated catalogues of cameras mailed on receipt of stamps. Mention the Crook County Journal The R. M. Davis Photo Stock Company Established in 1886. Wholesale and Retail 1639 Champa St, Denver, Colorado Stomach Trouble and Constipatia "t'hamWriain's Stomach and Liver Tablets iv the lst tiling (or stomach trouble and ctfti jwtion I have ever sold." ays J. K. Cuilmnn, a druggist o( PoUervillo, Mich. They are easy to tske ami alwaya give satisfaction. 1 tell my customer to try them am) if not satisfactory to come Tack and get their money, lmt have never had 4 pom plain. " For sale by D. 1 Adamson. Genuine Imported Sweedish Razors lU-wt rnaor made. Try one. Fully vrnrrntnetl hollow-Krouud, f)2 : Fully Tvarrnntod hollow-Krxnimt Ivorv handle $3 ; Single Porprtdse raior atrop .' 50c ' Double Porprolse ami web raior i strop fl lYwtpnld to your add rvw. (o. w ft I Reynolda, '.": Laet Dnvln St., POrt Pl ; Inn.) I ... Administrator's Notic Notice if hereby given that the under signed, administrator of the estate of John . S, MacOregor, deceased, has tiled his final j accounting as administrator of said estate, and that such final account wilt 1 hearil ' and determined bv the county court at the i regular meeting of said court held at the court houe on Monday, the 4th day of February. PAW. at 10 o'clock, in the fore noon of said day." Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this the Slst day of December. l'T. J.H.HANKR, Administrator. uost A buckskin faced fur-hacked glove lost on Saturday evening on the the grade southwest of town, Re turn to Dr. Dunsmorv, at l'rlnevllle Hotel aud get reward. Bids Wanted SaltM! bids for the ervetlou of a school house at Kedntond, Ore., will le mvlml hv the District Clerk until March I. lltOS. Finns and stHvltications can U sixni at the store of the Jackson LuuiIht Co., KiHlruond, Ore. The board of directors reserve the right to tvject any or all bids. Bv order of the boanl. " J. H. JACKSON. District Clerk. Redmond. Or., January 10, l'.K)S. 2t '2nO Reward A reward of f-250 will be paid for in- formation leading to the arrest aud conviction of any person found pnilty of interfering ith the How of water or jam of the Squaw Creek Irrigation Co. E. T. SIA l TON, Secy Citation ' In the Count v f'ouit of the State of Ore- iMi. for i lie county of Crook. li: tiie iiKittrr ( the estate -f L. V lijulev. 1 o. J. F. H.iiley. It. It. It.tiiey, Alfitd T..iilev. C. '. b.iiVy. Sarati I'nwrn, l,uc A u;i J. itr. J.-uiiv;, 1-'hi.. Tfionwis 1' i h : James ti. ii. li.oley, and Horace Ifcitl- m.'d to ail oilier deviates atul lieir i . t.tvovn .prvt:iiiijr: I '.i the name oi the State of Oft-con, ou are hereby riled and required U ay.eur in the nunty Court of the Slate ol ttrteon, for the county of Crook, at the court room thereof, at I'rineyille. in the county of Cnk'k, on Monday the 2nd day of Mareh, 1:'8, at 10 o'clorls, in the fore noon of that liar, then and there to ohow caue why an order should not be pranted to tieorge W. Kailey, the eiecutor of the estate (ff 1. T. Raiiey, drX'a.Hi, to sell the following described real e.-tale f said de-cea--d, t -i-wit : All of aertion fifteen, the ir h ha f, the south half of the north halt and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section sixteen in township sixlct n so ith. tf ranpe twenty tour tu.-t of Willamette -Meridian in Oreson. 1 he east half of the southwest iptaiter and the west half of the southeast ,jiiart-r ui set tion -ix in township f venu-en stut!i. of range twenty-four eat of Willamette Meridian in Oregon. X he nortli half of the north half of sec tion twenty-two in township sixteen south, of range tventy-four east of Willamette Meridian in Oretron. Witne--, the Hon. V. A.ISell judge of the county court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Crook with the seal ol said Court aiiixed, this lath day of Janu ; ary A. U. lifts. ; Attest: Warren linjwn, clerk 1-10 d tPollard Finest Cigars In Stock the Poindexter Hotel - y fr yon to ship Raw Fnrw nni Tlid-H tc rmth&a to Mnrkt-t Kerort. K snipping and sioutmir on the int-jrt ew written IlluttratiDr H fur Am rial. All Game Lrwi. How and where tit trn &n d . L. a. am.-. - twi i. frir. 2. To Mir mskimflra. tl 21, HHt.r,rl mi. nt,ti Uomr attr-t Kniitittla U, trr.ni tl (1ft rw-r t ,ti l vi, - prtcM. Aailerach Ilroaw, JUept 118, Alio umpoLU, Minn. A Kodak is so Simple a Child can work it With twenty year' experience we Holicft your developing and printiii); Firnt quality of work only. ZProfessionaf Cards. J strut, tPrim!!, Orfmn. OtH.ce with Ueo. W. IWne Ormji j(ttrnf-m-t-Cmm t Cmlf fAfftmm) SB el knap dc a wards Oft JW SVw 6 ' IPikjtfimn mmtl Srfrm Prim am'fi. Orpm Call Amuiu PmarrtT Pat oa Nibht Orru-i on ixioa son of adamok Dacu SToaa. Both vrttee aa reJ deuce lek'phuuea. SPrinimiil Or gem E. C. PARK Importer and breeder of pure-bred tPoland CAt'ma Jfogs and 3 lack mCaitffsAam Chickens Young stock for cale. Address Redmond, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given, by the tinder signed, the a huinistrator of the estate '( David D. Feeder, deceased, that lie h;i made and filed hi Sua! accotuiting of Ins iidniinistra-ion of s.ii'l estate and the court has set February (I, 190S, at 10 o'i !. k in the forenoon at the county mit t ro mi in I'riiievillf, tr'g'ii, aa the tune and place for 1. earing sunt hual av '.-oiinting. At whii'h time and place all (ersona mteresteil in said i state may appear and object to Rtich nnal acconnt' i tig. M. R FLLIOTT, Administrator of the estate of David I. Feeder, deeeased. 1-8 ' vlMM. 60 YEARS TjV EXPERIENCE DriiQNi Anrooe ienfllnf t a: etch and dwwnintton ma? 4ulrktr srrtaln our ottntoo fro whether mo lnetittrto M pruhnbif puiem-irOfl. Oimmnnlca. tloTMPtrtctlyp-mfldwitlal. HANDBOOK on PatenU ent free. 4M&st aspnef for dwannu patent a. Patenu taken throorb Muim A Co. recetTt tpfriai notice without cbtnrQ, la tba Scientific flmericatu A handaytmely lllnrtrated weekly. I.arreet rtf- rulatton ot any anient tilo joarnal. Term. 13 a roar: fur roontU,l. SUabyail newaxlealara, MUNN& Co New York Braacti Omoa. at V 8t, WuhUialua, li. C. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Otiice at The Dalles, Ore.. January 8, 1W8. Notice is hereby given that Ida M. Anderson, of Prineville, county of Crook, State of Oregon, has applied to purchase, un der the act of Congress of Jnne 3, 1878, as extended by act of Angnst 4, 1892, the (V4 SW and ' SKJi, Section 10, T15S, li 18 E, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land eonght is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pnrpiweg, and to establitdi her claim to said land before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the i:ifii day of April, 190S. She names at her witnesaea: Chaihs" M. Charlton, Lark Elliott, ILurv ", ( ha-e, and ,1 allies S. Smith sill of .!': inevdlo, Oregon. Any iind all person? claiming nd-ver.-elv the ai(t'vc-i!ewrilis.l land arc nipieste I to file their claims 'in this ollice on or before Haul lJth day oi April, l'.).)8. l-16p C. W. MO0KE, Keginter. Timler Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notitc for Publicatioa United State Land Ollice, The Dallea, Oregon, January 8, 1!)08. Notice is hereby giv n that " Charity Wilson, of Prineville, county of ('rrok, State of Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of congress af June 3. 1878, as extended hv act of August 4, 18U2, the V.Vt SK', Sec. 35, T 12 8, R 16 E. W. M and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the llth day of April, l'.HJ8. She names as her witnesses : Charles M. Charlton, John W. Ritter, Perry B. 1 oindexter, and Samuel A Prose, all of Prineville, Oregon. Anv and all Dereons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said llth day of April, 1908. 1-16 0. W. MOORE, Register, Royal Insurance Co. $ Not Welcher.. i Paid dollar for dollar in the t Frisco conflagration. J. E. STEWART, Agt. Jtt mm Mtn Sf . 4 A Trade Marks r W a J 1 The City Meat Market II ORIGAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for t Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of t.rook county's choicest products. Its the best that money can buy. You will not only save money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carrv the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce HORIGAN Timber Ud.I. a" June 1. 187a. Natk far PaUkttiM Department of the Interior, , t'nited Matea Latul OttliH. The Dalle, lr., December, Notice i" hereby given that ('alarm Yanina of rrineville, munty of Cnailt, Htate of Orf'tron, haa applied to purchase, under ttie act or ongre-i oi jutui a, isia, . c- ten.tetl hv act ol August 4. Wt!, llie v NW,. N'H ee. it Tn. 1ft aouth, range IS east W, M., and will offer proof to uliow that the land nought Ik iiiory val uable for tta umtwr or "lone man lor agricultural purpose, a nit to c!tabiih her claim to aid land helore the county clerk .it Prineville, Ore., on the lfilh day of February l!W(i. Sh name aa witnessei: Charlet Keuer helm and James Faught ol prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-dcscrilxfcl latuls are n-quintil to tile their claims in thia ofliee on or Ix'lor said tMh day of February PW. 1J-1J - C. W. MOOKK, Keglnler. Timber Und. Act June 3, ISW. Notict for Paklkatiaa D"Jartiuent of the Interior, l'nitc.1 States Ijind t'tlice. The Dalle". Oregon, January 7, PCfi Notice is hereby given Unit John T. Moore. of I'rinevilh county of Crook, Htate of Oregon, has applied t purchase, tinner Ihe art of t.'ongrms of June U, ISTt, as rx teiidtHl by act of Auit-t 4, the N S SK'a, SK, eKtj. S. 17, and r. ,.f See. 3. Td W south, range I cat, V. M.. ttiid will otIV r proof to show that the land sought if more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before the county clerk, at I'rineyille, Oreewn. on the Kali day of April, l'-HV. lie names as his witnesses: Amlrcw 8. Fields, i. ti. Fields. J. W. Snyder, and buey Snyder, all of rrineville. Oregon. Anvand alt iierons ctaiminir adversely the afove-lescrilietl lands nr r. iniesti ,1 to tile their claims in this office on or livfore aid Kith day of April, pmtt. M-a ('. W. MOOlIK, Uegisler. Timber Imil, Aci June 3, 1S7X. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior I'niteil States Land Otllce, The Dalles. Oregon, January a, UW. Notice is hereby given that William S. Cook, of Prineville, county of I 'rook, State ot Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of Congress of June 3. Wti, as extended by act of August 4. Is-.r.', the S N K'i Kec. li. fE4 sEi of Sec. 1, l'p U soutli, range 15 east, and Lot 7 of tjecfl,Tpl3 south, range lueast, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tiinls r or stone than for agricultural purpo-es, and to establish his claim to said laud before the county elerk. at Prineville, Oregon, on the llth day ol April, lUmj. He names as hb witnesses: J. W. Snyder, Lucy Hnydei, J. 0. Fields, and A. IS. Fields, allof Prineville, Oregon. Any anil all persons claiming adversely the a1oveilescribed lands are requested to tile their claims in this ollice on or ta'fore said lllh day of April, I9DH. 1-p 0. W. MOOKK, Uegister. Timber band. Act of June 3, 1H78, Notict for Psblicitio. Department of the Interior. United States b ind Otiice, The Dalles, Oregon, January 8, W08. Notice is hereby given that Alice Smith of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of Congress ot June 3, 1N7S, as ex tended by act of August 4, 1X12, the SK'4 and XE KE'4 of Sec. No 21, in Tp. No. 12 south, range 10 east, VV. M., and will oiler proof, to show that the bum soiiubt i- more v.iiilable for it tiin bcr or store than for agricultural purposes, .''nil to e tablish i er claim to suiil lanu before the county i lerk at Prineville, Ore gon, on the 2otli iay of A)iril, She names as her witnesses: Joseph II, Haner, II. A. Foster, Carey W. Foster, and A. R. Eastwood allof Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the aliovodescrllied lands are requested to file their claims in this ollice on or before said aith day of April 1!WH. '2-0 C. VV. MOOKE, kegisUT. Citation In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the county of Crook. In the matter of the estate of L, Dillon, deceased. To Lenora Dillon, Elvira Cyrus, Pearl Breeding, Lina Wilhoit, Krankie lehrinnii, Lawrence Dillon, Aletha Dillon, A lta Dillon, l.avell Dillon and Orval Dillon and all heirs aud devisees unknown, (Ireetiug: In the name of the state of Oregon, You are hereby citeil and required to appear in the county court of the Htate of Oregon, for the county of Crook, at the court room thereof, at Prineville, in the County of Crook on Monday, the 2d day of March, at 10 o'clock, in the fore, noon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not he granted to the administratrix with the will annexed of said estate to sell so much of the hereinafter described real estate of said deceased as may be necessary, to-wit: the wt half of the southeast quarter of section thirty-three in township eighteen, south of range eleven east, of Willamette Meridian in Oregon. Also the- south half of the northwest quarter and lot four of section four in township thirteen south of range seven teen, east of Willamette Meridian in Oregon. Witness, the Hon. W. A. Bell, judge of the county court of the State of Oregon, tor the county of Crook with the seal of said court affixed, this 23d (lay of January, A. D. 100. Attest: Warren Brown, clerk. & STILL Ilmlwr Land, Act June 3, 1878 Rotlca for Publication. United State Land Ofti.-e. The Dnll.n, Of .. Septemlier i'lst, 1907. v t- l l. .I.-. I! . umit is nervoy (ivt'u III rsmpil- ance with the provisions of the act ol Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Slate ol Caliloruia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," a ex tended to all the Public I .and Slate by act of August 4, tsti2, liacl.el L. Noland, of Portland, county of Multnomah, Stale ol Oregon, haa thia day tiled iu this office her sworn statement, No, ixa, lor the purchase of the SEW NFA of See. ,S, NWJi and SWt4 Sh. oi See. 10, in Tp 13 south, range 1A east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought I more valuable lor it timber or stone than for agricultural purMea. and to establish her claim to said land before the f oiinty ( lerk, at Prineville, t)ri-gon, on the lUth day ol January, pxirl. She names aa witnesses: Charles M. Charlton. L. E, Hudson, ol i'rineyille, Orcg.in, Ella A. Kenyon, Cecil Kenyon, (it loslniomt, lirejron. Any and all persona claiming ad versolv the alaive-descrilaMl lamia are requested to tile their claim in tins office on or before said 13th day of January, tvaw. 10-31p O. W. MOORE, Heglsbir, Stat StUctiaa, Natk far PaMkalioa United Suite Land Ollice. The Dalles, Oregon, Ileccmlicr 13. l'."7. Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the act of Congro of August 14. IS4.S, and the acts suiudemcn tary and amendatory thereto, the Slate of u retro n nas tins nay tiieil lu tins otiice its application, No. ?C, to select tb W N VJ ot Section 12, T. V south, rang 17 east, w. t. Any ami all nerotis claiming adversely the above-described land, or desiring fur any reason to object to tbs Hnal allowance of the selection, should tile their claims or objections in till ollice on or before the ntli day ot February, I'.sm. C. W. MOORE, Register. Sheriff's Sale In the Circuit Court of th State of Oregoi for Crook County, Annie Mailing. Plaintiff, vs Fred Clay pool, O. 0. Claypool, Daisy f laypool, Tbeo- ilosia llliypool anil It. I,, halitn, lieletnl ant3. Ity virtue of an exesution and order of sale, Issueil out of the ahove entitled -ourt on the lilt h dav ol Drcemher. I1KI7. in lavor of Annie Malum, tduiiitilf.and airainst F'red Claypool, O. C. Claypool, Daisy Clay pool, Tbeodosia Claypool and It. L. Sabin, ueiuuiiiini, lor '.ue sum ui vl-ULiH juuu ment, with interest thereon Irom the 4th day of Decemlier, liD5, at the rate of 10 per cent jer annum, ami the further sum of aiUU.OO attorneys fees. And whereas it was further ordered and decreed by the ('ourt that the following deserilied mort gaged property to-wit: l ot 6 in block 22, Monroe tlwlges plat or frmeville, Oregon, warehouse, wagon house bought of J. F Morris situated on the F'oster lot. all bed- rooms and beds and bedroom furniture in the brick store of Plaintiffs, and all the nxtures ana shelving in the above men tioned store purchased from said J F. Morris, all of said personal property being situated at Prineville, Oregon, be sold by the sheriff of said county, as under execution. Notice is hereby given, that In obedience ... i ..r , ii. iu suiu DACcuuoii aim orurr oi sale, l will on Saturday, the 1st day of February, lilOX, at the hour of one o'clock p, m. of said day at the court house door in the city of Prineville. Crook county, Oregon, sell saiil above described property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, to satisfy said judgment and interest and attorneys fees and co-ts. DateJ this IHth day of Di-cember, 1007. FRANK ELKINH Shenir, Crook County, Oregon. Tlmher iJind, Ant June 8, ItflK a Notic for Pnblicatioa United Hlales Uind Office, ' The Dalles, Oregon, Novemlwr H. HSr7. no lee Is hereliv Klven that In nnnnllnnisi with the provisions oft tin act of onaress r June , 17S, eulllled "An act for the sale of tlmlM-r lanrls In the Htates of California. Oris Kn, Nevada, find Washington Tcrriniry," as extended to all t he full Ho Land HUiles by act or August!, IS'U. Maltha J. Wlgln. of Prineville, county of (risik, Btale of Ore gon, bason Oct, 5, Won. filed In this ollice her sworn statement.. No. HU7:t, for the pur chase of llie Lots2and S, HK'4 NW andSW' HV.Yi ot See. 4, In Tp. IS south, ranae Id K, W, M mid wllloll'er proofto show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its tltnlmror stone t.hanrorHicrlniill.iiral purM)scs,and toesUihllsh her claim tos-ild land Isifore I he county clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on the Billh day of Jan ary, PjoH. She names as witnesses: VV. ff. Huslon. John VI . Collins, I,. H. f.Hfolletlu, and Walter. O'Nnll all of Prineville, OreKon Any and all persons claiming adversely the above . deserilied lands are request ed to tile their claims In this ollice on or bo ron) t he said 80th day of January, IU0S. UMip 0. W. MOOUK, Register. Notice to Creditor Notice is hereby given by the under signed, the administrator of the estate of Andrew J. Einnegan, deceased, to all persons having claims against said deceased to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at bis ollice in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated the 2d day of Jannajy, 1008. M. R. ELLIOTT, Administrator of the estate of An drew J. Finnegan, Deceased. 1 fevlTl re RAVrXU'- THE OWL CASH STORE Ufil R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor PKHKY UN(t WAIT SNODKHLY Long & Snoderly Doalors in Fine Wines, Liquors and nrs. We handle the celebrated Sedgwick W hisky, noted for its rich, mellow flavor. Sole agents for Hop (Sold Uoer and the famous IS'apa Soda. m ITcim.il3r Tiado Solicited. TJho deception SMITH k CLKKK, rKot itiKToiu. Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY OHDI-HS SOLICITI-I) i'oet Oltitft lU.x il'2 I MAIN 8TRKKT I.JWJI.JI.JLJL JW JW Jl-JW r.1 f'J r i LJ r.1 L. J rt The O'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIleUE, OREGON L. J r t tl TT U r 1 u LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L"J - ri First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season LJ ri L'J r 1 LJ r 1 SMELZER&ELLEFSON, Props. kJ LJ r ir'ir ir,sirir-iririr-tr iririjtrir irr"tr.ir.'ir1!ir.,irir!irrririr..i LJL JLJL JLJL'JLJL JL JL JLJLjV Jl JL JbJL JL JLJLJLJLJLJLJL JLJ rinir,iriir.ir;ir;ir.ir, ir.ir.iriniriririiriniririnirinrirnrir.i L JLJL JLJUJLJL JLJL JLJL JLJL jfLJLiJLJI. JLJL JLJL JLjJLjJt; JLJL J n LJ r.i LJ r,.i L'J r.i L'J ri LJ ri L'J r.i L'J M L'J m CJ r,i LJ r:li L'J r.i LJ r.i U r.i L'J Sonera ffilacksmithing HoiisKHiioKiNO, Wood Work, etc., Neatly and Pkomptly Done Whkn it is Donk By : : : !7iobert 9?oore Satisfaction Will PjllNKVILl.E, LJ L'J r.irririrrtrirTrirnrTrrrir?iirnr!irrfirnr!irrnririrrtririrrtri LJL JLJL JLJL JLJL JL JL JLJL JLUfLJLUL JLJL'JLJL JLULULLILULUUU rn THE HAMILTON STABLES T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reawonable rates. Remembor us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery h Hats, Shoes and K Clothing A complete line of dent's Furnishings fit Prices that you can aflord to pay. Call in and let us show you the ginnls and quote you our prices. A Choice. Line of p 1 N Cigars & Tobaccos riUNKVILT.K, OUK(;ON sj 7i JkvJk.Jl. Jl. Jk.JWjWJk.J.J lie Guaranteed OllEOON. 8hinglc8, MouldingH, Windows, Doom, GliiHses, Etc. Ktc, Etc. SHIPP & PERRY i nui Jii v Jiiiji'i, vivtiinui't p PRINEVILLE, OREGON Rigs For Rent 1 I fit T A LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i l J ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r..i t. J ri LJ r.i LJ ri L J r i L J LJ r,i LJ r 1 LJ r.i LJ LJ r.i L'J ri L J r.Li LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri L'J r.i LJ r.i L'J ra L'J ri LJ ri L'J ft. ft'