County Court Proceedings Continued from flrat pag. Tojw 101 47 Joe IVIore, wood for H. 8 16 00 I). 11. Howell, circuit court 11 40 Irwin HodKon, C II. suppllea 17 60 J. F. 111, Janitor at C H 5 00 L. B. Caldwell, countable fce. 80 W. A. Bell, wood lor C II 40 00 M. Rone, Janitor work atO.11 6 00 J. F. Poll, cure of O. Maunln 12 00 UIhhd & Frudhome, records for clerk's office 47 00 C Sara Smith, wltneoa 3 00 Bwwle Craln, " 80 O C Gray " 6 80 Mrs V T Shaw, " 40 O M Cyrus, Juror fee.. 7 00 FS Hoffman 11 00 O W Noble J W Gilchrist M Thomas Arnold Ed Merrltt " TJ Leach Henry Llnster" R. M. Morris " 00 " 30 00 " 13 00 " 14 40 " 10 00 13 00 " 10 00 Wm Marks " " 6 00 J E Edwards " " 13 60 Frank Glass " " 10 00 H J Healy " " 11 60 D W Grimes " " 7 20 L H Hamilton " " 10 00 A Fosle " " 60 U W Jones " " 8 00 G W Bojrue " IS 00 C C Hon " " 00 H J Lister " " 6 00 J F Houston " " .. 13 80 G W Dodson " 10 80 Geo MUllcan " " 14 00 T S Hamilton " 14 00 A L GoodwlUle Jurors fee 12 00 Joe Qulnn, witness fee 7 20 S Meyrs " 8 00 James Black " IS 00 LC CaldweU " IS 00 Melvin Craln ' 7 60 C Sam Smith 3 80 Albert Way " 16 00 C M Elklns " 2 00 J H Crooks " 2 00 Frank Elklns, stamps and tele phone 25 20 Frank Elklns, board for Insane 6 13 Robt Moore, blacksmlthlnir... 29 30 C D Calbreath, sawing wood for H S 3 00 Crook County Journal, printing 69 50 George Cummlng, digging cess pools 8 00 A H LIppman A Co, mdse for H S 301 56 J F Cadle, care J T Dudley 76 00 A W Grater, laundry bill for Pope and Dudley 12 00 Belknap & Edwards, medical aid for J. T. Dudley 130 00 Belknap & Edwards, service for paupers and Indians 151 00 DrWC Coe, services for Indians 50 00 C W Elklns, mdse for county 10 40 C B Dinwiddle, traveling ex. 24 60 f E 8lmton. mdse for county 1 00 Pavld ru -iett, work for HS 35 00 l af Urn & Cornett, mdse for tOUnt V mr.-rrH-tt 70 .lry L McDowell, care of In- dlaas 36 00 Mary L McDowell, care of J T iHtuley 93 10 Da rid Elliott, care of Sam Smith 75 00 W. R. McFarland, surveyor's salary 120 00 U I- Mi.'or i, chalnman 2 00 Hi ;;rv ile Iges, chalnman 4 00 Ira J Wilkinson, marker 4 00 D V Mackintosh, chalnman 1 00 B S Larken " I 00 Henry Wilson " 1 00 Wm H Caldwell, chalnman and rodman 4 00 W H Holllnshead, marker -4 00 J N Masten, chalnman 2 00 L. M Burt, axeman 4 00 Frank Boles, chalnman 2 00 John L Rlngo, " 2 00 W L Perry, marker 4 00 W Lylsle Perry, chalnman 4 00 Kirk Whlted, chalnman 4 00 J W Elliott, road viewer's salary 64 00 Frank Elklns, sheriff salary... 416 67 Frank Elklns, deputy's salary 200 00 Warren Brown, clerk's salary 300 00 Warren Brown, deputy's " 150 00 W A Bell, Judge's salary 166 67 C B Dinwiddle, Supt. salary... 166 67 W F King treasurer's salary... 100 00 J D Lafollett, assessor's salary 166 67 J H Rosenberg, witness fees and medical services 8 50 A L Goodwillle, chalnman 1 00 Loyd Yancey, witness fee 14 00 Pete Mackey, Fred Snoderly W E Vandevert Willie Ike, Harrison Seymore, Henry Learned, Ikl Owhl, C C Brlx, Mrs M E Reed, . C L Eaton, MaxCrandall A A Baldwin Chas S Edwards 14 00 14 00 14 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 4 00 8 00 8 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 A H Kennedy, printing 15 75 Catherine V Conway, H S teacher t. 160 00 Ethel E Bradford, H S teacher 160 00 Cordelia Stevens " " 160 00 I Michel, mdse 2 60 M B Hockenberry, H S teacher 225 00 Wuriweller & Co, mdse for II S 8 40 Winnek Co, mdse 82 95 Winnek Co, stationery etc 11 45 A H LIppman & Co, pauper ac 81 50 W A Bell, trans. Albert Pope to B & G'e Aid Society 25 80 W A Bell, wood for C H 60 00 W A Bell wood for H S 84 00 Prinevllle L & W, water for C H so nn Prinevllle L & W. globes, work 7 00 L p T aw 'j 1. u rh ' S U HS 35 00 J W A Boll, transfer of Myrtle Wilkinson to Boy's & Girls Aid Society ?7 00 Won welter Co, county mdse 8 27 W A Bell, wood for 11 S 60 00 W A Bell, wood forC II... 24 00 Frank Elklns, mdse for Myrtle Wilkinson 14 25 Frank Elklns, discounts on drafts and foreign checks 1 95 Irwin H orison mdse tor clerk.. 70 25 W A Boll, wood for C H 36 00 Shanlko Warehouse, freight... 92 C D Calbreath, sawing wood for C 11 30 00 C D Calbreath, sawing wood for II S .. 8 00 Central Scientific Co, supplies for H S 23 00 M B Hockenberry traveling ex 19 75 Geo R Cummlng work at C II 5 00 D P Adamson supplies.... 12 70 C W Elklns, mdse 11 25 Shlpp & Terry, lumber, etc...... 71 55 P T & T Co, use of telephone.. 7 25 Robert Moore, Blacksmlthtng 88 85 Prinevllle Machine Shop work 2 85 Glass & Frodhomme, mdse 112 54 E II Sargent 4 Co, mdse 158 34 J S Watklns, road work 10 00 W F King, mdse 42 75 supplies for II S 74 65 mdse 40 60 J F Cadle, care A W Pope 90 00 W F King, coffin for Robt Perry .. 32 50 Belknap A Edwards, aid tor John Stam 10 00 CS Edwards, salary 32 00 Warren Brown, stamps, etc... 23 25 Frank Foster, witness ft 2 00 S M Bailey " " 5 20 S S Stearns, com. fee 16 45 R II Bayley " 47 00 C C McNeely, work 60 18 Portland Correspondence Portland, Oregon, Dec. 16, 1907 Ed. Journal: There is universal interest all over the state in the meeting of the Oregon Press As sociation, which convenes in this city on January 17th and 18th Upon several dinerent occasions there were between 600 and 700 people in attendance upon the Dairy Convention and exhibit at one time, and from the moment that President Judd called the meeting to order at 10 o'clock Thursday morning until it closed at 5 o'clock Friday afternoon, the interest never flagged. Hon. B D. White, the dairy expert with the Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. C, who has par ticipated in dairy conventions in all of the older states, said that he had never attended a better con vention. The program wa full of interest it was a school of infor mation and instruction, and facts were presented and views ex changed and actual results shown which will ba of tremendous. value to all those engaged in the indus try or contemplating a participa tion. in it. The substantial char acter of the gathering was shown when the chair requested those actually milking cows commer cially to stand 75 per cent of the audience rose, and when a vote was asked to show what propor tion of these were testing milk with the idea of keeping their herds up to the highest standard at least three-fourths of the milk ers rose a second time, a striking evidence of modern dairy methods. The proceedings in full will be printed in book form just as soon as the stenographers, photographers and printers can get their material in shape. Prof. F. L. Kent of the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis was made President, and W. L. Crissey of the Portland Club Secretary. The campaign in behalf of the next convention will begin immediately for it is deter mined that that convention, like the one just held, will be the most important and beneficial gathering of any held during the year 1908. The exhibits were magnificent, equalling those at the international show. The whole state was reo- rebented. The convention was a tremendous success, and the men interested in dairying have de termined that the products of this great industry will add at least $20,000,000 to the wealth of Ore gon in 1908. 204 people personally paid their dues while in attend ance, the greatest previous record being 84, and before the next ses sion of the Association is convened the rolls will contain to exceed 300 members. How Diphtheria Is Contracted One often hears the exnresslon. "My child cauzht a severe cold whi?h developed Into diphtheria," when the truth was that the cold had simply left the little one particularly sus ceptible to the wandering diphtheria germ, wnen unamberlaln's Cough Remedy is eriven It nuicklv cures the cold and lessens the danger of dlph- iuena or any otner germ Disease being contracted. For sale bv D. P. Adamson. For Sale V ra,?.V.If"? an? b.a,ed hay for 8Hle- wm J'ver by load or sol n 8tack - ln'luire ' mar Claypool, atC. W. Elklns' store. Professional Cards e. SSrimk Orfm. Offlc with Uo. W. Barnes Cm &WrwV ". SSimmm ( Cemmty fAmMm) Belknap dc d wards Smamf ZPjtfimm mud Smrfm Caus Amwun PaotrmT Day oa Hv OfTit-i Oh Dooa South or Adammom'i Daw areas. bi h o Bit An reJ done telhou. OrmfM SR. iSSs E. C. PARK Importer and breeder of pure-bred tPoiand Chima JCogt mutt Sack jCamgsAan Ckiektm Young stock for sale. Address Redmond, Oregon. Timber Land, Aet June I. U78. Netice far raUkttiei United Btatra I .and Office, Tbe Dalle. Orvcon. November 12. NO Ice Is hereby riven tbat In compliance vltb the provlntniia of (he act of t'onf reas of June S. tn entitled "An aet for tbe aale of timber lands In the Htates of California. Ore gon. Nevada, and Wat hi riff ton Territory," a extended to ail the rubilo Land States by aet or August t, w-t. Maltha J. Wsie. of Prinevllle, county of Crook. State of Ore gon, has on Oct. o, 116. filed In this offloe her sworn statement. No. 8M7S, for the pur chase or tbe Ijou 2 and J, HE', N H and w ' r. or nee. 4, in TP. south, range 11 (, . M.. and will offer Proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its ttmberor stone tbanror agricultural purpoaes,and toaetabllsb her claim to sld land before the county clerk at Prinevllle, Oregon, on the )th dayofJan- ary, She name as witnesses: Vi. H. Hmlon. John W Collins. 1 R. Lafollelte, and Walter O'Nell all of Prinevllle, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above desciitied lands are request ed to Ala UmIt a! at ma In thia office on or be fore tbe said 301 n day of January. lMn. 12-5P C W. MOOHE, Register. Stat Selection Notice for Publication. C. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, November 90. 1907. Notice is hereby given that under the pro visions of the act of Congress of Aiignut 14, 144, and the acts supplementary snd amenda tory thereto, the State of Oregon baa this day filed In this office its application. No. 681, to select the B&i of the SW ui Sec. 31, T. 17 south, ranee 17 E.. w. H. Any and all persons claiming adversely any ef the above-described lands, or dtniring for any reason to object to tbe final allowance of tbe same, should Ale their claims or objections in mis omce on or neiore the loth 01 Janu ary, 19U8. 1L28-5W C.W.MOORE, Register. Timber Land, act June S, 1878. Notice far Psblkaiioa Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, The Dalles, Or., December 9. 1907. Notice is hereby given that Calanna Vanina of Prineville, county of Crook. State ( Oregon, has applied to purchase, under the act of Congress of June 3, 178, as ex tended by act ot August 4, 1892, the WX SVfy SWW, Sec. 28 Tp. 15 south; range 18 east W. M., and will offer proof to snow mai me iana sought is more val uable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish her claim to said land before the county clerk cia at at Pnneville, Ore., on the 15th day of February 1908. 8be names as witnesses: Charles Feuer helm and James Faught of Prineville, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely tbe above-described lands are reauested to file their claims in this office on or before said 15th day of February l'.m. v. W. MOOUK, Kegister. Hotice for Publicatien Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, December 7, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Charley Edward Parrish. of Crook, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final five-year proof in support of his claim, vin: Homextead f.niry no. 10177 made Dec. 21, 1901, for the yt ott yt, om 54 01 section vi and NEli NW!i of Sec. 13. Td. 18 south. mn 20 east, W. M.. and that said Droof will he made before the County Clerk at Prinn. vine, uregon, on January 23, 1908. tie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence nnnn and cultivation of, the land, vis: Lewis V lice, Harry Barnes. Norris Morgan and r.awara rarker, all or Urook, Oregon. LS-izp u. W.MOOKK, Kegiater, Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. . . December 7, 1907. Mary K. Vanderpool, Guardian df John B. Vanifernool. Tnnnp of Prineville, OreKOn, has filed notice of iier intention kj niaae nnai nve-year proof in support of his claim, vis: Homestead jiivi jr u, uiaue uec. in, lauz, tor the T , VDl UIHi. 1 v ..... . ' . .. iwfc i. nay. n nii anu n 'jL a nl M.. ), Tp. 14 south, rani-e 16 east. W. M.. and that said proof will be made before the tOUIllV UlerK. at I'nnevi le. Oroirnn or. January 23, 1908. Bhe names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence linmi and cultivation of, the land, via: J. W. Elliott, Samuel J. Newsom, and Julia McDaniels, all of Prineville, Oregon, and George 8. iljiler. of Lamonta, Oreeon. C. W. MOOKE, Register. Hay Ranch for Sale Good hay ranch for sale on upper Ochoco at $10 per acre. 120 acres of land well watered; quite a lot of good timber on place. Inquire of E. M. 1'IERSON, Prinevllle, Ore. 11-7 The City Meat Market UOKIUAN & STILL, Props. Headquarters for Home - Cured Lard and Bacon Try some of Crook county's choicest products. Ita the best that money can" buy. .Tou will not only sare money but you will help build up a home industry. We always carry the best in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal. Special rates when sold in large quantities We handle all kinds of country produce H0RIGAN Contest Notice rVpartment of the Interior, United 8tates Land Office, ' The Plle, Ore., Otober 22, 1907, A tutilcieiit contest affidavit having Deen Qiea in tins omce oy John O. Powell, contestant, against homestead entry No. 14:182, made April 19, 11)05, for 8K.l SE$, Sec. 4, SWW SWW. Sec. 3, NVi4 13 eouth, range Id east, YV. M. by Alexander W. Kamsey, Con lee tee, in which it is allei(od that said Alexander . Ramsey has wholly abandoned said tract for more than six months last paHt ; tnat tie naa not resided upon or cultivated said tract as required by law ; that said alleged abstmce was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps of the United States in time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on December 10, 1907, before Warren Brown, county cierc, at ins on ice in rnneviue, Orei regon, eld at ana tnat nnai Hearing will be hi 10 oclock a. m. on LHsceinber 17, 1907, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Tbe Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a pro per affidavit, filed October 7, 1907, get forth facts which show that after due diligence personal servi' of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice tie given by due and proper publication. ll-7p C. W. MOOKE, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August 30, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oreiron. Nevada. and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the fublic I .anil Status bv act of August 4, 1892, John li. SI111111. of Prineville, county of Crook, state of uregon, nag tins day bled in tins office his sworn statement. No. 4294, for the purchase of the N SEK and HWW of Sec. 215, in Tp. 15 south, ranae 18 e. W. M. and will offer vrott to bIiow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for aitricultural purposes, anil to establish his claim to said land liefore the county clerk at Prineville, Oreuon. on the 8th dav of January, 1908. He names as witnesses : Charles M Charlton, C. A. Graves, Robert U Smith, and Robert L. Kitching all Of Prineville, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming ad verseiy irie anove-descntjed lands are requested to file their claims in thia office on or before said 8th day Of January, iau. 11-7 (,'. W, MOORE, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notite far Pablkatiea United Htates Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, September 17, 1907, notice is nereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands in the ntates of California. Oreeon. Nevada and Washington Territory." as ex. tended to all the Public Land States bv act oi August , in'JZ, Marv M. Hansen. of Redmond, county of Crook, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this oflice ner sworn statement, No. 4322, for the purcnase ot tne HEK of Mec. 10 NEJi NEJa' and Ski NEiiof Sec. 15. in ip. it soutn, range is east, W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable f6r its timber Or atonp than fYtr r.,t ,nAa.. ft uijnwcn, and to establish her claim to said land before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 13th day of December, 1907.. She names as witnesses: Fines woods, Walter Gillespie, John O. Han sen and Burt A. Kendall, all of Red mond, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely mo Buuve-uuBuriOBU lanus are requested vj nie meir claims in tnis omce on or before said 13th day of December, 1907, 10-10 C. W. MOORE, Register. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Ore., October 30, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that Anna Adams formerly Anna Marks of Prineville, Oregon, has tiled notice of her intention to make final five-year nroof in support oi ner claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 11440 made Hnptcmber 8, 1002, for the KH NKi, SWK NK and NEJ sec. 8, tp. 15 south, range 17 east. W. M. and that said proof will be made before the county clerk at Prineville, Oregon on January 3, 1908. Khe names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence UDon. and cultivation of, the land, viz: Alma Morris, ctenhen W. Yaneev. Charles Keuerhelm, and Abel W. Morford all of Prineville, Oregon. u-vpa j. w. MOOKlfi, Kegister. House and lot for sale cheap, J. W. Horigan or D. F. Call on Stewart. & STILL Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 Notice for Publication. Unite.! Ktatce Land Office. The Dalles. On., September 21st, 1907 Notice is hereby Riven that in conwli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." aa si tended to all the Public Land States by .J....... act ui nugusi , isua, Rachel L. No! and, of Portland, county of Multnomah State of Oregon, has this day tiled li tliis office her sworn statement. No. iXa, for the purchase of the SE( NE of Sec. ,8V NWJ, and SW NKJ, oi Sec. 10, in Tp 13 south, range 15 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 13th day of January, 1908. She names as witnesses: Charles M Charlton. L. E. Hudson, ot Prineville uregon, cna A. Kenyon, Cecil Kenyon oi neuuiona, Oregon. Any and all persons clalmlnn ad verseiy the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 13th day of January, iwa. - 10-31 p C. W. MOORE, Register. Contest Notice Department ot the Interior, United Hlatca Land Ulllri The Iallea, OreKa, Oelotwr , 1WT, A suR)ri-ni coutost amaavlt having been nivu in mis oniee of , Bri It Nichols. contestant, attains! horamU'ad entry No, 14779. niaie rtovember a, h, forHU WW MKt. xv. i, tp. U auutb, ransa la eastj jumiu n. Biiingpr, Couiati, In rbich I a 1 !! that aal1 Jiillua B. Klllnfrr has wbullr alMinlonea salil Uart; thai said tr. t la mil t'ltUd upon and CUitivatc.1 bv aald ami u establbbrd on said claim by him Una bla ao- miuireu ur plleatlon was made and that no lini.mreinrn ol anv dearrtntlon are on said tract: that sal' allrxnl alisenee was not duo to bis employ ment In the army, navy or marine fori ol thi Unitrd Hlairs in time ol war. Hald parties are hereby notifled to appear, respond and o&Vr a. m. on Dvcembnr IS, lis). Itniwn, county clerk, at his office In prinevllle. Oregon, anu tnat nnai nrarlns will be held 10 o'clock a. m. on iMeember 'J. lion, bclore tli Keslstcr and Receiver at the United Hiatus Latin omce in The Dalles, Oregon. . I he said contestant havlnif. In a nmtHtf affidavit, filed Octobor 21, 1W7, set forth facta winch show that alter due diligence personal service oi mis notice can not be made. It I hereby ordered and directed tbat such nolle be given by due and proper pnhliratton. ll-'P . a W. MOUKK, KcgUUr, Contest Notice Department of the Interior United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, October 22, 1907 A sufficient contest affidavit having Deen niexi in mis on ice ny contestant, againet homestead entry No, 11377, made August 20, 1902, for NX r4, OW4 BW)(, wivv, nc. Vi, ipn soutn, range, IB east, W. M. by Pearl Chamberlain Contests, in which It Is alleged that said Pearl Chamber lain baa wholly abandoned said tract lor more than six months last past that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law ; tnat said alleged absence was not due to her employment in the army navy or marine corps of tbe United States in time of war. Said parties are nereny notined to appear, respond and unci dviuoiiw tuuiujiiig sain allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on December 19, 1907, before Warren Rrown, county clerk, at his office in Prineville, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on December 17. 1907 before the Register and Receiver at the United Htates Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon. Ihe said contestant having, in a prop er auiuavit, nied October 10, 1907, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given Dy aue ana propor publication. 10-31 V. W. MOORE, Register. Desert Land, Final Proof, Notice for Publication. United Sutes Land Offlre, The IMIIes, Ore., Oct. SO, 11KJ7. Notice Is hereby elvea that Walter R. Kuble. tiuardlan of Martha A. Ruhla of Culver, Crook County, Oregon, has Hied notice of Intention to make proof on his UHsert-iana claim Mo, 420, for the WU BKKi Sec. 18, Tp. 14 south, range 12 east. W. 1(7. mjiore wiuniv uiera at rriueviue. ureaon nn January 4, MM). lie names the following witnesses to Drove the complete Irrigation and reclamation of ua lanu: James A. west, flirinev R. Wast. Jarnna rox, all ol O'Nell, Oregon, and John C, Donaldson of Cline Palls, Oregon. li-zsp c. w. MOOHE, Kegister. Notice to Creditors. Notice Js horebv aiven. bv the nndcralirneit the administrator of the estate of Prod P. Anderson, deceased, to all oersons havlnir claims against the estate of the said Fred P. Anderson to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at his office In Prineville, Oregon, within six months of tbe first publication of this notice. Dated this lvtn nay ol Sept., 11)07. if. ft. KLLIOTT, Administrator ol the estate of Fred P. Ander. son, deceased. Wanted One seaond-hand writing desk with roll top. Address Journal Office. lm 1 i i ! THE OWL 1 R. a ADAMS, Proprietor PKHRY LONG Long &, Dealers in Fino Winea, Liquors ami ars! We handle the celobratetl Sedgwick Whisky, noted for its rich, mellow flavor. Sole agents for Hop Oold Beer and the famous Napa Soda. urazaaAlsr Tiado Solicited. BB I 1 SMITH A CLKKK, I'HOi'HirnMitM Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDKltS SOLlCITl-l) Post Otlicd llox 92 MAIN 8TRKKT n L J The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIlL.E, OREGON t'J r.i L"J n.i VJ ri L'J t.r est rn L'J r.i V'J r.i L'J rn LJ L'J rn LJ LJ ri LJ n First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. L J UUaULilJIJULiUL;uiWUI.UL,UIUIUhU L JUjujuyuauLiLiJUJt jLjyjLiJiJij LJ nn LJ rn L'J nn CJ rn Seneral ffilacJcsmithing L'J rn L'J rn LJ na CJ rn iiokreshokino, wood work, etc., Nkatly and Phomptlv Donb f ' When it is Donk By : : : ftobort 7foorc nn L'J rn LJ rn L'J rn LJ rn LJ rn Satisfaction Will Pkineville, rn rn nnrnnPinnrinrnrinriPirnrinrririn UyUUUUUULiULiUUULiULiUiWyLULiUyUf LTJMBli ... 1 Mil HAMILTON STABLES T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor, PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have 9 Fine Livery Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete lino of Oent't FurniBhinpii at Triees that you can aft'onl to pay. ('all in and let u show you the goods ami quoto you our prieea. N A Choice. Line of Cigars & Tobaccos N CASH STORE WALT MNODKHIY Snoderly eSQSeSQSQSQSI oception rRINKVILLK, 01tK(iON !. i L'J n.i L J r.i L J rn L J rn LJ r..i L J LJ PI L J ri L J ri.i L J net L J t j El3 LJ IUUUULUIULUbUUUWMtwyiUI.UL.UL,IJIiJ V LiJUJLJLJLJLiJLiJLJLJtJLJUJL J rn L J r.n L J rn L'J rn L J rn LJ rn LJ rn LJ rn LJ rn LJ rn LJ r.n LJ rn Li 'J rn LJ L J Be Guaranteed Okeoon. rn LIU rn L J ifiririrr!ririri!r;inn'inwKmSiS LJUliULiULULyUUtLJLiUUULaWULiUuJ J, Shingles, MouldinRB, Windows, DoorH, GIubhob, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP& PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON J I flL Rigs For Rent .0 ti : I filj