4 Gotraty Jomnraai Croo k PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 12, 1907. NO. 52 VOL XI I "J .4 I j f 1 H M M tl C3 r,i IS'J n tj M n LJ fl:1 LJ LJ r..i LJ r.i tiJ r.i tu n- LJ l: M L J n L J ri . M t j r-i u r.i u r.i LJ m LJ ri L J ri L J W n u ri LJ n LVJ n L J ri LJ C. W. ELI IMS' STORE Our Closing - Out Prices are worth looking at. Every quotation made means a direct saving to you. v i 1 :...! fell 11 Men's Furnishings Heavy Wool Frieze Slorm Coals, walrrprool, $G value, at $4.9fi Heavy Wool Underwear, extra value at $1.10 per garment Sox. regular 50c value Now 40c Boys' and Girls' School Caps 25c to $1.25 Children's Wool Cloves and Mittens 12Jc to 27c a pair Ladies' Heavy Wool Gloves ... 20c to 57c a pair Ladies' Regular $3.50 Sweater Waist ......... Now $2.10 Misses' Regular $2 Sweater Jacket Now $135 Silks and Dress Goods Every piece ol Silk at a sharp discount including beautiful lancy ellects lor Waists, I liavy Colored Tadttas and soil long-weaving dress silks. Black Tallebs in special weaves and widths or skirts and petticoats. Dress GoodsSplendid values at 27c 29c, and 34c per yard in double (old woolen mixtures. "IMf-Peck" Parlor Matches '. ; ...... 4 pkgs for 50c Maillards Ground Chocolate ,. ! , 29c per pound 2-lb can of Asparagus ..,..., 30c Our Special Roast Coffee regular 25c blend at .... 20c These represent a few of our prices. If you would buy right, buy of us For Christmas Shoppers L J r i L J r.i L J 11 r.i I J r.i L J r.i L J ri L J r.i LJ r.i L J r,i L J i: r.i L J r.i L J r.i L J I r.i L J r.i L J r i L J ri L J r.i LJ n LJ r i L J ri L J ri L J ri L J r.i LJ ri L J ri L J r.i LJ r.i L J r.i LJ r.i L J r i L J r.i L J r.i L J r.i r.i L J r.vi L J r.i L J ri L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i LJ ri L J r.i L J r.a L J ri LJ ri L J r.i LJ r ,i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.i LJ ri L J r i LJ NEW MASONIC TEMPLE To Be Built in the City of Prineville. BRICK AND STONE Structure Plans are not Yet Per fected in Detail out there is no Doubt of Result Our line of Holiday Dishes and fancy Crockery including several patterns of Genuine Haviland will be sold at about one-half regular price. fcjj r.irir;iriiir'irririririririr-rriririririririririririrririr-riririr'iriririririr"rir'iri WiJLJLaLJLULJLJLJLJtaLJLJl.lJfc.JLJWJLiJLJLaikULyLJ Prineville is to have s new Masonic Temple. The initial Hteps are being taken and its a pretty safe conclusion that the Masons will not fall down on any thing they undertake. The build ing contemplated will be a two etory brick and stone structure 70x 100 and will be erected on their lot corner of Second and A streets. Two stores will occupy the ground floor and the one above will con tain the lodge rooms. The temple will cost somewhere between $17,000 and $25,000. Already 12100 has been raised and it is not thought ttiere will be any difficulty in securing the balance. The Prineville Lodge, No. 76, has issued the following circular to its members: Puisevili.e, Or., Nov. 29, 1907. Dear Km and Bkothrr: Ttie world moves. "Progress" Is the watchword that has brought about the supremacy ol the Caucas ian race, and has advanced uni versal knowlwlne and profound phll- ohodv to a degree heretofore un- d reamed of. Masonry, the noblest, grandest and most apelent of ctvl! Institutions tins not opy kept pace with the rapid mutations of time, but ha ninrkel succeeding ages with the Imprint of Its beautiful precepts and sublime philosophy. And today It stands In splendor, the one uni versal religion, teaching the brother hood of man, the exponent of con stitutional liberty enlightening; .the world. The Institution has ever been In the van. Grand Jurisdictions have continued to advance their powers for good. Hubordlnate lodge must tie the strong: pillars to support the grand supenttructure. Individual Maona should te progrcHlve. This lodxe ha Ions recognised the nceMlty of providing more commodious quarters for IU com munications, and in keeping In the front of progretts and development. Three years ago the lodge pur chased the quarter block at the southwest corner of Second and A streets In PrlDevIHe, as a site for a future Masonic Temple. This Is one of the most desirable building site In the city, and Is now worth more than twice the purchase price. The present lodge room was erected by a handful of self-sacrificing and enthusiastic Masons twenty-two years ago, and at that time was ample for all purposes; but with a growth of membership from 12, when the lodge was organised, to over 70 at the present time, the lodge feels that It should have a more modern edifice. At -the regular communication of September, It was the sense of the members pres ent that the time was now ripe to take active measures for the erection of a new Masonic Temple. Under the constitution the lodge is prohibited from building this house as an Incorporated lodge, so a proposition along the following lines was considered feasible: The building and site is presumed to cost some f 16,000,00. Let there lie a Masonic Building Association incorporated with a capital stock of that amount. Let the lodge sub scribe S8.000.00 of the stock and the Individual members the balance. The lodge to convey to the building association the site for, say, 15,000,00 as a payment on Its stock, and pay in $.1,000.00 In money, which, wltn the 8,000.00 subscribed by member ship, will provide a building fund of 111,000.00 cash. At the September meeting 13 mem bers were present and $2100 sub scribed, or an average of over f 150 per member. In order to raise sufficient funds themembershlp will have to subscribe an average of $125.00 stock, but subscriptions can be in amounts ranging from $50 to 1000 according to the subscriber's ability. This, we think, can be easily done. This Is not a donation or contribution to the lodge, but an investment In a handsome com mercial and lodge building that will In all probability pay dividends after the first year. It is the plan to have the lodge buy in the stock at par value as soon as circum stances will permit. A building committee has been appointed with Instructions to secure plans and clflcatlon. It Is proposed to erect a two-story brick . and stone edifice, with lodge rooms on second floor and commercial rooms on first floor. This is agreeable to the modem practice and will provide a revenue. CHARGED WITH BURGALRY Two young toughs named Ed Ramusen and John W. Cocbrin were brought in from Ash wood Sunday by Sheriff Elkins, charged with burglary. They broke into ihe store at Ash wood on Thanks giving night and helped them selves to clothes and shoes, so the complaint reads. The young chaps are only about 20 years of age. They drifted in here from Washington about a month ago, and have had a pretty good time since. They have been working some for T. S. Hamilton who gives one of the boys a good reputation but the other one he Js not so aure about. The boys will board with the sheriff until their case is dis posed of after the holiday's. TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE CHANGE IN LAND RULES Three important changes have been made in the rules of the United States land department which are of interest to a number of people in this county. One change touches the rights of the heirs of a successful claimant against a homestead entry Another effects the enlargement of a desert land claim and the third permits claimant to cease resi dence on his land after the filing of the final proof and pending the hearing in the local land office The secretary holds that the same conditions are imposed upon the heirs as upon any other home steader; namely that both resi dence and cultivation are neces- eary In recent instructions to the general land office the secretary John Ktam got tired of the hum drum life on this terrestial sphere and thought to make a change by the razor route to the realms of the nnknown. He didn't quite succeed but had the satisfaction of knowing that he had a close call. It was laet Friday that John took a couple of slashes at the right side of his throat and nar rowly misse'd the jugular vein. He was found lying in a pool of blood in a room at the Poindexter Hotel. He had been lying there, it was thought from the loss of blood, .about an hour, before his condition was known. A doctor was called and the gash sewed up. From the man's' own statement he made two attempts to cut bis throat. The first time he did not think he had gone deep enough so he tried again and came near finishing the job. John Stam had been a county charge for a good many years but last summer the county court thought he was able to make bis own living so turned him loose to shift for himself. He got along all right working at different places, until he tried to end it all. Stam has been adjudged insane and was taken to the asylum at Tuesday. claims which are not of full area as allowed by the act These in structions were as follows: "The enlargement of desert land entries made for less than the maximum area that may be made by one person will be allowed only in cases where the entryman could not at the date of his entry as originally made, because of the filings or entries made covering adjacent lands embrace in bis entry the full amount allowed by law, but immediately took approx imate steps to clear the record as to a particular tract of such ad jacent land with the view to sub sequently including such tract in his own entry, and clearly indi cated in his application for his original entry that such waa his provides for the enlarging of desert intention. Examiner, ist 1 3 Days More Until Owe Lease Expires '0 w E have leased our entire store room to Santa ClaUS who has left the most Up -to-Date Line Of TOYS ever brought to Prineville and are now on display. Santa has ordered us to Under sell everyone in Prine- each little Boy and Girl Christmas Day, He Magic Lanterns, Engines, in fact everything for the NOTICE sale in Toy land is on. We have i-v - ' : t' - i - v - "r.-;:;, p"""' , " " .1 Afar taaiajUiMtrtfts 'HfliiLii lUTi! nil SJSMsMaWiJ ville on TOYS so that can be made happy on has left Automobiles, Drums, Chairs, Trains, Teddy Bears, Dolls, Books and little folks. buy Mirrors, Traveling Bags, Slippers, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, etc., while the also a. choice line of Art Calendars, etc IRtlp1 Qf TUfT and save yur Register Coupons, as every 25c cash purchase entitles you OJHi DUJaILi tQ a yote in the Doll or Teddy Bear Contest. Ask us about it. ,4 f ' iSiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiilillillllllliiiuiHI OSTER & HYDE PRINEVILLE, OREGON