NEW YEAR'S EVE WATCH PARTY The I', A. A. 0. nn'iiitirri have a rare Irani in store lor them New Year 'a eve. The ladle of ilia Annex are gutting up a watch party that promise to ecli?e anything yet undertaken ly them. Tim following i the mui ral part ol llm entertainment. Kl'(liiit i Orvlicxtrit Mule Qimrt-tte HaH't4'0 Mt'war. Klkliid, Mmlcoil, Kdward ntitl WlllliiiiiNon "ltoiili Itllfn"...I imlrunnMitttl Pui-t MIhmh Mlinrn mid Polndi'itr ISemlliiK, "A IVrullnr AUrk"...llnrt Mr. II. . lU-tknnp Nilo, "lUvntme I lov You iK-nrly," Mia lU'tilitli Crook IwUhI ...Ort'luwtrM Dtmmt'UtiU Holo, "(Irwk Hunce" K.lltli Kluir to Ht-ltH'U'd Mr. IIuiUoii iii(ilofiii ..Orliflnnl ; Dr. II. C. Ditvl ' olo. "Alu liorrr' Wntaoii ' I lurry l-ntihi ck'tlou ....,OiYhctrn I Hlft "The Wt-Iti FllKht"...ltUiMMl : Ivrljn Mllllorit nml Aim a Ttiroimon olo, "ritultm'".. MywoMl (Villi Ni'liu ( p-uIIiik Comic Mertloii Mr. J. II. WUta II Trovntor Iloffmnn Arr. MIm Orrtte Nhnrp I uet, "I Live iil Lsive Theo" Mr. lluiUon hikI Harry l.nnlii (junrli'tlw "Wny IKtwn l'ioii the K rnm Itlver," .Cot VIwmh Ni'lum, Crook, Howard nml Mr. ItowulHTK hrlcrtlott Orrhiwtra II club tnenihcre and memheri of tha Annex are reo,mU'd to l roont. There will be nocltargra and it i to le IiohJ that every lody will turn out. Married On Tueeday, December 21, at the home of the bride'a parent near I'rineville, Mr. Byron Cady and Mi Aultie Snyder. The lev. J. T. Moore performed the ceremony, TbeJbiide ia.oneof the popular I'M rlH- -. estimable young lady, while, the groomaman ia an energdio young man that aland high in the twteem of the people ot thia cjnr; ill make their home In PrWvtn. Fie Fit Jobs for Orrgonian The I'tvaUent ha mnt to tao mn ate the fuliowirg Oreg'nj noRi?- L.iiil oflici-. rertivnr A l;'siu la (.irii'Je; Albert iVd 1. r.toii.miiW, I-.lktvievi; rr.'ink lUvtv, Hum:. l.n I !Ui'c renter. FrrviV 0, Jiraiwil, n liramli'i J 'in h. Wn'..lti. Free Free 1 will send you a rocket PU tlonery fn, pout in1(l, containing M.IXX) wortla, pliriiwn, etc., for 15 tin me of turn I Mi In vour county or vicinity, with poMtoftlce mid re. (JoimI for :W duya only. O F.O. W. It K Y NOLDS. K0 KuMt Davl St., rortlnnd, Or. St HOLIDAY PRESENTS! I of all kinds at I D. P. ADAMSON I CoJ J. E. STEWART & CO Headquarters for Cereal Products Here are a few quotations: Fancy Tatent Flour, per sack $1.25 Standard Brand Flour " ;. 1.10 " " per barrel 4.25 " 5-barrel lots at 4.00 Whole-Wheat Flour, 50-lb bap; 1.10 Corn Meal. White or Yellow, 10-lb bag........... ... .. .45 Rolled Oats, 10-lb bag Hominy, " " Graham, " . " 25-lbbag . 50-lb Germ Grits, 10-lb bag.. Rye flour, 25-lb bag 50-lb J. E. Stewart & Co PLENTY OF MOISTURE Crook county liu lrn r-uhjeclcij to a goxl thorough drt'iuhiiig since lat Fritlity. Tha rain hita not lMcn torrential in character but of auch a nature that moat of it haa soaked into the ground. The rainfall lot lat Haturday haa heaten all jirevioua records. Acoording to the government re born kft by Mr. VVinnek 1.34 InihcH full Upon that day. Hi nee last Friday we have had Utwuen three and four Inches of moisture. Tliia ia about one-fourth of our regular annual supply. The aoil ia now thoroughly soaked and rlvera and creeks are heginning to show the effects of the storm. Tlie Ochooo now carries quite a large volume of water and if the rain continue much longer lu banks will tie full. Cattlemen aay that thin rainstorm practically inaurc good feed on tle range next year. GETTING ALONG ALL RIGHT V. II. iiirdaong, who got bin foot o badly amaahed about six wecka ago at his sawmill in the Maury mountain, ia able to get out again with-tbe uih of crutches Mr. liirdxong came very near loa ing his leg. He was throwing water on a hot box in trying to cool it when he got too near a pully in the floor with a boll stick ing out of it. The first thing he knew the bolt was pounding him on the foot. It plowed down on the foot and soon cut off the toe of the ahoe. Mr. Birdsong was thrown to the floor of the mill and by a great effort managed to jerk hi foot away but not until it waa badly smashed. It was fix weeks ago when the accident hapjened and be ia not yet able to put any weight on the injured member. Gird of Thanks We take lhiaiije&ii--tf Uiank- HnJglbiiptdl of Tost and Prine- villa for their great kindness and help when our won and brother t'.ied. The only glad thought that loimeetoua in our deep trouble, n, mat jonnnte aieu among . l friend. May God bleaa you all. Mrs. W. P. Gillenwater, Edward K. Gillenwater, William ir." Gillenwater, Mrs. Ida M. Uilleowater. Qrd of Thanki We wish to render our sincere thanks to our frienis who so kindly atmiHted us through the illness and after the death of our dear son and brother. Mrs. E. F. Fry, Leslie L. Fry. Trv our Fancy Patent Flour. J. K. Stewart & Co. EstrayStccr Ti.n xama In mv riuli near Prine villi, alniut tlm tirnt of ()ctolMr, a rel .t-votr-old "twr. bramUit I'll on riulit hip, markwl crop Split uiidorbit In left twr, awullow fork and nmlerbtt In riirht ear. Owner can have mme by paying all expenw. 5w K. T. SLAYTON. - .50 .45 -.30 .60 1.00 .40 75 1.50 Local Mention A good time at the rkating Fri lay night. Mrs. I). F. Stewart left Friday for Portland. Dr. Gail Newson and bride are home for a vinit. Born DefH-mlnir 16, to the wife of John French, a daughter. Keep in mind the dance New Year'a night at Club hall. The bowling alleys at the P. A. A. C. are being trued up and put in f)rst-claa condition., Ralph Polndexter ia home from the O. A. C. to ejwnd the Christ maa vacation -with his parent. Nate and Karl Wurzweiler, who are attending the Hill' Military Academy at Portland, are home for the holidays. Alex Mcintosh of Paulina paMed through I'rineville Hatur day on hia way to Portland to iend the holidays. Winter Koenberg won the Teddy War at the Foster & Hyde contest. Denael Johnaon won the doll. Clearance htover arrived yes terday from Kelo, Wah., and will remain here for several days viaiting friends. James Ewing returned from Sutnpter Monday where he has been for several month. Snow waa about two feet deep when Mr. Ewing left that town. 8. M. Scott came in the lat of the week from his homeetead near Illy in Klamath county. Mr. Scott report two and one-half feet of mow. Mr. and Mrs. King celebrated their crystal wedding anniversary Tuesday evening. They received some handsome tokens of esteem in the shape of cut-glass dishes, etc. Miss Bradford and MissSwinney ft Sunday for Portland. Miss Bradford has resigned her position at the Crook County High School to accept a position in the high school at -Albany. " She Will be succeeded by Miss Acker, gradu ate of the University of Wisconsin. There are now hundreds of m a swan on silver late ana u is a beautiful sight to see these great white birds in such large numbers swimming uiajetaicauy aoout on the water in the early uiornmg aunshine. In the day tune they fly out to the shallow water in the marshes to feed, returning to the lake in the evening. A very few A 1 . grey swan are seen among tne white. Silver Lake Oregonian. Died December 20, 1907, George L. Fry, aged 23 years. The young man was afflicted with consumption for some time and at last succumbed to the disease. Deceased was a son of N. B. and E. F. Fry. He was an associate member of A. O. U. W. lodge of Lebanon, also a pant chief of the Upchurch lodge of Degree of Honor in Lebanon. His father, mother and three brothers and two sisters still survive him. There' mains were laid to rest in the A 0. U. W. cemetery on Sunday December 22. ery interesting services are planned for the Presbyterian church next Sunday. At the morning service, the pastor will administer the ordinance of bap tisui to a number of new candi- dwtes, followed by the reception of new members, and the sacrament ol the Lord's Supper. A recently elected elder will also be conse crated to his office. In the eve ning, Dr. Dunsmore will preach on "Jacob, or Alone With Self." This sermon will be peculiarly appropriate for the last Sunday of the old year. Sunday Hchool and Endeavor meetings will be held at the usual hours. The publio are most cordially invited to all the services. Millinery Clearance Sale Beginning January 1st I will sell at oont trimmed Hats. Street Hats, Caps, Ribbon, Veiling, eto. ' Thia sale also includes a nice line of Underwear, Fascinators, Ilandkorchiefo, Shopping Bags and other notions. Mnc Fefc Millinery I ii kj LasjiV'kj Parlors Corner Second and Main St. Broken lines of fancy dishes almost at vour own price at J. E. (J8vi Dont forget the dance at Club hall New Year'a night. Will Wuriweiler left Wednesday for a trip to Baker City. Born On Christmas day, to the wife of L. D. CI y pool, a son. The regular term of the county court meets the first Wednesday in January. Albert Cubitt and Miss Winnie Craig of Willow Creek were mar ried Tuesday by Judge Bell. Do not stay away from the big dance at the skating rink because of the storm. Every provision haa been made for the convenience and comfort of the public. Adrian Crooks, electrician, of I'rineville, arrived in Antelope yes terday, and will install the electric light svatem in the streets of the city. Antelope Herald. Mises Cleveland and Swinney were given a surprise party last Friday evening" by the pupils of the fourth and fifth grades. Each waa presented with a souvenir spoon as a token of the esteem in which they were held , by their scholars. G. L. Bernier is a young lawyer from Salem that has come to Prnieville to open an office. Mr. Bernier is an Oregon boy that has graduated from an Oregon law school. He comes well recom mended and should find no diffi culty in making his home in our midst. Dr. Dunsmore will leave on the Monday stage for Portland, where he will spend a week or ten days with his family. There will be no preaching service in the Presby terian church on Sunday, January Bth, but Sunday School and En deavor Society will hold tbeir usual meetings. Dr. Dunsmore expects to return about the 10th of the month. The "Christmas Grove" exercises at the Presbyterian churcn on Tuesday evening were very pleas ing, and the trees presented a very fine appearance. Every child in the Sunday school was presented with a sack of candy, and the many individual presents with the tinsel and dressing of the trees, with their multitude of tiny can dles,, made it certainly a delight to the little ones. Mrs. Winnek, superintendent ot the school, was presented with a very .handsome and valuable cut-glass berry bowl. Most of the teachers were re membered with presents by their classes, and Dr. Dunsmore was also very substantially remembered by the school and Ladies Aid. G raid P. A. A. G. HALL New Year's Night Dance all Night TICKETS, $1 THE SIMPLEX Cream Separator Made in all Sizes Ea iest Running. Ask us for name of uera in Crook Coun ty. C W. ELKINS, Agent Dance all night at Club ball New Year's night. Men's Suits, HU and general Furnishings at about half price at J. E. Stewart & Co. Remember the dance tomorrow night at the akating rink. A good walk will be built to the new building and electric lights will guide your fooUteps. Monday evening Mia Morris, Mr. Blanchard and others gave a reception to the fifth, sixth; seventh and eighth grades. The young folks report "just a splendid time." Elder C. R. Chase of Asotin, Wash., is preaching every evening at the Union church and bis preaching ia of special interest to every one who is interested in Bible study. "A Home-like Church." You will find a cordial welcome at all the services of the Methodist chnrch. Pastor's subject next Sunday evening," "Who Made Sin?" Special music. Revival meetings will begin January 5. Tbe arrival of the mails from the railroad has been irregular for the past few days. The mail that ebould have arrived thia morning started from Shaniko last night but had to return because of im passable roads, and did not start again until after daylight thi morning and will not arrive at Prineville for twenty-four hours or more. The mail that left here yesterday will not get to Shaniko nntil tonight. The Holiday edition of The Albany Herald is a splendid effort It show that Albany is a model town. East or west there is nowhere to be found a neater, prettier place. Clean streets, beautiful yards, trim cottages, splendid homes and a profusion of trees and vines mark it first as homelike. Of public enterprise there ia no lack as tbe many pros perous business houses and fac tories give evidence. The Herald's special is printed on good book paper and hence the pictorial work is of a better grade than in tbe average special edition. Have Your Watches and Jewelry Repaired by W. FRANK PETETT Adamson's Drug Store, PRINEVILLE AT Ball SW-i -i ;,:V:':1: v...S J7- . irA m rn - ' Shervmi PAINTS &" VARNISHES An appeal to the oridc of the owner of a home Everyone who owns a home is anxious that that home shall make the best appearance potsible. Two. things are necessary to produce satis factory results in painting and var nishing a borne s Fust A latisfactory color scneme. Second Paints, varnishes, stains and enamels of such good quality that they not only give the exact color effect required, but are sufficiently durable to keep op the attractive ap pearance of the houie in spite of the wear and tear of living in it. These are offered by the Sherwin' William t Painit and Varnithtt. Tbe Sherwin-Williams Co. not only make -very kind of paint and varnish used for a house and the best quality of that kind, but they make suggestion for tbe selection of colors, varnishea, aUins and enamela, so that any given idea can be earned out, and car ried out with the best materials. Report of th W. F. King The First National Bank Of At u BK8OURCE8 Loans and Discount S3S7JS4 17 United State Bonds 1UO0 00 Bank (remises 1L3M IS One from banks sab) to ck 138,715 10 cash on band. SS.SS0 0? Redemption mod 00 StM.010 48 B. F. AOea. Wffi Wurtwailor, Vke-Prasideat New Prineville Just opened In the old photograph building on enat aide Main street All the latest styles in Photographs. We have Artura Finish. The best on the market. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See samples. THE BALDWIN BARN UORSES FOR SALE Horses boarded by the day, week, or month. Careful attention given to all horses. Customers waited on promptly. Finest livery rigs in town. Call and see ua i SHaldwin, (Prop. sXeaXaaKaaA glacksmithing 2 aft Is The Kind J. H. First Horseshoeing. Wagon jfeenderson & Pollard Wines and Liquors Country Orders Solicited First Door South of Subscribe for the :1 'iili Willi Am You should see to it that when you bay paints and varnishes for yoor house, or any part of it, 0 when yon give an order to your painter for any painting and varnishing you want done, that Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes are purchased. In Urge work it is always best to have a practical painter; but there are many little things about the house that you can readily finish yourself by using Sherwin-Williams ready-to-apply paints. Come in and have a little paint talk with us. Now is the time to "brighten up" your home for the long winter months. We can tell you tbe best product to use for any purpose you may have in mind and secure complete finishing specifica tions for you from Tbe Sherwin Williams Co., if you desire them, for special work. Our line of Sherwin Williams Products is complete and we are in a position to take the best care of your paint and varnish re quirements. ' mt' condition of Prineville, Oregon of business December 3, 1907 LUBIUTIEa capital Stock SaoWSOO Surplus and undivided profits 88,634 70 circulation UJV00 00 Individual Deposit SOT.S7S 78 S4m,0l0S T. M. BsUwie, Casals ti. BeUwia. Asi't Cashier 3AC Photo Gallery L. L. FRY, Proprietor. tPrinamille, Oregon ftaftSaJrU That Pleases You Get At WIGLE'S Place North of the Prineville Hotel eV and General Repair work done Finest Cigars In Stock the Poindexter Hotel Journal. $1.50 Year I Te Stewart & Co.