Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 16, 1908, Image 4

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    Starting Alfalfa
Without Irrigation
Farmers who have tried alfalfa
out on the plains ot Eastern Colo
rado have done very well with
but they find that even when
rainfall is plentiful alfalfa will gt
a rauen Detter start ana give
satisfactory yields much quicker
if a cultivated crop is rained to
prepare the soil. II the cultivated
crop cannot be grown it will pay
to summer fallow under the
Campbell system, the object beinp
to germinate and kill all weed
seeds in the surface soil, retain
moisture and put the land into
good physical condition. In the
early spring after summer fallow
ing or growing the cultivated crop
the land should be thoroughly
cultivated and put in the best
possible tilth.
Too much preparation of the
seed bed cannot be gien. As
soon as danger of killing frost is
over, the soil should be cultivated
again to kill the weeds and the
seed sown immediately. Re-
peated trials throughout the
country have demonstrated that it
is a waste of time and seed to sow
alfalfa with a nurse crop. The
grain shades the alfalfa too much
i i . . - . . .
ana ror it 01 trie moisture neces
sary to carry it through the first
summer. Ten to fifteen pounds of
good seed to the acre is generally
sufficient. It is usually sown
broadcast and covered with
common tooth harrow.
Perhaps the most satisfactory
and economical way to sow it is
with a common grain drill with a
grass attachment. For this pur
pose seeders should be used that
have tubes that carry the seed in
to the hose or beside the discs of
the drill. In dry localities where
there is little or no danger of
crusts forming on the surface the
drill should be set to cover the
seed from one and one-half to two
inches deep. In most localities
the seed should not be covered so
deeply. When all of the seed is
covered the proper depth in this
way much less is required than
when sown broadcast.
1IM . 1 tm 1. -
n uen toe anana is one year
old it should be disked in the
early spring as soon as the ground
i in good working condition. The
harrow should be set straight
enough to prevent cutting off the
roots of the alfalfa. It should be
weighted to make it cut the de
' t i .
sirea deptn. lbe worker must
use his own judgment as to weight
ing the harrow, the angle at which
to set the discs and the amount of
harrowing to be done. A tooth
harrow should follow the disc to
smooth and pulverize the soil.
It may be given the same treat
ment just after removing a hay
crop or at any time when it has
made but little growth. As the
stand becomes older and the roots
larger the disc harrow may be set
to run deeper. As it is well es
tablished the more cultivation the
better. This method of growing
alfalfa requires some time and
expense, but paying returns will
be obtained so much quicker and
the alfalfa will last so much lon
ger if sown and cared for in this
way that the extra work is justified.
When Oregon Had Camels
That the whole of interior Ore
gon was once the bed of the Pa
cific ocean has been proved be
yond question by the investiga
tions of Professor Thomas Condon,
Dr. Diller and other noted geolo
gists. That the region was later
a tropical country has been equally
well established.
Numerous discoveries of the
bones of animals and rocks con
taining the perfect imprint of the
plants of the tropics have been
made, and it is no longer an
occasion for surprise when well
diggers or irrigation excavators
unearth the fossil remains of a
camel or a broad faced ox.
Within recent years many fossil
beds of beautiful palm leaves have
been found in eastern Oregon.
Tk. n J 1 '11 -rw
xuo vanuaue nms, due moun
tains and Owyhees, once islands
surrounded by tropical lakes, were
covered with luxuriant growth,
forests and flowering shrubs, tor
Knowlton tells us the magnoli
and cinnamon and fig trw were
Today the soil presents a finely
ground mixture of basalt and vol
canic ash, containing the ele
ments of most fertile soil, and
when properly watered producing
enormous crops of vegetables
fruits and grains common to teiu
perate tones.
The climate has been changed
says Professor Condon, by the up-
folding of the Cascade range,
shutting off from the interior the
softening influence of the Japan
current and the drift of ocean fogs
and clouds. Sunset Magaiine.
Use of die Divining Rod
Stomach Troubles and Constipation
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
laoiets are the best thing for stomach
troubles and constipation I have ever
sold," says J. K. Cullman, a druggist
of Potterville, Mich. They are easy to
take and always give- satisfaction. I
tell my customers to try them and if not,
satisfactory to come back and get their
money, but have never hail a com
plain." For sale by D. P. Adamuon. '
Numerous devices are used
throughout this country for de
tecting the presence of under
ground water devices ranging in
complexity from the forked branch
of witch-hazel, peach, or other
wood, to more or less elaborate
mechanical or electrical contri
vancee. Many of the operators of
these devices, especially those that
use the home-cut forked brand
are perfectly honest iu the belief
that the working of the rod is
influenced by agencies usually
regarded as electric currents fol
lowing underground streams of
water that are entirely independ
ent of their own own bodies, and
many uneducated people have im
plicit faith in their ability to
locate underground water in this
In experiment with a rod of
this type, one of the geologists of
the United States Geological Sur
vey found that at points it turned
downward independently of his
will, but more complete tests
showed that the downturuing re
sulted from slight and until
watched for unconscious changes
in the inclination of his body, the
effects of which were communi
cated through the arms and wrists
to the rod. No movement of the
rod from causes outside the body
could be detected, and it soon be
came obvious that the view held
by other men of science is correct
that the operation of the "divin
ing rod" is generally due to un
conscious movements of the body
or of the muscles of the hand. The
experiments made show that these
movements happen most fre
quently at places where the ope
rator s experience has led him to
believe that water may be found.
The uselessness of the divining
rod is indicated by the facts that
the rod may be worked at will by
the operator, that he fails to detect
strong currents of water running
in tunnels and other channels that
afford no surface indications of
water, and that his locations in
limestone regions where water
flows in well-defined channel are
rarely more successful than those
dependent on mere guessts. In
fact its operators are successful
only in regions in": which ground
water occurs in a definite sheet in
porous material or in more or less
clayey deposits, such as the peb
bly clay or till in which, although
few failures occur, wells would
get water anywhere.
Ground water occurs under cer
tain definite conditions, and as in
humid regions a stream may be
predicted wherever a valley is
known, so one familiar with rocks
and ground-water conditions may
predict places where ground water
can be found, ho appliance,
either electrical or mechanical, has
yet been successfully used for de
tecting water in places where plain
common sense or mere guessing
would not have shown its pre
sence just as well. The only ad
vantage of employing a "water
witch," as the operator of the
divining rod is sometimes called,
is that skilled services are oh.
tained, most men so employed
being keener and better observers
of the occurrence and movements
of ground water than the average
advertising bills and big bank
balances grow, together, out of the
same publicity campaigns. Non
prosperous 'merchant and half
prospering onw may prove the
truth of this matter in a practical
w, and in their own experience.
We are accustomsd to swing big
stores filled with customers all the
lime the direct result of big ad
vertising expetulitute. Hut we do
not so often see the small 6tores
and shops crowded. Too many of
them are content to get the 'over
flow" patronage, the "happened
in" people, the people who go to
"the nearest ple."
Any "little store" whose adver
tising expenditures, for newspaper
space, are doubled this year, will
find its sales and profits corres
pondingly increased. Even
small increase of expenditure, in
the right direction, for publicity
will bring a notable quickening of
store activity, store profits.
Effective, adequate advertising
not only pays for itself it pays
for increased equipment and all
that goes with a bigger store and
growing store needs. Erie Times
The City Meat
Chamberlain Cough Remedy Benefits a
City Councilman at Kingston, Jamaica
Mr. W. O'Reilly Foptrty, who U a
me-tnoeroi merit v Council at Kington
Jamaica, West Indie, write as follows
"One bottle of Chamberlain' Couh
Remedy had good effect fin a couh
that wan giving me trouble and I think
I ehould have been more quickly re-
nevwi u i nsa continued the remedy.
Tl. ... it i ' i l
t .m ucuruuui miu quit'K in re
lieving me there is no doubt and it ii
m.v intention to obtain another bottle."
for sale by r". A. Adamson.
One ecaond-hand writing desk with roll
up. Auurefs journal uuice. Im
One Ihuusand Pages
Or 60 YEARS'
Tradc Marks
"ikv . . i Designs
'frff l" Copyright Ac
Anyone twirling a ketch and description may
quickly ascertain ur opinion frt whether an
Invention ta pnbably catentAhle. Commtmir.
tlonf Mrtctlyennndenttid. HANQ600K on Fatenta
ant free. Oldest agency for swurtug paten r.
Paten taken ttiroutih Munn St Ch roetrt
wptcial notice without charge, In the
Scientific American.
A handsome? lllintrmM wwklf. I nrrmt elf.
dilation of nf iemiflo Journal. "Terms, 93 a
year: four months, L Bold bj all newsdealer.
MUNN Co.8'B"'. New York
touch onoe. ( r BU WadiUutun. Dl &
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dallen, Ore.,
January 8, 1908.
Notice in hereby given that
Ida M. Anderson,
of Prineville, county of Crook, State of
Oregon, ha applied to nurchnRa. nn-
dertheactof CongresB of June 3, 1878,
as extended by act of An(turt 4, 1892,
the SWi and Vi HVM, Section
10.T15.S, K 18 E. W. M.. and will
offer proof to show that the land sought
i more valuable for its timber or gtone
than for agricultural purooRe. and to
entablie h her claim to said land before
the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon,
on the 13th day of April. 1908.
Hhe names as her witnesses :
Charlea M. I'lisirltin Tort mi;n.
Harry C. Chase, and James H. Smith nil'
of Prineville, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
remiested tn Kin their minima in ti.;-
omce on or before Baid 13th day of April
l-16p C. W. MOORE, Register.
Headquarters for
Home - Cured Lard and
Try some of Crook county's choicest
products. Its the best that money can
buy. You will not only save money but
you will help build up a home industry.
We always carry the best in
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal.
Special rates when sold in large quantities
We handle all kinds of country produce
a iuiO) uuueo aim
Clothincr w
A complete lino of
dent's Furnishings
at Trices that you can
afford to pay. Call
in and let us show
you the fjoods and
quote you our prices.
A Choice. Idne of
Cigars & Tobaccos
i THR nwi taqm rrnrar
Ml R. B. ADAMS. Proprietor
Timber Land. a Jan 8, una.
Natke far NUkatiaa
Department of he lmerior,
l! luted Mates Land OttU-e,
The Dnllea, Or., Dweni btr 9, Il7.
Notice is hereby (tiven that
Calami Vanlna
of Prineville, county of Crook. Kute of
ureiron, n applied to pun-Ii use, under
the act of l'oiitrwi of June S. 1M7S, an ri.
tended hy act ot August 4. IS!, the WW
NWVi, NK SWt Sec, 1 Tp. IS aouth.
range 18 east W , MH and will offer pruof
w biiuw mat me mini aoiigni la more val
uable for ita titnher or alone than for
agricultural purpoaee, and to establish her
claim to said land before (he county clerk
at Prineville, Ore., on the lath day of
february llHW.
She names uls witnesses: Charles Keller
helm and James Kaught ot PrinevilU-,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the alniTe-ili seril! lands are n-unestii to
tile their claims in this office on or before
saia ism day of February l'.W.
IJ-i t;..W. MOUKK. Register.
State Selection
Notice tor Pulitieatlon.
0. 8. Laud Office. Tbe Iiailea. Orenn,
November 20, luol.
Notice Is hereby given that under lbe pro
visions o( tbe set ol Conicreaa ol Annus! It,
liMH, and lbe arts supplementary ud amenda
tory thereto, the State ol oreicon bss this day
Died In this cullce lis applleatlon. No. to
select the 8K't ol the 8tt '4 el 8e. XI, T. 17
south, ranite 17 K., '. M.
Any and all x-rsons cUlniln adversely any
ol the above-described lands, or desirinx lor
any reason to objeel lo tbe final altowaureot
the same, should tile their claims or objections
In this office on or belore lbe liitb ol Janu
ary, 1UUB.
UJMw C. W.1IOOHE, KeUler.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at The lialles. Oregon.
December 7, 1UJ7.
notice is hereby given that
Mary K. Vanderpool, Ounnliaii of John
H. Vanderpool. lusnne,
of Prineville, OreKou, hits Hied notice of
her intention f luiikc lituil live-vear proof
in r.,..,,i iM uls vihiiii, via: iioineslenu
Kntry So. IV.rJt innile Dec. lit, lfrna, for the
iaji. 1, ,-1 y. anil JK ol Six-
M, I p. 14 south, raiitfe llleast. W. M.. and
that sniil proof will le made liefore the
t.ounty t lerK, at Prineville, Oregon, on
January zi,
cne nilliiHi the lollowlilir witnesses lo
prove ins continuous rexb em-,, oimi, ,,!
eultivittion of. the land, via: J. W.
r.lllott. raniucl J. Newsoni. and Inli
.Hcuanieis. all ol 1'riuevi e. Oreiron. and
ijeorge 8. Miller, of Ijimonta, Oregon.
""i tj. W. alLHlKK. Keif sti r
Tiiiilmr Land, Aft June S, 1878
Notice fot Publication.
t'nittsl Stau-a Und Ofll.,
Tli Dulles, On ., SeitemUr L'lst. llHV
Notiit is hereby given that In compli
am-e with the provisions ol the act ot
tAingrese 01 J une S, l,s;s, enliileil "An
oi lor the sale ol lunlx-r lands In the
Mutes ot I alllornia, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory." as ex
tended to all the Public Land Klittea hv
act 01 Angimt 4, Wi,
luul.el L. Noland,
of I ortland, county of Multnomah
Mate 01 uregon, ha this day Hied in
Hits on lev her sworn etateuiiMit, No,
4.U13, lor the purehase ol the SKW NK
ofSc.,S ,'),' and SVl4 Sy.i ,
,mi:. iu. in 10 1 M1111111 m,.Ht iv ..uu
. M., and will offer nrx( to show thai
thti land sought l more valuable for Its
limner or atone than for agriiultura
purpoeea. aim 10 eslublish her claim to
eaia laini Doiore the ( oiintv Clerk, at
Prineville, Oregon, on the lith day ol
u auuary, iisio.
She names as witn.wwi: Charles M
1 harlton. L. K. Hudson, ol Prineville,
Oregon, a. Kenyou, recti Kenyon
ol Kedmond, Oregon.
Any ami all permme clniiiiing ad
versely mi, aiKiveniescriUHl lumls are
renin tod to tile their c anna In this
otlice on or before sui.l 13th day ol
nituary, luoe.
10-31 p U. W
MOOKK, Kegister.
Advertising Bills Eary to Pay
Many a business man has been
surprised to find that his biggest
advertising bills were the easiest
ones to pay.
This is always true, assuming
they are contracted in buying ad
vertising space in the best news
paper medium in his field. It
would, of course, never be true if
poor judgment were used in the
planning and executing of the ad-
advertising campaign.
In the cases of prosperous mer
chants it always happens that big
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Notite for Pablicatioa
United .States Land Offl.
The Dalles, Oregon, January 8, 1908
notice u hereby given that
(.'haritv WilHon.
of Prineville, county of Crcok, State of
uregon, naa applied to purchase, under
the act of congress at June 3 1S78.
exienoexi ny act 01 August 4. 18 12. th
ESKJ, 8ec.35.T12.S.R 16E.W. M
and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or atone tnan lor agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land
Deiore tne county clerk, at Prineville
Oregon, on the 11th day of April, 11108.
She names as her witnesses :
Charles M. Charlton, John W. Ritter,
Perry B. Poindexter, and Kamuel A.
rrose, an ot fnneville, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-defcribed lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or
Deiore said 11 tn day of April, 1908.
1-16 C. W. MOOKE, RegiHter,
fit j
t Royal Insurance Co. I
Not Welchers. $
Paid dollar for dollar in the
Frisco COnflaorrntlon ' W
g o-
m m s m m t& t& a m m m m
Sherifrs Sale
In the Circuit Court of The Rate of Ore
gon tor orook l ountv.
(i. M. Comett. I'laintiir
Whitsettand Maggie Whitsett, Defendants
liy virtue of an execution ami ,,r,i... ,j
saie issuea out 01 the above entitled court,
on the Wtli day of Dereiuher, I1107, in lavor
ot O. M. Comett, Plaintiff, and ngsinst
(ieorge W. Whitsettand Muggie Vliilsett,
Defendants, for the sum of 1ISJ.IJ0 jiidg.
incut with Interest tberenu from tlm tub
day of September, liiOM, at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum and IIOO.OU attorneys fees
and the further sum of U.fiO costs. And
whereas it was further ordered and dp.
creed by the court that the following de-
-...reu i-i,i pinion wwu: ixil no, ,
in block No. 10. of Bend. Crook pnnt.l.
Oregon, be sold bv the Sheriff
county as under execution.
nonce is ncreny given that in obedience
to said execution ami order of sl I will
on Saturday , the 18th day of January, 1H08
at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said
day at the court house door in the city ol
Prineville. Crook eountv. Ilnmm .,,11 ..,1.1
above described real property at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, to
ooumy uiu juugiuein, Biiorneya tees and
-jni, nmi aeeruiug costs,
Dated this 18th day of December, 1907.
FKANK. KLK1N8, Hherilf.
Crook County, Oregon.
Timber Land, Act June 8. 1878.
Notice for Pablicatioa
United Htnt.ea I,and Office,
Tbe Dalles. Oroiron. Novniriior m iof
lo Xae Is hereby alven that In cnmnliunMi
With the provisions of the act of Congress or
June 8, 187S, entitled "An act for the sale of
uiuuer wan in ineisiMies or Uiillrornta, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tbe Public ind Htutes by uct
Maltha .1. Wlirlo
or rnnevllle, county of Crook, Blate of Ore
gon, lias on Oct. 6, lWifl. Died In this office her
l "wtwriuiTiii, i.u. nua, t,r trie nur-
'""se or me Lois Zand 3, HK'4 NWX andHW'4
..4 . 111 j v. , who 11, range in k, w.
in., ana wilioirer proorto show that lh lunrf
Stat S4ctioa, Notkt far PaUicalioa
United Stntee I,and Olhie,
The Dalles, Oregon. Decemlwr IS. 1!i7.
Notice Is hereby given that under tbe
provisions or the art of Congress of
August U, IMS, and the acts supple men
tary and aiuendalorv then to Him stniu ,r
nas tins day tiled In this ollice Its
api.iuaiioii, mi. 7i., to select the W1
N t of Sertion 12. T. l.'i south, range 1
east, W. M.
Any and alt imt-oiis rliilnil. ,in,u,i.
the alKive-desrrilHil hmd, or desiring for
oojeet to me until allowance
of the selection, should tile their claims or
objections in this olllee on or before the
sill nay 01 reliruary, I'.sw.
C. W. MOOKK, lleKister.
Notice Air I'uMienli.n.
Department of the Interior,
Land Ollice at The Dulles Oregon,
.... , , , December ", 1!j7.
Notice Is hereby given that
Mary h. Vanderpool,
01 prineville, uregon, ban filed notice ol
uer uiiention to make final live-year pr,M,
in support of her claim, vis: lloniestead
I'.ntry No. lltr.'fl made Drritither II), mrl
i;.r tne h m-;v4i NWand Lot 2 of
r-ec. aij, 1 p. 11 south, ratine IU east, W.
M., and that said proof will lie before the
County Clerk, at I'rineville, Oregon, on
January 23, 1!KI8,
Bhe names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, the land, vis: J. W.
Klliott, Samuel J. Newsom. Julia Mc
Daniels all of I'rineville, Oregon, and
CreorgoS. Miller, ol Lumonta, Oregon.
12-12 0. W. MOOKK, Kegister.
sought Is more valuable for Its tlmberor stone
.iiniooriigricuiitirui purposes. and toestahllsh
her claim tos-tfri land iMr,,K th .r,nni,.Hi.
at Prineville, Oregon, on the 80th day of Jan
ary.l'JOS. '
She names as witnesses:
W U U.t,.n Ix.l ......
- v . colons, i. H.
Lafbllette. and Waller i'Nii uii .,r i m.
Onon. "
Any and all persona claiming adversely
the above - deserilieri lanrtu ara ....f
ed to file their olalms In this olllee on or l-
.us nuiu wm uay tn January, iwou.
rr. wwftll, xuyister.
Shorlfrs Sale
In the Circuit Court of the Btute of Oregon
for Crook County.
Annie Mailing. Plaintiff. v VrA Cl,..
pool, O. C. Clavnool. Daisy rinv,.l Tl,
dosla Claypool and K. L. 8abin, l!efn.l-ants.
liy virtue of an execution nn.i ,r.i..r ,.r
sale, issued out above entitle! court
tl.l I.A 1f!l .1 t. , . ... . '
iwi,ii mi, ui uecemner, 1II7 In
,.0T0.rf Annie Maling, plaititlir,and agaiiiHt
tre' 'iifyP001! - c- loypool, Daisy Clay
pool, 1 heodosia Claypool and K. L.Habln,
,UI -"o sum 01 ii)7.os judg
ment, with interest thereon from the 4th
uny ui wecemner, 11x10, at the rate of 10 lie
iVJ!:J'r.Bnnum' tlie further sum o
c.uo.w auorneys fees. And whereas
was iunner ordered and decreed hy the
v,wUi,.,imi, uib loiiowing oescrlbcd niort-
f proporiy to-wlt: 1 ot tj in block 22, jiungea piat 01 Prineville, Oregon
warehouse, wagon house bouidit of J. K
Morris situated on the Foster lot. all be.b
rooms and beds and bedroom furniture in
onea more ot Plaintiff's, and all th
sueivinif 111 the above men
tinned Htilrn nnrr,l,uu,l t..
.morns, an oi said persona nroix.rt.v
being situated at. Prho.oiiu ...,....'. if..
sold by the sheriff of said couiltv. as nn,l,.r
PTnniilinn '
Long &Snoderly
DcAlora in Tine Wines, Liquors ami
are. We handle the celebrated
Sixltfwick Whisky, noted for its rich,
mellow flavor. Solo agents for Hop Gold
lleer and the famous Napa Soda.
m IF'am.ilsr OTraclo Solicited.
SMITH k CLKEK, IWmiktdim
Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines
and Cigars
Pout On'ua Itox 112
t-JJt-ll-Jl. JL.JL. JC Jk.JL.Jt JU Jk. JW
Lhe 0 Neil Restaurant
r t
L. J
r 1
First Class Meals 25c and Up
Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season
;-ir -y. iriririrflwr'iriirftir.irrir1ir,.inrir'inrnr'ielHi.,r4
nririmriir,ir''iri .--.-.--
Sencral Zftlacksmithing
Notice to Creditor!
Notice is hereby ttiven bv th. undnr.
BiKned. the adminiRtratnr rf t ha aatta
of Andrew J. Finnegan, deceased, to all
persona having claims against said
deceased to present the same with tha
proper vouchers to the undersigned at
no unite in rnnevine, uregon, within
this notice.
Dated the 2d day of Jannajy, 1908.
M. R. Kr.i.urrr
Administrator of thn nHtatn M An.
drewJ. Finnegan. Deceased. i2
Notice is hurchv irlvi.n n,t i i,,i:,...,.
i.u nuiu execution mill on r r an u I ...ill
uii ouiuraay, itie m day ofFehruary, I'.KW
i uie nourol one o'clock p. m. of said day
at the court hnuse door in the city of
i uiuvine. i;roolr r.niintv llrAcr,,,, u,, I u,.l.i
ahoye deHcrihcd property at public auction
to the hiehest bidder fiir riuili in l.iuwl
satisfy saiii judnient and interest and
niKinieys rees ana costs.
Uated thiH 18th day of December, 1007,
FKANK KI.K1NH, Khenir,
Crook County, Oregon,
six months from the first publication of
HouHe and lot for Bale ch.-nn
Call on J. W. Horican or D. V.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior,
Land Ollice at The Dalles. Oregon,
.... , , , December 7, 1107.
Aoticeis hereby given that
Charley Kdward I'arriah.
of I, rook, Oregon, has liled notice of his
munition io maKc linal live-year proof In
support of his claim, viz.: Domesteiul
um,V,- '2 !7 '""deDcc.iil, 1801, for the
vrV? vV.J?' ovv y ot 'ction It and
NH.Ji NWliofHec. 13, Tp. W south, range
A) east, W.M., and that said proof will be
made before the County Clerk at I'rine
ville, Oregon, on January 23, UXJ8.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, the land, viz: l,ewis V
Tice, Harry Uarnes, Norris Morgan and
Kdward Parker, all of Crook, Oregon
12-12p 0. W. MOOJilS, KegUter.
f ll rnfli1r;r,r;?,rinir:r"rii1''"rrirpir!i
Neatly and Phomptly Done
Whkn it is Done By : Y i
Robert 9?fooro
Satisfaction Will Rc Guaranteed
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Eto. Etc, Etc.
T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor
Stock boarded by tho day, week or month nt
neiiMinatiio rates. Keinemher us when
riiieviue. HATK8 HK.aHONABI.B. Wo
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
, 4
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